Happy Birthday (Minecraft Story)

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Hello everyone! I am a huge fan of Minecraft fanfictions, and today I decised to write one myself.

My name is Sebi, and I am from Romania. I am 13 years old, and my best friend is called Iulian.
These are, probably, the most important plot keys of this fanfiction: The Island of Friendship. I hope
my mistakes in grammar will be forgiven, because I do not speak English as my mother tongue. Ok,
so I have one more think left to say: I have a lot of spare time, so I will update at least once a day. I
hope you will like it! So... let the reading begin!


Finally, it arrived. It is my best friends birthday. It is already 10 AM and I am not ready. Quickly, I
enter the filled bathtub and I wash myself. Then, I put my clothes on: a pair of blue, short jeans, a red,
sleveless t-shirt and my white socks. I spray myself with my favourite perfume, I grab the money from
the top of the fridge, I put my gray sneakers on, I take the present for my friend and I rush out of the
I lock the gate and I run to catch the bus. It is 11:30 AM. I still have plenty of time, so I buy myself an
icecream and eat it while walking towards my friends house. I arrive there at 12 to 5, just 5 minutes
before. I knock the door and, after 5 seconds or so, his sister opens the door.
Hello, she said.
Hi, Paula. Umm... is Iulian home?
Of course, Sebi. What are you waiting for? Get in! she said.
I did. The house was very familiar to me. After the entrance, there was a small hall where all the shoes
were placed. On the left was the kitchen, with many things ob the table: some apple and mint juice,
cupcakes, many fruits and some knives.
Help yourself! Paula said.
Not now, maybe later, thanks. Where is Iulian?
Here! Iulian appeared behind me.
Whoa, buddy! I almost fainted! I told him.
Ha ha, Sebi... how are you?
Fine, as always. Happy Birthday, by the way! May you have loads of luck, health and money! Look at
what I bought for you!
Wow, thanks! So... any clues? he asked.
Just look in the bag! I said.
Iulian took the white, orange-stripped bag and looked in it.
Is it is
Yes, it is. I iterrupted him.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is the new aeromodel that I wanted! A Boeing 747 from
KLM! Thank you! he shouted.
Iulian likes airplanes and flight a lot, so he wants to become an pilot one day. That is why I bought
him the new mini-plane, how I call it, from the Dutch company KLM.
I hope it didnt cost too much. Iulian said.
No, I had a 30% discount coupon and I paid much less for it. Dont ask me questions like this, just
enjoy it. I said while smiling.
Ok, Sebi, thanks again.
Suddenly, we could hear ome knocks on the door. We both turned our faces towards the
Oh, no Iulian rolled his eyes.
Who is there? I asked him.
My cousins we both sighed.
No, no, no! Did you have to invite those destructuion machines? I furiosly asked, while he was
opening the door.
I had to! He silently whispered to me while he was getting the presents from one of his cousins.
James and Harry are 8 and 7 year old, and they know nothing but to kick things, eat and annoy
Happy birthday, Iulian! they both said in the same time with their childish voices.
Thank you! So, what did you bring me? he asked as polite as he could.
Some clothes: 2 t-shirts, a jacket, a cap and a new backpack! James screamed.
The short, slim, brown-haired, brown-eyed boy smiled and showed his missing teeth. He handed
the blue bag to Iulian, and he smiled and thanked him. Iulian put the bag away and turned his
attention to me.
This is
Sebi! they both shouted. They knew me very well, and I knew them very well.
Yeah, yeah, how are you? I asked them just to be polite.
I am fine! James said.
Me too! said Harry, that was just as tall and slim as his friend, but he had fair hair and blue eyes.
Ok, so what should we do now? Iulian asked.
Just 1 word: Minecraft! I told him.
We both loved Minecraft. I knew more about the game than him, but he knew a lot too. Then, I
didnt know almost anything about one single thing: potions. They were hard to make, and very
useful, but I never used them anyway.
We started playing, with James watching us like a dog, while Harry was playing with a ball. Paula
was in her room, doing who knows what. She likes to craft things, and she is very skilled at that.
He room is full with handmade stuff.
What is this? James asked when he saw a creeper.
Something that does things like you. Iulian said and we started laughing.
What? James asked.
It destroys things! we laughed even harder.
Ha ha, so funny James said irritated.
We played some more, until we had a house, a farm, some cows, and an iron set of tools and
armor, except for the sword which was made of diamond. Suddenly, we heard another knock on
the door.
This must be Jenny! Iulian said, paused the game and walked to the door.
Jenny was his parents goddaughter. She was black-haired, had brown eyes and she was tall and a
little plump. In Iulians eyes, she was pretty, but I didnt have any opinion about this because I
wasnt interested in girls then.
Hello, and happy birthday Iulian! Jenny said and hugged him. Iulians cheeks went red in
Thank you, Jenny. Iulian said. Now, could you let me go? I am running out of air. He added.
Oh, sorry, look what I bought for you! Jenny left the tight grip and showed Iulian the red, small
Thank you! What is here? Iulian curiously asked.
A book! Jenny shouted.
All About Flying and Planes a Complete History about Flying Machines Iulian read the long
Do you
I completely love it! Thank you, thank you, Jenny! Iulian shouted as hard as he could an smiled. I
was a bit jealous because my present was not as interesting as Jennys.
Jenny, do you know about Minecraft? Iulian said while he put the bag with the book in the same
place with the other bags.
No, what is that? Jenny asked.
We both knew that we hould show her what that wonderful game was. We went in Iulians room,
where we found James playing Minecraft.
James! What are you doing?! Iulian and I screamed.
Nothing, just feeding the cows. James innocently said.
We let a sigh of relief while we truly saw him breeding the cows. He fed one more and let us stay
on the mini-sofa in the front of the computer. Jenny came in my left and started watching us.
What is this all about? she asked.
Well, is about a sandbox world where you can do anything you want, well, almost anything, like
fishing, building or riding horses. Iulian quickly answered her.
The goal is to defeat the Ender Dragon by completing some more steps, al included in the a
Achievements tab. One you defeat it, you are again free to do anything. I added.
You can also enter the creative mode, where you have all the materials and stuff avaible, you can
fly and build anything you want. Iulian said.
Cool. So, show me some gameplay! Jenny said and we both started teaching her the controls.
She only stayed with us until the Nether part, where she left and took her phone out of her
pocket. She started texting someone, which means that she was bored.
We continued to play Minecraft and managed to get some blaze rods, when, suddenly, someone
Oh, this is Alex. I said.
Alex is my and Iulians second best friend. He isnt tall but neither short, more like medium. He is
very slim and has black hair, and blue eyes. He looks like a girl sometimes. He doesnt like to run,
is quite dumb and a bit rude, that is why he didnt knock the door.
Hi! Alex entered the room when we were at the door, and Iulian and him collided.
Hi said Iulian while massaging his aching nose.
Hi, Alex! I said, happy that I avoided the impact.
I bought you a scarf, a pair of jeans and a orange t-shirt! Alex quickly said.
Thank you, Alex, but I dont wear scarfs. Iulian said while putting the bag with the others.
What are you doing? Alex asked while taking a chair and putting it in the front of the computer.
Playing Minecraft. Would you like to watch? I said.
Sure. He said with a big smile.
We started playing again. Harry was with Paula and making some bracelets, James was watching
us , Jenny was texting while sitting in Iulians bed and Alex was playing with an Lego cargo
airplane while putting us a lot of questions. He liked Minecraft and knew a bit about it, but not
enogh to be able to defeat the Dragon for sure.
It was already 4 PM. Iulians parens houkd be home in 5 minutes. His mum was a librarian and
his dad was an army soldier, and he was doing some maintenance work on the fighting jets. We
saved the game, and closed it. In just 2 minutes, all the house was cleaned: the bed was ok, the
table was clean, the plates were washed and Paulas room was tidy again.
Iulians mum, Daniela, came home first. She already wished his sons happy birthday, so firstly
she greeted us. She admired the house because it was very clean this time, and we all smiled and
laughed a bit.
Last year, when she came home, the house was a distaster. She was very angry with Iulian and,
after the party, she grounded him.
This year we managed to get all right, because we were 7 kids that could fastly clean all the house
in 5 minutes. After 10 minutes, Iulians dad, Marius, came home too. He was very funny. After
Iulians parents changed their clothes, they went with James, Harry and Paula to get the cake.
Iulian told me that the cake was with mint and chocolate, his preferate. Now we started playing
Minecrfat again, and without so much noise from James and Harry, we managed to kill de Dragon
just before Iulians parents came in, the ultimate arrow being fired by the lucky Alex.
We ate a lot of pizza, I, for example, ate 5 slices from a 4 person pizza. I was completely full after
the apple and mint juice and all the other cupcakes. Not much after, we ate cake and wished
Iulian happy birthday. James left first, then Harry. We started builing a train station on creative,
because Iulian had a train mod. Jenny left half an hour after Iulians cousins.
We should have left too, but then I got a call fom my mum.
Yes, you can. She said after asking me how I am and stuff.
I can what? I asked buffled.
Didnt you ask Marius to convince me to let you sleep at Iulian? she asked even more buffled.
Umm no? I told her, when Marius smiled at me.
Ah, Marius have a goodnights sleep! Mum told me like she realized something.
Alex left after my little chat with my mum, and I thanked Marius. He talked with my mum so I
could spend this night here.
Iulian, guess what! I excitedly shouted.
What? He turned his face to me.
Tonight I started speaking.
Well dine in hell! Iulian shouted.
No, no, no I laughed. I will sleep at you!
Yes, yes, yes! He screamed and jumped off the mini-sofa.
Do you have any pyjamas of my size? I asked.
I think I do he said while searching in his closet.
Iulian was tall and a bit fat. His hair was brown and he had dark brown eyes. He was muh heavier
than me.
He handed me a pair of green pyjamas, I took off my clothes and put those on. They were very
We played Minecraft till 10 PM, when our train station was finished. Iulians parents told us to go
to sleep, but we chatted a bit more about some Minecraft things until 11 PM, when we finally fell
in a deep sleep. I could feel something cold that was covering me, then, suddenly, I felt myself
This is my first chapter of the story. I hope you liked it. I would like a review, and fast, because I will
upload another chapter soon. I hope the story will go over 200.000 words. Ok, now, I had to change
some names because they would be too strange in USA or England. Iulian, Sebi, Alex, Paula, Daniela
and Marius are the only original names here. If you would like to know the other true names of
Jenny, James and Harry just say it in a review. Have a good day!

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