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Edrl 427-Stansbury Lesson Sequence-Volcanoes Deavon Hinebauch

Lesson Sequence Guide for RAFTS

1. Select a write to learn goal for a
specific content area
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the
cause and effects of volcanoes and eruptions
2. Select a text to use as an incentive
for ideas surrounding the given
content are.

(Optional)-Briefly review volcanos
using the Discovery Kids Website
and allow students to play game

Time For Kids: Volcanoes! (Time for Kids Science
Scoops) by Editors Of Time For Kids (Author), Jeremy
Caplan (Author)

3. Define RAFT: role, audience, format,
Role: Earth
Audience: People
Format: Diary Entry
Topic: Volcanoes

Goal: Students need to incorporate information from
research on volcanoes into a diary entry that reflects
knowledge of the Earths role in volcanic eruptions, as
well as the effects volcanic eruptions can have on
Earth and people. Students will collect research and
label cause and effects using multi-flow map.
4. Explain how students can research
Students will conduct an interview sessions with
classroom partners to help generate questions about
the cause and effects of volcanoes. These questions
will guide their internet searches. Teacher will work
with students on how to prioritize the importance of
each fact or detail. See Appendix A
5. Give students tools to be successful
with writing format (prewriting)
Teacher will provide examples of typical diary entries.
Using the examples of entries, teacher will guide
students through a discussion of the features found in
the style and content of the text.
See appendix B
Using a bubble map, the teacher will record a list of
features that need to be included in their entries as
students identify the responses.
See appendix C
6. Model how to infuse the content
and the writing format
Teacher completes a shared writing piece of a diary
entry from the perspective of Earth. Teacher must
model how to layer information from the multi-flow
map into an entry that includes the features from the
Edrl 427-Stansbury Lesson Sequence-Volcanoes Deavon Hinebauch
bubble map.
See Appendix D
7. Allow students time to write (rough
Students use Thinking Maps to construct their rough
8. Create rubric with students allow
for self-evaluations and changes
Whole group, teacher will guide students through the
process of creating a rubric for self and peer
See Appendix E
9. Buddy edit (editing)

Students use the class created rubric to edit a
partners proposal
10. Share revisions (publishing)

Students use the feedback on the self and peer
evaluations to make revisions and compose a final

Appendix A

Appendix B
Shifts in boundaries of Earths
Hot Volcanic Rock-Magma-rises
to the surface of the Earth
Gas Trapped within Magma
Opening in the Earths Crust
Heavy Ash can kill people,
animals, and crops
Damages buildings and other
People to flee the area
Can cause Earthquakes
Edrl 427-Stansbury Lesson Sequence-Volcanoes Deavon Hinebauch
Sample Diary Entries
March 3, 2012

Dear Diary,

Im so upset!! I dont even know where to begin!

To start off, I think I completely failed my geometry quiz, which I know I shouldve studied more dads not gonna be happy about that. :( Then, we had a pop quiz in history on the
reading homework from last night, and I completely forgot most of what I read, which made me
even more upset because I actually did the reading! But what really made me mad was the note
that Sarah slipped into my locker during passing period. She said she was sad that Ive been
hanging out with Jane more lately and thinks that I dont want to be her friend anymore. I cant
believe she thinks that, especially after talking with her on the phone for hours and hours last
month while she was going through her breakup with Nick! Just because Ive been hanging out
with Jane a little more than usual doesnt mean Im not her friend anymore. She completely blew
me off at lunch, and when I told Jane, she thought that Sarah was being a drama queen.
This is just what I need! My parents are getting on my case about doing more extracurricular
activities, I have a huge paper due for AP English soon, and I cant understand a thing in
advanced Spanish! The last thing I need is for my best friend to think I hate her and barely text
me back anymore.
Uggh! I cant concentrate on anything right now because of it. I hope she gets over it!!!


Appendix C

Appendix D
Features of a
Diary Entry
Starts with
Tone is
Events told in
about events,
& Voice
feelings in
Write in first
person: I, we,
us, etc.
Edrl 427-Stansbury Lesson Sequence-Volcanoes Deavon Hinebauch
July 16, 2014
Dear Diary,
Well I am going through it again. :( I have experienced this same event so many times and yet every
time I feel the same dread and fear. Will it ever get easier to deal with the effects that follow this tragic
event? It began many years ago, when my plates began to shift away from each other at the divergent
plate margins, but the effects of these shifts were not truly felt until today. The magma that usually
stays trapped away within my inner layers slowly began to rise through one of the unfortunate openings
on the surface of my body. The magma is mixed with gases and begins swirling viciously; I can feel each
punch and push. I felt so helpless, knowing that all I can do is watch as it begins its deadly wrath of mass
destruction. Its early in the morning when the magma begins to erupt from the volcano. My heart is
aching for the people and animals who comfortable reside on me
Hoping for a swift recovery and looking for a better day tomorrow,

Appendix E
Diary Entry Rubric Limited (0-1) Developing (2-3) On Target (4-5)
Entry includes facts
about the causes of
volcanic eruptions

Entry includes effects of
Volcanic eruptions

Entry is written in the
proper form of a diary

Entry is personal and
written in first person

Entry expresses
emotion and feelings

Entry has voice and
includes detail

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