Book Summary Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ

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Book Summary Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ

Victor Ortega
West Indies School of Theology


About the Author

The author of this book is John Piper who is the Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in
Minneapolis, Minnesota. He studied at Wheaton College, and also went on to earn degrees
from Fuller Theological Seminary (B.D.) and the University of Munich (D.theol.). For six
years he taught Biblical Studies at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota, and is the author of
more than 30 books.
About the Book
Seeing and savoring Jesus Christ is a book that teaches us in 13 chapters a simple way of
knowing Jesus in his deity and humanity, and this provides to every reader an inspiration for
personal growth in his daily devotional, since every chapter starts with some verses of the
Bible or quotations and ends with a powerful prayer that contains a practical guide to pray
effectively. Furthermore, the language that the author uses is understandable for both
believers and unbelievers in order to make the title of the book come true for everybody, as he
says When we see Jesus for who he really is, we savor him. That is, we delight in him as true
and beautiful and satisfying. That is my goal, because two things flow from such an
experience of Jesus Christ: He is honored, and we are freed by joy to walk the narrow way of
love. Christ is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. And when we are
satisfied in him (Piper, 2004, p. 122). At the beginning of the book there is also another
goal why this book was written, The assumption of this book is that to know the glories of
Christ is an end, not a means. Christ is not glorious so that we get wealthy or healthy. Christ is
glorious so that rich or poor, sick or sound, we might be satisfied in him. (Piper, 2004, p. 21).
As we may see the main value in Piper's work is the way it will enrich the readers to walk
with God.


Major Points of the Book

As I said before, all content of the book is important because it has a sequence to leave a
good conclusion, but I am going to highlight some citations that can help me in my spiritual
growth. Piper explains that the deepest longing of the human heart is to know and enjoy the
glory of God. We were made for this. Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the
end of the earth . . . whom I created for my glory, says the Lord (Isaiah 43:6-7). To see it, to
savor it, and to show itthat is why we exist. (Piper, 2004, p. 14) In chapter 3; He wonders
about the excellence of Jesus Christ because the transcendence of his greatness is mixed with
submission to God. We marvel at him because his uncompromising justice is tempered with
mercy. His majesty is sweetened by meekness. In his equality with God he has a deep
reverence for God. (Piper, 2004, p. 29). Piper quotes the observation of Jonathan Edwards
that in Christ we find an admirable conjunction of diverse excellences So that He can be
portrayed as both a Lion and a Lamb in very unique fashion. We rejoice in the strength of his
lion-like power and in the tenderness of his lamb-like meekness (Piper, 2004, p. 23). In his
analysis about Christ, Piper encourages us to admire and worship Jesus because of his
wisdom Even if we are impressed with the scholarship of man and the achievements of
scientific knowledge, let us not play the fool by trumpeting the wonder of these tiny chirps
while ignoring the thunderclap of Christs omniscience. (Piper, 2004, p. 55). Piper moves on
to probe some of the depths of the incomparable sufferings of Christ by saying the only
person in history who did not deserve to suffer, suffered most. He committed no sin, neither
was deceit found in his mouth (1 Peter 2:22). None of Jesus pain was a penalty for his sin.
He had no sin. (Piper, 2004, p. 67-68). And to give a real meaning of Jesus sacrifice, Piper
resumes why Satan was not annihilated To take sinners out of Satans hands by virtue of
Christs sin-bearing sacrifice and his law-fulfilling obedience to the


Father was a more glorious victory than mere annihilation of the enemy. (Piper, 2004, p. 79).
The writer concludes with a focus on the Resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ.
Tremendous divine power preceded, accompanied, and followed the resurrection of Jesus. All
that Christ promised to believers hinges on the reality and power of His resurrection. We need
to cry out, Give us a brokenhearted boldness in the mercy and the might of Jesus (Piper,
2004, p 109).
The Strength of the Book
Each chapter analyzes a different attribute of Christ, and John Piper's hope for the book
has been fulfilled because reading these thirteen chapters has been like viewing a diamond
through thirteen different facets, which of course, Christ is the diamond. This is the strength
of the book that will in fact help us to see and savor Christ more, for He is worthy of it. In
Chapter 10 exalts one of his attributes; the Mercy of Jesus Christ the glory of Gods
mercy is the aim of Christs coming. This is explicit in Romans 15:8-9: Christ came into the
world to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that the Gentiles might
glorify God for his mercy. The aim of the incarnation was to magnify the mercy of God for
the enjoyment of the nations. (Piper, 2004, p. 85).
The weakness of the Book
I read the book in two afternoons, and it was so easy for me to understand everything in
what the writer tried to transmit, so I dont have anything to say about the weakness of this
book, all its ideas were easy to assimilate.


Some Lessons Learnt

I learnt how to reflect on the worth and value of Jesus Christ to savor more of him in the
Word of God in my daily devotionals. I understood the necessity of growing in the knowledge
of saving faith. I also realized about the excellences of Christ in his supremacy as the lion of
Judah and his humility as the Lamb of God. I embraced the truth that Jesus Christ is an
infinitely happy Savior, and his happiness is more wonderful when I please him as the fruit of
his pain and sorrow in the cross. Finally I strengthened my belief that Jesus is the main topic
that must be study, understood, preached and taught in Christianity.


Piper, J. (2004). Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ. Wheaton, Illinois, Crossway Books, 14, 21,
29, 23, 55, 67-68, 79, 109, 85, 122.

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