French Udl Lesson Plan

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Subject/Class: French Title: Jai un singe!

Objectives/Expectations: (By the end of class, students will be able to.)

Main Objective: Students will understand and be able to use the verb avoir!
"se their ani#al vocabulary words
"se avoir in the correct for#at for each di$erent sub%ect (%e, tu, il, etc.)
For# sentences using avoir and ani#al vocabulary words
&rally e'(ress sentences using avoir
)((ly *nowledge of avoir to other *nown vocabulary areas
Introduction (+, #ins)
Teacher Activity
-eview ani#al vocabulary by
using (rinted .ashcards and
.ashcards on the s#art board
(Suggestion/ For# ani#al
vocabulary together with the
class 0 *now what ani#als
interest the#, as well as covering
the basics). )lso, in the sa#e
for#at, review the con%ugation of
the verb avoir.! 1rovide a word
ban* that students can drag
words fro# on the s#art board to
#atch the correct (icture of
ani#al or sub%ect for avoir!
Student Activity
-eview .ashcards of ani#als
-eview con%ugation of avoir!
2ontribute to activity to #atch
ani#al na#es to (ictures and
sub%ects to the con%ugated for#s
of avoir!
Lesson Developent (3, #ins)
Teacher Activity
4et students to create short
sentences using what they *now
fro# the con%ugation of avoir and
their ani#al vocabulary. 5o so#e
e'a#(les as a class 6rst, using
the s#art board with both the
words and i#ages. 4et students
to choose which ani#al and
which sub%ect to use, and to
translate the (hrase after,
showing the e'a#(les ste( by
ste(. For e'a#(le, students
choose cha(eau! and the
sub%ect %e!/ Jai un chat! 0
Show the (rocess of creating the
sentence and write it beside the
i#age of a cat.
2irculate the class to hear
students sentences. S(ea* with
students who chose to wor*
Student Activity
7or* in s#all grou(s or alone
using ani#al vocabulary and
avoir con%ugation to create short
sentences. -ead these sentences
aloud. Students can choose
rando#ly fro# the ani#al
.ashcards and create a sentence
for what ani#al they have and
what ani#als their grou(
#e#bers chose. For e'a#(le, if a
student (ic*ed a #on*ey, they
would say, Jai un singe.! For
another student who (ic*ed a
card, they would say, Tu as un
8l8(hant. 4rou(s would then
choose and ani#al together or in
(artners and use the sub%ect
"se each sub%ect at least once,
as well as (eo(les na#es
alone to hear the# read
2orrect any errors in students
4rou(s9individuals can volunteer
to read so#e of their sentences
to the class, using the (ictures to
show the class as well, either
(rinted or on the s#art board.
Closure/!e"ection (+, #ins)
Teacher Activity
)s* the class/ 7hat other
vocabulary words could be used
to co#(lete
:9;ou9<e9She97e9=hey have!
sentences> 4et the students to
(rovide e'a#(les of other ways
to use the verb avoir.!
Student Activity
=hin* bac* to other vocabulary
learned and (rovide e'a#(les
using avoir! in a sentence.
Assessent (?ach Student will be assessed on)
"se of the con%ugated for# of avoir!
"se of ani#al vocabulary
&ral French, without writing sentences down
)bility to relate use of avoir! to other vocabulary
Extension (:f there is e'tra ti#e at the end of class or used for ne't class)
=his activity could go on further to have students creating sentences of
the ani#als having so#ething, instead of a (erson having an ani#al
(so#ething to be funny and #e#orable for the students). For e'a#(le/
@a girafe a une brosse A dentsB The girafe has a toothbrush. =hey
could co#e u( with a few sentences and then choose their favourite
and (resent it in a creative way, li*e creating the i#age by drawing or
on the co#(uter.
Flashcards of ani#al vocabulary (rinted
Flashcards of ani#als with word ban* of vocabulary that can be
dragged for s#art board

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