August 2014 Wales Tales

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From The Rect or s Desk

Canon H.W. Herrmann, SSC, VI Rector

Dear Parish Family and Friends:

In a few short weeks, another school year will begin. I pray that you got some time to relax and refresh this summer and if
you have not had a chance, it is not too late. Most things in life are better if they are fresh: fresh fruit, fresh vegetables,
fresh flowers, and fresh water. We humans were also intended and created to be fresh and refreshed in day to day life and
living. When we feel better physically and about ourselves, we will be more productive and effective in living life.

Speaking of being refreshed, I want to thank those of you who contributed to my week-long bicycle adventure this
summer for our new restroom off the parish hall. The ride was called Ride the Fault Line and began and ended, 400
miles later in Sikeston, Missouri after traveling through parts of Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky. This bicycle ride
followed the fault line of the New Madrid Earthquake of 1811-1812. Not only was the history enjoyable, but so was the
beautiful scenery and the even more beautiful people I encountered along the way. Marc Brown, husband of one of our
parishioners, Claudia Brown, also rode with me and we had a time to get better acquainted along the way. I also had time
to pray and visit some historic churches in towns that we rode through. I replaced two damaged tires and three punctured
tubes and dealt with riding in rain, but I was refreshed because it gave me time to clear out my mind and spirit and place
myself in Gods loving care for me and others. Most importantly, it was a change of pace and environment and I am better
physically, spiritually and emotionally as a result. Sometimes in life, we need to get out of our own comfort zones and just
go out and do it! You will be glad you did and the people around you receive a benefit of someone who has been refreshed
in life. I also got to worship God with my youngest daughter, Meredith and her family at Saint Bartholomews Church in
Nashville, TN., which was a true joy.

This upcoming school year is an opportunity for you and your family to be refreshed in the Lord Jesus Christ, here at
Saint David of Wales. Our Curate, Father Clint, turned to me this past Sunday after announcements and said, there is a lot
going on here. We are not busy for the sake of being busy. We are busy doing those things, which are up building to the
Kingdom of God. A new weekend snack program, started by

the Men of Saint Davids (MOSD), has already helped those in need and has had a positive impact on the community of
Denton. Finding new ways to minister in Christs name to those in need, each of us needs to find that ministry to which
God has called them and then start getting refreshed and refreshing others around you. How has God called you to
minister in the Name of Jesus?

See you in church.

The Curat e s Comment ary
Father Clint Wilson, Curate

Dear Saint David's Community:

I have always loved the beauty of summer; the green grass, the colorful flowers, the night sky with its plenitude of stars,
and especially the warm evenings spent lounging with family, friends and a cold drink. Of course I am not the only one to
enjoy summer. Countless students and kids enjoy the time off school (insert Schools Out For Summer song cue here!).
Indeed, I have spent much time with some of them through two weeks at camp, another week of Vacation Bible School,

Wales Tal es
A Monthly Publication of the Church of Saint David of Wales
Denton, Texas

August 2014
Procl aiming and Practi cing t he Hi st ori c Fai t h
Tradi t ional Angl i can Worship, e-mail to

and on our Youth Missions Trip to New Orleans. God has and will continue to grace us with knowledge and love of him as
we experience all that he has made. But we must pray for eyes to see and ears to hear.

One person who embodied this so well is one of my favorite poets, Gerard Manley Hopkins, especially in his writing the

Pied Beauty
Glory be to God for dappled things--
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;

For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches wings;

Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow, and plough;
And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)

With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:

Praise Him.
I have always loved the last line: Praise Him, it exclaims. Fundamentally above all else this is the right and proper
response for us, his creatures whom he fathers-forth, along with all the other gifts of our existence. Hopkins here is
simply echoing James 1:17: Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the
Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change (NRSV). Godwho does not changegives
us many things which do change and grow; our children, our gardens, our friendships and our families.

Are you intentionally taking time to enjoy them this summer? Moreover, does your enjoyment of them spur you onto
praise their source?

To be sure, sometimes praise looks like a smile intentionally lifted to God, or a simple thank you, Lord spoken over a
cold iced tea on a summer day. At other moments it may look like being enraptured with a favorite hymn, or humbled by
Gods gracious presence in the Eucharist.

My hope and encouragement for you this summer would be for you to make this poem a kind of daily prayer. Be inspired
to notice Gods gracious gift in the minutiae of life or in the grandness of lifeand praise him!

The Deacon s Corner
Deacon Carol Hobson

Mother Come Back

Sad and sorrowful are the eyes when the light is gone and connections fade.
No more questions, no more tears.

Thats not my mom behind those eyes, for she would know my name.
Where did you go? What dream has cast its spell across your waning years?

Is it paper dolls and skates and boys, or ghostly tunnels
and spider webs through gateless walls that dont make sense?

Theres no more light on the path youve trod, the past not even a memory now;
Before you only empty space descending down and out of sight.

I watch, I watch that fading light and call it back, dont go,
Until the faintest ember dies and you is mine no more.

Maybe its then the true light is born within the soul,
When body and mind are at their quiet and the voice of God is clear.

Around t he Pari sh

Summer Liturgical Schedule!the last day of our summer liturgical schedule will be Sunday, August 24. The
summer schedule is: Sunday, Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday, Healing Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
at 6:30 p.m.; Thursday, Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. Questions? Please contact Holly in the office.

Peddlin Padre Strikes Againover $2,500.00 was raised to assist in completion of our new bathroom on the
parish hall level. Thank you to all who have been so generous!

Prayers for HealingSunday, August 3 in the Saint Augustine Chapel. The Order of Saint Luke will be available
immediately following the 9:30 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. liturgies to pray for all who are in need of healing.

Bishops Visitation and Confirmationon Sunday, August 31, Bishop Lambert will be with us to celebrate,
preach, and confirm during the 10:30 a.m. liturgy. There will be a reception for Bishop Lambert and the new confirmands
immediately following in the parish hall.

Welcome Back SundayJoin us on Sunday, September 7 during the 9:15 a.m. Christian Education hour for
Welcome Back Sunday. Have breakfast with us, meet your teachers and find out more about the exciting opportunities for
you and your family this school year!

Chri st i an Educat i on

Childrens Sunday Schoolhas ended until September, but we still have a lot going on. Childrens Chapel takes
place each week during the 9:30 a.m. liturgy. The children exit the main liturgy immediately following the processional

We will not have Childrens Chapel on Sunday, August 3 and Sunday August 10. We will resume on Sunday,
August 17.

Thank you to everyone who helped with VBS this year. All of your donations and time spent with the children and behind
the scenes have been greatly appreciated. We had thirty-five children registered. Everyone had a wonderful time with

Save the Date for our Back to School Breakfast on Sunday, September 7 at 9:30 a.m. Come join us to meet the teachers,
learn more about our Sunday School program and to register your children for Sunday School. We will look forward to
seeing you then. If you have any questions please see Joyce Jones-Duffey or June Adams.

Organi zat i ons and Mi ni st ri es

CursilloWhat is Cursillo? Cursillo is intended to help Christians learn and live what is fundamental as a Christian,
and to help these same Christians to discover and live out a personal vocation. Cursillo is a movement of the Episcopal
Church, under the authority of the Diocesan Bishop. The goal of Cursillo is bring the world to Christ by empowering
adult a Christian leaders through the use of a specific method, which equips and encourages Christians to live out their
Baptismal Covenant to serve Christ.

The word Cursillo comes from Spanish and means a short course of lectures. The full title, Cursillos in Christiandad,
has been translated, short courses in Christian living.

Cursillo is intended to make saints and apostles. Saints are people who know God, who know Gods love and grace, and
who live their lives from this relationship. Apostles are saints
who have a mission to share that same knowledge with others. The goal of Cursillo is to use specific methods and tools to
grow Christ-centered leaders for the work of mission and ministry.

Still another way to put the purpose of Cursillo is in the phrase: For usfor others. That is, it captures the Old
Testament sense of the call of Abraham, I will bless you so that you will be a blessing (Gen. 12:2). This blessing is for a
purpose not just to be received for us but also to be handed on for others.

Cursillo attempts to reach its goals by:
1. Helping Christians discover the depths of their faith to appreciate its reality and richness;
2. Inspiring Christians to pursue their mission in the world by hearing and heeding Gods call;
3. Connecting Christians in networks that empower them to carry out their mission;
4. Holding up examples of Christians who are carrying out their mission in ordinary life settings.

If you are interested in taking this next step in the development of your faith talk to one of the Cursillistas at Saint Davids
or contact David Mays.

Daughters of the KingThe DOK will meet in the parish library on Saturday, August 9 at 10:00 a.m. for their
monthly meeting. For more information please contact Judy Johnston at 940-482-6538 or email to

Junior Daughters of the Kingon Sunday, August 3, the Junior DOK will join together for fun and fellowship
and a SWIM PARTY at the home of Betsy Kensinger, 601 Seville Rd, Denton from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The Junior DOK gives baptized girls age 7 to 21 a special opportunity to grow in love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus
Christ, while serving our church and community.

We experience the joy of belonging to Christian fellowship with friends and mentors. We study the Bible, discuss our
faith, support each other, and pray for the needs of our community and our world.

We wear a silver cross with the initials FHS For His Sake as a symbol of our promise. For Christs sake we pray, we
serve, and we reach out in love to all.

Please contact Betsy Kensinger ( or the Parish Office for more information if you know
someone who might be interested in joining our chapter.

Men of Saint Davids (MOSD)the MOSD has two projects that we are working on; one that is starting
immediately and one that is under consideration. The immediate project is to start providing some support for our
homeless brothers and sisters. During the week there are places for them to get food, however, on the weekends there are
less resources available. On Sundays they congregate near the Senior Center/Civic Center area. We have started putting
together small snack packs of food which are taken to the Civic Center area and distributed along with water each Sunday.
We are calling on the Parish to help supply the needed items so that we can show our love by our acts.

The second project is to have a booth at the Jazz Festival next year selling the African baskets such as the ones that we
have had here at the church. This will be a true outreach opportunity as we spread our name in the community and raise
money for the missions. However, to do this we will need the help of more than just the members of the MOSD to staff
the booth for three days. In addition if you do crafts and would like to have your wares in our booth or have us handle
them on consignment we are open to that. In order to proceed we need to know if there are people who are willing to help
staff the booth. If you are interested please contact Vern Bassett, Steve Hale, Lynn Stanphill or Dave Mays.

Our August meeting will take place on Saturday, August 16 at 8:00 a.m. beginning with Morning Prayer followed by
breakfast and the meeting.

Bottled Water Donationswe are collecting bottled water for Our Daily Bread and the homeless shelter this
summer. Please leave all donations in the parish hall.

The Order of Saint Luke A primary objective of the OSL is to promote understanding that healing is an ongoing,
lifelong process of growing into the wholeness that God wills for all of us. His plan is wholeness for individuals, for the
Body of Christ, for the nations, and for all creation.

Each OSL member is asked to be an ambassador for Christ by being a channel of Jesus healing love in the lives of others,
wherever they may be, filling them with the Lords joy, courage, and peace. In like manner each chapter is primarily
called to spread the Good News that Jesus Christ brings salvation, wholeness, and healing today as He did centuries ago.

Some of the ways that our chapter does this is regular participation in the healing service held on the first Sunday of each
month, participating in the healing liturgy held every Wednesday evening (did you know that we have a weekly healing
liturgy?), praying for the sick, and visiting shut-ins when possible. When we visit we lay on hands and offer healing
prayers and on Wednesdays if there is no priest available we lay on hands and offer healing prayers.

Are you ready to take your place in Christs commission to go and heal the sick? If you are or if you just want more
information contact our chapter Chaplin (Deacon Carol) or our Convener (Dave Mays). We are eagerly awaiting your

Women of Saint DavidsSave the date: Saturday, September 6, for the Women of St. Davids fall meeting. We
will collect our Thank Box offerings which will go to Denton Christian Preschool, a longtime program for underprivileged
children. We will also form a Nominating committee for the election of officers in December. Another date to remember is
our Family Game Night on Saturday, October 4. This will be great fun for the whole family. We hope to see you at both

Apple Tree Thank You!The Interfaith Ministries of Dentons Apple Tree Project has been in existence since
1996. This is a program designed to help low-income families who have children attending school in the DISD receive
back-to-school essentials: school supplies, new backpack, pair of new shoes, and two sets of new clothing. Parents register
their children and each child is then represented as an Apple which is adopted by individuals who buy the two sets of
clothing in the childs size. This year there were some 1,500 students registered. The program is held during the summer
months and the program concludes in August shortly before the new school year begins. The Women of St. David has
supported this project for quite a few years.

A big THANK-YOU to the following for making the Interfaith Ministries Apple Tree Project a success here at St. David's
by adopting 20 Apples: Esther Andrews, Bonnie Bassett, Ann Bradbury, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Lori Goin, Deacon Carol
Hobson, Bonnie Ivins, June Kirkpatrick, Jolayne LaCour and Wayne Zimmerman, Jaimie and Ben Miller, Judy Nichols,
Merrily Prescott, Sheri Sager, Chelsey Stafki, Linda Touraine, and Nita and Dick Wells. Your generosity will be greatly
appreciated by the DISD students who are recipients of your purchases.

Mark your calendar now to adopt your Apple next year in June!

Come to Tea!Join us for a tea sponsored by the Women of Saint Davids, Saturday, September 20, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
to 4:00 p.m. in the Saint David of Wales Parish Hall.

Guest speaker is Emanda Johnson. Emanda holds a Master of Arts in Art History specializing in Medieval Art and
Architecture. She has taught at the University level locally and guided study abroad tours to Scotland. Her love of art and
architecture and her trips abroad have informed and inspired much of her quilt art. She was president of the Denton Quilt
Guild from 2011-2013.

Tickets are $15 and Seating is limited so RSVP early to Jolayne LaCour at or 940-390-2595.

Youth of Saint DavidsThis years missions trip to New Orleans was a wonderful success, insofar as these things
can be measured. We served at-risk youth/students, inner city schoolteachers, homeless individuals and families and the
City of New Orleans itself! (Make sure to check out our pictures on Facebook!) But there is no reason why you should
take my word for it. Here is what some of our students wrote concerning what they learned:

"What have I learned about myself? I have learned that in God I find happiness, and in happiness I find God."
--Kaitlyn Stafki

"I am usually trying to avoid homeless people, but now I know that they are God's people too. They have just had certain
events that put them in this state. We shouldn't judge people by the clothes they wear or how they look, since we are all
brothers and sisters in Christ, we should love one another." --Matthew Chafin

"This week I learned that I had to put more of an effort into getting to know people, putting aside differences to be closer
to my peers." --Catherine Pruden

These are some pretty profound lessons that us adults would do well to ponder upon as well! The YOSD want to thank the
parish for their generous support of our mission and all the chaperones who accompanied Father Clint and the students. In
particular, I (Father Clint) want to thank Geri Chafin, Lee Stafki, Ben & Jamie Miller and the WOSD for their help with

Sai nt of t he Mont h

Jeremy Taylor, Bishop and Theologian
August 13

Jeremy Taylor was born at Cambridge in 1613 and ordained in 1633. In the years between 1633 and the ascendency of the
Puritans in 1645, he was a Fellow of two Cambridge colleges, and chaplain to Archbishop Laud and to King Charles.
Under Puritan rule, he was imprisoned three times, and forced into retirement as a family chaplain in Wales. After the
Restoration, in 1661, he became Bishop of Down and Connor in Ireland. Among his many books on theological, moral,
and devotional subjects, the best known are The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living (1650) and The Rule and Exercises of
Holy Dying (1651), usually cited simply as Holy Living and Holy Dying. Many readers, including Charles Wesley a
century later, have reported finding these books of great spiritual benefit. Another work of his, Liberty of
Prophesying, argues for freedom of conscience and freedom of speech in a religious context. Being stationed in an area
that was largely Roman Catholic, he was, perhaps inevitably, drawn into controversy, and he wrote a book called
Dissuasion (or Dissuasive) Against Popery.

One of the prayers for the Visitation of the Sick as found in the Book of Common Prayer (p 316 in the 1928 American
edition) was written by Taylor. It reads as follows:

O God, whose days are without end, and whose mercies cannot be Numbered; Make us, we beseech thee, deeply sensible
of the shortness and uncertainty of human life; and let thy Holy Spirit lead us in holiness and righteousness all our days:
that, when we shall have served thee in our generation, we may be gathered unto our fathers, having the testimony of a
good conscience; in the communion of the Catholic Church; in the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a
reasonable, religious, and holy hope; in favour with thee our God, and in perfect charity with the world. All which we ask
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God, whose days are without end, and whose mercies cannot be Numbered: Make us, like your servant Jeremy Taylor,
deeply aware of the shortness and uncertainty of human life; and let your Holy Spirit lead us in holiness and righteousness
all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Pari sh Regi st er

For the faithful departed: Carl Crofford, Leonard Pratt, Pauline Covington, Elizabeth Holland, Keith Kirkpatrick,
Webb Golston, Matt Lindsay, Father R. Roy Baines, Deacon Jim Webb.

For the bereaved: the Crofford family; the Covington family; the Holland family; the Kirkpatrick family; the Golston
and Thomas families; the Lindsay and Pickens families; the Baines family; the Webb family.

J ul y and August Anni versari es & Bi rt hdays

Our Prayers and Best Wishes to those celebrating a birthday or wedding anniversary in July and August!

July Anniversaries

7/1 Wendy and Steve Martinez; 7/3 Carolyn and Richard Briner; 7/6 Phyllis and Michael McCormick; 7/7 Wendy and
Roger Bussell; 7/11 Joann Ballantine and Roy Busby; 7/15 Nic and Bryan Connor; 7/16 Jill and Christopher Touraine;
7/20 Betty and Larry Shultz; 7/26 Edith and Scott Hays, 7/27 Evelyn and Charles Blankson, Claudia and Marc Brown,
Nita and Dick Wells.

July Birthdays

7/3 Janette Swadley; 7/6 Mary Jo Pickens, Beverly Ivey; 7/7 Patrice Easley, Father Jeff Kraemer; 7/8 Leslie Latham; 7/9
Joe Adams, Carter Sims, Luann Williams; 7/10 Arlene Johnson; 7/11 John Andrews; 7/14 Allyson Coe, Sam Rainey; 7/15
Kaitlyn Stafki; 7/16 Elliot Kensinger; 7/17 Hazel Pea; 7/18 Glen Mills, James Meine; 7/20 Jan Rousey; 7/21 Trey
Wright, 7/22 Larry Palmer, Van Sams; 7/23 Nancy Hundley; 7/24 Jesse Davis, 7/25 Sue Mohelnitzky; 7/29 Robin Mills;
7/31 John Cade, Lindsay Haynes, Erin Kelley, Walker Sims.
If your wedding anniversary or birthday does not appear here, we deeply apologize and ask that you contact Holly in the parish office
so that we can correct our records.

August Anniversaries
8/1 Lana and Mike Cruse; 8/3 Amy and Will Kensinger; 8/6 Beverly and Bret Menassa; 8/11 Becky and Patrick Weber;
8/12 Mary and James Bridges; 8/13 Laura and Kevin Palmer; 8/14 Lynn and Jan Rousey, Bonnie and Vern Bassett; 8/16
Judy and Buck Powell; 8/17 Jane and Michael Boyle; 8/24 Ginny and Jay Anderson.

August Birthdays

8/2 Dakota Weber; 8/3 Karen Hale; 8/5 Arline Hargrove Shirley Jeffrey; 8/6 Andrew Hope; 8/7 Clint Brown; 8/8 Bonnie
Bassett, Bonnie Ivins; 8/9 Amanda LaComb, Sophia Rose; 8/12 Judy Nichols; 8/13 Shane Connor, Dana Goff; 8/14
Brittany Cotton; 8/18 Danielle Touraine, Harper Carr, James Baird; 8/19 Sylvia Wright; 8/20 Robert Knox, Robert Chafin;
8/21 Sean Hall; 8/22 Ginger Herrmann; 8/25 Gregg Thacker; 8/27 Pete Bradbury; 8/29 Meredith Cade.
If your wedding anniversary or birthday does not appear here, we deeply apologize and ask that you contact Holly in the parish office
so that we can correct our records.

Mont hl y Fi nanci al Report from Treasurer, Tom Sanders:

These budgetary numbers were presented and received at the June meeting of the Vestry.

May $ 25, 219 May Budget $ 32, 412
YTD Actual $ 158, 903 YTD Budget $ 162, 060

April Actual $ 28, 728 May Budget $ 31, 946
YTD Actual $ 160, 039 YTD Budget $ 159, 730

Sunday Mi ni st ry Schedul es
Sunday, August 3
Acolytes: Team I
Altar Guild: Team III
Golden Nook: 9:30 a.m. TBA
Hospitality: 9:30 a.m. Touraine/Rousey/Bussell/Herrmann
LEMs: 9:30 a.m. Chafin/Davis 5:00 p.m. Fitzpatrick
Ushers: 9:30 a.m. Mays/Millard 5:00 p.m. Barrera

Vestry Greeters: 9:30 a.m. Swartz

Sunday, August 10
Acolytes: Team II
Altar Guild: Team IV
Golden Nook: 9:30 a.m. TBA
Hospitality: 9:30 a.m. Johnson/Bahnsen/Weathers/Ballantine

LEMs: 9:30 a.m. Parker/Johnston 5:00 p.m. Ballantine
Ushers: 9:30 a.m. Touraine/C.Stafki 5:00 p.m. Odom

Vestry Greeters: 9:30 a.m. Stafki

Sunday, August 17
Acolytes: Team III
Altar Guild: Team I
Golden Nook: 9:30 a.m. TBA
Hospitality: 9:30 a.m. Mills/Swartz/Brown/Weber

LEMs: 9:30 a.m. Hale/C. Stafki 5:00 p.m. Sager
Ushers: 9:30 a.m. Rousey/Fitzpatrick 5:00 p.m. Barrera

Vestry Greeters: 9:30 a.m. Ivins

Sunday, August 24
Acolytes: Team IV
Altar Guild: Team II
Golden Nook: 9:30 a.m. TBA
Hospitality: 9:30 a.m. Bassett/Holland/Mays

LEMs: 9:30 a.m. L. Stafki/Phillips 5:00 p.m. Hodges
Ushers: 9:30 a.m. Millard/Mays 5:00 p.m. Odom

Vestry Greeters: 9:30 a.m. Hays

Sunday, August 31
Acolytes: Team Captains
Altar Guild: Team III
Golden Nook: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. TBA
Hospitality: 8:00 a.m. Roberts 10:30 a.m. WOSD Reception for Bishop

LEMs: 8:00 a.m. Rousey 10:30 a.m. Mays/Herrmann/L. Stafki 5:00 p.m. Garrett
Ushers: 8:00 a.m. Touraine 10:30 a.m. Mays/Caldwell 5:00 p.m. Barrera

Vestry Greeters: 8:00 a.m. Millard 10:30 a.m. Blankson

!"#"$% !"#!

9:00 Fitness Class

Rectors Day Off
2:00 Kirkpatrick

9:30 Holy

5:00 Holy


Curates Day
9:00 Fitness

6:30 Evening
Prayer and
Healing Mass

9:30 Morning
Prayer and Holy

9:00 Fitness Class

Rectors Day Off
10:00 DOK

9:30 Holy

5:00 Holy

6:30 Vestry

Curates Day
9:00 Fitness

6:30 Evening
Prayer and
Healing Mass

9:30 Morning
Prayer and Holy

No Bible Study
9:00 Fitness Class

Rectors Day Off
8:00 MOSD

9:30 Holy

5:00 Holy


Curates Day
9:00 Fitness

6:30 Evening
Prayer and
Healing Mass

9:30 Morning
Prayer and Holy

No Bible Study
9:00 Fitness Class

Rectors Day Off

9:30 Holy

5:00 Holy

Curates Day
9:00 Fitness

6:30 Evening
Prayer and
Healing Mass

9:30 Morning
Prayer and Holy

No Bible Study
9:00 Fitness Class

Rectors Day Off

8:00 Holy

10:30 Holy
Eucharist and
5:00 Holy

The Church of Saint David of Wales
623 Ector Street, Denton Texas 76201
(940) 387-2622

Summer Sunday Schedule
9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
& Childrens Chapel
5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist and Folk Mass
A nursery is provided for children up to age 5. Please see
an usher for directions.

Wednesday Schedule
6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer &
Healing Mass Rite II

Thursday Schedule
9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer &
Holy Eucharist Rite I


The Reverend Canon H. W. Herrmann, SSC
Home phone: (940) 566-5251

The Reverend Father Clint Wilson

The Reverend Father Jeff Kraemer
Assisting Priest

The Reverend Deacon Carol Hobson

Pamela Youngblood, DMA, DMus
Organist and Choir Director

Joyce Jones-Duffey
Coordinator, Childrens Christian Education

June Adams
Assistant, Childrens Christian Education

Roger and Wendy Bussell

Cathy Harazda
Nursery Supervisor

Barbara Searcy and Catlyn Carr

Dalton Gaume-Wakefiel
Sunday Hospitality Assistant

Holly Robinson
Secretary to the Rector and Bookkeeper

August s Sunday Lect i onary

Sunday, August 3
Pentecost IX, Proper 13
Nehemiah 9: 16-20
Psalm 78: 14-20, 23-25
Romans 8: 35-39
Matthew 14: 13-21

Sunday, August 10
Pentecost X, Proper 14
Jonah 2: 1-9
Psalm 29
Romans 9: 1-5
Matthew 14: 22-33

Sunday, August 17
Pentecost XI, Proper 15
Isaiah 56: 1-7
Psalm 67
Romans 11: 13-15, 29-32
Matthew 15: 21-28

Sunday, August 24
Pentecost XII, Proper 16
Isaiah 51: 1-6
Psalm 138
Romans 11: 33-36
Matthew 16: 13-20

Sunday, August 31
Pentecost XIII, Proper 17
Jeremiah 15: 15-21
Psalm 26: 1-8
Romans 12: 1-8
Matthew 16: 21-27

August Sai nt Days

August 1 Joseph of Arimethea

August 5 Oswald, King of Northumbria and Martyr


August 7 Jason Mason Neale, Priest

August 8 Dominic, Priest and Friar

August 11 Clare, Abess at Assisi

August 13 Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down

August 14 Jonathan Myrick Daniels

August 15 Saint Mary the Virgin

August 18 William Porcher DuBose, Priest

August 20 Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux

August 25 Saint Bartholomew the Apostle

August 27 Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle

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