26.04.09 Worship Bulletin - Backside

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Going Deeper for Life Change

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude ~ Colossians. 2.6.7

It’s About Time

1. In this chapter there arises certain expectations and thoughts about Jesus as the To Be An Unbeliever Is To Be Loved By The World
Christ. Take note of these in our section today and in the coming weeks. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil

Jesus’ brothers were living like the world, before they came to saving faith. And
because they were a part of the world, the world cannot hate them. If we think about
this in practical terms - as the Canucks are now in the playoffs, it is likely if you are
living in Vancouver and love hockey, you would be rooting for the home team.
Imagine for a moment, that the Sedin twin brothers could not get along. I think it
2. In verses 3-5 we find that Jesus’ brothers had certain views about Jesus as the would be safe to say that the Canucks would probably would not be in the current race
Messiah and how He should conduct ministry. List out some of these attitudes that to the top. So it is that we should realize that you usually don’t hate those who are on
they manifested. As believers we must have a heavenly perspective about carrying the same side, right? Yet when it comes to Jesus, He clearly was of a heavenly origin
out ministry. Take time to reflect if you have any earthly leanings, and bring them and being on earth there was none who were on the same team. Not only this, but He
before the Lord so that you would be in line with God’s will. is hated by the world, because Jesus came and made it clear that people are sinners.
In fact Jesus had a continual testimony to this reality that everything that is done by
those of this world is evil. The book of Hebrews states - And without faith it is
impossible to please [Him], for he who comes to God must believe that He is and
[that] He is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Heb. 11:6).

Those of the world play on a different playing field, and we must be fully aware of this
reality, as we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. The unbelievers motives for living
are not the same as those who belong to Christ. Maybe you might remember how
3. What did Jesus’ response to His brothers reveal ? you were before Christ saved you from your sins - that you most likely were thinking
of what you can get out of life, and how you can personally benefit from people. Life
could perhaps be summed up as the common phrase which we have used ourselves -
‘climbing up the corporate ladder.’

The unbeliever has a different view of life than ours, as Jesus stated - My time is not
yet here, but your time is always opportune. Those on the ‘world’s team’ do not
seriously consider the eternal consequences of their actions. Their world view is
4. Why did the Jewish religious leaders want to kill Jesus? really foreign to the believer in Jesus Christ.

Did Jesus let worldly influences have an impact on Him? No, rather Jesus was bold
to stand up in front of sinners and declare the truth, and confronting sin (man’s chief
problem which keeps us from believing in Christ). Today many of us are afraid to tell
people they are sinners, and water down the Good News of Jesus Christ to make it
easy to accept - to make church a more welcoming place. To make mention of sin is
politically incorrect, but if we minimize the reality of sin then we minimize the real
5. In verse 7, Jesus makes a very interesting statement. Explain what He meant by necessity for the Saviour. If we eliminate the real consequences of sin, then we
it? Why is it necessary for you, and all people, to understand our sin nature? eliminate the need for Jesus. Though Jesus denounced sin, He demonstrated love to
the sinner, which we must remember…But God demonstrates His own love toward
us, in that while we were yet sinners , Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

For a fuller explanation of the Good News of Jesus Christ please go to www.GraceBeToYou.blogspot.com

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