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7 magic words

G. Y. Temnikov

A powerfull method to help Yourself
Let me introduce to You a bright example of the information based auto-therapy method developed by a prominent
Russian physician Gennadiy Yakovlevitch Temnicov. He is a doctorate of medical sciences, psychologist,
psychotherapist, a doctorate of sociology sciences, it would require half of this hub simply to list of honors. He carries
out a lot of free seminars to share his basic methodology with as many people as possible, and every time he
stresses his wish to give people a simple and effective method whish they will be able to use on their own. The 7
magic words method is so simple, that everybody is able to master it with the help of a written description. Here is
my summary from one of his seminars.
When Gennadiy Yakovlevitch was a student of Tomsk medical institute he did palpation of patients and paid his
attention at the sensations in hands. He started to compare his hands sensations with the diagnoses, written in the
patients medical reports. Systematization of this sensations led to a thought, that the feeling of pain is a biological
information signal which prorogates to the patients brain and into the outer space. And like any other signal it could
be detected and interpreted. Analyzing the feelings in his hands Gennadiy Yakovlevitch started to do his information
based diagnostics and compare results with the traditional diagnostics based on tests. And G. Y. Temnikov
discovered that he was able to distinguish a disease long time before it could be detected by the traditional tests. This
fact led him to a conclusion that a disease could become apparent on the informational form prior to its appearance
on the physical level. What if there is no necessity to wait and start to cure the disease while it is not even shown out.
And that confirms the information level priority in relation to the physical level. And Gennadiy Yakovlevitch started his
search of the information based curative methods. His consequent practice confirmed that using information based
methods, it is possible to cure almost all known diseases by means of eliminating the information based origin of the
disease. G. Y. Temnikovs 7 magic words are the correction programs aimed to correct the informational damage
caused by the disease. We will need to introduce two definitions for the following method description:
1. A state. A person could be in some psychological state, for example, in a state of infatuation, anger, rupture,
uneasiness,fear. It is a well known notion, just fix Your attention on it one more time.
2. A scenario. A scenario is a consequence of states leading to some definite result. Have in mind that the steps in
the scenario are accompanied with a definite feelings.
7 magic words
Take a sheet of paper or some notebook and write down in column seven magic words. The words should not be
long, three or four letter length is OK, and they should meet the following requirements:
The words should be new for You, choose the ones You never used before. They do not have to has any sensible
meaning. The magic words will be the names of the correction programs, and they should be associated with the
programs, instead of something else. The words like cherry would not do because of definite associations they
provoke. Abbreviations would not do as well. I used reading from right to left. It very much resembles the computer
programs, which are executed by typing the name. There is no sense in a program name (unless we are going to sell
it!). You should not show Your words record or pronounce them to anyone! The words will lose their power and You
will have to redo the process and create a new words set if anybody (including Your relatives) will know them. This
requirement may sound a bit strange, but the parasitic program, which is the case of the problem or a disease, has a
rudimentary intellect of its own and ability to recognize program names. The requirements are the result of a long
term doctor Temnikovs practice, so make sure Your words meet them. If You want to speak about Your magic
words name the state they are associated with, for example: the love code word.
Now it is time to associate Your magic words with the correction programs. It is the most important step, so make
sure no one is going to disturb You. Its better if You stay alone at home, or at least in the room. So, switch off the
phone, take Your time, and try to involve the most deep feelings, to give the maximum power to Your programs.
Concentrate for several minutes on each state, remember Your feelings, feel Yourself absorbed into each state,
recreate the most powerful and bright recollection. You will need to code the following seven states:
Love Is the first state You are going to tie with the first magic word. Choose the most powerful feeling You ever
experienced in Your life. It does not matter who was a subject of your passion. It may be another human being, a
child, Your pet and so on. A love to all mankind will do as well. The most important thing that matters is the strong
emotional response. Take Your time to recollect Your emotions associated with this feeling. When You fell Yourself
rich with love pronounce the first magic word silently, only in Your mind. The word will be connected with the first
correction program. It will become a first correction program name for Your sub consciousness. From now on, every
time You ill mentally pronounce the first magic word, the program will be executed and applied to the necessary
Hate is the second state You need to program. Hate is a very strong emotion and it will definitely help in a lot of
situations, especially when it is necessary to turn something out neck and crop. Try to remember the moments in
Your life when the feeling You experienced was the most powerful. Try to arouse again the feelings You had. And
again mentally pronounce the second magic word to associate it with the state of hate.
Repair and maintenance will be the meaning of the third program. This time It is a scenario. Everyone had to repair
something in his life. It does not matter what it was. Your concentration, Your endeavor, Your satisfaction and pride
when the job was well done matters! Absolutely anything You are good to do with Your own hands will do for this
program. So recreate Your feelings and silently pronounce the third magic word from Your list. And it will be linked
with the third correction program in Your sub consciousness.
Activation and stimulation is a scenario again. Everybody is acquainted with this scenario. It may be any situation
connected with sport, or with preparation with to a complex exam, when You had to exert Yourself and in a limited
time. Again link Your feelings with the fourth magic word.
Universal matrix is your state in the age about 19 Years old. It is the golden age human cells remember deep in
their biology. So try to recreate the feeling of power and vigor of younger person You were. How joyful the life was. Or
may be sense of wide opened horizons, when You had so many open roads in front of You. This state should be
silently linked with the fifth magic word
Ideal woman. Its obligatory for both genders to program the last two words, because in every human being there are
some male and female distinguishing features, but in different proportions. So, no shortcuts, everybody is
encouraged to give way to his fantasy. It may be an invented or a real existing person (if She really has all the
features, that You appreciate in women). Be sure You did not forgot anything and mentally relate this image with the
sixth code.
Ideal man. It is much like the previous state. Though someone may feel the lack of romantic features in modern men,
do not forget to endow Your ideal man with macho temper!
Thats all with programming. Do not bother to memorize Your magic words, You may secretly have a look at Your
notepad when necessary.
How to use the Magic words
The method is very simple to interrupt the state that makes You feel uncomfortable with the correction program.
Pain may be considered as a state as well. It is possible to say this organ is in the state of illness, or in the state of
pain. The correction program could be summoned and executed by mentioning the program name. Your magic
words are the names of Your own correction programs. Here is the universal three steps formula:
State of pain the magic word state of pain
There could be not only a state of pain, but any state, that makes You uncomfortable. The formula could be
subjected to slight modifications, depending on the application situation:
To cure Yourself concentrate on Your pain for a while, then mentally pronounce the first magic word, pay intent
attention to Your pain again. At the third step You are waiting for the feedback, while Your brain is doing the job.
Normally it takes 4 minutes for the physical reaction to appear. In case there is no changes after four minute time,
repeat it with the next magic word. Go over Your code words until the pain subsides. You can repeat the procedure
as many times, as You like. A remarkable feature of the magic word method is that You are able to help Yourself
even in situations, when there is no convenient remedies at Your disposal, You may start while waiting for a qualified
help. Also You may cope with minor problems by the way doing Your daily routine. Note that the same pain may be
caused by different reasons. So, it is normal, that one day it may be eliminated with one code word, and another day
with the help of a different one.
If You are dealing with a state that disturbs You then rich for Your notepad and code the unpleasant state with a
special code word. For example You may have eighth magic word for insomnia, ninth for fears and so on. The
method is the same concentrate on Your state, and silently pronounce the code word. It is easy to feel the insomnia
state while You are not sleeping anyway! The three step formula is slightly modified now:
The disturbing state code word - the magic word the disturbing state code word
Try to catch the feedback feeling on the third state. If there is no effect after four minutes, use the next magic word
In case You are going to help somebody. You simply cant feel the state of other persons pain. Hold Your hand
near this persons head. Concentrate on the feelings in Your hand, instead of Your own state of pain, like in the first
case. The rest is basically the same. You should use the feeling in your own hand as a feedback signal. When the
feeling subsides, the word worked out successfully.
The feeling in your hand - the magic word the feeling in your hand
You are going to help somebody 2. Sometimes You may encounter with the information block, when You would
not be able to feel something with Your hand. In this case, put Your hand on the patients head and ask him how he
feels for a feedback. The rest is the same as in previous case.
If You want to help somebody who is not near at the moment You need to code Your feelings towards him with a
special word. I hope You guess the rest:
Your empathy code word - The miraculous word empathy code word.
Be sure in Your soul that the situation with the person You were going to worry will straighten out. It will be the best
help You may grant distantly. It is a kind of art to wait for somebody! Learn not to worry about anything, to preserve a
calm state of mind. Cant think of anything else work with the magic word formula. Serafim Sarovskiy a Russian
saint taught: win a quiet spirit and thousands will be saved around You
Be sure to do it silently, do not discuss the patients state (and Your own state) with the others. I know, it may sound
strange, but it is a topic of another huge article. When You saying to anybody something like Im feeling better!
believe me, pretty soon you will discover that You do not have a thing to swagger about. Life leads us through
different situations. Use the 7 magic words method for Your own good. You may need it in urgent situations to help
other people. in case of an accident You may start to ease pains and stop bleeding before qualified medical help
arrival. Everything may happen in life. Russian special mission units are taught the 7 words method.
There are very interesting inventions made in Russian Federation recently about information based influences aimed
to personal health protection. if You get interested in the topic and want to learn about a personal medical purpose
device which influences with the positive information prerecorded on it, You may visit my website. You may also read
my promotional hubs as well. Thank You for your time!

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