Germany Canada: Meet Basic Needs, Quickly and Produce in Large Quantities

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Reason for establishing Meet basic needs, quickly and produce in large quantities To regain competitive ground internationally; a national
commitment to quality in order to refocus and energize public
sector to move into a quality based, globally competitive
Year established 50s 1992
Public/Private founders private public
Profit/Non-profit Non-profit Non-profit
Associated to ASQ? YES YES
Values Comply with laws, policies, rules
Honest, reliable, timely, successful, unique leader
Fair, open, appreciative to members and customers
Economical and Efficient in work
Equal treatment and equal opportunities
People, relationships, integrity, dedication and excellence
Mission Building networks, empowering people, developing
organizations and generating knowledge to the sustainable
success of our members, customers and partners
To help improve organizational performance and recognize
National Quality Awards Walter Masing Price personal excellence in the quality
Management; outstanding work, which deal in theory and
practice with the latest findings from quality management

Quality Initiative Berlin-Brandenburg - a cooperative business-
oriented quality partners the states of Berlin and Brandenburg.

Thuringian State Award for Quality - records since 1998 for
outstanding achievements in the field of corporate quality
management. In the category of "quality management in
enterprises" are among others an effective quality strategy and
the creation of skilled jobs rewarded. In addition, here is a
dedicated apprenticeship, a low error rate in production and on-
time delivery are awarded at the completion of orders. The
category of "family-friendly personnel policies and corporate
culture" aimed at companies with the best ideas for the
successful reconciliation of work and family life and their
implementation as a prerequisite for a successful quality

Bavarian Quality Award - awarded since 1993 to production
companies in the industry and since 1994 in addition to
Canada Awards for Excellence (CAE) most prestigious award in
Canada because the patron of canada awards is the governor
general of Canada
- Presented annually to private, public and not-for-
profitorganizations that have demonstrated excellence
in the areas of Quality and Healthy Workplace

Excellence Canada Acessibility Awards Program help raise
awareness of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
production companies in the craft. In 1998, it was expanded to
include trading companies in the retail, wholesale and foreign
trade and to "business-friendly communities". The companies or
production facilities participating must have a location in Bavaria
and settle at least 30 percent of its sales in Germany. You can
aligned or non-profit-profit companies, companies or
foundations, and may be domestic or foreign ownership and

Awareness to people
with disabilities
Awards by Individual, cooperative business oriented partners, enterprise,
By private, public, non-profit organization, people with
Certification Programs N/A The Progressive Excellence Program (PEP)
Is the implementation model for the Framework for
Organizational Excellence that helps organizations across
Canada nurture a quality and/or healthy workplace focus.
a comprehensive and practical framework for
improvement. The Principles for Excellence permeate the
six drivers to form the foundation for long-term
improvement, and to achieve sustained organizational
performance and results.
Companies that have participated in the PEP program have
seen lower attrition rates, reduced sickness and
absenteeism, lower payments to Workers' Compensation,
reduction in employee grievances and staff turnover,
savings in operating cost through increased productivity,
and many other benefits.

Certified Excellence Professional Program (CEP)
Offers a certification program for professionals who wish to
be recognized for their expertise in Quality and Healthy
Covering a comprehensive curriculum of quality, healthy
workplace, process, and leadership tools, this program has
made a significant impact on hundreds of companies
throughout Canada.
With this certification, individuals develop and apply skills
in leadership, planning, customer focus, people focus,
Healthy Workplace, process management, and
supplier/partner focus.

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