PDF Lesson Plan - Human Body

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Human Body

NAME: Brigette Walters

Grade Level: 2


• Science/Anatomy
• Technology

Description: Students will learn about body parts and systems of the human body. Each day,
students will be identifying and explaining a body part. Students will use tracings of their own
body parts to formulate a body model that will be displayed for others to see. Students will use
an online educational website that will allow them to click on mismatched body parts and
correctly place them on a human body on the screen. Once the students have completed the
correct body part placement, they will print out the page.

Goal: Students will identify various human body parts and the functions of these parts within the
larger system.

National/State Standards:

Second Grade Science

Competencies and Objectives:

1. Explore the functions and systems of living things. (L)

c. Describe the function of the major internal lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines.

2. Research the diversity and interaction of living things. (L)

b. Compare and contrast physical and behavioral characteristics of different

NETS –S Standards:

Second Grade NETS for Students:

1. Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g.,
monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other
technologies. (1)
4. Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books,
educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias) to support learning. (1)

5. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when
using technology in the classroom. (2)

10. Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with
support from teachers, family members, or student partners. (4)


The students will:

1. identify major body parts and systems.

2. locate body parts.
3. explain how various parts and systems function.
4. compare the body to a machine.
5. explain how various body systems and parts work together.
6. use an online program to match the correct body parts to the human
7. gain knowledge of the human body and where each part is located


• Body part stencils (make out of file folders for students to trace)
• Overheads with information and vocabulary about each body part (brain, heart, lungs,
stomach, intestines, pancreas, gall bladder, etc.)
• Large butcher block paper
• Markers
• Crayons
• Scissors
• Glue
• Printer
• Paper
• Computer with access to the Internet


Activity One (notice that the first part include the Teacher’s procedures/actions and the second
part consists of Students’ procedures/tasks to complete the activity)

1. Teacher will prepare the classroom for the activity by collecting required materials and
resources for students to use.
2. Teacher will develop instructional materials for the lesson activity (e.g., overheads).
3. Each day, teacher will introduce a new body part and/or system to the students.
4. On an overhead projector, students will read and discuss facts and vocabulary related to
each body part or system.
5. After the class discussion, students will trace the particular body part on different colored
paper. "Parts" are cut out with scissors and to be saved in baggies belonging to each
6. At the end of the unit, trace each student's body on a large piece of butcher paper (do not
cut out).
7. Students can recall facts about the parts and write them on the backs of each of their
8. Finally, students glue down their parts in the correct location on their paper body.
9. Hang these true-to-life representations of the human body around the school for others to

Activity Two

• The teacher will prepare by making sure that all computers have internet access
for the students
• The teacher will pull up the website and demonstrate to the class how to click and
drag the various body parts on the computer screen over to the human body
• The teacher will write the name of the website on the board so that all students are
able to find the particular site
• The students will begin their matching by clicking and dragging the appropriate
body parts over to the human body on the screen
• Once students have matched all body parts correctly, they will each print out the
page to be turned in for a grade
• Then, students will type a paragraph using Microsoft Word to describe what the
functions of each body part are
• The students will also print and turn in the Word document for a grade as well


Activity One

Students accurately recall facts about each part using the following criteria concerning
their body part models:

1. Parts are labeled correctly (10 points)

2. Parts are colored according to instructions (10 points)
3. Parts are glued in the appropriate location (10 points)

Activity Two

1. The students will be assessed by determining whether or not they completed the
online matching game correctly.
2. Students will also be assessed by their document on the body part functions.
3. Students must have clearly stated each function correctly to receive full credit.
4. The body part matching game is worth 25 points.
5. The Microsoft Word document of the body’s functions is worth another 25 points, for
a total of 50 points on the human body lesson.

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