Sermon: The Silent Working of God - The Rev. Bill Borror. Sunday July 27 2014

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The silent working of God

Romans 8:24-28
For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who
hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it
with patience.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to
pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for
words. nd !od, who searches the heart, knows what is the "ind of the
Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of
#e know that all things work together for good for those who love !od, who
are called according to his purpose.
What woud you take wth you f you were stranded on a desert sand
Your top ve abums/books
Fve toos
What woud you chose for your ast mea
I have 4 sons-whch one do you ove the most
Pear of Great Prze-
Romans 8
Wth ts sweepng summery of what God was accompshng n the fe and death of
Chrst; ts dscusson of creaton and humantys utmate redempton and the grand
nae -
Of the power, trumph of the ove of God
But for a of Paus rhetorca ourshes
There s somethng of a mystery observed n ths passage
A back story to our frequent sence towards God and the even more deafenng
sence of God on the days we need hm most
|esus says n our Gospe readng that the kngdom of God s ke both a mustard
seed and eaven
God takng sma acts of fath and growng them nto huge reates beyond our
wdest magnaton
Gods hdden work ke eaven n bread that works ts nvsbe magc
Two sences
My sence-Sprt prays for me
I grew up n an evangeca church so one thng I reay apprecate about the
Angcan tradton s turgca prayer
The Lturgy s Chrstans who have come before me prayng-as Chesterton once
"Tradton s the franchse of the dead"
It s aso very hepfu on those day for whatever reason I cannot pray-The church
prays for me
Lturgy s prayer on our best behavor-(except of course when we are prayng the
Psams an then a bets are oh)
But Persona prayer by ts nature needs to be honest prayer-and there t can often
be very raw
I remember cmbng the stars to vst a mother whose teenage boys had |ust been
murdered by a mentay unstabe and voent neghbor-cursng every step-these
woud be the sxth & seventh teens I woud hep bury n ess than a month
I was angry at the word-death-and God
It was honest prayer-but that was about me-not the stuaton I was about to
But what happened n that room wth the grevng mother was heart-breakng and
grace-ed at the same tme.
The Hoy Sprt-God wthn was prayng To God The Father-and of course ths a
works because of |esus -God the Cruced Son
And the same thng was happenng wthn the grevng Mother
God and her grevng murdered sons
My santed grandmother-the person most ke |esus I have ever known
a vctm of azhemers-Her personaty ost n the ravaged regons of her bran
But maybe the Sprt of God wthn was fathfuy carryng on her prayers to the Lord she
oved as she hovered for years somewhere between earth and Heaven.
The Comfort and promse s that regardess of your stuaton, fath, or cogntve
Psam 42:7 Deep speaks to Deep
But what about Gods sence n the mdst of the "thngs"
When was the ast tme any of you bought a sympathy card?
I was morted -No one shoud ever say what was on 90% of the cards
I was parayzed-the poor ady at the Hamark store comes up to me and ed me to a
dherent secton
I bought a bank one-and remans on my desk watng to see f I can do better
The French mystc and phosopher Smone We once sad there is not supernatural
explanation for sufering, but there is a supernatural use
God snt causng a thngs-God snt xng a thngs - But Nether s God
dsnterested, poweress and or absent
I woud transate the meanng of Romans 8:28 as
"God s n a thngs workng towards a good"
It heps us not try to mnmze the bad or ev n the "thngs"
The same mstake can happen eary n Romans 8
$% & consider that the sufferings of this present ti"e are not worth
co"paring with the glory about to be revealed to us.
Ths not to mnmze the unspeakabe tragedy of chdren beng run over by a
car=arpanes beng shot out of the sky-nocents caught between the cross re of
war-broken reatonshps-haughtng cas from the doctors omce
suherngs are not to be mnmzed=gory s maxmzed
Romans 8:28 s about Gods sent work n the mdst of hstory & tme
Our space and our time
Standng n a haway-more ke one those nferna passage ways you move from one
wng to the other n a hospta wth my frends wfe that n week woud be hs
My frend had amost ded that hour-but raed
"We dd not get the mrace we prayed for-but we got a mrace"
She was not a partcuary regous person-but the mrace she got was not Hs
heang but that God was present to her
Ev-Death-Defeat-faure-tragedy-do not get the na word n our fe
God does And that na word s ove.
For & a" convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things
present, nor things to co"e, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in
all creation, will be able to separate us fro" the love of !od in 'hrist (esus our
And that s very, very good

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