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Universitt Stuttgart

Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. P. Ghner

WS 04/05 17 Nov. 2004
Exercise 4 "Basic Techniques"

Question 4.1 Function Tree
During the system analysis of an elevator control system is to be checked, how the project can
be divided into different fields of function. Basically it will be differed between hardware and
software components.

Get the following components in a meaningful structure and draw a function tree.

Actuators Engines for cars
Alarm- and error handling Engines for doors
Control panels Control of car engine
Determination of the current driving targets Sensors
Car speedometer Door position sensors
Car position sensors Door control
Car controller Administration of the outstanding driving
Door light barriers

Question 4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ER diagram)
The main hardware components of the whole elevator system and their relation to each other
are to be graphically illustrated with an ER diagram. Two elevator shafts each with a car are
regarded. Each car is driven by its own engine. In each of the 6 floors every shaft has one
door. There is one control panel for issuing driving requests on each floor. Further control
panels are inside every car. The position of the cars and doors are determined by position
sensors. Additionally there is a light barrier in each door in order to avoid that the door closes
while a person is in-between.

a) Draw the appropriate ER diagram.
b) Within the software components for the administration of the driving requests, all requests
have to be processed. At first a driving request consists of the data request source and
the driving direction as well as a unique number only. The software component assigns
the driving requests to the cars as soon as one or more are available. When a car has
arrived and the person enters and operates the cars control panel, one or more target floors
are added to the driving request. Represent the above circumstances of the driving request
administration in a ER diagram.
Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems Exercise 5: Basic Techniques
WS 04/05 2 17 Nov. 2004
Question 4.3 Data Flow Diagram
In order to document the interfaces of the software component car controller a data flow
diagram (context diagram) is to be created. All substantial actuators and sensors are to be
included. Use the component list of question 5.1 and the ER diagram developed in question

Question 4.4 State Machine
The handling of a car can be represented in form of a state machine. Both the starting and the
stopping are regulated, so that both processes are comfortably felt by the users. The regulation
of the stopping is triggered by the car position sensor before reaching the target floor. The
starting regulation is finished, when the driving speed is reached. Each time the car stops a
additional brake is activated.

a) Draw a state machine for the normal driving operation.
b) An emergency stop can be triggered by the alarm component with activates the
emergency brake. Once an emergency stop has happened an authorized person has to
reset the system before the elevator can be operated normally again. Complete the
state machine accordingly.

Question 4.5 Decision Table
The behavior of the elevator doors on each floor is to be modeled in a decision table. As for
the doors the three following states are to be distinguished closed, half-open and open.
The car position is checked only, if the car is present in the considered floor or totally absent.
The door is moved by sending the level sensitive signals open door or close door to the
door engine. Inside the car the door can be opened or closed with the aid of two buttons. For
safety reasons the open button has a higher priority. If there is a drive request to another floor
then the door closes automatically. As soon as the doors light barrier detects an obstacle, the
doors is reopened immediately.
In two critical situations the control is transferred to the alarm and error handling component:
The light barrier is interrupted, although the door is closed.
The door is half open or open although the elevator car is in a different floor.

a) Develop a decision table modeling the behavior of an elevator door.
b) Check the decision table for completeness, add missing requirements if necessary.
c) Find out if the decision table is free of redundancy and inconsistency, too.

Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems Exercise 5: Basic Techniques
WS 04/05 3 17 Nov. 2004
Appendix A Solution Form for Question 4.5

DT elevator door
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8

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