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American Republicans better for Israel?

6 years ago, when G.W. Bush was running for his second presidency, one of my
friends, a staunch Zionist (so staunch that he prefers to live in America, of
course) told me that he seriously considers to vote for a Republican president,
because he will be better for Israel.

American Jews know better, a large majority of them always vote Democrats,
because they understand something that my friend did not (he grew up in
Canada). Jews are a minority in the US and the party that defends minorities
has, in the past 2 centuries, been the liberal Democrats.

G. W. Bush was reelected in 2004 and a the mess created by him and his
advisors (chiefly R. Cheney) in the eastern part of the Middle East has only
recently matured into the disintegration of Iraq, the emergence of ISIS and
the re-emergence of the Taliban. He also left for Obama to deal with a
recession, that was close to causing a collapse of the American financial system
a la 1930s.

During Obamas reign the Republicans tried to make his policies impossible to
conduct and an ultra (new}-conservative elements (tea party) appeared in their
ranks. The evangelist and born-again devout Christians now dictate the tone.

For reasons beyond my comprehension the vast majority of the Israeli
populace, led by the extreme right government and indeed Netanyahu himself
are hostile to the American administration and treat Obamas and Kerry efforts
to bring about an acceptable exit from the Gaza war, as acts against Israel. The
behavior of the rightist ministers and the media (Ari Shavit) are a scandal. They
blame the Obama administration for what they always blamed the Israeli left
(or what was left from it), namely for their failure.

Without some sort of humanitarian cease-fire, followed by diplomacy, the Gaza
war will become similar to the south Lebanon occupation, or maybe to
something worse. The Israeli public, blinded by propaganda, is in a state of
mania. Suffice it to say that Netanyahu is the moderate part of his crazed party
and coalition. His mistake is that he believes the Republican anti-Semites, who
now sing nice songs in his ear. There is a struggle for power in Israel and in
America. These two complicate the situation. In any case, Republican senator
Cruz cannot be Israels savior.

If I were Obama, I would disengage from this Gaza conflict totally. You try to
help (not to talk about the huge financial and military assistance) and you are
being spit in the face. When the Gaza campaign will get sour, because of
mounting Israeli casualties or collapse of the Hamas causing hot potato Gaza
who remain in Israeli responsibility (there still us international law), whom are
the Israelis need for diplomacy? Tea party members?

To my friend, whom I mentioned at the beginning, I say: If the Republicans are
so good for Jews, I suggest that you arrange the Bar-Mitzva of your grandson in
Mobile, Alabama, say. There you will be drown together with the yarmulka
wearing crowds in true love.

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