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(update: 14.01.2014) New version of the ebook click (open in Opera or Chrome)
Manuals for cars:!
"utosoft catalo!:$d%nt
Chip tunin! folder:
(inside: &ir!in 'C( )atabase and *MMO O++ ,i! Collection-)
.e#!ens for man# app% here: soon
,u# a /remium account ( to download file with full speed
and !et much more0
1hat2s new or reup:
Autoo! 201" R2
AV# Su$t% 201".02
BM& ETK 201".02
BM& ETK 201".10
BM& ETK 201".12
BM& ETK 2014.01
BM& ISTA/' 2."0 VM
BM& KTS"40
BM& RS' Moto(()* 201".0+
BM& SP,')t%- 2..1.1 201".11
BOS/H %0$,t(o-$ 201".01
'$)1Box 2.02
Vol3o VI'A 201"'
Microcat +ord 'urope 34.5367
"89*: :tahl!ruber ; 8echnik 5367.36
VIP 0%t$o-
*n the section are uni<ue app% onl# for &*/ user0 8he access to the director#/passwords onl#
upon pa#ment of = 63 to m# // account and include #our transaction *). +or // onl# account
details write on: vipsection >at?
1hat news:
'$)1Box 32.02 4x5+/x+46 7 VIP l$-80
T%'o 29 201" :Up*)t%*; 4201"/Mult$l$-1u)l6
Vol3o VI'A 201"A Mult$l)-1u)1%
+O9)/M"B)" *): vC6 5365.3$
D): Donda "cura 7.335.375
D#undai Deav# :ervice E Operators Manuals (5363)
*su%u 1orldwide 3F.5366
Microcat +ord '8*: 5365.63
Microcat +ord 'urope 63.5365
9enault 9'/9OG &637 und &63H
8OIO8" '/C 5365.66
A/TIA Mult$,'$)1 2.2010 320.0"AV < 8%=1%-
*deal for the independent !ara!e wantin! a trul# multiJmake dia!nostic tool !ivin! inJdepth dia!nostics on a wide ran!e of 'uropeanJ
manufactured cars. 8he "ccess kit is 1indowsJbasedK and can connect to an# 1indows /C or laptop with a (:, port (subLect to minimum
specification). *t is also ideal for users of "ctiaMs eistin! O' dia!nostic tools such as the Citroen Neia 7 and Mitsubishi M(8*** (M(8J7).
Oth%( Mult$,'$)1 8%=1%-0:
A/TIA Mult$,'$>1 01.2011 4322.0".02156
*deal for the independent !ara!e wantin! a trul# multiJmake dia!nostic tool !ivin! inJdepth dia!nostics on a wide ran!e of 'uropeanJ
manufactured cars. 8he "ccess kit is 1indowsJbasedK and can connect to an# 1indows /C or laptop with a (:, port (subLect to minimum
specification). )irect access to all dia!nostics features. 1ith MultiJ)ia!K #ou don2t have to be an electronics epert. "ll features are Lust a
few mouse clicks awa# via the intuitiveK userJfriendl# interface.
MultiJ)ia! !uides the operator step b# step throu!h the Lob ahead :servicin!K wheels and suspensionK brakesK air conditionin!K antiJpollutionK
car bod#K and en!ine. 8he workshop mode lets #ou perform bull2sJe#e dia!nostics ever# time. "n epert mode providin! advanced 'C(
dia!nosticsK ph#sical measurements and confi!uration capabilities is also available. "s soon as #ou connect the O,) plu!K MultiJ)ia!
automaticall# identifies the vehicleJ (no more manual data entr#). 8henK a mouse click takes #ou strai!ht to the dia!nostics pa!e matchin!
the make and model of the vehicle.
J "vailable on vehicles fitted with an 'O,) socket. ,8N@epress@dia!8he 'press )ia! feature and )ia!nostics 9eport
8he 'press )ia! feature lets #ou run a comprehensive test across all 'C(s in the vehicle in Lust 6 click. 8his feature lets #ou check the
vehicle2s electronic status in a few minutes and then prints out a )ia!nostics 9eport. 8his )ia!nostics 9eport is automaticall# customisable
with #our workshop name and detailsK lists the 'C(s tested and !ives a detailed rundown of "NN errors identified.
/assword (and all respect to): T%0tPo$-t
A/TIA Mult$,'$)1 32".02 0292011
*deal for the independent !ara!e wantin! a trul# multiJmake dia!nostic tool !ivin! inJdepth dia!nostics on a wide ran!e of 'uropeanJ
manufactured cars. 8he "ccess kit is 1indowsJbasedK and can connect to an# 1indows /C or laptop with a (:, port (subLect to minimum
)irect access to all dia!nostics features. 1ith MultiJ)ia!K #ou don2t have to be an electronics epert. "ll features are Lust a few mouse
clicks awa# via the intuitiveK userJfriendl# interface.
MultiJ)ia! !uides the operator step b# step throu!h the Lob ahead :servicin!K wheels and suspensionK brakesK air conditionin!K antiJpollutionK
car bod#K and en!ine. 8he workshop mode lets #ou perform bull2sJe#e dia!nostics ever# time.
"n epert mode providin! advanced 'C( dia!nosticsK ph#sical measurements and confi!uration capabilities is also available.
"s soon as #ou connect the O,) plu!K MultiJ)ia! automaticall# identifies the vehicleO (no more manual data entr#). 8henK a mouse click takes
#ou strai!ht to the dia!nostics pa!e matchin! the make and model of the vehicle.
8he 'press )ia! feature lets #ou run a comprehensive test across all 'C(s in the vehicle in Lust 6 click. 8his feature lets #ou check the
vehicle2s electronic status in a few minutes and then prints out a )ia!nostics 9eport. 8his )ia!nostics 9eport is automaticall# customisable
with #our workshop name and detailsK lists the 'C(s tested and !ives a detailed rundown of "NN errors identified .
Ninks (66):
A/TIA Mult$,'$)1 01.2012 32..1"
A/TIA Mult$,'$>1 A%00 ?2."4 P)00,Th(u OB'2 '%3$%
Au() $@ P)(t0 05.05 Po(t)Al%
A/URA USA EP/ 32.".1 05.2005
'NG P 7.4C G,
"C(9" /"98: '/C ('lectronic /arts Catalo!ue) is a standalone application that runs from the C)J9OMK it doesnMt need to be installed on
#our computer makin! "cura '/C /O98",N'. 8his means that #ou can carr# "cura /arts Catalo! with #ou and consult it at an# timeK #ou onl#
need a /C with a C)J9OM drive. "cura /ortable covers models from 6$C4 to 533$
:earch b#:
Iear (6$C4Q533$)
)oor (5K 7K AK H)
Color Nabel
&*N number
/art Number
/art )escription (:tart with / Contains)
8ransmission: Manual
8ransmission: "utomatic
"ir Conditionin!
CN 6$$FQ5337
*N8'G9" 6$C4Q5336
N'G'N) 6$CHQ6$$H
M)R 5336Q533$
N:R 6$$6Q533H
9)R 533FQ533$
9N 6$$4Q533$
9:R 5335Q5334
:NR 6$$4Q6$$$
8N 6$$HQ533C
8:R 533AQ533$
&*GO9 6$$5Q6$$A
Iou can view the returned data in details with different level of ma!nificationK eploded views with parts numbersK different models
applicationsK wei!ht in lbs to estimate posta!e costK create pick lists etc. all sections are printable. Iou can also switch between 'n!lish and
:panish without closin! the application.
/assword: vis
6. ")$33 /roK has been desi!ned and built to keep pace with the evolution of transponder car ke#s.
5. ")$33 /ro is the most innovative electronic components in the field of radio fre<uencies thus allowin! eas# detectionK readin! and clonin!
(duplication) of fied code transponders and the identification of cr#pto!raphic transponder codes.
7. MaLor features ")$33 /ro such include the abilit# for cop#in! of Cr#pto A5 t#pe transponders and the 8eas prefi S st6 ns S
Turn:schemasJmicrosoftJcom:office:smartta!sT AC and A) transponders.
A. ")$33 /ro has been developed to cater for future developments and to keep up to date with the ever epandin! technolo!# of
transponders within the "utomotive vehicle s#stems.
H. ")$33 /ro offers complete fleibilit# as once the main unit is purchased the functionalit# can be epanded b# addin! additional software.
1./op= )ll D$x%* t()-0po-*%(0
8emic 66
8emic 65
Me!amos 67
/hilips 77
8eas AC
2./op= !o0t oD (=pto t()-0po-*%(0
/hilips Cr#pto A5
/hilips Cr#pto AA &"G
/hilips Cr#pto AH
8eas Cr#pto A)
:ome /hilips Cr#pto A3 and A6
".Show )ll $-Do(!)t$o- )Aout )ll t()-0po-*%(0
8ransponder 8#pes
8ransponder Codes
Nocked or not
1hich car brand
'eprom codes
4./)lul)t% %%p(o! lo1$0 D(o! t()-0po-*%( !%!o(=.
8emic 66 transponder (7 ,#tes)
8emic 65 transponder (H ,#tes)
Me!amos 67 transponder(A ,#tes)
8eas AC transponder (A ,#tes)
/hilips 77 8ransponder (A ,#tes)
../)lul)t% t()-0po-*%( lo1$0 D(o! %%p(o! lo1$0
,M1 /hilips 77 rollin! 8ransponder
Opel /hilips cr#pto A3 8ransponder
&"G /hilips cr#pto A5 8ransponder
&w /hilips cr#pto AA 8ransponder
9enaultK&1KDonda 9overKOpelK"lfaJ9omeo /hilips 77 8ransponder
+iat /alioJ:iena 8emic 66 8ransponder
Mercedes &itoK sprinterK&1 &olt 8emic 65 8ransponder
8o#ota AC 8ransponder
+iat 8ipoJ8empra Me!amos 67 8ransponder
+iat :econd Generation Me!amos AC 8ransponder
+./)lul)t% p$-,o*%0 D(o! t()-0po-*%(0
9enault /hilips 77(A )i!its)
/eu!eot /hilips cr#pto AH(A )i!its)
2./)lul)t% p$-,o*%0 D(o! h)00$0 -u!A%(0
8ranspronics can calculate pinJcodes for D#undai and .ia from last 4 di!its of chassis number.
5.U-lo8 !o0t oD 45 t()-0po-*%(0.
"s #ou knowK new s#stem cars lock the transponder durin! the pro!rammin!. :o #ou can not use these transponders a!ain. ,ut 8ranspronics
can unlock most me!amos cr#pto transponders with its hi!h technolo!#.
B.E%-%()t% /(=pto T()-0po-*%(0 D(o! Al)-8 /(=pto t()-0po-*%(0 Do( R%-)ultF/h(=0l%( )-* ?%%p.
Iou can !enerate A4 9enaultKChr#sler and Ueep transponders from blank A4 transponders.
10.E%-%()t% t()-0po-*%( lo1$0 Do( D$x%* t()-0po-*%(0.
All')t) Auto!ot$3% R%p)$( '$00//h(=0l%(G52,G05
F.F3 G,
"ll)ata is a leadin! provider of O'M software auto repair services for the automotive industr#. 8housands of mechanical and repair shops
across North "merica depend on "ll)ata automotive software for maintenance and repair informationK auto recalls and technical service
/N'":' NO8': 8hese are ONNI the 9epair )iscs0 (Chr#sler corp. 6$C5J533C). Iou M(:8 first install the "ll)ata Master pro!ram for
these discs to operate0
All')t) 192011 310.40 'o!%0t$
/rofessional repair shops need currentK factor#Jcorrect information to meet the comple repair demands of toda#Ms automotive industr#.
"**)ata 63.A3 shops have fast access to the industr#Ms best information for vehicles from 6$C5 to present includin! 8:,sKmaintenance
schedulesK manufacturer recall informationK O' solutionsK and factor# ima!es and dia!rams .
"**)ata )&)K the leadin! computerJbased dia!nosticKrepair and estimatin! information s#stemK can help #ou boost shop performance and
build customer lo#alt# as #ou efficientl# repair more makes and reducecomebacks.
V 8he most comprehensive information for 6$C5 to present vehiclesK updated <uarterl#
V O'M ima!esK dia!rams and dia!nostic flowcharts
V /arts and labor information
V Maintenance schedules
V Manufacturer 8:,s and 9ecalls
V *nte!rated estimatin! software
V O'Mwirin! dia!rams with connectorK !roundK power distribution and splice information
V "5BW Component :earch the fastest route available to componentinformation
)omestic X6
6$C5J5366 Chr#sler CarsK 6$C5J5366 Chr#sler 8rucksK 6$$5J5333 )od!e CarsK 6$C5J5366 )od!e 8rucksK 6$C5J5333 'a!le CarsK 6$C5J6$$C
Ueep 8rucksK 6$C5J5333 /l#mouth CarsK 6$C5J5336 /l#mouth 8rucks
)omestic X5
5336J533C Chr#sler 8rucksK 5336J533C )od!e 8rucksK 5336J533C Ueep 8rucks
)omestic X7
6$C5J5366 Chr#sler 8rucksK 533$J5366 )od!e 8rucksK 533$J5366 Ueep 8rucksK 533$J5366 +ord 8rucksK 6$C5J5334 Nincoln 8rucksK 6$$CJ
5334 Mercur# 8rucks
)omestic XA
533FJ5366 +ord 8rucksK 533FJ5366 Nincoln 8rucksK 533FJ533C Mercur# 8rucks
)omestic XH
6$C5J5366 +ord CarsK 6$C5J533C Nincoln CarsK 6$C5J533C Nincoln 8rucksK 533$J5366 Mercur# CarsK 6$C5J533C Mercur# 8rucks
)omestic X4
6$C5J5366 +ord CarsK 533$J5366 Mercur# CarsK 533$J5366 Nincoln CarsK 533$J5366 ,uick 8rucksK 5335J533H Cadillac 8rucksK 6$$$J533H
Chev# 8rucksK 6$C5J533H GMC 8rucksK 6$C5J533H Geo 8rucksK 6$C$J6$$F Oldsmobile 8rucksK 6$$3J533A /ontiac 8rucksK 6$$3J533H :aturn
)omestic XF
6$C5J5366 ,uick CarsK 6$C5J6$$C ,uick 8rucksK 5334J5366 Cadillac CarsK 6$C5J6$$C Cadillac 8rucksK 5334J5366 Chevrolet CarsK 6$C5J6$$C
Chev# 8rucksK 5334J5366 Geo CarsK 6$C$J6$$F GMC 8rucksK 5334J5366 /ontiac CarsK 6$C5J6$$C /ontiac 8rucksK 5334J533$ Oldmobile CarsK
6$C5J6$$C :aturn CarsK 6$C5J6$$C :aturn 8rucksK 5334J533$ Dummer
)omestic XC
6$$$J5334 ,uick CarsK 6$$$J5334 Cadillac CarsK 6$$$J5334 Chevrolet CarsK 6$$$J5334 Oldsmobile CarsK 6$$$J533A /ontiac CarsK 6$$$J
5334 :aturn Cars
)omestic X$
6$$$J5366 ,uick CarsK 533FJ5366 Cadillac CarsK 533FJ5366 Chevrolet CarsK 533FJ5366 /ontiac CarsK 533FJ5363 :aturn CarsK 533FJ533$
+rei!htliner 8rucksK 5335J533$ 1orkhorse 8rucks
'M*5335 J "lfa 9omeo 4FJC6K "udi F3JC6K "ustin 4CJFHK ,M1 44JC6K +iat 4FJC6K Ua!uar 4FJC6K MG 4FJC3K Mercedes ,en% 4FJC6K /eu!eot
4FJC6K /orsche 4FJC6K 9enault 4FJC6K :aab 4FJC6K 8riumph 4FJC6K &olkswa!en 44JC6K &olvo 4FJC6K Donda 4$JC6K *su%u 6$C6K Ma%da F3JC6K
Nissan 4FJC6K :ubaru FFJC6K 8o#ota 4FJC6K Chr#sler 44JC6K GM 44JC6K +ord 44JC6K Checker FCJC6K *DC 8ruck 4FJC6
All')t) 192011 310.40 Cull S%tup P)8)1%
8his is the T+ull *nstall :etupT version
6. Go to the file Tcop#JtoJhd.docT (in :upport@(tilities/)ocs) and read it
5. 9un the " installer
7. use the )evice :etup for "lldata to add #our data.
A. *f #ou are stuck !o back and read Tcop#JtoJhd.docT the part about )evice :etup for "lldata
H. * hope #ou like it0
All')t) 192011 310.40 01,14 ASIA@
$C.$C G,
/rofessional repair shops need currentK factor#Jcorrect information to meet the comple repair demands of toda#Ms automotive industr#.
"**)ata 63.A3 shops have fast access to the industr#Ms best information for vehicles from 6$C5 to present includin! 8:,sKmaintenance
schedulesK manufacturer recall informationK O' solutionsK and factor# ima!es and dia!rams .
"**)ata )&)K the leadin! computerJbased dia!nosticKrepair and estimatin! information s#stemK can help #ou boost shop performance and
build customer lo#alt# as #ou efficientl# repair more makes and reducecomebacks.
V 8he most comprehensive information for 6$C5 to present vehiclesK updated <uarterl#
V O'M ima!esK dia!rams and dia!nostic flowcharts
V /arts and labor information
V Maintenance schedules
V Manufacturer 8:,s and 9ecalls
V *nte!rated estimatin! software
V O'Mwirin! dia!rams with connectorK !roundK power distribution and splice information
V "5BW Component :earch the fastest route available to componentinformation
1hether #ou measure productivit# b# the number of vehicles repaired in a da#K the variet# of vehicles #ouMre able to work onK or the time
spenton dia!nosis and repairK usin! the ri!ht information and shop mana!ement tools is vital to the success of #our business. "**)ata can
help #ou succeed in ever#wa#. "utomotive repair shops that use the "**)ata s#stem have a clear differentiation from other repair
facilities. "**)ataJe<uipped shops can provide theircustomers with the most accurate repair estimates and proof of dia!nostic and repair
procedures. "**)ata also includes factor#Jcorrect maintenance schedulesthat itemi%e additionall# needed services. MoreoverK "**)ata
helps shops build consumer confidence and lo#alt# .
"**)ata 63.A3 Models Nist: "curaK "udiK ,mwK ,uickK CadillacK ChevroletK Chev# 8ruckK Chr#slerK )aihatsuK )od!eK 'a!leK +ordK GeoK Geo
8ruckK GMC8ruckK DondaK DummerK D#undaiK *nfinit#K *su%uK Ua!uarK .iaK .ia 8ruckK Nand9overK NeusK NincolnK /l#mouthK Ma%daK MercedesJ
,en%K Mercur#K MiniK MitsubishiK NissanJ)atsunK NissanJ)atsun8ruckK OldsmobileK /e!eoutK /ontiacK /orscheK 9enaultK :aabK :aturnK :ubaruK
:u%ukiK 8o#otaK &olkswa!enK &olvoK etc.
All')t) 192011 310.40 1.,25 EUROPEA@
$H.FA G,
ATRIS St)hl1(uA%( < T%h-$8 201".01
"89*: :tahl!ruber provides information on spare parts of cars and trucks. )ata on passen!er cars from 43MsK on the car!o from the C3Ms.
:ince 5335K the pro!ram is eecuted in the shell of 8C) and usin! data from 8C)K ecept for information on spare parts in the pro!ram
inte!rates information about the normJhoursK fuel tanksK maintenance intervalsK timin! belts installation labels and identification plates. 8his
pro!ram contains crossJreference and warehouse facilities :8"DNG9(,'9K ; wholesale price for downloadin! a file "rtikel.dat otherwise
complete analo!# 8C). 8here is a search for the ori!inal numberK the number :tahl!ruberK #ou can see the list of applicabilit# of the detailsK
select a car on the en!ineK includin! filterin! b# brand or manufacturerK also contains illustrations and photo!raphs of man# parts. /ro!ram
"89is :tahl!ruber comes on 7 )&)K can be installed in several versionsK from minimum to maimum ; network.
1hen the installation asks for the primar# customer number :tahl!ruber of 4 tsifr.&vodim an# number of the attached file and work
peacefull#. 8o !et rid of the dateK after installation run the attached re!istr# file.
*f no password is needed apde#te automaticall# updated itself. *n comparison with the 8C) has less cross J correspondin!l# smaller errors.
Ninks here (AF):$aFA5L
Au*$ Cl)0h 'V' +.2011
On this )&) #ou will find the latest data records for repro!rammin! control units on various car models. 8hese data records (data
containers) are repair solutions for use in case of costumer complaint. 8he 8echnical :ervice Dandbook alread# refers to this )&) and to
the repro!rammin! process for certain problem solutions. "fter havin! received the latest updated )&) for software adaptation of control
unitsK please dispose older outdated dicsc accordin! to the customar# defaults .
Autoo! /)(0 2011 R%l%)0% 1
8his is the first release of 5363 and the lar!est update sofarK with news both in the car database and with new pro!ram functions. 1ith the
new pro!ram functions we have put even more focus on userJfriendliness and functionalit#.
8he new pro!ram functions are:
J :ave/print out data lists
J /ersonal lo!o on reports
J ,ookmarks
J Markers for new items.
8here is a total of 57 car brands updated in 5363 9elease 6 between the #ears 6$$CJ5363.
Ninks here:$#wtp!lf%
AUTO/OM /'P Plu0 Do( /)(0 )-* T(u80 )-* E%-%($ 2.11."
Multibrand installation disk scan tool "(8OCOM C)/ /lus for Cars E 8rucks E Generic 7 in 6.
J *ntel /entium Y A 6.F GD% or better (or similar)
J 1indows FK 1indows &ista YK 1indows Y R/ (O) :/7
J 635AJ53AC M, 9"M (dependin! on operatin! s#stem)
J 6H33 M, free hard disk space
J :creen with resolution 635A F4C or better
J )&)Junit
J *nternet connection
J ,luetooth (://) or (:,
J Microsoft. N'8 +ramework 7.H
J "dobe "crobat 9eader A.3 or later
:canner functions differ for different brandsK modelsK electronic s#stems. ,asic functions J viewin! passport data of the control unitK read
and erase fault codesK view the current settin!s.
Mainl# supported b# the brand and model of vehicle:
J Citroen
J )"+
J 'vo,us
J +iat
J +ord
J D#undai
J *veco (li!ht commercial) )ail# (5333J533$)
J *veco (medium and heav# trucks)
J Ma%da
J Mercedes
J Mercedes (medium and heav# trucks)
J Mitsubish
J Opel
J /eu!eot
J 9enault (NC&s)
J 9enault (medium and heav# trucks)
J :cania
J :eat
J :koda
J 8o#ota
J &olks1a!en
J &olvo (passen!er cars and buses)
J &olvo (medium and heav# trucks)
use the ke# !enerated from the release in .e#Gen
Autoo! /)(0 SP2B )<A
7.C G,
Our bestsellin! product C"9: is a competent tool in the workshop. C"9: offers #ou a deep and wide covera!e for the most important
passen!er cars and li!ht commercial vehicles on the 'uropean market.
C"9: is a hi!hl# efficient and intelli!ent tool for the workshop with functionalities such as *ntelli!ent :#stem *dentification (*:*) and
*ntelli!ent :#stem :can (*::). C"9: come in two versionsK /9O and :C"N. 8he /9O version lets #ou dia!noseK adLust and service cars while
the :C"N version offers basic dia!nosis.
8here are man# advanta!es with usin! C"9:K like <uick and eas# installation with fast and reliable dia!nosisK which enables work shops to
service as man# customers as possibleK savin! time and earnin! mone# .
C"9: is used b# workshopsK vehicle fleet ownersK vehicle inspection servicesK roadside assistance or!ani%ationsK policeK militar# and schools .
Nicence ke#:
*) : aJF63JAF$
:N : 56H5
D1J.'I : 8'*8D8U/NU/*
Ninks here:!4Cnu6p<Lab5$$<a
Auto*)t) 3".15 , /()8%* @o At$3)t$o- @%%*
$5HM, P *:O
8echnical dataK vehicle identificationK service adLustmentsK lubricants and capacitiesK i!nition s#stemK fuel s#stemK ti!htenin! tor<uesK brake
discs and brake drumsK repair timesK wheel ali!nmentK timin! beltsK timin! chains and !earsK t#re si%es and pressuresK service illustrationsK
service schedulesK service interval indicatorsK ke# pro!rammin!K dia!nostic trouble codesK en!ine mana!ement s#stemsK pin dataK trouble
shooterK airba!s/:9:K air conditionin!K ",:K electrical component locations and wirin! dia!rams .
Auto*)t) 3".24 < 8%=1%-
8echnical dataK vehicle identificationK service adLustmentsK lubricants and capacitiesK i!nition s#stemK fuel s#stemK ti!htenin! tor<uesK brake
discs and brake drumsK repair timesK wheel ali!nmentK timin! beltsK timin! chains and !earsK t#re si%es and pressuresK service illustrationsK
service schedulesK service interval indicatorsK ke# pro!rammin!K dia!nostic trouble codesK en!ine mana!ement s#stemsK pin dataK trouble
shooterK airba!s/:9:K air conditionin!K ",:K electrical component locations and wirin! dia!rams.
Auto*)t) 3".". E0p)-ol 3%(0$o- < 3"."2
8echnical dataK vehicle identificationK service adLustmentsK lubricants and capacitiesK i!nition s#stemK fuel s#stemK ti!htenin! tor<uesK brake
discs and brake drumsK repair timesK wheel ali!nmentK timin! beltsK timin! chains and !earsK t#re si%es and pressuresK service illustrationsK
service schedulesK service interval indicatorsK ke# pro!rammin!K dia!nostic trouble codesK en!ine mana!ement s#stemsK pin dataK trouble
shooterK airba!s/:9:K air conditionin!K ",:K electrical component locations and wirin! dia!rams.
Ninks :<phd ZJJ 'spanol<kusf
Auto*)t) ".40 , I@STA## 'IS/
8echnical dataK vehicle identificationK service adLustmentsK lubricants and capacitiesK i!nition s#stemK fuel s#stemK ti!htenin!
tor<uesK brake discs and brake drumsK repair timesK wheel ali!nmentK timin! beltsK timin! chains and !earsK t#re si%es and
pressuresK service illustrationsK service schedulesK service interval indicatorsK ke# pro!rammin!K dia!nostic trouble codesK
en!ine mana!ement s#stemsK pin dataK trouble shooterK airba!s/:9:K air conditionin!K ",:K electrical component locations
and wirin! dia!rams.
Onl# install disc.
AutoM)p) +.10 EU < P# CI@A#
"utoMapa is the first satellite navi!ation s#stem to feature 7) buildin! visualisation 'uropean towns and citiesK makin! it the worldMs leadin!
car navi!ation utilit#. Owin! to its covera!e of a comprehensive road network in 'urope and the uni<ue buildin! address optionK "utoMapa
delivers unprecedented navi!ation precision on 'uropean roads. /resent 7) and ni!ht mode.
*nstalled on: /ocket/C 5337K /ocket/C 5337 :'K 1indows C' A.5K 1indows Mobile H/4K 1indows C'. N'8 H.3/4.3K 1indows R/K 1indows
&istaK 1indowsF
9elease date: 5366
&ersion: 4.63.3 (6665)
)eveloper: "<urat sp. % o.o
Nan!ua!e: multi
Nicense: patch included
Ninks here:!es4vram<vb<uler6n
"utoMapa 4.63e 6534 +inal /olska cracked<sc35
/ro!ram "8:G contains information from the firm "utomatic Of transmission Of service Of !roup on repair and servicin! of automatic
)eveloper: "(8OM"8*C 89"N:M*::*ON :'9&*C' G9O(/
/latform: win$C/R/
Nan!ua!e of the interface: onl# 'n!lish
>8abletka?: *t is present (we read instal.html in the root of disk)
*nformationK technical bulletinsK 'uropean and Uapanese automobilesK "merican automobiles. /ro!ram "8:G contains the lar!e number of
illustrationsK se<uence of dismantlin! and assemblin! of units and a!!re!atesK data on the identification of the automatic transmissions of all
basic producers are much different !eneral technical and trainin! information. )etailed description with the lar!e number of illustrations of
the se<uence of dismantlin!J assemblin!K control si%esK the flaw detection of the units. *t is sufficientl# simple and convenient in the work.
:o in the pro!ram "8:G there is a course of lectures to the instruction of repair and dia!nostics >".//?
*s especiall# useful this pro!ram "8:G will be useful the factK who deals with repair and maintenance >".//?. *t contains information on the
automobiles: "()*K "C(9"K ,M1K CD9I:N'9K +O9)K GMK DON)"K *:(B(K M"B)"K M'9C')':K M*8:(,*:D*K N*::"NK /'(G'O8K
9'N"(N8K :"",K :/'C*"NK :/'C89(MK :/9*N8K :(,"9(K 8C":':K 8OIO8"K &ON&OK &1.
AV# Su$t% 201".2 4&o(80p)% Su$t% 201".26 &$-"2/&$-+4,SS9
5.7 GB
)escription: 1orld famous for calculation workflow automobile en!ines and h#brid s#stems.
"&N /owertrain 'n!ineerin! is #our competent partner for development of innovative powertrain s#stems.
+rom )iesel en!ines to 'lectric )rivesK from "lternative +uels to Control :oftwareK from 8ransmissions to ,atteriesK we have been
supportin! the "utomotive and Mobilit# industries for more than 43 #ears.
(ni<ue s#ner!ies with "&N *nstrumentation E 8est :#stems and "&N "dvanced :imulation 8echnolo!ies lead to hi!hl# creativeK mature and
applicationJspecific solutions for our customers to meet their future market challen!es.
Dow to install:
6. *nstall "1: 5367.5
5. (se avl.dat from @:olid:[(")@ folder to setJup license server
7. "ppl# cracks from %ip files with overwrite.
A. 'nLo#0
Iear/*ssue )ate: 5367
&ersion: 5367
)eveloper : "&N Nist GMbD
)eveloper website:
,it depth: 75bitK 4Abit
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Medicine: /resent
:#stem 9e<uirements: 1indows R//&ista/F
B%-tl%= 04,200B
Ol* BM& )ppH oll%t$o-
,M1 '," 5.6
,M1 '8M
6 file
,M1 '8. 3C.5334
,M1 *N/" 4.A.7 +ull
7 files
,M1 *N/" '" $3R
63 files
,M1 *:*: )&) 5F376 MO)
73 files
,M1 *::: ,ase v5.3F
H files
,M1 *:8"J/ 5.AH
,M1 .:)
55 files
,M1 8*:
,M1 1):
6 file
,M1 1): 65.3 M(N8*
66 files
BM& A%00o($%0 /o-D$1u()to(
/latform: 1indows "ll
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK )utchK :panishK *talianK GermanK +renchK :wedish.
,M1 "ccessories Confi!urator pro!ram provides information on the ori!inal accessories (wheelsK aerod#namic packa!es and options for
colorK variet# of auiliar# e<uipment) for the car brand ,M1. "llows #ou to immediatel# (three proLections) to assess how the e<uipment will
look directl# at the machine. *nformation on all models of ,M1 6K7KHK4KFK R7K RHK B7K BA.
BM& 'IS P(o1()! 3."
BM& 'IS P(o1()! 3.2
BM& ETK 12.2011
,M1 '8. 'lectronic :pare /arts Catalo!ue contain full information about ori!inal spare parts for cars (from 6$75 #ear) and motorc#cles
(from 6$AC #ear) and also helps #ou to find parts more <uickl#K easil# and safel#. MoreoverK it is no lon!er necessar# to search in different
microfilms and listsK because #ou are provided with etensive information about the followin!:
O +(NN /"98: :'"9CD (G9"/D*C"N O9 ,I &'D*CN')
O "NN /"98 NOC"8*ON: E 8'CDN*C"N &"N(':
O +(NNI )'8"*N') BOOM",N' )*"G9"M: E /DO8OM: :DO1*NG /"98 NOC"8*ON:
O +(NN "CC'::O9I *N+O9M"8*ON +O9 "NN C"8'GO9*': *NCN()*NG:
O 'R8'9*O9 /"98:
O *N8'9*O9 /"98:
O /'9+O9M"NC' "CC'::O9*':
O :"8 N"& "N) "()*O
O ,M1 )&) :I:8'M
O */O) *N8'9+"C'
O COMM(N*C"8*ON (C"9 8'N'/DON':)
O CN'"N*NG *N+O9M"8*ON
O "'9O)IN"M*C:
O 'RD"(:8
O "NNOI 1D''N:
O :8'99*NG 1D''N:
O )OO9 'N89"NC' :89*/:
O D"N),9".' G9*/:
O G'"9 N'&'9 .NO,:
O :'N'C8O9 N'&'9 G9*/:
O *N+O8"*NM'N8
O :(N &*:O9
O :'"8:
O :(:/'N:*ON
O N*GD8:
O 9OO+ ,OR':
O N(GG"G' C"99*'9 :I:8'M:
O N(GG"G' COM/"98M'N8:
O 9OO+ 9"C.:
O 9'"9 ,*CICN' C"99*'9:
O M*99O9:
O CN'"N*NG :ON(8*ON:
O )OG :"+'8I .*8:
O :/'C*"N "//N*C"8*ON:
O *N8'9*O9 89*M +*N*:D':
O CD*N) :'"8:
O :8O9"G' :ON(8*ON:
Ninks here:
BM& ETK 2012.01
,M1 '8. 'lectronic :pare /arts Catalo!ue contain full information about ori!inal spare parts for cars (from 6$75 #ear) and motorc#cles
(from 6$AC #ear) and also helps #ou to find parts more <uickl#K easil# and safel#. MoreoverK it is no lon!er necessar# to search in different
microfilms and listsK because #ou are provided with etensive information about the followin!:
O +(NN /"98: :'"9CD (G9"/D*C"N O9 ,I &'D*CN')
O "NN /"98 NOC"8*ON: E 8'CDN*C"N &"N(':
O +(NNI )'8"*N') BOOM",N' )*"G9"M: E /DO8OM: :DO1*NG /"98 NOC"8*ON:
O +(NN "CC'::O9I *N+O9M"8*ON +O9 "NN C"8'GO9*': *NCN()*NG:
O 'R8'9*O9 /"98:
O *N8'9*O9 /"98:
O /'9+O9M"NC' "CC'::O9*':
O :"8 N"& "N) "()*O
O ,M1 )&) :I:8'M
O */O) *N8'9+"C'
O COMM(N*C"8*ON (C"9 8'N'/DON':)
O CN'"N*NG *N+O9M"8*ON
O "'9O)IN"M*C:
O 'RD"(:8
O "NNOI 1D''N:
O :8'99*NG 1D''N:
O )OO9 'N89"NC' :89*/:
O D"N),9".' G9*/:
O G'"9 N'&'9 .NO,:
O :'N'C8O9 N'&'9 G9*/:
O *N+O8"*NM'N8
O :(N &*:O9
O :'"8:
O :(:/'N:*ON
O N*GD8:
O 9OO+ ,OR':
O N(GG"G' C"99*'9 :I:8'M:
O N(GG"G' COM/"98M'N8:
O 9OO+ 9"C.:
O 9'"9 ,*CICN' C"99*'9:
O M*99O9:
O CN'"N*NG :ON(8*ON:
O )OG :"+'8I .*8:
O :/'C*"N "//N*C"8*ON:
O *N8'9*O9 89*M +*N*:D':
O CD*N) :'"8:
O :8O9"G' :ON(8*ON:
Ninks here:
BM& ETK 2012.02
,M1 '8. 'lectronic :pare /arts Catalo!ue contain full information about ori!inal spare parts for cars (from 6$75 #ear) and motorc#cles
(from 6$AC #ear) and also helps #ou to find parts more <uickl#K easil# and safel#. MoreoverK it is no lon!er necessar# to search in different
microfilms and listsK because #ou are provided with etensive information about the followin!:
O +(NN /"98: :'"9CD (G9"/D*C"N O9 ,I &'D*CN')
O "NN /"98 NOC"8*ON: E 8'CDN*C"N &"N(':
O +(NNI )'8"*N') BOOM",N' )*"G9"M: E /DO8OM: :DO1*NG /"98 NOC"8*ON:
O +(NN "CC'::O9I *N+O9M"8*ON +O9 "NN C"8'GO9*': *NCN()*NG:
O 'R8'9*O9 /"98:
O *N8'9*O9 /"98:
O /'9+O9M"NC' "CC'::O9*':
O :"8 N"& "N) "()*O
O ,M1 )&) :I:8'M
O */O) *N8'9+"C'
O COMM(N*C"8*ON (C"9 8'N'/DON':)
O CN'"N*NG *N+O9M"8*ON
O "'9O)IN"M*C:
O 'RD"(:8
O "NNOI 1D''N:
O :8'99*NG 1D''N:
O )OO9 'N89"NC' :89*/:
O D"N),9".' G9*/:
O G'"9 N'&'9 .NO,:
O :'N'C8O9 N'&'9 G9*/:
O *N+O8"*NM'N8
O :(N &*:O9
O :'"8:
O :(:/'N:*ON
O N*GD8:
O 9OO+ ,OR':
O N(GG"G' C"99*'9 :I:8'M:
O N(GG"G' COM/"98M'N8:
O 9OO+ 9"C.:
O 9'"9 ,*CICN' C"99*'9:
O M*99O9:
O CN'"N*NG :ON(8*ON:
O )OG :"+'8I .*8:
O :/'C*"N "//N*C"8*ON:
O *N8'9*O9 89*M +*N*:D':
O CD*N) :'"8:
O :8O9"G' :ON(8*ON:
*N +"C8 "NI8D*NG IO( N'') 8O .NO1 ",O(8 ,M1 /"98: "N) "CC'::O9*':0
8he function of /"98: :'"9CD lead #ou throu!h the search processK from vehicle identification throu!h the actual parts search to the
dia!rams and the parts list which #ou use to assemble the parts for #our order.
,efore searchin! for a partK #ou must identif# the vehicle for which the part is intended. 8his limits the selection of possible parts to that
particular vehicle. Generall#K the vehicle is identified b# enterin! the CD"::*: N(M,'9. 8he last F di!its of the chassis number recorded
on the re!istration are used for this. *f the chassis number is unknownK the &'D*CN' )"8" can be entered instead. Iou make #our
selections in series from left to ri!ht.
/ro!ram occupies one )&)K support onl# full installation on D)) and re<uire 6.5Gb of free space. +or interface available too man# lan!ua!es.
BM& ETK 2012.10
BM& ETK 2012.10
One link:
BM& ETK 2012.11
BM& ETK 2012.12
,M1 '8. 'lectronic :pare /arts Catalo!ue contain full information about ori!inal spare parts for cars (from 6$75 #ear) and motorc#cles
(from 6$AC #ear) and also helps #ou to find parts more <uickl#K easil# and safel#. MoreoverK it is no lon!er necessar# to search in different
microfilms and listsK because #ou are provided with etensive information about the followin!:
O +(NN /"98: :'"9CD (G9"/D*C"N O9 ,I &'D*CN')
O "NN /"98 NOC"8*ON: E 8'CDN*C"N &"N(':
O +(NNI )'8"*N') BOOM",N' )*"G9"M: E /DO8OM: :DO1*NG /"98 NOC"8*ON:
O +(NN "CC'::O9I *N+O9M"8*ON +O9 "NN C"8'GO9*': *NCN()*NG:
O 'R8'9*O9 /"98:
O *N8'9*O9 /"98:
O /'9+O9M"NC' "CC'::O9*':
O :"8 N"& "N) "()*O
O ,M1 )&) :I:8'M
O */O) *N8'9+"C'
O COMM(N*C"8*ON (C"9 8'N'/DON':)
O CN'"N*NG *N+O9M"8*ON
O "'9O)IN"M*C:
O 'RD"(:8
O "NNOI 1D''N:
O :8'99*NG 1D''N:
O )OO9 'N89"NC' :89*/:
O D"N),9".' G9*/:
O G'"9 N'&'9 .NO,:
O :'N'C8O9 N'&'9 G9*/:
O *N+O8"*NM'N8
O :(N &*:O9
O :'"8:
O :(:/'N:*ON
O N*GD8:
O 9OO+ ,OR':
O N(GG"G' C"99*'9 :I:8'M:
O N(GG"G' COM/"98M'N8:
O 9OO+ 9"C.:
O 9'"9 ,*CICN' C"99*'9:
O M*99O9:
O CN'"N*NG :ON(8*ON:
O )OG :"+'8I .*8:
O :/'C*"N "//N*C"8*ON:
O *N8'9*O9 89*M +*N*:D':
O CD*N) :'"8:
O :8O9"G' :ON(8*ON:
*N +"C8 "NI8D*NG IO( N'') 8O .NO1 ",O(8 ,M1 /"98: "N) "CC'::O9*':0
8he function of /"98: :'"9CD lead #ou throu!h the search processK from vehicle identification throu!h the actual parts search to the
dia!rams and the parts list which #ou use to assemble the parts for #our order.
,efore searchin! for a partK #ou must identif# the vehicle for which the part is intended. 8his limits the selection of possible parts to that
particular vehicle. Generall#K the vehicle is identified b# enterin! the CD"::*: N(M,'9. 8he last F di!its of the chassis number recorded
on the re!istration are used for this. *f the chassis number is unknownK the &'D*CN' )"8" can be entered instead. Iou make #our
selections in series from left to ri!ht.
/ro!ram occupies one )&)K support onl# full installation on D)) and re<uire 6.5Gb of free space. +or interface available too man# lan!ua!es.
BM& ETK 201".02 7 VIP l$-80
B!w ETK 201".12 7 VIP l$-80
)escription: ,M1 '8. contains the whole ran!e of items offered for sale b# ,M1 Group and is intended to facilitate the retrieval of
necessar# spare parts (car parts and motorc#cle)K supplies and accessories.
8o do this at #our disposal a variet# of search functionsK such as searchin! b# nameK b# part numberK etc. *n addition K the s#stem provides
#ou with detailed information on specific detailsK as well as the abilit# to create soJcalled parts list of found parts.
*nstallin! ,M1 '8.:
6 8he computer name must be in Natin.
5 ports should be set in 635F and 635C durin! the installationK in the lower fields will alread# be 535A
and 535H.
7 server addresses blank.
A Catalo! 99 is set if a password oford65.
H Market choose 'astern 'urope.
4 Compan# and business partner *) 6 and 6 (in both fields).
*nstallin! from a )&) or a virtual disk is loaded with
Dow to check &*N ,M1 without this director#
*f #ou onl# need to check the validit# of the vehicle &*N (serial number)K model #ear and setK the# can install this catalo! does not make
sense. 8o do thisK easier to use online services b# t#pe
Iear: 5367
&ersion: 65/5367
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
8ablet: Not re<uired
BM& ETK 2014.01 32.2.00 Mult$l)-1u)l , VIP l$-80
)escription: ,M1 '8. contains the whole ran!e of items offered for sale b# ,M1 Group and is intended to
facilitate the retrieval of necessar# spare parts (car parts and motorc#cle)K supplies and accessories.
8o do this at #our disposal a variet# of search functionsK such as searchin! b# nameK b# part number K
etc. *n addition K the s#stem provides #ou with detailed information on specific detailsK as well as the
abilit# to create soJcalled parts list of found parts.
6 8he computer name must be in Natin.
5 ports should be set in 635F and 635C durin! the installationK in the lower fields will alread# be 535A
and 535H.
7 server addresses blank.
A Catalo! 99 is set if a password oford65.
H Market choose 'astern 'urope.
4 Compan# and business partner *) 6 and 6 (in both fields).
Dow to check &*N ,M1 without this director#
*f #ou onl# need to check the validit# of the vehicle &*N (serial number)K model #ear and setK the# can
install this catalo! does not make sense. 8o do thisK easier to use online services b# t#pe
Iear/*ssue )ate : 5367
&ersion: 5.5.33
)eveloper : ,M1 "G
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
8ablet: Not re<uired
BM& ETM T' 01.200+ E@
BM& ET1 344
6.56 G,
,M1 G86 Group 8est One )ia!nostic
G86 can complete covera!e of "NN ,M1 s#stemsKone thin! that can onl# be done usin! the G86K this function is called 'lectronic Control
(nit ('C() pro!rammin! and confi!uration.
G86 can complete covera!e of "NN ,M1 s#stemsKone thin! that can onl# be done usin! the G86K this function is called 'lectronic Control
(nit ('C() pro!rammin! and confi!uration. Man# of the ori!inal electronic s#stems on modern vehicles can now be re pro!rammed usin!
software\ historicall# an# chan!es to rectif# software problems would involve a new 'C( which would be purchased from the parts
department and that is the onl# wa# that the independent market toda# is able to overcome these problems. 8he ,M1 G86 s#stem allows
#ou re pro!ramme all ,M1 car 'C(]]s to fi software or to install a blank 'C( to a repaired vehicle. G86 is the onl# s#stem that allows #ou
to do this and is absolutel# essential if workin! on +reelanderKthe G86 is also the onl# s#stem that provides all dia!nostics and pro!rammin!
for the ver# latest ,M1 launched this #ear.
BM& ET1 3.2
BM& ET1 3.2
BM& ISI' 2."0
BM& ISTA/' 2.21.1
*t is a dia!nostic tool assemblies auto brand ,M1 "GK used in toda#Ms comple software aparatures car dia!nostics ,M1 *:*:. *ntelli!ent
:afet# *nformation :#stem (*:*:) J 8his new facilit#K which came to replace the )*: and /ro!man ::: .
BM& ISTA/' 4ISI'6 2."0 V!w)(% 3%(0$o- 7 VIP l$-80
BM& ISTA/P 2.40.0
,M1 *:8"// 5.A3.3 is an archive of firmware for *N/"K /9OGM"NK not the full version. 8he names understandable to the public bodies
provide data firmware. *f #ou are not faced with the firmware update data better and should not be usin! them more J all these wa#s to
update to the end is not updated and ma# lead to fatal conse<uencesK thus ,# downloadin! this file #ou should be aware of the possibilities
and conse<uences of its use0
Iear: 5363
Nicense: +reeware
/assword if needed: from@chan!5
BM& I@PA/E*$)A)0 < 'IS Mult$l$-1u)l
'n!ineerin! Comple ,M1 *npa/'diabas until recentl# used b# the staff of all departments and branches of the ,M1 to developK debu!K
and test electronic control units produced b# the concern of all vehicles.
Iear: 5334
&ersion: 5334
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
:#stem re<uirements:
Operatin! s#stem 1indows Y $C/5333/R//&*:8" (in compatibilit# mode for R/)/1inF (in compatibilit# mode for R/)\
/rocessor *ntel /entiumJ** Y 733MD% or e<uivalent\
8he amount of 9"M to 4AM,\
+ree hard disk space A33 M,\
COMJport or (:,Jport (dependin! on the version of the adapter).
*n addition to the en!ineerin! functions of the comple also has a comprehensive dia!nostic capabilities. 8hanks to its ori!inal purpose
scanner provides access to an# vehicle 'C(. +unctions for readin! the realJtime parameters and test actuators can verif# the correctness
of an# controlK whether it be a button or a potentiometer. *f desiredK #ou can track the position of each damper climate control unitK or
adLust the volume usin! the radio is connected throu!h the dia!nostic socket of a /C.
8he software comple has a modular desi!n consistin! of a dia!nostic module interface (connects vehicle and scanner)K module codin!K
network module (allows #ou to run dia!nostics from a remote computer on the N"N)K an emulator of the individual control unitsK interpreter
and compiler dia!nostic scripts. 8he latter function is particularl# interestin! because it allows #ou to perform as a read#Jmade dia!nostic
al!orithmsK and create #our own. )espite the compleit# of the software s#stem it was ver# detailed documented. Dowever most of the
descriptions drawn up in German. )ia!nostic *nterface Nan!ua!e J 'n!lish or German.
(nlike previous versions of *npa/'diabas vH.3K as well as subse<uent versions (H.3.5 and others) J a full 75Jbit applications 1indowsK no
problems runnin! under 1in$CK N8 and R/K as well as &*:8" and 1inF (in compatibilit# mode for R/).
8he list of cars that are supported b# the interface O,): '74 (some)K '7CK '7$K 'A4K 'H5K 'H7K '43K '4HK 'C7K 'CHK 'CFK '$3K Mini 9H3K
9olls 9o#ce 996
8he list of cars that are supported b# the interface "):: '76K '75K '7AK '74
8he list of cars that are supported b# an interface )JCan: '43K '46 from 37/533F\ 'C7 from 3$/5334\ 'C6K 'CF from 37/533F\ '$3K '$6K
'$5K '$7 from 37/533F\ 'F3/'F6\ 9H4
8he list of supported 'C(: "ll the ,M1 unreleased until now (our cards can work with *N/" ,M1 +J:eries J contact us to set up).
8he functionalit# of the device:
*dentification of the parameters of the 'C(\
9ead fault codes\
9emovin! trouble codes\
9ead the realJtime parameters\
9eadin! the contents of the memor# control unit\
Monitorin! compliance with codesK &*N and milea!e in the memor# of various 'CM\
Codin! of 'C(\
"ctivation of the actuators\
'mulation of the various control units\
"ctivation/deactivation of en!ineerin! functions.
1hen usin! the scanner must be careful. 8he pro!ram contains special features and en!ineerin! re!imesK such as preservation of various
'CM to reduce power consumption for lon!Jterm parkin! lot. *f #ou accidentall# activate this feature most of the car electronics will !o into
Tdeep sleepT and #ou have to spend a lot of time for their reJactivation. " thou!htless use of an interpreter when #ou create #our own
dia!nostic al!orithm in !eneral can lead to unpredictable conse<uences.
BM& KTS"40 , VIP l$-80
BM& M)-u)l0 P)8
,i!!est collection of ,M1 Manuals for: '57K '5AK '5CK '5C tech manualK '73K '76K '75K '7AK '74K '74JFK '7CK '7$K 'A4K 'H7K 'CHK '$3K
MiniK 75HK 773K H5HK 4AHK FAH. M7K RHK BAK from 6$C5 to 5334 and others.
BM& Moto(()* R%p)$( M)-u)l0 K,0%($%0
Manuals for:
. 6533 G8
. 6533 9
. 6533 9 :port
. 6533 :
. 6533 G8 ((:")
. 6533 9 ((:")
. 6533 9 :port ((:")
. 6533 : ((:")
Ninks here:
BM& Moto(()* R%p)$( )-* S%(3$% ')t) 201".0" Mult$l$-1u)l 7 VIP l$-80
F.45 G,
)escription: )&) T9epair and :ervice )ata ,M1 MotorradT (9:)) service includes technical dataK broken
down b# the followin! t#pes of information:
*nstructions for repair and maintenance of ,M1 motorc#cles
Guidelines on 9e!ulator# work
:ervice Manuals
*nstallation !uides for stations
plans 8O
technical characteristics
ti!htenin! tor<ues
/lans presales
service data
'tras. *nformation: /rovides information on all relevant motorc#cle brand ,M1 (includin! throu!h the water !oose and scooters ,M1)
Iear/)ate: 5367/37
&ersion: 5H
:#stem re<uirements : 9e<uirements Dardware
/rocessor: /entium or compatible
Clock +re<uenc#: H33 MD%
Memor# 9"M: at least 6 G,
Graphic card : 8ruecolor
)rive )&): 63Jspeed
Monitor: not less than 635A F4C piels
Operatin! :#stem 9e<uirements
Operatin! s#stem: 1indows 5333 or hi!her
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
8ablet: Not re<uired
BM& PROEMA@ 3"20 7 VIP l$-80
BM& PS'I'ATA 2.+4."
BM& SP,')t%- 345.1
64.H 3G,
'74K '7CK '7$K 'A4K 'H5K 'H7K '43 (Her ; 4er)K '4H (Fer)K 'F3 (RH)K 'C7 (R7)K 'CH (BA)K 'C$ (6er ; 7er)K 9H3K 9H4K 996
BM& SP,')t%- 2..1.1 201".11 7 VIP l$-80
BM& SSS 341
,M1 /9OGM"N version 75 pro!ram disks 6 E 5 used for adLustin! #our ,M1 +actor# 'C( without the dealer from a laptop. 9e<uires
speciali%ed cable for either O,)* or O,)** cars.
/9OGM"N is a ,M1 software based s#stem desi!ned to reside on a specific set of hardware confi!uration (::: or :::r5) that will allow
software updates to up to five cars at a time. *t will update the 'N8*9' vehicle (over 5H different defined subJs#stems in each ,M1) not
Lust one area such as )M'/'C(. *t re<uires special ,M1 supplied connectors and connectivit# to perform this function althou!h standard
ports (O,) **) are allowed but not the most efficient.
8he /9OGM"NK formerl# known as C*/ (/ro!rammin!K Codin! and *ndividuali%ation)K updates are distributed to dealers in )&) form for
maLor chan!es and those maLor chan!es can have several minor updates distributed via ,M12 online s#stem. 'ven now man# dealers and
owners are confused b# the use of /9OGM"N and / or C*/ references but neither reall# tells #ou what software #ou have. 8hat reall# is
defined b# the 8ar!et )ata :tatus (8):) which nails down the vehicle seriesK month/#ear and level of the actual installed software on a
Now to add to this alread# confused state comes *:8"//. *:8"// is the new pro!rammin! tool desi!ned to replace /9OGM"N. "nd it will
have new numberin! convention.
BM& Tol%()-% ')t) 200B.2
Bo0h ESI:t(o-$; 1/2011 'V' J"
8his is o-l= )&) 7 of the app.
,osch ':* tronic 5366.6 is a pro!ram to work with blocks of dia!nostics firm ,O:CDK bod#work and etensive catalo! of all production of
firm 9obert ,osch GmbD. *nformation about auto partsK labor hoursK adLustin! the data pump.,osch ':*tronic pro!ram supports all
lan!ua!es includin! 9ussianK has a nice interface that allows #ou to search b# part number ,osch or an# other manufacturerK !ives
information on the application of specific parts b# make and model.8he bulk of the information presented on the machines since 6$F6K but
somethin! that is and on earlier models.
,osch ':*tronic pro!ram is a valuable tool for those who are en!a!ed in repair and spare parts for machinesK includes complete information
on the airK electrical and fuel s#stems in 'uropeK and also partiall# "merican and Uapanese cars
)ate of 9elease: 5366
&ersion: 66.6.6.H
:#stem re<uirements:
/rocessor: /entium *&/5 GD%
9"M: H65 M,
+ree hard disk space: "t least 53 G,
)rive )&): 65Jspeed
*nterfaces: 6 parallelK 5 serialK 5 (:, 5.3
)ispla#: 6F inch
9esolution: 635AF4C
1indows R/ /rofessional :ervice /ack 5
*nternetJ'plorer 4.3 :ervice /ack
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
Bo0h ESI:t(o-$; O2.2OII
66.F G,
:pare parts catalo! ':*>tronic? presents an etensive director# of all products firm 9obert ,osch GmbD. *nformation about auto partsK
labor hoursK adLustin! the data inLection pumpK the pro!ram to work with blocks of dia!nostic firm ,O:CDK electrical wirin!K etc. ,osch
':*tronic pro!ram supports all lan!ua!es ]]includin! 9ussianK has a !ood interface allows #ou to search b# part number ,osch or an# other
manufacturerK !ives information on the application of specific parts b# make and model .
8he bulk of the information presented on the machines since 6$F6K but somethin! is and more earlier models .
':*>tronic? O5.5O** will dramaticall# increase #our capabilities with General Motors vehicles. 1e have added thousands of new codesK data
parameters in our :naplist and controls with the new release. More function testsK more controls and more trouble code information than
ever before. 8his update powers up #our capabilities with our .8: :can 8ool series .
Bo0h ESI:t(o-$; 0".2011
8echnical information is becomin! a decisive factor in ensurin! workshop survivalK and with our ':*>tronic? softwareK #ou !et the entire
knowJhow of ,osch available to #ou in #our workshop.
':*>tronic? software is )&)Jbased technical information that powers our .8: ran!e of dia!nostic testersK which can be used on #our
workshop /C. *t is a uni<ueK modular offerin!K so #ou can tailor #our ':*>tronic? packa!e to the individual needs of #our workshop. 8o ensure
that #ou can also service new vehicles without problemsK the ':*>tronic? data is updated A times a #ear.
,osch ':*>8ronic? *nformation :#stem represents the etensive catalo!ue of all production of 9obert ,osch GmbD. Catalo!ue ,osch ':*
contains the catalo!ue of spare parts of all production ,oschK repair manualsK serviceK wirin! dia!rams. ,osch ':* tronic software supports
all lan!ua!esK has the !ood interfaceK allows to search under number of ,osch parts or an# other manufacturerK !ives out the information on
application concrete spare parts on marks and models. 'lectronic catalo!ue ,osch ':*tronic is the valuable !rant for those who is en!a!ed in
repair and deliver# of spare parts for cars and lorriesK motorc#clesK contains the full information on pneumoK electro and 'uropean fuel
s#stemsK and also partiall# "merican and Uapanese lorries.
Bo0h ESI:t(o-$; 04.2011
Iear/)ate of 9elease: 5366
&ersion: 5366/A
:#stem 9e<uirements: 1indows R/ /rofessional :ervice /ack 7
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
Medicine: NO
)escription: )irector# of auto parts ,osch ':* tronic is a comprehensive director# of all
production of firm 9obert ,osch GmbD. *nformation about auto partsK labor hoursK ali!nment
)ata inLection pumpK the pro!ram to work with blocks of dia!nostics firm ,O:CDK electric circuitsK etc.
Ninks here:
Bo0h ESI:t(o-$; 201".01 7 VIP l$-80
8echnical information is becomin! a decisive factor in ensurin! workshop survivalK and with our ':*>tronic? softwareK #ou !et the entire
knowJhow of ,osch available to #ou in #our workshop.
':*>tronic? software is )&)Jbased technical information that powers our .8: ran!e of dia!nostic testersK which can be used on #our
workshop /C. *t is a uni<ueK modular offerin!K so #ou can tailor #our ':*>tronic? packa!e to the individual needs of #our workshop. 8o ensure
that #ou can also service new vehicles without problemsK the ':*>tronic? data is updated A times a #ear.
,osch ':*>8ronic? *nformation :#stem represents the etensive catalo!ue of all production of 9obert ,osch GmbD. Catalo!ue ,osch ':*
contains the catalo!ue of spare parts of all production ,oschK repair manualsK serviceK wirin! dia!rams. ,osch ':* tronic software supports
all lan!ua!esK has the !ood interfaceK allows to search under number of ,osch parts or an# other manufacturerK !ives out the information on
application concrete spare parts on marks and models. 'lectronic catalo!ue ,osch ':*tronic is the valuable !rant for those who is en!a!ed in
repair and deliver# of spare parts for cars and lorriesK motorc#clesK contains the full information on pneumoK electro and 'uropean fuel
s#stemsK and also partiall# "merican and Uapanese lorries.
,9C software with which #ou are settin! !as e<uipment for car en!ine .
/latform: /C
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK *talian
Compatibilit# with &ista: unknown
&ersion: &er.6J7
Iear: 5334
Nicense: +reeware
/)( /h$p Tu-$-1 Tool0 7 VIP l$-80
8he best and hu!e collection for auto tunin!0
*n the archive: "uto 8apK "uto'n!inuit#J:canJ8oolK ,osch Car 'C( :cannerK Car :canner ,M1K ctpro56HK )ia!v6.5K ',(9NK ewriterK
flashboosterK +N":D/9OGK GalepK GM :cantool &6.6K kwpaspK Mob# :cannerK O), **K O,)7K /9OG :8()*O H65K :can MasterK :cantoolK
&"G COMK &ehikle 'plorerK &18OONK 1inols...
Ori!inal and tunned eeproms for: "()*K ,M1K CD9I:N'9K C*89O'NK +'99"9*K +*"8K +O9)K DI(N)"*K .iaK N"NC*"K M"B)"K
M'9C')':K MitsubischiK N*::"NK O/'NK /'(G'O8K 9'N"(N8K 9O&'9K :'"8K :.O)"K &ON&OK &1.
/)( !o0t w)-t%* tool0 4)(Ktool0Kw26 7 VIP l$-80
*n the pack:
/)( w$(% *$)1()!0
Over 7333 files (photos and pdfs) with dia!rams for man# t#pes of cars (Ma%daK +ordK ChevroletK &1K /ontiacK "curaK OpelK )Od!eK UeepK
8o#otaK etc) .
)ia!rams for: doorlocksK li!htsK central lockin!K i!nitionsK parkin! li!hts and others .
/)t%(p$ll)( ET 2010A 40".20106 31.1 $-l. 8%=1%-
1hatMs New J Cat '8 5363":
J &*:8" Operatin! :#stem and 1indows F
J )ual )ata Nink (sin! 8hird /art# Communication "dapters
J Customer :upport /hone Numbers
J Colors of Graph Nines
J /roduct Nink 8rainin!
J /ro!rammable Monitorin! :#stem
*f #ou have 'rror 6F53 download it:,$
/AT ET '$)1-o0t$ 2010A,2010B,2010/ 3.1.0
5 ke#!ens inside.
/)t%(p$ll)( P($% #$0t 2011
/h%3(ol%t Eu(op% EP/ 0+.2011 4.15
Contains catalo! of parts and accessories for the car compan# Chevrolet.
+eedback from users of the most perfect wa# to install (m# thanks and :terver &adimH$ and listed below for users to publish this method
in the distribution):
TM# two cents and thanks for GrowerrrrJin methodolo!# and :nupp# for clarifications as to run.
DereMs a little more chewed solution
*nstallation *nstructions '/CA 34/5363
6. 1e take the ima!eK mount in an# wa#K take out with him all the files (^ H.6 Gb).
6a. autorun.inf and throwin! in the basket
5. :et GMG*nfrastructure _ GMG*nfrastructure.msi (:tandartalone)
7. :et GM'"pplication _ GM'"pplication.msi
A. :et GMGNocal), _ GMGNocal),.msi
H. :et GM'9om), _ GM'9om),.msi
4. Open the :tart menuK eecute
and the popJnative )O: window eecute alternatel# three commands:
+or 1indows R/
:'8 /"8D S TC: _ /ro!ram +iles _ :napJon ,usiness :olutions _ Global '/C _ GM _ Lre6.4.3@35 _ binT\ /"8D
cd TC: _ /ro!ram +iles _ :napJon ,usiness :olutions _ Global '/C _ GM _ Confi!uratorT
LavaJLar Confi!urator.Lar
+or 1indows F
:'8 /"8D S TC: _ /ro!ram +iles (C4) _ :napJon ,usiness :olutions _ Global '/C _ GM _ Lre6.4.3@35 _ binT\ /"8D
cd TC: _ /ro!ram +iles (C4) _ :napJon ,usiness :olutions _ Global '/C _ GM _ Confi!uratorT
LavaJLar Confi!urator.Lar
,efore their eecution must !o to the root of drive C: b# t#pin! Tcd _T without <uotes of courseK but with a space between cd and _
strin! takes the form C: _Q
"nd then eecute commands ver# carefull# dependin! on what t#pe or Lust cop# from here. Dot ke#s in )O: Osovska#a window does not
workK onl# the mouse.
Iou can use the attached file CM). Iou must first correct the path to the folders accordin! to #our settin!s.
F. 9estartin! the computer
C. Open *' and enter the address of the code:
(all different)
... "nd enLo# a full# workin! version '/CA
8hank GrowerrrrJin for the procedure and :nupp# for assistance in writin! is simplif#in! the user T
:pare parts catalo!ue Chevrolet / )aewoo is ori!inal spare parts catalo! (parts book) for all models and en!ines of Chevrolet / )aewoo cars.
8he pro!ram :pare parts catalo!ue Chevrolet / )aewoo includes workshop and s#stem manualsK repair instructionsK wirin! dia!rams h#draulic
lines and dia!nostic software for all models and en!ines of Chevrolet / )aewoo
Chevrolet / )aewoo :pare parts catalo!ueconsist ori!inal spare parts and accessories catalo!ue for all models Chevrolet GM )aewooK
european market.
'lectronic spare parts catalo!ue )aewoo Chevrolet includes features:
&*N / /OC decodin! and filterin! displa#s vehicleJspecific parts information.
&ehicle and !roup indees.
Ninks between tet and illustrations.
,ookmarks enable an eas# return to parts information.
Boom feature for instant access to enlar!ed ima!es.
*nstant access to #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem.
Capacit# to customi%e parts data b# addin! #our own notes.
Online help screens minimi%e new user trainin! time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usa!e of maLor functions.
/rint hi!hJ<ualit# tet and illustrations.
Models represented in spare parts catalo!ue GM Chevrolet )aewoo '/C:
Chevrolet 'urope:
Chevrolet "&'O (85H3/85HH) 5334J533$
Chevrolet '/*C" (&5H3) 533FJ533
Chevrolet '&"N)" (&533) 5337J5334
Chevrolet ."NO: ; "&'O (8533) 5337J533C
Chevrolet N"C'88* ; N(,*9" ; O/89" (U533) 5337J533$
Chevrolet N"NO: (8633) 6$$FJ5335
Chevrolet / )aewoo N'G"NB" (&633) 6$$CJ5335
)aewoo M"8*B ; Chevrolet :/"9. (M633) 6$$CJ533H
)aewoo M"8*B ; Chevrolet :/"9. (M533) 533HJ533$
Chevrolet 8"C(M" ; 9'BBO ((633) 5333J533C
)aewoo N(,*9" (U633) 6$$FJ6$$$
)aewoo N(,*9" (U6H3) 6$$$J5337
Chevrolet DD9 (D9') 533CJ533$
Chevrolet C"/8*&" (C633) 533FJ533$
Chevrolet C9(B' (U733) 5363J5363
/h%3(ol%t Eu(op% TIS 302.1B.20.11 E-1 02.2011
8itle: Chevrolet 'urope 8*:
Iear/issue date: 5366
&ersion: 3F.6$.53.66
)eveloper: General Motors
:#stem: 1indows 5333/R//5337
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Nicense: +reeware
8he Guide for complete information on dealer Chevrolet 'urope 8*: 'uropean assembl# of Chevrolet: repair manualsK service informationK
dia!nosisK preJsalesK wirin! dia!ramsK interpretation of dia!nostic trouble codes )8C (dia!nostic codes)K as well as standard watch.
Catalo! (64):
/HIP Tu-$-1 "0000
Over 73333 files ori!inal and modified files for all models of cars: "lfa 9omeoK "udiK ,M1K ChevroletK Chr#slerK citroenK )aewooK )ucatiK
+errariK +iatK +O9)K DondaK D#undaiK Ua!uarK UeepK .*"K NanciaK Nand 9overK MaseratiK Ma%daK MercedesK MitsubishiK NissanK OpelK /eu!eotK
/orscheK 9enaultK 9overK :aabK seatK :kodaK :martK :ubaruK su%ukiK 8o#otaK &auhallK &olvoK &1 and others model.
Ninks : see TU@I@E CI#ES 'V'
/$t(o%- #ASER 3+..
'lectronic parts catalo!K akssessuarovK as well as online documentation of repair and maintenance of vehicles Citroen 6$$3J5333Ms (startin!
with the "RK ,RK and to C7K CHK CC).
*t is intended for authori%ed service centers. /art Numbers J ori!inal.
Nan!ua!e J 'n!lishK +renchK German etc (not 9ussian). Confi!ured durin! the installation (please0 installation menu as +renchJspeakin!K do not
look at the :elect option T'n!lishT J 'n!lish there is listed as T"n!laisT). /owered b# &*N search the car connected to a central server
Citroen J determined the eact release dateK and complete accessories.
*nstallation instructions ('n!lish and 9ussian versions) J in the Tinstruction which to install.T ,e sure to follow "NN items. Iou will need
&itrual )rive. *t is better to use the seventh versionK which is attached. Ninth ima!es do not readK checked himself.
'tras. *nformation:
8ip: Iou should carefull# read all the setup menuK and after its completion J stud# !uide for use. Iou will learn man# new thin!sK such as how
to connect to a central server and Citroen on the &*N to !et full information about the carK since the eact date of release to the color of
carpets in the cabin.
/ITROE@ S%(3$% Box P)(t0 )-* R%p)$( < SE'RE 0B.2011
'lectronic Catalo! Citroen :ervice ,o 3$.5366 contains complete information on all car companiesK includin! new models. :upplied catalo!
Citroen on 7 )&)K supports multiple lan!ua!es. Catalo! of Citroen :ervice ,o 3$.5366 contains parts catalo!K complete information about
the detailsK searchK standardJsettin! clockK there is work to &*N or modelK decodin! of each position &*NK documentation of repairs and
Citroen :ervice ,o 3$.5366 J the successor catalo! Citroen N":'9tech. 8he catalo! Citroen :ervice ,o 3$.5366 provides information for
the selection of auto parts and accesoriesK as well as documentation on repair and maintenance of car Citroen. 9eplacement site :erveur
prote!eK onl# in this director# are available partitionsK which are pa#able on site. +ull search on the &*NJcode. ,uilt on a clientJserver
technolo!# LavaJbasedK works throu!h a browser b# settin! a time on the serverK it can be to clin! to the client machines.
:upported lan!ua!es:
'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK NetherlandsK Norwe!ianK /olishK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK
:wedishK Uapanese.
'tras. *nformation:
Citroen :ervice ,o 3$.5366J parts catalo! .
:')9' J repairsK dia!nosticsK circuit time norms .
Ninks here:
/o!p)SoDt 2011.02
:oftware for devices ,osch +:". *ncludes :#stem:oft and :ompac:oft
:#stem:oft includes:
8estJvehicle s#stems
JGeneral !uidelines for the testin!
J:oftware for the si!nal !eneratorK oscilloscope and multimetra
:ompac:oft includes:
J8estin! of vehicle components
DowJtestin! on a specific vehicle
J)atabase of customers
Ninks here:
/h(=0l%( PAIS 2012.05
Chr#sler /ais *nternational A spare parts catalo! for Chr#slerK )od!eK UeepK /l#mouthK 'a!leK all marketsK vin decodin! 6$CAJ5367.
Chr#sler *nternational /"*: A /arts *nformation:
6$CHJcurrent (all makes and models).
"ccessor# information.
Chr#sler *nternational /"*: A Nan!ua!es "vailable:
'n!lishK +renchK GermanK *talianK /ortu!ueseK :panish.
Chr#sler *nternational /"*: A ,enefits:
+astK errorJfree part lookups b# part nameK number or code.
/art histor# and supersession data helps #ou order the most current parts and reduce #our obsolete parts inventor#.
*nte!ration of parts lists with #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem saves time and reduces errors.
Chr#sler *nternational /"*: A +eatures:
&*N decodin! and filterin! displa#s vehicleJspecific parts information.
Monthl# price book information for fewer errors (distributor pricin! onl#).
IearK modelK !roup and fi!ure indees.
:hortcuts save time for eperienced users.
*nstant access to #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem.
Capacit# to customi%e parts data b# addin! #our own notes.
Online help screens minimi%e new user trainin! time.
/rint hi!hJ<ualit# tet and illustrations.
Ninks here:
/u!!$-0 I@/A# 10.2012
F.5$ G,
8he *NC"N is a set of 5 )&) which contain the latest revision of 'CM Calibrations. 8he# are released and sent out monthl# to *NC"N
:ubscribers. /lease contact #our Cummins distributor for more information.
*n cal cdMs are Cummins ecm calibration files cdMsK comes in a set of four cd. One a customer wants to up!rade horse power with in the same
en!ine cpl or ran!eK thru insite or with insite pro pro!ram and calibration password he is able to calibrate an ecm that has an eistent or
previous calibration in it. Net sa# * have a Cummins en!ine N6A cpl 6HFA 7F3 horse power thru insite pro with calibration files(in cal cdMs) *
superseded or find for cpl 6HFA the hi!her horse power available in the in cal cdMs and repro!ram ecm with itK usin! one calibration password
count and the proper Cummins inline H adapter. Cd one ma# be for ism or isK cd 7 ma# be for N6A or M66K and so on.
*nsite Calibration Nibrar# (*NC"N) "pril 5363 contains flash files for 'C(s of the followin! en!ines:
C Gas/, Gas /lus
Celect /lus
Celect /lus *ndustrial
Gas Cense J CMCH3
Gas Compression G8"K .8"
*:, J CM56H3)
*:, )aimler Chr#sler
*:,e (A and 4 C#linder)
*:,eA (A and 4 c#linder)
*:C J CM56H3)
*:C/8ransit ,us *:NC.7 J CMCH3
*:)e J CM56H3C
*:+e7 J CM5553
*:N J CM56H3)
*:N G J CM56C3"
*:NC.$ J CMCH3
*:Ne J CM56H3C
*:NeA (4 c#linder)
*:MJ+uel Control Module JCMHF3
N Gas /lus
[:,7.7 J CM56H3C/)
[:,A.H/H.$/4.F J CMCH3
[:,H.$/AAK H.$/73K A.H/73K 7.$/73
[:,H/F J CMCH3 J /ower Gen
[:CC.7 J CMCH3
[:. 6$/57/AH/43/FC
[:. 6$G/AHG/43GK [:&C6/$6 J MCMF33
[:. 6$G/AHG/43GK [:&C6/$6 J ::MHHC
[:.6$ J CMCH3/CM56H3) J MC9:
[:.6$ J CMCH3/CM56H3) J /ower Gen
[:.7C J CMCH3/CM56H3) J MC9: J /rimar#
[:.7C J CMCH3/CM56H3) J MC9: J :econdar#
[:.7C J CMCH3/CM56H3) J /ower Gen J /rimar#
[:.7C J CMCH3/CM56H3) J /ower Gen J :econdar#
[:.H3/43 J CMCH3/CM56H3) J MC9: J /rimar#
[:.H3/43 J CMCH3/CM56H3) J MC9: J :econdar#
[:.H3/43 J CMCH3/CM56H3) J /ower Gen J /rimar#
[:.H3/43 J CMCH3/CM56H3) J /ower Gen J :econdar#
[:N$ J CMCH3
[:N$ J CMCH3 J /ower Gen
[:M 66 J CMCF4 J /ower Gen
:i!nature/*:R J CMCF3
Cummins Middle 9an!e C'/: 7.3 electronic spare parts catalo!ue contains catalo!ue ori!inal spare parts catalo!ue for en!ines Cummins ,7.7K
A,K 4,K *:,K CK *:CK 7"K A" and 4".
Cummins Middle 9an!e C'/: 7.3 electronic spare parts catalo!ue deliver# on 6 C).
*n the electronic catalo!ue of spare parts Cummins Middle 9an!e C'/: 7.3 the detailed information on spare parts of en!ines Cummins ,7.7K
A,K 4,K *:,K CK *:CK 7"K A" and 4" contains. /ro!ram Cummins is installed ver# simpl#.
*n catalo!ue Cummins Middle 9an!e C'/: 7.3 there is a search on :erial 'n!ine NumberK find b# ori!inal spare parts numberK and
Catalo! (53):
'AC R)p$*o EP/ 2011.04 , VIP l$-80
7.A4G, P *:O
)"+ 9"/*)O '/C 3A.5366 ('lectronic /arts Catalo!ue) is the most complete documentation about spare parts and factor# accessories for
)"+ trucks and buses. 'lectronic spare parts catalo!ue )af 9apido contains the full information about spare partsK accessories and
additional e<uipment on all series of lorries )"+K since F3th #earsK and also the information on aes and a suspension bracket of trailers
(,/1K 9O9K :"+K 8railorK +ruehauf).
)"+ 9apido include:
+ront "le
9ear "le
'n!ine "uiliaries
'n!ine *nstallation
"ncillar# /arts
:teerin! Gear
,rake :#stem
'lectric :#stem
*n the pro!ram )af 9apido there is full decodin! &*NK search on &*NK modelsK to number of the en!ineK the name or number of a detail.
'cept for it in the pro!ram )af 9apido there are ver# usefulK but functions etremel# seldom meetin! in pro!ramsK comparison of ori!inal
numbers of details of two various numbers of the chassis and translation of numbers O.'.M. of manufacturers (used on )"+) in ori!inal
numbers. "ll restrictions (for one session an# <uantit# of machines and &*N numbers is possible to look) are removed from the pro!ramK as
a!ainst versions sold on the various markets.
')$h)t0u M$(o)t 02.200B
7.AA G,
I'"9: 533$
&'9:*ON: 3F.533$
/latform: windows R/7
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish ; 9ussian
Medicine: /resent
)':C9*/8*ON: )aihatsu parts catalo! functionalit# is identical to an# pro!ram Microcat. )aihatsu parts catalo! contains information on models
from 6$CF to 533$. Nan!ua!e 9ussianK the name of the sub!roups and details in 'n!lishK GermanK +rench or :panish.
*N:8"NN*NG )"*D"8:(:
J mount the ima!e in )"'MON 8OON:
J startup 9un install Microcat
J it is advisable to do a full installation on an# hard drive
J after installation cop# the file MG64.)NNK director# MC)'(
J from the director# C:_1*N)O1: :I:8'M75 must delete the file MG64.)NN
/ro!ram starts swearin! at startup J roll back the s#stem date back to Uul# 533$.
C"8"NOG (64):
'AS )-* &IS@%t St)-*)lo-% 3"
,efore #ou can install Rentr#K #ou must have an installed workin! version of )": on #our laptop 8hat matches the date of the Rentr# #ou
wish to install .
Iour )": version must be no older than 7 months old. *f it is olderK #ou must set #our `laptop s#stem dateaK back to the correct month e.!.
if #ou are usin! )": 3F/63K set #our date back toK sa#K Uul# 5Hth 5363 .
J install !uides
J needed ke#!ens
J )": )rive 9estriction fi
J Rentr# 37.5366 error fi
J unversal calCF5 fi
'E@SO ETSI 34.B2
8he catalo!ue )'N:O '8:* ('lectronic 8echnical :ervice *nformation) contains the information of the fuel e<uipment (pumpsK !overnorsK
no%%les) for automobile and trucksK tractorsK special and industrial machines.
8he pro!ram is deliverin! on two C)sK the first disk contains the information about detailsK second disk the technical bulletins. 8he work is
possible with C)s use and complete installation on D)). Contains detailed fi!uresK specification for pumpsK and also e<uipment for repair and
dia!nostics. "llows to search for details on the data of the automobile or model of the en!ineK b# ori!inal numberK b# number )'N:OK
include crossJreference. (sin! number of the spare part )enso it is possible to look the list of en!inesK on which it was applied.
*n pro!ram available info about details for net manufactures: 8OIO8"K *:(B(K ."1":".*K D*NOK M*8:(,*:D*K M"B)"K )"*D"8:(K
)"N*"N )*':'NK I"NM"9K UODN )''9'K I"NG BDO(K .OM"8:(K .(,O8"K N*::"N MO8O9K DI(N)"*K C(MM*N:K &ON&OK
M*8:(* )*':'NK 8*COK N*::"N )*':'NK *:D*."1"U*M"K *:'.*K I"M"D" and others.
CrossJreference available for net brands: B'R'NK "M,"CK ,O:CDK C"&.
I-0t)ll p)00wo(*: URB+4.5"
Ninks (4):!slhCr<Ah3i$LL<
'%t(o$t '$%0%l
/ower :ervice Niterature OnJDi!hwa# 3A.533H
Contains complete information on repair and maintenance of diesel en!ines J M,'A333K M,'$33K A3'K H3K HHK 43K 47C.
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Ninks (5):
'$)1Box 3+.01 up to +.22
(pdates to 4.55
'$)1Box +.01 , +.25
)ealer dia!nostic pro!ram for cars /'(G'O8 E C*89O'N. 1orks onl# with the ori!inal Chinese and adapters R: 'volution
'tras. *nformation:
Mount the ima!e on )&) or a virtual drive
8o install on an eit
Cop# the patch to MC:_"19oot_bin_fi_cache_M
9un (#ou should have successfull messa!e)
9un pro!ram )ia!,o
8ri!!er activation (fin!er with the hand) )ia!,o (in bo write eaten 657AH4F click O.. 8hen there are 5 fields in the
first write 657AH4FC$3657AH4FC$3657AH4FC$366 second 35++++++ click O.0 *f #ou have a small screenK the second line can be
seen. (se 8", to pass awa# to her0
Iou put a token and pp5333
!o outK run update to 4.54 are lo!!ed inK the updates are installedK eit and start to up!rade to 4.5C
password to install new thin!s scar#36
connect the Chinese after the launch of the software or #ou can disable the autoJupdate the firmware:
+ind the file C:_"19oot_bin_launcher_ap.ini
Chan!e the value M"U@COM S 89(' on JJJQ M"U@COM S +"N:'
*f #our adapter does not see a car or determine onl# wineK use /:" *nterface Checker to chan!e the adapter.
Iear/)ate of 9elease: 5365
&ersion: 4.36 up 4.5C
:#stem re<uirements: windoseK H65 M, frame
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
Medicine: /resent
'$)1Box 32.02 4x5+/x+46 7 VIP l$-80
)escription: )ealer dia!nostic pro!ram for cars /'(G'O8 E C*89O'N. 1orks onl# with the ori!inal Chinese and adapters R: 'volution
/assword to install updates Tscar#36T.
8he patch does not need an#thin!K ever#thin! is done.
*nside hand:
)ia!,o &F.35 "lread# patched.iso J isoJima!e with software
(pdate folder with updates.
:etup )rivers )ia!,o J driver.
/:" *nterface Checker *nstall J pro!ram to chan!e the firmware interface R: 'volution.
/sa@)am@Or!@,uild@Code J calculator of )"M b# release date auto and vice versa.
8NC)fi J utilit# to disable the <uer# code when telekodirovanii
*nstallation *nstructions )ia!,o v.F. J promptl# inserted a new instruction.
(/)"8' added updates F.34JF.3FK fied installation !uide new updateK read all0 :poiler and manual.
'$)lo1=0 ".B0
)ialo!#s J this is the electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 for the servicin! of automobiles 9'N"(N8K )"C*"K 9'N"(N8J
N*::"N. 8he application Of dialo!#s is etended on the C)s and )&)
)ialo!#s includes absolutel# all manuals on repairK catalo!s of spare parts for all models of the automobiles of the model Of renault. 8his
version Of dialo!#s J latter at the !iven moment. *n the 'n!lish. 8here is a search on &*N (for the official dealers)K on the titlesK on the
models. 8he ver# convenientK intelli!ible and etremel# irreplaceable applicationK which will be ver# useful to both the automobile enthusiasts
and to technical services. *n this application are included so all electric dia!rams of all automobiles of the model Of renault and hu!e amount
of the most detailed illustrations on the repair.
6. C)3
5. )ialo!#s@)acia@" (can not install)
7. )ialo!#s@)acia@, (can not install)
A. )&)6
H. )&)5
4. )&)7
+or those who installs the pro!ram for the first time: pro!ram is set relativel# lon!K it ma# seem that the installation han!s J this is normalK
please wait for the installation.
1hoMs /la#in! in the section )acia wants to see a list of models done b# the followin! procedure: located in the folder R:_)ialo!#s_data_pr
file Niste)oc)aciaK open in Notepad and then Tmodele ST we enter a strin!: 7FJ7CJ7$JA3 and save0
Catalo! (5$):
'$)lo1=0 4.1 Mult$
)ialo!#s J an electronic version of documentation for 9'N"(N8 and after sales car 9'N"(N8K )"C*" (onl# NOG"N and :"N)'9O).
)ialo!#s includes ever#thin! from repair manuals and parts catalo!s for all models of cars 9enaultK as well as tehnot# and M9Js for all cars in
the 9ussianK ecept for vehicles up to 6$$4. 8his electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 cars for afterJsales service 9'N"(N8K
)"C*". "nne )ialo!#s available on C)J9OM or )&). )ialo!#s includes ever# repair manualK parts catalo!s for all models of car brand
Nan!ua!e for: 'n!lishK +renchK CroatianK C%echK )utch (Netherlands)K +innishK GermanK GreekK Dun!arianK *talianK UapaneseK .oreanK /olishK
/ortu!ueseK 9omanianK 9ussianK :loveneK :panishK :wedish and 8urkish .
Ninks here (55):
'o*1% M)-u)l0 P)8
Manuals and owners manuals for: CaravanK )uran!oK NeoK &iperK :tratusK :printerK Char!erK )akotaK Ma!num and others .
'S /ATIA V.,+R2012 4)8) V.R226 P2 EA < E-1l$0h 'ou!%-t)t$o-
A.73 G,
C"8*" &HJ495365 J provides the user with the hi!hest <ualit# desi!n and a uni<ue opportunit# to work with fichers# in &H and &4 b#
providin! the user with &HJ495365 access to ke# technolo!ies &4 and a hi!h level of s#nchroni%ation proLects so%dvnn#h in &HJ495365 and
8he uni<ue compatibilit# J the !uarantee of cooperation at the level of fichers# between C"8*" &H and &4
Created in C"8*" &495365R 7)Jmodels can be transferred to the &HJ495365K while retainin! their ke# functional characteristicsK and
these can be chan!ed directl# fichers# in &H. "n iterative approach to the desi!n en!ineers to provide the !reatest opportunit# for creatin!
and editin! the details at fichers#K re!ardless of whether the# use C"8*" &H or &4. 1ith this improvementK the compatibilit# of 7)Jmodels
in C"8*" &H and C"8*" &4 is now hi!her than that between the two releases of &H.
" new level of collaboration throu!h access to a number of technolo!ies &4 for &H users
8hese improvements provide users with immediate &H several advanta!esK allowin! #ou to use man# features previousl# available onl# in
C"8*" &4. 8his includes new capabilities for modelin! surfaces and the desi!n of partsK desi!ned for the &4 now included in the &HJ495365.
"s a resultK our clients retain the return on investment in &HK while receivin! an opportunit# to learn in a comfortable rh#thm for them to
benefit from an open portfolio &4. 8his opportunit# will be provided between the s#nchroni%ed release of &4 and &HK since &495365 and
&HJ495365. Chan!in! the name of the release (from &H to &HJ4) is intended to reflect a uni<ue level of compatibilit# versions &H and &4K
timin! releasesK &H and &4 and &H technolo!# portfolio completion &4.
"mple opportunities for various industries at the epense of a si!nificant up!rade release of C"8*" &HJ495365
Q +ull# inte!rated solution for modelin! a Class " surfaces in the automotive industr# J C"8*" *C'M :hape )esi!n
Q 8he surface of the hi!hest <ualit# in the desi!n of vehicle bod# and an improved user eperience J C"8*" *ma!ine E :hape
Q 'nhanced support for industr# standards and lon!Jterm archivin! b# usin! the :8'/ format for data echan!e of lar!e assemblies and
parts made of composites
Q Continuous improvement of the mechanical technolo!# of surface modelin!
Q New product 7) *nsi!ht
Q *mproved product for functional simulation details
Q New features and modules of C"8*" "nal#sis :*M(N*" 'tended "nal#sis
Q " new strate!# for machinin! hard materials for the aerospace industr# C"8*" Machinin!
Q "dvanced: modules Material 9emoval :imulation and "dvanced +inishin!
Iear: 5365
&ersion: /5 &HJ495365 G" (:/3)
)eveloper: )assault :#stemes
,it depth: 75bit ;4A bit
Compatibilit# with &ista: complete
Compatible with 1inF: complete
Nan!ua!e: Multilan!ua!e
Medicine: /resent (8eamJ:olid:[("))
%/)( 1.".4 42002,20116
(pdate director# on the selection of spare parts .
'lectronic Catalo!ue of the /olish merchantMs bod# partsK opticsK elements of coolin! s#stemsK heatin! and air conditionin!. 8he catalo! also
contains parts: suspension (shock absorbersK sprin!s)K consumables (filtersK beltsK brake pads)K steerin! (lu!sK tractionK h#draulic boosters) .
8here are crosses on the O' and aftermarket parts makersK the search for the ori!inal numberK or part thereof.
8o start the pro!ram #ou must complete a re!istration formK where specific values must be filled in the fields client number and code
distributor .
)irector# has a database of photos of 5F and ran!e from 65HK ever#one else in the folder with the update.
+or compatibilit# updates durin! the installation choose to install the 9ussianJlan!ua!e catalo! and photos on disc. "lsoK if #ou do not have
eternal components are re<uired for the director# in the installation will ask #ou to install them (the# are present on the disk and #ou will
report what is missin!K put a check mark on and on) .
&ersion: 6.7.A
/latform: /C
:#stem 9e<uirements: 1indows R/
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK GermanK +renchK /olishK 9ussian
E/U 'ATABASE 0%% VIREI@ E/U 'ATABASE )-* $!!o OCC A$1 oll%t$o-
E/U IMMO OCC ')t)A)0% < 8wp2000plu0 , BIE )(h$3%
Over 6$.733 'C( files0 *:O file packed from 7.$HG, to 6.6AG,0
Conatins 'C( files for:
") 533A
Milea!e software
O,)5 software
El0)&$- 3".51 420106 /o!pl%t% P)8 , AU,SE,SK,V&
74.34 Gb
'N:"1*N is the :ervice E 9epair 1orkshop software actuall# used b# the &olkswa!enK "udiK :eat and :koda main dealers and factor#
technicians around the worldK it covers cars (with var#in! amount of informations) from 6$AF till toda#. *t provides :ervicin! GuidesK
1orkshopJ 9epair ManualsK 'lectric :chemes J 1irin! )ia!ramsK ,od# 1orks
'N:" 7.C6 J pro!ram for dia!nosin! and repairin! cars Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repairK auto maintenanceK
dia!nosis of various vehicle s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time for work performedK etc.
Iear: 5363
*nterface Nan!ua!e: Multi (all available)
O: : 1indows
Compatibilit# with &ista and 1indows F: 1ork !ood
'N:" :koda J *nformation base for dia!nosis and repair of cars Concern &1 "G. Contains descriptions of repairK maintenanceK auto
dia!nostics of various car s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time on tasks performedK etc.
'tras. *nformation:
8his packa!e contains all necessar# components for installation: 7.4 setupK 7.F updateK 7.C6 updateK serial numbersK installation instructionsK
"crobat9eader H.3K as well as two files with the possible solution to install on &ista and 1indows F. "ll components are eas# to install form
and do not re<uire additional software.
Catalo! (C4):
El0)&$- 3".B0 < Au*$ 01.2011
Ninks (A4):
El0)&$- 3".B0 < V& ')t)A)0% 02.2011
'lsawin 7.$3 contains all information for dia!nostics and repair of &olkswa!enK "udiK :eat and :koda cars till 53660 Covers detailed and
complete description of the technolo!# of repairK maintenanceK dia!nosticsK electrical circuitsK bod# works.
8his is the 7.$3 version and data is the release 5366.
:oftware is full# in 'NGN*:D (but #ou can install it also in 'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK )utchK
Norwe!ianK /olishK 9omanianK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK :wedishK UapaneseK etc.) with clear en!lish installation instructions.
&1 )atabase release: 35.5366
"( )atabase release: 34.5363
:' )atabase release: 3H.5363
:. )atabase release: 3F.5363
*nterface Nan!ua!e: Multilan!ua!e (all available)
O: : 1indows
Compatibilit# with R/ and 1indows F: Ies
Catalo! ($6):
6. *nstall version 7.43 and re!ister with serial and ke#maker
5. *nstall version 7.F update
7. *nstall version 7.C6 update
A. *nstall version 7.$3 update
E#SA ".B0 V& 04.2011
'N:" J pro!ram for dia!nosin! and repairin! cars Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repairK auto maintenanceK
dia!nosis of various vehicle s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time for work performedK etc.
'lsawin 7.$3 contains all information for dia!nostics and repair of &olkswa!enK "udiK :eat and :koda cars till 53660 Covers detailed and
complete description of the technolo!# of repairK maintenanceK dia!nosticsK electrical circuitsK bod# works.
8his is the 7.$3 version and data is &ON.:1"G'N )atabase the release 3A.5366.
:oftware is full# in 'NGN*:D (but #ou can install it also in 'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK )utchK
Norwe!ianK /olishK 9omanianK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK :wedishK UapaneseK etc.) with clear en!lish installation instructions .
El0)&$- 3".B0 < S8o*) ')t)A)0% , 02.2011
A.C5 G,
'N:" pro!ram for dia!nosin! and repairin! cars Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repairK auto maintenanceK dia!nosis
of various vehicle s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time for work performedK etc .
'N:" :koda J *nformation base for dia!nosis and repair of cars Concern &1 "G. Contains descriptions of repairK maintenanceK auto
dia!nostics of various car s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time on tasks performedK etc .
:oftware is full# in 'NGN*:D (but #ou can install it also in 'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK )utchK
Norwe!ianK /olishK 9omanianK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK :wedishK UapaneseK etc.) with clear 'n!lish installation instructions .
Catalo! (53):
El0)&$- ".B S8o*) 04.2011
'N:" pro!ram for dia!nosin! and repairin! cars Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repairK auto maintenanceK dia!nosis
of various vehicle s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time for work performedK etc.
'N:" :koda J *nformation base for dia!nosis and repair of cars Concern &1 "G. Contains descriptions of repairK maintenanceK auto
dia!nostics of various car s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time on tasks performedK etc.
:oftware is full# in 'NGN*:D (but #ou can install it also in 'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK )utchK
Norwe!ianK /olishK 9omanianK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK :wedishK UapaneseK etc.) with clear en!lish installation instructions .
E#SA ".B0 V& 0..2011
'N:" J pro!ram for dia!nosin! and repairin! cars Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repairK auto maintenanceK
dia!nosis of various vehicle s#stemsK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK standard time for work performedK etc.
'lsawin 7.$3 contains all information for dia!nostics and repair of &olkswa!enK "udiK :eat and :koda cars till 53660 Covers detailed and
complete description of the technolo!# of repairK maintenanceK dia!nosticsK electrical circuitsK bod# works.
8his is the 7.$3 version and data is &ON.:1"G'N )atabase the release 3H.5366.
:oftware is full# in 'NGN*:D (but #ou can install it also in 'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK )utchK
Norwe!ianK /olishK 9omanianK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK :wedishK UapaneseK etc.) with clear en!lish installation instructions.
E#SA 3".B1 S8o*) , 0..2011
'lsawin 7.$6 contains all information for dia!nostics and repair of &olkswa!enK "udiK :eat and :koda cars till 53660 Covers detailed and
complete description of the technolo!# of repairK maintenanceK dia!nosticsK electrical circuitsK bod# works. 8his is the 7.$6 version and data
is the release 5366.
:oftware is full# in 'NGN*:D (but #ou can install it also in 'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK )utchK
Norwe!ianK /olishK 9omanianK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK :wedishK UapaneseK etc.) with clear en!lish installation instructions.
J *nstall 'lsa1in 7.$6 update and re!ister with N'1 :'9*"N and .e#maker
J *nstall databases :.O)"J3H.5366
E#SA ".B1 V& , 0..2011
8he *nformation ,ase (manual) car repair Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repair and car maintenanceK electrical
wirin! dia!ramsK standard time for work performedK etc.
8his pro!ram is not desi!ned to work with dia!nostic adapters.
" more detailed description can be found b# downloadin! the ::/ 'lsa1in J "pplication and operation.
'tras. *nformation: 8his distribution contains all the necessar# components for installation: 7.$ setupK 7.$6 updateK the base &1 3H.5366K
serial numbersK ke# !eneratorK installation instructionsK as well as two files with a possible solution to install on &ista and 1indows F. "ll
components are eas# to install form and not re<uire additional software.
'N:" 7.$6 &1 J 3H.5366
picGod / *ssue )ate: 5366
&ersion: 3H
:#stem 9e<uirements: 1indows N8A.3/1indows 5333/1indows Rp /rofessional / 1indows 5337
:upports 4AJbit s#stems: None
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
E#SA 4.0 S8o*) < ETKA 2 4Au*$ V& S8o*) S%)t6
H.C7 G,
'N:" A J *nformation ,ase (manual) car repair Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repair and car maintenanceK
electrical wirin! dia!ramsK standard time for work performedK etc. "lso present in the assembl# of auto parts catalo! '8." F ("()*K &1K
:'"8K :.O)").
*nformation ,ase (manual) car repair Concern &1 "G. Contains a description of technolo!# of repair and car maintenanceK electrical wirin!
dia!ramsK standard time for work performedK etc.
'tras. *nformation: 8his assembl# contains all the necessar# components for installation: A.3 setupK the base :.O)" 37.5365K serial
numbersK ke# !eneratorsK and installation instructions. "ll components are in the form of an eas# to install and do not re<uire additional
8he order of installation is simple:
6. *nstall setup A.3
5. :et the base.
7. Name/password to lo!in: admin/admin
"nd a little more on the locali%ation and documentation sections. 1hile the list of available interface lan!ua!es ]]available and the 9ussian
lan!ua!eK the percenta!e of actual information translated into 9ussian is etremel# small. 8he reasons for this situation is difficult to Lud!e
J Lust leave it to the conscience of locali%ation and pro!rammers. One wa# out J often refer to the 'n!lish and German counterparts
documentation. *t is clear that not ever#one is comfortableK but we should not for!et that the author of this pro!ram is the German
carmaker J and it eplains a lot.
:pare parts catalo! '8." F
:pare parts catalo! '8." F ("()*K &1K :'"8K :.O)") occupies one )&) driveK #ou must set to work completel# on the hard drive. 8he
installation re<uires more than 5.A Gb of free space.
*n the catalo! of auto parts '8." F ("()*K &1K :'"8K :.O)") has a search function of partsK it allows #ou to search for application
details onl# on "()* or onl# &1K or on all &"G at onceK as well as information related to replacements and returnable partsK the information
on TfractionalT replacements.
1hen workin! with the catalo! b F ("()*K &1K :'"8K :.O)")K should pa# special attention to the various footnotesK as well as the need to
look in lists of fractional replacements and &K : and /Jpa!eK so as not to !et the details that #ou were not epectin!.
'tras. *nformation: 6. +or 'tkaF not have 65C3635A resolution. 1orks with an# screen.
5. 8hese have the cars in all re!ionsK ie addition to 'uropean data are available on the auto issued to all other markets in the (.:.K MeicoK
7. Di!herJ<ualit# pictures0
&olkswa!en models
&olkswa!en New ,eetle 6$$$Q
&olkswa!en New ,eetle Cabrio 5337Q
&olkswa!en ,ora/&ariant/AMotion 6$$$Q 533H
&olkswa!en Cadd# 6$C7Q
&olkswa!en Campmob (8#p5/8ransp/N8) 6$C3Q
&olkswa!en Cadd# B" 6$$4Q
&olkswa!en :cirocco / Corrado 6$FAQ 6$$H
&olkswa!en Crafter 5334 QQ
&olkswa!en 'os 5334 QQ
&olkswa!en +oJ'( 533H QQ
&olkswa!en +oJ"frica 533A QQ
&olkswa!en Chia/.leinlieferw!.6AF 6$H4Q 6$FA
&olkswa!en Gol T,9T 533AQ
&olkswa!en Golf 6$FHQ 6$$C
&olkswa!en Golf Cabriolet 6$F$Q 5335
&olkswa!en Golf/&ariant/AMotion 6$$CQ
&olkswa!en Golf /lus 533HQ
&olkswa!en Golf / s#n. / 9all#e / Countr# 6$C4Q 6$$C
&olkswa!en Golf &ariant 6$$AQ 6$$$
&olkswa!en Golf / Cit# Golf B" 6$$4Q
&olkswa!en Mod.6C6/*ltis 6$4$Q 6$CC
&olkswa!en Uetta s#ncro 6$F$Q
&olkswa!en Uetta B" 5334 QQ
&olkswa!en N8K N8 AA 6$F4Q
&olkswa!en Nupo / Nupo 7N 8)* 6$$$Q
&olkswa!en NC3 6$$HQ 5333
&olkswa!en /assat / :antana 6$FAQ
&olkswa!en /assat s#ncro/AMotion 6$CHQ
&olkswa!en /haeton 5335Q
&olkswa!en /olo / )erb# 6$FHQ
&olkswa!en /olo T,9T in 5337Q 5334
&olkswa!en /olo Classic / &ariant 6$$4Q 5335
&olkswa!en /olo Classic TCNT 533AQ
&olkswa!en /olo Classic / /la#a TB"T 6$$4Q
&olkswa!en /olo Nim. (:tufenh. / :edan) 533AQ
&olkswa!en /olo TB"T 5337Q
&olkswa!en /arati T,9T 533AQ
&olkswa!en :aveiro T,9T 533HQ
&olkswa!en :haran/s#ncro/AMotion 6$$4Q
&olkswa!en 8aro 6$C$Q 6$$F
&olkswa!en 8ouran 5337Q
&olkswa!en 8ouare! 5337Q
&olkswa!en 8ransporter 6$$6Q
&olkswa!en 8ransporter s#ncro 6$$7Q 533A
&olkswa!en 8ipo 6 Me. 6$$AQ 6$$$
&olkswa!en 8#p +ebruar# 6$4CQ 6$$5
&olkswa!en 8#p 5 s#ncro 6$CHQ 6$$5
&olkswa!en 8#p 5 TB"T 6$$HQ 5337
&olkswa!en 8#p 7K 8#p AK .F3 6$46Q 6$FH
&olkswa!en 8#p 6 (6533/6733/6735/6737) 6$AFQ 6$C4
"udi models
"udi "A/:A Cabrio. / [u. 5337 QQ
"udi Cabriolet 6$$5Q 5333
"udi Coupe 6$C6Q 6$$4
"udi Coupe <uattro 6$CHQ 6$$4
"udi [uattro / :port 6$C3Q 6$$6
"udi "F 533F QQ
"udi 88 Coupe / 9oadster 6$$$Q
"udi 633/"vant <uattro 6$CHQ 6$$A
"udi 633/"vant 6$FFQ 6$$A
"udi "5 5333Q 533H
"udi 533/"vant <uattro 6$CHQ 6$$6
"udi 533 6$C3Q 6$$6
"udi "7/:7/:portback/<u. 6$$FQ
"udi "A/"vant 6$$HQ
"udi "A/:A Cabrio. / [u. 6$$HQ
"udi H3 6$FHQ 6$FC
"udi "4/"vant 6$$HQ
"udi "udi "4 allroad <uattro 5333Q
"udi "4/:4/"vant <uattro 6$$HQ
"udi "C 6$$AQ
"udi "C/:C <uattro 6$$AQ
"udi C3/$3/"vant 6$F7Q 6$$4
"udi C3/$3/"vant <uattro 6$C7Q 6$$4
"udi C3 "vant 9:5 <uattro 6$$AQ 6$$4
"udi 9:A "vant <uattro 5336Q
"udi 9:A Cabriolet <u. 533FQ
"udi 9:4/9:4 plus / "vant <u. 5337Q 533H
"udi :4 plus <uattro 6$$FQ 6$$F
"udi &C 6$C$Q 6$$A
:koda +abia
:koda +avorit / +orm. / /ickup
:koda +elicia
:koda Octavia
:koda 9oomster
:koda /ick (p
:koda :k.63H/53/73/7H/74/!arde
:koda :uperb
:eat "lhambra
:eat "ltea
:eat "rosa
:eat Cordoba / &ario
:eat Cordoba 9"
:eat 'lektr. &erbind. J 'lemente
:eat *bi%a
:eat *nca
:eat *nca 9"
:eat Neon / Neon A
:eat 8oledo.
ETK 0"/2011 E*$t$o- Mult$l$-1u)l
7.5C G,
,M1 '8. contains the whole ran!e of items offered for sale b# ,M1 Group and is intended to facilitate the retrieval of necessar# spare
parts (car parts and motorc#cle)K supplies and accessories.
8o do this at #our disposal a variet# of search functionsK such as searchin! b# nameK b# part numberK etc.
*n additionK the s#stem offers detailed information on specific detailsK as well as the abilit# to create soJcalled parts list of found items.
Catalo! (C):
ETKA 2011 4@%w P(oL%t D(o! 2.0 & 2.26 < VI@ 0%)(h
'8." 5366 '/C ('lectronic /arts Catalo!) contains information on spare components and accessories for the factor# &ON.:1"G'NK "()*K
:kodaK NOC"8*ON (all fieldsK ,ra%ilK ChinaK Nocal MarketK MeicoK :outh "fricaK (:"). '8." vF.5 is most comprehensive documentation
available on the market toda# (updated to Uanuar# 5366 models). "ll information is easil# located with a ver# convenient means of controlK so
#ou can find eactl# what #ou need in the shortest time. +ull# detailed circuit %oomableK schematicsK componentwise ima!esK make this
software ver# useful for the block and disassembl#. "ll sections are printable. Chan!e the %oom level. *tems in the illustration can be movedK
indicatin! when #ou dra!.
'8." contains ver# detailed information about each part of an# &olkswa!en or "udiK created from the first #ears until nowK and it is the
reason that makes this pro!ram perfect also for collectors of old timers ('8." includes the old form of the ori!inal ,eetle A3th0).
Media: 6 )&)
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK 'n!lish (:K GermanK :wedishK 8urkishK CroatianK :lovenianK C%echK )anishK Dun!arianK UapaneseK /ortu!ueseK /olishK
ChineseK +renchK 9ussianK NetherlandsK :panishK *talian.
Current :#stem: 1in$CK N8K 5333K R/K 1in F
9e<uired space: 7.H G, of free disk space.
:hort *llustrated *nstallation *nstructions: *ncluded
Catalo! (6C):
ETKA 32." EP/ Do( VO#KS&AEE@F AU'IF SKO'A 1.2011
5.6C G,
'8." is the official electronic parts catalo!ue ('/C) for &olkswa!en Group motor vehicles. Naunched in 6$C$K '8." superseded the older
parts books and microfilmJbased catalo!ues. '8." is an abbreviation from the German: 'lektronischer 8eilekatalo!. *t is produced for
&olkswa!en "G b# the MunichJbased specialist automotive industr# informations s#stems software publisher NeCom *nformationss#steme
'lectronic Catalo!ue of :.O)" J '8." F.7 contains full information on spare parts and accessories for motor vehicles !roup &"GK includin!
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
Catalo! ($):
ETKA 32." 0+.2011
H.6C G,
+older date to update '8." F.7 .
:oftware has been updated to version:
"( J C46;C45
&1 J C46;C45
:' J 7C$;7$3
:. J 7$H;7$4
ETKA 2." 02.2011 :R%l%)0%: 2+.02.2011;
5.A$ G,
Iear: 5366
&ersion: F.7
9elease: 54.3F.5366
)eveloper: NeCom *nformationss#steme GmbD/8ekkno
/latform: 1indows R//5337
Compatibilit# with &ista: (nknown
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
Medicine: /resent
'lectronic catalo! '8." F.7 contains full information on spare parts and accessories for cars Concern &"G (&1K :eatK :kodaK "()*)K
includin! minivans . 'tras. *nfo: &*N does not automaticall# TbreaksT
/reJupdate: &1/"( J C4HK :. J 7$$K :' J 7$7.
Catalo! (66):
ETKA 2." 5+.
Eu(ot)xE1$0 2 1.2 0..2012
'!is is the comprehensive database for repair and service businesses across 'urope with uni<ue sellin! propositions.
8he ,enefits:
'!is contains technical adLustment and maintenance dataK labour times with overlap lo!ic and repair instructions coverin! over 43 vehicle
manufacturers and importersK and over 7A3K333 vehicle t#pes (passen!er carsK :(&K NC&).
8he assembled information can be set to national vehicle search trees and is available in 6F countries and 67 lan!ua!es. 8his makes '!is the
leadin! data source for repair and service information.
8he technical information is primaril# derived directl# from manufacturers and importers and enhanced b# skilled 'urota editors.
'!is modules:
'!is database contains several information modules that can be purchased individuall# or as a complete packa!e:
b Nabour time calculations with overlap lo!ic
b :ervice and maintenance with intervalsK labour timesK maintenance plans and technical information
b 8echnical repair and adLustment
b 8echnical repair instructions
'!is deliver# via )&)
8he '!is offline /C product is a ver# useful tool for endJusers because it:
b /rovides eas# access to relevant information
b Das a clear desi!n and userJfriendl# format
b 1orks with a vehicle independant terminolo!#
'!is delivered as raw data
9aw data deliver# is a ver# helpful format for all or!anisations offerin! their own applications such as vehicle spare part catalo!ues. 1ith
'urota'!is these added values can be realised:
b Offer repair calculation b# linkin! vehicle parts to labour time values and overlap time calculation
b Offer technical repair information (direct link to spare parts)
b 'nable a continous workflow from the spare part to
the repair code and vice versa (linkin! between all relevant tables)
CIAT /o!!%($)l V%h$l% 4/o!p)t B56
[ualit#: e,ook (ori!inal computer)
)escription: [ualit#: e,ook (ori!inal computer)
)escription: +*"8 Commercial &ehicle (Compact $C) contains the catalo! of spare parts for cars manufactured b# concern +*"8.
8he list of cars presented in the pro!ram:
:eicento &"N
/anda A5
/anda AA
/anda A5 &"N
/anda AA &"N
(no ,erlina
(no Mondo
Nuova /unto
Nuova /unto &"N
:iena / /alio
/alioJ/alio 9est. 1.'. &"N
/alio 5& 9est. 5336
:iena 9est. 5335
/alio 1.'. 9est. 5335
Multipla &"N
:tilo &"N
Maren!o (Marea)
Nuovo (l#sse
"nd also all the possible modifications to these modelsK different model #earK en!ine si%e and different !rades of fuel.
+or an# other catalo!s: 'urope
"vailable in Nan!ua!es: 'n!lishK GermanK 9ussian
O:: 1in$CK 1inR/
Number of C)/)&): 6 C)
)ate of update: 7/5337
CIAT %PER 'V' 3."
/ro!ram +*"8 / "N+" 9OM'O / N"NC*" / +*"8 COMM'9C*"N e/'9 contains the catalo! of spare parts for passen!er cars and minivans
produced concern +*"8 under various brands.
Nan!ua!e: 'NGN*:DK *8"N*"NK G'9M"NK )"N:.K CB'CDK CD*N':'K N')'9N"N):K G9''.K :/"N*:DK +9'NCDK U"/"N':'K /ON*:DK
/O98(G(':K 9(::*"NK 8(9.*:D
)escription: :upplied catalo! +iat e/'9 on one )&)K is set partl# or wholl# on the D))K is possible to install the server. /ro!ram +iat e/'9
e<uipped with new intuitive interface based on *nternet 'plorerK supports a hu!e number of lan!ua!es. 8here is a search machine for the
&*N number and choice of models and e<uipmentK all kinds of search options the details (b# numberK titleK useK modificationK etc.).
6. Mount ima!e with )aemon 8ools and install
5. +ollow the instructions from the archive.
7. 'nLo# "ll
C$)t E(oup %PER 3.+0 02.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
4.C6 G,
Catalo! (FA):
C$)t %PER EP/ 3.+2 40..20116
8he pro!ram contains e/'9 spare parts for cars and vansK manufactured b# +*"8 concern under various brands (+iat / "lfa 9omeo / Nancia /
+iat Commercial / "barth) 6$CH 5366!!.v. 8he catalo! +iat e/'9 on one )&)K is set partl# or wholl# on the D))K can be installed server.
8here is a search machine for the &*N number and choice of model and e<uipmentK all sorts of options to find parts (b# numberK titleK useK
modificationK etc.
Ninks ($):
CIAT %PER 'V' 3+4 405.20116
4.44 G,
/ro!ram +*"8 / "N+" 9OM'O / N"NC*" / +*"8 COMM'9C*"N e/'9 contains the catalo! of spare parts for passen!er cars and minivans
produced concern +*"8 under various brands. :upplied catalo! +iat e/'9 on one )&)K is set partl# or wholl# on the D))K is possible to
install the server .
/ro!ram +iat e/'9 e<uipped with new intuitive interface based on *nternet 'plorerK supports a hu!e number of lan!ua!es. 8here is a search
machine for the &*N number and choice of models and e<uipmentK all kinds of search options the details (b# numberK titleK useK modificationK
etc.) .
Ninks (6C):
CIAT %PER 'V' 320 2012
/ro!ram +*"8 / "N+" 9OM'O / N"NC*" / +*"8 COMM'9C*"N e/'9 contains the catalo! of spare parts for passen!er cars and minivans
produced concern +*"8 under various brands. :upplied catalo! +iat e/'9 on one )&)K is set partl# or wholl# on the D))K is possible to
install the server. /ro!ram +iat e/'9 e<uipped with new intuitive interface based on *nternet 'plorerK supports a hu!e number of
lan!ua!es. 8here is a search machine for the &*N number and choice of models and e<uipmentK all kinds of search options the details (b#
numberK titleK useK modificationK etc.).
6. Mount ima!e with )aemon 8ools and install
5. +ollow the instructions from the archive.
7. 'nLo# "ll
CIAT %PER 'V' 32" 2012.12
/ro!ram +*"8 / "N+" 9OM'O / N"NC*" / +*"8 COMM'9C*"N e/'9 contains the catalo! of spare parts for passen!er cars and minivans
produced concern +*"8 under various brands. :upplied catalo! +iat e/'9 on one )&)K is set partl# or wholl# on the D))K is possible to
install the server. /ro!ram +iat e/'9 e<uipped with new intuitive interface based on *nternet 'plorerK supports a hu!e number of
lan!ua!es. 8here is a search machine for the &*N number and choice of models and e<uipmentK all kinds of search options the details (b#
numberK titleK useK modificationK etc.).
6. Mount ima!e with )aemon 8ools and install
5. +ollow the instructions from the archive.
7. 'nLo# "ll
6. *nstall e/'9 core s#stem
5. ,efore the first run:
cop# _Crack_epl.dll to C:_/ro!ram +iles_+iat_e/'9_Uett#_ (overwrite the ori!inal)
cop# _Crack_errors.Ls to C:_/ro!ram +iles_+iat_e/'9_appsrv_site_Ls (overwrite the ori!inal)
Co(* E/AT 02/2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
'cat is the 'lectronic /arts Catalo!ue from +ord that2s incredibl# useful for all users interested in parts information. "reas such as parts
identificationK vehicle identification and supersession search have been desi!ned with the user in mind J eas# to use and effectiveness bein!
of paramount importance.
Catalo! (5$):
Co(* E/AT 0+.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
H.7F G,
'cat is the 'lectronic /arts Catalo!ue from +ord that2s incredibl# useful for all users interested in parts information. "reas such as parts
identificationK vehicle identification and supersession search have been desi!ned with the user in mind J eas# to use and effectiveness bein!
of paramount importance.
Co(* E/AT 10.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
H.7F G,
'cat is the 'lectronic /arts Catalo!ue from +ord that2s incredibl# useful for all users interested in parts information. "reas such as parts
identificationK vehicle identification and supersession search have been desi!ned with the user in mind J eas# to use and effectiveness bein!
of paramount importance.
Co(* ETIS Eu(op% 302.2010 Mult$l)-1u)1%
A.H G,
+ord '8*: 'urope technical information s#stem presented workshop manualsK service manualsK repair manuals +ordK maintenanceK dia!nostic
trouble codesK technical service bulletins for all models cars and trucks +ordK 'uropean market.
8he 8echnical *nformation :#stem (e8*:) provides 8echnical :ervice *nformation via C)J9OM. *t is updated on a re!ular basis and !ives
access to the most upJtoJdate automotive service information. *t includes publications such as 1orkshop ManualsK 8echnical :ervice
,ulletinsK :ervice and /)* Check sheets.
CJM"R 5337.FH (34/5337J)
Cou!ar 6$$$ (3C/6$$CJ36/5336)
'scort/Orion 6$$6 (3C/6$$3J3$/5336)
'plorer 6$$H (3C/6$$HJ3$/5333)
+iesta 6$C$ (37/6$C$J34/6$$4)
+iesta 6$$4 (3C/6$$HJ35/5335)
+iesta 5335.5H (66/5336J3$/533C)
+iesta 533C.FH (34/533CJ)
+ocus 6$$$ (3C/6$$CJ65/533A)
+ocus 533A.FH (3F/533AJ)
+ocus 9: 5337 (3$/5335J)
+usion 5335.FH (34/5335J)
Gala# 6$$H (35/6$$HJ37/5333)
Gala# 5333.FH (3A/5333J35/5334)
*kon 6$$$ (36/5333J)
.a 6$$F(3$/6$$4J3F/533C)
.a 533$ (3C/533CJ)
.u!a 533C.H (35/533CJ)
Maverick 5336 (65/5333J3F/533A)
Maverick 533H (3C/533AJ)
Mondeo 6$$7 (36/6$$7J3F/6$$4)
Mondeo 6$$F(3C/6$$4J3$/5333)
Mondeo 5336 (63/5333J35/533F)
Mondeo 533F.H (35/533FJ)
/uma 6$$C (34/6$$FJ65/5336)
9acin! /uma 5333.H (36/5333J65/5333)
9an!er 5334.H (3H/5334J)
:JM"R/Gala# 5334.H (35/5334J)
:corpio 6$$H (63/6$$AJ34/6$$C)
:treetka 5337.H (36/5337J3F/533H)
8ransit 6$$H (3C/6$$AJ3F/5333)
8ransit 5333.H (36/5333J3H/5334)
8ransit 5334.H (3A/5334J)
8ransit/8ourneo Connect 5335.H (34/5335J
1indstar 6$$H (63/6$$AJ3F/5333)
Operatin! :#stem:
1indows R/ 75bit
1indows &ista 75bit (C4)K 1indows &ista 4Abit (4A)
1indows F 75bit (C4)K 1indows F 4Abit (4A)
,rowser: *nternet 'plorer *'4K *'FK *'C.
I'"9: 5363
9'N'":': 35.5363
N"NG("G': Multilan!ua!e
M')*C*N': Ies ; *nstructions ; "utomatic (pdates
P)00wo(* $0: 0%-%(%l%)0%K)-*Kl)t%0tK0tuDDKA=K0)u*K1
Co(* ETIS I'S .+,.2
7.F G,
8his is the last issue of +ord '8*: *): which has included all the offJline wirin! dia!rams.
+ord'tis provides access to the followin! technical information:
J mechanical repairs and dia!nostic proceduresK specificationsK functional descriptionsK
J procedures for postJaccident repairsK basic bod# dimensionsK tolerancesK testin!K corrosion protectionK repair information refinishin!K
J presale and scheduled maintenance of specific vehiclesK
J standard time for the mechanicalK bod#workK paintin! and maintenance workK
J applicabilit# to service specific modelsK prices and information on placin! orders for the full ran!e of special tools +ord .
Ninks here:
Co(* ETIS 2012
+ord '8*: 'urope technical information s#stem presented workshop manualsK service manulsK repair manuals +ordK maintenanceK dia!nostic
trobule codesK technical service bulletins for all models cars and trucks +ordK 'uropean market.
8he 8echnical *nformation :#stem (e8*:) provides 8echnical :ervice *nformation via C)J9OM. *t is updated on a re!ular basis and !ives
access to the most upJtoJdate automotive service information. *t includes publications such as 1orkshop ManualsK 8echnical :ervice
,ulletinsK :ervice and /)* Checksheets.
COR'/MAI'A I'S 351 2012.0B 7 VIP l$-80
Co(*/M)H*) I'S 20
7.F G,
8he &ehicle Communication Module (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edi%edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#. 8his device provides
multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the re<uirements of all +ord Motor Compan# vehicles.
8he &CM unit is housed in a ma!nesium enclosure with a tou!hK protectiveK plastic cover for the /CMC*" epansion slot which canK for
eampleK be used for wireless N"N cards or memor# epansion. 8he &CM device contains five N') status indicators to provide the user with
a visual mode of internal &CMK vehicleK and host device (e.!. NG: Classic2s 8JDandleK /CK /ocket /C//):K and Naptop/*):) operation.
8he &CM also has detachable cables for connection to industr# standard hi!hJspeed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. 8he
&CM 533F.F )&) includes both *): (*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware) and /): (/ortable )ia!nostic :oftware) tools.
/roduct contents:
J /):
J Cables
J Case
"pplication Overview:
*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware (*):) is the net !eneration dia!nostic tool. *): inte!rates 1): software modified to run on an offJtheJ
shelf laptop with the &ehicle Communication Module (&CM) currentl# used in NG:; and /):K and a new &ehicle Measurement Module (&MM) .
&ehicle )ia!nostic Connectors:
8he &CM 64Jpin )NC cable is used to connect the &CM to the vehicle. 8he &CM and &MM connect to the laptop throu!h the 'thernetJ(:,
"dapter Cable (DA34/DA64) .
Check here:
Co(*/M)H*) I'S 32" 0..2011
7.C5 G,
8he &ehicle Commnication Module (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edi%edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#. 8his device provides
multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the re<uirements of all +ord Motor Compan# vehicles.
8he &CM unit is housed in a ma!nesium enclosure with a tou!hK protectiveK plastic cover for the /CMC*" epansion slot which canK for
eampleK be used for wireless N"N cards or memor# epansion. 8he &CM device contains five N') status indicators to provide the user with
a visual mode of internal &CMK vehicleK and host device (e.!. NG: Classic2s 8JDandleK /CK /ocket /C//):K and Naptop/*):) operation .
8he &CM also has detachable cables for connection to industr# standard hi!hJspeed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. 8he
&CM 533F.F )&) includes both *): (*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware) and /): (/ortable )ia!nostic :oftware) tools .
/roduct Contents
V /):
V Cables
V Case
"pplication Overview:
*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware (*):) is the net !eneration dia!nostic tool. *): inte!rates 1): software modified to run on an offJtheJ
shelf laptop with the &ehicle Communication Module (&CM) currentl# used in NG:; and /):K and a new &ehicle Measurement Module (&MM) .
&ehicle )ia!nostic Connectors:
8he &CM 64Jpin )NC cable is used to connect the &CM to the vehicle. 8he &CM and &MM connect to the laptop throu!h the 'thernetJ(:,
"dapter Cable (DA34/DA64) .
Check here:
Co(*/M)H*) I'S 324 402.20116
8he &ehicle Commnication Module (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edi%edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#. 8his device provides
multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the re<uirements of all +ord Motor Compan# vehicles.
8he &CM unit is housed in a ma!nesium enclosure with a tou!hK protectiveK plastic cover for the /CMC*" epansion slot which canK for
eampleK be used for wireless N"N cards or memor# epansion. 8he &CM device contains five N') status indicators to provide the user with
a visual mode of internal &CMK vehicleK and host device (e.!. NG: Classic2s 8JDandleK /CK /ocket /C//):K and Naptop/*):) operation.
8he &CM also has detachable cables for connection to industr# standard hi!hJspeed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. 8he
&CM 533F.F )&) includes both *): (*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware) and /): (/ortable )ia!nostic :oftware) tools.
/roduct Contents
V /):
V Cables
V Case
/roduct )etails "pplication Overview: *nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware (*):) is the net !eneration dia!nostic tool. *): inte!rates 1):
software modified to run on an offJtheJshelf laptop with the &ehicle Communication Module (&CM) currentl# used in NG:; and /):K and a
new &ehicle Measurement Module (&MM).
&ehicle )ia!nostic Connectors: 8he &CM 64Jpin )NC cable is used to connect the &CM to the vehicle. 8he &CM and &MM connect to the
laptop throu!h the 'thernetJ(:, "dapter Cable (DA34/DA64).
Check here:!k<dwc
Co(*/M)H*) I'S 32. 40B.20116
8he &ehicle Commnication Module (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edi%edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#. 8his device provides
multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the re<uirements of all +ord Motor Compan# vehicles.
8he &CM unit is housed in a ma!nesium enclosure with a tou!hK protectiveK plastic cover for the /CMC*" epansion slot which canK for
eampleK be used for wireless N"N cards or memor# epansion. 8he &CM device contains five N') status indicators to provide the user with
a visual mode of internal &CMK vehicleK and host device (e.!. NG: Classic2s 8JDandleK /CK /ocket /C//):K and Naptop/*):) operation.
8he &CM also has detachable cables for connection to industr# standard hi!hJspeed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. 8he
&CM 533F.F )&) includes both *): (*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware) and /): (/ortable )ia!nostic :oftware) tools.
/roduct Contents: &CMK /):K CablesK Case
/roduct )etails: "pplication Overview: *nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware (*):) is the net !eneration dia!nostic tool. *): inte!rates 1):
software modified to run on an offJtheJshelf laptop with the &ehicle Communication Module (&CM) currentl# used in NG:; and /):K and a
new &ehicle Measurement Module (&MM). &ehicle )ia!nostic Connectors: 8he &CM 64Jpin )NC cable is used to connect the &CM to the
vehicle. 8he &CM and &MM connect to the laptop throu!h the 'thernetJ(:, "dapter Cable (DA34/DA64).
Covera!e has been etended with the followin! additions:
North "merica: 5365 +J6H3K +J6H3 Darle# +J6H3 J 9aptor
'urope: 5365 9an!erK 8ransitK M"B)"
Model additions: A"K General ,8JH3K Ma%da7K 'uropeK General Ma%da7 .
Check here:!k<dwc
Co(*/M)H*) I'S 32+ 12.2011
8he &ehicle Commnication Module (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edi%edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#. 8his device provides
multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the re<uirements of all +ord Motor Compan# vehicles.
8he &CM unit is housed in a ma!nesium enclosure with a tou!hK protectiveK plastic cover for the /CMC*" epansion slot which canK for
eampleK be used for wireless N"N cards or memor# epansion. 8he &CM device contains five N') status indicators to provide the user with
a visual mode of internal &CMK vehicleK and host device (e.!. NG: Classic]s 8JDandleK /CK /ocket /C//):K and Naptop/*):) operation.
8he &CM also has detachable cables for connection to industr# standard hi!hJspeed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. 8he
&CM 533F.F )&) includes both *): (*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware) and /): (/ortable )ia!nostic :oftware) tools .
Check here:!k<dwc
Co(* I'S V/M 20 < /)l$A()t$o- 2010/2011
7.HC G,
9elease )ate: 5363/66
&ersion: F3
:#stem re<uirements: minimum
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish ; 9ussian
8ablet: Not re<uired
)escription: /ro!rams for the dia!nosis of car brands +ordK Ma%daK Nand 9overK Ua!uar.
't. *nformation: 1ithout the patch is NO8 available to the operation confi!urationK pro!rammin!.
N*N.: (4):
Co(* V/M I'S 32" 312+
+ord &CM *): (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#
Newest version:
*):: &F7
Ua!uar E Nand 9over: &654
Nan!ua!es: 'n!lishK GermanK +renchK *talianK :panishK NetherlandsK :wedishK )anishK Norwe!ianK /ortu!ueseK :lovak
New +ord 9otunda )ealer *): &CM &F7
+ord &CM *): (&CM) is a hi!h performanceK ru!!edK vehicle serial communications !atewa#. 8his device provides multiple vehicle serial
communication interfaces to meet the re<uirements of all +ord Motor Compan# vehicles. 8he &CM unit is housed in a ma!nesium enclosure
with a tou!hK protectiveK plastic cover for the /CMC*" epansion slot which canK for eampleK be used for wireless N"N cards or memor#
epansion. 8he &CM device contains five N') status indicators to provide the user with a visual mode of internal &CMK vehicleK and host
device (e.!. NG: ClassicMs 8JDandleK /CK /ocket /C//):K and Naptop/*):) operation.
8he &CM also has detachable cables for connection to industr# standard hi!hJspeed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test. 8he
&CM )&) includes both *): (*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware) and /): (/ortable )ia!nostic :oftware) tools. )ia!nostic covera!e includes
most 6$$4 533C MI (produced 6$$H 533F) +ordK Nincoln/Mercur# E Ma%da vehicles.
6."pplication Overview
*nte!rated )ia!nostic :oftware (*):) is the net !eneration dia!nostic tool. *): inte!rates 1): software modified to run on an offJtheJ
shelf laptop with the &ehicle Communication Module (&CM) currentl# used in NG:; and /):K and a new &ehicle Measurement Module (&MM).
5.&ehicle )ia!nostic Connectors
8he &CM 64Jpin )NC cable is used to connect the &CM to the vehicle. 8he &CM and &MM connect to the laptop throu!h the inthernetJ(:,
"dapter Cable (DA34/DA64).
7.*nterface )evices
8he interface devices that are used with this application are:
&CM &ehicle Communication Module: 8his device provides all link based functionalit# includin!: )ata lo!!erK :elf testK :ervice +unctionsK
Module Confi!uration and /ro!rammin!K etc.
A.:upported lan!ua!es: 'n!lishK GermanK +renchK *talianK :panishK NetherlandsK :wedishK )anishK Norwe!ianK /ortu!ueseK :lovak
H. :oftware version:
*):: &F7
UN9: &654
4. :pecial feature:
+ord &CM &F7 can install *): software and UN9 software on one computer. 8hrou!h the convert softwareK it can reali%e software
conversion between *): and UN9. +ree update throu!h internet.
Co(* M$(o)t USA 12.2010
H.$H G,
I'"9: 5363
&ersion: 5363.65
)eveloper: Microcat
Nan!ua!e: 'n!
Catalo!ue of ori!inal parts for carsK pickupsK vans and li!ht trucks for +ordK issued for the North "merican market. 8here is a search and
decr#pt data on &inK to search for the ori!inal part numberK numberK motorcraftK and the namin! of parts.
Catalo! (F):
Co(* S%(3$% I-Do(!)t$o- 'V' 41BB2,20056
7.7A G,
*ncludin! +actor# 1orkshop ManualsK 8echnical :ervice ,ulletinMsK 1irin! )ia!rams E /ower train/'missions )ia!nostics *nformation.
8his )&) covers +ordK Nincoln and Mercur# &ehicles.
Nist of vehicles covered in this )&)
"erostar: 6$$F
Continental: 6$$F
Crown &ictoria: 5335K 533HK 5334
'J6H3: 5336
'J5H3: 5336
'J7H3: 5336
'JAH3: 5336
'd!e: 533F
'scape: 533HK 5334K 533F
'scape D#brid: 533HK 5334K 533F
'scort: 6$$$K 5337
'cursion: 5333K 533A
'pedition: 6$$$K 5333K 5337K 533AK 533HK 5334K 533F
'plorer: 6$$$K 5333K 5337K 533HK 5334K 533F
'plorer :port 8rac: 533HK 533F
+J6H3: 6$$$K 5333K 5335K 533HK 5334
+J5H3: 5333K 533AK 533HK 5334K 533FK 533C
+J5H3 Ni!ht )ut#: 6$$$
+J5H3 :uper )ut#: 6$$$
+J7H3: 6$$$K 5333K 533AK 533HK 5334K 533FK 533C
+JAH3: 6$$$K 5333K 533AK 533HK 5334K 533FK 533C
+JH7 Motorhome Chassis: 6$$$K 5333
+JHH3: 6$$$K 5333K 533AK 533HK 5334K 533FK 533C
+ive Dundred: 533HK 5334K 533F
+ocus: 5336K 5337K 533AK 533HK 5334
+reest#le: 533HK 5334K 533F
+usion: 5334K 533F
Grand Mar<uis: 5335K 533HK 5334
Nincoln N:: 5334
Now Cab +orward: 5334
Mariner: 533HK 5334K 533F
Mariner D#brid: 5334K 533F
Mark N8: 5334
Mark &***: 6$$4
Milan: 5334K 533F
M.R: 533F
M.B: 533F
Monte!o: 533HK 5334K 533F
Mountaineer: 6$$$K 5333K 5337K 533HK 5334K 533F
Mustan!: 6$$$K 533AK 533HK 5334
Navi!ator: 6$$$K 5333K 5337K 533AK 533HK 5334K 533F
9an!er: 6$$FK 6$$$K 5333K 5336K 5335K 533HK 5334
:able: 6$$FK 533A
8aurus: 6$$FK 533A
8owncar: 6$$FK 5333K 5336K 5337
8racer: 6$$$
&illa!er: 5335
1indstar: 6$$C
Beph#r: 5334
Ninks (6A):
E%-%($o*% M% Do( &$-*ow0 2.1
577 M,
8he 8otal Code 9etrieval :#stem
General Code /ro!ram: lookup ke# information from a code number
(tilit# / &ehicle / Motorc#cle / /adlock /ro!rams: lookup ke# information b# manufacturerK modelK and input codes or cuts
.e# ,lank :earch: )on2t know the manufacturer] +ind out if #ou know the blank number.
)epth E :pace /ro!ram: Nookup depth E space information for virtuall# an# lock in use toda#.
*nformation /ro!ram: " director# of companiesK both forei!n and domesticK involved in the locksmith trade.
Nocksmith Ned!er *nde: +ind articles b# subLect datin! back to 6$CH.
/ro!ression /ro!ram: )ispla#s a chart to pro!ress ke#s when onl# partial cuts are known.
Distor# +eature: "llows #ou to save an# ke# #ou lookup b# customer name for future retreival.
EM EloA)l EP/ 2011
6F.FH G,
.e#e!n included.
General Motors GM GNO,"N spare parts catalo! for ,uickK CadillacK ChevroletK GMCK DummerK Ni!ht 8rucksK Medium 8rucksK
OldsmobileK OpelK /ontiacK :aabK :aturn.
General Motors GM GNO,"N /arts *nformation: 6$F4Jcurrent parts information for passen!er vehiclesK li!ht trucksK vans and etc (*rmscher
parts included). ,uickK CadillacK ChevroletK GMCK DummerK Ni!ht 8rucksK Medium 8rucksK OldsmobileK OpelK /ontiacK :aabK :aturn of ":*"
General Motors GNO,"N Nan!ua!es "vailable: 'n!lishK C%echK )anishK )utchK +innishK +renchK GermanK GreekK Dun!arianK *talianK Norwe!ianK
/olishK /ortu!ueseK 9ussianK :panishK :wedishK and 8urkish.
General Motors GNO,"N ,enefits:
+astK errorJfree part lookups b# part name or part number and access to detailed illustrations.
/art histor# and supersession data helps #ou order the most current parts and reduce #our obsolete parts inventor#.
*nte!ration of parts lists with #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem saves time and reduces errors.
General Motors GNO,"N +eatures:
&*N//OC decodin! and filterin! displa#s vehicleJspecific parts information.
&ehicle and !roup indees.
Ninks between tet and illustrations.
,ookmarks enable an eas# return to parts information.
Boom feature for instant access to enlar!ed ima!es.
*nstant access to #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem.
Capacit# to customi%e parts data b# addin! #our own notes.
Online help screens minimi%e new user trainin! time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usa!e of maLor functions.
/rint hi!hJ<ualit# tet and illustrations.
GM A.R '/C )&) (: 1*8D/1*8DO(8 /9*C*NG
GM A.R +N''8 (N*:8 /9*C' ONNI)
GM A.R :"", '/C (: 1*8D/1*8DO(8 /9*C*NG
GM A.R :"8(9N C"N '/C 1*8D/1*8DO(8 /9*C*NG
GM A.R :"8(9N (: '/C 1*8D/1*8DO(8 /9*C*NG
GM "/ CD*N" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ *N)*" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ *N)ON':*" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ U"/"N )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ ."B".D:8"N )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ .9OIM"N: )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ M"N"I:*" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ /D*N*//*N': )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ /9'M*(M )"8" "CC'::
GM "/ :. .O9'" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ :*NG"/O9' )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ 8"*1"N (I(NON) )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ 8D"*N"N) )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM "/ &*'8N"M )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM C"N")" A.R '/C 1*8D/1*8DO(8 /9*C*NG
GM C"N")" A.R :"", '/C NOC"N CON8'N8
GM C"N")" A.R :"", '/C 1*8D/1*8DO(8 /9*C*NG
GM GNO,"N 9(::*" C' )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM GNO,"N 9(::*" N"/O//:" )"8" "CC'::
GM GM,9 ,9"B*N )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM DON)'N "(:89"N*" )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N "(:89"N*" :"", )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N "(:89"N*" :"",/D(MM'9 )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N "(:89"N*" :"",/D(MM'9/C")*NN"C )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N G, )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N N'1 B'"N"N) )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N N'1 B'"N"N) :"", )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N N'1 B'"N"N) :"",/D(MM'9 )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N N'1 B'"N"N) :"",/D(MM'9/C")*NN"C )"8" "CC'::
GM DON)'N NO /9*C'
GM N""M "+9*C" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M "9G'N8*N" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M CD*N' )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M CONOM,*" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M 'C(")O9 )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M *:9"'N )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M M*))N' '":8 )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M :O(8D "+9*C" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M (9(G("IJ/"9"G("I )"8" "CC':/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM N""M &'N'B('N" )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM M'R*CO )"8" "CC'::/NOC"N CON8'N8
GM /9'M*(M )"8" "CC'::
EM EloA)l EP/ 2011 345..42
General Motors GM GN" 5366K parts catalo! and accessories catalo! for cars General Motors of the (.:. market J ,uickK CadillacK ChevroletK
DummerK Ni!ht 8rucksK Medium 8rucksK OldsmobileK /ontiacK :aabK :aturn
)o not for!et to add the hosts 65F.3.3.6 licensin!
EM S%(3$% M)-u)l 30B
*nformation pro!ram on repair and service for car !roup GM ((.:. market): ,uickK CadillacK ChevroletK GMC 8ruckK DummerK *su%uK /ontiacK
:aturn J from 6$C3 to 533$. Contains: service bulletinsK specificationsK repair manualsK set parametersK lists the error codes with
description and eplanation.
EM T%h2
H'S Ho-*) Au() ".002.0"2 7 VIP l$-80
Ho-*) EP/ 31+.0"
5.$ G,
Iear: 5363
&ersion: 64.37
)eveloper: Donda
/latform: 1indows 5333/R//5337
Compatibilit# with &ista: unknown
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish onl#
Medicine: /resent
/ro!ram DON)" '/C contains full information on spare parts for cars with the left and ri!htJhand steerin! (ecept for the Uapanese
market)K since 6$C5. :upplied on a )&)K installation takes ^ 73MbK default pro!ram works b# usin! )&). 8he catalo! contains information
about cars from 6$C5 to 5366. 8he pro!ram has a search on &*N and its interpretationK the choice of modelK UobJsheetsK normoJhours and
cost of spare partsK as well as userJfriendl# interface and hi!hJ<ualit# illustrations.
'tras. *nformation: ,efore installin! the pro!ram #ou want to remove all previous versions of the productK if an#. Mount in an# convenient
wa# drive and install usin! a ke#.
8o complete the installation on the D)) (work without )&)) #ou need to cop# the disc to the hard drive and run the utilit# :witch Nocation
specif#in! a new path to the dataK or cop# the entire contents of the )&) to the D)) and run setup from the D)). *f durin! the
installation complains to the wron! driveK #ou must run the 9e!istr# 'ditor (re!edit)K find and delete the branch
Catalo! (6H):
Ho-*) EP/ 312.02 2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
8he pro!ram DON)" '/C comes one )&)K installation is 5HMbK default pro!ram works b# usin! )&). 8he catalo! contains information about
cars from 6$C5 to 5366.
8he pro!ram is a search on &*N and its transcriptK the choice of modelK UobJsheetsK normoJhours and cost of spare partsK as well as userJ
friendl# interface and hi!hJ<ualit# illustrations.
'tra *nformation: 8his ima!e is not the net cumulative updateK soJcalled :tand"lone version is desi!ned for clean installation. *ma!e
taken with the ori!inal )&). ,efore installin! the pro!ram to remove all previous versions of the productK if an#. Mount in an# convenient wa#
to install the disk andK usin! the ke# .
8o complete the installation pro!ram on the D)) (work without )&)) to cop# the )atabase director# on the D)) and run the utilit# :witch
Nocation specif#in! a new path to the dataK or cop# the entire contents of the )&) to the D)) and run setup from the D)) .
Iear: 5366
&ersion: 6F.35
)eveloper: Donda
Nan!ua!e: Multilan!ua!e ('n!lishK +rancaisK )eutschK 'spanolK NederlandsK *talianoK /ortu!ues)
Medicine: :erial ke#
Catalo! (67):
Ho-*) EP/ Do( Moto(=l%0 12.00
Iear/*ssue )ate: 36.3A.5366
&ersion: 6F.33
)eveloper: DON)"
1eb )eveloper: J
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Nicense: +reeware
)escription: 8he Donda Moto '/C contains full information on spare parts for motorc#cles and scooters for different markets (ecept
Uapan and the (.:.) from 6$FF to 5366.
8he pro!ram Donda Moto have a choice of modelsK a search on &*N
'tras. *nformation: portable versionK onl# R/
Ho-*) EP/ 315.04 2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
7.74 G,
8he pro!ram DON)" '/C comes one )&)K installation is 5HMbK default pro!ram works b# usin! )&). 8he catalo! contains information about
cars from 6$C5 to 5365. 8he pro!ram is a search on &*N and its transcriptK the choice of modelK UobJsheetsK normoJhours and cost of spare
partsK as well as userJfriendl# interface and hi!hJ<ualit# illustrations . 'tra *nformation: 8his ima!e is not the net cumulative updateK soJ
called :tand"lone version is desi!ned for clean installation. *ma!e taken with the ori!inal )&) .
,efore installin! the pro!ram to remove all previous versions of the productK if an#. Mount in an# convenient wa# to install the disk andK usin!
the ke# . 8o complete the installation pro!ram on the D)) (work without )&)) to cop# the )atabase director# on the D)) and run the
utilit# :witch Nocation specif#in! a new path to the dataK or cop# the entire contents of the )&) to the D)) and run setup from the D)) .
&ersion: 6C.33
Iear: 5366
9elease: "pril 5366
)eveloper: Donda
Nan!ua!e: Multilan!ua!e ('n!lishK +rancaisK )eutschK 'spanolK NederlandsK *talianoK /ortu!ues)
Medicine: :erial ke#
Catalo! (6A):
Ho-*) H'S 2.022.101 Mult$l)-1u)1% 41.20116
Donda E "cura. Communication with the s#stem under test via the di!ital bus dia!nostic connector.
*nformation: hn5333a folder copied to C:
Catalo! (4):
Ho-*) !)-u)l0
H=u-*)$ E'S 2012.04
D#undai G): !lobal dia!nostic s#stem dealer repair manuals D#undaiK shop manualsK D#undai electrical wirin! dia!ramsK dia!nostic trouble
codes ()8C)K service specificationsK ti!htenin! tor<uesK technical service bulletinsK electrical troubleshootin! manualK dtc !uide. D#undai G):
dealer repair manuals D#undai cars and li!ht commercial trucks consist shop manualsK electrical wirin! dia!rams for all models D#undai
D#undai electrical troubleshootin! manual ('8M) consist dealer electrical manual pin assi!nmentsK component locationsK connector viewsK
functional descriptionsK measurin! devicesK desired valuesK help tetsK functional tests.
H=u-*)$ H%)3= S%(3$% & Op%()to(0 M)-u)l0 7 VIP l$-80
66.66G, P 'n!lish
I'S #)-* Ro3%(/?)1u)( 312..0+ 4Up*)t% 22.04.20116
8he Ua!uarK Nand 9over *nte!rated )ia!nostic :#stem (*):) will be the onl# e<uipment that provides complete dia!nostic covera!e of
current and future Ua!uarK Nand 9over vehicles. 8he *): packa!e replaces the 1orldwide )ia!nostic :#stem (1):). 8he *): application
will perform the identical functions of the 1): and allows dealership technicians to dia!nose and serviceUa!uarK Nand 9over vehicles. "s
the new dia!nostic toolK *): will be re<uired to perform dia!nostics on future model #ear vehicles. One *): /acka!e is recommended for
each 1): in the dealership.
*): is enhanced 1): software that was modified to run on a standard laptop platformK and utili%es the &CM and &MM. Movin! *): to a
laptop helps technicians b# inte!ratin! access to both dia!nostics and service information on a sin!leK powerful machine.
Check here:!k<dwc
I'S #)-* Ro3%(/?)1u)( 312+.02 4Up*)t% 0".0B.20116
8he Ua!uarK Nand 9over *nte!rated )ia!nostic :#stem (*):) will be the onl# e<uipment that provides complete dia!nostic covera!e of
current and future Ua!uarK Nand 9over vehicles. 8he *): packa!e replaces the 1orldwide )ia!nostic :#stem (1):). 8he *): application
will perform the identical functions of the 1): and allows dealership technicians to dia!nose and serviceUa!uarK Nand 9over vehicles. "s
the new dia!nostic toolK *): will be re<uired to perform dia!nostics on future model #ear vehicles. One *): /acka!e is recommended for
each 1): in the dealership .
*): is enhanced 1): software that was modified to run on a standard laptop platformK and utili%es the &CM and &MM. Movin! *): to a
laptop helps technicians b# inte!ratin! access to both dia!nostics and service information on a sin!leK powerful machine .
Check here:!k<dwc
8he probabl# N"9G':8 collection of ori!inal and modified immosK ecusK dumps and eeproms for almost all cars0
Over AAF33 files0 Over 63G, packed into 6.76G,0
)ownload J Loin J enter the password J unpack J enLo# :)
8he list of files is here:
I-0t)/o*% 2005
*nstaCode is considered the leadin! .e# )ata :oftware throu!hout the world. 1ith over 7 billion ke# codesK and new codes added dail#K
*nstaCode is a vital tool for an# professional locksmith.
Compared to code books or an# other code packa!eK *nstacode is a <uickK eas# to use pro!ram.
"s lock and ke# technolo!# constantl# chan!esK so too does *nstaCode constantl# evolve to provide #ou the latest accurate information on\
CodesK CardsK 8ranspondersK "irba!sK Car Openin! techni<uesK ":/ replacement products with most models featurin! colour pictures of the
":/ locks and service components.
*nstaCode has been thou!htfull# desi!ned to easil# take the user throu!h MwindowsM based pa!es. " comprehensive search en!ine takes #ou
directl# to the information #ou re<uire. 'ven if #ou onl# have limited detailsK the pro!ram is smart enou!h to find all related ke#s that fit
#our search criteria.
" !raphical la#out displa#in! space E depth informationK flat widthsK an!lesK card number and other relevant ke# cuttin! information makes
*nstaCode easier to use than man# alternatives.
*nstaCode includes a web update featureK which periodicall# checks for updatesK ensurin! #ou alwa#s have access to the ver# latest version
and newest code series available for the forthcomin! #ear.
Compan#Name: 8o Iou
Option: FFFFF733 33F633FF 63333333 7CA$A5$3
9e!istrationCode: 4bAAfabc C6bd44e6 $dF3AfaA 563ebd7c
)O NO8 (/)"8':0
ISUIU /SS @ET 0B.2010
(pdated: $/5363
Nan!ua!e: 'NG
spare parts catalo! *su%u (*su%uK *su%u) for "(&K ,(:':K /*C.(/K :(&K 89(C.:K *ndustrial and Marine 'n!ines.
:pare parts catalo! *su%u (*su%u) Coach *su%u (*su%u)K pickupsK *su%u (*su%u)K industrial en!ines .
Models presented in *su%u C::Jnet spare parts catalo!:
*su%u &ehicle "(&
H3$3$ 8,9JND) 5336J *su%u &ehicle "(&
H665C 8,9JND) 533FJ *su%u &ehicle "(&
*su%u &ehicle ,uses
634AC CD9/CU9/C[9 6$$3J6$$$ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
634H3 M8666 665 6$$6J533A *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63447 M9 6$$6J6$$H *su%u &ehicle ,uses
634F4 N8 666 665 675 677 6$$6J *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63C6C N&657/6H3/A57J9D) 5336J *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63C5A M9JND) 5333J *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63CH5 N&657/6H3JND) 5336J *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63CH7 M&657 (9D)) 5336J *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63CHF M&66C 6$$HJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63C$5 N867AJ9D) 5336J *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63$AC N&657/A57JND) 533AJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
63$4$ M8677J9D) 533HJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
66376 N867AJ9D) '(9OA 533FJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
66375 N867A (ND)) 533FJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
663A$ N&A7A (9D)) 533FJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
66633 N&A7A (ND)) 533FJ *su%u &ehicle ,uses
*su%u &ehicle /ickup
H34H6 8+9/8+:J9D) 6$$7J6$$4 *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H34H5 8+9/8+:JND) 6$$7J6$$4 *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3F5H 8+9/8+:J9D) 6$$FJ6$$C *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3F54 8+9/8+:JND) 6$$FJ6$$C *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3F5F 8+9/8+: ('(9O/') JND) 6$$FJ6$$C *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3C33 8+9/8+:J9D) 6$$$J5337 *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3C36 8+9/8+:JND) 6$$$J5337 *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3C35 8+9/8+: ('(9O/') JND) 6$$$J5337 *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3$53 8+9/8+: ('(9O/') J9D) 5335J5337 *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3$74 8+9/8+:("(:89"N*") 5337J *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3$4A 8+9/8+:JND) 533AJ *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3$4H 8+9/8+:J9D) 533AJ *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3$44 8+9/8+: ('(9O/') JND) 533AJ *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H3$4F 8+9/8+: ('(9O/') J9D) 533AJ *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H66F6 8+9/8+: CD'& DON)'N 533CJ *su%u &ehicle /ickup
H66$A 8+9/8+:J9D) 533$J *su%u &ehicle /ickup
*su%u &ehicle :(&
H34HC (,:J9D) 6$$5J6$$F *su%u &ehicle :(&
H34H$ (,:JND) 6$$5J6$$F *su%u &ehicle :(&
H34CH 1+9J9D) 6$$AJ6$$H *su%u &ehicle :(&
H34C4 1+9JND) 6$$AJ6$$H *su%u &ehicle :(&
H34CC (CJND) 6$$7J6$$F *su%u &ehicle :(&
H3FHA (':(A)OO9)JND) 6$$CJ *su%u &ehicle :(&
H3FHF (,:J9D) 6$$CJ *su%u &ehicle :(&
H3FFH (,:JND) 6$$CJ *su%u &ehicle :(&
H3C37 (,:(8"*1"N)JND) 6$$CJ *su%u &ehicle :(&
H3C3F (':("(:89"N*") 6$$$J *su%u &ehicle :(&
H6375 (C9JND) 533HJ *su%u &ehicle :(&
I0uHu &o(l*w$*% 02.2011 7 VIP l$-80
?%%p ?K K? M? &? MK C)to(= S%(3$% M)-u)l0
6.3G, P *:O
+actor# service manual includin! all 533F #ear Leeps:
533F Ueep 1ran!ler
533F Ueep Nibert#
533F Ueep Compass
533F Ueep Grand Cherokee
533F Ueep Commander
)etailed descriptions of all topics and wirin! dia!rams and dia!nostics .
:ame used b# Ueep :ervice departments .
KIA E'S E,K,0",0.,0000 2012
8he Global )ia!nostic :#stem (G):) is the onl# O'M dia!nostic tool for .ia. *t is an advanced service s#stem that provides comprehensive
covera!e for all .ia vehicles includin! all D#brid models. G): provides complete dia!nosticsK anal#sis and repro!rammin! capabilities as well
as a hu!e librar# of technicalK service and repair information.
O Completel# *nte!rated )ia!nostic :#stem with (ser :pecific
*nformation E :ettin!s
O Complete 8echnical :ervice *nformation
O Comprehensive E Customi%ed )ia!nostic :olution
O Guided 8roubleshootin! /rocedures
O Mobile )ataJrecordin! +unction
O 9ealJtime :oftware Mana!ement
:ervice manualsK repair manualsK shop manualsK electrical wirin! dia!ramsK dia!nostic trouble codes ()8C)K bod# manual.
.*" G): models list:
36. /*C"N8O(:") 533C
36. /*C"N8O(:") 5337
36. /*C"N8O(:") 533A
36. /*C"N8O(:") 533H
36. /*C"N8O(:") 5334
36. /*C"N8O(:") 533F
35. 9*O(U,) 533H
35. 9*O(U,) 5334
35. 9*O(U,) 533F
35. 9*O(U,) 533C
37. C'9"8O(N)) 533$
37. C'9"8O(N)) 5337
37. C'9"8O(N)) 533A
37. C'9"8O(N)) 533H
37. C'9"8O(N)) 5334
37. C'9"8O(N)) 533F
37. C'9"8O(N)) 533C
3A. Cee(')) 5334
3A. Cee(')) 533C
3A. Cee(')) 533F
3A. Cee(')) 533$
3H. Optima/Ma!entis(MG) 533F
3H. Optima/Ma!entis(MG) 533C
3H. Optima/Ma!entis(MG) 5334
3H. Optima/Ma!entis(MG) 533$
34. C"9'N:((N) 533$
34. C"9'N:((N) 533F
34. C"9'N:((N) 533C
3F. :/O98"G'(.M) 533H
3F. :/O98"G'(.M) 5334
3F. :/O98"G'(.M) 533F
3F. :/O98"G'(.M) 533C
3F. :/O98"G'(.M) 533$
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 5337
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 533A
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 533H
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 5334
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 533F
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 533C
3C. :O9'N8O(,N) 533$
3$. MOD"&'/,O99'GO(DM) 533$
63. C"9N*&"N/:')ON"(&[) 533C
63. C"9N*&"N/:')ON"(&[) 533F
63. C"9N*&"N/:')ON"(&[) 5334
63. C"9N*&"N/:')ON"(&[) 533$
66. O/*9(:(GD) 533A
66. O/*9(:(GD) 533H
66. O/*9(:(GD) 5334
66. O/*9(:(GD) 533F
66. O/*9(:(GD) 533C
66. O/*9(:(GD) 533$
65. .5H33/.5F33/.7333/.7333:(/() 533C
65. .5H33/.5F33/.7333/.7333:(/() 533F
65. .5H33/.5F33/.7333/.7333:(/() 5334
65. .5H33/.5F33/.7333/.7333:(/() 533H
67. OverhaulJ"AC+3 533C
6A. OverhaulJ"AC+6 533F
6H. OverhaulJ"AC+5 533F
64. OverhaulJ"HG+6 5334
6F. OverhaulJ"HD+6 533H
6C. OverhaulJ"H:95 533C
6$. OverhaulJMHC+6 533H
53. OverhaulJMHC+5 533H
56. OverhaulJMHC+7 533F
55. OverhaulJMHG+5 5334
57. OverhaulJMHD+5 5334
5A. OverhaulJM4G+5 5334
K$) E'S 2012
KCI Tool0
&"G COMK O,) ** scan toolK radio code softwareK chip tunin! softwareK etc. +or &1K OpelK MercedesK "udiK etc.
Iou need onl# e.!. O,)5 Cable .
Iou can read the error memor# of #our vehicle and clear the stored fault or the# put the service interval for a oil chan!e itself back.
'ncode their 'C( to chan!e (onl# for the actual milea!e after speedo chan!e) the milea!e of their speedos .
,ehavior chan!e in the central possible. "ctivation of an afterJarmed cruise control is also possible .
*ndividual adLustment of the immobili%er is supported .
Measurement of realJtime measurements of the controller: inLection pointK inLection volumeK boost pressureK oil temperatureK intake
temperatureK and other more .
Ninks (AF):
Ko!)t0u #$-8O-% 3.4.2."
F.5 G,
Iear: 533C
&ersion: A.5.7
)eveloper: Mincom
/latform: Microsoft 1indows
Compatibilit# with &ista: Ies
:#stem re<uirements: minimal
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Medicine: /resent
:pare parts for machiner# brand .omatsu. 'as# and intuitive user interfaceK !raphical displa# of spare parts. "bilit# to search for spare
parts such as b# catalo! number or b# name.
Catalo! (73):
Ko$3u-%- 02.2011
6.H4 G,
9elease )ate: 5366 +ebruar#
&ersion: 355366
)eveloper: .oivunen
1eb )eveloper:
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish ; 9ussian
8ablet: Not re<uired
Catalo!ue of spare parts from the +innish wholesaler for MO:8 /O/(N"9 ,9"N): "(8O.
#)-* Ro3%( M$(o)t 2012.0B
*t is a electronic part catalo!ue for Nand 9over vehicles. 8here is a search b# chassis number also. 8he information about the vehicle b#
chassis number !ives countr# where the vehicle is soldK colourK e<uipmentK etc.
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK )eutschK Ma!#arK *talianoK +rancaisK 'spanolK NederlandsK )anskK NorskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK /olskiK :uomiK 8urkceK
9ussianK etc.
#)-* Ro3%( M$(o)t 201".01
#)-* Ro3%( M$(o)t 201".02
#)u-h M,4"1
Cracked app E a few updates
+older link:
#%x$) " 34.
#%x$) " 34+
MA@ &o(80hop I-Do0=0t%! 4MA@ &IS6
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish/9ussian
MA@ &IS 04.2012
67 G,
Man 1*: dealer service manuals for trucks and busesK Man. 8his pro!ram provides information on repairK maintenanceK wirin! dia!rams
8ruck Man. "lso in the pro!ram are presented and bus manufacturer Man. Catalo! Man 1is 1orkshop *nformation :#stem delivered on
6)&) disk full or partial installation of repair on the hard disk.
'cerpt from the pro!ram Man 1*: (1orkshop *nformation :#stem):
8his manual repair is an aid to the proper conduct of the repair work described here on the vehicles and unitsK and reflects the technical
level at the time of the material in print.
*n developin! this !uide assumes the eistence of the professional <ualifications re<uired for workin! with vehicles and units.
*llustrations and correspondin! descriptions are t#pical snapshots that do not alwa#s correspond to the repaired unitK while not incorrect. *n
such casesK plannin! and carr#in! out repair work is carried out epedientl#.
9epair of complicated additional units carried out our service department or the service department of the manufacturer. 8hese a!!re!ates
in the tet is a special instruction.
9epair works are classified b# sections and subsections. 'ach subsection be!ins with pa!e ,ack!round of the work. T /rere<uisites for the
works is a summar# of the main conditions for the described repairs. /rere<uisites for conductin! the work can be followed b# a detailed
description of the work.
M)p )-* Eu$*% P(oD%00$o-)l 2011 312.0 Eu(op% /$t= MU#T$#A@EUAEE
Nan!ua!es: )utchK 'n!lishK +renchK GermanK *talian
1ith Map E Guide /9O 5366 toll calculation is even more eact. Iou will alwa#s receive the current or forecasted char!es valid on tripMs
specified departure date. 'ven in the event that toll rates are increasedK new toll roads are introduced or new toll s#stems for 'urope are
discussed (includin! an# draft bills put forward)K this information is immediatel# made available to #ou throu!h our updates.
Map E Guide /9O is 'uropeMs leadin! truck route planner. 8his route plannin! software contains features and data caterin! specificall# to
the transport industr#.
9eap benefits from:
J 8ruckJoptimised route plannin! with truck routin! (based on vehicle t#pe) and inte!rated truck and ha%ardous !oods data for 'urope
J /recise distance calculation based on MapEGuide kilometres tha are reco!ni%ed as a standard
J Calculation of eact transport costs includin! vehicle costsK diesel consumption (dependin! on uphill and downhill incline)K tollK special toll
and N:&".
J *nte!rated CO5 emission calculation and compensation directl# in the software for #our leap into !reen lo!istics
J :e<uence optimisation and time slot optimisation of trips
J :chedulin! and vehicle assi!nment plannin! that accounts for drivin! times and rest periods
J &isualisation and classification of customer data on the map for a better overview of #our customer structure
'urope Cit# includes: German#K "ustriaK :wit%erlandK +ranceK ,el!iumK NetherlandsK Nuembour!K NiechtensteinK (.K *relandK /oland
:candinaviaK :painK /ortu!al J includes correspondin! cit# maps plus a map for the rest of 'urope (main road covera!e in towns and cities
Dave toda#Ms calculations account for the toll fees char!ed from midJ5366 on German trunk roadsK the 'co ta levied in +rance in 5367K the
future truck toll in /oland or the toll increase in the C%ech 9epublic in 5365. 1ith our MapEGuide calc; addJon module #ou can also create a
detailed cost comparison: Dow much are the toll char!es for m# trips toda# and will the# chan!e in 4 months] 8he toll char!es can also be
individuall# defined for each countr# separatel# .
Catalo! (65):
M)H*) 01.200B
Catalo! (7):
M)H*) EP/2 3.".20.11 0".2011
Iear: "pr 5366
&ersion: 7.53.66
)eveloper: Ma%da
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Catalo!ue of spare parts M"B)" 'uropean market.
Catalo! (C):
M)H*) EP/2 10.2011
/ro!ram Ma%da '/C contains the full information on cars and minibuses with the left arran!ement of a rudderK since 6$CH. *t is delivered on
three C)s. *n the pro!ram there is a search on &*NK on model of the automobileK under ori!inal number of a detailK there is a function of
conductin! UobJsheets.
"fter installation the pro!ram Ma%da '/C creates two directories '/C and Ma%daK director# Ma%da contains the pro!ram showin! workin!
methods with pro!ram Ma%da and tellin! about histor# of mark Ma%daK in director# '/C there is pro!ram Ma%daK is started b# a file
T'pc.eeT. 1ork with the pro!ram Ma%da '/C is carried out b# means of function ke#s and the mouse. )ependin! on a window of function of
ke#s chan!e. "ll function ke#s are described in DelpJe pro!rams and eplanatories on the bottom panel of function ke#s of the pro!ram are
supplied brief. +or the be!innin! works with the pro!ram it is enou!h to know one function ke# T+HTK after input &*N or a choice of modelK it
is a ke# deduces a window of !roups of spare parts.
Ma%da 'pc :
Ma%da 656
Ma%da 656'C'
Ma%da 757
Ma%da 757+
Ma%da 7571"GON
Ma%da 454
Ma%da 4541"GON
Ma%da $5$
Ma%da ,6433
Ma%da ,6C33
Ma%da ,5333
Ma%da ,5533
Ma%da ,5H33
Ma%da ,5433
Ma%da CRJF
Ma%da )'M*O
Ma%da '5333
Ma%da '5533
M"B)" 5
M"B)" 7
M"B)" H
M"B)" 4
M"B)" 4 1"GON
Ma%da ,8JH3
M"B)" 4 M/:
Ma%da M*"8"
Ma%da M/&
Ma%da MRJ7
Ma%da MRJH
Ma%da MRJ4
Ma%da /9'M"CI
Ma%da /9'M"CI ()*':'N)
Ma%da 9RJF
Ma%da 9RJC
Ma%da 89*,(8'
Ma%da R')O:J4
Ma%da R')O:J$
and man# more...
M)H*) EP/2 EU 2012.0" :E@E;
Iear/*ssue )ate: March 5365
&ersion: 7/5365
)eveloper: M"B)" MO8O9 CO.
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian available)
Nicense: +reeware
)escription: Catalo!ue of spare parts M"B)" 'uropean market (left hand drive).
Ma%da '/C5 pro!ram contains full information on cars and minibuses with the left arran!ement of a rudderK since 6$CH.
)istribution includes:
6) '/C5JN"6J6537.iso
5) '/C5JN,6J6536.iso
7) '/C5JN,5J6536.iso
A) '/C5JNOCJ6537.iso
M%(%*%0,B%-H , '$0)00%!Al= A00$0t)-t
4AF.5F M,
T"ssistant to stripT MercedesJ,en%. 8his pro!ram !raphicall# in the form of video shows the correct process of disassembl#Jassembl#K
adLustin! !aps and all the technical details that arise durin! repair of various car brands MercedesJ,en%.
*n this video !uide provides information on the followin! models:
:N ,od# 165$ and 1573\
CN 156H bod#
CJCoupe with the bod# and 1537\
' ,od# 1563 and 1566\
: bod# 1553\
M bod# 1647\
G ,od# 1A47\
CN. bod# 153$\
,od# Ma#bach 15A3.
M%(%*%0,B%-H Ow-%(0 M)-u)l0 2000,2012
5G, P *:O
(ni<ue collections of the MercedesJ,en% Owners and Comand Manuals from 5335 to 5365 #ear .
Official M, manuals compiled in one place .
8he "*O contains followin! class:
5333 J CK 'K CNK CN. CoupesK CN. CabrioletsK MK :K :NK :N.
5336 J CK 'K sK CNK CN. CoupesK CN. CabrioletsK CN. 753K ' wa!onK :NK :N.
5335 J CK 'K sK CNK CN. CoupesK CN. CabrioletsK C CoupeK C 1a!onK ' 1a!onK GK MNK :NK :N.
5337 J CK 'K sK CNK CN. CoupesK CN. CabrioletsK C CoupeK C 1a!onK ' 1a!onK GK MNK :NK :N.
533A J CK 'K sK CNK CN. CoupesK CN. CabrioletsK C CoupeK C 1a!onK ' OC:K GK MNK :NK :N.
533H J CK 'K sK CNK CN. CoupesK CN. CabrioletsK C CoupeK C 1a!onK C 1a!on OC:K ' 1a!onK GK MNK :NK :N.K C :edan O:C
5334 J CK 'K sK CNK CN. CoupeK ' 1a!onK C "MGK MK 9K :NK :N.K :N9K CN.K CN:
533F J CK 'K sK CNK CN.K CN:K CN. CoupeK :N9K ' 1a!onK GK GNK MK 9K :NK :N.
533$ J CK 'K sK CNK CN.K GNK MK 9K GK :NK :N.K CN:
5363 J (owners) J CK ' CoupeK ' :edanK :K GNK GN.K MNK MN D#bridK : D#bridK CNK 9K CN:K :N.
5363 J (comand) J cK GN.K 'K GNK :N.K MNK CN:K :N9K :upplement
5366 J CK ' CoupeK ' :edanK : :edanK GNK GN.K MNK 9K GK CNK :NK :N:K :N.K CN:
5365 J C CoupeK C :edanK GNK :K GN.K 9K CNK :N.K CN:K MK ' Coupe and CabrioletK ' :edan and 1a!on .
+older (A):
M%(%*%0 'AS M%-t(= 11.2010
8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# 66/5363 ( :tar )ia!nosis ) is intended for dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an
information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar )ia!nosis. 8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be established
cinstalledd in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK *talianoK )anskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan
(ecept for 9ussian).
Catalo! (6$):
M%(%*%0 B%-H 'AS M%-t(= 1.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
4.F$ G,
Mercedes )": Rentr# 66/5363 :)M')*" description of the catalo!ue: 8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# 66/5363 ( :tar )ia!nosis ) is
intended for dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar

8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be established cinstalledd in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK
*talianoK )anskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan (ecept for 9ussian).
Catalo! (5C):
M%(%*%0 B%-H 'AS 0..2012
8he pro!ram Mercedes )": 3H.536s is intended for dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin!
data of the dia!nostic device :tar )ia!nosis .
8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be installed in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK *talianoK )anskK
:venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan .
Ninks :!Aswrdua!#!7H$l
M%(%*%0,B%-H 'AS M%-t(= 11.2011 M#
Mercedes )": Rentr# 66/5366 :)M')*" description of the catalo!ue: 8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# 3H/5366 (:tar )ia!nosis) is
intended for dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar
8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be established installed in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK
*talianoK )anskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan (ecept for 9ussian) .
Ninks here:
M%(%*%0 B%-H 'AS M%-t(= 01.2012 Mult$
Mercedes )": Rentr# 66/5366 :)M')*" description of the catalo!ue: 8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# 3H/5366 (:tar )ia!nosis) is
intended for dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar
8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be established installed in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK
*talianoK )anskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan (ecept for 9ussian) .
M%(%*%0 'AS ME@TRN 2012.0"
:oftware for vehicle dia!nostics !roup M'9C')':J,'NB. MultiJfunctional pro!ram that if the adapter can perform the followin! functions:
pro!rammin!K codin!K s#nchroni%ationK erasin! mistakesK and man# more others.
&ersion: 37@5365
:#stem re<uirements: /C compatible computer with a /reinstall
Nan!ua!e:Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# 37/5365 J is desi!ned for fault dia!nosis of electronic s#stems and power carsK Mercedes and used in
conLunction with a scanner dealer :tar )ia!nosis. 8he interface of the pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# 37/5365 has a multilin!ual interfaceK
includin! the 9ussian lan!ua!e. 1ith this pro!ramK and the dia!nostic adapter can dia!nose passen!er and commercial carsK trucks and buses
produced b# Mercedes from 6$C$ model #ear. *n additionK #ou can perform dia!nostics cars :martK CobusK :etraK Mitsubishi +usoK
:harat,en% laksheri class cars and Ma#bach. )ia!nosis of this pro!ram will identif# a fault in the electronic en!ine control s#stemsK
automatic transmissionsK securit#K air conditionin!K ",:K '):K ':/K cruise control s#stems and man# other helpers.
9"9 /assword is: scenerelease@stuff@b#@saud@6
M%(%*%0,B%-H 'AS/M%-t(= 2012.02 Mult$l)-1u)1% 42"/05/126
Mercedes )": Rentr# :)M')*" description of the catalo!ue: 8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# (:tar )ia!nosis) is intended for
dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar
M%(%*%0,B%-H 'AS,ME@TRN 201".01 Mult$l)-1u)1%
Mercedes )": Rentr# :)M')*" description of the catalo!ue: 8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# ( :tar )ia!nosis ) is intended for
dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar )ia!nosis.
8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be established installed in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK
*talianoK )anskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan (ecept for 9ussian).
M'9C')':J,'NB )": C)+N":D C) 8'N'M"8*C: for :8"9 )*"GNO:*:
M%(%*%0,B%-H EP/ 0..2011
4.6$ G,
MercedesJ,en% '/C '1" netK electronic spare parts catalo!ue consist ori!inal spare parts catalo!ueK all models carsK trucksK buses
MercedesJ,en%K all marketsK :mart E Ma#bach also includin!. 1hile 1*: is an application repair all MercedesJ,en% cars. Mercedes '/C net
represents the latest development in '/C +leible /ublishin!.
Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness
of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of
MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in! access and presentation.
1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin! ":9"K and dama!e codin!
on one workstation.
I'"9: 5366
'/C H/5366 S ONNI update version
NO8': Iou must install Mercedes '/C 37/5366 (,ase )iscs) firstK before installin! Mercedes '/C 3H/5366 ((pdate )isc)
Ninks (54):
M%(%*%0 B%-H St)(C$-*%( 3"
Mercedes :tar +inder contains color wirin! dia!rams and information about the location of the vehicle components of
electrical circuitsK includin! sensors and connectors for the followin! Mercedes models J 65$K 6F3K 6F6K 535K 537K 53CK
53$K 563K 566K 56HK 56$K 6A3K 553K 573K 5A3K A47K 647K 64A and 5H6.
*n the catalo! :tar +inder uses a standard numberin! of the elements of firm M, and vehicle wirin! dia!rams.
'tras. *nformation: *nstallation does not re<uired
Iear: 533C
&ersion: v7
)eveloper: MercedesJ,en% of North "merica *nc.
Compatibilit# with &ista: unknown
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
:#stem re<uirements:
*nternet 'plorer H.3 or hi!her.
"utodesk 1D*/0 (*ncluded on disc)
9"9 /asword is: scenerelease@and@latest@stuff@b#@saud@6
M%(%*%0 B%-H ')0,M%-t(= w$th A(o-$0 I!)1% 2012
"cronis *ma!e file .tib of )ell )473
Mercedes )": Rentr# :)M')*" description of the catalo!ue: 8he pro!ram Mercedes )": Rentr# (:tar )ia!nosis) is intended for
dia!nostics of an# cars of firm Mercedes. On )&) there is an information for updatin! data of the dia!nostic device :tar )ia!nosis.
8he information and the pro!ram Mercedes )": can be established installed in an# lan!ua!e J )eutschK 'n!lishK +rancaisK CastellanoK
*talianoK )anskK :venskaK /ortu!uesK :uomiK 8urke#K (: 'n!lishK Uapan (ecept for 9ussian).
M'9C')':J,'NB )": C)+N":D C) 8'N'M"8*C: for :8"9 )*"GNO:*:
M%(%*%0 'AS,ME@TRN w$th M%(%*%0,B%-H &IS,ASRA @%t 2012
Mercedes )":/R'N89I J 8he pro!ram for the dia!nosis of vehicles M'9C')':J,'NB. "lso present in the assembl# MercedesJ,en%
1*:/":9" J 8he information base on repair carsK trucksK buses MercedesJ,en% for the 'uropean and "merican markets.
Mercedes )":/R'N89I
8he pro!ram for the dia!nosis of vehicles M'9C')':J,'NB.
MercedesJ,en% 1*:/":9"
*nformation base on repair of cars and trucksK buses MercedesJ,en% for the 'uropean and "merican markets.
M%(%*%0 &IS ASRA 01.2011
Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness
of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of
MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in! access and presentation.
1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin! ":9"K and dama!e codin!
on one workstation.
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
J Modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
J +aster document search and displa#. Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
J :implification of document search in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
J :imple s#stem operation. in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
J "ccess option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
J &ehicleJspecific documentation findin!. in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
J :implification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
J )ocumentation access usin! operation number in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
J )efinition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9" in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
1ith the T1orkshop *nformation :#stem (1*:)T )aimlerChr#sler "G aim is to improve the availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop
documentation (e.!. repairK maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% products
b# optimi%in! access and presentation usin! the monitor as a medium. 1*: (Mercedes '1" net '/C) also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin!
task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin! ":9"K and dama!e codin! on one workstation.
8he s#stem Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8 offers:
*ncreased productivit# and speed durin! the documentation search and shorter waitin! times for the workshop personnel accompan#in! this.
Operation usin! mouse or ke#board.
"utomated documentation search.
)ama!e codin! (for warrant# settlement).
Call of the vehicle datacard from the '/C s#stem with code identification written in full.
":9" dataK basis for creatin! ordersK invoices and warrant# applications.
)#namicK vehicleJrelated !eneration of service sheets with an interface to ":9".
8echnical data:
:i%e ................: 66K4H G,
+ilename ........: 1*:@3666@6of5.iso ; 1*:@3666@5of5.iso
Compression..: none
/assword .......: none
*ma!e format: *:O
Nan!ua!e(s)...: 'NGK G'9K +9"K :/"K *8"K /O9K NNK /ONK +*NK :1'K NO9K 9(:K :NOK G9'K U"/K "9",
PASS&OR': T%0tPo$-t Auto!ot$3% SoDtw)(%
Catalo! (75):
M%(%*%0 &IS/ASRA 0".2011 , Up*)t% V%(0$o-
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK
maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in!
access and presentation.
1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin! ":9"K and dama!e codin!
on one workstation.
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
J Modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
J +aster document search and displa#
J :implification of document search
J :imple s#stem operation
J "ccess option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
J &ehicleJspecific documentation findin!
J :implification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
J )ocumentation access usin! operation number
J )efinition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9"
I'"9: 5366
9'N'":': 37/5366
Catalo! (6A):
M%(%*%0 &IS/ASRA 0..2011
H.56 G,
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK
maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in!
access and presentation. 1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin!
":9"K and dama!e codin! on one workstation.
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
O Modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
O +aster document search and displa#. Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O :implification of document search in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O :imple s#stem operation. in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O "ccess option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
O &ehicleJspecific documentation findin!. in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O :implification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
O )ocumentation access usin! operation number in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O )efinition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9" in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
I'"9: 5366
9'N'":': 3H/5366 (/)"8' &'9:*ON
+*N'N"M': 1*:@3H66@6of6@u.iso
NO8': Iou must install Mercedes 1*: 3A/5366 (,ase )iscs) firstK before installin! 3H/5366 ((pdate )isc)
Catalo! (55):
M%(%*%0,B%-H &IS/ASRA 0+.2011
H.A G,
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK
maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in!
access and presentation. 1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin!
":9"K and dama!e codin! on one workstation.
Ninks (6A):
M%(%*%0,B%-H &IS,ASRA 2012.05
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK
maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in!
access and presentation. 1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin!
":9"K and dama!e codin! on one workstation.
Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
O Modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
O +aster document search and displa#. Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O :implification of document search in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O :imple s#stem operation. in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O "ccess option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
O &ehicleJspecific documentation findin!. in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O :implification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
O )ocumentation access usin! operation number in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
O )efinition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9" in Mercedes ,en% 1*: '1" N'8
/assword is: scenereleasin!@and@providin!@#ou@latest@stuff@@@saud@6
Ninks here:<7u
M%(%*%0,B%-H &IS/ASRA @%t 11.2012
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK
maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in!
access and presentation. 1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin!
":9"K and dama!e codin! on one workstation.
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
O Modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
O +aster document search and displa#
O :implification of document search
O :imple s#stem operation
O "ccess option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
O &ehicleJspecific documentation findin!
O :implification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
O )ocumentation access usin! operation number
O )efinition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9"
M%(%*%0,B%-H EP/ E&A @ET 2011.11
NO8': 8his is Mercedes '/C 66/5366 ((pdate )isc).
Iou must install first Mercedes '/C 3F/5366 +*N"NK then install '/C 66/5366.
Ninks here:
M%(%*%0,B%-H EP/ E&A -%t 2012.04
MercedesJ,en% '/C '1" netK electronic spare parts catalo!ue consist ori!inal spare parts catalo!ueK all models carsK trucksK buses
MercedesJ,en%K all marketsK :mart E Ma#bach also includin!. Mercedes '/C net represents the latest development in '/C +leible
'/C net is available both online and offline.
"ll the functions available in '/C +leible /ublishin! have been full# inte!rated into '/C net. 8he modern user interface appl#in! standard
1indows rules serves to si!nificantl# improve user !uidance and navi!ation.
Modern user interface usin! standard 1indows rules
(sers will immediatel# note the modern user interface and the simple navi!ation usin! standard 1indows rules.
Iou can open functions usin! the icons (a) or the Menu bar (b).
8ooltips are provided to eplain icon functions (c). Doverin! the mouse pointer over an icon causes the tooltip to appear with a description of
the iconMs function.
8he combined pullJdown menus (d) with input fields are available in '/C net for simple navi!ation within the catalo!s/!roups/sub!roups.
Iou can use #our mouse or ke#board to operate '/C net. Most of the ke#board shortcuts used in '/C +leible /ublishin! are also used in '/C
+or parts identificationK '/C net re<uires at least a 4Jdi!it model desi!nation.
*deall#K parts identification should be done usin! a vehicle identification number so that the datacard can be used in the process. 8he
datacard must be used when lookin! for parts that are colorJspecific or where the search depends on what e<uipment is installed in the
9educed number of windows
+unctions that were spread over several windows in '/C +leible /ublishin! have been condensed onto one window in '/C net.
8he '/C net window is subdivided into the followin! sections:
Mercedes '/C net /icture
8he picture has been supplemented with different %oom functionsK and can be shown in a separate window usin! the icon.
Mercedes '/C net /arts list
"ll the part numbers for the entire sub!roup are shown in the parts list.
+ootnotes and code information (passen!er cars)K :"/component information (commercial vehicles) and construction kit information (,(:)
can be displa#ed via links in a separate window.
Mercedes '/C net :hoppin! list
8he contents of the shoppin! list (e.!. <uantit#) can be chan!ed directl# in the individual columns.
One important new feature is the T:how part contetT function. 1hen #ou reopen a saved shoppin! list #ou can click on the part desi!nation
in the form of a mouseJsensitive blue link to etract the part contet directl# from the shoppin! list.8his saves #ou the trouble of
reenterin! the vehicle data and the !roup/sub!roup.
Mercedes '/C net Nist overview
8he TNist overviewT can help the '/C net users with shoppin! list administration.
:aved shoppin! lists and a Ttemporar# shoppin! listT can be used at the same time.
8he icon can be used to createK showK deleteK cop# and print shoppin! lists.
8he active area of the '/C net window is marked with a red frame.
Iou can chan!e the si%e of the individual '/C net window areas via the respective dividin! lines. )oubleJclickin! on the dividin! line between
the picture and the parts list causes the picture to be arran!ed above the parts list.
8he K and icons can be used to show/hide individual areas of the '/C net window and to individuall# chan!e the column widths as re<uired.
'/C net is available both online and offline
8he various options at a !lance:
Online server operation via *nternet or intranet.
Nocal installation: offline operation for da#JtoJda# use J updates via online downloads.
Offline mode: updates from )&).
"dvanta!es of spare parts catalo!ue MercedesJ,en% in '1" net interface.
)escription of work in electronic spare parts catalo!ue Mercedes '/C net '1".
M%(%*%0 &IS,EP/ 04.2011 Cull V%(0$o-
Components 'n!ine allows to publish #our spare parts catalo!s (or '/C: 'lectronic /arts Catalo!) directl# onto the worldwide webK viewin!
such as posted catalo!s is called Tonline browsin!T. 8he creation of the pa!es and filesK which will then be hosted b# the server for
publicationK is full# automatic. " simple browser (such as *nternet 'plorer) will allow #ou to browse the online catalo!s created b#
Components 'n!ineK without an# need to install an# etra plu!Jins. 8he onJline spare parts catalo! is full# interactive and it enables to fill out
the order of the selected parts .
MercedesJ,en% '/C '1" netK electronic spare parts catalo!ue consist ori!inal spare parts catalo!ueK all models carsK trucksK buses
MercedesJ,en%K all marketsK :mart E Ma#bach also includin!. 1hile 1*: is an application repair all MercedesJ,en% cars. Mercedes '/C net
represents the latest development in '/C +leible /ublishin! .
Catalo! (F5):
M%(%*%0,B%-H St)(C$-*%( 3"
Mercedes :tar +inder contains color wirin! dia!rams and information about the location of the vehicle components of electrical circuitsK
includin! sensors and connectors for the followin! Mercedes models J 65$K 6F3K 6F6K 535K 537K 53CK 53$K 563K 566K 56HK 56$K 6A3K 553K 573K
5A3K A47K 647K 64A and 5H6.
*n the catalo! :tar +inder uses a standard numberin! of the elements of firm M, and vehicle wirin! dia!rams.
'tras. *nformation: *nstallation does not re<uired
Iear: 533C
&ersion: v7
)eveloper: MercedesJ,en% of North "merica *nc.
Compatibilit# with &ista: unknown
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
:#stem re<uirements:
*nternet 'plorer H.3 or hi!her.
"utodesk 1D*/0 (*ncluded on disc)
9"9 /asword is: scenerelease@and@latest@stuff@b#@saud@6
M%(%*%0,B%-H &IS/EP/ 02.2011
MercedesJ,en% '/C '1" netK electronic spare parts catalo!ue consist ori!inal spare parts catalo!ueK all models carsK trucksK buses
MercedesJ,en%K all marketsK :mart E Ma#bach also includin!. 1hile 1*: is an application repair all MercedesJ,en% cars. Mercedes '/C net
represents the latest development in '/C +leible /ublishin! .
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness
of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of
MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in! access and presentation.
1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin! ":9"K and dama!e codin!
on one workstation .
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
J Modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
J +aster document search and displa#.
J :implification of document search.
J :imple s#stem operation.
J "ccess option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
J &ehicleJspecific documentation findin!.
J :implification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
J )ocumentation access usin! operation number.
J )efinition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9" .
Catalo! (A$):
M%(%*%0 &IS,EP/ 0".2011 CI@A# < 04.2011 UP'ATE
MercedesJ,en% '/C '1" netK electronic spare parts catalo!ue consist ori!inal spare parts catalo!ueK all models carsK trucksK buses
MercedesJ,en%K all marketsK :mart E Ma#bach also includin!. 1hile 1*: is an application repair all MercedesJ,en% cars. Mercedes '/C net
represents the latest development in '/C +leible /ublishin!.
8he 1*: net )aimlerChr#sler "GMs aim is to improve the electronic availabilit# and usefulness of the workshop documentation (e.!. repairK
maintenanceK basic dataK wirin! dia!rams and in part also documentation or!ani%ation) of MercedesJ,en% and smart products b# optimi%in!
access and presentation. 1*: net also offers inte!ration to nei!hborin! task areas such as e.!. definition of work units and flat rates usin!
":9"K and dama!e codin! on one workstation.
8he followin! criteria have been taken into consideration:
J modern electronic information s#stem to replace the microfilm and paper media.
J faster document search and displa#.
J simplification of document search
J simple s#stem operation.
J access option to vehicleJspecific data (vehicle datacard of '/C s#stem).
J vehicleJspecific documentation findin!.
J simplification of warrant# settlement b# inte!ratin! the dama!e codin! in 1*:.
J documentation access usin! operation number
J definition of work units or flat rates usin! ":9"
'/C 37.5366 S +(NN &ersion
'/C 3A.5366 S 6st (pdate &ersion
"rchive includes the followin! files:
Mercedes '/C 37.5366 J +*N"N (7 )&))
J '/C@3766@6of6@b6.iso J HK56 G,
J '/C@3766@6of5@a6.iso J 4.7F G,
J '/C@3766@5of5@a5.iso J H.CH G,
Mercedes '/C 3A.5366 J (/)"8' (6 )&))
J '/C@3A66@6of6@b6.iso J H.CH G,
J *nstall version 37.5366 firstK before installin! 3A.5366
Mercedes '/C ; 1*: .e#makers .
6. 'tract all files:
5. Mount '/C@3766@6of6@b6.iso with )aemon 8ools and install
7. +rom #our *nternet 'plorer menuK click to +avoriteK then '1"net.
A. No!in with admin/admin. Iou must chan!e #our password...
H. 9e!ister pro!ram usin! instructions posted on this forum.
4. "fter re!istrationK mount '/C@3A66@6of6@b6.iso and install
F. "fter installation of the last update mount '/C@3766@6of5@a6.iso
C. Go to a!ain to *nternet 'plorer menuK click to +avorite and '1"net tools
C. Click to '/C menu and install database. )urin! installationK #ou must mount the net ima!e '/C@3766@5of5@a5.iso. Continue the
installation to final.
$. Now from the *nternet 'plorer menu JQ +avorite JQ '1"netK lo!in with #our passwordK click to '/C button and voilla
NO8': Iou must have installed latest version of U"&"
M%(%*%0 &IS 04.2012
'/C 'lectronic parts catalo! for cars brand Mercedes ((pdate) 1*: repair manuals for cars brand Mercedes ((pdate)
)eveloper: )aimler "G
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
Nicense: +reeware
:i%e: 66.65 G,
MI/RO/AT Co(* Eu(op% 05.2010
M$(o)t Co(* ETIS 2012.10 7 VIP l$-80
M$(o)t Co(* Eu(op% 2012.10
'lectronic parts catalo! for +ord 'uropean assembl#. /rovides information on passen!er and li!ht commercial vehicles. Completel# reworked
the distributionK simpl# run and specif# the installation path. 8ablets are not re<uired. 1hereas previousl# there were previous
versions M*C9OC"8 +ordK do not for!et to remove them before installin!K otherwise #ou ma# eperience problems with the definition of
the current director# with a database (the pro!ram at startup throu!h all lo!ical drives (ecept for B:) and look for a folder +'(@)"8"K as
well as %eroJlen!th file in mc657A root director#).
:pare /arts Catalo! +ord "pplication +eatures:
J )ealer Mana!ement :#stem inte!ration J enables order transferK :OD and Customer search displa#
J /ositive &*N identification J identifies the correct vehicle and interprets the correct part
J 'as# to use Graphic *nde J h#perlinked illustrations of maLor sections of vehicle to find the part fast
J Color vehicle ima!es J color ima!es of vehicle lines makes catalo! selection eas#
J :uperior :earch +eatures
J :ervice /art Number
J ,asic /art Number
J )escription
J Group
J Motorcraft
J *llustration number
J Calibration number
J *dentification number
J /arts list
J Cross catalo!
J ,uilt in +ord &ideo Clips J view +ord information from the video button on the tool bar on illustrations enable the user to select the
re<uired part in one click of the mouse
J /op up descriptions on illustrations J view part description b# Lust placin! mouse pointer over callout
J :ave and recall parts orders J <uotations can be saved and retrieved later for orderin!
J O:* :earch
J :ave &*N +eature
J "lpha *nde
J +ast loadin! illustrations
J :hort cut ke#s J enablin! users to find parts <uicker
J 'ceptional operatin! speed J increases dealership efficienc#
J (ser notes J adds user notes to parts or sections
J Manufacturer notes J displa#s additional information added b# the &M
J /arts pricin! J view the latest parts pricin! with eas# install updates
J :uperior print facilit# J enablin! users to print and fa <uotes and ima!es at the click of a mouse
J *ma!e %oomin! J enables users to set the illustrations to their preferred si%e
J (ser preferences J users can set Microcat la#outK views coloursK data displa# options etc.
J )ouble click to order facilit# J simpl# double click on callout to order part
J 1orkbench J for users to build up an orderK for transferrin! to )M:K printin! for <uoteK or savin! for confirmation
J Ninked illustration to data J colored callouts .
M$(o)t Co(* Eu(op% 0+.201" R%PA/K
'lectronic parts catalo! for +ord 'uropean assembl#. /rovides information on passen!er and li!ht commercial vehicles. 1ith the full
installation (pro!ram
; data) takes about C G,. 9ollin! back the date is not re<uired (workin! without a rollback to November 536A).
Completel# redesi!ned distributionK simpl# run and specif# the installation path. 8ablets are not re<uired. 1hereas previousl#
there were
previous versions M*C9OC"8 +ordK do not for!et to remove them before installin!K otherwise there ma# be problems with the definition of
the current
director# with a database (the pro!ram at startup throu!h all lo!ical drives (ecept for B :) and lookin! for a folder +'(@)"8"K as well as
file mc657A in the root of the drive).
M$(o)t Co(* USA 2012.0.
4.5F G,
Microcat +ord (:" spare parts catalo!K presented ori!inal spare parts and accessories +ord (:" marketK all models carsK li!ht trucks +ordK
&*N decodin!.
V )ealer Mana!ement :#stem inte!ration J enables order transferK :OD and Customer search displa#
V /ositive &*N identification J identifies the correct vehicle and interprets the correct part
V 'as# to use Graphic *nde J h#perlinked illustrations of maLor sections of vehicle to find the part fast
V Color vehicle ima!es J color ima!es of vehicle lines makes catalo! selection eas#
V :uperior :earch +eatures
V :ervice /art Number
V ,asic /art Number
V )escription
V Group
V Motorcraft
V *llustration number
V Calibration number
V *dentification number
V /arts list
V Cross catalo!
V ,uilt in +ord &ideo Clips J view +ord information from the video button on the tool bar on illustrations enable the user to select the
re<uired part in one click of the mouse
V /op up descriptions on illustrations J view part description b# Lust placin! mouse pointer over callout
V :ave and recall parts orders J <uotations can be saved and retrieved later for orderin!
V O:* :earch
V :ave &*N +eature
V "lpha *nde
V +ast loadin! illustrations
V :hort cut ke#s J enablin! users to find parts <uicker
V 'ceptional operatin! speed J increases dealership efficienc#
V (ser notes J adds user notes to parts or sections
V Manufacturer notes J displa#s additional information added b# the &M
V /arts pricin! J view the latest parts pricin! with eas# install updates
V :uperior print facilit# J enablin! users to print and fa <uotes and ima!es at the click of a mouse
V *ma!e %oomin! J enables users to set the illustrations to their preferred si%e
M$(o)t H=u-*)$ 11.2012 , 12.2012 Mult$l)-1u)1%
'lectronic parts catalo! D#undai. Of all models produced and / or produced D#undai Motor Compan#K are divided into !roups (carsK :(& /
minivans / vansK commercial) and b# re!ion. 8he catalo! can identif# the vehicle b# &*N (filterin! part number)K the search for the name of
spare parts (partial or complete)K ori!inal numberK and also shows the applicabilit# of parts.
8here is a list of options with a transcript that facilitates selection of the ri!ht numbers in the absence of &*NJfilter.
Nan!ua!e is possible separatel# for the pro!ram interfaceK and separatel# for items of spare parts.
:#stem re<uirements:
C33 MD%Jprocessor or hi!her
5H4 M, 9"M or more
O:: 1indows
Dome pa!e:
M$(o)t H=u-*)$ 201"/01 , 201"/02
M$(o)t KIA 12.2012 Mult$l)-1u)1%
Microcat .*" J 'lectronic parts catalo! .*" Microcat contains information about all the .*" car compan#K includin! li!ht trucks and vans.
'lectronic spare parts catalo! .ia Microcat contains information on all models from 6$C5J6$CH to 5363K includin! vansK commercialK model
cars and buses. *t is a electronic part catalo!ue for .*" vehicles on followin! markets.
O "ustralia
O Canada
O 'urope
O General
O Middle 'ast
O (:"
O China
O C*:
O /uerto 9ico
8here is a search b# chassis number also. 8he information about the vehicle b# chassis number !ives countr# where the vehicle is soldK colorK
e<uipmentK etc...
J Can be installed on the hard drive onl# data or onl# the applicationsK but in this case will not be available trucksK buses and the old modelK or
set #our entire pro!ram.
J +ull installation .*" Microcat will take about A Gb hard disk.
J *nterface director# .*" Microcat and simple.
J /roduct features a search for &in codesK name partsK the ori!inal numberK as well as the applicabilit# of details.
J 8here is also a catalo! of ori!inal accessories .*" (ori!inal catalo! numbersK color photos).
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK )eutschK Ma!#arK *talianoK +rancaisK 'spanolK NederlandsK /ortu!uesK /olskiK :uomiK 8urkceK .oreanK 9omaniaK 9ussian and
man# more.
M$th%ll /oll$0$o- R%p)$( S%($%0 ... ')t).
8he pro!ram Mitchell Collision 9epair :eries H.H contains the catalo!ue of control points of bodies and frames dimensions of cars ("mericanK
'uropeanK Uapanese and .orean brands).8he pro!ram is not linked to an# bod# dimensions e<uipment and besides a specification on the top
and bottom control points of a bod# dimensionsK contains the si%es of apertures of doorsK front and back !lassesK tail!ate and also man# sets
of other additional si%es. 8he data are submitted since 6$$5 on 533$ inclusive.
Catalo! (56):
M$th%ll El)00M)t% ..2
Mitchell is the provider of completeK costJconscious solutions for the auto !lass industr# from <uick and eas#JtoJuse pointJofJsale software
for auto !lass repair E replacement service providersK to the first *nternetJbased !lass claims mana!ement solution. GlassMate is an eas#J
toJuse software packa!e that provides <uick lookJupK ')* services with N#n and :afeliteK <uote functionalit# and complete invoicin!
capabilities. *t also includes the new full# inte!rated GlassMate &*NJ*) proprietar# software and allows the user to identif# the vehicle
#earK makeK modelK bod# st#le and restraint s#stem for vehicles from 6$C6 and upK alon! with all of the auto !lass and related parts

J powered b# the N"G: part numberin! E price benchmarkin! s#stem
J ')* services with N#nK :afeliteK DarmonK and eGlassClaim
J automatic &*N decode
J mana!ement reportin!
J customi%able invoicesK <uotesK and work orders
J direct access to Mitchell2s eGlassClaim insurance claims mana!ement solution

J operate more efficientl# b# creatin! accurate estimates <uickl#
J reduce errors
J increase customer satisfaction
M$th%ll M)-)1%( Plu0 192011
Mitchell Mana!er /lus J a pro!ram that perfectl# inte!rated with other products of MitchellK which allows a car repair shop mana!er to a
customer databaseK track the histor# of the car passin! throu!h the shopK keep records of materials and spares. partsK follow the steps of
eecution and pa#ment ordersK to carr# out basic accountin!. account of the distribution of costs and revenuesK as well as taes on the
relevant userJdefined accountsK carr# out basic marketin! services with the abilit# to print and send out invitationsK discountsK notification
b# eJmail clientsK has a s#stem of notification and schedulin! toolsK chartsK plansK reports . "nd #ou will find the pro!ram <uite a Number of
additional features and functions that are useful to !uide the !ara!e .
M$th%ll M)-)1%( 19 2012 up*)t%
(pdate to version H.$.H.66C 'arl# [6 3 5365 release J (pdated )ec 4K 5366.
)ownload to desktop and eecuteK automaticall# updates Mitchell and :hop.e# versions of H.$.H
J Mitchell 6 / :hop.e# software confi!uration: "utomaticall# confi!ures #our s#stem and browser to work with our )ot Com products
J Microsoft Network :erver +i J Microsoft &ista Dot +i J this is a fi for earlier versions of &ista that would not allow multiple
workstation to open the mana!er database. 8his has been corrected b# Microsoft with :ervice /atch A (:/A)
J +i for 6334 errors on 1indows R/ platforms
J +i for 33H/33F errors in On)emand vH.C.5 desktop
M$th%ll O-'%!)-* ..5 41O106
F5.6C G,
M$th%ll O-'%!)-* ..5.2.". R%p)$(F E0t$!)to(F M)-)1%( , Cull p)8)1% 410t h)lD 20126
*nformation base on car repairs Mitchell On )emandH contains descriptions of technolo!# of repair and maintenance of vehiclesK manual
dia!nosticsK parts catalo!sK wirin! dia!ramsK bod#workK repair instructions manual and automatic transmissions. Mitchell On )emandH is one
of the best pro!rams for auto repair and serves as an indispensable tool for service stations involved in servicin! and repairin! cars.
8his is the latest version available for the 6st half of 5365K in the packa!e with all the )&) databaseK installation C) and /ortable versionK
and Mitchell Mana!er H.$ (with update 6[5365).
Name: Mitchell On)emand H.C.5.7H (9epair ; 'stimator ; Mana!er)
Iear of release: 6st half 5365 (6st half)
&ersion: H.C.5.7H
)eveloper: Mitchell6
Cate!or#: "utoK ),
*nterface Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish ((:")
/latform / O:: 1inR/ J 1inF (75/4AJbit)
"ctivation: .e#!enK /atch ; detailed instructions
+ile +ormat: i:O (9ar)
)escription of the main sections of Mitchell On )emandH:
)ai!nosis and 9epair J section on repair and dia!nostics J the location identification dataK the device features separate mechanismsK
standards of various parameters (volume of !as tanksK wheel ali!nmentK etc.) used dia!nostic and repair e<uipment and special toolsK the
description of works on assembl#K disassembl# K adLustmentK repair and dia!nostic information about the location of components and
mechanismsK etc. specificall# for the dia!nostician the followin! information: location of the dia!nostic socketK detailed tables of the
transcripts of fault codes indicatin! the possible causesK s#mptomsK and the consistenc# checks to fi the problemK description of content
read blocks of current parameters with an indication of normative valuesK work with channel adaptationK etc. 8he information in the section
is divided into blocks:
J "ll )ia!nostic 8rouble Codes ()8C)
J 9ela#s and Modules
J :ensors and :witches
J Maintenance
J 'n!ineK Coolin! and 'haust
J /owertrain Mana!ement
J 8ransmission and )rivetrain
J ,rakes and 8raction Control
J :tartin! and Char!in!
J /ower and Ground )istribution
J :teerin! and :uspension
J Deatin! and "ir Conditionin!
J 9estraint :#stems
J "ccessories and Optional '<uipment
J ,od# and +rame
J Cruise Control
J *nstrument /anelK Gausses and 1arnin! *ndicators
J Ni!htin! and Dorns
J 1indows and Glass
J 1iper and 1asher :#stems
/arts and Nabour J in this section #ou can !et the ori!inal spare parts numbersK illustrations and prices of spare parts
in (:). 8his section also provides information on the bod#work. Iou can <uickl# make a calculation of all t#pes of work
for an# car.
/opular *nformation J 8he most important information presented in the pro!ram.
)ia!nostic 8rouble Codes )8C J )ia!nostic 8rouble Codes malfunction of (causes decodin! errors and instructions for their
8echnical :ervice ,ulletins J 8echnical bulletins serisn#e.
:pecifications J :pecifications (electricalK mechanicalK !as volumes and t#pes of li<uidsK etc.).
Nocations J location of the components (fusesK rela#sK control unitsK switchesK sensorsK solenoidsK motorsK etc.).
)ia!rams J dia!nostic information and instructions on ustaraneni#u faultsK wirin! dia!ramsK la#out of connectors and their
pinoutsK vacuum dia!ramsK t#pes of wirin! harnessesK and their locationK etc.
:ervice /recautions J :afet# *nstructions.
8echnician :afet# *nformation J 8echnical *nformation on safet#.
&ehicle )ama!e 1arnin!s J *nformation on safet# when performin! an# t#pes of work (e! work with airba!s "ir,a!).
&ehicle *dentification J Nocation identification tablets car.
8ools and '<uipment J *nstruments and necessar# dia!nostic e<uipment.
:#stem )ia!nosis
+iveJ:tep 8roubleshootin!
8roubleshootin! /recautions
8roubleshootin! 8ests
General 8roubleshootin!
/ower 9ela# 8est
Nist of car models to drive Mitchell On)emand 6/5365:
9epair 6 ()omestic): 6$C7J5365 e "MCK 'a!leK Chr#slerK )od!eK Ueep and /l#mouth
9epair 5 ()omestic): 6$C7J5337 e +ord
9epair 7 ()omestic): 533AJ5365 e +ord
9epair A ()omestic): 6$C7J5335 e GM
9epair H (*mport): 5337J5365 e GM
9epair 4 (*mport): 6$C7J5365 e ,M1K MiniK+iatK 9enultK :terlin! E /orsche
9epair F (*mport): 6$C7J5365 e "udiK &olkswa!enK :aab E MercedesJ,en%
9epair C (*mport): 6$C7J5365 e "curaK )atsunK DondaK *nfiniti E Nissan
9epair $ (*mport): 6$C7J5365 e "lfa 9omeoKUa!uarK Nand 9overK Merkur
9epair 63 (*mport): 6$C7J5365 e /eu!eotK &olvoK Iu!oK )aewooK )aihatsuK .iaK Ma%da
9epair 66 (*mport): 6$C7J5337 e D#undaiK *su%u
9epair 65 (*mport): 5337J5365 e D#undaiK *su%u
9epair 67 (*mport): 6$C7J5365 e :u%uki E :ubaru
M$th%ll O-'%!)-* < E0t$!)to( 19 2011
FC.A4 G,
Mitchell 6 On) is the end product of repair information that has been collected across the past ei!ht decades and presented to
our customers in a consistentK eas#JtoJuse format. On) includes )ia!nosticsK 9epair *nformationK8:,sK 9ecallsK Maintenance
9e<uirementsK /arts /ricesK Nabor 8imesK &inta!e *nformationK +luid 8#pes and &olumes that have been reproduced directl# from the
Ori!inal '<uipment Manufacturers (O'M) published works. "ll this information is then combined to create the aftermarket industr#Ms best
1irin! )ia!ramsK (sers 8ipsK and :hortcuts that make up Mitchell 6Ms On)
On) +eatures:
Circuit:elect J /inpoint and dia!nose electrical problems faster than ever with Mitchell 6 Circuit:elect. 8he power of Circuit:elect allows
#ou to hi!hli!ht and isolate the wires important to #our dia!nosis and also enables #ou to hide the wires #ou donMt want to seeK !ivin! #ou the
abilit# to simplif# even the most comple problems.
8echnical :ervice ,ulletins (8:,) J Over 533 8:,Ms and recalls are added to On) ever# month. (se the timeJsavin! search
function to <uickl# find a relevant 8:, or use the filter tool to narrow #our search.
&inta!e *nformation J 'ver# subscriber has access to vinta!e informationK !ivin! #ou en!ine mechanical articlesK en!ine performance articlesK
and wirin! dia!rams back to 6$43.
Oil Circuit )ia!rams J Mitchell 6Ms fullJcolor oil circuit transmission dia!rams provide consistenc#K clarit#K and an eas#JtoJread format.
Nabor 8imes and /arts /ricin! for 6$FA J Current domestic and imported vehicle models are includedK !ivin! service advisors a hu!e vehicle
selection to produce more estimates.
O'M /art Numbers J O'M part numbers are included with detailed illustrations and manufacturer su!!ested retail prices (M:9/).
O'M :cheduled Maintenance :ervices J /resented in time and milea!e intervalsK as well as services based on dashboard indicator li!hts. +or
<uick referenceK the maintenance data includes fluid capacities that are broken out separatel# .
Ninks (533):
M$th%ll O-'%!)-* T()-0!$00$o-
8ransmission is a computeri%ed s#stem for the retrieval of repair and 8:, information. 8ransmission provides access to MitchellMs worldJ
class database of vehicle repair information and !raphics Mitchell On)emand 8ransmission !ives #ou a comprehensive database of automatic
and manual transmission information complete with MitchellMs fullJcolor oil circuit dia!rams redrawn from factor# specifications. IouMll
appreciate the consistenc#K clarit# and eas#JtoJread format.
Our wirin! dia!rams are converted from factor# schematics into formattedK consistentl#Jclear dia!rams with added features such as
component and !round locationsK pin numbersK switch internals and power distribution identification. 1hen used in combination with the
dia!nostic chartsK these service TmapsT make troubleshootin! and testin! faster and easier than ever. "nd since not all shiftin! s#mptoms
are directl# related to the transmissionK On)emand 8ransmission covers electronic and component locations and drive alesK as well as clutch
and transmission. &aluable service bulletins are also included.
M$th%ll O- '%!)-* V$-t)1% V%h$l% M)-u)l0
Contains pdf automotive repair and wirin! manuals for anti<ue carsK trucks and vans.
1irin! )ia!rams
)omestic "uto E 8ruck J 6$43J6$C5
*mport "uto E 8ruck J 6$45J6$C5
'n!ine MechanicalK Chassis E 'lectrical
)omestic "uto J 6$4HJ6$C5
)omestic 8ruck J 6$4HJ6$C5
*mport "uto E 8ruck J 6$4HJ6$FF
M$th%ll O-'%!)-* V$-t)1% 2 , &$($-1 )-* E-1$-% P%(Do(!)-% 4S%t 16
Mitchell On)emand is an T'lectronic :ervice ManualT pro!ram that allows automotive repair shops to !et rid of those bulk# service manuals
and !o paperless.

8his is the &inta!e &ehicle series. *t is an *nternet *nteractive set that !ives #ou access to 1irin! )ia!rams and 'n!ine /erformance
specifications and information for ON)'9 )omestic E *mport vehicles .
8he download consists of 7 *:O discs. * also included a 1ord )ocument with usa!e instructions .
)isc 6: 6$43J6$C5 )omestic 1irin! )ia!rams and 6$45J6$C5 *mport 1irin! )ia!rams
)isc 5: 6$4CJ6$C5 'n!ine /erformance for *mport CarsK 8rucks and &ans
)isc 7: 6$44J6$C5 'n!ine /erformance for )omestic CarsK 8rucks and &ans
M$th%ll O-'%!)-* V$-t)1% 2 , 'o!%0t$ & I!po(t S%(3$% I-Do(!)t$o- 4S%t 26
5.5 G,
Mitchell On)emand is an T'lectronic :ervice ManualT pro!ram that allows automotive repair shops to !et rid of those bulk# service manuals
and !o paperless .
8his is the &inta!e &ehicle series. *t is an *nternet *nteractive set that !ives #ou access to :ervice *nformation and specifications
information for ON)'9 )omestic E *mport vehicles .
8he download consists of A *:O discs .
Note: *f #ou downloaded and installed the 6st setK the :"M' shortcut will work with these discs. "lsoK with R/K the function
should work. 1ith 1indows FK #ou have to open the filesK ri!ht click on the inde file and create a shortcut from there. /lease read N+O
file .
)isc A: 6$4HJ6$C5 )omestic :ervice *nformation
)isc H: 6$4HJ6$C5 )omestic :ervice *nformation
)isc 4: 6$47J6$FF *mport Car E 8ruck :ervice *nformation
)isc F: 6$FCJ6$C5 *mport Car E 8ruck :ervice *nformation
'cellent reference material that man# of us older techniciansK inadvertentl# and unwisel# tossed in the trash #ears a!o .
M$th%ll Ult()!)t% 2012.0.
(ltraMate is MitchellMs advanced estimatin! s#stem that comes e<uipped with proven technolo!# to help #ou automaticall# create estimates
that are accurateK verifiableK and readil# accepted throu!hout the industr#. (ltraMate combines industr#Jleadin! database accurac# with
automated calculations and repair procedure pa!es that virtuall# eliminate errors. MultiJuser capabilit# on MicrosoftY 1indowsY networks
further boosts #our shopMs productivit#.
"n all new userJfriendl# navi!ation helps even novice estimators become eperts in no time0 (ltraMateMs advanced features such as parts
lookupK parts !raphics printoutsK and itemi%ed totals help to streamline the estimatin! process and assist in avoidin! errors .
(ltraMate is customi%able to #our uni<ue business needs. :et up #our estimatin! s#stem to reflect these needs with features such as
customi%able mandator# fieldsK personali%ed templates (Non! 'pansions) and fleible fields for capturin! Lob and customer information .
Mitchell (ltraMate is the onl# estimatin! s#stem that has the abilit# to deliver online parts price chan!es on a dail# basis. 8his helps to
ensure that #our estimates are accurate ri!ht from the start. 1ith the optional *nstant /rice (pdates functionalit#K #ou can set #our
s#stem up to receive dail# O'M updates and weekl# aftermarket updates .
M$th%ll Ult()M)t% 2.0.452 4201"6
Mitchell (ltraMate Y is an advanced assessment s#stem with proven technolo!# that allows #ou to create estimates that are accurateK
verifiableK and readil# use throu!hout avtootrasli. Combines detailed database and ease of useK and automated calculations and repair
Considered all vehicles of the (.:. market from 6$C7 to 5367 model #ear.
New models
New Model 9eleases:
533$J67 M"B)" 4 :')"N
5367 M"B)" CRJH :(&
5366J65 M*8:(,*:D* O(8N"N)'9 :/O98 / 9&9 :(&
(66J65) O(8N"N)'9 :/O98K (: Onl#
(66J65) 9&9K Canada Onl#
5367 N*::"N "N8*M" :')"N
533$J67 :(,"9( +O9':8'9 :(&
5365 :(,"9( *M/9'B" 1"GON
5363J67 :(,"9( N'G"CI :')"N
5363J67 :(,"9( O(8,"C. 1"GON
533$J67 "()* "A/:A :') / 1GN
(3$J67) "A :')"N / 1"GON (67 :edan Onl# / 5 Iear (pdate)
(63J67) :A :')"N
533CJ67 "()* "H/:H CO(/'K 5 Iear (pdate
(3CJ67) "H
(3CJ67) :H
533CJ67 "()* 88 CO(/' / 9O"):8'9K 5 Iear (pdate
(3CJ67) 88 C/' / CON&
(65J67) 88 9: CO(/'
(3$J67) 88: C/' / CON&
5365 MJ,'NB MJCN":: (644) :(&
(65) MN7H3
(65) MN7H3 ,N('8'C
(65) MNHH3
(65) MN47 "MG
533$J67 &1 U'88" / GON+ 1"GONK 5 Iear (pdate
(63J65) GON+K Canada Onl#
(3$J67) U'88"K (63J67) (: Onl#
5366J67 &1 8O("9'G :(&K 5 Iear (pdate
5367 +O9) ':C"/' :(&
5365 +O9) +OC(: 'N'C89*C D"8CD,"C.
General Motors
5366J67 CD'&I C"/9*C' //& :')"NK 7 Iear New
Motorc#cles and "8&s
5365J67 DJ) :'&'N8I 81O RN 6533&
(65J67) :/O98:8'9 :'&'N8IJ81O
5366J67 DJ) :/O98:8'9 CC7 :(/'9 NO1
5363J67 DJ) :/O98:8'9 +O98IJ'*GD8
5366J67 DJ) :/O98:8'9 *9ON CC7
5365 DON)" NCF33R/NCF33R)
(65) NCF33R
5367 DON)" /CR6H3
5365J67 ."1":".* N*NU" 4H3
5366J65 :(B(.* ,(9GM"N A33 ",:K 5 Iear New
(66J65) ,(9GM"N A33
5333J63 :(B(.* )9533:'K (5363 Canada Onl#)
533CJ63 :(B(.* G:R4H3+K (5363 Canada Onl#)
533CJ63 :(B(.* :&4H3:+
(3CJ3$) :&4H3:"+
(3CJ63) :&4H3:+K (5363 Canada Onl#)
533FJ65 I"M"D" G9*BBNI AH3 ARA "8&K (: Onl# / 5 Iear (pdate
J /erform hi!hJspeed uploads and downloads with a sin!le click as transfers happen in the back!roundK keepin! users productive. O 1ireless
option (ltraMate /remier :uite Tenables #ou to work an#where. :ubmit supplementsK process parts ordersK and perform man# other tasks
directl# from the field or repair ba#.
J *nte!rate #our shop into #our business partners workflows allow efficient.
J 9e<uires a wireless access e<uipmentK sold separatel#.
*ma!e and document mana!ement:
J Consolidate and or!ani%e estimatesK ima!esK applications and all supportin! documents (dama!e reportK tow billsK and more) in an accessible
electronic folders #ou can easil# uploadK track and modif# keepin! individual Lobs or!ani%ed and at #our fin!ertips.
J 'asil# transfer di!ital ima!es and note dama!e b# appendin! ima!es with comments.
J Customi%ed workflow b# prioriti%in! tasks and creatin! and sharin! electronic Lournal entries even in a multiJuser environment.
J +unction 'valuation 9eke# saves time and virtuall# eliminates the manual estimate reJentr# process. 9eke# assessment is the value added
(ltraMate advanced s#stem evaluation MitchellK who has a proven technolo!# that helps #ou automaticall# create estimates that are
accurateK verifiableK and readil# accepted throu!hout the industr#.
(ltraMate combines industr#Jleadin! database accurac# with automated calculations and repair procedure pa!esK virtuall# eliminate errors.
Multipla#er features on Microsoft 1indows networks further improves the performance of #our store. +leibleK hi!hJspeed transmission
options help epedite echan!es with #our business partners.
"ll new eas# navi!ation helps even novice estimates become eperts in no time0 (ltraMate advanced features such as search part of the
!raphic printsK and itemi%ed helps to simplif# the evaluation process and helps avoid mistakes.
/arts )atabases E Nabor )atabases:
Our database includes a database of O'M partsK as well as additional parts databases such as M"// (Mitchell "lternate /arts /ro!ram)K
which offers access to alternate parts and [9/ (as waste material) providin! access to more than F3 million to save the parts for use in
estimates. Our database includes standard hours of labor to replace parts (new and used)K part remove and installK refinishK complete
reworkin! and calculations for a miture of time. *n additionK our optional /aintless )ent 9epair database (/)9) will automaticall# calculate
dent repair in estimates usin! familiarK )ent 1i%ard procedures.
Mitchell (ltraMate is the onl# ratin! s#stem that has the abilit# to deliver online parts price chan!es on a dail# basis.
8his helps ensure that #our estimates are accurate from the start. 1ith the optional *nstant /rice (pdates functionalit# #ou can set #our
s#stem to receive dail# updates and weekl# O'M aftermarket up!rades.
'tras. *nformation: 8he default data for access
(sername: M*8CD'NN
/assword: mitchell
Moto( E,T%h H%)3= T(u8 S%(3$% 3..0
6.C$ G,
Motor 'J8ech Deav# 8ruck :ervice J a pro!ram to repair heav# trucks (:" market. Contains specificationsK service bulletinsK !uidelines on
car repairK repair manuals car followin! brands: +ordK +rei!htlinerK GMK DinoK *su%uK *vecoK .enworthK MackK Ma!irusK MarmonK MercedesK
MitsubishiK NissanK :caniaK :terlin!K &olvo.
*nstallation order: mount in virtual D8H@)* drive or insert preJrecorded from a !iven ima!e disk. *f installation pro!ram does not
startK then run the installation C) )tectD8 "!ree with the installer before it offer the restartK from which this refuse. "fter
from folder Crack cop# the file D8.'R' in /ro!ramm +ilesMotor *nformation :#stems Deav# 8ruck. "fter D8.'R' replace the file from a
folder on the 95 disk to cop# the file (pdate@95.bat /ro!ram run from a shortcut on the desktopK and a data disc in the drive.
:#stem re<uirements:
1in$CK 1in meK 1in5333K 1in p.
/rocessor H33MD%K 65CM,
9"MK 633 M, of disk space for the pro!ram.
Catalo! (63):
Moto( H%)3= T(u8 S%(3$% B.0
5.76 G,
)ia!nostic repair procedures for en!ineK chassisK driveline E computeri%ed en!ine controls plus technical service bulletins and wirin!
dia!rams . Covera!e: Medium E Deav# dut# trucks E components (en!inesK ales and transmissions)
Catalo! (4):
Mult$,'$>1 A%00 ?2."4 P)00,Th(u OB'2 '%3$%
8his is device 633f compatible with /assJthru; R: (also known as MultiJ)ig! "ccess) b# "ctia. U5H7A /assJ8hru device is 633f compatible
with "(8O)"8" C).

9ecommended and tested b# maLor O'MMsK U5H7A /assJ8hru device is a &C* (vehicle communication *nterface) enablin! #ou to communicate
with the 'C(Ms accordin! to the U5H7A E U5H7AJ6 specifications. ,eside 'C( repro!rammin!K with the help of MultiJ)ig! Office software
vehicle dia!nosticK maintenance and repair operations can be done in Lust a few clicks without bein! an electronic epert. More than AH
brandsK a lot of new vehiclesK a lar!e deepness in dia!nostic functions0

+ull# compliant to :"' U5H7A E U5H7AJ6
'ither 9: 575 or (:, interfaces to /C
.JNine *:O $6A6 (633 m")
.1/ 5333 *:O 6A573JA
:"' U6CH3 /1M
:"' U6CH3 &/1
C"N 5.3, *:O 66C$C
:C* :"' U5463
/ro!rammable power suppl#
OnJboard memor#

"fter selectin! the car manufacturerK then #ou can make the dia!nosis for the different menus on offer (dependin! on cars models):
J MaintenanceK
)ia!nosis codes from all computers
9eset maintenance interval
Modification of the sewa!e
9ead / erase fault calculators
Maintenance of the particulate filter
J "ir Conditionin!K
)ia!nosis of coolin! electronic
9eadin! settin!s coolin! circuitK
8est servo actuators
J /ollution controlK
)ia!nosis of the particulate filter
'lectronic control of pollutant emissions
Control of the Nambda probeK
J Niaison to the !roundK
'lectronic confi!uration of the si%e of tiresK
'lectronic confi!uration of tires (winter / summer)K
:ettin! valves tire pressure
)ia!nosis and mana!ement of shockJdriven
Calibration of the sensor an!le )rivin! (initiali%ation of the steerin! an!le)
J ,od#K
*mplementation of safet# airba!s (lock / unlock)
9econfi!uration of a new calculator "irba!K
)ia!nosis of calculators "irba!K
9ain sensor windshield (readin! and erasin! fault)
8est panel and activators of li!htsK
:ettin! Renon headli!htsK
9ear radar
J /ostJ'<uipment
:ettin! up the radioK
Confi!uration loader C)K
:ettin! alarms
Confi!uration of the couplerK
Confi!uration bic#cle loadin! s#stemK
J ,rakin!K
)ia!nosis of calculators ",:K ':/K
)ia!nosis and unlock electric brakesK
+lush the brake s#stemK
J MotorK
)ia!nosis of an# calculator inLection en!ine (dieselK !asolineK fle fuelK etc. ..)
/ro!rammin! of inLectorsK
'lectronic confi!uration of the 'G9 valve
J 'pert ModeK
)ia!nosis of advanced computersK
Confi!uration of comfort functionsK
Chan!e the lan!ua!e of the instrument panelK
/h#sical measures (option with a probe J not supplied)
)irect access to all dia!nostic functions

/acka!e Contents:
&C* (&ehicle Communication *nterface)
),5H to O,)J5 Male cable
O,)5 Male to O,)5 +emale cable
)*N4 to (:, cable
)*N4 to ),$+ cable
Carr#in! case

,ul!arianK CroatianK C%echK )anishK )utchK 'n!lishK +innishK +renchK GermanK DebrewK Dun!arianK *talicK /olishK /ortu!ueseK 9omanianK 9ussianK
:erbianK :lovenianK :panishK :wedishK and 8urkish.
MUT," M$t0uA$0h$ '$)1-o0t$ /)( SoDtw)(% PRE100"1,00
4$C M,
*n accordance with releasin! new products that introduce C"N communications s#stemsK MMC has developed the M(8J*** as a net
!eneration dia!nosis tester for servicin! these new and future vehicles.
" personal computer (/C) is connected to the M(8*** unit and used as a s#stem2s control terminalK and communicates with a
vehicle 'C( throu!h the &C*. *n addition to bein! able to handle all dia!nosis functions covered b# the conventional M(8J**
testerK the M(8J*** s#stem can displa# data as eas#JtoJunderstand dia!rams and !raphs on a lar!e screen of the /C. (nlike
the M(8J**K the M(8J*** can retain data on all vehiclesK from old to new modelsK classified accordin! to destination in the
/C2s hard disk. 8his eliminates the awkward but essential Lob with the M(8J**K of switchin! the data list (communications
protocol data and dia!nosis item list database) b# replacin! the 9OM pack with another accordin! to the vehicle model and
#ear model.
New functions that make use of the advanta!es of the /C are also bein! developed. +or eampleK the workshop manual viewer
is a useful function for mechanics as the# no lon!er have to carr# around a thick manual and search for relevant pa!es
while workin! on a vehicle. 8he workshop manual viewer is currentl# available for certain vehicle modelsK and allows users
to retrieve the pa!es containin! the failure code for a particular problem at the push of a button.
M(8J7 /C software application supports followin! lan!ua!es: 'n!lishK C%echK +renchK GermanK GreekK *talianK :panishK 8urkishK 9ussian.
:et *ncludes:
(6) &ehicle Communication *nterface (&.C.*.) (M,$$6C5A)
" communication interface used to connect the vehicle 'C(s and the /C.
6. 1hen connected with the /C
J &ehicle dia!nosis (*nteractive fault dia!nosis)
J :1: communication\ C"N communication support
J )rive recorder
J &oltK OhmK measurement
J +uel pressure measurement (Not available in (:)
5. 1hen used with the &.C.*. unit (disconnected from /C)
J &.C.*. :tandJalone dia!nosis
J )rive recorder
J 'C( repro!rammin!
J &oltK Ohm measurement
J ,elt 8ension measurement
(5) Memor# Card
:tores data for 'C( repro!rammin!K drive recorderK etc.
8his is a standardK offJtheJshelf memor# card. 8he one provided (with repro!rammin! data) is a Compact +lash memor# card
(M,$$6CH7) inserted into the C+ card adapter (M,$$6$7$).
(7) M.(.8.J*** Main Darness " (M,$$6$63)
(sed when connectin! the &.C.*. with vehicles that have onl# one 64Jpin dia!nosis connector.
J :upports fault dia!nosis and 'C( updatin! on the aboveJdescribed vehicles
J :upports the C"N communication s#stem
(A) M.(.8.J*** Main Darness , (M,$$6$66)
(sed when connectin! &.C.*. with vehicles that have a64Jpin ; 65Jpin or 64Jpin ; 67Jpin dia!nosis connector.
+or models e<uipped with onl# 65Jpin (or 65Jpin ; 65Jpin)dia!nosis connectorK connect the M.(.8.J** adapter
harness(M,$$6A$C) to the end of this harness in the same as M.(.8.J**K and power is supplied from the ci!arette li!hter
Catalo! (A):
MUT," PRE101"1,00
)ealer trade pro!ram for the dia!nosis of Mitsubishi
1orks onl# with his own interface (&C*)
8hese repro!rammin!a (C)7'65376JCO/IJM":8'9) to be written to diskK and install it.
Iear/)ate of 9elease: 5365
&ersion: /9'65376J33
:#stem 9e<uirements: 1indowsJ5333K 1indows R/ /ro
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual (9ussian present)
Nicense: +reeware
@$00)- /o-0ult III 3.B.21.01
5.AH G,
Consult *** J )ealer :#stem :canner Nissan / *nfiniti before #ou install this updateK #ou must uninstall an# previous version of the
:O+81"9' CON:(N8 ***.
"lsoK when installin! this softwareK #ou must also install all the applications contained in the specified C).
@$00)- C)0t EP/ 01/2011
[uote::pare parts catalo!ue Nissan contains the catalo!ue of details for all models Nissan of 'uropen market.
*n the catalo!ue Nissan the information on spare parts of cars Nissan of the released for 'uropeanK "sianK "mericanK CanadianK Uapanese
marketsK includin! *nfiniti is presented.
8he electronic catalo!ue of spare parts Nissan +ast for 1indows contains the catalo!ue of details for all models Nissan. 8he catalo!ue of
spare parts Nissan +ast consists from 63C): 'N6K 'N5K '9K GN6K GN5K G9K (:"6K (:"5K (:"7 (*nfiniti)K Canada. 8he part of machines and
microbuses of firm Nissan issued in :painK are on disk Nissan :pain (:pain)K it is the separate pro!ram with other mantle (does not enter
into complete set Nissan "NN). Cars and microbuses of firm Nissan with the ri!ht arran!ement of a rudder issued for the Uapanese marketK
are on disks Nissan UapanK the mantle of the pro!ram is similar Nissan +astK onl# all names of details are eecuted in the Uapanese lan!ua!e.
Check versions of components the !iven complete set of pro!rams on a site. 8o orient in necessar# disksK the mentioned below table will help.
8he identifier of the manufacturer in &in (first three s#mbols &in)
J UN6 cars made in Uapan
J &:. cars made in :pain (NM*:")
J :UN cars made in 'n!land (NM(.)
J UN. cars made *nfinit# in Uapan
J UN4 lorries and microbuses made in Uapan for the (:" and Canada
J UNC multipurpose cars (minivansK Leeps) made in Uapan for the (:" and Canada
J 6NA cars made in the (:" (NMM)
J 6N4 lorries and microbuses made in the (:" (NMM)
:ince 37.5333K on disks !oes simultaneousl# three versions of the pro!ram ()O:K 1*N 64JbitK 1*N 75Jbit). "t work from C) pro!ram
N*::"N +":8 for 1indows will borrowcoccup#d 65Mb on the winchesterK at full installationcrefittin!d of all disks the pro!ram will
borrowcoccup#d 7K5Gb. 'cept for search of spare parts the pro!ram contains the utilit# for an estimation of dama!e after crash (the list
of spare parts a subLect replacement)K and also the pro!ram of search of applicabilit# of a detail and search of replacements.
8he list of TfastT ke#s duplicatin! buttons on the panel of the pro!ram.
J +5 the basic window of indees of !roups of spare parts
J +7 transition to fi!ure under number of section (:'C)
J +A search of fi!ure under number and the name of section (:'C)
J +H translation of number of a detail in fi!ure in ori!inal number of a detail
J +4 a presscseald
J +F search of a detail or fi!ure under the name
J +$ a note
J +65 clearin! of the screen
J +66 an estimation of dama!e from crash
8o chan!e color of a back!round at illustrations in the pro!ramK it is enou!h to press the button `Oa on the ri!ht block of ke#s of the
't. *nformation: *nstallation must be done:
6. On an# disk folder +":8/9G _ 1in5333 _ :etup
5. On drive C _ ()K 'K G) where #ou ori!inall# pointed the wa# to the folder Nissan create additional folders _ 'N. (:. *N. 'N@*N+
7. *n each folder to unpack the ima!es\ 'NJ'N@36J5366 and so on
A. NetK locate the file C:_Nissan_ and run 8ab C)J9OM setup
/rescribe the wa# separatel# to each folder (C:_Nissan_'lK C:_Nissan_'N@*nfK C:_Nissan_(s)
H. Create a shortcut to )esktop from: _N*::"
4. 'ver#thin! works
Catalo! (64):
@$00)- C)0t EP/ 0".2011 < Ap($l Up*)t%
Iear: "pr 5366
&ersion: AJ46
)eveloper: N*::"N
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Crack: *ncluded
:impl# irreplaceable pro!ram to determine the ori!inal part number (part number). *t is this pro!ram uses an# decent parts store or service.
Iou enter the number of his bod# J a pro!ram to TdismantleT in partK tells #ou the date of the car and offers a choice of onl# those parts
that are installed it on #our car.
Catalo! (5):
@$00)- C)0t EP/ 04.2011 E#F E#F USFUS I@CI@ITIF EUR I@CI@ITI
H.35 G,
8he installation pro!ram must make:
6. 1ith an# drive (GNK 'N '(9 (:") with packs +":8/9G_1in5333_:etup
5. On drive C_()K 'K G) where #ou ori!inall# pointed the wa# to create a folder Nissan 4 additional folders _'N6. GN6. (:6. C"6. '95. U/ (who
kak# market needs)
7. 'tract to each his ima!e\ 'N6J'N)&)3A5366 ; '(9*N+663A in this folderK and so on
7.6 *f #ou cop# (pdates brin!s all the new files into the old folder 'N6. GN6. (:6. C"6 Treplacin!T ecept file +":8/9G. Neave it to old)
7.7 *n addition create a folder (:6 (:*N+ +or "merican *nfinit#
A. NetK locate the file and run 8ab C)J9OM setup
/rescribe the wa# separatel# to each folder (C:_Nissan_Ca6K C:_Nissan_Ca *nfinK C:_Nissan_'l6K C:_Nissan_Gl6K C:_Nissan_'N6_'(9 *nfinK
H. Create a shortcut to run file: _N*::"
4. 'ver#thin! works :)
63.Mount in a virtual drive ("lcohol 653f )amon 8OON:) works without problems .
66. 1hen #ou usin! 8otal Commanderie possible problem J lost files when unpackin! .
Catalo! (56):
@$00)- C)0t EP/ 0..2011 E#F E#F USFUS I@CI@ITIF EUR I@CI@ITI
H.3A G,
:pare parts catalo!ue Nissan contains the catalo!ue of details for all models Nissan of 'uropen market.
*n the catalo!ue Nissan the information on spare parts of cars Nissan of the released for 'uropeanK "sianK "mericanK CanadianK Uapanese
marketsK includin! *nfiniti is presented. 8he electronic catalo!ue of spare parts Nissan +ast for 1indows contains the catalo!ue of details
for all models Nissan. 8he catalo!ue of spare parts Nissan +ast consists from 63C): 'N6K 'N5K '9K GN6K GN5K G9K (:"6K (:"5K (:"7
(*nfiniti)K Canada. 8he part of machines and microbuses of firm Nissan issued in :painK are on disk Nissan :pain (:pain)K it is the separate
pro!ram with other mantle (does not enter into complete set Nissan "NN). Cars and microbuses of firm Nissan with the ri!ht arran!ement of
a rudder issued for the Uapanese marketK are on disks Nissan UapanK the mantle of the pro!ram is similar Nissan +astK onl# all names of
details are eecuted in the Uapanese lan!ua!e. Check versions of components the !iven complete set of pro!rams on a site. 8o orient in
necessar# disksK the mentioned below table will help.
8he identifier of the manufacturer in &in (first three s#mbols &in)
O UN6 cars made in Uapan
O &:. cars made in :pain (NM*:")
O :UN cars made in 'n!land (NM(.)
O UN. cars made *nfinit# in Uapan
O UN4 lorries and microbuses made in Uapan for the (:" and Canada
O UNC multipurpose cars (minivansK Leeps) made in Uapan for the (:" and Canada
O 6NA cars made in the (:" (NMM)
O 6N4 lorries and microbuses made in the (:" (NMM)
Ninks (56):
@ISSA@ CAST 2011.0+ 4E#6 E@EF V4.+1P +.00
(pdated director# of Nissan parts in 'urope J onl# left hand drive ('N)00 :ettin! the standard: to mount the virtual driveK open the ima!eK
cop# the files to a folder 'N (or an#one in what is 'urope).
8itle: Nissan +ast
Iear/*ssue )ate: 5366.34
&ersion: A.46 (or 4.3)
)eveloper: N*::"N
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Nicense: +reeware
Catalo! (H):
@$00)- C)0t 2011.02 4E#F E#F ERF ERF /AF US6
'lectronic parts catalo! cars N*::"N. /ro!ram to determine the ori!inal part number (part number). Iou enter the &*NJcode car J a
pro!ram to TparseT in partK tells #ou the date of the car and offers a choice of onl# those parts that are installed it on #our car.
Iear/*ssue )ate: 5366J3F
&ersion: A.F3 (ma#be 4.33K 4.6H)
)eveloper: N*::"N
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Nicense: +reeware
@$00)- C)0t 2012.01 E#F E#F /AF US
A.$ G,
:pare parts catalo!ue Nissan contains the catalo!ue of details for all models Nissan of 'uropen market. *n the catalo!ue Nissan the
information on spare parts of cars Nissan of the released for 'uropeanK "sianK "mericanK CanadianK Uapanese marketsK includin! *nfiniti is
8he electronic catalo!ue of spare parts Nissan +ast for 1indows contains the catalo!ue of details for all models Nissan. 8he catalo!ue of
spare parts Nissan +ast consists from 63C): 'N6K 'N5K '9K GN6K GN5K G9K (:"6K (:"5K (:"7 (*nfiniti)K Canada. 8he part of machines and
microbuses of firm Nissan issued in :painK are on disk Nissan :pain (:pain)K it is the separate pro!ram with other mantle (does not enter
into complete set Nissan "NN). Cars and microbuses of firm Nissan with the ri!ht arran!ement of a rudder issued for the Uapanese marketK
are on disks Nissan UapanK the mantle of the pro!ram is similar Nissan +astK onl# all names of details are eecuted in the Uapanese lan!ua!e.
Check versions of components the !iven complete set of pro!rams on a site. 8o orient in necessar# disksK the mentioned below table will help.
8he identifier of the manufacturer in &in (first three s#mbols &in)
O UN6 cars made in Uapan
O &:. cars made in :pain (NM*:")
O :UN cars made in 'n!land (NM(.)
O UN. cars made *nfinit# in Uapan
O UN4 lorries and microbuses made in Uapan for the (:" and Canada
O UNC multipurpose cars (minivansK Leeps) made in Uapan for the (:" and Canada
O 6NA cars made in the (:" (NMM)
O 6N4 lorries and microbuses made in the (:" (NMM)
*n the edition:
'N J "6 5366J3$K "5 5366J3$K ,6 5366J3$K+6 5366J3$
GN6 J "6 5366J3$K "5 5366J3$K ,6 5366J3C
(:6 J "6 5366J3$K,6 5366J3FK ,5 5366J3FK +6 5366J3$
C"6 J "6 5366J3$K +6 5366J3$
Ninks here:
@$00)- M)-u)l0 P)8
Manuals for models: "ltimaK +rontierK MaimaK /athfinderK :entraK [uestK MuranoK "rmadaK 8itan and man# others .
8his is a collection of O.,.). /ro!rams that * have collected over the last few months. +ollow an# install instructions if included and
disconnect from internet durin! installation.
Nist of included pro!rams:
J '+* N*&' v.A.4.HK v.F.H.AK and v.F.H.H
J *NNO&" 6337c /ro!ram
J O,) )ia!nostincsK *nc. C)
J O,) 1i%
J /ro:can v.H.4 and v.H.F with .e#!en
J :canMaster 'NM v.6.4 and v.5.3.F (both b# "R*M)
J :napJOn M85H33 (pdates
J "uto'n!inut# :can8ool v.4.3.5
J Carsoft ,M1 v.4.H
J Carsoft Mercedes ,en% v.F.A
J ))85333 9enault v.5.3.$.3
J )ia!nose v.A.6
J )i!iMoto v.A.37
J 'CM5336 v.7.5
J +inalist v.6.3
J +ord:can v.5.35
J Galleto O,)5
J *N/" v.H.3
J .1/5333
J O,)8ool v.6.5.43
J O/J8ech5
J /CMscan v.5.A.H.C5A
J 8ach:oft Milea!e Calculator v.6.5
)ifferent /ro!rams have different featuresK and not all of them will work with ever# scanner cable. /ro:can and :canMaster 'NM work with
knockJoff O,) Chipsets ('NM75F) and with the official O,)link tool.
OP,/OM 05/2010 MU#TI
Nan!ua!es: )'K 'NK 9(K D(K NNK /N and 9O.
Op%l , V)uxh)ll EloA)lTIS 322.0 B Mult$l)-1u)1%
F.$ G,
8*:51eb is a 8echnical *nformation :#stem which is provided via *nternet 'plorer and provides assistance to both privatel# owned
workshops and fleet customers on the technicall# correct repair and maintenance of Opel vehicles.Iou have direct access to the etensive
information provided b# OpelK direct and at first hand.8he sections below !ive #ou an initial overviewK a few etracts of the t#pes of service
information available and a table of the vehicles which are described in the 8*:51eb :#stem.
Dardware 9e<uirements
1e keep a wide ran!e of data available in 8*:51eb in the form of tets and !raphics. 8o ensure that these data are transferred to #ou at
the best possible speedK 8*:51eb is hosted in a particularl# hi!h performance central server environment. DoweverK the actual
transmission rate is e<uall# dependent on the local s#stem environment such as e.!. the *nternet connection and the *nternet :ervice
8o ensure that 8*:51eb provides the best possible service and meets #our epectationsK we recommend the followin! s#stem re<uirements
for #our /C and *nternet access.
J /rocessor: *ntel /entium 6.H GD%
J :#stem Memor# (9"M): H65 M, for document view application\ 6G, for dia!nostic and reJpro!rammin!
J Dard )isk: A3G, Dard )isk
J *nterfaces: (:, 5.3 K :erialK &G"Monitor: 6F inch monitor
J *nternet access: ):N Di!h :peed
J Microsoft 1indows operatin! s#stemK from 1indows 5333 /rofessionalK 1indows R/ (:/5)
J Microsoft *nternet 'plorer from version H.K 4. or F.
J ,asic mode: C33433 /iel / 5H4 colours
J 'panded mode: 635AF4C /iel / 4H474 colours
Catalo! (77):
Op%l EloA)lTIS 325.0B Mult$l)-1u)1%
C.7A G,
)atabase repair auto brand Opel. Mount the disk ima!e pro!ram /ower*:O .
'tras. information:
" pro!ram for those who have 8ech6K 8ech5 or M)* .
:#stem re<uirements:
J /rocessor: *ntel /entium 6.H GD%
J :#stem Memor# (9"M): H65 M, ]]for document view application\ 6G, for dia!nostic and reJpro!rammin!
J Dard )isk: A3G, Dard )isk
J *nterfaces: (:, 5.3K :erialK &G"Monitor: 6F inch monitor
J *nternet access: ):N Di!h :peed
Ninks (6$):
Op%l TIS 2000 111.0E
*nformation: when #ou run J No!in: 8*:K the password blank.
Catalo!ue of the documentation for the car repairs O/'N / &auhall / Chevrolet (Opel). )&) 9OM contains the user manual cars OpelK
information on the normJhours and instructions for dia!nosin! and troubleshootin!K manual dismantlin!K demolitionK installation and
adLustment of all units and units in trucksK with detailed pictures of units and special tools. *nstallation re<uires about A Gb of free space on
#our hard drive. *t has a fairl# simple interface that allows #ou to work on the &*NJamK or choose from the list of models of Opel.
&ista E 1inF 75. *f an#one should run out of 8*: under &istaK #ou can do the followin!:
before installin! the 8*: download and save to the director# _ 1indows _ :#stem75 file M:&C/H3.)NNK rebootK then install the 8*: as
usual. "fter runnin! a lot of fun looks inscription T8*: 5333 is not supported b# 1indows &*:8".T
Iear / )ate of 9elease: 5363
&ersion: 666.3'
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK G9K +*NK :1'
Medicine: Not re<uired
:i%e: 7.7$ Gb
Catalo! (6C):
Op%l/V)uxh)ll EP/ 4.0 0+.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
H.7H G,
8he most recent shell Opel/&auhall '/C. Contains catalo! of parts and accessories for carsK Leeps and minibuses of firm O/'N/&auhall.
1e present a model since 6$C5. Operatin! a screen resolution of 635AF4C. :upplied O/'N '/C on one )&) J catalo! of auto parts and &*N
codes .
Opel '/CA spare parts and accessories for all models Opel and &auhall .
O/'N '/CA /arts *nformation: 6$C5Jcurrent parts information for passen!er vehicles and vans (*rmscher parts included). "ccessor#
Catalo!ue .
O/'N '/CA lan!ua!es available: 'n!lish (Opel E &auhall variants)K C%echK )anishK )utchK +innishK +renchK GermanK GreekK Dun!arianK *talianK
Norwe!ianK /olishK /ortu!ueseK 9ussianK 9omanianK :panishK :wedishK and 8urkish .
O/'N '/CA benefits: +astK errorJfree part lookups b# part name or part number and access to detailed illustrations.
/art histor# and supersession data helps #ou order the most current parts and reduce #our obsolete parts inventor#.
*nte!ration of parts lists with #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem saves time and reduces errors .
O/'N '/CA features:
&*N//OC decodin! and filterin! displa#s vehicleJspecific parts information.
&ehicle and !roup indees.
Ninks between tet and illustrations.
,ookmarks enable an eas# return to parts information.
Boom feature for instant access to enlar!ed ima!es.
*nstant access to #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem.
Capacit# to customi%e parts data b# addin! #our own notes.
Online help screens minimi%e new user trainin! time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usa!e of maLor functions.
/rint hi!hJ<ualit# tet and illustrations .
Catalo! (55):
Op%l/V)uxh)ll EP/ 4 05.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
4.53 G,
8he most recent shell Opel / &auhall '/C. Contains catalo! of parts and accessories for carsK Leeps and minibuses of firm O/'N / &auhall.
1e present a model since 6$C5. Operatin! a screen resolution of 635AF4C. :upplied O/'N '/C on one )&) J catalo! of auto parts and &*N
Opel '/CA spare parts and accessories for all models Opel and &auhall
O/'N '/CA /arts *nformation: 6$C5Jcurrent parts information for passen!er vehicles and vans (*rmscher parts included). "ccessor#
O/'N '/CA Nan!ua!es "vailable: 'n!lish (Opel E &auhall variants)K C%echK )anishK )utchK +innishK +renchK GermanK GreekK Dun!arianK *talianK
Norwe!ianK /olishK /ortu!ueseK 9ussianK 9omanianK :panishK :wedishK and 8urkish.
O/'N '/CA ,enefits: +astK errorJfree part lookups b# part name or part number and access to detailed illustrations. /art histor# and
supersession data helps #ou order the most current parts and reduce #our obsolete parts inventor#. *nte!ration of parts lists with #our inJ
house inventor# s#stem saves time and reduces errors .
O/'N '/CA +eatures:
&*N//OC decodin! and filterin! displa#s vehicleJspecific parts information.
&ehicle and !roup indees.
Ninks between tet and illustrations.
,ookmarks enable an eas# return to parts information.
Boom feature for instant access to enlar!ed ima!es.
*nstant access to #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem.
Capacit# to customi%e parts data b# addin! #our own notes.
Online help screens minimi%e new user trainin! time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usa!e of maLor functions.
/rint hi!hJ<ualit# tet and illustrations .
Ninks (64):
Op%l/V)uxh)ll EP/4 12.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
8he most recent shell Opel / &auhall '/C. Contains catalo! of parts and accessories for carsK Leeps and minibuses of firm O/'N / &auhall.
1e present a model since 6$C5. Operatin! a screen resolution of 635AF4C. :upplied O/'N '/C on one )&) J catalo! of auto parts and &*N
Opel '/CA spare parts and accessories for all models Opel and &auhall.
O/'N '/CA /arts *nformation: 6$C5Jcurrent parts information for passen!er vehicles and vans (*rmscher parts included). "ccessor#
O/'N '/CA Nan!ua!es "vailable: 'n!lish (Opel E &auhall variants)K C%echK )anishK )utchK +innishK +renchK GermanK GreekK Dun!arianK *talianK
Norwe!ianK /olishK /ortu!ueseK 9ussianK 9omanianK :panishK :wedishK and 8urkish.
O/'N '/CA ,enefits:
+astK errorJfree part lookups b# part name or part number and access to detailed illustrations.
/art histor# and supersession data helps #ou order the most current parts and reduce #our obsolete parts inventor#. *nte!ration of parts
lists with #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem saves time and reduces errors.
O/'N '/CA +eatures:
&*N//OC decodin! and filterin! displa#s vehicleJspecific parts information.
&ehicle and !roup indees.
Ninks between tet and illustrations.
,ookmarks enable an eas# return to parts information.
Boom feature for instant access to enlar!ed ima!es.
*nstant access to #our inJhouse inventor# s#stem.
Capacit# to customi%e parts data b# addin! #our own notes.
Online help screens minimi%e new user trainin! time.
Online demonstrations show the most effective usa!e of maLor functions.
/rint hi!hJ<ualit# tet and illustrations.
Op%l , V)uxh)ll TIS 2000 11..0E 0".2011
A.7H G,
Catalo!ue of the documentation for the car repair O/'N / &auhall / Chevrolet (Opel). )&) disc contains a user manual cars OpelK
information on the standardJsettin! clocks and instructions for dia!nosin! and troubleshootin!K manual dismantlin!K demolitionK installation
and adLustment of all units and units of a particular machineK with detailed pictures of parts and special tools. *nstallation re<uires about A
Gb of free space on #our hard drive. Das a fairl# simple interface that allows the use of &*NJamK or choose from a list of models of Opel.
/ro!ram for professionals and not onl#. (nlike the version shared here there is the 9ussian lan!ua!e (he has recentl# sou!ht).
Nist of models: "G*N"K "G*N"J,K "N8"9"K "9'N"K ":89"J+K ":89"JGK ":89"JDK ":89"JUK C"N*,9"K COM/OK CO9:"J"K CO9:"J,K
CO9:"JCK CO9:"JC comboK CO9:"J)K +9ON8'9"K +9ON8'9"J,K *N:*GN*"K C")'88K M'9*&"K M'9*&"J,K MON8'9'IK MO&"NOK
MO&"NOJ,K OM'G"J"K OM'G"J,K O/'N G8K :'N"8O9K :*N89"K :/''):8'9/&R553K 8*G9"K 8*G9" J,K &'C89"J"K &'C89"J,K
&'C89"JCK &*&"9OK B"+*9"K B"+*9"J,
'tra *nformation: 1hen #ou run J No!in with username 8*: and leave the password blank.
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish (G,J(:")\ Greek (G9) \ +inland (+*N) \ :wedish (:).
Catalo! (64):
Op%l,V)uxh)ll TIS2000 311+.0E 40..20116
7.C5 G,
Catalo!ue of the documentation for the car repair O/'N / &auhall / Chevrolet (Opel). )&) disc contains a user manual cars OpelK
information on the standardJsettin! clocks and instructions for dia!nosin! and troubleshootin!K manual dismantlin!K demolitionK installation
and adLustment of all units and units of a particular machineK with detailed pictures of parts and special tools. *nstallation re<uires about A
Gb of free space on #our hard drive. Das a fairl# simple interface that allows the use of &*NJamK or choose from a list of models of Opel.
/ro!ram for professionals and not onl#. (nlike the version shared here there is the 9ussian lan!ua!e (he has recentl# sou!ht).
Nist of models: "G*N"K "G*N"J,K "N8"9"K "9'N"K ":89"J+K ":89"JGK ":89"JDK ":89"JUK C"N*,9"K COM/OK CO9:"J"K CO9:"J,K
CO9:"JCK CO9:"JC comboK CO9:"J)K +9ON8'9"K +9ON8'9"J,K *N:*GN*"K C")'88K M'9*&"K M'9*&"J,K MON8'9'IK MO&"NOK
MO&"NOJ,K OM'G"J"K OM'G"J,K O/'N G8K :'N"8O9K :*N89"K :/''):8'9/&R553K 8*G9"K 8*G9" J,K &'C89"J"K &'C89"J,K
&'C89"JCK &*&"9OK B"+*9"K B"+*9"J,
'tra *nformation: 1hen #ou run J No!in with username 8*: and leave the password blank.
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish (G,J(:")K German ()')K :panish (':)K /ortu!uese (/8 /ortu!al E ,ra%il)
Ninks (63):
Op%l , V)uxh)ll EloA)lTIS 3"2B
8*:51eb is a 8echnical *nformation :#stem which is provided via *nternet 'plorer and provides assistance to both privatel# owned
workshops and fleet customers on the technicall# correct repair and maintenance of Opel vehicles.
Iou have direct access to the etensive information provided b# OpelK direct and at first hand. 8he sections below !ive #ou an initial
overviewK a few etracts of the t#pes of service information available and a table of the vehicles which are described in the 8*:51eb
1e keep a wide ran!e of data available in 8*:51eb in the form of tets and !raphics. 8o ensure that these data are transferred to #ou at
the best possible speedK 8*:51eb is hosted in a particularl# hi!h performance central server environment.
DoweverK the actual transmission rate is e<uall# dependent on the local s#stem environment such as e.!. the *nternet connection and the
*nternet :ervice /rovider. 8o ensure that 8*:51eb provides the best possible service and meets #our epectationsK we recommend the
followin! s#stem re<uirements for #our /C and *nternet access.
:* :ection ONNI A Nan!ua!es: 'NGK)'K':K/8
Ninks here:
P%(8$-0 EST 2010B
/erkins ':8 5363, description of the software: /erkins ':8 dealer dia!nostic tool /erkins en!ines.
':8 is comprised of a hardware and software (8he *nte!rated /arts and :ervice :#stem or h8*/::i) interface kitK which a user can use to
communicate with /erkinsj 5733/5C33 electronic en!ines (+G 1ilson 733 k FH3 .&" ran!e) and +G 1ilson /owerwi%ard control panels. 8his
communication is established via a U6$7$ data link. "ll in allK the ':8 interface kit provides the user with an effective tool in dia!nosin!
en!ine problems and the abilit# of confi!urin! s#stem parameters.
':8 enables the user to:
Override /owerwi%ard level three passwords
Confi!ure and/or chan!e s#stem parameters
)ispla#K !raph and record lo!s of parameter status
)ispla# the status of a !roup of parameters (temperaturesK pressuresK etc)
&iew and clear active and lo!!ed dia!nostic codes
&iew and clear active and lo!!ed event codes
)ispla#K view or chan!e the current Confi!uration +ile or ,ase level +lash +ile
(ploadK download and save confi!uration files
&iew a list of irre!ularities lo!!ed b# the 'CM (en!ine control module)
/erform dia!nostic tests
/erform calibrations
/rint reports and dia!nostic results.
1h# should an +G 1ilson dealer invest in the 'lectronic :ervice 8ool]
*t provides the technician with an essential tool b# facilitatin! the troubleshootin! of electronic en!ines. h"s a matter of opinionK
troubleshootin! an electronic en!ine without ':8 is like troubleshootin! an electrical panel without a multimeteri k "le Cabrices +G1 Natin
"merica Caribbean :ervice "dvisor
'ssential in replacin! an 'CM on a /erkinsj 5733/5C33 series en!ine. " blank 'CM can onl# be confi!ured usin! ':8.
'ssential in replacin! or retrofittin! an +G 1ilson /owerwi%ard control panel module J the new standard in +G 1ilson control s#stems. "
blank module can onl# be confi!ured usin! ':8 (installin! the base flash file into a blank /owerwi%ard module).
'nables the dealer to uploadK download and save customer confi!uration files.
"llows b#passin! /owerwi%ard level three passwords.
'nables dealers to update the software versions of customerjs /owerwi%ard control panelsK as re<uired. New software releases can enhance
the control paneljs functionalit#.
'nables dealers to install additional /owerwi%ard lan!ua!e filesK as re<uired.
1hat special tools or e<uipment do * need]
Iou will need a laptop computer with either a (:, or serial port and 1indows 5333 or R/. /lease keep in mind that ':8 is fairl# demandin!
on the C/(\ henceK the slower the processorK the slower the pro!ram will run.
P%u1%ot,/$t(o%- S%(3$% Box 4'ou!%-t)t$o- < S%*(%6 ..2010
C.H4G, P sin!le *:O files
'lectronic Catalo!ue of /eu!eot :ervice )ocumentation ,ackup contains full information on all automobiles of firmK includin! new models.
8he catalo! /eu!eotMs 7 )&)K supports multiple lan!ua!es. Catalo! /eu!eot :ervice )ocumentation ,ackup contains parts catalo!K complete
information about the detailsK searchK labor hoursK there is work on &*N or modelK decodin! of each position &*NK service manuals and car
't. *nformation:
6. *nstallation
5. *f #ou were the old version before installin!K do not for!et to clean the re!istr#:
D.NM_:O+81"9'_,ackup"/ and
8ested on N8K 5333K R/Jall ver.K 1inF.
P%u1%ot Pl)-%t 2000 322.14
CF4 M,
)ealer pro!ram for the dia!nosis of /eu!eot cars. 1orks with the ori!inal and Chinese adapters R: 'volution. /revious version 55.65 Curve
and after updatin! via the *nternet blocks pro!rammu.'ta version updatesK includin! the Chinese clonesK without problem.8olko that updated
to version 57.3$.(speshnoe update can be seen on the !round the screenshotK version 57.3$ is visible in the second the screenshotK the
window of activation pro!ram.
8ablet archived and is located in the pro!ram. "ntivirals at the time of unpackin! and activation must be disabled.
Iear: 5363
&ersion: 55.6A
/latform: 1indows
Compatibilit# with &ista: unknown
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish ; 9ussian
8abletka: /resent
Check here:
PEUEEOT S%(3$% Box EP/ < SE'RE 11/2010
'lectronic Catalo!ue of peu!eot service )ocumentation ,ackup contains full information on all automobiles of firmK includin! new models. 8he
catalo! /eu!eotMs 7 )&)K supports multiple lan!ua!es. Catalo! peu!eot service )ocumentation ,ackup contains parts catalo!K complete
information about the detailsK searchK labor hoursK there is work on &*N or modelK decodin! of each position &*NK service manuals and car
9elease )ate: 66/5363
)eveloper: /eu!eot :ervice
1eb )eveloper: http://public.servicebo.peu!
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
Medicine: /resent
Check here:!k<dwc
P%u1%ot S%(3$% 'ou!%-t)t$o- B)8up 0B.2011 < SE'RE
'lectronic Catalo!ue of /eu!eot :ervice )ocumentation ,ackup 3$.5366 contains complete information on all car companiesK includin! new
models. :upplied catalo! /eu!eotMs on 7 )&)K supports multiple lan!ua!es. Catalo! /eu!eot :ervice )ocumentation ,ackup 3$.5366 contains
parts catalo!K complete information about the detailsK searchK standardJsettin! clockK there is work to &*N or modelK decodin! of each
position &*NK documentation of repairs and maintenance.
/eu!eot :ervice ,o 3$.5366 J the successor catalo! /eu!eot N":'9tech. 8he catalo! /eu!eot :ervice ,o 3$.5366 provides information for
the selection of auto parts and accesoriesK as well as documentation on repair and maintenance of car /eu!eot. 9eplacement site :erveur
prote!eK onl# in this director# are available partitionsK which are pa#able on site. +ull search on the &*NJcode. ,uilt on a clientJserver
technolo!# LavaJbasedK works throu!h a browser b# settin! a time on the serverK it can be to clin! to the client machines.
:upported lan!ua!es:
'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK NetherlandsK Norwe!ianK /olishK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK
:wedishK Uapanese.
'tras. *nformation:
/eu!eot :ervice ,o 3$.5366J parts catalo! .
:')9' J repairsK dia!nosticsK circuit time norms .
Check here:!k<dwc
P%u1%ot S%(3$% 'ou!%-t)t$o- B)8up < SE'RE 11.2012
66.H G,
'lectronic Catalo!ue of /eu!eot :ervice )ocumentation ,ackup contains complete information on all car companiesK includin! new models.
:upplied catalo! /eu!eotMs on 7 )&)K supports multiple lan!ua!es. Catalo! /eu!eot :ervice )ocumentation ,ackup 3$.5366 contains parts
catalo!K complete information about the detailsK searchK standardJsettin! clockK there is work to &*N or modelK decodin! of each position
&*NK documentation of repairs and maintenance.
/eu!eot :ervice ,o J the successor catalo! /eu!eot N":'9tech. 8he catalo! /eu!eot :ervice ,o provides information for the selection of
auto parts and accesoriesK as well as documentation on repair and maintenance of car /eu!eot. 9eplacement site :erveur prote!eK onl# in this
director# are available partitionsK which are pa#able on site. +ull search on the &*NJcode. ,uilt on a clientJserver technolo!# LavaJbasedK
works throu!h a browser b# settin! a time on the serverK it can be to clin! to the client machines.
:upported lan!ua!es:
'n!lishK Dun!arianK )utchK )anishK :panishK *talianK ChineseK GermanK NetherlandsK Norwe!ianK /olishK 9ussianK 8urkishK +renchK C%echK
:wedishK Uapanese.
'tras. *nformation:
/eu!eot :ervice ,o J parts catalo! .
:')9' J repairsK dia!nosticsK circuit time norms .
Ninks (5A):<k!ffb7s$w#!$4i!Cp%r!<h3i%!h!5pA!7mc$u$3i%b3$6
P%u1%ot S%(3$% Box 2012.11 4.2.0 7 VIP l$-80
Po(0h% KTS+.0,PI&IS 324
Ninks here:
Po(0h% PET PI&IS 2." 2B5 Up*)t% < '$0t($Aut$o-
6.5A G,
)escription: Ori!inal spare parts for cars /orsche. ,eats !uiltK updates prices and data over the *nternet.
Compression of about H3f in a selfJseedin! so FJBip :+R archive.
On 4A is not assi!ned.
:ettin! the !round under the C drive otherwise must edit the path in the ini files.
8hanks for the solution be!imot5365
1"9N*NG0 )istribute updatedK installed last 5CH ; update fies identified shortcomin!s with the attempt to update F.5 and the anno#in!
windows F.7.
$.H )istribution of updatedK have the latest 5$6 update.
C.F )istribution of updatedK set 5$H up!rade.
55.F )istribution of updatedK installed 5$F updateK it now has !uilt over the internet.
6C.C )istribution of updatedK installed 5$C update corrected the error with the inabilit# to up!rade.
Po(0h% PI&IS T%0t%( 3"2
/*1*: is the latest inspection e<uipment of the /orsche Compan#. Ori!inal 8ester for /orscheK support )ia!nosis//ro!rammin!/Codin!/.e#
/ro!rammin!. 8he /*1*: 8ester is a modularK portable dia!nosticK informationK and measurin! s#stem
8he unit contains a computerK hard disk with installed softwareK NC) displa#K and a NithiumJion batter#. " virtual ke#board and a (:, mouse
is available for operation in addition to the tracer pin for the NC) touch screen. )ata and measured values can be printed usin! the (:,J
interface with an eternal printer. 8he NC) displa# is used as the displa#. "n eternal monitor can also be connected.
*t can read codesK clear codes for all t#pe of /orsche vehicles. *t also could testK pro!ram E !uard a!ainst theft accordin! to its data flow.
*t could lead to malfunction selfJinspect and full car circuit dia!ram for the car which was made after 533H.
*t also has the function of measurin! leads for multiJmeter.
*tMs the essential e<uipment for /orsche vehicle technicians.
/orsche /*1*: Other +eatures:
Naptop based /*1*: 8ester for /orscheK supports )ia!nosis//ro!rammin!/Codin!/.e# /ro!rammin!
8he /*1*: 8ester is a modularK portable dia!nosticK informationK and measurin! s#stem.
)ata and measured values can be printed usin! the (:,Jinterface with an eternal printer.
6. /*1*: 8ester
5. /ower pack $3/54A &"C
7. /ower cord for power pack
A. O,) /orsche )ia!nostics cable
H. Cables for the multimeter(for future epasion)
4. (:, cable
F. ,lack !round cable with terminal
C.5 red probe tips
$. IJconnection piece to connect the /*1*: 8ester and the )&) drive to the power pack
63.5 tracer pins
66.7 fuses (H "+)
65. Case
67. 'ternal )&) driver ((:,)
6A. )ia!nostics adapter cable(54Jpin to C pin)
6H. 8est connector for O,) /orsche dia!nosis lines and adapter socket for O,) /orsche dia!nostics cable
Ninks here:!5m7H!%vf#Cu
Po(0h% &'S 3.1+.0 2011 Mult$
6.5 G,
8he ori!inal wirin! for the car brand /orscheK opened in its own interface circuits pulled out of the ima!e from the dia!nostic tool /*1*:
(downloaded not workin! on his instrument and in the internet somewhere)K electrical shoved into the ima!e 1irin!)ia!ram/orsch.iso
pro!ram re<uires "dobe :&G &iewer
Catalo! (H):
Po(0h% &o(80hop M)-u)l0
8he !reates collection of workshop manuals for /orsche $66K $6AK $5AK $5CK $73K $AAK $4AK $4CK $$7K $$4.
Ninks here:
R%-)ult /l$p 3.10. 2011 Mult$
6.AC G,
/ro!ram dealership car dia!nostics 9enaultK )aciaK :amsun!.
6. *f #ou alread# have an earlier versionK make sure deinstll previous version0
5. 9estart #our computer
7. 9un!
A. 1hen #ou installK when asked the countr# to choose O8D'9 CO(N89*':.
H. *nstalledK restart #our computer
4. "fter the reboot will screen re!istration.
F. +irst: "lt;Ctrl;)elK and in the process disable
C. Go to the 1indows folder and delete the file
$. 8hrou!h re!edit to erase all the lines in the re!istr# with the file
63. 9eload
ps. *f it comes an error when runnin! in the archive is to replace manual two more files.
Open the 9e!istr# 'ditor 9e!estr# and find in it the followin! branch:
*n it we find the lines 65H3 and 65H5K click on themK ri!htJclick and chan!e the value on c@65H6.nls.
"fter thisK restart #our computer to the new values entered into force and ever#thin! will be ok.
RE@AU#T /l$p 311" 0B.2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
9enault CN*/ J the latest dia!nostic tool from 9enault. *t contains all the latest dia!nostic technolo!# and information base to address all
'tras. *nfo: *f the primar# installationK follow the instructionsK which is attached. *f #ou alread# have an earlier versionK it is recommended
to uninstall and then follow the installation instructions. *t onl# works with ori!inal CN*/ adapter or with a Chinese cloneK no adapters and .N
..N is not supported.
9enault has developed a dia!nosis s#stem called &alise Clip. Dooked up to the car throu!h O,)5 connectorK it runs a complete test
automaticall#K checkin! a series of parameters and identif#in! problems that can then be solved. /ro!ram dealer car dia!nostics 9enaultK
)aciaK :amsun!.
+(NN *nstructions : ,efore installin! please do the followin! steps: 6. (ninstall previous version of 9enault C"NJClip if #ou have 5. *+ #our
6st installation: 9un!
"fter installation finish E #ou will rebootK #ou will !et :/R 9e!istration.... 8o avoid /'9M"N'N8NI thisK do the followin! steps: 6.
"lt;Ctrl;)el (.ill process 5. )elete (in C:_1indows) 7. (se 9e!edit (and )elete T"NNT values with name 9:91in)
A. 9eboot #our machine000 H. NO MO9' flash for :/R 9e!istration...
,efore #our 6st 9unnin! with the pro!ram make those steps: Iou N'') to have 6 9enault Car (and "N1"I: 9enault clip runnin!Jworkin!)
when #ou have 9enault Car000 6. Connect #our Clip :onde Can *nterface 6st in #our Car (O,) :lot) 5. 8urn *!nition ON (NO8 'n!ine runnin!)
7. Connect #our Clip :onde Can *nterface via (:, cable with #our computer A. :tart to installin! "NN the )rivers (that the# will be
appearin!) and #ou can find those in: C:_1*N)O1:_s#stem75_drivers or from this )&) in the folder TC"NJClip )riversT. H. Iou must
*N:8"NN A )rivers (A 8*M': the same thin!) "fter #ou finishK #ou can 9(N now finall# #our C"NJClip :oftware.
RE@AU#T /l$p 3114 411.20116 Mult$l)-1u)1%
5.AC G,
9enault CN*/ J the latest dia!nostic tool from 9enault. *t contains all the latest dia!nostic technolo!# and information base to address all
'tras. *nfo: *f the primar# installationK follow the instructionsK which is attached. *f #ou alread# have an earlier versionK it is recommended
to uninstall and then follow the installation instructions.
*t onl# works with ori!inal CN*/ adapter or with a Chinese cloneK no adapters and .N ..N is not supported.
9enault has developed a dia!nosis s#stem called &alise Clip. Dooked up to the car throu!h O,)5 connectorK it runs a complete test
automaticall#K checkin! a series of parameters and identif#in! problems that can then be solved. /ro!ram dealer car dia!nostics 9enaultK
)aciaK :amsun!.
+(NN *nstructions :
,efore installin! please do the followin! steps:
6. (ninstall previous version of 9enault C"NJClip if #ou have
5. *+ #our 6st installation: 9un!
"fter installation finish E #ou will rebootK #ou will !et :/R 9e!istration....
8o avoid /'9M"N'N8NI thisK do the followin! steps:
6. "lt;Ctrl;)el (.ill process
5. )elete (in C:_1indows)
7. (se 9e!edit (and )elete T"NNT values with name 9:91in)
A. 9eboot #our machine000
H. NO MO9' flash for :/R 9e!istration...
,efore #our 6st 9unnin! with the pro!ram make those steps:
Iou N'') to have 6 9enault Car (and "N1"I: 9enault clip runnin!Jworkin!)
when #ou have 9enault Car000
6. Connect #our Clip :onde Can *nterface 6st in #our Car (O,) :lot)
5. 8urn *!nition ON (NO8 'n!ine runnin!)
7. Connect #our Clip :onde Can *nterface via (:, cable with #our computer
A. :tart to installin! "NN the )rivers (that the# will be appearin!) and
#ou can find those in: C:_1*N)O1:_s#stem75_drivers or from this )&)
in the folder TC"NJClip )riversT.
H. Iou must *N:8"NN A )rivers (A 8*M': the same thin!)
"fter #ou finishK #ou can 9(N now finall# #our C"NJClip :oftware.....
RE@AU#T /l$p 311B
RE@AU#T /l$p 3120
RE@AU#T /l$p 3122
+(NN *nstructions :
,efore installin! please do the followin! steps:
6. (ninstall previous version of 9enault C"NJClip if #ou have
5. *+ #our 6st installation: 9un!
"fter installation finish E #ou will rebootK #ou will !et :/R 9e!istration....
8o avoid /'9M"N'N8NI thisK do the followin! steps:
6. "lt;Ctrl;)el (.ill process
5. )elete (in C:_1indows)
7. (se 9e!edit (and )elete T"NNT values with name 9:91in)
A. 9eboot #our machine000
H. NO MO9' flash for :/R 9e!istration.
Other method:
)onMt for!etK the newest version 9enault C"N clip &655 assist unlock five da#s left for re!istration. 8henK how it performs] Go on stud#in!
the followin! elements.

6. *mmediatel# after *nstallation finishK )onMt run #our CNi/000
6st replace the ori!inal file (backup initial #our ori!inal
with the file in C:_CN*/@R$6_Nib_"pplication_
5. 8hen run 9:9win.eeK opt for T9e!ister me nowT and while in the followin! window select TNoT0
7. (se this &ital for 9e!istration:777)'+J666)'+J666)'+J555)'+J556)'+J333)'+
*t is !oin! to !et the Lob done till 76/65/5353 :)
A. 9ecover the ori!inal
H. run update 655
,efore #our 6st 9unnin! with the pro!ram make those steps:
Iou N'') to have 6 9enault Car (and "N1"I: 9enault clip runnin!Jworkin!)
when #ou have 9enault Car000
6. Connect #our Clip :onde Can *nterface 6st in #our Car (O,) :lot)
5. 8urn *!nition ON (NO8 'n!ine runnin!)
7. Connect #our Clip :onde Can *nterface via (:, cable with #our computer
A. :tart to installin! "NN the )rivers (that the# will be appearin!) and
#ou can find those in: C:_1*N)O1:_s#stem75_drivers or from this )&)
in the folder TC"NJClip )riversT.
H. Iou must *N:8"NN A )rivers (A 8*M': the same thin!)
"fter #ou finishK #ou can 9(N now finall# #our C"NJClip :oftware .
RE@AU#T /l$p 312"
R%-)ult /l$p 12. 201".01 7 VIP l$-80
R%-)ult /l$p 122 7 VIP l$-80
R%-)ult '$)lo1=0 3".B" Mult$
63.4C G,
)ialo!#s J an electronic version of documentation for 9'N"(N8 and after sales car 9'N"(N8K )"C*" (onl# NOG"N and :"N)'9O).
)ialo!#s includes ever#thin! from repair manuals and parts catalo!s for all models of cars 9enaultK as well as tehnot# and M9Js for all cars in
the 9ussianK ecept for vehicles up to 6$$4. 8his electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 cars for afterJsales service 9'N"(N8K
)"C*". "nne )ialo!#s available on C)J9OM or )&). )ialo!#s includes ever# repair manualK parts catalo!s for all models of car brand
/ro!ram 9enault )ialo!#s contains the full information on details of automobiles and minibuses 9'N"(N8K and also the information on their
repair and service. 9enault is supplied with simple and intuitivel# clear interfaceK installation is possible both minimalK and fullK the
environment supports ei!ht lan!ua!es. Nast versions of the pro!ram work in 1indows environment and do not demand emulator Macintosh as
in last versions of the pro!ram all details have names. 8here is decodin! &*NK data input oval shieldsK search on modelK the name of a detail.
+or installation of the pro!ram 9'N"(N8K from the first disk it is necessar# to establish U,ilder and [uick8ime. /a# attentionK that at
installation [uick 8ime it is necessar# to choose a variant of installation Custom and necessaril# to choose for installation component [uick
8ime for UavaK differentl# the pro!ram will not work J at start of the pro!ram #ou will see onl# a small white window. "t installation the
pro!ram 9'N"(N8 asks #our countr# and connects the correspondin! priceJlist.
,esides the catalo!ue of spare parts the pro!ram 9'N"(N8 contains the information on repair and dia!nosticsK the catalo!ue of tools and
norms J hours.
Nan!ua!e for 'lectonic /art catalo!ue: 'n!lishK )eutschK *talianoK +rancaisK 'spanolK NederlandsK /ortu!uesK CeskiK Ma!#arK 9omanian.
C"8"NOG (AA):
R%-)ult '$)lo1=0 4.2 Mult$l)-1u)1%
65.F7 G,
)ialo!#s J an electronic version of documentation for 9'N"(N8 and after sales car 9'N"(N8K )"C*" (onl# NOG"N and :"N)'9O).
)ialo!#s includes ever#thin! from repair manuals and parts catalo!s for all models of cars 9enaultK as well as tehnot# and M9Js for all cars in
the 9ussianK ecept for vehicles up to 6$$4. 8his electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 cars for afterJsales service 9'N"(N8K
)"C*". "nne )ialo!#s available on C)J9OM or )&). )ialo!#s includes ever# repair manualK parts catalo!s for all models of car brand
/ro!ram 9enault )ialo!#s contains the full information on details of automobiles and minibuses 9'N"(N8K and also the information on their
repair and service.
9enault is supplied with simple and intuitivel# clear interfaceK installation is possible both minimalK and fullK the environment supports ei!ht
lan!ua!es. Nast versions of the pro!ram work in 1indows environment and do not demand emulator Macintosh as in last versions of the
pro!ram all details have names. 8here is decodin! &*NK data input oval shieldsK search on modelK the name of a detail.
+or installation of the pro!ram 9'N"(N8K from the first disk it is necessar# to establish U,ilder and [uick8ime. /a# attentionK that at
installation [uick 8ime it is necessar# to choose a variant of installation Custom and necessaril# to choose for installation component [uick
8ime for UavaK differentl# the pro!ram will not work J at start of the pro!ram #ou will see onl# a small white window. "t installation the
pro!ram 9'N"(N8 asks #our countr# and connects the correspondin! priceJlist.
,esides the catalo!ue of spare parts the pro!ram 9'N"(N8 contains the information on repair and dia!nosticsK the catalo!ue of tools and
norms J hours.
R%-)ult '$)lo1=0 4.5 Mult$l)-1u)1%
)ialo!#s J an electronic version of documentation for 9'N"(N8 and after sales car 9'N"(N8K )"C*" (onl# NOG"N and :"N)'9O).
)ialo!#s includes ever#thin! from repair manuals and parts catalo!s for all models of cars 9enaultK as well as tehnot# and M9Js for all cars in
the 9ussianK ecept for vehicles up to 6$$4. 8his electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 cars for afterJsales service 9'N"(N8K
)"C*". "nne )ialo!#s available on C)J9OM or )&). )ialo!#s includes ever# repair manualK parts catalo!s for all models of car brand
/ro!ram 9enault )ialo!#s contains the full information on details of automobiles and minibuses 9'N"(N8K and also the information on their
repair and service.
9enault is supplied with simple and intuitivel# clear interfaceK installation is possible both minimalK and fullK the environment supports ei!ht
Nast versions of the pro!ram work in 1indows environment and do not demand emulator Macintosh as in last versions of the pro!ram all
details have names. 8here is decodin! &*NK data input oval shieldsK search on modelK the name of a detail.
+or installation of the pro!ram 9'N"(N8K from the first disk it is necessar# to establish U,ilder and [uick8ime. /a# attentionK that at
installation [uick 8ime it is necessar# to choose a variant of installation Custom and necessaril# to choose for installation component [uick
8ime for UavaK differentl# the pro!ram will not work J at start of the pro!ram #ou will see onl# a small white window. "t installation the
pro!ram 9'N"(N8 asks #our countr# and connects the correspondin! priceJlist.
,esides the catalo!ue of spare parts the pro!ram 9'N"(N8 contains the information on repair and dia!nosticsK the catalo!ue of tools and
norms J hours.
Operatin! :#stem:
1indows R/ 75bit
1indows &ista 75bit (C4)K 1indows &ista 4Abit (4A)
1indows F 75bit (C4)K 1indows F 4Abit (4A)
Nan!ua!e for 'lectonic /art catalo!ue: 'n!lishK )eutschK *talianoK +rancaisK 'spanolK NederlandsK /ortu!uesK CeskiK Ma!#arK 9omanian.
Models covered:
Clio **
Clio ***
Clio /hase 6 E 5
Clio /hase 7
Clio 9: &4
'space *&
.an!oo **
Na!una 'state
Na!una **
Na!una ***
No!an *ndia
Mascott/Master /ropulsion
Master from 6$C6
Me!ane Me!ane Classic/'state
Me!ane Coupe/Cabriolet
Me!ane **
Me!ane ***
Me!ane :cenic
New 8win!o
956 :avanna
9A from 6$C7
9H New
:cenic **
:cenic ***
8rafic from 37.C$.
8rafic **
&el :atis
R%-)ult #RI S%(3$% M)-u)l0
:ervice information in pdf format on trucks 9enault: M":CO88K M"GN(MK M*)N(MK /9'M*(MK .'9"R etc. 8here is !uidance on the
operation and maintenanceK lab hoursK repair manual J there are en!inesK !earboK alesK electrical components (",CK ":/K suspended)K
electrical circuits (electrical installationK with all the plu! pinout).
R%-)ult R%p(o1 35B < /l$p 3110
R%-)ult R%p(o1 35B < /l$p 3112
R%-)ult REPROE 310" )-* 310. 7 VIP l$-80
R%-)ult '$)lo1=0 ".B+ Mult$l)-1u)1%
66.C$ G,
)ialo!#s J an electronic version of documentation for 9'N"(N8 and after sales car 9'N"(N8K )"C*" (onl# NOG"N and :"N)'9O).
)ialo!#s includes ever#thin! from repair manuals and parts catalo!s for all models of cars 9enaultK as well as tehnot# and M9Js for all cars in
the 9ussianK ecept for vehicles up to 6$$4. 8his electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 cars for afterJsales service 9'N"(N8K
)"C*". "nne )ialo!#s available on C)J9OM or )&). )ialo!#s includes ever# repair manualK parts catalo!s for all models of car brand
/ro!ram 9enault )ialo!#s contains the full information on details of automobiles and minibuses 9'N"(N8K and also the information on their
repair and service.
9enault is supplied with simple and intuitivel# clear interfaceK installation is possible both minimalK and fullK the environment supports ei!ht
Nast versions of the pro!ram work in 1indows environment and do not demand emulator Macintosh as in last versions of the pro!ram all
details have names. 8here is decodin! &*NK data input oval shieldsK search on modelK the name of a detail.
+or installation of the pro!ram 9'N"(N8K from the first disk it is necessar# to establish U,ilder and [uick8ime. /a# attentionK that at
installation [uick 8ime it is necessar# to choose a variant of installation Custom and necessaril# to choose for installation component [uick
8ime for UavaK differentl# the pro!ram will not work J at start of the pro!ram #ou will see onl# a small white window. "t installation the
pro!ram 9'N"(N8 asks #our countr# and connects the correspondin! priceJlist.
,esides the catalo!ue of spare parts the pro!ram 9'N"(N8 contains the information on repair and dia!nosticsK the catalo!ue of tools and
norms J hours.
Operatin! :#stem:
1indows R/ 75bit
1indows &ista 75bit (C4)K 1indows &ista 4Abit (4A)
1indows F 75bit (C4)K 1indows F 4Abit (4A)
Nan!ua!e for 'lectonic /art catalo!ue: 'n!lishK )eutschK *talianoK +rancaisK 'spanolK NederlandsK /ortu!uesK CeskiK Ma!#arK 9omanian.
Models covered:
Clio **
Clio ***
Clio /hase 6 E 5
Clio /hase 7
Clio 9: &4
'space *&
.an!oo **
Na!una 'state
Na!una **
Na!una ***
No!an *ndia
Mascott/Master /ropulsion
Master from 6$C6
Me!ane Me!ane Classic/'state
Me!ane Coupe/Cabriolet
Me!ane **
Me!ane ***
Me!ane :cenic
New 8win!o
956 :avanna
9A from 6$C7
9H New
:cenic **
:cenic ***
8rafic from 37.C$.
8rafic **
&el :atis
Ninks (76):
R%-)ult '$)lo1=0 3".BB
)ialo!#s J an electronic version of documentation for 9'N"(N8 and after sales car 9'N"(N8K )"C*" (onl# NOG"N and :"N)'9O).
)ialo!#s includes ever#thin! from repair manuals and parts catalo!s for all models of cars 9enaultK as well as tehnot# and M9Js for all cars in
the 9ussianK ecept for vehicles up to 6$$4. 8his electronic version of documentation 9'N"(N8 cars for afterJsales service 9'N"(N8K
)"C*". "nne )ialo!#s available on C)J9OM or )&). )ialo!#s includes ever# repair manualK parts catalo!s for all models of car brand
/ro!ram 9enault )ialo!#s contains the full information on details of automobiles and minibuses 9'N"(N8K and also the information on their
repair and service. 9enault is supplied with simple and intuitivel# clear interfaceK installation is possible both minimalK and fullK the
environment supports ei!ht lan!ua!es. Nast versions of the pro!ram work in 1indows environment and do not demand emulator Macintosh as
in last versions of the pro!ram all details have names. 8here is decodin! &*NK data input oval shieldsK search on modelK the name of a detail.
+or installation of the pro!ram 9'N"(N8K from the first disk it is necessar# to establish U,ilder and [uick8ime. /a# attentionK that at
installation [uick 8ime it is necessar# to choose a variant of installation Custom and necessaril# to choose for installation component [uick
8ime for UavaK differentl# the pro!ram will not work J at start of the pro!ram #ou will see onl# a small white window. "t installation the
pro!ram 9'N"(N8 asks #our countr# and connects the correspondin! priceJlist. ,esides the catalo!ue of spare parts the pro!ram 9'N"(N8
contains the information on repair and dia!nosticsK the catalo!ue of tools and norms J hours.
Operatin! :#stem:1indows R/ 75bitK 1indows &ista 75bit (C4)K 1indows &ista 4Abit (4A) 1indows F 75bit (C4)K 1indows F 4Abit
Nan!ua!e for 'lectonic /art catalo!ue: 'n!lishK )eutschK *talianoK +rancaisK 'spanolK NederlandsK /ortu!uesK CeskiK Ma!#arK 9omanian.
Models covered: "lpineK "vantimeK CherokeeK Clio **K Clio ***K Clio /hase 6 E 5K Clio /hase 7K Clio 9: &4K 'space(6J7)K 'space *&K 'traK
.an!ooK .an!oo **K .oleosK Na!unaK Na!una 'stateK Na!una **K Na!una ***K No!an/:anderoK No!an *ndiaK Mascott/Master /ropulsionK Master
from 6$C6K Me!ane Me!ane Classic/'stateK Me!ane Coupe/CabrioletK Me!ane **K Me!ane ***K Me!ane :cenicK ModusK New 8win!oK 96$K 956K
956 :avannaK 95HK 9A from 6$C7K 9H NewK :afraneK :cenic **K :cenic ***K :piderK :#mbolJ8haliaK 8rafic from 37.C$K 8rafic **K 8win!oK &el
:atis and 1ran!ler .
Ninks here:
R%-)ult R%p(o1 3B2 2011 E@E/RUS
9enault 9epro!: )ealer base firmware car brand 9enault .
Catalo! $7):
R%-)ult T(u80 /o-0ult 3.4.1+ 01/2011
6.7 G,
9enault Consult parts catalo! contains detailed information on trucks and minibuses of firm 9'N"(N8. 8he catalo! contains information on
trucks and vans "&*" ("6HK "53K "56K "73K "76). 1orks with &*N codes J there is a histor# of replacement numbersK search b# number and
name of spare parts.
cop# the director# !raph on the hard driveK or run
install.eeK choose the lan!ua!eK install Microsoft "ccess 9untime
install.eeK choose the lan!ua!eK specif# the options/pathsK set
Cop# sp75w.dllK in :_1indows_s#stem75 J overwritin! eistin!
:tart the ConsultK specif# the desired lan!ua!e prescribes hand path (assumin! the director# !raph)K wait until the socket is selected
interfaceK and all software is read# to work
Catalo! (7):
R%-)ult &$($-1 '$)1()!0 Sh%!)t$0
C"8"NOG (65):
R%p)$( E'I 4E)0ol$-% '$(%t I-L%t$o-6
,ilin!ual ('n!lishK German) the manual on C) offers the full description of a principle of work of an internal combustion en!ine with direct
inLection of !asoline. *t will be the wonderful help both for students and teachersK and for the certificated technical workers who wish to
deepen the knowled!e of the !iven area. 8he manual contains !raphic and animation materialsK videoK the dictionar#K functions of search and
8he developer: 9obert ,osch GmbD
/latform: 1indows $H/$C/N8A.3:/H/5333
Compatibilit# with &ista: it is not known
Microsoft 1indows $H/$C or N8 A.3 :/H/1indows 5333
1indows Media /la#er 4.A
8ablet: it is not re<uired
S))A &IS 3.".0 420116 :B," 4B4406 < B,. 4B+00F B+.06;
5.$ G,
*n the book on auto repair :aab 1is a step b# step description of repairK installation instructionsK dismantlin!K disassembl#K assembl#K
adLustment and confi!uration of various components and assemblies :aab presented bod#work :aab (:aab electrical) connector pinoutK bod#
repair manual :aab selection service bulletins on maLor faults.
8he description of the repair :aab can see the location of an# units and sensorsK 8he database repair :aab 1is a step b# step repair
manuals for mechanical and automatic transmissions :aab.
Catalo! (65):
S$l) T()-0po-*%( 1".1.2.""
S0)-1No-1 EP/ 201".01
". start /C@:'8(/.'R'
:econd 'nter code (if re<uired) J epc$CAbc43
8hird "fter installation is completeK un%ip the file and cop# the folder Catalo!.rar /arts /arts Catalo! (which has been in the !ame) in the
C: _ /ro!ram +iles _ '/C _ or C: _ /ro!ram +iles (C4) _ replace '/C _ ever#thin! that 1indows will ask to replace.
Ath Create a desktop shortcut to the file '/C:I:8'M@/ which is in the folder /arts Catalo!K is it #our work pro!ram.
Hth 9un the pro!ram. :elect an# model. *f the pro!ram reports that the database is not fund J *t means that #ou are not there to cop#
the data.
4th Iour dop collected libraries and support filesK which are re<uired for the pro!ram from the start. 1hen this pro!ram was necessar#
for #ouK and #ou will bu# a premium account to download these files please activate it to these files.
SuA)(u C)0t EU 3.+2,A1 '$0 1 :E@E/2011;
'lectronic spare parts catalo! :(,"9( +":8 contains a catalo! of car parts :(,"9(K since 6$$5.:ets the director# for the selection of
spares Lust :ubaru +astK works with the C) in a session M:J)O:K or from the hard disk J the data from the C) copied to disk to an# folder
in the installation pro!ram set the path to that folder. 8he distribution of "6 onl# drive in 'urope. 't. *nformation: (relevance: 36.5366)
76636N9:+K 'dit.45K others take in the previous hand.
9un from the folder #our C) drive T:_sffastp!_win. +ollow the instructions. "fter installationK click :tartK :ubaruJfast5 find and
choose a line :etup. On the first tab to specif# an empt# C) drive or the folder where the data is stored in the :) disc.
8itle: :ubaru +ast 'ur
Iear / )ate of 9elease: 5366
&ersion: 45J"6
)eveloper: +uLi Deav# *ndustries Ntd.
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Catalo! (7):
SuA)(u C)0t Eu 2012.02
Iear/)ate: 3F/5365
&ersion: 5.5.57
)eveloper: Deav# *ndustries Ntd.
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
Nicense: +reeware
'lectronic spare parts catalo! :(,"9( +":8 contains a catalo! of car parts :(,"9(K since 6$$5.
*t is established for the selection of spares Lust :ubaru +astK works with the C) in a session M:J)O:K or from the hard
disk J the data from the C) copied to disk to an# folder in the settin!s of the pro!ram prescribed path to that folder.
(:" drives in the hand no screenshot taken with m# installed pro!ram containin! the discs.
)ownloadin! the *:O ima!eK which contains the 7 disc 'urope: C)6J63C66N9:+ ; C)5J5653HN9:+ ; C)7J7653FN9:+
'tras. *nformation: (relevance: 3F.5365) 76536N9:+. 5653HN9:+. 63C66N9:+
9un from the folder TIour C) )riveT:_sffastp!_win.
+ollow the instructions. Once installedK click :tartK find the :ubaruJfast5 line and choose :etup.
On the first tab to set a blank C) disk or the folder where the data is stored to disk C)
SuHu8$ &o(lw$*% EP/ 32.+.0.. 12.2010
6.4$ G,
'lectronic catalo! to search for parts :u%uki 1orld 1ide provides information on spare parts J spare parts numbersK picturesK histor#
substitution ratesK etc. all compan# cars :u%uki. :upplied parts catalo! :u%uki 1orldwide on one )&) discK supportin! parts catalo! :u%uki
#a%#kov. .atalo! few parts :u%uki '/C works with the &*NJcode (sort parts suitable onl# entered 1*NJ#) or on models of :u%ukiK a
transcript of each position &*N (optional code)K search b# numberK name of partsK etc. "lso appeared to cop# numbers of parts and &*N to
the clipboard.
Catalo! (F):
T)ho0oDt 21..
T%'o 19 2010
T%'o 49 2010
*ncludin! workin! fi and instructions
C"8"NOG (H6):
T%'o 19 2011
6$.C G,
8ec)oc 6[ 5366 J 'lectronic Catalo!ue 8'C)OC (6 <uarter 5366). 8he lar!est catalo! of spare parts and accessories for cars and trucks. *n
8ec)oc provides information on cars and trucks of all brands. )ata on passen!er cars are from 43JiesK on car!o from the C3Ms.
8he catalo! provides details on the search for ori!inal and unori!inal numbers of most manufacturersK there is a possibilit# of selection
based on the model desi!nation of the motor or the ais of the vehicle. *mplemented filterin! b# car brandK as well as b# manufacturers of
spare parts.
)etails of the details includes drawin!sK photo!raphsK dimensions of partsK lists of ori!inal numbersK applicabilit#K manufacturer information
and other useful information. "lso present information such as refuelin! capacit#K the t#pes of oils and li<uids refueled unitsK belt
replacement intervalsK and lubricants.
*n a +9':D *nstallationK when #ou will tr# to browse for 6st 8*M' the Catalo! #ou will !ot an errorK and then when #ou will push TO.T button
8ec)oc automaticall# it will close000 )O NO8 /"N*C000 Uust 9eJ9un 8ec)oc and ever#thin! N*.' " CD"9M000
Catalo! (H5):
TE/'O/ 29 2011 4"'V'6
56.F G,
'lectronic Catalo!ue of 8'C)OC (5 <uarter 5366). 8he lar!est catalo! of spare parts and accessories for cars and trucks. 8ec)oc provides
information on cars and trucks of all brands. )ata on passen!er cars are from 43JiesK on car!o from the C3Ms.
8he catalo! provides details on the search for ori!inal and unori!inal numbers of most manufacturersK there is a possibilit# of selection
based on the model desi!nation of the motor or the ais of the vehicle. *mplemented filterin! b# car brandK as well as b# manufacturers of
spare parts.
)etails of the details includes drawin!sK photo!raphsK dimensions of partsK lists of ori!inal numbersK applicabilit#K manufacturer information
and other useful information. "lso present information such as refuelin! capacit#K the t#pes of oils and li<uids refueled unitsK belt
replacement intervalsK and lubricants.
Catalo! (5A):
T%'o "9 2011 Mult$l)-1u)1%
55.$6 G,
8he 8ec)oc C"8"NOG(' is a fleible information s#stemsK which allows #ou several personal settin!s to ease #our dail# work. 8ec)oc
supplies the free vehicle spare parts market with current and comprehensive data for identif#in! and orderin! parts for bothK /C as well as
C& directl# from the databases of the cooperatin! automotive aftermarket manufacturers in a standardised catalo!ue form.
8ec)oc is also M(N8*N"NG("G' #ou can swicth lan!ua!e without shuttin! the pro!rams or install additional components: *talianK +renchK
GermanK :panishK /ortu!ueseK GreekK )anishK Chinese etc...
Ori!inal data of parts manufacturers on )&)
O more than 5KA5HK333 articles
O over 6K677K333 illustrations
O more than A3K333 /C t#pes
O 73K333 real eistin! C& t#pes
O with technical additional information
O updated ever# 7 months
O multilan!ua!e: 57 lan!ua!es
8ec)oc 8he *nformation :#stem is the information source for the vehicle repair market with the ori!inal data of the parts manufacturers.
+ounded in 6$$A b# companies of the automotive aftermarket industr# and the German "ssociation for :pare parts (G&")K 8ec)oc
*nformations :#stem GmbD has established itself as the leadin! supplier of electronic spare parts information on the 'uropean market.
)ata search can be filtered b# the followin! criteria (from the 8ec)oc manual):
6. General:
'n!ine Code: the en!ine code
'n!ine 8#pe: then en!ine t#pe
8ec)oc supplies the free vehicle spare parts market with current and comprehensive data for identif#in! and orderin! parts for bothK /C
as well as C& directl# from the databases of the cooperatin! automotive aftermarket manufacturers in a standardised catalo!ue form.
5. b# Model Iear (from/to): the en!ine was/is constructed durin! this period
'n!ine Number: the en!ine number as defined b# 8ec)oc
7. b# 8echnical )ata:
Output in k1: en!ine output in k1
Output in D/: en!ine output in D/
Capacit# (technical): en!ine capacit# in technical terms
C#linder: number of c#linders
&alves: number of valves
8or<ue in Nm: the maimum tor<ue
Compression: the en!ine compression
,ore: en!ine c#linder bore
:troke: piston stroke of the en!ine
Main ,earin!s: the number of crankshaft main bearin!s
'n!ine ,lock )esi!n: the en!ine block desi!nK i.e. strai!ht or &
+uel 8#pe: the re<uired fuel t#pe
Char!in!: the t#pe of char!in!K i.e. turboJ or superchar!er
C#linder Dead )esi!n: the c#linder head desi!nK i.e. ODC or OD&
'n!ine Control: the t#pe of en!ine controlK i.e. timin! belt or chain
&alve Control: the t#pe of valve control
Coolin! 8#pe: the t#pe of en!ine coolin!K i.e. water or air
Ninks here ($A):
T%'o 492011
57.77 G,
8he 8ec)oc C"8"NOG(' is a fleible information s#stemsK which allows #ou several personal settin!s to ease #our dail# work. 8ec)oc
supplies the free vehicle spare parts market with current and comprehensive data for identif#in! and orderin! parts for bothK /C as well as
C& directl# from the databases of the cooperatin! automotive aftermarket manufacturers in a standardised catalo!ue form.
8ec)oc is also M(N8*N"NG("G' #ou can swicth lan!ua!e without shuttin! the pro!rams or install additional components: *talianK +renchK
GermanK :panishK /ortu!ueseK GreekK )anishK Chinese etc.
8ec)oc C"8"NOG(' is an electronic parts catalo!ues from standardised data records
Ori!inal data of parts manufacturers on )&)
O more than 5KA5HK333 articles
O over 6K677K333 illustrations
O more than A3K333 /C t#pes
O 73K333 real eistin! C& t#pes
O with technical additional information
O updated ever# 7 months
O multilan!ua!e: 57 lan!ua!es
8ec)oc 8he *nformation :#stem is the information source for the vehicle repair market with the ori!inal data of the parts manufacturers.
+ounded in 6$$A b# companies of the automotive aftermarket industr# and the German "ssociation for :pare parts (G&")K 8ec)oc
*nformations :#stem GmbD has established itself as the leadin! supplier of electronic spare parts information on the 'uropean market.
Ninks (43):
T%'o 192012
8he 8ec)oc C"8"NOG(' is a fleible information s#stemsK which allows #ou several personal settin!s to ease #our dail# work. 8ec)oc
supplies the free vehicle spare parts market with current and comprehensive data for identif#in! and orderin! parts for bothK /C as well as
C& directl# from the databases of the cooperatin! automotive aftermarket manufacturers in a standardised catalo!ue form.
8ec)oc is also M(N8*N"NG("G' #ou can swicth lan!ua!e without shuttin! the pro!rams or install additional components: *talianK +renchK
GermanK :panishK /ortu!ueseK GreekK )anishK Chinese etc.
8ec)oc C"8"NOG(' is an electronic parts catalo!ues from standardised data records
Ori!inal data of parts manufacturers on )&)
O more than 5KA5HK333 articles
O over 6K677K333 illustrations
O more than A3K333 /C t#pes
O 73K333 real eistin! C& t#pes
O with technical additional information
O updated ever# 7 months
O multilan!ua!e: 57 lan!ua!es
8ec)oc 8he *nformation :#stem is the information source for the vehicle repair market with the ori!inal data of the parts manufacturers.
+ounded in 6$$A b# companies of the automotive aftermarket industr# and the German "ssociation for :pare parts (G&")K 8ec)oc
*nformations :#stem GmbD has established itself as the leadin! supplier of electronic spare parts information on the 'uropean market.
)ata search can be filtered b# the followin! criteria:
6. General:
'n!ine Code: the en!ine code
'n!ine 8#pe: then en!ine t#pe
8ec)oc supplies the free vehicle spare parts market with current and comprehensive data for identif#in! and orderin! parts for bothK /C
as well as C& directl# from the databases of the cooperatin! automotive aftermarket manufacturers in a standardised catalo!ue form.
5. b# Model Iear (from/to): the en!ine was/is constructed durin! this period
'n!ine Number: the en!ine number as defined b# 8ec)oc
7. b# 8echnical data:
Output in k1: en!ine output in k1
Output in D/: en!ine output in D/
Capacit# (technical): en!ine capacit# in technical terms
C#linder: number of c#linders
&alves: number of valves
8or<ue in Nm: the maimum tor<ue
Compression: the en!ine compression
,ore: en!ine c#linder bore
:troke: piston stroke of the en!ine
Main ,earin!s: the number of crankshaft main bearin!s
'n!ine ,lock )esi!n: the en!ine block desi!nK i.e. strai!ht or &
+uel 8#pe: the re<uired fuel t#pe
Char!in!: the t#pe of char!in!K i.e. turboJ or superchar!er
C#linder Dead )esi!n: the c#linder head desi!nK i.e. ODC or OD&
'n!ine Control: the t#pe of en!ine controlK i.e. timin! belt or chain
&alve Control: the t#pe of valve control
Coolin! 8#pe: the t#pe of en!ine coolin!K i.e. water or air
Ninks here:!nLHL!
T%'o 29 201" :Up*)t%*; 4201"/Mult$l$-1u)l6
'lectronic catalo! 8'C)OC >(pdated? (5 <uarter 5367). 8he lar!est catalo! of nonJori!inal spare parts and accessories for cars and trucks.
*n 8ec)oc provides information on cars of all brands. )ata on passen!er cars are from 43JiesK on car!o J from the C3Ms.
8he catalo! provides details on the search for ori!inal and unori!inal numbers of most manufacturersK there is a possibilit# of selection
based on the model desi!nation of the motor or the ais of the vehicle. *s filtered b# car brandK as well as b# manufacturers of spare parts.
)etails of the details includes drawin!sK photo!raphsK dimensions of partsK lists of ori!inal numbersK applicabilit#K manufacturer information
and other useful data. "lso present information such as refuelin! capacit#K the t#pes of oils and li<uids refueled unitsK belt replacement
intervalsK and lubricants.
Compared with the previous hand is replaced b# a poorl# copied 5nd )&)J9OM J all the pictures are now in place. "lso added to the tablet
(includin! patch to activate the T8echnical *nformationT).
Iear/*ssue )ate: 5/5367
&ersion: 5/5367
)eveloper: /arts *nfo NNC
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual
Medicine: /resent
/assword is ::: scenereleasin!@and@providin!@#ou@latest@stuff@@@saud@6
Tol%()-% ')t) 200B.2
7.HH G,
1ith 8olerance )ata installed on #our /C #ou are well e<uipped to carr# out repairsK service and fault findin! on #our customers2 vehicles.
1ith current version 533$.6K 8olerance )ata offers workshops even more technical repair and dia!nostic data for trucksK vans and
passen!er vehicles.
(pdate facts: :ervice data and technical specifications on more than 4H33 vehicles J news are: "lfa 6H$K "udi "AK ,M1 7 seriesK Citroen C7
**K citroen CH ***K Citroen ,erlin!oK Ma%da 5K Ma%da 4K Opel BafiraK /eu!eot 73CK /eu!eo /artnerK 9enault .an!ooK 9enault Na!una ***K &olvo
&F3-and man# more.
More than H333 wirin! dia!rams on: "lfa 6AFK ,M1 6 seriesK +ord CJMaK +ord +ocusK .ia :orentoK Ma%da 4K Mercedes "JClassK Mercedes
&itoK Opel "stra DK :eat NeonK 8o#ota Corolla and man#K man# more.
"pro. 7H3 C"NJ,(: dia!rams with eplanations on virous s#stem. Man# new pictures of en!ine compartment and component location.
/ictures of ali!nment points. 'as# overview of /J and (J en!ine codes on newer models (from #ear 5333)
8he various modules are available in 7 different packa!es:
C) /.6 J /acka!e 6 contains:
J 8echnical data
J :ervice schedules
C) /.'N /acka!e 'lectronic contains:
J 1irin! dia!rams
J 'n!ine mana!ement
J ",:
J "ir Condition
J "irba!
C) /.7 /acka!e 7 contains:
J 8echnical data
J :ervice schedules
J 9epair times
J 1irin! dia!rams
J 'n!ine mana!ement
J ",:
J "ir Condition
J "irba!
C) /.N& J /acka!e 8rucks contains:
J 8echnical data
J :ervice schedules
J ",:
J 'n!ine mana!ement
"dvanta!es of 8olerance )ata:
J 1irin! dia!rams for all s#stems
J )etailed fault searchin! data
J Component descriptions
J "ir condition fault searchin!
J /lacement pictures of fuses/rela#s
J Market adapted service schedules
J 9eparation times
J )irections for echan!e of transmission belt
To=ot) EP/ 0..2011 4?AP 0".20116
5.15 GB
8o#ota 'lectronic /arts Catalo! ('/C). 8his is the application that 8o#ota dealerships use to look up part numbers and dia!rams. Covers
'uropean models throu!h 5335 and Uapanese models throu!h 5333. :ome North "merican models are also covered in the 'uro section.
8o#ota '/C pro!ram contains schematic device of all 8o#ota and Neus. 8he pro!ram allows to determine the #ear and month of production
of a car b# make and number of the bod#K and learn nameplate for spare parts.
Neus password: 663H3666
TONOTA EP/ 2012.11 7 VIP l$-80
Contains a director# on the selection of spare parts ; accessories for cars 8OIO8". 9e!ions UapanK 'uropeK (:" ; CanadaK General. 8his
version alread# installed archive pro!ram with all bases. Ori!inal distribution is not0 Neus is alread# active0
6. (n%ip the file to the root of a drive from subfolders will not work0
5. *n the file ... _8MC'/C17_"/N*_'/C'N&.*N* correct drive letter to that of the etracted director#. 'dit all rows in which the drive
letter: default 1orth the )rive TCT.
7. 9un the pro!ram ...: _8MC'/C17_"/N*_8M"*N.'R'
A. Dave fun0
To=ot) Cl)0h R%p(o1()!!$-1 4th 9u)(t%( 200B
8his auction is for the 8OIO8" +lash 9epro!rammin! )&) Ath [uarter 533$. *f #ou use 8o#ota 8ech:tream this )&) will be the cherr#
on top of the cake. 8his database will be sent to #ou on 6 )&) without a fanc# printK be<ause i dont believe in thatK itMs the data #ou need
not the print...8his is a D8MN based pro!ramK so itMs ver# eas# to find what #ou are lookin! for 8o#otaK Neus.
*tMs the cherr# on the top for those who have 8o#ota 8echstream alread# installed or an# U5H7A device.
More auto app%:!k<dwc
To=ot) M$(o)t #$3% 01.2011
65.7F G,
*t is a electronic part catalo!ue for 8o#ota and Neus vehicles for all markets. Microcat N*&' is desi!ned around the wa# workshops search
for partsK with fastJloadin! detailed illustrationsK search b# part numberK search b# part nameK search b# &ehicle *dentification Number
(&*N)K crossJindein!K supersession histories and much more.
C"8"NOG (H6):
1hat #ou !et:
J 6$K333; files of tuned E ori!inal
J " selection of O,)5 software
J " selection of Milea!e software
J /erformance enhancer resistors (with instructions)
J Car :ervice software
J "ll to!ether over AG, of the above
8ested tunin!/remappin! filesK 8hese are workin! filesK (nlike some that are bein! sold.
"lso note that other people are Lust sellin! duplicated files with different folder names 000
8o use these files #ou will need an 'C( +lasher. 8his unit will allow #ou to repro!ram/remap the 'C( via the vehicle O), port. 8here are
6$K7F$ tuned E ori!inal files on the dvdK the files cover a hu!e ran!e of vehicles. " selection of O,)5 software E car service software is
also on the )&). 8he )&) has both ori!inal and modified/tuned files and covers a wide ran!e of vehicles.
'stimated performance up!rade with the tuned files on the )&)K "s all these files are different it is impossible to sa# how much the bhp E
tor<ue will be increased. ,elow is a avera!e onl#
/etrol (Naturall# "spirated inL) J 8unin! a petrol en!ine 'C( will produce H J 63f ,D/
8he en!ine will also be more responsive on initial acceleration and produce more tor<ue (up to 53f) throu!h out the entire rev ran!eK !ivin!
more response on li!hter throttle.
/etrol (8urbo) J 8unin! a petrol turbo en!ine 'C( will produce 63 J 53f ,D/
8he en!ine will be si!nificantl# more responsive with power comin! in immediatel# relative to throttle input with no la!!in! at hi!her revs.
8his lar!e increase in power E tor<ue !ives far more fleibilit# in all !ears reducin! the need to chan!e down unnecessaril# to overtake
safel# and <uickl#.
)iesel (turbo) J 8unin! a diesel turbo en!ine 'C( will produce 53 J A3f ,D/
)iesel en!ines !ive the most impressive power and tor<ue !ains available. 'tra power is !ained throu!h out the entire rev ran!e and under
all load conditionsK the turnin! force !ained from these en!ines is immense. 8his reall# is the best wa# of chan!in! #our car without havin! to
chan!e #our car.
+or car: "N+"K "()*K ,M1K CD9I:N'9K C*89O'NK +*"8K +O9)K DI(N)"*K U''/K .*"K N"NC*"K M'9C')':K N*::"NK &"(RD"NNK
/'(G'O8K /O9:CD'K 9'N"(N8K 9O&'9K M*N*K :.O)"K :M"98K :(B(.*K 8OIO8"K &1.
*nformation about chiptunin!
8he 'lectronic Control (nit ('C()
8he 'C( is responsible for the entire en!ine mana!ement. *t measuresK checks and controls all important functions of the en!ine under
consideration of the current load condition and in dependence of all environmental parametersK such as ambientK en!ine coolant and oil
temperatureK intake air densit# etc. 8he new databaseK pro!rammed on to the ''/OM(Chip) inside the 'C(K is optimi%ed. "ll relevant
patterns and identifiers forK i.e. inLection and i!nition timin!K boost controlK load limitation and ehaust emissionsK are bein! monitored over
the entire rpm ran!e of the en!ine and then chan!ed within certain limitsK in dependence to load and en!ineJrpmK so that the maimum
horsepower and tor<ue output. Dereb# we !ain ,D/ as well as a si!nificantl# hi!her tor<ue output.
1h# not keep the ori!inal file]
)urin! the development of an automobile the manufacturers have toK in man# respectsK find compromises in terms of fuel efficienc#K
horsepower outputK derivabilit# and these da#sK the most important issueK ehaust emissions. +actors like fuel <ualit#K maintenanceK
operational circumstances etc.
8herefore the i!nitionK inLectionK boostK J etc. patterns pro!rammed.
+urthermore almost all manufacturers offer mechanicall# identical or almost identical en!ines with var#in! horsepower output. 8he !ain in
output is mainl# achieved b# software chan!es. 8he stron!er and more epensive version of a particular model carK is often brou!ht out on to
the market 6J5 #ears later after the initial presentation. 8his is done to repeatedl# draw the attention of customersK who alread# bou!ht
the previous model and mi!ht be willin! to trade in and purchase the new release.
*f #ou are willin! to re!ularl# perform car maintenance and loose some economic efficienc# under full loadK then a enormous output potential
will be available to #ou.
8he aim of chiptunin! is
8o si!nificantl# increase tor<ue and horsepower output over the entire rpm ran!e of the en!ineK especiall# on turbo char!ed en!ines. Dere
#ou will have the impressionK after the optimi%ation is doneK to own a entirel# different car or to have chan!ed into the net hi!her vehicle
N O 8 '
/lease make sure that #ou upload files #ou are 663f sure is suitable for #our car0
"lwa#s read an ori!inal file first and make a cop#. 1e canMt be held responsible for an#one not researchin! the correct file firstK and the
incorrect file messin! up #our ecu. *t is #our responsibilit# to ensure #ou know what #our doin! with these files.
VAE,/OM VB05.0 &$th S%lD T()$-$-1 P(o1()!0
8he pro!ram for the dia!nostic / pro!rammin! Car Group &"G ("udiK &1K :kodaK :eat)K as well as other vehicles that support the protocol
O,) / O,) ** (onJboard dia!nostic for different brands workin! throu!h the appropriate adaptersK the functional features of the pro!ram
is limited to protocol O,) / O,) **). 8he pro!ram can readK decr#ptK resettable errors printed b# the s#stem selfJtest cars. +or "uto
Group &"G J readin! parameters of the en!ine and other s#stems in realJtime encodin! block car.
I'"9: 5363
&ersion: $3C.3
)eveloper: 9ossJ8ech *nc.
/latform: 1indows 5333/R//5337/&ista/F
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish ; 9ussian
8abletka: Not re<uired
&"GJCOM $3C.3 (&C):):
:upports the latest electronics module car &"GK includin! the ran!e of 5363J5366. 8he database 673F$ fault codes. *t also contains the
1iki from the manufacturer and some instructions. 1orks 1ith Chinese counterparts "dapter &"GJCOM. *f #ou have an imprisoned under
the previous version must rewrite the microcontroller in the column under an# appropriate versionK otherwise the cord will die.
&"G: :'N+JN'"9N*NG:
/ro!ramme learnin! (::/) desi!ned for independent stud# of various aspects of the service station workers in the automotive !roup &"G.
"re eplained in this desi!n features and principles of the various components and s#stems of the car. "lsoK now selfJhelp pro!ram to
eamine the mana!ement structure of the service centers and trainin! work 1ith clients.
C"8"NOG (F):
V)1/o! #)A%l0 B$1 A(h$3%
J over 6A33 &a!Com labelsK files in .lbl format
J a few version of &a!Com app
J &a!JCan H.H ; pin reader
/assword for archive is:"3
VAS .0.4)
&": H3HAa is ,luetooth version.
&": H3HA" is a professional dia!nostic tool for &1K "udiK :eatK :koda.&": H3HAa supported functionsvas H3HAa read and erase 'C( fault
codesK includin! Check 'n!ineK ",:K :9:K transmission s#stemK 9adioK heatin!. ect. 8urn the check en!ine li!ht off. 8he &": H3HA" is a
universal dia!nostic interface for the vehicles of the &olkswa!en Group and all O,) vehicle s#stems from other manufacturers.
8he inte!rated ,luetooth interface connects the vehicle with a notebookK desktop /C or test s#stem.
No cables are needed for vehicle dia!nostics usin! the &": H3HA".
8he ran!e of the wireless ,luetooth connection is H to 63 metersKdependin! on the environment and the t#pe of ,luetooth adapter used on
the /C side. 8he :erial /ort /rofile (://) is used for data transfer via ,luetooth. )ifferent ,luetooth securit# levels are supported.

8he vehicle protocols are handled directl# in the &": H3HA".
8his ensures fast response times and a reliable realJtime behavior independentl# of the /C operatin! s#stem. 'ver# time a connection is
establishedK the &": H3HA" software is identified with the version installed on the application /C. 8he &": H3HA" thus automaticall#
adopts an# new features provided after a new software version has been installed on the application /C.
8he dia!nostic application and the associated )ia!nostic ,ase :#stem are installed on the application /C.
8he dia!nostic base s#stem can access the &": H3HA" via ,luetooth or (:,.
"ccess via ,luetooth: "fter a connection to the &": H3HA" has been set upK the ,luetooth software provides a virtual serial COM port
(,luetooth :erial /ort /rofile). 8he )ia!nostic ,ase :#stem uses this COM port to communicate with the &": H3HA".Iou need to specif#
this port when #ou install the dia!nostic application.
"ccess via (:,: Iou can also connect the &": H3HA" to the application /C b# usin! the supplied (:, cable. 1indows detects the &":
H3HA" throu!h /lu! and /la#K and automaticall# installs the drivers copied when #ou installed the dia!nostic application. :etup of the &":
H3HA" is then complete and the device is read# for use b# the dia!nostic application.
&": H3HAa lan!ua!e available: 'n!lish/:panish/German#/+rench
8he followin! vehicle bus s#stems are supported:
. line (*:O$6A6J5)
Di!hJspeed C"N (*:O 66C$CJ5)
NowJspeed C"N (*:O 66C$CJ7)
U6CH3 (:"' U6CH3)
64 J German
6F J +rench
6C :panishK 9ussian
6$ J 'n!lishK 9ussianK German#
Ninks here:
VAS P/ V.15.01.01
5.44 G,
&": H3HA" interface is used to dia!nose vehicle !roup &"G ("udiK &1K :kodaK :eat) at the dealership level for all onJboard dia!nostics.
&": H3HA connects the car with a laptop//C via a ,luetooth interfaceK the application of the cable is not re<uired.
8he ran!e of a wireless ,luetooth connectionK dependin! on environmental conditions and use of the /C ,luetooth adapter is H J 63 meters.
&": H3HA user interface works with the ori!inal software &": /C and functionall# performs the same functions as the ori!inal device &":
H3H5K usin! a re!ular computer.
&": H3HA J vas /C v6C
&":J/C ,ase C) &ersion 6C.36.33
"udi C) 6C.5F (65.5363) 'n!lish
&1 C) 6C.3C (5.5366) 'n!lish
:eat C) 6C.4H (6.5366) 'n!lish
:koda C) 6C.A7 (63.5363) 'n!lish
*nstallation *nstructions about &":J/C &ersion 6C.33:
6. *nstall the ,ase C)
5. 9eboot #our machine
7. 9un J *nstall &"G &":J/C Dot+i +or &ersion 6C.33
A. 9un &":J/C wait a little bit and then close it. 9eJrun it and then O.
H. Go to "dministration and put #our details for Menus "C8*&"8*ON0
6) 657 8hen [
5) 657AH 8hen [
7) 1hatever name #ou wantK it hase to be and in two lines then [
"lso about the Numbers use whatever #ou think or #ou want.
4. 9un J *nstall the /"8CD 6C.36.33 ,ase C) (F.5363)
F. 9eboot #our machine
C. 9eJ9un 9eJ*nstall &"G &":J/C Dot+i +or &ersion 6C.33
$. 9un J *nstall the /"8CD 6C.36.36
63. NowK install "NN the ,rand C)Ms
't. *nformation:
*nterfacesK &": H3HA supports the followin! protocols:
.JNine (*:O $6A6J5)
Di!hJspeed C"N (*:O 66C$CJ5)
NowJspeed bus C"N (*:O 66C$CJ7)
U6CH3 (:"' U6CH3)
:pecifications &": H3HA:
)imensions: 66AAC5H mmKJ(:, cable: 6 m
1ei!ht: 633 !K
:uppl# volta!e: CJ6C &K onJboard vehicle network
Current consumption: appro. 533 m" at 65 &
/C specifications: ,luetooth &6.5K class 5 (ran!e ma. 63 m)K (:, &5.3 full speedK 65 Mbit/s mini (:, socket t#pe ,
Customi%able settin!s: automatic shutJoff timeK the inclusion in the presence of a si!nal from the i!nition
Catalo! ($):
VAS P/ 31B.00.00 Up*)t% 404/0./20116
5.FF G,
8he &": H3HA" is a universal dia!nostic interface for the vehicles of the &olkswa!en Group and all O,) vehicle
s#stems from other manufacturers. 8he inte!rated ,luetooth interface connects the vehicle with a notebookK desktop /C or test s#stem. No
cables are needed for vehicle dia!nostics usin! the &": H3HA". 8he ran!e of the wireless ,luetooth connection is H to 63 metersK dependin!
on the environment and the t#pe of ,luetooth adapter used on the /C side. 8he :erial /ort /rofile (://) is used for data transfer via
,luetooth. )ifferent ,luetooth securit# levels are supported.
8he followin! vehicle bus s#stems are supported:
6) . line (*:O$6A6J5)
5) Di!hJspeed C"N (*:O 66C$CJ5)
7) NowJspeed C"N (*:O 66C$CJ7)
A) U6CH3 (:"' U6CH3)
8he vehicle protocols are handled directl# in the &": H3HA".
8his ensures fast response times and a reliable realJtime behavior independentl# of the /C operatin! s#stem. 'ver# time a connection is
establishedK the &": H3HA" software is s#nchoni%ed with the version installed on the application /C. 8he &": H3HA" thus automaticall#
adopts an# new features provided after a new software version has been installed on the application /C. 8he dia!nostic application and
the associated )ia!nostic ,ase :#stem are installed on the application /C. 8he )ia!nostic ,ase :#stem can access the &": H3HA" via
,luetooth or (:,.
"ccess via ,luetooth:
"fter a connection to the &": H3HA" has been set upK the ,luetooth software provides a virtual serial COM port (,luetooth :erial /ort
/rofile). 8he )ia!nostic ,ase :#stem uses this COM port to communicate with the &": H3HA". Iou need to specif# this port when #ou
install the dia!nostic application "ccess via (:,: Iou can also connect the &": H3HA" to the application /C b# usin! the supplied (:,
cable. 1indows detects the &": H3HA" throu!h /lu! and /la#K and automaticall# installs the drivers copied when #ou installed the dia!nostic
application. :etup of the &": H3HA" is then complete and the device is read# for use b# the dia!nostic application.
&as H3HA" kit includes:
,asisJ&": /C
"udi C)
&1 C)
:eat C)
Catalo! (65):
VAS P/ 31B Up*)t%
"udi C) 6$.77K 4C4M,
:eat C) 6$.4CK HAAM,
:koda C) 6$.A4K 7$CM,
&1 C) 6$.65K 6.35G,
VAS P/ 31B.01.00 Up*)t%* 1B/10/2011
&": H3HA" dia!nostic interface is used for cars of concern &"G ("udiK &1K :kodaK :eat) at the dealership level for all onJboard
dia!nostics. &": H3HA connects the vehicle with a laptop / /C via a ,luetooth interfaceK the application of the cable is not re<uired .
8he ran!e of the wireless ,luetooth connectionK dependin! on environmental conditions and use the /C side the ,luetooth adapter is H J 63
meters.&": H3HA interface works with the ori!inal software and a functionall# &": /C performs all the same features as the ori!inal device
&": H3H5K usin! a re!ular computer .
VAS,P/ Au*$ Cl)0h /' 1.2010
VAS,P/ S%)t Cl)0h /' 3%(."" ..2011
VAS,P/ S8o*) Cl)0h /' 3%(.1.0 1.200B
VAS,P/ V& Cl)0h 'V' 3%(.+2 +.2011
V$(1$- E/U ')t)A)0% )-* IMMO OCC B$1 /oll%t$o-
)"8","N. 7KC33 Chip 8unin! +iles H3f ori!inal and H3f modified (')C6H ')C64 ')C64;)
)atabank C33 reset *MMO *MMO Off ; ,onus file *"1 H$f m5 m7 mH
:oftware )'CO)' "udi &1 :eat :koda ')C6H ')C64
:oftware )"8","N. "(8O9")*O CO)' .'IG'N
Manual of connection for 'cuK included Motorola processors
'C( /ictures
*MMO )ata,ase:
"N+" 6AH ,OR'9 6K7 *"1 C+.4, J *MMO O++
"N+" 6AH 6KA 8: 64& 546 53A AC6 3 546 53A AC6 J *MMO O++
"N+" 6A4 6.4 64& 8: 3 546 53A AC3 3 546 53A AC3 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"lfa 6A4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 $74 3 5C6 336 $74 J 9ecode
"N+" 6AF 6.$ U8) 64& ')C64CJC J 9ecode
"N+" 6HH 6.C 64& 8: 3546 53A 64C 3546 53A 64C M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"N+" 6HH 5.3 64& 8: 3 546 53A ACA 3 546 53A ACA M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"N+" 6HH 5.H 8) 3 5C6 336 733 3 5C6 336 733 ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66JFK63 J *MMO O++
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 C$6 3 5C6 336 C$6 ')C6HCJH.F J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 363 77H 3 5C6 363 77H ')C6HCFJ5.67 J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) 64& ')C64CJC J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.A U8) 3 5C6 336 HCC 3 5C6 336 HCC ')C6HCJH.F J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.A U8) 35C6 363 355 35C6 363 355 ')C6HCJH.C J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.A U8) '7 673 C& 3 5C6 363 355 3 5C6 363 355 J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.H 5A& 3 546 53A F3H 3 546 53A F3H M' 5K6 .e# :olution
"N+" 644 5.A U8) 3 5C6 336 FCF 3 5C6 336 FCF ')C6HCJH.C J *MMO O++
"N+" 644 53338*: 6.H.H
"lfa G8& 5.3 64& 8: 3 546 537 4F6 3 546 537 4F6 M 5.63.7 J *MMO O++
"lfa G8& 5.3 8: 64& 3 546 537 4F6 3 546 537 4F6 J *MMO O++
"N+" 6AH 6.A 64& 8: 3 546 53A AC6 3 546 53A AC6 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"N+" 6AH 6.4 64& 8: 3 546 53A AC3 3 546 53A AC3 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"lfa 6A4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 $74 ')C6HCJH.F J 9ecode
"N+" 6AF 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 363 775 3 5C6 363 775 ')C6HCFJ5.7 J 9ecode
"N+" 6HH 6.4 64& 8: 3 546 53A A56 3 546 53A A56 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"lfa 6HH 5.3 8: 64 3 546 53A A55 3 546 53A A55 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"N+" 6HH 5.3 8*: 64& 3 546 537 $$7 3 546 537 $$7 J *MMO O++
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 HCF 3 5C6 336 HCF ')C6HCJH.F J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 363 353 3 5C6 363 353 ')C6HCJH.F J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 363 FA3 3 5C6 363 FA3 ')C6HCFJ5.64 J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 6.$ U8) '7 63H C& 3 5C6 363 353 3 5C6 363 353 J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.A U8) 3 5C6 336 C$3 3 5C6 336 C$3 ')C6HCJH.C J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.A U8) 3 5C6 363 774 3 5C6 363 774 ')C6HCFJ5.6A J 9ecode
"N+" 6H4 5.A MU'8 6FHC& ')C64CJC J 9ecode
"N+" 64A 5.H 8) 3 5C6 336 57F 3 5C6 336 57F ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66JAK63 J *MMO O++
"N+" 644 5.3 8: 3 546 53A F77 3 546 53A F77 J *MMO O++
"N+" 644 5.A U8) 3 5C6 363 7A3 3 5C6 363 7A3 ')C6HCFJ5.5Jrecode
"N+" U8) '7
"lfa G8& 5.3 64& 8: 3 546 53A ACA 3 546 53A ACA M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"N+" :/*)'9 5.3 64& 8: 3 546 53A ACA M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
"7 6C33 8(9,O
"A 6C33 8(9,O
"()* 6C33 8(9,O
"()* "7 6.C 8(9,O 3 546 53A 4FC J *MMO O++
"()* "A 3 5C6 366 67C ')C6H/ ;55.7.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.C 53& 3 546 537 HH5 o HH7 M7.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.C 8(9,O 3 546 537 HH3 HH6 M7.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.C 8(9,O 3 546 53A FFC J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 4HC J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 443 J *MMO O++
"()* "A C'3 $6$ $H$' J *MMO O++
"()* "4 3 546 534 CA7 M'F.6.6 J *MMO O++
"()* "4 6.C 8urbo 3 546 53A C6C J *MMO O++
"()* "4 5.H 8)* 3 5C6 363 7$A ')C6H&M 5. M6 J *MMO O++
"udi 9:4 A)6 $3F HHC) M' F.6.6 J 8O8"N'
"AJ$3C&JMO8O9'J*BJC(:8O ...
"()* 5$+A33JO,)J)ecodifica
"()* "7 6.C 8(9,O 3 546 53A 4FC M7.C.7 J *MMO O++
"()* "7 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 CH5 ')C6H&JHK 74 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.4 C)3 $3F HHC"
"()* "A 6.C 53& 3 546 537 $7C O $7$ M 7.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.C 8(9,O 3 546 53A FFC M.7.C.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 4HC M:"6H.H ')CJF.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 443 M:"6H.H ')CJF.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "A 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 363 533 ')C6H&M 5. &6 J *MMO O++
"()* "A@$4 *MMO )*
"()* "4 6.C 8urbo 3 546 53A C6C M7.C.5 J *MMO O++
"()* "4 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 363 A3H ')C6H/ 55K7 J *MMO O++
"()* "4 5.H 8)* 3 5C6 363 7$A ')C6H&M ; J *MMO O++
,M1 76C 8):
,M1 76C 8): 3 5C6 336 5A7 J *MMO O++
,M1 76C* 3 546 537 5FF M6.F.5 J *MMO O++
,M1 75H 8):@N 5FC5H4
,M1 75H 8): 3 5C6 336 5A7 J *MMO O++
,M1 H5H 8): 3 5C6 336 7F7 ')C M:"66J63K 6F J *MMO O++
,M1H5H8): '
,M1 F5H 8): 3 5C6 336 7F7 J *MMO O++
,M1 76C 8): 3 5C6 336 5A7 ')C 6.7.6 M:"66J7.H J *MMO O++
,M1 76C 8): 3 5C6 336 F66 ')C 6.7.6 M:"66J63K 75 J *MMO O++
,M1 753) 3 5C6 336 AAH ')C6H&J4.6 J *MMO O++
,M1 75H 8): 3 5C6 336 5A7 ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66J7KH J *MMO O++
,M1 H5H 8):
,M1 H5H 8): 3 5C6 336 7F7 J *MMO O++
,M1 F5H 8): 3 5C6 336 7F7 ')C M:"66J63K 6F J *MMO O++
,M1 *MMO 8OO8"N
&OI"G'9 5.H 8) 3 5C6 336 A7F ')C M:" 6HKHJHKH J 9ecode
C*89O'N 5K3
Citroen 'vasion 5.6 8) '/*C N(C": J *MMO O++
Citroen Uump# 5.3 D)* 3 5C6 363 7H$ ')C6HCJ5 J *MMO O++
C*89O'N :"RO 6.3 3 546 53A 45H J *MMO O++
C*89O'N R"N8*" 6.4* 6.C* 5.3* *"1 3C/.67 J *MMO O++
C*89O'N C5 C7 R:"9" 6.A D)* ')C 64C7 J *MMO O++
Citroen Uumper 5.3 D)* ')C6HCJF J 9ecode
C*89O'N :"RO 6.3 3 546 53A 45H M" 7.6 J *MMO O++
Citroen :ao 6.6 3 546 53A 455 M" 7.6 J *MMO O++
C*89O'N R:"9" 6.4 64& 3 546 534 434 M' F.A.A J *MMO O++
+*"8 ,9"&O 3 546 53A A3H J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 537 C4C M" 6.F.7 J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A 33F M" 6.F.7 J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A A3H M" 6.F.7 J 9ecode
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A A3H J 9ecode
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A C4C M 7.C.5 J 9ecode
+*"8 ,9"&O 6.4 64& *"1 6"+.6G J *MMO O++
+*"8 ,9"&O 6.4 64& *"1 6"+.6H J *MMO O++
+*"8 ,9"&O 6KC D*8"CD* M+*J337,C5 J 9ecode
+*"8 ,ravo 5.3 DG8 53& 3 546 534 34C M' 7.6 9ecode
+*"8 ,9"&O A$+
+*"8 Cuper 5.3 64& *"1 A[A J *MMO O++
+*"8 )(C"8O 5.7 U8) ')C6HCJF J 9ecode
+*"8 +*O9*NO 6K4 3 546 53A 66$
+*"8 *"1 6H+ J *MMO O++
+*"8 M"9'" 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 $5C ')C6HCJH.F J *MMO O++
+*"8 M(N8*/N" 6.$U8) 3 5C6 336 CF$ ')C6HCJH.F J 9ecode
+*"8 /"N*O *"16C+.,7 J *MMO O++ NON 8':8"8O
+*"8 /"N)" 6K5 *"1 A"+.:5 J 9ecode
+iat /unto 6.5 64& *"1 6C+).HB J *MMO O++
+iat /unto 6.5 *"1 C+.H8 J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O CON 'C( )'NCO 5FCH65 J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O G8 6.A 8urbo da 3 546 53A 6H$ J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O *"1 64+.'7 J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O ***@C*N[('C'N8O
+*"8 :8*NO 6$) U8)@6$5"6@/.N./)+
/(N8O G8
+*"8 C(/N' 5.3 53& 8urbo 3 546 53A AC7 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.$ U8) 3 546 336 $5C ')C6HCJH.F J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A 33F M" 6.F.7 J 9ecode
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A 33F J 9ecode
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A A3H M" 6.F.7 J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.A 65& 3 546 53A C4C J 9ecode
+*"8 ,9"&O 6.4 64& *"1 6"+.67 J *MMO O++
+*"8 ,9"&O 6.4 64& *"1 A$+ J 9ecode
+*"8 ,9"&O 6KC D*8"CD* M+*J337,C5 J 9ecode E J *MMO O++
+iat ,ravo 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 $5C ')C6HCJH.F J *MMO O++
+*"8 ,ravo 5.3 DG8 53& ,O:D J 9ecode
+*"8 ,9"&O D*8"CD*
+*"8 Coupl 5.3 53& 8urbo 3 546 53A AC7 M 5.63.A J *MMO O++
+*"8 +*O9*NO 6K4 3 546 537 C7$ M" 6.F J *MMO O++
+*"8 +*O9*NO 6K4 3 546 53A 66$ M" 6.F J *MMO O++
+*"8 *"1 6"+.6H J *MMO O++
+*"8 M"9'" 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 363 7A5 ')C6HCFJ5.67 J 9ecode
+*"8 M"9'" 5.A 8) 3 5C6 336 FA6 ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66 J *MMO O++
+*"8 M(N8* /N" 6.$ U8) 3 5C6 336 CF$ J 9ecode
+*"8 /"N)" 6K3 *"1 64+.', J *MMO O++
+iat /unto 6.5 CM :/* 'CO *"1 4+.:7
+iat /unto 6.5 *"1 64+.'7 J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O G8 6.A 8urbo da 3 546 53A 6H$ M 5.F J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O 6K6 *"1 64+J*MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O ** 6.$) A4.F47.FH6 N(C": 5H3C3 J *MMO O++
+*"8 /(N8O :/O98*NG GM 6456A5C$ J *MMO O++
+*"8 (NI::' 5.6 8) '/*C N(C": J *MMO O++
+*"8 CO//*" 5.3 64& *"1 A[A J *MMO O++
DON)" C*&*C 7FKC53J/58JM36 J *MMO O++
DON)" C*&*C J *MMO O++
D#undai "tos 6.6 J *MMO O++
8(88* * G*O9N* 5KC 3 5C6 336 H7F ')C M:4.7 J 9ecode E J *MMO O++
*MMO O++ U(M/'9 )(."8O ,OR'9
N")" 3 546 534 6FA M 6.H.A
N")" 5666 3 546 53A F57 ,O:D FK3 M/
N")" N*&" 6.Fi 3 546 53A F57 M/ F.3 J *MMO O++
N")" :"M"9" 6.7* 3 546 53A F57 M/ F.3 J *MMO O++
N")" 3 546 534 $C4 M/ F
N")" N*&" 3 546 53F C7H
N")" N*&" 6.Fi 3 546 53F C5C M F.$.F J *MMO O++
N")" :"M"9" 6.Hi 3 546 53A F57 M/ F.3 J *MMO O++
N"NC*" )'N8" 6.Ai 3 546 537 C7$ M" 6.F J *MMO O++
N"NC*" *"1 64+.'8 J *MMO O++
N"NC*" . 5A338)
N"NC*" ."//" 5.3* 53& 3 546 537 4F3 M 5.63.7 J *MMO O++
N"NC*" ."//" 5.3* 53& 3 546 537 4F3 J *MMO O++
N"NC*" ."//" 5.A 8) 3 5C6 336 553 J 9ecode
N"NC*" ."//" 5.A 8) 3 5C6 336 F65 ')C 6K76 M:" 66JFKC J 9ecode
N"NC*" 8D'M" 5.3 64& 3 546 533 $C3 J *MMO O++
N"NC*" 8D'M" 5.3 8(9,O 64& 3 546 537 364 J *MMO O++
N"NC*" I 6K6 *"1 64+.', J *MMO O++
N"NC*" I 6.Ai 65& 3 546 537 C46 J 9ecode
N"NC*" B'8" 5.6 8) '/*C N(C": J *MMO O++
N"NC*" )'N8" 6.4* 3 546 537 C7F M" 3.F J *MMO O++
N"NC*" *MMO 8OO8"N
N"NC*" ."//" 5.3* 53& 3 546 537 4F3 M 5.63.7 J 9ecode
N"NC*" ."//" 5.3* 53& 3 546 537 4F3 J 9ecode
N"NC*" ."//" 5.A 8) 3 5C6 336 553 ')C 6K76 M:" 66JAK63 9ecode
N"NC*" ."//" 5.A 8) 3 5C6 336 H6C ')C 6K76 M:" 66JFKC J 9ecode
N"NC*" 8D'M" 5.3 64& 3 546 533 $C3 M 6.F J 9'M*&' *MMO
N"NC*" 8D'M" 5.3 8(9,O 64& 3 546 537 364 M 5.F J *MMO O++
N"NC*" I
N"NC*" I 6.Ai 65& 3 546 537 C46 M" 6.F.7 J 9ecode E J *MMO O++
N"NC*" I 6.Ai 65& 3 546 53A A5C M" 6.F.7 J 9ecode E J *MMO O++
+9''N"N)'9 5.3 ) 3 5C6 336 A53 ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66J63K5A J *MMO O++
9"NG' 9O&'9 ** 5.H )8* 3 5C6 336 5F ')C 5K7 M:"66 J *MMO O++
+9''N"N)'9 5.3 ) 3 5C6 363 667 ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66J63K7A J *MMO O++
M'9C')':JNucasJC)*J+N":DJ5FC363 J *MMO O++
N*::"N Micra 6.7 3 546 53A 5AC J *MMO O++
O/'N ":89" 6.F 8) 64& 3 5C6 336 4F3 J *MMO O++
O/'N ":89" 5.3 8) 64& 3 5C6 336 4F3 J *MMO O++
O/'N ":89" 8*G9" &'C89" con )'NCO 5FCH65 'C( ,*"NCO J *MMO O++
O/'N *MMO 8OO8"N
O/'N OM'G" 5.H 8) 3 5C6 336 56H J *MMO O++
B"+*9" ,O:CD 3 5C6 363 356
O/'N ":89" 6.F 8) 64& 3 5C6 336 4F3 J *MMO O++ /'9 H3 "CC'N:*ON'
O/'N ":89" 5.3 8) 64& 3 5C6 336 4F3 J *MMO O++ /'9 H3 "CC'N:*ON'
Opel +rontera 5.3* 3 546 537 473 M6.H.A J *MMO O++
Opel Ome!a 5.H 9) 3 5C6 336 56A J *MMO O++
Opel 8i!ra 'C( )'NCO CON 5$+363 J *MMO O++
/eu!eot 634 6.4 *"1 6"/.A6 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 634 *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 534 734 A34 5.3 D)* ')C6HCJ5 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 734 ,O:CD
/'(G'O8 A34 M/ H.6.6 ,O:CD 3 546 53A 345 J *MMO O++
/eu!eot C34 5.6 8) J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 ,OR'9 *"1 C/.66 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 ,OR'9 O U(M/'9 D)* &'9 7AH :O+8 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 *MMO 8O8"N'
/eu!eot 634 6.4 *"1 C/.A3 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 534 6K6 *"1 6 "/.C3 M"9'NN* J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 534 73F 6.A D)* ')C 64C7 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 A34 M/H.6.6 ,O:CD 3 546 53A 347 J 9ecode
/'(G'O8 43H M/* ,O:CD M/7.5 J 9ecode
/'(G'O8 ,OR'9 D)* 5@5 &'9 ACA :O+8 J *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 ,OR'9 *MMO O++
/'(G'O8 'R/'98 5.3 D)* 3 5C6 363 7H$ ')C6HCJ5 J *MMO O++
9enault Clio 6.A 64& :*9*(: 7A J *MMO O++
9'N"(N8 CN*O :*'M'N: ,&M FF33637F77 J *MMO O++
9'N"(N8 CN*O ** 6.$ )8* ,O:CD 3 5C6 363 FCFJ*MMO O++
9'N"(N8 .an!oo 6.A :*9*(: 75 J *MMO O++
9enault Na!una 6KC :*'M'N: ,&M J *MMO O++
9'N"(N8 :"G'M 8M:7FA :"+*9 'C(
9enault 8win!o 6.5 :*9*(: 75 J *MMO O++
9'N"(N8 CN*O 6.$ 8)*
9'N"(N8 CN*O ** 6.A :*9*(: 75 J *MMO O++
9'N"(N8 CN*O ** 6.$ )8* 3 5C6 363 FCC J *MMO O++
9'N"(N8 *MMO 8O8"N'
9'N"(N8 .an!oo 6.$ )8* 3 5C6 336 CFC J *MMO O++
9enault Ml!ane 6.4 :*'M'N: 8M : 7FA J *MMO O++
9enault :cenic 6.$ )8* 3 5C6 363 3FF J *MMO O++
9O&'9 533J64 8O8"N'
9O&'9 56A
9O&'9 553 5.3 :)* 3 5C6 336 A6C J *MMO O++
9over A33J64J$7CA4J8O8"N'
9O&'9 A53 5.3 :)* 3 5C6 336 A6C J *MMO O++
9O&'9 453 5.3 :)* 3 5C6 336 A6$ J *MMO O++
9O&'9 453 8,J$7CA4J8O8"N'
9O&'9 C53 8,J$7CA4J8O8"N'
9O&'9 C5H 5.H 8) 3 5C6 336 A6F J *MMO O++
9O&'9 M.C 637K353 8O8"N'
9O&'9 533 8) A6C :R NCJ8O8"N'
9O&'9 56A 9O&'9 M.C 637KH63 J *MMO O++
9O&'9 553 9O&'9 M.C 636K$43 J *MMO O++
9O&'9 A64 9O&'9 M.C 637K7F3
9O&'9 453 5.3 :)* 3 5C6 336 73F J *MMO O++
9O&'9 453 ,O:CD56$J$7CA4
9O&'9 4538 9O&'9 M.C636433 J *MMO O++
9O&'9 C5H 5.H 8) 3 5C6 336 A6F ')C 6.7.6 M:" 66J63K64 J *MMO O++
9O&'9 +9''N"N)'9 8)*J8O8"N'
9O&'9 8)*J8O8"N'
:eat Cordoba 6.A 3 546 53A CAA J *MMO O++
:eat *bi%a 6.A 3 546 53A 3H6 3O9 3HH J *MMO O++
:'"8 *,*B' 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 366 HCA J *MMO O++
:'"8 M"9,'NN" 3K$ *"1 64H.:3 J *MMO O++
:'"8 8ON')O 35C636355$ 8O8"N O++
:eat Cordoba 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 AC7 M:" 6HKHJHK6 J *MMO O++
:'"8 *,*B' 6KA 3 546 53A CAA J *MMO O++
:eat *nca 6KA 3 546 53A CAA J *MMO O++
:eat 8oledo 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 HCA J *MMO O++
:.O)" *MMO 8O8"N'
:u%uki &itara 6.4 'C( M*8:(,*:D* CON 5AC36 J *MMO O++
/":"8 :&* :" 6.$ 8)* /)
&1 $3C& :/*NO88* G9"N)*
&1 GON+ A.H1/A367$ *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *** 6.A 3 546 537 735 M" 6.5.7 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *** 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 4H3 ')C M:" 6HKHJFK63 *MMOJO++
&1 GON+ *& 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 363 665 ')C6H&MJ5&.&6 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *& 6.$ 8)* $3 C& 3 5C6 336 CH6 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *& 6.$ 8)* 663C& 3 5C6 336 467 J 9ecode
&1 Nupo 6.3 3 546 534 554 M/ $.3 J *MMO O++
&1 New ,eetle 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 F75 J *MMO O++
&1 /ONO 6.3 3 546 537 AH4 o AHF M" 6.7 J *MMO O++
&1 /ONO 6K7 3 546 537 AH4 o AHF M" 6.7 J *MMO O++
&1 /olo 6.$ :)* 3 5C 336 4F$ ')C6H&JH.6 J *MMO O++
&1 /olo 6.$ :)* 3 5C6 363 63$ ')C6H&M 5 &* J *MMO O++
&1 3 5C6 336 467
&1 GON+ $3 C& 8)* 3 5C6 336 CH6
&1 GON+ 66H C& 3 5C6.363.735
&1 GON+ *** 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 73$ o 73$ ')C 6.7.7 M:" 65JAK6 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *** 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 H43 ')C M:" 6HKHJFK63 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *** 6.$ 8)* $3 C& 3 5C6 336 CH6 ')C6H&JHK 74 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ *& 6.$ 8)* 663 C& 3 5C6 336 467 ')C6H&JHK 5$ J 9ecode
&1 GON+ *** 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 4H3 J *MMO O++
&1 GON+ &1 *MMO 8O8"N'
&1 New ,eetle 6.$ 8)* 3 5C6 336 $75 ')C6H&JHK 74 J *MMO O++
&1 /":"8 6KC 3 546 537 FCC M" 6.5.7 J *MMO O++
&1 /olo 6.4 3 546 537 C$F O C$C M" 6.7 J *MMO O++
&1 89"N:/O98'9 8A 357 $34 35A"+ J *MMO O++
'C( )ata,ase:
6AHJ6C8:J,oschJM563AJAF$ +*N'A$AJ'/9OMJ5FCJ8
6AHJ538:J,oschJM5637JAFC +*N'A$5J'/9OMJ5FCJ8
"N+"J6HHJCA4J,O:CD6FJ'/9OMJ5FCJ8 ^J6,J9*M"N' N" :/*" *N*'B*N'
"N+"6H4JU8)J6 K$JC$6J''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
"N+"6H4JU8)J5 KAJC$3J''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
,O:CDJMO89ON*CJMO8O9*J6A6F6C5364&J''/9OMJ5AC35J8 ] /
"7J6C 8,J+*N'F$4J'C(65FJ8
"7J"AJ6C 8,J+*N'6H7J'C(C3HJ'/9OMJ5FC635AJ8
"AJ6C 8,J,O:CDJ$7$J+*N'C75J'/9OMJ5FC363J8
"AJ6C 8,J,oschJ+*N'6H3J'C(FFCJ'/9OMJ5FC635AJ8
"AJ6C 8,J,oschJ+*N'CCCJ'C(J6CHJ'/9OMJ5FC635AJ8
"AJ6C 8,J+*N'AF$J'C(6C7J'/9OMJ5FC635AJ8
"AJ6C8, +*N'4ACJ'C(HH6J'/9OMJ5FC363J8
"A 8)*J,O:CDJ443J''/9OMJ5AC35JN'1
"()*J"AJ6CJ53& +*N'57FJ'C(6CHJ'/9OMJ5FC3J8
"()* _ "()*J5$+A33JO,)J)ecodifica
"7J,O:CD +*N'JCACJ653J+N":DJ5$+A33J8JO,)
"AJ,oschJ+*N'HF6J366 K56AJ+N":DJ5$+A33J8JO,)
,"9CD'88"JD*8"CD* J ''/9OMJ$7CA4J)*NJ8/
,9"&"JU8)J6 K$J$5CJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
,9"&OJ53J$$AJ'/9OMJ5FCJ8 JJ
,9"&O U8)J6 K$J$5CJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
,9"&O U8)J6$J7AAJ''/9OMJ$H/3CJ/
,9"&O"J6"+6GJ'/9OMJ5FCJC'C.C6,AJ8 JJ
,9"&O"JD*8"CD* J ''/9OMJ$7CA4J)*NJ8/
CO(/' J 53&JA$5J'/9OM5FCJ8
CO(/'JD*8"CD* J ''/9OMJ$7CA4J)*NJ8/
M"9'"J6AJ65&JA3HJ''/9OMJ5AC35J8 ] /
M"9'"JD*8"CD* J ''/9OMJ$7CA4J)*NJ8/
M"9'"JU8)J6 K$J$5CJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
M"9'"JU8)J5 KAJ$7HJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
M"9'NGOJU8)J6 K$J$5CJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
/untoJ6564& MF7DAJ+*N'446J'C($C7J/
/untoJ6564& MF7DAJ+*N'446J'C($C7J8
/untoJ6564vJMF7JDA$HHJ77$ (6) C.6J8
A ] 3$4 /(N8OJMMJM (N8*U'8J''/9OMJ$H753J/dat
8'M/9"J6AJC7$J''/9OMJ5AC35J8 /
AF 63A (N*::'JN(C ":J568)JM*C9OJMO8O9ON"J4CDC66'6J8/
+O9) _ +O9)JG"N"RIJ66HC&J555JautomaticaJ8J"CCO//*"8*
+O9) _ +O9)JG"N"RIJ66HC&J54$J8J"CCO//*"8*
44 DON)"JM:" 66J8)tt
8echnics /)+
,O)I COM/(8'9 )'N/D* G9(//O +*"8/)+
,O:CD ')C 6HCH '(9O5 G9(//O +*"8/)+
,O:CD ')C6H "()* 5/)+
,O:CD ')C6HC G9(//O &"G/)+
,O:CD ')C6HC5 '(9O5 G9(//O +*"8/)+
,O:CD ')C6HCF '(9O7 G9(//O +*"8/)+
,O:CD ')C6H))' G9(//O ,M1/)+
,O:CD ')C6HM O/'N/)+
,O:CD ')C6H/ G9(//O &"G/)+
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,O:CD ')C6H& G9(//O &"G/)+
,O:CD M 75/)+
,O:CD M6$H@N*::"N/)+
,O:CD M" 6F7/)+
,O:CD M"657/)+
,O:CD M"67/)+
,O:CD M' 56/)+
,O:CD M'G 63 :M"98/)+
,O:CD MO89ON*C M5637 (6) /)+
,O:CD MO89ON*C M5637 (5) /)+
,O:CD MO89ON*C M7F6/)+
,O:CD MO89ON*C M' F/)+
,O:CD M/$3/)+
,O:CD M:"66/)+
,O:CD M:"65 G9(//O &"G/)+
,O:CD M:"6HH/)+
,O:CD M:"6HH@bmw/)+
G9(//O ,:* /:"/)+
)'N:O N*::"N 8)/)+
')C )'N:O :"",/)+
GM +*"8 :/*NO88O 9O::O/)+
GM Multec O/'N )"'1OO/)+
M O/'N :/*NO88* "BB(99*/)+
GM O/'N/)+
D*8"CD* G9(//O +*"8 ,'NB*N"/)+
N"N) 9O&'9 8)* ,O:CD M:" /*N AH *MMObili%%are 9bmp
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* 6C+/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* 6"+ G9(//O +*"8/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* A$+ G9(//O +*"8/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* A[ A1 AU A: G9(//O +*"8/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* C+/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* C/ G9(//O +*"8/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* G4 G9(//O /:"/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* *"1 64+/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* *"16"& G9(//O &"G/)+
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* *"1@6"//)+
M'N: 9O&'9 MG+/)+
N*::"N M*C9" NOC"B*ON' 'C( *MMO,*N*B'9U/G
/*N C'N89"N*N'
9O&'9 *N+O
:"G'M :"+*9 9'N"(N8 ,'NB*N"/)+
:*'M'N: H1/A G9(//O &"G/)+
:*'M'N: H1/A776 MO8O9:8'9(NG/)+
:*'M'N: H1:A '(9O7 G9(//O /:"/)+
:*'M'N: )"'1OO/)+
:*'M'N: DOM 9'N"(N8 6/)+
:*'M'N: :*M8'C H4/)+
8ecnick /)+_ /*N C'N89"N*N'
,O:CDJ')C6HC5J'5J/:"JD)* J /*NJ(O8U/G
M"GN'8* M"9'NN* *"1J6"/U/G
9O&'9JM'M 5U M/*U/G
)'N8"J6AJC7$J''/9OMJ5AC35J8 ] /
)'N8"J64JC7FJ''/9OMJ5AC35J8 ] /
)'N8"JD*8"CD* J ''/9OMJ$7CA4J)*NJ8/
.JU8)J5 KAJ33$J''/9OMJ5AC3AJ/bin
IJ6AJ65&JA5CJ$J''/9OMJ5AC35J8K /
IJ6AJ65&JA$CJ$J''/9OMJ5AC35J8 ] /
A ] 3$4 IJMMJM(N8* U'8J''/9OMJ$H753J/dat
)'+'N)'9 8)HJ''/9OMJ$7C44J8
Microprocessori )ecodifica 'C(
N(C": +*"8JN"NC*"J/'(G'O8JC*89O'NJ)*':'N M*C9O 4CDC'$dat
N(C":J/:" e +*"8 G9O(/ M*C9O/9OC'::O9' 4CDC66 '$J8/
N'1 :*'M'N: &"G _ N'1: :*'M'N: &"G _ &"GJGruppo :iemens H1/A )ecodifica 'C(
"7J:*'M'N: H1/ACH$J'/9OMJ5$+533J8
AHC FH5 +",*"J:*MO :7JH1/AA6$43FJ+N":DJ5$+A33J8
GON+J:*'M'N: H1/A5$6J'/9OMJ5FC363J8
)ecodifica 'C( ver 35 _ N'1: &"G :*'M'N:
&"GJGruppo :iemens H1/A )ecodifica 'C(
)ecodifica 'C( ver 35 _ N'1: :*'M'N: &"G _ &"GJGruppo :iemens H1/A )ecodifica 'C(
"7J:*'M'N: H1/ACH$J'/9OMJ5$+533J8
AHC FH5 +",*"J:*MO :7JH1/AA6$43FJ+N":DJ5$+A33J8
GON+J:*'M'N: H1/A5$6J'/9OMJ5FC363J8
JN*::"N 8'99"NOJ5F8)JA5H4J'/9OMJ5AC35J8dat
":89" J )8* ,osch ')C6HMJ356J''/9OMJ5AC3AJ8
":89" J )8* ,osch ')C6HMJ54FJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ8
":89" J )8NJ,oschJ')C6HMJC4$J''/9OMJ5AC3AJ8
F4 O/'NJM:" 66J8)tt
&'C89" J )8NJ,oschJ')C6HMJ54CJ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ8
&'C89" J )8NJ,oschJ')C6HMJ$F6J''/9OMJ5AC3AJ8
&'C89"J":89"J)8DJ,oschJ365J')C6HM ''/9OMJ5AC3AJ8/
A 3$4 534J6464 &J,O:CDJ4HHJ''/9OMJ$H643J/,*N
67$ 737 534JMMJAC/F3J+N":DJ5$+A33J8%ip
A34J6$J$3C&JD)*J:*'M'N:J$7CH4J8 JJ
9"NCD/"98N'9J6$J$3C&JD)*J:*'M'N:J$7CH4J8 JJ
J8":8*'9" "N+"N(M'9*C"J/:"J''/9OMJ,HC$66J8
/'(G'O8 _ 534J'C(J$A5J"CCO//*"8*
34J6K4J64 vJ$A5ori
CN*O )C*J,O:CDJH36J+*N'AF3J+N":DJ5$+A33J8
9'N"(N8J,O:CDJM ^ 6HJ'C(J''/9OMJ5AC35J8Jsen%aJ:'N:O9' /9'::*ON'J* JJ
*,*B"CO9)O,"J,O:CD M[J657JFH36J'/9OMJ5FCJ8
8ON')O ,O:CDJ465J'/9OMJ5FCJ8
:'"8 _ :'"8J5$+A33JO,)J)ecodifica
+'N*C*"J67J'/9OM J "4UJ8Jev
'C( )'CO)*NG ver 35_:.O)"_:.O)"5$+A33JO,)J)'CO)*NG
'C( )'CO)*NG ver 35_&ON&O
'C( )'CO)*NG ver 35_&ON.:1"G'N
GON+J53 64& J:*'M'N:J''/9OMJ$7CH4J/
'C( )'CO)*NG ver 35_&ON.:1"G'N_/ONOJF44J,O:CDJ"CCO//*"8*
VI@ B)0% Do( ETKA 2.0
+rom 5H.35.5366 at distribution there is a base .'9N'N ; updates from No.6 to updates No.6A (that in the sum !ives A4A.$$F &*N) ; vin
8o adLust '8." F.3 and F.5 for work in an offline a mode:
,efore to adLust '8." preliminar# cop# contents of folder +G:8 in an# place convenient for #ou.
+older +G:8 is either here disk:_&"G_(:'9)"8"_or here disk:_'8."_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_.
C:_&"G_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ or C:_'8."_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ J put all &*Ns from base to this folder.
)urin! customer in<uir# if his &*N is alread# in #our &*Ns folder it will cutJoff b# &*N.
"ll files added to folder C:_&"G_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ or C:_'8."_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ should be T9'") ONNIT0
"dLustment order:
6: :tart '8.". Iou will see four windows J &1K :'"8K :.O)"K "()*.
5: 1ith one click of mouse select &1 window to blue frame.
7: Choose section (8*N*8*': (under windows)
A: Choose section TiniJ')*8O9T.
H: *n section T*N8'9N'8T choose Tidentification of autoT.
4: /ut cross in window T/"8DT. (it should be path C:_&"G_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ or C:_'8."_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_)
F: 9emove cross from window T!et chassis number from *nternetT.
C: /ress :"&' button.
$: Make the same procedure for :'"8K :.O)"K "()* windows.
63: 9estart '8.".
66: 8ake an# of &*Ns from C:_&"G_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ or C:_'8."_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ and check it for cutJoff
65: *f it was cut off it means that pro!ram is workin!.
67: 8o avoid mistakes and misunderstandin!s "N1"I: (if applicable) M"8CD 8OG'8D'9 #our data with real data of auto .
*n folder C:_&"G_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ or C:_'8."_(:'9)"8"_+G:8_ select all files b# pressin! ctrl;aK /ress mouse ri!ht button and
choose T/ropertiesT then select 9'") ONNI. "fter archive all the files from folder and send it to above mentioned addresses .
V$3$* &o(80hop')t) ATI 311.2 R%l%)0% 2011 92 C$-)l
1orkshop)ata "8* is our new information product available on C) and )&). *t is based on &ivid2s technical databaseK the most etensive
repertor# of car data in 'urope. &ivid 1orkshop)ata provides technical information on cars and li!ht commercial vehiclesK e.!. essential
maintenance and repair informationK adLustment dataK technical drawin!s and en!ine mana!ement data. 'tra modules are: 1irin! dia!rams
(comfort electronics) and 9epair 8imes. *ts content is second to none.
I'"9: 5366
9elease &ersion: &ivid 1orkshop: 5366J[5
Compatibilit# with R/ / &ista / F: #es
Nan!ua!e: Multilan!ua!e
:i%e: 5.$4 Gb
1D"8M: N'1:
'lectronics :mart "ssistant
"utomotive electronic technolo!# is developin! rapidl#. 8o dia!nose faults accuratel#K the automotive technician now needs detailed
information on comple electronic processors ('C(2s) and their associated components. " sin!le dia!ram displa#ed on a /C is no lon!er
)esi!ned specificall# for the dia!nosis and repair of modern vehicle electronic s#stemsK the 'lectronics :mart "ssistant will chan!e the wa#
the automotive aftermarket views car electronics and dia!nostics. 8he :mart "ssistant is eas# to use. Iou can either enter 'O,) codes or
!o strai!ht to an electronic component. ClearK stepJb#Jstep instructions then lead #ou to an accurate dia!nosis.
O(9 )"8",":' CON8"*N: 8DO(:"N): O+ :8"N)"9) /JCO)':K M"N(+"C8(9'9:2 +"(N8 CO)':K "N) )'8"*N') 1*9*NG )*"G9"M:K M".*NG 8D' )*"GNO:8*C
/9OC':: [(*C. "N) '":I. 8D' 'N'C89ON*C: :M"98 "::*:8"N8 *: "&"*N",N' '*8D'9 *N8'G9"8') 1*8D*N 8D' "//N*C"8*ON O9 ": " :8"N)J"NON' MO)(N'.
Vol3o E&' 2011A
H.H G,
8he pro!ram &ON&O '1) ('lectronic 1irin! )ia!ram) contains the electrical circuits for automobiles &ON&O current models from 533A to
5363 #ear. *n the !iven manual are included the complete electrocircuitsK locations of the rela# and fusesK pin assi!nments for all socketsK
circuit of an locations of socketsK blocks and elementsK descriptions and kind of all sockets. 8he pro!ram occupies one )&)K installation does
not re<uireK works directl# with )&). 8he interface ver# simple and convenientK supports some 'uropean lan!ua!es. +or work with a manual is
necessar# established "dobe "crobat 9eaderK enabled Uava and scriptin! of Uava "pplets.
1irin! dia!ram C73:
J C73 533F
J C73 533C
J C73 533C :upplement
J C73 533$
J C73 533$ :upplement
J C73 5363
J C73 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram :A3 (3AJ):
J :A3 (3AJ) 533A
J :A3 (3AJ) 533H
J :A3 (3AJ) 533H :upplement
J :A3 (3AJ) 5334
J :A3 (3AJ) 5334 +leifuel
J :A3 (3AJ) 533F
J :A3 (3AJ) 533C
J :A3 (3AJ) 533C :upplement
J :A3 (3AJ) 533$
J :A3 (3AJ) 533$ :upplement
J :A3 (3AJ) 5363
J :A3 (3AJ) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram &H3:
J &H3 533A
J &H3 533H
J &H3 533H :upplement
J &H3 5334
J &H3 5334 +leifuel
J &H3 533F
J &H3 533C
J &H3 533C :upplement
J &H3 533$
J &H3 533$ :upplement
J &H3 5363
J &H3 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram :43:
J :43/:439/:C3 533H
J :43/:439/:C3 533H :upplement
J :43/:439/:C3 5334
J :43/:439 533F
J :43 533C
J :43 533$
1irin! dia!ram RC43:
J RC43 5363 (:"
J RC43 5363 (:" Chassino. H3.333J
J RC43 5363 (:" :upplement
1irin! dia!ram CF3 (34J):
J CF3 (34J) 5334
J CF3 (34J) 533F
J CF3 (34J) 533C
J CF3 (34J) 533C :upplement
J CF3 (34J) 533$
J CF3 (34J) 533$ :upplement
J CF3 (34J) 5363
J CF3 (34J) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram &F3K RCF3K &F3 (3CJ) E RCF3 (3CJ):
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H :upplement
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334 9:'
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533F
J &F3 533C
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533C
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533C :upplement
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533$
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533$ :upplement
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 5363
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram :C3K :C3 (3FJ):
J :43/:439/:C3 533H
J :C3 /remier 533H
J :43/:439/:C3 533H :upplement
J :43/:439/:C3 5334
J :C3 (3FJ) 533F
J :C3 (3FJ) 533F 9:'
J :C3 (3FJ) 533F :upplement
J :C3 (3FJ) 533C
J :C3 (3FJ) 533C :upplement
J :C3 (3FJ) 533$
J :C3 (3FJ) 533$ :upplement
J :C3 (3FJ) 5363
J :C3 (3FJ) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram RC$3:
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H
J RC$3 /remier 533H
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H :upplement
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334 9:'
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533F
J RC$3 533F 9:'
J RC$3 533C
J RC$3 533$
J RC$3 5363
Catalo! (6H):
Vol3o El%t(o-$ &$($-1 '$)1()! 32012'
8he pro!ram &ON&O '1) ('lectronic 1irin! )ia!ram) contains the electrical circuits for automobiles &ON&O current models from 533A to
5363 #ear. *n the !iven manual are included the complete electrocircuitsK locations of the rela# and fusesK pin assi!nments for all socketsK
circuit of an locations of socketsK blocks and elementsK descriptions and kind of all sockets.
8he pro!ram occupies one )&)K installation does not re<uireK works directl# with )&). 8he interface ver# simple and convenientK supports
some 'uropean lan!ua!es. +or work with a manual is necessar# established "dobe "crobat 9eaderK enabled Uava and scriptin! of Uava
Models list:
1irin! dia!ram C73
J C73 533F
J C73 533C
J C73 533C :upplement
J C73 533$
J C73 533$ :upplement
J C73 5363
J C73 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram :A3 (3AJ)
J :A3 (3AJ) 533A
J :A3 (3AJ) 533H
J :A3 (3AJ) 533H :upplement
J :A3 (3AJ) 5334
J :A3 (3AJ) 5334 +leifuel
J :A3 (3AJ) 533F
J :A3 (3AJ) 533C
J :A3 (3AJ) 533C :upplement
J :A3 (3AJ) 533$
J :A3 (3AJ) 533$ :upplement
J :A3 (3AJ) 5363
J :A3 (3AJ) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram &H3
J &H3 533A
J &H3 533H
J &H3 533H :upplement
J &H3 5334
J &H3 5334 +leifuel
J &H3 533F
J &H3 533C
J &H3 533C :upplement
J &H3 533$
J &H3 533$ :upplement
J &H3 5363
J &H3 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram :43
J :43/:439/:C3 533H
J :43/:439/:C3 533H :upplement
J :43/:439/:C3 5334
J :43/:439 533F
J :43 533C
J :43 533$
1irin! dia!ram RC43
J RC43 5363 (:"
J RC43 5363 (:" Chassino. H3.333J
J RC43 5363 (:" :upplement
1irin! dia!ram CF3 (34J)
J CF3 (34J) 5334
J CF3 (34J) 533F
J CF3 (34J) 533C
J CF3 (34J) 533C :upplement
J CF3 (34J) 533$
J CF3 (34J) 533$ :upplement
J CF3 (34J) 5363
J CF3 (34J) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram &F3K RCF3K &F3 (3CJ) E RCF3 (3CJ)
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H :upplement
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334 9:'
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533F
J &F3 533C
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533C
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533C :upplement
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533$
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 533$ :upplement
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 5363
J &F3 (3CJ)/RCF3 (3CJ) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram :C3K :C3 (3FJ)
J :43/:439/:C3 533H
J :C3 /remier 533H
J :43/:439/:C3 533H :upplement
J :43/:439/:C3 5334
J :C3 (3FJ) 533F
J :C3 (3FJ) 533F 9:'
J :C3 (3FJ) 533F :upplement
J :C3 (3FJ) 533C
J :C3 (3FJ) 533C :upplement
J :C3 (3FJ) 533$
J :C3 (3FJ) 533$ :upplement
J :C3 (3FJ) 5363
J :C3 (3FJ) 5363 :upplement
1irin! dia!ram RC$3
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H
J RC$3 /remier 533H
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533H :upplement
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 5334 9:'
J &F3/&F39/RCF3/RC$3 533F
J RC$3 533F 9:'
J RC$3 533C
J RC$3 533$
J RC$3 5363
Vol3o M)-u)l0 P)8
&olvo manuals for models: 5A3K 5A5K FA3K F43KCH3K $A3K $43K C73K CF3K :A3K :43K :C3K :$3K &H3K &F3K RC43K RCF3K RC$3 .
Vol3o PROSIS 34.1.010 44.200+6 P)(t0<R%p)$(
A.A G,
/arts catalo!K service manualsK service bulletinsK director# toolsK service on all construction e<uipment compan# &olvo Construction
'<uipment. /9O:*: J abbreviation for combination /9Oduct :upport *nformation :#stem (information s#stem product support). /9O:*:
contains catalo!s of details of almost all products &olvo Construction '<uipment. *nformation is stored on 7J )&)Js &olvo /rosis and is
easil# accessible throu!h a s#stem /9O:*:.
Iear: A.5334
&ersion: A.6.363
/latform: 1in $C/5k/R/
Compatibilit# with &ista: (nknown
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lishK GermanK +renchK :panishK Uapanese
8ablet: /resent
*n the catalo! presented the followin! models:
&olvo 1heel Noaders &olvo )J:eries
&olvo 'cavators &ON&O 'C6A3J'16F3/'16C3T
&olvo "rticulated Daulers &olvo )Jseries
&olvo "rticulated Daulers &olvo
&olvo 'cavators &olvoK nonJcurrent production 'C673CJ'1573,
&olvo "rticulated Daulers &olvo ,M
&olvo 1heel Noaders &olvo ,M
&olvo "kerman 'cavators 'C573J'C4H3
&olvo 'cavators &olvoK nonJcurrent production 'C5C3J'C4H3
&olvo 'cavators &olvoK 'C563J'CA43K 'C563,J'CA43,
&olvo 1heeled 'cavators &olvoK nonJcurrent production '1673J'16F3/'16C3
&olvo 1heeled 'cavators &olvo ,Jseries
&olvo Compact 'cavators &olvo
&olvo 1heel Noaders NH3'JN653'
&olvo 1heel Noaders N6H3CJN773C
&olvo 1heel Noaders N6H3'JN773'
1heel Noaders &olvo NH3CJN653C
Compact 1heel Noaders &olvoK &olvo ,ackhoe Noaders
&olvo :ervice Component Manuals
&olvo ,M Old /roducts
&olvo "kerman 'cavators 'C673J'1533
&olvo Motor Graders
"dditional *nformation:
*n uncompressed form the pro!ram takes up about 65 G, for the convenience of installation of the database with all )&) alread# copied
into the folder A3. *f #ou want to record distribution on )&): remove from the distribution folder TA3T and distribute it on three disks.
Catalo! (6C):
Vol3o V$*) 2010/
)iC'JJ)ia!nostic Communication '<uipmentK is a tool that is used to!ether with &*)" allJinJone to communicate with the vehicle.
Communication makes dia!nosin! and troubleshootin! the vehicle possibleK as well as downloadin! software. )ice has an inte!rated C"9,
cableK which is connected to the vehicleMs dia!nostic socket. 1hen coonectin! to the vehicleK )iC' is powered as lon! as the batter# is
char!ed. )iC' has a foldin! hook that is desi!ned for han!in! the unit from one of the !rab handles in the vehicle for eample. )iC' is
e<uipped with four status N')s that indicate the status of the softwareK the (:, and ,luetooth communication and the interface to the
car. "t one end of the unitK there is a )C input where a batter# cable or adaptor(65&) can be connected. 8he adaptor is used when up!radin!
and troubleshootin! the )iC'. *n the other end of the unitK there is a removable cover that could be removed b# turin! the screw on the
Catalo! (5):
Vol3o VI'A 2010'
Vol3o VI'A 2011A C$-)l
F.A5 G,
Ori!inal factor# software for &olvo vehicles. 9eplaces old &olvo &adis. *t contains detailed service and repair manuals and electronic spare
part catalo!ues. "lso there is a search b# &*N number.
6. &*)" (&ehicle *nformation E )ia!nostics for "ftersales) and contains service manualsK electronic parts catalo!sK service bulletinsK fault
tracin! and onboard dia!nostics. &olvo 6$C5J5363 models.
5. &ON&O 'N'C89ON*C 1*9*NG )*"G9"M for all the models 533HJ5363
&*)" is compatible with 1indows R/ /ro.
'1) can run either installed or directl# from the )&) so can be used on R/K &ista or 1indows F
,oth )&)s are in 'n!lish
&*)" can be run standalone on the computer as a service/parts manual or can be hookedJup to the car with &C85333. )*C' or U5H7A and
used as a dia!nosis tool
&C85333 or )*C' are not included in the auction
No internet connection is needed J ever#thin! runs from #our computer.
8hese are the )&)s used b# the dealers
&*)" is the onl# comprehensiveK sin!le source of service information and specifications available specificall# for &olvo. 8he aim throu!hout
this manual has been simplicit#K clarit# and completenessK with practical eplanationsK stepJb#Jstep proceduresK and accurate specifications.
1hether #ouMre a professional or a doJitJ#ourself ownerK this )&) will help #ou understandK care forK and repair #our car. Cr#stal clear
pictures and dia!rams with step b# step instructions. ,id with confidence J 8his is the onl# )&) used b# professional technicians to fi #ou
car J not an aftermarket manual.
Vol3o VI'A 2011/
F.C7 G,
Ori!inal factor# software for &olvo vehicles. 9eplaces old &olvo &adis. *t contains detailed service and repair manuals and electronic spare
part catalo!ues. "lso there is a search b# &*N number.
6J&*)" (&ehicle *nformation E )ia!nostics for "ftersales) and contains service manualsK electronic parts catalo!sK service bulletinsK fault
tracin! and onboard dia!nostics. &olvo 6$C5J5363 models.
5J&ON&O 'N'C89ON*C 1*9*NG )*"G9"M for all the models 533HJ5363
&*)" is compatible with 1indows R/ /ro.
'1) can run either installed or directl# from the )&) so can be used on R/K &ista or 1indows F
,oth )&)s are in 'n!lish
&*)" can be run standalone on the computer as a service/parts manual or can be hookedJup to the car with
&C85333. )*C' or U5H7A and used as a dia!nosis tool
&C85333 or )*C' are not included in the auction
No internet connection is needed J ever#thin! runs from #our computer.
8hese are the )&)s used b# the dealers
&*)" is the onl# comprehensiveK sin!le source of service information and specifications available specificall# for &olvo.
8he aim throu!hout this manual has been simplicit#K clarit# and completenessK with practical eplanationsK stepJb#Jstep proceduresK and
accurate specifications. 1hether #ouMre a professional or a doJitJ#ourself ownerK this )&) will help #ou understandK care forK and repair
#our car. Cr#stal clear pictures and dia!rams with step b# step instructions
,id with confidence J 8his is the onl# )&) used b# professional technicians to fi #ou car J not an aftermarket manual.
Vol3o VI'A 2012A C$-)l
Vol3o VI'A 2012B
Vol3o VI'A 2012'
Ori!inal factor# software for &olvo vehicles. 9eplaces old &olvo &adis. *t contains detailed service and repair manuals
and electronic spare part catalo!ues. "lso there is a search b# &*N number.
6J&*)" (&ehicle *nformation E )ia!nostics for "ftersales) and contains service manualsK electronic parts catalo!sK service
bulletinsK fault tracin! and onboard dia!nostics. &olvo 6$C5J5363 models.
5J&ON&O 'N'C89ON*C 1*9*NG )*"G9"M for all the models 533HJ5363
&*)" is compatible with 1indows R/ /ro.
'1) can run either installed or directl# from the )&) so can be used on R/K &ista or 1indows F
,oth )&)s are in 'n!lish
&*)" can be run standalone on the computer as a service/parts manual or can be hookedJup to the car with &C85333. )*C' or
U5H7A and used as a dia!nosis tool
&C85333 or )*C' are not included in the auction
No internet connection is needed J ever#thin! runs from #our computer.
8hese are the )&)s used b# the dealers
&*)" is the onl# comprehensiveK sin!le source of service information and specifications available specificall# for &olvo.
8he aim throu!hout this manual has been simplicit#K clarit# and completenessK with practical eplanationsK stepJb#Jstep
proceduresK and accurate specifications.
1hether #ouMre a professional or a doJitJ#ourself ownerK this )&) will help #ou understandK care forK and repair #our car.
Cr#stal clear pictures and dia!rams with step b# step instructions
,id with confidence J 8his is the onl# )&) used b# professional technicians to fi #ou car J not an aftermarket manual.
Vol3o VI'A 201"A Mult$l)-1u)1% 7 VIP l$-80
Ori!inal factor# software for &olvo vehicles. 9eplaces old &olvo &adis. *t contains detailed service and repair manuals and electronic spare
part catalo!ues. "lso there is a search b# &*N number.
6J&*)" (&ehicle *nformation E )ia!nostics for "ftersales) and contains service manualsK electronic parts catalo!sK service bulletinsK fault
tracin! and onboard dia!nostics. &olvo 6$C5J5363 models.
5J&ON&O 'N'C89ON*C 1*9*NG )*"G9"M for all the models 533HJ5363
&*)" is compatible with 1indows R/ /ro.
'1) can run either installed or directl# from the )&) so can be used on R/K &ista or 1indows F
,oth )&)s are in 'n!lish
&*)" can be run standalone on the computer as a service/parts manual or can be hookedJup to the car with &C85333. )*C' or U5H7A and
used as a dia!nosis tool
&C85333 or )*C' are not included in the auction
No internet connection is needed J ever#thin! runs from #our computer.
8hese are the )&)s used b# the dealers
&*)" is the onl# comprehensiveK sin!le source of service information and specifications available specificall# for &olvo.
8he aim throu!hout this manual has been simplicit#K clarit# and completenessK with practical eplanationsK stepJb#Jstep proceduresK and
accurate specifications.
1hether #ouMre a professional or a doJitJ#ourself ownerK this )&) will help #ou understandK care forK and repair #our car.
Cr#stal clear pictures and dia!rams with step b# step instructions
,id with confidence J 8his is the onl# )&) used b# professional technicians to fi #ou car J not an aftermarket manual.
V& C#ASH V.+2 4+.20116
Iear/)ate of 9elease: 5366
&ersion: all
:#stem re<uirements: &": H3H6 J H3H5 J H3H7 J &": /C H3HAa
Nan!ua!e: 'n!lish
8ablet: None
6.AA G,
Catalo! (A):
&%A)0to ')t) Top 2.2010 E-1l$0h
Datches produced b# T1ebastoT and software for dia!nostics .
Ninks ($):
&$-O#S 1..00 < !o*ul%0 4*)!o06 < ()80
,ased on eperience !athered with the )O: version of the ON: software a new 1indows based pro!ram has been developed which
continues to provide the user interface that was introduced b# its predecessorK so switchin! to the new version is made eas#.
J "dditional features include improved functionalit# as well as an etended ran!e of displa# modes.
J 'istin! hardware like the ON:533 simulator module and the M/5AA3(/) '/9OM pro!rammer are bein! supported even when usin!
1indows R/ / &ista.
J Iou can select either 'n!lish or German as the interface lan!ua!e and switch between these.
J 8he concept of the inte!rated checksum correction has been kept up. ,# usin! )NN files the al!orithms were moved out of the main
pro!ram and thus are independent of the version used.
J +unctions to search for maps and to put them down on the map list makes efficient workin! a lot easier.
J 8he displa# of raw data takes place in 5) !raphic or he/decimal dump.
J Maps can be shown as 7)/5) chart or as a table.
J " 7) preview window makes it easier to find maps
*mJ and eport of binar# filesK *ntel and MotorolaJDefiles. "ll t#pes can be %ippedK coded and have swapped lines or be sent directl# b#
x4"14EAE6 A(h$3% 7 VIP l$-80
*n the pack:
)*G*M":8'9 **.pdf
RJA76)ia!un (serMs Manual.pdf
$C34A3$CFC33 in :ec.rar
dia!un new.rar
new software.rar
Nov F 5366($C7343657633).rar
tool software.rar
tool software new.%ip
A76 software6645366.%ip
password: wF
IE' BU##
IC I-/)t 10.2010 , 0".2011
H.F$ G,
'lectronic product catalo! *nCat contains parts catalo! (shock absorbersK sprin!sK clutchK suspension parts) sold under the trademark :achsK
NemforderK ,o!eK B+ /arts J for all brands of cars and trucks.
Iear: 5363
&ersion: 63/5363J37/5366
)eveloper: vidicom GmbD
Nan!ua!e: Multilin!ual ()'K 'NK +9K ':K *8K /8K /NK C:K D(K 9(K 9O)
Nicense: +reeware
,o!eK B+ /arts J for all brands of cars and trucks. New search tree for vehicles for industrial use supports the identification of products on
established criteria such as manufacturerK modelK t#peK constructionK tonna!eK the confi!uration of the brid!e or the kind of en!ine.
J :earch for products for industrial vehicles.
J 'nhanced function Tfood basketT makes it easier to sellers and makin! offers and car repair billsK as well as orders and calculations. 1hile
workin! with products :"CD: and ,o!eK includin! total workin! time can be put in the basket.
C"8"NOG (75):
IC I-/)t 04.2011,0B.2011
Iera: 5366
&ersion: 3A/5366J3$/5366
)eveloper: &idicom GmbD
Nan!ua!e: Multi
Nicense: +ree

)escription: 8he electronic product catalo! contains parts catalo! *nCat sold under the trademarks :achsK NemforderK ,o!eK B+ /arts J for
all brands of passen!er cars and trucks .
,e a /remium b# the link:
and !et much more0

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