Science Year 5 (Complete Set) : Unit 1: Microorganisms

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Science Year 5

(Complete Set)
Unit 1: Microorganisms
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Microorganisms
Lesson 1: Living Together or In solitary
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that some animals live
in grops others live in solitary ii) give e'amples o# animals that live in
grops an" in solitary(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ Commnicating$ ma)ing in#erences
Thin)ing S)ills: *elating$ Classi#ying
+ales: ,eing than)#l to -o"$ !ppreciating the &alance o# natre$ ,eing cooperative$ .aving an
interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment(
1( /pils tell their e'perience a&ot animals that they have seen(
0( 1ame the animals that live in grops an" in solitary(
2( *e#er to /( 0 an" 2 o# Te't&oo) an" "iscss %hich animals live in grops an" in solitary(
3( Teacher lea"s "iscssion an" concl"es that some animals live in grops an" others live in solitary(
5( Loo) at MyC4(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Microorganisms
Lesson 1: The Unseen Li#e
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state types o# microorganisms5
ii) state the e'amples o# microorganisms5 iii) state that microorganisms &reathe an" gro%(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ Commnicating$ ma)ing in#erences
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ visali6ing
+ales: ,eing "eligent an" persevering$ !ppreciating the &alance o# natre$
1( O&serve the e##ect o# yeast on "ogh an" in#er that microorganisms &reathe(
0( Carry ot activity to o&serve the e##ect o# microorganisms on #oo"$ eg( ,rea"(
2( *ecor" their o&servation an" "iscss on the reslt o# the e'periment(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Microorganisms
Lesson 1: The Unseen Li#e
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that microorganisms move5
ii) concl"e that microorganisms are living things an" most o# them cannot &e seen &y na)e"
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ Commnicating$ ma)ing in#erences
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ visali6ing
+ales: ,eing "iligent an" persevering$ !ppreciating the &alance o# natre$
1( O&serve rotten oranges sing magni#ying glass(
0( *ecor" their o&servation #or a %ee) &y "ra%ing(
2( Collect sample o# %ater #rom pon"s$ rivers or "rain(
3( O&serve the movement o# the microorganisms(
5( 4iscss an" state that microorganisms are living things an" most o# them are nseen(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 1: Microorganisms
Lesson 0: 7rien"s or #oes8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state e'amples o# the ses o# microorganisms5 ii) state the
harm#l e##ects o# microorganisms5 iii) e'plain %ays to prevent "iseases case" &y microorganisms(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Classi#ying$ Commnicating
Thin)ing S)ills: Se9encing$ relating
+ales: ,eing "iligent an" persevering$ &eing systematic$ &eing cooperative
1( 4iscss on the ses o# microorganisms(
0( State the harm#l e##ects o# microorganisms(
2( I"enti#y the "iseases case" &y microorganisms$
3( 4iscss on ho% to prevent the "iseases #rom sprea"ing(
Unit 2: Survival of the species
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 2: Survival of the species
Lesson 1: !nimals srvival
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state e'amples o# animals that ta)e
care o# their eggs an" yong5 ii) e'plain ho% animals ta)e care o# their eggs an" yong5
iii) e'plain %hy animals ta)e care o# their eggs an" yong
Scienti#ic S)ills: Commnicating
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ relating
+ales: .aving an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$ &eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the
1( I"enti#y the animals that ta)e care o# their eggs an" yong(
0( +ie% vi"eo on ho% animals ensre the srvival o# their eggs an" yong(
2( 4iscss an" concl"e that animals ta)e care o# their eggs an" yong to ensre the srvival
o# their species(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 2: Survival of the species**
Lesson 0: /lants srvival
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state varios %ays plants "isperse
their see"s an" the e'amples o# plants5 ii) e'plain %hy plants nee" to "isperse see"s or
#rits5 iii) relate characteristics o# see"s an" #rits to the %ays they are "isperse(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ Commnicating
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ relating$ compare an" contrast
+ales: .aving an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$ &eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the
1( St"y the live specimens o# the see"s or #rits o# the plants(
0( 7in" ot the varios %ays o# see"s an" #rits "ispersal(
2( 4iscss an" concl"e that plants nee" to "isperse their see"s or #rits to ensre the srvival
o# their species(
3( St"y the live specimens an" "iscss the relationship &et%een characteristics o# see"s an"
#rits an" their %ays o# "ispersal(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 2: Survival of the species
Lesson 2: Importance o# srvival
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) pre"ict %hat %ill happen i# some
species o# animals or plants "o not srvive5 ii) state the #actors that case the e'tinction o#
the species5 iii) sggest %ays to prevent species #rom #acing e'tinction(
Scienti#ic S)ills: /re"icting
Thin)ing S)ills: +isali6ing
+ales: .aving critical an" analytical thin)ing$ appreciating the &alance o# the natre(
1( /pils "iscss an" pre"ict the conse9ences i# certain species o# animals or plants &ecome
e'tinct: a( shortage o# #oo"5 &( #acing e'tinction
0( State the #actors that case the e'tinction o# the species: a( "e#orestation5 &( natral
"isaster5 c( illegal hnting5 "( change" o# climate(
2( Sggest %ays to prevent species #rom #acing e'tinction: a( en#orcing la%5 &( #orest
reservation5 c( replanting #orest5 "( 6oology
Unit 3: Food hain ! Food "e#
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 3: Food hain ! Food "e#*
Lesson 1: <ho eats %ho8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) i"enti#y animals an" the #oo" they eat5 ii) classi#y animals into her&ivore$
carnivore an" omnivore5 iii) constrct #oo" chain5 iv) i"enti#y pro"cer an" consmers
Scienti#ic S)ills: Classi#ying
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ se9encing$ relating
+ales: .aving critical an" analytical thin)ing$ &eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the environment(
1( Carry ot a &rainstorming session on animals an" the #oo" they eat(
0( 4iscss an" classi#y animals into grops accor"ing to the #oo" they eat(
2( ,il" #oo" chains to sho% the #oo" relationship among organisms(
3( 7rom the #oo" chains$ ppils i"enti#y the pro"cers an" the consmers(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 3: Food hain ! Food "e#*
Lesson 0: Tangle" p
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) constrct #oo" %e&s o# "i##erent ha&itats5 ii) pre"ict %hat %ill happen i#
there is a change in the poplation o# a certain species in a #oo" %e&5 iii) e'plain %hat %ill happen to certain species o#
animals i# they eat only one type o# #oo"(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$ commnicating( analy6ing
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ se9encing$ relating
+ales: ,eing )in">hearte" an" caring$ &eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the environment(
1( Constrct a #oo" %e& &ase" on the #oo" chains given(
0( ,ase" on the organisms given$ constrct #oo" chains #or "i##erent ha&itats(
2( 4iscss an" pre"ict %hat %ill happen i# there is a change in the poplation o# certain species in the same ha&itat(
3( +ie% vi"eo to st"y varios species that are #acing e'tinction &ecase they eat only one type o# #oo"(
Learning area: Investigating Living Things Unit 3: Food hain ! Food "e#*
Lesson 2: *evie%
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) constrct #oo" %e&s o# "i##erent ha&itats5 ii) pre"ict %hat %ill happen i#
there is a change in the poplation o# a certain species in a #oo" %e&5 iii) e'plain %hat %ill happen to certain species o#
animals i# they eat only one type o# #oo"(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$ commnicating( analy6ing
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ se9encing$ relating
+ales: ,eing )in">hearte" an" caring$ &eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the environment(
1( Copy note an" "o revisions on the nit(
0( Carry ot a "iagnostic test on Unit 1$ 0 an" 2(
$Unit %: &nerg'(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit %: &nerg'
Lesson 1: <on"ers o# @nergy
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) e'plain %hy energy is nee"e"5 ii) give e'amples %here an" %hen energy is
se"5 iii) state varios sorces o# energy(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Ma)ing in#erence
Thin)ing S)ills: Comparing an" contrasting$ ma)ing conclsion
+ales: !ppreciation the &alance o# natre$ &eing than)#l to -o"$ &eing systematic(
1( /pils "iscss an" concl"e that energy is nee"e":
a) &y living things to carry ot li#e processes sch as moving$ &reathing an" gro%ing5
&) to move$ roll$ melt o# &once non living things(
0( /pils gather in#ormation an" e'amples %here an" %hen energy is se" an" the sorces o# energy(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit %: &nerg'
Lesson 0: @nergy In !ction
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state the varios #orms o# energy5 ii) state that energy can &e trans#orme"5
iii) give e'amples o# appliances that ma)e se o# energy trans#ormation(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ ma)ing in#erence$ se an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances
Thin)ing S)ills: Se9encing
+ales: ,eing systematic$ &eing "iligent an" preserving$ &eing than)#l to -o"$ patriotism(
1( /pils o&serve varios events an" i"enti#y the #orm o# energy involve"(
0( Carry ot activities to "iscss the trans#ormation o# energy
2( 4iscss that energy can &e trans#orme"(
3( I"enti#y appliances that ma)e se o# energy trans#ormation an" state the #orm o# energy involve"(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit %: &nerg'
Lesson 2: *ene%a&le o# 1on>rene%a&le
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state %hat rene%a&le an" non>rene%a&le energy is5 ii) list rene%a&le an"
non>rene%a&le energy resorces5 iii) e'plain %hy %e nee" to se energy %isely5 iv) give e'ample on ho% to save energy(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Classi#ying$ se an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances
Thin)ing S)ills: -enerating i"eas$ synthesi6ing$ visali6ing
+ales: !ppreciating an" practicing clean an" healthy living5 &eing honest an" accrate
1( /pils "iscss that %hat rene%a&le an" non>rene%a&le energy is(
0( -ather in#ormation on the resorces o# rene%a&le an" non>rene%a&le energy(
2( Carry ot &rainstorming session on ho% to save energy in every"ay li#e(
3( Carry ot "iagnostic test(
Unit ): &lectricit'
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit ): &lectricit'
Lesson 1: Sorces o# @lectricity
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state the sorces o# electricity(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$(
Thin)ing S)ills: Use an" han"le science apparats
+ales: !ppreciating the contri&tion o# science an" technology
1( /pils light p a &l&$ ring an electric &ell to veri#y the sorces o# electricity(
0( /pils i"enti#y an" state the sorces o# electricity: "ry cell$ accmlator$ "ynamo$ solar cell(
2( /pils i"enti#y other sorces o# electricity: hy"ro electricity$ solar electricity$ etc
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit ): &lectricit'
Lesson 0: Series an" /arallel Circits
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) i"enti#y the sym&ols o# varios components o# a simple electric circit5 ii)
"ra% circit "iagram5 iii) i"enti#y the "i##erence in the arrangement o# &l&s in series an" parallel circits(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$ commnicating$ controlling varia&les$ e'perimenting(
Thin)ing S)ills: Use an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances
+ales: ,eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating "ata5 &eing systematic$ &eing cooperative
1( Teacher intro"ce" the sym&ols o# the components in an electric circit: &attery$ &l&$ connecting %ires an" s%itch(
0( Teacher &il" a series A parallel circit$ as) ppils to "ra% the circit "iagram(
2( /pils o&serve varios series circits an" parallel circits(
3( /pils "iscss the "i##erence in arrangement o# &l&s in series an" parallel circits(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit ): &lectricit'
Lesson 2: Series an" /arallel Circits
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) &il" a series circit5 ii) &il" a parallel circit5 iii) compare the &rightness
o# the &l&s in a series an" a parallel circit(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$ commnicating$ controlling varia&les$ e'perimenting(
Thin)ing S)ills: Use an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances
+ales: ,eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating "ata5 &eing systematic$ &eing cooperative
1( /pils are given &atteries$ &l&s$ s%itches an" connecting %ires to &il" series an" parallel circits(
0( Carry ot /ractical : to compare the &rightness o# the &l&s(
2( Carry ot /ractical ; to compare %hat happen to the &l&s in a series an" a parallel circit %hen varios s%itches in each circit are o##(
3( /pils ma)e conclsion &ase" on the e'periments carrie" ot(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit ): &lectricit'
Lesson 3: .an"le %ith care
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) "escri&e the "anger o# mishan"ling electrical appliances5 ii) e'plain the
sa#ety precations to &e ta)en %hen sing electrical appliances(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Commnicating$ generating i"eas(
Thin)ing S)ills: Use an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances
+ales: !ppreciating the contri&tion o# science an" technology5 &eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# onesel#$ others an" the environments(
1( /pils "iscss the "anger o# mishan"ling electrical appliances: electric shoc)$ case #ire$ &rn$ electroction$ etc
0( 4iscss the sa#ety precation to &e ta)en %hen sing electrical appliances
2( Carry ot "iagnostic test(
$Unit *: Light(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit *: Light
Lesson 1: .o% 4oes Light Travel8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that light travels in a straight line5 ii) give e'amples to veri#y that light
travels in a straight line5 iii) "escri&e ho% sha"o% is #orme"(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ measring an" sing nm&ers$ ma)ing in#erence$ pre"icting$ e'perimenting(
Thin)ing S)ills: Ma)ing conclsion
+ales: !ppreciating the contri&tion o# science an" technology5 &eing than)#l to -o"5 &eing systematic
1( /pils carry ot activities to o&serve that light travels in a straight line( /ractical =
0( /pils give e'amples o# events or phenomena that sho% light travels in a straight line(
2( O&serve an" "iscss the #ormations o# sha"o%(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit *: Light
Lesson 1: .o% 4oes Light Travel8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) "esign a #air test to #in" ot %hat case the si6e o# a sha"o% to change &y
"eci"ing %hat to )eep the same$ %hat to change$ an" %hat to o&serve(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ measring an" sing nm&ers$ controlling varia&les$ e'perimenting(
Thin)ing S)ills: Ma)ing conclsion
+ales: !ppreciating the contri&tion o# science an" technology5 &eing than)#l to -o"5 &eing systematic
1( /pils carry ot activities to investigate the #actors that case the shape or si6e o# a sha"o% to change(
0( 4iscss on the varia&les in the e'periment B /ractical ? an" 1C(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' Unit *: Light
Lesson 0: ,oncing Light
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that light can &e re#lecte"5 ii) "ra% ray "iagrams to sho% the re#lection
o# light5 iii) give e'amples o# ses o# re#lection o# light in every"ay li#e(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ commnicating$ se an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances(
Thin)ing S)ills: Inventing
+ales: !ppreciating the contri&tion o# science an" technology5 &eing systematic
1( /pils carry ot activities to investigate re#lection o# light sing a mirror or an alminm #oil( /ractical 11
0( 4ra% a ray "iagrams to sho% the re#lection o# light in the a&ove activities(
2( -ather in#ormation a&ot the ses o# re#lections o# light in every"ay li#e(
$Unit +: ,eat(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' 1 Unit +: ,eat
Lesson 1: .ot or Col"8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that %hen a s&stance gains heat$ it %ill &ecome %armer5 ii) state that
%hen a s&stance loses heat$ it &ecomes cooler5 iii) measre temperatre sing the correct techni9e5 iv) state the metric
nit #or temp(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ ma)ing in#erence$ pre"icting$ se an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances(
Thin)ing S)ills: Ma)ing Conclsion
+ales: .aving critical an" analytical thin)ing$ &eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating
1( /pils carry ot an e'periment &y heating an" cooling 05Cml o# %ater to #eel the change o# temperatre(
0( /pils are gi"e" to se an" rea" thermometer correctly(
2( /pils concl"e that %ater gains heat to &ecome %armer an" lose heat to &ecome cooler(
Learning area: Investigating Force and &nerg' 2 Unit +: ,eat
Lesson 0: @'pan" or Contract8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that matter e'pan"s %hen heate" an" contract %hen coole"5 ii) give
e'amples o# the application o# the principle o# e'pansion an" contraction in every"ay li#e(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ ma)ing in#erence$ pre"icting$ se an" han"le science apparats an" s&stances(
Thin)ing S)ills: Ma)ing Conclsion
+ales: .aving critical an" analytical thin)ing$ &eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating
1( Carry ot activities to o&serve the e##ects o# heat on matter( /ractical 10
0( 4iscss their o&servation o# the activities an" ma)e conclsion(
2( +ie% vi"eo on the e'pansion an" contraction o# matter in every"ay li#e(
Unit -: States of Matter
Learning area: Investigating Materials 3 Unit -: States of Matter
Lesson 1 (a): Three states o# matters
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) classi#y o&Dects an" materials into soli"$ li9i" an" gas5 ii) state the
properties o# soli"s an" li9i"
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ classi#ying$ measring sing nm&ers$ ma)ing in#erence$ commnicating(
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ comparing an" contrasting
+ales: ,eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating "ata$ &eing systematic
1( /pils classi#y o&Dects an" material into three states o# matter(
0( /pils "iscss an" give reasons #or their classi#ication(
2( St"y the properties o# soli" an" li9i" &y carrying ot /ractical 12 (a)(
3( /pils "iscss an" concl"e the properties o# soli"s an" li9i"(
Learning area: Investigating Materials % Unit -: States of Matter
Lesson 1 (&): Three states o# matters
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) classi#y o&Dects an" materials into soli"$ li9i" an" gas5 ii) state the
properties o# gases
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ classi#ying$ measring sing nm&ers$ ma)ing in#erence$ commnicating(
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ comparing an" contrasting
+ales: ,eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating "ata$ &eing systematic
1( /pils classi#y o&Dects an" material into three states o# matter(
0( /pils "iscss an" give reasons #or their classi#ication(
2( St"y the properties gases &y carrying ot /ractical 12 (&)(
3( /pils "iscss an" concl"e the properties o# gases in terms o# its mass$ volme$ shape an" compressi&le(
Learning area: Investigating Materials ) Unit -: States of Matter
Lesson 0: Changing states
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that %ater can change its state5 ii) concl"e that %ater can e'ist in any
o# the three states o# matter5 iii) i"enti#y the processes involve" %hen a matter changes #rom one state to another5 iv)
i"enti#y #actors that a##ect the rate o# evaporation o# %ater(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$ sing space>time relationship$ interpreting "ata(
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ ma)ing conclsion an" relating
+ales: ,eing honest an" accrate in recor"ing an" vali"ating "ata$ reali6ing that science is a mean to n"erstan" natre(
1( /pils carry ot /ractical 13 to o&serve the change o# state o# matter(
0( 4iscss an" ma)e conclsion(
2( 4iscss that process involve" %hen a matter changes #rom one state to another(
3( Investigate an" "iscss the #actors that a##ect ho% #ast %ater evaporates(
Learning area: Investigating Materials * Unit -: States of Matter
Lesson 2: <hat goes aron" comes aron"8
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) "escri&e ho% clo"s an" rain are #orme"5 ii) e'plain ho%
%ater is circlate" in the environment5 iii) e'plain the importance o# %ater cycle(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Commnicating
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ se9encing an" relating
+ales: ,eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the environment$ having an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$ &eing
)in">hearte" an" caring
1( /pils vie% compter simlation to st"y the #ormation o# clo"s an" rain(
0( 4iscss an" e'plain the changes in the state o# matter in the %ater cycle(
2( +ie% compter simlation on ho% %ater is circlate" in the environment(
3( 4iscss the importance o# %ater cycle(
Learning area: Investigating Materials + Unit -: States of Matter
Lesson 3: <ater resorces
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) give reasons %hy %e nee" to )eep or %ater resorces
clean5 ii) "iscss %ays to )eep or %ater resorces clean(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Commnicating$ generating i"eas
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ ma)ing in#erence
+ales: ,eing responsi&le a&ot the sa#ety o# the environment$ having an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$
appreciating an" practicing clean an" healthy living
1( /pils vie% vi"eo a&ot the importance o# %ater #or living things an" the e##ects o# hman activities on 9ality o# %ater
0( -ather in#ormation on ho% to )eep or %ater resorces clean an" present it in the #orm o# #olio(
Unit .: /cid or /l0ali
Learning area: Investigating Materials Unit .: /cid or /l0ali
Lesson 1: !ci"ic or !l)aline
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) i"enti#y aci"ic$ al)aline an" netral s&stances sing litms
paper5 ii) i"enti#y the taste o# aci"ic an" al)aline #oo"5 iii) concl"e the properties o# aci"ic$ al)aline an"
netral s&stances
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ pre"icting$ ma)ing in#erence$ clean science apparats
Thin)ing S)ills: Ma)ing conclsion
+ales: .aving critical an" analytical thin)ing$ appreciating the contri&tion o# science E technology
1( /pils test s&stances to "etermine %hether they are aci"ic$ al)aline or netral(
0( /pils "etermine %hether #oo" samples are aci"ic or al)aline &y tasting an" testing sing litms paper
2( /pils ma)e conclsion a&ot the properties o# aci"ic$ al)aline an" netral s&stances((
Unit 11: onstellations
Learning area: Investigating the &arth and the Universe Unit 11: onstellations
Lesson 1: Starry$ starry night
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state %hat constellation is5 ii) i"enti#y constellations
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ commnicating
Thin)ing S)ills: *elating$ visali6ing
+ales: .aving an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$ &eing than)#l to -o"(
1( /pils vie% vi"eo or compter simlation to o&serve varios constellations(
0( 4iscss that constellation is a grop o# stars that #orm a certain pattern in the s)y(
2( O&serve the Orion$ Scorpion$ ,i" 4ipper an" Sothern Cross in the s)y(
Learning area: Investigating the &arth and the Universe Unit 11: onstellations
Lesson 1: Starry$ starry night
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state %hat constellation is5 ii)
i"enti#y constellations5 iii) state the importance o# constellations
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ commnicating
Thin)ing S)ills: *elating$ visali6ing
+ales: .aving an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$ &eing than)#l to -o"(
1( /pils vie% vi"eo or compter simlation to o&serve varios constellations(
0( 4iscss that constellation is a grop o# stars that #orm a certain pattern in the s)y(
2( O&serve the Orion$ Scorpion$ ,i" 4ipper an" Sothern Cross in the s)y(
3( -ather in#ormation on the importance o# constellations(
Unit 11: The &arth2 the Moon2 and the Sun
Learning area: Investigating the &arth and the Universe
Unit 11: The &arth2 the Moon2 and the Sun
Lesson 1: They Move
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that the @arth an" Moon rotate on their a'es5 ii) state that the @arth
an" Moon move aron" the Sn5 iii) "escri&e the changes in length an" position o# the sha"o% throghot the "ay(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ ma)ing in#erences$ commnicating$ sing space>time relationship
Thin)ing S)ills: -enerating i"eas(
1( /pils role play a simlation on the movement o# the @arth an" the Moon(
0( 4iscss on ho% long the earth an" the moon ta)e to rotate once on its o%n a'is(
2( Investigate on the changes in length an" the position o# the sha"o% throghot the "ay(
Learning area: Investigating the &arth and the Universe
Unit 11: The &arth2 the Moon2 and the Sun
Lesson 0: 4ay an" 1ight
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state ho% "ay an" night #orm5 ii)
e'plain that "ay an" night occr "e to the rotation o# the earth on its a'is(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ measring sing nm&ers$ sing space>time relationship
Thin)ing S)ills: -enerating i"eas(
1( /pils role play a simlation on the movement o# the @arth an" the Moon(
0( ! toch light is se" to represent the Sn(
2( 4iscss on ho% "ay an" night are #orme"(
3( 4ra% a "iagram on the #ormation o# "ay an" night(
Learning area: Investigating the &arth and the Universe
Unit 11: The &arth2 the Moon2 and the Sun
Lesson 2: /hases o# the Moon
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state that moon "oes not emit light5
ii) e'plain that moon appears &right %hen it re#lects snlight5 iii) "escri&e the phases o#
the moon
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ measring an" sing nm&ers$ sing space>time relationship
Thin)ing S)ills: -enerating i"eas(
1( ,rain storming B ho% "oes a moon loo) li)e8
0( /ractical 1= > Fst a phase
2( I"enti#y the "i##erent phases o# the moon an" "ra% the pictres(
Unit 12: Strength and Sta#ilit'
Learning area: Investigating Technolog' Unit 12: Strength and Sta#ilit'
Lesson 1: See Shapes
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) state the shapes o# o&Dects5 ii)
i"enti#y the shapes in strctres(
Scienti#ic S)ills: O&serving$ classi#ying
Thin)ing S)ills: !ttri&ting$ having an interest an" criosity to%ar"s the environment$ appreciating the
contri&tion o# science an" technology$ &eing cooperative(
1( /pils carry ot activities to recogni6e the shapes o# the o&Dects(
0( /pils name the shapes: c&e$ c&oi"s$ sphere$ cone$ cylin"er$ pyrami" hemisphere(
2( <al) aron" the school compon" an" i"enti#y the shapes mentione"(
Learning area: Investigating Technolog' Unit 12: Strength and Sta#ilit'
Lesson 0: Stan"ing Tall an" Lying Lo%
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) i"enti#y shapes o# o&Dects that are
sta&le5 ii) i"enti#y the #actors that a##ect the sta&ility o# o&Dects(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Ma)ing hypothesis$ pre"icting
Thin)ing S)ills: Comparing an" contrasting$ ma)ing conclsion$ generating i"ea$ having an interest an"
criosity to%ar"s the environment(
1( /pils carry ot activities to i"enti#y the shapes o# o&Dects that are sta&le> /ractical 1?
0( Carry ot activities to investigate #actors that a##ect the sta&ility o# a strctre:
a) /shing a &ottle stan"ing pright an" a &ottle stan"ing psi"e "o%n5
&) /shing a high chair an" a lo% chair B /ractical 0C
c) 4iscss an" concl"e that the sta&ility o# an o&Dect is a##ecte" &y:
> &ase area an" height(
Learning area: Investigating Technolog' Unit 12: Strength and Sta#ilit'
Lesson 0: Stan"ing Tall an" Lying Lo%
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) e'plain ho% &ase area a##ects
sta&ility5 ii) e'plain ho% height a##ects sta&ility(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Ma)ing hypothesis$ pre"icting
Thin)ing S)ills: Comparing an" contrasting$ ma)ing conclsion$ generating i"ea$ having an interest an"
criosity to%ar"s the environment(
1( /pils carry ot activities to investigate ho% &ase area a##ects the sta&ility o# an o&Dect B
The &igger the &ase area$ the more sta&le the o&Dect is(
0( /pils carry ot activities to investigate ho% height a##ects the sta&ility o# an o&Dect B
The higher the o&Dect$ the less sta&le the o&Dect is(
Learning area: Investigating Technolog' Unit 12: Strength and Sta#ilit'
Lesson 0: Stan"ing Tall an" Lying Lo%
Learning Otcomes: !t the en" o# the lesson$ ppils %ill &e a&le to: i) i"enti#y the #actors that a##ect the
strength o# a strctre5 ii) "esign a mo"el that is strong an" sta&le(
Scienti#ic S)ills: Ma)ing hypothesis$ pre"icting
Thin)ing S)ills: Comparing an" contrasting$ ma)ing conclsion$ generating i"ea$ having an interest an"
criosity to%ar"s the environment(
1( /pils carry ot activities to st"y the #actors that a##ect the strength o# a strctre &y B
Sspen"ing a %eight on a stra% an" then on a pencil5
Ma)ing t%o &ri"ges$ one sing a piece o# #lat paper an" the other sing a #ol"e" paper5
Then pt o&Dects o# the same mass on each &ri"ge(
0 /pils "iscss an" concl"e that the strength o# a strctre is a##ecte" &y:
a) types o# materials se"5
&) ho% strctre is place"(
2( /pils "esign the strongest an" most sta&le strctre sing materials o# their choice(

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