Himay 14-31

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Original Registration
I. Ordinary Registration Proceedings
A. Applications
SECTION 14.Who May Apply.
The following persons may file in the proper Court of First Instance an application for
registration of title to land, whether personally or through their duly authoried
#1$ Those who %y themselves or through their predecessors-in-
interest ha!e %een in open, continuous, e&clusi!e and notorious
possession and occupation of aliena%le and disposa%le lands of
the pu%lic do'ain under a bona fide clai' of ownership since
(une 1), 1*4+, or earlier.
#)$ Those who ha!e acquired onership of private lands !y
prescription under the pro!isions of e&isting laws.
#,$ Those who ha!e acquired onership of private lands or
a!andoned river !eds %y right of accession or accretion under
the e&isting laws.
#4$ Those who ha!e acquired onership of land in any other
manner pro!ided for %y law.
-here the land is owned in common, all the co.owners shall file the application /ointly.
-here the land has %een sold under pacto de retro, the !endor a retro 'ay file an
application for the original registration of the land, pro!ided, howe!er, that should the
period for rede'ption e&pire during the pendency of the registration proceedings and
ownership to the property consolidated in the !endee a retro, the latter shall %e su%stituted
for the applicant and 'ay continue the proceedings. cda
A trustee on !ehalf of his principal 'ay apply for original registration of any land held in
trust %y hi', unless prohi%ited %y the instru'ent creating the trust.
SECTION 1+.Form and Contents.
The application for land registration shall %e in writing, signed %y the applicant or the person
duly authoried in his %ehalf, and sworn to %efore any officer authoried to ad'inister oaths
for the pro!ince or city where the application was actually signed. If there is 'ore than one
applicant, the application shall %e signed and sworn to %y and in %ehalf of each. The
application shall contain a description of the land and shall state the citienship and ci!il
status of the applicant, whether single or 'arried, and, if 'arried, the na'e of the wife or
hus%and, and, if the 'arriage has %een legally dissol!ed, when and how the 'arriage
relation ter'inated. It shall also state the full na'es and addresses of all occupants of the
land and those of the ad/oining owners, if 0nown, and, if not 0nown, it shall state the e&tent
of the search 'ade to find the'.
The application, shall, in for', %e su%stantially as follows"
1epu%lic of the 2hilippines
Court of 3irst Instance of 444444444444444
The undersigned,
here%y applies #or apply$ to ha!e the land hereinafter descri%ed %rought
under the operation of the 2roperty 1egistration 5ecree, and to ha!e
the title thereto registered and confir'ed"
AN5 5EC6A1E . . . .
1.That the applicants7s is7are the owners of the land #%y !irtue of
inheritance or deed of sale or con!eyance and7or possession in
accordance with Section 14 of said 5ecree$, together with the %uilding
and i'pro!e'ents thereon, with the e&ception of the following"
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 which is7are the
property of 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
residing at 44444444444444444444444444444444444 The said land,
consisting of 44444444444444444444 parcel7s is7are situated, %ounded
and descri%ed as shown on the plan and technical descriptions attached
hereto and 'ade a part hereof, with the following e&ception"
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
).That said land at the last assess'ent for ta&ation was assessed at 2
444444, 2hilippine currency, and the %uildings and other i'pro!e'ents
at 2 44444444444, 2hilippine currency.
,.That to the %est of 'y7our 0nowledge and %elief, there is no 'ortgage
or encu'%rance of any 0ind whatsoe!er affecting said land, nor any
other person ha!ing any interest therein, legal or e8uita%le, or in
possession, other than as follows"
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
4.That the applicant7s has7ha!e ac8uired said land in the following
#Note" 1efer to Sec. 14 of said 5ecree. State also whether the property
is con/ugal, paraphernal or e&clusi!e property of the applicant7s$
+.That said land is occupied %y the following person"
44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
9.That the na'es in full and addresses, as far as 0nown to the
undersigned, of the owners of all ad/oining properties, of the persons
'entioned in paragraphs , and +, and of the persons shown on the plan
as clai'ants, are as follows"
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
:.That the applicant7s is7are single or 'arried to
444444444444444444444 #Note" if 'arriage has %een legally dissol!ed,
state when and how the 'arriage relation ter'inated.$
4444444444 .
;.That the applicant<s7s< full na'e, age, citienship, residence, and
postal address7es is7are as follows"
44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
*.That #Note" = If the land included in the application is %ounded %y a
pu%lic or pri!ate way or road, there should %e stated in this paragraph
whether or not the applicant clai's any and what land within the li'its
of the way or road and whether the applicant desires to ha!e the line of
the way or road deter'ined.$ 4444444444444
4444444444444444444444444444444 .

1>.That the following docu'ents are attached hereto and 'ade a part
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
Signed at 44444444444444 this 4444444 day of
44444444444444444444, in the year nineteen hundred and
#2ost Office Address$
1epu%lic of the 2hilippines
2ro!ince #or City$ of 4444444444444
On this 444444444 day of 4444444444444444444, 1*4444 personally
appeared %efore 'e the a%o!e.na'ed
44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 0nown
to 'e to %e the person7s who e&ecuted the foregoing application and
'ade oath that the state'ents therein are true of his7their 0nowledge,
infor'ation and %elief.
The 1esidence Certificate7s 444444444444 of the applicant7s
444444444444444444 was7were e&hi%ited to 'e %eing No.
44444444444 issued at 444444444444444 dated 44444444444,
#Notary 2u%lic, or other
authoried to
ad'inister oaths$
2T1 NO.
??? (PRESIE!"IA# ECREE !O$ %&'( )%(*+,-
A226ICATION 3O1 61"
in writing
signed %y the applicant7person duly authoried in his %ehalf
sworn to %efore any officer #authoried to ad'inister oaths$
1 @O1E A226ICANT
sworn to %y and in %ehalf of each
description of land
ci!il status #s7'$
' B na'e of wife7hus%andC legally dissol!edC -7A 'arriage ter'inated
full na'e D addresses
ad/oining owners #Enown7F 0nown G e&tent of the search 'ade to find
SECTION 19.!on.resident Applicant.
If the applicant is not a resident of the 2hilippines, he shall file with his application an
instru'ent in due for' appointing an agent or representati!e residing in the 2hilippines,
gi!ing his full na'e and postal address, and shall therein agree that the ser!ice of any legal
process in the proceedings under or growing out of the application 'ade upon his agent or
representati!e shall %e of the sa'e legal effect as if 'ade upon the applicant within the
2hilippines. If the agent or representati!e dies, or lea!es the 2hilippines, the applicant shall
forthwith 'a0e another appoint'ent for the su%stitute, and, if he fails to do so, the court 'ay
dis'iss the application. cd i
app D instru'ent in due for' appointing an agent7rep residing in 2A
3H66 NA@E
postal A551ESS
AI1EE that SE1JICE of any 6EI 21OCESS in proceedings under7
growing out of the app 'ade upon his agent7rep B sa'e legal effect as
'ade upon the applicant within 2A
AIENT#dies7lea!es 2A$
'a0e another appoint'ent for SHKSITHTE
3AI6H1E B court 5IS@ISS application
SECTION 1:.What and Where to File.
The application for land registration shall %e filed with the Court of 3irst Instance of the
pro!ince or city where the land is situated. The applicant shall file together with the
application all original 'uni'ents of titles or copies thereof and a sur!ey plan of the land
appro!ed %y the Kureau of 6ands.
The cler0 of court shall not accept any application unless it is shown that the applicant has
furnished the 5irector of 6ands with a copy of the application and all anne&es.
C3I #pro!ince7city where land is situated$
O1II @HNI@ENTS of titles or copies thereof
SH1JEL 26AN of land #appro!ed %y K6$
ACCE2T ON6L if app has furnished 5irecter of 6ands B copy of app D all
SECTION 1;. Application Co/ering "0o or More Parcels.
An application 'ay include two or 'ore parcels of land %elonging to the applicant7s pro!ided
they are situated within the sa'e pro!ince or city. The court 'ay at any ti'e order an
application to %e a'ended %y stri0ing out one or 'ore of the parcels or %y a se!erance of
the application.
A66O-E5" ) or @O1E 2A1CE6S O3 6AN5
w7in sa'e pro!ince7city
COH1T #any ti'e$ order an app to %e A@EN5E5 %y
ST1IEINI 1 or 'ore parcels
SEJE1ANCE of application
SECTION 1*.Amendments.
A'end'ents to the application including /oinder, su%stitution, or discontinuance as to parties
'ay %e allowed %y the court at any stage of the proceedings upon /ust and reasona%le
A'end'ents which shall consist in a su%stantial change in the %oundaries or an increase in
area of the land applied for or which in!ol!e the inclusion of an additional land shall %e
su%/ect to the sa'e re8uire'ents of pu%lication and notice as in an original application. cda
A66O-E5" a'end'ents to app any stage of proceedings upon /ust and
reasona%le ter's
A@EN5@ENTS su%/ect to sa'e re8ts of pu%lication D notice of O1IIINA6
su%stantial CAANIE in the %oundaries
INC1EASE in area of the land applied for
in!ol!e INC6HSION of an additional land
SECTION )>.When #and Applied for 1orders on Road.
If the application descri%es the land as %ounded %y a pu%lic or pri!ate way or road, it shall
state whether or not the applicant clai's any and what portion of the land within the li'its of
the way or road, and whether the applicant desires to ha!e the line of the way or road
-ON applicant C6AI@S any
-hat portion of land w7in the 6I@ITS of the way or road
-heter applicant 5ESI1ES to ha!e the line of the way or road deter'ined
SECTION )1.Re23irement of Additional Facts and PapersC Oc3lar Inspection.
The court 'ay re8uire facts to %e stated in the application in addition to those prescri%ed %y
this 5ecree not inconsistent therewith and 'ay re8uire the filing of any additional papers. It
'ay also conduct an ocular inspection, if necessary.
stated A55ITIONA6 3ACTS F inconsistent with 5ecree
filing of any A55IOTNA6 2A2E1S
conduct OCH6A1 inspection #if necessary$
SECTION )).ealings 0ith #and Pending Original Registration.
After the filing of the application and %efore the issuance of the decree of registration, the
land therein descri%ed 'ay still %e the su%/ect of dealings in whole or in part, in which case
the interested party shall present to the court the pertinent instru'ents together with a
su%di!ision plan appro!ed %y the 5irector of 6ands in case of transfer of portions thereof,
and the court, after notice to the parties, shall order such land registered su%/ect to the
con!eyance or encu'%rance created %y said instru'ents, or order that the decree of
registration %e issued in the na'e of the person to who' the property has %een con!eyed
%y said instru'ents.
land 'ay still %e SHK(ECT TO 5EA6INIS in whole7 part
INT1STE5 2A1TL shall present to court"
SHK5J 26AN #appro!ed %y 56 in case of transfer of portions$
COH1T #after notice to parties$ shall order"
6AN5 1EIISTE1E5 su%/ect to con!eryance or encu'%rance
created %y said instru'ents O1
5EC1EE O3 1EI %e issued in the na'e of person to who' property
has %een con!eyed %y said instru'ents
K. P3blication, Opposition and efa3lt
SECTION ),.!otice of Initial 4earing, P3blication, etc.
The court shall, within fi!e days fro' filing of the application, issue an order setting the date
and hour of the initial hearing which shall not %e earlier than forty.fi!e days nor later than
ninety days fro' the date of the order. casia
COH1T SAA66 5O #-7IN + 5ALS 3I6INI O3 A22$
ISSHE an order setting the date and hour of initial hearing
F earlier than 4+ days
F later than *> days fro' date of order
The pu%lic shall %e gi!en notice of the initial hearing of the application for land registration %y
'eans of
). @AI6INI
1.Ky pu%lication. =
Hpon receipt of the order of the court setting the ti'e for initial hearing, the Co''issioner of
6and 1egistration shall cause a notice of initial hearing to %e pu%lished once in the Official
Iaette and once in a newspaper of general circulation in the 2hilippines" Pro/ided,
ho0e/er, that the pu%lication in the Official Iaette shall %e sufficient to confer /urisdiction
upon the court. Said notice shall %e addressed to all persons appearing to ha!e an interest
in the land in!ol!ed including the ad/oining owners so far as 0nown, and Nto all who' it 'ay
concernN. Said notice shall also re8uire all persons concerned to appear in court at a certain
date and ti'e to show cause why the prayer of said application shall not %e granted.
Hpon 1ECEI2T O3 COH1T O15E1 setting the ti'e for initial hearing
C61 G cause a notice of initial hearing to %e pu%lished once in the OI D
once in a NIC
21OJ" OI 2HK G sufficient to confer (H1I5ICTION H2ON COH1T
A66 2E1SONS appearing to ha!e an iINTE1EST in land in!ol!ed
A5(OININI O-NE1S so far as 0nown
all who' it 'ay CONCE1N
NOTICE 1EMHI1E persons concerned
A22EA1 in court at a certain date and ti'e to SAO-CASE why
prayer of said app F %e granted
).Ky 'ailing. =
#a$@ailing of notice to persons na'ed in the application.
The Co''issioner of 6and 1egistration shall also, within se!en days after
pu%lication of said notice in the Official Iaette, as herein%efore pro!ided,
cause a copy of the notice of initial hearing to %e 'ailed to e!ery person
na'ed in the notice whose address is 0nown.
C61 shall #w7in : days after pu% in OI$
EJE1L 2E1SON NA@E5 in notice whose A551ESS is ENO-N
#%$@ailing of notice to the Secretary of 2u%lic Aighways, the 2ro!incial
Io!ernor and the @ayor.
If the applicant re8uests to ha!e the line of a pu%lic way or road
deter'ined, the Co''issioner of 6and 1egistration shall cause a copy of
said notice of initial hearing to %e 'ailed to the Secretary of 2u%lic
Aighways, to the 2ro!incial Io!ernor, and to the @ayor of the 'unicipality
or city, as the case 'ay %e, in which the land lies. cdasia
if app re8uests to ha!e the line of a pu%lic way or road deter'ined
C61 cause CO2L O3 NOTICE O3 INITIA6 AEA1INI Sec of 2A,
2I, @ in which the 6AN5 6IES
#c$@ailing of notice to the Secretary of Agrarian 1efor', the Solicitor
Ieneral, the 5irector of 6ands, the 5irector of 2u%lic -or0s, the 5irector of
3orest 5e!elop'ent, the 5irector of @ines and the 5irector of 3isheries
and A8uatic 1esources.
If the land %orders on a ri!er, na!iga%le strea'
or shore, or on an ar' of the sea where a ri!er or har%or line has %een
esta%lished, or on a la0e, or if it otherwise appears fro' the application or
the proceedings that a tenant.far'er or the national go!ern'ent 'ay ha!e
a clai' ad!erse to that of the applicant, notice of the initial hearing shall %e
gi!en in the sa'e 'anner to the Secretary of Agrarian 1efor', the
Solicitor Ieneral, the 5irector of 6ands, the 5irector of @ines and7or the
5irector of 3isheries and A8uatic 1esources, as 'ay %e appropriate.
NOTICE TO SEC O3 A1, SI, 56, 52-, 535, 5@53A1
6AN5 %orders on a ri!er, na!iga%le strea', shore,
A1@ of sea where ri!er or har%or line has %een esta%lished
on a 6AEE
otherwise appears fro' app or proceedings that a TENANT.3A1@E1or
NATIONA6 IOJT 'ay ha!e A5JE1SE C6AI@ to that of applicant
cause NOTICE O3 INITIA6 AEA1INI G SA1, SI, 56, 52-, 533,
,.Ky posting. =
The Co''issioner of 6and 1egistration shall also cause a duly attested copy of the notice
of initial hearing to %e posted %y the sheriff of the pro!ince or city, as the case 'ay %e, or %y
his deputy, in a conspicuous place on each parcel of land included in the application and
also in a conspicuous place on the %ulletin %oard of the 'unicipal %uilding of the 'unicipality
or city in which the land or portion thereof is situated, fourteen days at least %efore the date
of initial hearing.
C61 G 5H6L ATTESTE5 CO2L of notice of initial hearing
posted %y SAE1I33 of pro!ince or city or deputy
conspicuous place on EACA 2A1CE6 O3 6AN5 included in the app
conspicuous place on KH66ETIN KOA15 of 'unicipal %ldg of 'unicipality
or city in which the land is situated
14 5ALS KE3O1E initial hearing #at least$
The court 'ay also cause notice to %e ser!ed to such other persons and in such 'anner as
it 'ay dee' proper.
The notice of initial hearing shall, in for', %e su%stantially as follows"
#Caption and Title$
To #here insert the na'es of all persons appearing to ha!e an interest
and the ad/oining owners so far as 0nown, and to all who' it 'ay
concern$" cda
An application #or petition$ ha!ing %een filed in the a%o!e.entitled case
%y #full na'e and address$ praying for the registration and confir'ation
#or for the settle'ent and ad/udication, in case of petition in cadastral
proceedings$ of title to the following descri%ed lands"
#Insert description$
Lou are here%y ser!ed this notice to appear %efore this Court at its
session to %e held at 44444444444 on the 444444444 day of
444444444444444, 1*4444, at 44444444444 o<cloc0 in the 444444444
then and there to present such clai's as you 'ay ha!e to said lands or
any portion thereof, and to su%'it e!idence in support of such clai'C
and unless you appear at said Court at the ti'e and place aforesaid,
your default will %e recorded and the title to the lands will %e ad/udicated
and deter'ined in accordance with law and the e!idence %efore the
Court, and thereafter you will fore!er %e %arred fro' contesting said
application #or petition$ or any decree entered thereon.
-itness, the Aon. 444444444444444444444 (udge of the Court of 3irst
Instance of 4444444444 this 444444 day of 444444444444444, in the
year 1*4444.
Co''issioner of 6and 1egistration
cause NOTICE to %e ser!ed to such persons and in such 'anner as 'ay
dee' proper
SECTION )4.Proof of P3blication and !otice.
The certification of the Co''issioner of 6and 1egistration and of the sheriff concerned to
the effect that the notice of initial hearing, as re8uired %y law, has %een co'plied with shall
%e filed in the case %efore the date of initial hearing, and shall %e conclusi!e proof of such
CE1T of C61 and SAE1I33
SECTION )+.Opposition to Application in Ordinary Proceedings.
Any person clai'ing an interest, whether na'ed in the notice or not, 'ay appear and file an
opposition on or %efore the date of initial hearing, or within such further ti'e as 'ay %e
allowed %y the court. The opposition shall state all the o%/ections to the application and shall
set forth the interest clai'ed %y the party filing the sa'e and apply for the re'edy desired,
and shall %e signed and sworn to %y hi' or %y so'e other duly authoried person.

If the opposition or the ad!erse clai' of any person co!ers only a portion of the lot and said
portion is not properly deli'ited on the plan attached to the application, or in case of
undi!ided co.ownership, conflicting clai's of ownership or possession, or o!erlapping of
%oundaries, the court 'ay re8uire the parties to su%'it a su%di!ision plan duly appro!ed %y
the 5irector of 6ands.
Any person clai'ing an INTE1EST #whether na'ed in notice7not$
appear7file an O22
on or %efore date of INTIA6 AEA1INI or ti'e as 'ay %e A66O-E5
%y court
state all the OK(ECTIONS to the app
set forth the INTE1EST clai'ed %y the party filing the sa'e and
apply for the 1E@E5L desired
SIINE5 D S-O1N to %e hi' or %y so'e duly authoried person
SECTION )9.Order of efa3ltC Effect.
If no person appears and answers within the ti'e allowed, the court shall, upon 'otion of
the applicant, no reason to the contrary appearing, order a default to %e recorded and
re8uire the applicant to present e!idence. Ky the description in the notice NTo all -ho' It
@ay ConcernN, all the world are 'ade parties defendant and shall %e concluded %y the
default order. cda
-here an appearance has %een entered and an answer filed, a default order shall %e
entered against persons who did not appear and answer.
Court shall #upon 'otion of applicant, F reason to contrary appearing$
O15E1 a default to %e recorded and re8uire the applicant to present
all the world are 'ade parties defendant
concluded %y default order
A22EA1ANCE has %een entered D ANS-E1 filed
default order shall %e entered against person who F appear7answer
Section ):. Speedy hearingC reference to a referee.
The trial court shall see to it that all registration.proceedings are disposed or within ninety days
fro' the date the case is su%'itted for decision,
The Court, if it dee's necessary, 'ay refer the case or any part thereof to a referee who shall
hear the parties and their e!idence, and the referee shall su%'it his report thereon to the Court
within fifteen days after the ter'ination of such hearing. Aearing %efore a referee 'ay %e held
at any con!enient place within the pro!ince or city as 'ay %e fi&ed %y hi' and after reasona%le
notice thereof shall ha!e %een ser!ed the parties concerned. The court 'ay render /udg'ent
in accordance with the report as though the facts ha!e %een found %y the /udge hi'self"
2ro!ided, howe!er, that the court 'ay in its discretion accept the report, or set it aside in whole
or in part, or order the case to %e reco''itted for further proceedings"
see to it that 1EIIST1ATION.21OCEE5INIS
5IS2OSE5 or
w7in *> days fro' date, case SHK@ITTE5 for decision
'ay 1E3E1 case7part ..O 1E3E1EE
AEA1 parties D e!idence
SHK@IT report to Court #1+ days after TE1@INATION O3 AEA1INI$
AEA1INI %efore a 1E3E1EE
held in ANL con!enient 26ACE
w7in pro! or city
fi&ed %y 1
after notice shall ha!e %een ser!ed the parties concerned
render (H5I@ENT in accordance w7 1E2O1T
21OJ AO-" 'ay
1$ ACCE2T report
)$ SET IT ASI5E #in whole7part$ or
,$ order case to %e 1ECO@@ITTE5 for further proceedings
Section );. 2artial /udg'ent.
In a case where only a portion of the land su%/ect of registration is contested, the court 'ay
render partial /udg'ent pro!ided that a su%di!ision plan showing the contested and
uncontested portions appro!ed %y the 5irector of 6ands is pre!iously su%'itted to said court.
ON6L 1 2O1TION of land su%/ect of regisration G CONTESTE5"
COH1T 'ay render 2A1TIA6 /udg'ent
21OJ" SHK5J 26AN showing contestedDuncontested portions #appro!ed
%y 5O6 B pre!iously SHK@ITTE5$
Section )*. (udg'ent confir'ing title.
All conflicting clai's of ownership and interest in the land su%/ect of the application shall %e
deter'ined %y the court. If the court, after considering the e!idence and the reports of the
Co''issioner of 6and 1egistration and the 5irector of 6ands, finds that the applicant or the
oppositor has sufficient title proper for registration, /udg'ent shall %e rendered confir'ing the
title of the applicant, or the oppositor, to the land or portions thereof.
COH1T deter'ines A66 CON36ICTINI C6AI@S of O-NE1SAI2 D INTE1EST in
the land su%/ect if application
Court finds that A227O22 #C61 D 5O6 reports$ AAS SH33ICIENT TIT6E
proper for reg B
CON3I1@ title of A227O22 to the land7portions
Section ,>. -hen /udg'ent %eco'es finalC duty to cause issuance of decree.
The /udg'ent rendered in a land registration proceedings %eco'es final upon the e&piration of
thirty days to %e counted fro' the data of receipt of notice of the /udg'ent. An appeal 'ay %e
ta0en fro' the /udg'ent of the court as in ordinary ci!il cases.
After /udg'ent has %eco'e final and e&ecutory, it shall de!ol!e upon the court to forthwith
issue an order in accordance with Section ,* of this 5ecree to the Co''issioner for the
issuance of the decree of registration and the corresponding certificate of title in fa!or of the
person ad/udged entitled to registration.
(H5I@NT rendered in 61 proceedings B 3INA6
H2ON e&piration of ,> 5ALS to %e counted fro' the date of 1ECEI2T O3
A22EA6 G ta0en fro' /dg'ent of court in ordinary CJ6 cases
A3TE1 (5I@ENT has %eco'e 3 P E
5EJO6JE upon court to fortwith ISSHE AN O15E1 under Sec ,* to
issuance of 5EC1EE O3 1EI D
corresponding CE1T O3 TIT6E in fa!or of person ad/udged
entitled to reg
Section ,1. 5ecree of registration.
E!ery decree of registration issued %y the Co''issioner shall %ear the date, hour and 'inute
of its entry, and shall %e signed %y hi'. It shall state whether the owner is 'arried or
un'arried, and if 'arried, the na'e of the hus%and or wife" 2ro!ided, howe!er, that if the land
ad/udicated %y the court is con/ugal property, the decree shall %e issued in the na'e of %oth
spouses. If the owner is under disa%ility, it shall state the nature of disa%ility, and if a 'inor, his
age. It shall contain a description of the land as finally deter'ined %y the court, and shall set
forth the estate of the owner, and also, in such 'anner as to show their relati!e priorities, all
particular estates, 'ortgages, ease'ents, liens, attach'ents, and other encu'%rances,
including rights of tenant.far'ers, if any, to which the land or owner<s estate is su%/ect, as well
as any other 'atters properly to %e deter'ined in pursuance of this 5ecree.
The decree of registration shall %ind the land and 8uiet title thereto, su%/ect only to such
e&ceptions or liens as 'ay %e pro!ided %y law. It shall %e conclusi!e upon and against all
persons, including the National Io!ern'ent and all %ranches thereof, whether 'entioned %y
na'e in the application or notice, the sa'e %eing included in the general description NTo all
who' it 'ay concernN.
KEA1" date, hr , 'in of ENT1L
SIINE5 %y hi'
whether owner is @A11IE57HN@A11IE5
@A11IE5 G na'e of spouseC
21OJAO-" 6and ad/udiicated is CON( 21O2 G 5EC1EE
issued in na'e of KOTA S2OHSES
whether owner is HN5E1 5ISAKI6ITL
NATH1E of disa%ility
whether owner is a @INO1
5ESC1I2TION of land #as finally deter'ined %y court$
ESTATE of owner
to show relati!e priorities, particular estates, 'ortgages,
ease'ents, liens, attach'ents, other encu'%rances D rights of
tenant.far'ers, to which land or owner<s estate is su%/ect D
'atters propertly to %e deter'ined
5EC1EE O3 1EI shall KIN5 the land and MHIET title thereto
SHK(ECT only to such EFC and 6IENS #as pro!ided %y law$
CONC6HSIJE upon D against A66 2E1SONS #INC6" National go!t D
%ranches, wheter na'ed in application or notice$
TO A66 -AO@ IT @AL CONCE1N #general description$

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