Inca Trail Faq Eng Upd 26-03

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Frequently asked questions about the 4 day Inca Trail

How many kilometers / miles is the Inca Trail?

Day 1 = 10.4km or 6.46 miles, Day 2 = 9.71km or 6.0335 miles, Day 3 = 12.2km or 7.580 miles, Day 4 = 3.8km or
2.361 miles. Total distance: 36.1km or 22.431 miles (based on a Garmin Etrex GPS).

Can I do it? Is it for everybody?
On the Inca Trail you see people between 14 and 70 years old, it all depends on your fitness level. There are a lot of
stairs, but you also have ample time to complete each portion of the trek each day so you can go at your own pace. If
you do not have any trekking experience or high-altitude experience we recommend hiring a personal porter to help
with your gear and rent trekking poles. (We have original Black Diamond hiking sticks that you can rent from Loki

What is Altitude Sickness?
Altitude sickness, also known as mountain sickness or soroche (sorojchi) is the effect of high altitudes on humans,
caused by acute exposure to low oxygen levels at high altitudes. It can effect anyone (old, young, fit, unfit) at an altitude
above 2,400 m.a.s.l. (about 8,000 feet). There are many side effects of altitude sickness, including headaches, nausea,
vomiting, stomach sickness, dizziness, insomnia, dehydration and loss of appetite. Everyone will feel the effects of
altitude on their stamina, but not everyone has the other side effects. If you do not have any experience being at
altitudes above 2,400 m.a.s.l. its best to play on the safe side; give yourself 2-3 full days before doing any high-impact
activities (trekking, biking, etc.). There are various medications and steps you can take to prevent altitude sickness and
help with the effects including drinking lots of water in the weeks leading up to your trip, taking aspirin daily a week
before arrival, and taking coca products. Ask your doctor before travelling if you are concerned!

What weather should I expect on the Inca Trail?
We always advise wearing layers, as temperatures can change quickly in the Andes and there is usually a significant
change in temperature in the sun or shade. In the dry season (June-October) during the day there are sunny skies and
warm temperatures but temperatures can drop below 0C at night time. Highs between 20 to 30C, lows from 5 to -
5C and the chance of rain is very low (September-November the rainy season may begin, depending on the year).
During the rainy season (December-April) you should always come prepared for rain you might get lucky and have 4
days of sunshine, but on the other hand there could also be rain during parts of some or all days. The rain season is
also summer in South America, so night time temperatures will not normally drop below 2C, day time highs can be
up to 25C in the sunshine.

What do I need to carry?
Your sleeping bag, mattress, water, clothing, camera and anything else you want to bring on the trek if you hire a
personal porter he can help with this.

Do I need to hire a personal porter?
Whether or not you hire a personal porter is up to you, but it is strongly recommended if: you have no trekking
experience and you are concerned about your fitness level, you have old injuries which may be aggravated while
trekking, you do not want to be weighed down by a backpack, you are not confident with your footing (there are a lot of

What does a porter cost?
Full porter price: 110usd (can carry 14kg). Half porter price: 60usd (can carry 7kg).

Can I hire a personal porter when I arrive to Cusco or the morning I begin my trek?
No, Porters also need passes for the Inca Trail and these must be purchased at the time of your booking.

Do we always sleep in tents?
Yes, 3 nights in tents.

How many people sleep in each tent?
2 people in 1 tent. With Loki travel you can rent a personal tent for US$10.

Do I need trekking poles?

Trekking poles are highly recommended but if you have never used them before you wont know the difference. You can
rent trekking poles from Loki Travel. Remember if you bring your own you will have to buy rubber protectors to cover
the tip of the poles; metal tips are not allowed on the Inca Trail as they damage the rock.

Do I need to bring water for the whole trek?
You will need to bring a water bottle (1-1.5 liters recommended) to use for the trek. On the trek you can buy water,
snacks and other drinks from local families,. Hot drinks are always served with meals, and if there is extra boiled water
you can use this to fill your water bottle also but dont just count on this. We recommend bringing Micropur tablets
for purifying stream and spring water which you will encounter on the trek in case there is not enough boiled water to
go around.

Can I have vegetarian meals?
Yes, not a problem you will need to let us know when you book if anyone in your group is vegetarian.

Are food allergies catered for?
Yes. We often have clients who have food allergies (wheat, nuts, etc.) and special dietary requirements. You must give
us these details at time of booking so that we can make allowances. If you have a serious allergy you must let us know
along with details about what medication you need to take in case of an attack. Talk to your doctor before the trek if
you have serious allergies or illness. Loki Travel will not accept any responsibility for problems due to your special
dietary requirement.

I have a serious medical condition (asthma, diabetes, other), can I still do the trek?
You must inform us at the time of booking if you have a serious medical condition. You also must talk to your doctor
about your risks before making your booking to see if you are at a high risk for complications. The Inca Trail is in a
remote area, and although guides carry basic first aid kits there are no hospitals nearby and it could be up to a full day
before you can have medical help in case of emergencies. Loki Travel will not accept any responsibility for problems
due to your medical condition.

What kind of shoes do I need?
Good ankle support hiking boots are recommended. Make sure your shoes have an anti-slip sole (Vibram is the most
well know material used by popular hiking boots brands) because it can be very slippery on some parts of the trail.

Will I get to see the sunrise in Machu Picchu?
Normally you will be getting your first views of Machu Picchu at around 6am. There is never a typical sunrise in Machu
Picchu, as the sun first has to rise over the mountains before it hits the ruins. As long as there is not too much mist or
clouds you should see the first light over Machu Picchu from the Sun Gate.

Im a student how does this work?
You will receive a US$40 discount if you have a valid International Student Card (ISIC is the ONLY student card which is
accepted for the discount). You need to apply for the discount with your ISIC card number at the time of making your
reservation; the status cannot be changed after your Inca Trail pass has been purchased. You will need your original
ISIC card to enter the trail. Be careful; they check for fake ISIC cards at the gates and fake card holders will be denied
entry to the trail!

How far in advance do I need to book the Inca Trail?
During the end of November, December, January and March you often book to leave within a week or two (depending
entirely on availability). From April till October you need to book sometimes up to 6 months in advance. February the
Inca trail is closed. You can check for availability from: - click on the consultas tab
and from here you can check the month and day you want to do your Inca Trail.

Can I change the date for my Inca Trail after making a reservation?
Once you have sent your details and the deposit we try to purchase your Inca Trail pass as quickly as possible so as to
avoid leaving you without. If you make a reservation far in advance (more than 6 months) however we may not have
your passes as quickly. Unfortunately if you need to change the date you will lose your deposit or partial deposit
depending on individual cases and how much notice we are given.

Why cant I trek the Inca Trail in February?

The Inca Trail is closed for the entire month of February to allow for reparations and cleaning. The last Inca Trail group
departs on the 31
of January (so, finishes the trail on February 3
) and the trail re-opens on the 1
of March each

Why cant I book Huayna Picchu with my Inca Trail pass?
This is a new rule from the government; Huayna Picchu passes are only available for purchase with the general Machu
Picchu entry ticket and there is a special entry ticket for the Inca Trail which does not allow this add-on. When you do
the Inca Trail you are among the only people who enter Machu Picchu via the Sun Gate (rather than the general public
entrance) and you receive a special Machu Picchu tour from there. If you want to purchase a Huayna Picchu pass you
will need to buy a new entry ticket for Machu Picchu as well (total US$61 per person) note that depending on the
speed of your group you may actually have to sacrifice part of your Machu Picchu tour in order to climb Huayna Picchu.
Ask us if you really want to climb Huayna Picchu otherwise we do not recommend it for the Inca Trail.

If a date is full is there a chance someone will cancel so I can buy their pass?
Inca Trail passes are 100% non-refundable and 100% non-transferable to other travelers. Once a pass is purchased
in someones name that pass is blocked only for that person. The government enforces this to avoid the possibility for
agencies to purchase lots of passes in advance and then be able to sell them afterwards.

If I cancel my tour will I get a refund?
The US$250 (and personal porter full price, if you book one) is used directly to purchase your entry ticket for the Inca
Trail, Machu Picchu, company porters and return train tickets. If you cancel or change your date after making your
reservation you lose the entire $250 deposit.

Can I make a booking without a passport?
You need a passport (valid 1 month after trekking date) in order to make an Inca Trail booking. The absolute ONLY
exception is for nationals of countries in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, etc.) who can travel (enter Peru) only
with their DNI (ID card) - it is possible to make a reservation with this card.

My passport is expired, can I make the booking anyway?
No. You must wait until your new passport arrives. We cannot reserve your space without the new passport number.

I had to renew my passport can I trek with my new passport?
You MUST bring along both of your passports (the expired one and the valid one not photocopies) to enter the trail. If
you do not have your old passport we will need to make an application to the government to change your passport
number. Note this is a very complicated process and there are additional fees involved. We will need at least a
photocopy of your old passport, and if you do not at least have a photocopy it may be impossible to change your Inca
Trail pass. In the case that you have lost your old passport you will need to plan to be in Cusco a week prior to the trek
so that we can try to change your Inca Trail pass.

If I cancel my booking do I get a refund of my deposit?
No, the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. When we receive your deposit we purchase your Inca Trail
pass, train ticket and reserve your place in the group. As the passes are non-refundable and non-transferable we do
not get any refund for them either, and often we need to depart with a smaller group on the trek (depending on how
much notice we are given with your cancellation) which is economically destructive as well.

If there is too much rain or another problem which is out of my control will I be able to hike on a different date or get a
No, there are no refunds on Inca Trail passes for ANY REASON; even if the government closes the trail due to extreme
weather conditions they do not offer a refund for the passes. We at Loki Travel would help to organize another tour to
get you to Machu Picchu but any additional costs (train, etc) would be assumed by you.

What is the best time of the year to hike the Inca trail?
April to October is the dry season so there is less chance of rain but during the dry season the trail is fully booked
every day (500 people a day including porters/guides/cooks) November, December, January and March less crowed
but is the rainy season so dont forget your rain gear!

How do we get back to Cusco and is this transport included?

With the service we offer you return with a train which leaves Aguas Calientes at 9.30pm to Ollantaytambo in the
Sacred Valley, from there it is about 2 hours by car/van so you will arrive in Cusco at about 00.30am.

Can I come back earlier to Cusco?
Yes, you have the option of the 4.22pm train arriving approx. 8.30pm in Cusco, price: US$12.

My friend wont be doing the Inca Trail but wants to meet me in Machu Picchu is this possible?
Yes, this is not a problem at all. We are offering a two day by train tour to Machu Picchu which would be a good option,
and we can organize with the guide so that your friend could meet your group in Machu Picchu at around 8 or 9am.
The only issue MAY be that your friend would have to wait to find your guide if your group is delayed. The other option
would be that your friend does the Machu Picchu tour with one of our guides for the by train tour and then you can
arrange to meet afterwards to explore Machu Picchu together after your tours. Ask us for more info.

What is the right price for the Inca Trail? You can find the Inca Trail with prices up to $800 online!
There are many factors affecting the price, including: Group size: private groups can be very expensive compared to
treks booked in pool service with groups of maximum 8 people or maximum 16 people; Return to Cusco there are
tickets from US$45 to over US$100, depending on departure time and service. It may also be the case with extremely
inexpensive tours that the return train is not included in the price. In general everybody walks the same trail, stays at
the same campsites (toilets are very basic in campsite 2 and 3) the food is very good even with the cheaper options.
What happens is that the cheaper options have shared groups meaning you will be in a group where people paid all
different prices because often they all booked with different agencies. Some agencies ad extras to the price they
charge such as free gear, a shower when you finish in Aguas Calientes, etc. More expensive agencies in general have
groups with people who booked only with them, but this is not always the case, as we have discovered there are many
people selling the Inca Trail online for an extremely high price but with no extra benefits be cautious and ask

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