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To almighty God,
The ultimate source of strength and wisdom.
To my understanding and loving parents, brother and sisters.
To my loving partner in life, my parents-in-law,
Friends, classmates, Mentors
For their immeasurable support.
This piece of work
Is heartedly dedicated to all of you!!



A sincerest GRATITUDE is a word given to those persons whom I dedicate this
humble piece of work and to those people who play a great part for the completion of this
To my loving parents, for giving me the chance to pursue my foals, for guiding
and supporting me since I first entered school and for their sacrifices, love, patience,
unending pieces of advice and encouragement, who gave me reason to work hard and for
bringing the best in me.
To my brothers and sisters-in-law, for their support, understanding and sharing
time with happy moments and for sparing me the activities at home just to work and
finish this thesis.
To my friends and relatives, for their continuous encouragement, supporting me
in prayers and for sharing with one joyful memory that serve as an inspiration to go on
and move forward.
To my classmates and groupmates, for giving me courage to work hard in doing
this study,
To our adviser, for her most precious thoughts and wisdom and for her
immeasurable help and assistance on the realization of this work.
Above all, to our Almighty God, for giving me life, wisdom and strength to face
all the challenges that comes to my life, for the guidance and protection in all my ways
and for the enlightenment and showering me with abundant blessings especially in
making this piece of work.
With you all things are made possible..
Thank you so much.


I dedicate this piece of work to the people who serves as a great inspiration to me, who
motivated and encouraged me to pursue all my dreams and ambition in life:
To Almighty God, who serves as my shelter and refuge in times of pain and
hopelessness.Thank you for the unconditional love, for the wisdom and strength, for the
life and enlightenment, for everything, all praises to you.
To my family especially to my mother, Mrs. Cecelia Ambrocio Dalingas for their
continued guidance, love, care, understanding, and for giving me all the best in the world.
To my classmates,friends and groupmates, for the support, joy and laughters weve
shared. You all guys will always keep on in my heart.
To my teachers and adviser, We salute you for the patience, understanding, wisdom
and for molding us to become a mature and responsible student, and for supporting us in
the success of this study
With sincerity, this humble work is wholeheartedly and lovingly dedicated to all of you
Thank you.




I started with nothing to declare except for brain, energy, talent and my burning
desire to succeed and through the invaluable contributions of my ever ceaselessly
supportive and loving family, friends and relatives, classmates and group mates, adviser
and mentor and above all Our Almighty Father, I remained resilient and sturdy in facing
all the barriers towards the research study, thank you for accompanying me in the
mysteries and blessings of my life and I sincerely offer and dedicate this humble work of
art to you all!

Sa Raj Gii


To My Parents and My Grandparents
Thank you for your unconditional support with my studies. I am honored to have you on
my side. thank you for giving me a chance to prove and improve myself though all my
walks of life. Hoping that with this research I have proven to you that there is no
mountain higher as long as god is on our side.
To my friends and group mates:
Thank you guys for contributing your efforts in our thesis. My deepest gratitude to all of
you and God bless you all.
To My Teachers And Clinical Instructors:
Thank you for sharing your knowledge in the field of Nursing Ive learned a lot, also I
want to say sorry for the mistakes that Ive done.. Again, Thank you and Im sorry.



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