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Key Result Area A: Transparent, Accountable, and Participatory Governance

Electronic Tax Information System

(eTIS) Expanded Roll-out
The Integrated Tax System (ITS) BIRs primary tax application system is fifteen (15) years old.
ITS needs to be enhanced due to the dynamic evolution of technology and to be more
responsive to demands and requirements of tax administration processes.
Information Systems Group
eTIS Project, which commenced on December 2008, is provisioning/installing a packaged tax
software to replace ITS. Specifically, the eTIS will:
a) provide a commercially-off-the-shelf tax application that is flexible, future-proof and
fully compatible with the existing web-based applications of BIR;
b) enhance and improve tax administration through the use of a tax application that will
be able to adapt to future requirements such as new taxes or business processes;
c) provide the necessary hardware, software and network infrastructure that leverages
on the latest hardware and software technologies.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
for Tax Mapping and Zonal Valuation
BIR needs a dynamic facility that allows update and search of land valuation (zonal values) and
such other functionalities to enhance field operations capability in the conduct of tax mapping
Information Systems Group
The GIS facility with a comprehensive digital database (spatial datasets and other
geographic-based information covering the entire country) will help improve/rationalize the
land valuation, processes to attain world class efficiency, effectiveness and progressiveness in
Sustainability of Document
Imaging (iReturns)
With the increase in taxpayers base, there is a corresponding increase in the number of tax
returns being filed. Hence, the Bureau lacks manpower and technology to completely process
the tax returns. Tax return information is vital for BIR in terms of decision-making and policy
direction. To address this concern, the Bureau initially implemented the Document Imaging
with Data Capture Services (better known as I-Returns) project in Revenue District Office Nos.
39 South, Quezon City and 40 - Cubao of Revenue Region 7 Quezon City.
Information Systems Group
Office Responsible
BIR Priority Programs/Projects for CY 2011-2016
Bureau of Internal Revenue
Project Title Rationale
Office Responsible Project Title Rationale
I-Returns is a technology solution to image tax return, to capture and store the tax return
records. Specific objectives are as follows:
a) provide faster access to information by way of managing tax return records and
retrieving the one you need in just a few seconds and keystroke/s
b) increase productivity and cost-efficiencies by reducing operating costs (e.g. office
supplies, photocopy, storage maintenance) and improving manpower productivity
c) scan and transform typewritten and handwritten tax return information into electronic
d) create BIR standard and adhoc reports needed anytime by the BIR assigned personnel
based from the indexed data in the tax return, using the Software and Hardware that will be
provided by the Contractor.
Run After Tax Evaders (RATE)
Public awareness in the filing of criminal tax cases against taxpayers is essential since it
demonstrates the government's commitment to ensuring that evryone is paying his fair share
of taxes
Enforcement Service
a) Deter tax evasion practices and increase voluntary compliance among taxpayers
b) Increase revenue collections
c) Continuous filing of tax criminal cases with the DOJ every other week
Risk-based Audit Program Large Taxpayers Service -
1) Benchmarking and eProfiling
2) Computer Assisted Audit Tools
and Techniques (CAATTs) Project
3) Audit on Conglomerates
Electronic Taxpayer Account
Management Program (eTAMP)
Large Taxpayers Service -
Development of Transfer-Pricing Large Taxpayers Service -
Office Responsible Project Title Rationale
Tax Enhancement Program for
Locally-Manufactured Cigarettes
Tax Reform Administration
Automated Reconciliation of
Collection Data
This project aims to resolve the perennial issue on the unreconciled collection data with the
said agencies and provide the management and other stakeholders with a timely and accurate
collection data.
Revenue Accounting
System - Operations Group
OPLAN Kandado An initiative to strengthen the imposition of administrative sanctions for non-compliance with
essential requirements such as: the issuance of receipts, filing of returns, declaration of
taxable transactions, taxpayer registration and paying the correct amount of taxes as
mandated by the norms/standards of their particular industry or line of business. It aims to
create fear factor to maximize the degree of voluntary compliance.
Operations Group
Performance Management System
Institutionalized Performance Management System (Office and Individual Levels) that will
contribute to BIR's overall organizational effectiveness, promote a culture of good governance
and will utlimately enable to sustainably meet revenue collection targets.
Individual Level - Human
Resource Development
Service; Office Level -
Planning Division
Human Resource Information System
Project was initiated to develop a modern, fully automated HRIS which will allow for better
utilization and management of BIR Staff, providing fast and easy access to comprehensive,
complete and integrated human resource data.
Resource Management
Group / Human Resource
Development Service /
Systems Development
It introduces ten (10) modules, namely: Organization Management (OM), Personnel
Administration (PA), Training and Events Management (TEM), Performance Management
(PM), Medical/Dental System, Library System, Time Management (TM), Materials
Management, Forms Accountability and Property Accountability
Office Responsible Project Title Rationale
Rationalization Plan (RATPLAN) Pursuant to Executive Order No. 366 dated October 4, 2004, all government offices were
rquired to conduct a strategic review of the operations and organizations of their offices and
come-up with their Rationalization Plan. The RATPLAN shall contain shifts in the functions,
programs, projects, activities, oragnizational units, staffing and personnel of the
department/agency. The BIR Rationalization Plan Proposal was submitted to the Department
of Budget and Management (DBM) and Department of Finance (DOF) on June 13, 2008
Individual Level - Human
Resource Development
Service; Office Level -
Planning Division
Its formulation was anchored on the directions of the Department of Finance to reduce
budget deficit, improve customer service and maintain good governance translated into the
BIR Strategy Map which summarizes all erspectives and objectives of the BIR's operations.
A proposed amendment to the BIR Rationalization Plan was submitted by BIRto DBM through
a letter signed by the incumbent Commissioner. The BIR expects its final approval and
implementation by the first quarter of 2011.
Summary List of BIR's Flagship Projects for CY 2011-2016 (as submitted to NEDA)

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