2014 Call For Volunteers

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The call you can find as well here: https://www.facebook.

Cazalla Intercultural who we are?

CazallaIntercultural is a nonprofit organizationdedicated to the field of
non-formal education and to promote andsupport volunteering. We
work mainlywith the Youth in Action program,but also participate in
other European programs such as Grundtvig, Leonardo or Daphne.We have an agreement with the City
ofLorca and collaborate with its Youth Department giving information to young people who want
totravel abroad, and promoting mobilityfrom Informajoven offices. We are a pointinformation Eurodesk
and we share the information about differentmobility project.
Our Objectives:

Contribute tolocal development and tolerance betweencultures and races
Promote humanrights education
Promote volunteering as a way of learning
Contribute to improving the quality of youth work
Create internationalnetworks with which to collaborateon global projects
Promote mobilityas a learning experience amongyoung
To help youngpeople to be active citizens andparticipate in the European context
Preventing genderviolence among young people andcontribute to gender equality.
Our points of attention:
The Human Rights
Global challenges
The Interculturality
Citizenship andparticipation of young people
The prevention of gender based violence among youth
Non-formal education
Creativity andquality in youth work
The active participation of citizens


About the EVS project
Place: Lorca(Region of Murcia), Spain
Duration: 9months
Starting date:there are 2 possibilities ( 1 in July, 1 in September)
Video done by our EVS volunteers: http://youtu.be/Zx5UvUwVOdc

The philisophy behind each EVS project we implement.
We understandthe EVS as a mutual learning process and mutual benefit, therefore theactivities are
design always this way to be beneficial for both sides. Wealways propose the following division of
40% of the time tasks connected with the activity youare invovled in (full description below)
30% of the time support in the activities of Cazalla(can be work in the office, monitoring of
the internet caf form migrants,support in some events we are organizing)
30% of the time volunteers personal project, and thiscan be any activity that fits into the
objectives of Cazalla, developed andimplemented by volunteer. The previous volunteers have
created the languagecaf, the coordination meetings with migrant orgnizations, workshops for
youngpeople etc. Everything depends on volunteer and will will offer our support.

Activity 1 Youth Information Centre
Givinginformation to young people
Researchingfor the different possibilities of youth mobility
Developingmonthly newsletter
Helpingyoungster to make their CV and motivation letters in English
Preparingthe visual materials
Organizingthe information meetings
Updatingthe web page, blog and social media
Profile we arelooking for:
Someonewho speaks already some Spanish and English or have a very strong motivationto
learn fast
Isinterested in the coordination of the european projects
Iscommunicative, and like to give information
Isinterested in the social media, blogs, photo edditing or poster making
Ismotivated to spend most of the activity time in the office

Activity 2 Youth Empowerment Porgramme
Preparation,implementation and evaluation non-formal learning activities with children
andyoung people
Workshopsin schools on different topics
Participationin the language Caf programme
Supportclases for children (mainly from the migrant backgroups)
Organizationof the local events (living library, cultural events, movie shows etc.)
Profile we arelooking for:
Organization skills
A lot of initiative
Someone who like working with young people
Having an interest in the different areas Cazalla work (human rights, non-violence, education in
values, global education etc.)
Someone who enjoy as well administrative tasks
Would be nice to speak come basic English and motivation to learn Spanish
Application procedure
We are welcometo apply all the young people who are:
between18 and 30 years old
residentsof the programme countries (EU, candidates, EEA)
and partner countries (South East Europe, Eastern Europe
and Caucasus,Mediterranean Partner Countries)

In order toparticipate in this EVS you should fill out the registration form in googledocs. by 15th of
September 2013.
Link to registration form: http://tinyurl.com/EVS-Cazalla
Contact Info
Aptdo. de correos n 2 30800 Lorca (Murcia), SPAIN
Telfono: +34 968 44 46 43
Fax: +34 968 466 460

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