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District 5 Instructional Initiatives

Monitoring/Action Plan for: Irmo Middle School

Rationale of Baseline
Action Step(s) to Address
Specific School Needs
Monitoring Process
(Include data to be monitored along with the frequency
of review)
(to include
of SAS)
data (laser
focus on

*Specific data
Trends from this data show
that teachers spent a large
amount of time facilitating
instruction/lecture (43% of
all instruction), with
students listening and
responding, and receiving

Our year long school goal
(undergirded by the district
initiatives) to fully
implement EDI requires a
specific focus on this
rubric category in order to
help teachers transform

1. Use data in weekly
administrative and school
leaders meetings

2. Train administrators in
providing feedback according
to the University of Oregon

3. Focus heavily on Explicit
Direct Instruction
(workshop model),
instructional activities, and
Technology Integration
according to the revised

4. Ensure all observers hit
observation targets

5. Communicate monthly
focus areas to teachers and
report weekly findings in FF
and faculty meetings

6. Begin implementation of
an instructional coaching
model (aligned with EL work
plan and year long goals)

Lead Teacher

1. Run weekly reports and report findings to the
staff -

Data to be monitored: observation
frequency, length, quality of feedback, trends
(strengths, weaknesses, surprises, etc.),
PowerSchool correlations (i.e. observation
data and grade reports)

Frequency of monitoring: weekly
administrative meetings, monthly Shared
Leadership meetings (G20), monthly whole-
staff PD workshops

2. Set-up a schedule of sharing along with video
clips of best practices

Data Teams
(to include a
focus on SAS)
PASS Data Principal
Lead Teacher


Referral data
data from
over the
previous 3
years to

*Specific Data
Trends from this data show
referral rates increased
from the previous year.
Specifically, anecdotal
evidence collected from
teachers (via
informal/formal dialogue)
suggests that their most
significant concern is
and the need for alignment
of school-wide norms and

Student achievement is
directly linked to the
character/culture of a
school. In order to
positively impact
achievement, our yearlong
goal is to improve our
schools culture through
the implementation of
PBIS via Crew.
1. Implement Crew with

2. Reduce behavior violations

3. Equip teachers with skills
to respond to/prevent student
behavior (via Crew PD,
cultural competency PD, and
SPED workshops) and carve
out time specifically
designated for Dr. Elam and

4. As follow up to the EL
Summer Institute work
(focused on character, culture
- aligned with PBIS), the
Crew Curriculum team
conducts mini-workshops
with Team Leaders (Crew
Leaders) to ensure facilitation
of Crew curriculum

5. Specific work designed
around establishing
Performance and Relational
Character Traits - and the
teacher behaviors that
support student behavior in
order to increase consistency
and build a positive school
culture. (This work began
during the Summer Institute,
and will continue during
curriculum writing
workshops and the G20-SLT
Summer Retreat)

6. Set goals with Shared
Leadership team and PBIS
team that specify the desired
reduction in the number of
referrals; share goals with

7. Conduct quarterly student
Lead Teacher
Crew Leaders
(team leaders)
1. PBIS team/Shared Leadership Team: analysis of
Educators Handbook data (goal updates, trends, etc.)
and recommendations; share findings with staff
through team meetings, whole-staff PDs, and magnet
and/or Expeditionary Learning PD

2. Evaluation of character/culture data with USC
Project ACCESS evaluator, Dr. Monrad

3. Quarterly monitoring with EL school designer on
effectiveness of character/culture goal (i.e. Crew

4. Set-up a schedule of sharing along with video clips
of best practices

Data to be monitored: dashboard reports
from Educators Handbook, survey/anecdotal
data from teachers and students regarding
Crew experience

Frequency of monitoring: weekly
administrative meetings, weekly team
meetings, monthly Shared Leadership
meetings (G20), monthly whole-staff PD

surveys regarding Crew
experiences; share data with
teachers and make
adjustments to Crew

8. Creation of faculty Crews
for the purpose of
professional dialogue,
inquiry, and experience

9. Inclusion of support staff
members as student Crew
leaders, in order to promote
whole-school cohesion and

RtI and
(for elementary
and middle)
PASS DATA Principal
Lead Teacher

*This is due one week following summer data meetings held with each administrative team.

2014 2015 Secondary School Professional Development Plan
District Days School Days
School Name: Irmo Middle School, International Academic Magnet ______

1st Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
(T) 8/12 School Directed PD Day
Vision, Data Review (school,
department, grade level, & teacher),
Educators Handbook (data review),
iFive Technology Initiative
(Chromebook rollout &
implementation), and faculty Crew, and
administrative breakout sessions (in
Crew groups)

teachers and staff
members to vote!
(T) 1/20 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
planning and alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), EL
project planning, other needs as
applicable by each department, iFive
technology integration (management
and instructional practices)
(M) 4/6 School Directed Day/Swap

EL Summer Institute (6/9, 6/10,

*Planned PD for new hires, who
were unable to attend the institute
(W) 8/13 AM: District Kick-Off
PM: Collaborative team planning time
(screaming the theme in spaces,
opening Crew lesson,
norms/procedures, PBIS)
(T) 11/11 District Leadership (T) 1/27 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process (create
assessments, chart/analyze data, select
common instructional strategies, and
set, review, and revise SMART goals);
review video-taped lessons of lessons
conducted throughout the unit cycle;
participate in PD (as needed)
facilitated by the API and/or Lead
Teacher, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?)
(T) 4/7 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop Review magnet and EL
implementation rubrics and year-long
goals (check-in and update),
targeting Bubble students and
monitoring/sharing out
individualized plans for growth,
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?), iFive
technology integration (management
and instructional practices), prepare
for the AdvancED team visit
(TH) 8/14 District Prof Development -
School Admin Data Team
Implementation Training

(T) 11/18 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review,
instructional planning and
alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency
(how does this work impact the
needs of diverse student
populations?), EL project planning,
other needs as applicable by each
department, iFive technology
integration (management and
instructional practices)
(T) 2/3 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop Review magnet and EL
implementation rubrics and year-long
goals (check-in and update), targeting
Bubble students and creating
individualized plans for improvement,
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?), iFive
technology integration (management
and instructional practices)
(T) 4/14 District Leadership
Prepare for the AdvancED team visit
(F) 8/15 School Directed PD Day
AM: Expeditionary Learning/Cultural
Competency: Crew,
Relational/Performance Character,
Habits of Scholarship, Student Engaged
PM: Data Team Planning (deep-dive
(T) 11/25 NO MEETING (T) 2/10 District Leadership (T) 4/21 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
planning and alignment, magnet
theme integration, cultural
competency (how does this work
impact the needs of diverse student
populations?), EL project planning,
data sessions, creation of flexible
groups, specific plan to improve student
other needs as applicable by each
department, iFive technology
integration (management and
instructional practices), host
AdvancED team visit
(M) 8/18 Teacher Work Day - Teacher
Work Day (no meetings per Dr. Hefner)
(T) 12/2 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop AdvancED Standard 2
(district-created presentation, small-
group rubric evaluation, staff
dialogue), cultural competency
(how does this work impact the
needs of diverse student
populations?), review magnet and
EL implementation rubrics and
year-long goals (check-in and
update), iFive technology
integration (management and
instructional practices)
(M) 2/16 District Prof Development -
School Admin Data Team
Implementation Training
(T) 4/28 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process
(create assessments, chart/analyze
data, select common instructional
strategies, and set, review, and revise
SMART goals); review video-taped
lessons of lessons conducted
throughout the unit cycle; participate
in PD (as needed) facilitated by the
API and/or Lead Teacher, cultural
competency (how does this work
impact the needs of diverse student

*SC standardized testing TA/Monitor
(T) 8/26 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process (create
assessments, chart/analyze data, select
common instructional strategies, and
set, review, and revise SMART goals);
review video-taped lessons of lessons
conducted throughout the unit cycle;
participate in PD (as needed) facilitated
by the API and/or Lead Teacher,
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?)

(T) 12/9 District Leadership (T) 2/17 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
planning and alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), EL
project planning, other needs as
applicable by each department, iFive
technology integration (management
and instructional practices)
(T) 5/5 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop First day of SC
standardized assessment
adjustments regarding testing
practices and protocols, structure,
schedule, etc., End-of-Year check-
out packet, failure lists, parent
(T) 9/2 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop AdvancED Standard 3
(district-created presentation, small-
group rubric evaluation, staff dialogue),
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?), review magnet
and EL implementation rubrics and
year-long goals (check-in and update)

(T) 12/16 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review,
instructional planning and
alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency
(how does this work impact the
needs of diverse student
populations?), EL project planning,
other needs as applicable by each
department, iFive technology
integration (management and
instructional practices)
(T) 2/24 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process (create
assessments, chart/analyze data, select
common instructional strategies, and
set, review, and revise SMART goals);
review video-taped lessons of lessons
conducted throughout the unit cycle;
participate in PD (as needed)
facilitated by the API and/or Lead
Teacher, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), prepare
for the AdvancED team visit
(T) 5/12 District Leadership
(T) 9/9 District Leadership

(T) 1/6 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop Review magnet and EL
(T) 3/3 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop SC standardized testing
(T) 5/19 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
implementation rubrics and year-
long goals (check-in and update),
targeting Bubble students and
creating individualized plans for
improvement, cultural competency
(how does this work impact the
needs of diverse student
populations?), iFive technology
integration (management and
instructional practices)
TA/Monitor training, spring MAP

End-of-Year preparation: failure lists,
parent communication
planning and alignment, magnet
theme integration, cultural
competency (how does this work
impact the needs of diverse student
populations?), EL project planning,
other needs as applicable by each
department, iFive technology
integration (management and
instructional practices)
(T) 9/16 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
planning and alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), EL
project planning, other needs as
applicable by each department, iFive
technology integration (roll-out
structure, management, and
instructional practices)

(T) 1/13 District Leadership (T) 3/10 District Leadership (T) 5/26 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process
(create assessments, chart/analyze
data, select common instructional
strategies, and set, review, and revise
SMART goals); review video-taped
lessons of lessons conducted
throughout the unit cycle; participate
in PD (as needed) facilitated by the
API and/or Lead Teacher, cultural
competency (how does this work
impact the needs of diverse student
(T) 9/23 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process (create
assessments, chart/analyze data, select
common instructional strategies, and
set, review, and revise SMART goals);
review video-taped lessons of lessons
conducted throughout the unit cycle;
participate in PD (as needed) facilitated
by the API and/or Lead Teacher,
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?)

(F) 1/16 School-Directed PD

EL Summer Institute (6/9, 6/10,

*Planned PD for new hires, who
were unable to attend the institute
(T) 3/17 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
planning and alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), EL
project planning, other needs as
applicable by each department, iFive
technology integration (management
and instructional practices)
(T) 6/2 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop End-of-Year check-out
packet, failure lists, parent
(T) 9/30 5
AdvancED OR Magnet
AdvancED Standard 3 (district-created
presentation, small-group rubric
evaluation, staff dialogue), cultural
competency (how does this work impact
the needs of diverse student
populations?) OR theme integration,
implementation rubric check-in, Crew
curriculum/instructional protocols
(T) 3/24 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process (create
assessments, chart/analyze data, select
common instructional strategies, and
set, review, and revise SMART goals);
review video-taped lessons of lessons
conducted throughout the unit cycle;
participate in PD (as needed)
facilitated by the API and/or Lead
Teacher, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), prepare
for the AdvancED team visit
(TH) 6/4 Teacher Work Day End-
of-year check-out procedures, plan
for EL Summer Institute

(T) 10/7 Whole-staff Faculty PD
Workshop - AdvancED Standard 5
(district-created presentation, small-
group rubric evaluation, staff dialogue),
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?), review magnet
and EL implementation rubrics and
year-long goals (check-in and update),
iFive technology integration
(management and instructional

(M) 10/13 District Prof Development:
School Admin Data Team
Implementation Training

(T) 10/14 District Leadership

(T) 10/21 Departmental Planning
Benchmark data review, instructional
planning and alignment, magnet theme
integration, cultural competency (how
does this work impact the needs of
diverse student populations?), EL
project planning, other needs as
applicable by each department, iFive
technology integration (management
and instructional practices)

(T) 10/28 Data Team Planning
Participate in the 5-step process (create
assessments, chart/analyze data, select
common instructional strategies, and
set, review, and revise SMART goals);
review video-taped lessons of lessons
conducted throughout the unit cycle;
participate in PD (as needed) facilitated
by the API and/or Lead Teacher,
cultural competency (how does this
work impact the needs of diverse
student populations?)

Secondary District Professional Development
AdvancED Timeline

School-Directed Activities
August 14, October 13, February 16 September 2014 - Standard 3 3 suggested meetings

District Leadership Teams
8:00 AM 12:00 PM District
October 2014 Standard 5 1 suggested meeting

School-Directed Activities
12:00 PM 1:20 PM Lunch November 2014 Standard 4 2 suggested meetings

Data Team/Designated Activities
1:30 PM 3:30 PM District-
developed PD at school
December 2014 Standard 2 1 suggested meeting
AdvancED OR Magnet
(Sept. 30)

*In order to accommodate for lost days due to holidays (Election Day,
Thanksgiving), additional meeting times will be added in November on
alternate week days (i.e. Thursday after school) to complete the AdvancED
Standard 4 professional development and rubric evaluation.

**Primary professional development focus areas to be embedded
throughout school year during all shared leadership (G20), team,
department, and EL planning workshops with school coach:
1. District Initiatives: SAS, Data Teams 5-step process, PBIS, iSchool
Initiative, Explicit Direct Instruction (workshop model), and RtI
2. Expeditionary Learning work plan goals (focus on achievement
through high quality work and character/culture through Crew)
3. Magnet theme integration
4. Cultural Competency

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