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Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority


Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :3.9.2013
The Chairman,
(All) District Legal Services Authority.

The Chairman,
(All) Taluk Legal Services Committee.

The Secretary,
High Court Legal Services Committee, Chennai.

The Office-in-Charge,
High Court Legal Services Committee, Madurai.


Good morning Sister/Brother,

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai Instructions Issued Reg.

Ref: Letter from the Member Secretary, National Legal Services Authority,
New Delhi in F. No. L/15/2013-NALSA/2662 dated 22.8.2013.

I am to state that the Member Secretary, National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, in her
letter in the reference cited has stated that the Honble Executive Chairman of National Legal Services
Authority has approved to hold a National Lok Adalat on the changed date on 23.11.2013.
It is further stated that the National Lok Adalat is to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at all levels,
right from the Supreme Court to the Taluka Courts by disposing of a large number of cases on that day.

I am to state that the letter contains a few guidelines along with a list of the nature of
pending cases that could be listed in the National Lok Adalat. A xerox copy of the letter received
in the reference cited is enclosed for your ready reference.
The Member Secretary has further informed various suggestions and effective steps to be
taken for conducting of National Lok Adalat and also informed that the Honble Executive Chairman
of National Legal Services Authority has permitted the State Legal Services Authorities to utilize the
NALSA Funds in addition to available 13
Finance Commission funds for meeting the expenditure
involved in payment of honorarium, arrangements such as hiring charges of tents/ halls, publicity
materials, snacks, conveyance charges and other related expenses avoiding extravagance and
ostentatious spending.
A note was placed before the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority on the above subject to hold National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 as suggested by
National Legal Services Authority and Her Lordship/Honble Executive Chairperson of this
Authority was pleased to direct me to address all the Chairmen of District Legal Services Authorities
and Taluk Legal Services Committees including Secretary, High Court Legal Services Committee at
Chennai and Officer in-Charge, High Court Legal Services Committee at Madurai to hold a
National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 as suggested by the National Legal Services Authority, New
Delhi for disposal of large number of cases. Accordingly I am addressing this letter to hold a
National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 as suggested by the National Legal Services Authority in all
the District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services Committees including High
Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai and Madurai without fail.
The expenses as stated in the letter of the National Legal Services Authority may be met
out from the funds from 13
Finance Commission fund and then from NALSA funds, if
A detailed periodical report about the preparations made during the month of September and
October and also a report after conducting National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 may sent to this
Authority for being placed before the Honble Executive Chairperson of this Authority and also for
being submitted to National Legal Services Authority as requested.

Encl.: NALSA letter dt.22.8.13 Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice
R. Banumathi
Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No.3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :3.9.2013
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.


Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai Instructions Issued - Informed Reg.

Ref: 1. Letter from the Member Secretary, National Legal Services
Authority, New Delhi in F.No.L/15/2013-NALSA/2662
dated 22.8.2013.
2. Letter addressed by the Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority to all the District Legal Services Authorities and
Taluk Legal Services Committees, High Court Legal Services
Committee, Chennai and Madurai.

I am to submit and state that the Member Secretary, National Legal Services Authority, New
Delhi in her letter in the reference 1
cited has stated that the Honble Executive Chairman of
National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi has approved to hold a National Lok Adalat on the
changed date on 23.11.2013 and further stated that the National Lok Adalat is to be conducted on
23.11.2013 at all levels, right from the Supreme Court to the Taluka Courts by disposing of a large
number of cases on that day (copy enclosed).


On the basis of the letter received from the National Legal Services Authority, a note was
placed before the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority
on the above subject to hold National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 as suggested by National Legal
Services Authority and Her Lordship/Honble Executive Chairperson of this Authority was pleased
to direct me to address all the Chairmen of District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal
Services Committees including Secretary, High Court Legal Services Committee at Chennai and
Officer in-Charge, High Court Legal Services Committee at Madurai to hold a National Lok Adalat
on 23.11.2013 as suggested by the National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi for disposal of
large number of cases. Accordingly a letter was communicated all the Chairmen of District Legal
Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services Committees including Secretary, High Court
Legal Services Committee at Chennai and Officer in-Charge, High Court Legal Services
Committee at Madurai to hold a National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 as suggested by the
National Legal Services Authority, by all the District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk
Legal Services Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai and
Madurai without fail as per the reference (2) cited and a xerox copy of the same is enclosed for
your ready reference.

Encl: 1. NALSA Letter dated 22.8.2013 Yours faithfully,
2. Letter of this Authority dated 3 .9.2013.


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :10.9.2013
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal
Services Authorities - Nomination Requested Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even number dated 3.9.2013.
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 1
cited, I am to submit and state that
a note was placed before the Her Lordship/the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority as to conduct of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 on various
aspects as per the Directions of the National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, Her Lordship/the
Honble Executive Chairperson has proposed some directions. The Honble the Acting Chief
Justice/Patron-in- Chief has approved the same.
The Honble Executive Chairperson has directed to convene a meeting with all the Chairmen
of the District Legal Services Authorities (Principal District Judge/District Judge as the case may be)
across the state (29 Districts) (except in Dharmapuri, Ariyalur and Tiruppur Districts) and all
Secretaries of the District Legal Services Authorities(Principal Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time
Secretaries as the case may be) (25 Districts) (except Dharmapuri, Ariyalur, Tiruppur, Kanyakumari,
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, & Sivaganga) on 28.9.2013 to give directions to them for disposal
of more cases in National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013.
Hence I request to nominate the above Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities to attend the meeting which is to be held on 28.9.2013 at Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority Building at 9.00 A.M.
Yours faithfully,

Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :10.9.2013
The Chairman/Principal District Judge/District Judge,
(All) District Legal Services Authrotiy.

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai preliminary meeting with Senior Officials of Government and with
Senior Officers of the Insurance Companies List of pending cases
Requested Accommodation - Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even number dated 3.9.2013.
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference cited, I am to state that the Honble
Executive Chairperson of this Authority has directed to convene a meeting with the senior
functionaries of the Government on 17.9.2013 and a meeting with the officers of the Insurance
Companies on 19.9.2013 at the Honble High Court, Madras.
The Honble Executive Chairperson has also directed me to ascertain and to place before
H0.0er Lordship the number of cases pending before various courts of category wise before the
meeting to be held on 17.9.2013 and 19.9.2013.
As directed above I am to request that the details of pending cases in various courts including
lower courts under your control may be obtained and forwarded to this Authority so as to enable to
place before the meeting to be held on 17.9.2013 with Senior Officials of the Government and on
19.9.2013 with Senior Officers of Insurance Companies which is to be Chaired by the Honble the
Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and Her Lordship the Honble Executive Chairperson of this
Authority for disposal of a large of number of cases on National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.13.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 12.9.2013
The Chairman,
(All) District Legal Services Authority.


Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai further Instructions Issued Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authority Letter even number dated 3.9.2013.
2. Letter from the Member Secretary, National Legal Services
Authority, New Delhi in F. No. L/15/2013/NALSA/
dated 30.8.2013.
In continuation to this Authorities letter in the reference 1
cited, I am to enclose herewith a
Xerox copy of the letter received in the reference 2
cited for your kind information and necessary
action with regard to holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013.
I am to point out that the Honble Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority is
of the view that MACT Lok Adalat benches at all levels must be constituted of sitting Judges.
Orthopaedics and other doctors would be effective members of the MACT Lok Adalat benches and
as directed, I am to request that when the Lok Adalat bench is constituted on 23.11.2013 the above
view may kindly be taken that separate benches are constituted for the disposal of MACT cases as
Yours faithfully,

Encl: Letter dated 30.8.2013.
Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 12.9.2013
The Chairman,
(All) Taluk Legal Services Committee.


Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai further Instructions Issued Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authority Letter even number dated 3.9.2013.
2. Letter from the Member Secretary, National Legal Services
Authority, New Delhi in F. No. L/15/2013/NALSA/
dated 30.8.2013 further letter communication for information
and necessary action.
In continuation to this Authorities letter in the reference 1
cited, I am to enclose herewith a
Xerox copy of the letter received in the reference 2
cited for your kind information and necessary
action with regard to holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013.

Yours faithfully,


Encl: Letter dated 30.8.2013.

Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authorit y

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :12.9.2013

The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal
Services Authorities - Nomination Requested Accommodation - Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even number dated 3.9.2013.

In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 1
cited, I am to submit and state that
a note was placed before the Her Lordship/the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority as to conduct of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 on various
aspects as per the Directions of the National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, Her Lordship/the
Honble Executive Chairperson has proposed some directions. The Honble the Acting Chief
Justice/Patron-in- Chief has approved the same.
The Honble Executive Chairperson has directed to convene a meeting with all the Chairmen
of the District Legal Services Authorities (Principal District Judge/District Judge as the case may be)
across the state (29 Districts) (except in Dharmapuri, Ariyalur and Tiruppur Districts) and all
Secretaries of the District Legal Services Authorities(Principal Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time
Secretaries as the case may be) (25 Districts) (except Dharmapuri, Ariyalur, Tiruppur, Kanyakumari,
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, & Sivaganga) on 28.9.2013 to give directions to them for disposal
of more cases in National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013.

.. 2
A separate letter was addressed by this Authority to the Honble High Court Madras
requesting to nominate the above Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities to
attend the meeting which is to be held on 28.9.2013 at Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State
Legal Services Authority Building at 9.00 A.M.
I am to request that the Director, Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy, 30/95, .S.K.R. Salai,
R.A. Puram, Chennai 600 028 may be addressed to provide accommodation to the Chairmen and
Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities (Principal District Judge/District Judge/Principal
Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time Secretaries as the case may be) who proceed to Chennai to attend
the meeting on 28.9.2013 and who required accommodation from 27.9.2013 evening to 29.9.2013

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 12.9.2013
The Director,
Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy,
30/95, P.S.K.R. Salai,
R.A. Puram,
Chennai 600 028

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal
Services Authorities - Accommodation Requested Reg.
Ref: Letter received from National Legal Services Authority dated
I am to state that the Member Secretary, National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi in her
letter in the reference cited has stated that the Honble Executive Chairman of National Legal
Services Authority, New Delhi has approved to hold a National Lok Adalat on the changed date on
23.11.2013 and further stated that the National Lok Adalat is to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at all
levels, right from the Supreme Court to the Taluka Courts by disposing of a large number of cases on
that day (copy enclosed).
On the basis of the letter received from the National Legal Services Authority, a note was placed
before the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority on the
above subject to hold National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 as suggested by National Legal Services
Authority and Her Lordship/Honble Executive Chairperson of this Authority was pleased to direct
to convene a meeting with all the Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities at
the Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Building on 28.9.2013.
Accordingly the meeting is scheduled to be held on 28.9.2013 at 9.00 a.m.

As directed, I am to request that the accommodation may kindly be provided to the Chairmen
and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities (Principal District Judge/District
Judge/Principal Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time Secretaries as the case may be) who proceed to
Chennai to attend the meeting on 28.9.2013 and who required accommodation from 27.9.2013
evening to 29.9.2013 morning.
Encl: Yours faithfully,
NALSA letter dated 22.8.2013

Copy to:
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
(with a request to issue suitable instruction).

Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :12.9.2013

The Chairman,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.

The Secretary,
(All) District Legal Services Authority.
(except Kanyakumari, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, & Sivaganga)

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees including High Court Legal Services Committees at Chennai &
Madurai preliminary meeting on 28.9.2013 at Satta Udhavi Maiyam
participation Requested - Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even number dated 3.9.2013.

I am to state that the Honble Executive Chairperson of this Authority has proposed to
convene a preliminary meeting with all the Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities across the state on 28.9.2013 to take steps for the effective implementation of holding of
National Lok Adalat and to give instructions for the disposal of more cases which are pending in
courts and as well as pre-litigation in the National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013.
Accordingly as directed, a preliminary meeting which will be held on 28.9.2013 with all
Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities at Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority Building at 9.00 A.M to have discussion for disposal of more
number of cases.
I earnestly request you kindly to attend the meeting for effective implementation of holding
of National Lok Adalat and to make it a great success.


I am further to state that a separate letter is being addressed by this Authority to the Honble
High Court, Madras requesting to nominate you to attend the meeting and also requesting to address
the Director, Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy, 30/95, P.S.K.R. Salai, R.A. Puram, Chennai 600
028 to provide accommodation to the Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities (Principal District Judge/District Judge/Principal Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time
Secretaries as the case may be) who proceed to Chennai to attend the meeting on 28.9.2013 and who
required accommodation from 27.9.2013 evening to 29.9.2013 morning.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :13.9.2013
The Chief Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu,
Chennai 9.

Respected Madam,

The National Legal Services Authority has directed to have a National Mega Lok
Adalat on 23.11.2013. As such in the State of Tamil Nadu we have to conduct a National Mega
Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 in all the Courts namely High Court of Madras, District Courts,
Subordinate Courts, Munsif Courts, Magistrate Courts and other Tribunals.
The purpose of the meeting is to reduce pendency of a large number of cases which
require immediate and more attention by the mechanism of Lok Adalats. That, the Honble Mr.
Justice G.S. Singhvi, Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority while approving the
holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 suggested that the Honble Executive Chairmen of
State Legal Services Authorities and if necessary the Honble the Chief Justice may convene a
meeting of senior functionaries of the State Government. So that, the policy decisions conducive
to the settlement and disposal of less contentious matters are taken at the highest level, particularly
in keeping the ideas of the National Litigation Policy. In the communication dated 22.8.2013 by
the National Legal Services Authority a few guidelines along with a list of the nature of pending
cases that could be listed in the National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 also referred.
The following types of cases that are presently pending in the Courts at various levels
could be taken up for disposal at the National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013.
1. Criminal Compoundable Cases
2. NI Act cases u/s.138
3. MACT Cases: Accident Information Report (AIR) case should also be
taken up in MACT as also State Transport cases.
4. Matrimonial/family courts cases
5. Labour disputes including cases where re-employment with no back
wages (as per policy) could be disposed of and including cases relating to
Liquidation where claims of industrial workers for wages and other
benefits are pending
6. Land Acquisition cases including relating to Industrial Boards, land
acquisition for ONGC, Railways, and other centrally sponsored schemes
and also land acquisition executions.
7. Civil cases-- rent, bank recovery, easmentary rights, Debt recovery
Tribunal Cases
8. Revenue cases
10. Electricity & water bills (excluding theft cases)
11. Cases relating to Sales Tax, Income Tax, Indirect Tax (CESTAT) other Revenue
matters in Mumbai/Delhi other commercial centres.
12. Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits
13. Forest Act cases.
14. Cantonment Board matters
15. Railway Claims
16. Disaster compensation
17. Misc Appeals, Criminal Appeals, Civil appeals, 2
Appeals, Original suits, Writs,
MACT Appeals before the Honble High Court.
18. Covered Matters.
The National Legal Services Authority while suggesting various steps to be taken by
all concern, inter alia, also directed to convene a High Level Meeting of the Senior Government
functionaries for a discussion to have policy decision for settlement of matters in terms of
National Litigation Policy as mandated by the National Legal Services Authority.
Hence it necessitated to convene a High Level meeting of the Government
functionaries headed by the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and Honble Mrs.
Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority. The
Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Executive Chairperson of Union Territory of
Pondicherry Legal Services Authority, the Honble Mr. Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chairman
of High Court Legal Services Committee with the Honble Judges/Committee members of Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat, etc., and Honble Committee members of High
Court Legal Services .3.

Committee, Lok Adalat, etc., will also be participating in this meeting. The Honble the Acting
Chief Justice has also approved the proposal for convening a meeting on 17.9.2013 as proposed
by the Honble Executive Chairperson and Committee Judges of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Lok Adalat, etc.,
Hence the High Level of the Committee have to be conducted with the participation
of Senior functionaries like Advocate General, High Court, Madras, Chief Secretary, Principal
Home Secretary, Principal Finance Secretary and other concerned Secretaries of the Government
of Tamil Nadu for all the 18 subjects referred above.
Hence you are hereby requested to participate in the High Level Committee meeting
on 17.9.2013 at 3.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of High Court of Madras.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :13.9.2013
The Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department,
Secretariat, Chennai 9.

Respected Sir,

The National Legal Services Authority has directed to have a National Mega Lok
Adalat on 23.11.2013. As such in the State of Tamil Nadu we have to conduct a National Mega
Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 in all the Courts namely High Court of Madras, District Courts,
Subordinate Courts, Munsif Courts, Magistrate Courts and other Tribunals.
The purpose of the meeting is to reduce pendency of a large number of cases which
require immediate and more attention by the mechanism of Lok Adalats. That, the Honble Mr.
Justice G.S. Singhvi, Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority while approving the
holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 suggested that the Honble Executive Chairmen of
State Legal Services Authorities and if necessary the Honble the Chief Justice may convene a
meeting of senior functionaries of the State Government. So that, the policy decisions conducive
to the settlement and disposal of less contentious matters are taken at the highest level, particularly
in keeping the ideas of the National Litigation Policy. In the communication dated 22.8.2013 by
the National Legal Services Authority a few guidelines along with a list of the nature of pending
cases that could be listed in the National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 also referred.
The following types of cases that are presently pending in the Courts at various levels
could be taken up for disposal at the National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013.
1. Criminal Compoundable Cases
2. NI Act cases u/s.138
3. MACT Cases: Accident Information Report (AIR) case should also be
taken up in MACT as also State Transport cases.
4. Matrimonial/family courts cases

5. Labour disputes including cases where re-employment with no back
wages (as per policy) could be disposed of and including cases relating to
Liquidation where claims of industrial workers for wages and other
benefits are pending
6. Land Acquisition cases including relating to Industrial Boards, land
acquisition for ONGC, Railways, and other centrally sponsored schemes
and also land acquisition executions.
7. Civil cases-- rent, bank recovery, easmentary rights, Debt recovery
Tribunal Cases
8. Revenue cases
10. Electricity & water bills (excluding theft cases)
11. Cases relating to Sales Tax, Income Tax, Indirect Tax (CESTAT) other Revenue
matters in Mumbai/Delhi other commercial centres.
12. Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits
13. Forest Act cases.
14. Cantonment Board matters
15. Railway Claims
16. Disaster compensation
17. Misc Appeals, Criminal Appeals, Civil appeals, 2
Appeals, Original suits, Writs,
MACT Appeals before the Honble High Court.
18. Covered Matters.
The National Legal Services Authority while suggesting various steps to be taken by
all concern, inter alia, also directed to convene a High Level Meeting of the Senior Government
functionaries for a discussion to have policy decision for settlement of matters in terms of
National Litigation Policy as mandated by the National Legal Services Authority.
Hence it necessitated to convene a High Level meeting of the Government
functionaries headed by the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and Honble Mrs.
Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority. The
Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Executive Chairperson of Union Territory of
Pondicherry Legal Services Authority, the Honble Mr. Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chairman
of High Court Legal Services Committee with the Honble Judges/Committee members of Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat, etc., and Honble Committee members of High
Court Legal Services .3.

Committee, Lok Adalat, etc., will also be participating in this meeting. The Honble the Acting
Chief Justice has also approved the proposal for convening a meeting on 17.9.2013 as proposed
by the Honble Executive Chairperson and Committee Judges of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Lok Adalat, etc.,
Hence the High Level of the Committee have to be conducted with the participation
of Senior functionaries like Advocate General, High Court, Madras, Chief Secretary, Principal
Home Secretary, Principal Finance Secretary and other concerned Secretaries of the Government
of Tamil Nadu for all the 18 subjects referred above.
Hence you are hereby requested to participate in the High Level Committee meeting
on 17.9.2013 at 3.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of High Court of Madras.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :13.9.2013
The Principal Secretary to Government,
Home, Prohibition and Excise Department,
Secretariat, Chennai 9.

Respected Sir,

The National Legal Services Authority has directed to have a National Mega Lok
Adalat on 23.11.2013. As such in the State of Tamil Nadu we have to conduct a National Mega
Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 in all the Courts namely High Court of Madras, District Courts,
Subordinate Courts, Munsif Courts, Magistrate Courts and other Tribunals.
The purpose of the meeting is to reduce pendency of a large number of cases which
require immediate and more attention by the mechanism of Lok Adalats. That, the Honble Mr.
Justice G.S. Singhvi, Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority while approving the
holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 suggested that the Honble Executive Chairmen of
State Legal Services Authorities and if necessary the Honble the Chief Justice may convene a
meeting of senior functionaries of the State Government. So that, the policy decisions conducive
to the settlement and disposal of less contentious matters are taken at the highest level, particularly
in keeping the ideas of the National Litigation Policy. In the communication dated 22.8.2013 by
the National Legal Services Authority a few guidelines along with a list of the nature of pending
cases that could be listed in the National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 also referred.
The following types of cases that are presently pending in the Courts at various levels
could be taken up for disposal at the National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013.
1. Criminal Compoundable Cases
2. NI Act cases u/s.138
3. MACT Cases: Accident Information Report (AIR) case should also be
taken up in MACT as also State Transport cases.
4. Matrimonial/family courts cases

5. Labour disputes including cases where re-employment with no back
wages (as per policy) could be disposed of and including cases relating to
Liquidation where claims of industrial workers for wages and other
benefits are pending
6. Land Acquisition cases including relating to Industrial Boards, land
acquisition for ONGC, Railways, and other centrally sponsored schemes
and also land acquisition executions.
7. Civil cases-- rent, bank recovery, easmentary rights, Debt recovery
Tribunal Cases
8. Revenue cases
10. Electricity & water bills (excluding theft cases)
11. Cases relating to Sales Tax, Income Tax, Indirect Tax (CESTAT) other Revenue
matters in Mumbai/Delhi other commercial centres.
12. Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits
13. Forest Act cases.
14. Cantonment Board matters
15. Railway Claims
16. Disaster compensation
17. Misc Appeals, Criminal Appeals, Civil appeals, 2
Appeals, Original suits, Writs,
MACT Appeals before the Honble High Court.
18. Covered Matters.
The National Legal Services Authority while suggesting various steps to be taken by
all concern, inter alia, also directed to convene a High Level Meeting of the Senior Government
functionaries for a discussion to have policy decision for settlement of matters in terms of
National Litigation Policy as mandated by the National Legal Services Authority.
Hence it necessitated to convene a High Level meeting of the Government
functionaries headed by the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and Honble Mrs.
Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority. The
Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Executive Chairperson of Union Territory of
Pondicherry Legal Services Authority, the Honble Mr. Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chairman
of High Court Legal Services Committee with the Honble Judges/Committee members of Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat, etc., and Honble Committee members of High
Court Legal Services .3.

Committee, Lok Adalat, etc., will also be participating in this meeting. The Honble the Acting
Chief Justice has also approved the proposal for convening a meeting on 17.9.2013 as proposed
by the Honble Executive Chairperson and Committee Judges of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Lok Adalat, etc.,
Hence the High Level of the Committee have to be conducted with the participation
of Senior functionaries like Advocate General, High Court, Madras, Chief Secretary, Principal
Home Secretary, Principal Finance Secretary and other concerned Secretaries of the Government
of Tamil Nadu for all the 18 subjects referred above.
Hence you are hereby requested to participate in the High Level Committee meeting
on 17.9.2013 at 3.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of High Court of Madras.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :13.9.2013
The Secretary to Government,
Law Department,
Secretariat, Chennai 9.


The National Legal Services Authority has directed to have a National Mega Lok
Adalat on 23.11.2013. As such in the State of Tamil Nadu we have to conduct a National Mega
Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 in all the Courts namely High Court of Madras, District Courts,
Subordinate Courts, Munsif Courts, Magistrate Courts and other Tribunals.
The purpose of the meeting is to reduce pendency of a large number of cases which
require immediate and more attention by the mechanism of Lok Adalats. That, the Honble Mr.
Justice G.S. Singhvi, Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority while approving the
holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 suggested that the Honble Executive Chairmen of
State Legal Services Authorities and if necessary the Honble the Chief Justice may convene a
meeting of senior functionaries of the State Government. So that, the policy decisions conducive
to the settlement and disposal of less contentious matters are taken at the highest level, particularly
in keeping the ideas of the National Litigation Policy. In the communication dated 22.8.2013 by
the National Legal Services Authority a few guidelines along with a list of the nature of pending
cases that could be listed in the National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 also referred.
The following types of cases that are presently pending in the Courts at various levels
could be taken up for disposal at the National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013.
1. Criminal Compoundable Cases
2. NI Act cases u/s.138
3. MACT Cases: Accident Information Report (AIR) case should also be
taken up in MACT as also State Transport cases.
4. Matrimonial/family courts cases

5. Labour disputes including cases where re-employment with no back
wages (as per policy) could be disposed of and including cases relating to
Liquidation where claims of industrial workers for wages and other
benefits are pending
6. Land Acquisition cases including relating to Industrial Boards, land
acquisition for ONGC, Railways, and other centrally sponsored schemes
and also land acquisition executions.
7. Civil cases-- rent, bank recovery, easmentary rights, Debt recovery
Tribunal Cases
8. Revenue cases
10. Electricity & water bills (excluding theft cases)
11. Cases relating to Sales Tax, Income Tax, Indirect Tax (CESTAT) other Revenue
matters in Mumbai/Delhi other commercial centres.
12. Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits
13. Forest Act cases.
14. Cantonment Board matters
15. Railway Claims
16. Disaster compensation
17. Misc Appeals, Criminal Appeals, Civil appeals, 2
Appeals, Original suits, Writs,
MACT Appeals before the Honble High Court.
18. Covered Matters.
The National Legal Services Authority while suggesting various steps to be taken by
all concern, inter alia, also directed to convene a High Level Meeting of the Senior Government
functionaries for a discussion to have policy decision for settlement of matters in terms of
National Litigation Policy as mandated by the National Legal Services Authority.
Hence it necessitated to convene a High Level meeting of the Government
functionaries headed by the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and Honble Mrs.
Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority. The
Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Executive Chairperson of Union Territory of
Pondicherry Legal Services Authority, the Honble Mr. Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chairman
of High Court Legal Services Committee with the Honble Judges/Committee members of Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat, etc., and Honble Committee members of High
Court Legal Services .3.

Committee, Lok Adalat, etc., will also be participating in this meeting. The Honble the Acting
Chief Justice has also approved the proposal for convening a meeting on 17.9.2013 as proposed
by the Honble Executive Chairperson and Committee Judges of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Lok Adalat, etc.,
Hence the High Level of the Committee have to be conducted with the participation
of Senior functionaries like Advocate General, High Court, Madras, Chief Secretary, Principal
Home Secretary, Principal Finance Secretary and other concerned Secretaries of the Government
of Tamil Nadu for all the 18 subjects referred above.
Hence you are hereby requested to participate in the High Level Committee meeting
on 17.9.2013 at 3.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of High Court of Madras.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 16.9.2013


The Regional Manager,
M/s. United India Insurance Company Ltd.,
48-49, Greams Road,
Chennai 600 009.


The National Legal Services Authority has directed to have a National Mega Lok
Adalat on 23.11.2013. As such in the State of Tamil Nadu we have to conduct a National Mega
Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 in all the Courts namely High Court of Madras, District Courts,
Subordinate Courts, Munsif Courts, Magistrate Courts and other Tribunals.
The purpose of the meeting is to reduce pendency of a large number of cases which
require immediate and more attention by the mechanism of Lok Adalats. That, the Honble Mr.
Justice G.S. Singhvi, Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority while approving the
holding of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 suggested that the Honble Executive Chairmen of
State Legal Services Authorities and if necessary the Honble the Chief Justice may convene a
meeting of senior functionaries of the State Government. So that, the policy decisions conducive
to the settlement and disposal of less contentious matters are taken at the highest level,
particularly in keeping the ideas of the National Litigation Policy. In the communication dated
22.8.2013 by the National Legal Services Authority a few guidelines along with a list of the
nature of pending cases that could be listed in the National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 also
The following types of cases that are presently pending in the Courts at various levels
could be taken up for disposal at the National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013.

1. Criminal Compoundable Cases
2. NI Act cases u/s.138
3. MACT Cases: Accident Information Report (AIR) case should also be
taken up in MACT as also State Transport cases.
4. Matrimonial/family courts cases
5. Labour disputes including cases where re-employment with no back
wages (as per policy) could be disposed of and including cases relating to
Liquidation where claims of industrial workers for wages and other
benefits are pending
6. Land Acquisition cases including relating to Industrial Boards, land
acquisition for ONGC, Railways, and other centrally sponsored schemes
and also land acquisition executions.
7. Civil cases-- rent, bank recovery, easmentary rights, Debt recovery
Tribunal Cases
8. Revenue cases
10. Electricity & water bills (excluding theft cases)
11. Cases relating to Sales Tax, Income Tax, Indirect Tax (CESTAT) other Revenue
matters in Mumbai/Delhi other commercial centres.
12. Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits
13. Forest Act cases.
14. Cantonment Board matters
15. Railway Claims
16. Disaster compensation
17. Misc Appeals, Criminal Appeals, Civil appeals, 2
Appeals, Original suits, Writs,
MACT Appeals before the Honble High Court.
18. Covered Matters.
The National Legal Services Authority while suggesting various steps to be taken by
all concern, inter alia, also directed to convene a High Level Meeting with Officers of various
Insurance Companies for a discussion to have policy decision for settlement of matters in terms of
National Litigation Policy as mandated by the National Legal Services Authority.
Hence it necessitated to convene a High Level meeting of the Officers of various
Insurance Companies headed by the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and
Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority. The Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Executive Chairperson of Union
Territory of Pondicherry Legal Services Authority, the Honble Mr. Justice N. Paul
Vasanthakumar, Chairman of High Court Legal Services Committee with the Honble
Judges/Committee members of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat, etc., and
Honble Committee members of High Court Legal Services Committee, Lok Adalat, etc., will also
be participating in this meeting. The Honble the Acting Chief Justice has also approved the
proposal for convening a meeting on 19.9.2013 as proposed by the Honble Executive
Chairperson and Committee Judges of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat,
Hence the High Level of the Committee have to be conducted with the participation
of Officers of various Insurance Companies for all the 18 subjects referred above.
Hence you are hereby requested to participate in the High Level Committee meeting
on 19.9.2013 at 3.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of High Court of Madras.

Yours faithfully,


Patron in Chief:

DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L. ,P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D.,(Law)
District Judge.
Executive Chairperson:

Ph : 25342834
Fax : 25342268
TNSLSA. No.3917/ PA to EC/13 Date: 19.09.2013.
The Chairman,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.

Sub: Lok Adalat -National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013
at all levels-by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal
Services Committees - meeting to be conducted at District level
on 25.9.2013 or on 26.9.2013-Report Requested - Regarding.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 3.9.2013
2. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013.
The National Legal Services Authority has informed this Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority to try towards grand success of National Mega Lok Adalat. For that
success we will have to convene various meetings at the District level with all the Senior
Functionaries, Insurance Companies/Corporations and other Stake holders.
For the Meeting, various types of Cases mentioned under reference 1
cited (already
communicated on 3.9.2013) that are pending presently in the courts of various levels of the
Districts could be taken up for disposals at the National Mega Lok Adalat by taking all the
subjects for referring to the Mega Lok Adalat.
The Honble High Level Committee inter alia directed to inform the District Legal
Services Authorities for adopting the modalities for conducting the National Mega Lok
Adalat which are referred below:
a) Identifying LAOP and MCOP cases and E.Ps thereon with the statistical data of
pending list and to have a meeting with the Government functionaries.
b) The Honble High Level Committee also directed to inform you to convene the
meeting with the District Collector of the respective Districts by seeking co-
ordination and co-operation of all, both for pre negotiation settlement sittings and
for successful conduct of National Mega Lok Adalat.
In the meeting it was resolved as follows:
The Principal Secretary to Government, Home Department, Government of Tamil
Nadu assured the Committee that the State shall convene a meeting of all the District
Collectors on 25
or 26
of this month, at any rate before the meeting of the District
Judges proposed to be held on the 28
, so that any issues relating to identification of
cases and the difficulties faced by the District Administration can be taken up for
discussion and a possible resolution arrived at in the District Judges Meet.

The Member Secretary, TNSLSA to address letters to the District Judges advising
them to convene a meeting of the District Collectors and other high functionaries
connected with the judiciary in the respective Districts, for holding a preliminary
discussion for the successful and smooth conduct of the National Mega Lok Adalat.

I am also directed to state that the respective District Chairman to convene a meeting
with the District Collector and the functionaries of the Government either on 25.9.2013 or
It is further informed that prior to convening of the meeting, the cases relating to
LAOP and E.P.s thereof and MCOP & E.P.s thereon in which awards were confirmed and
could be taken up for discussion in the Meeting towards settlement.
It is further informed that the matter pertaining to the Forest Act, Electricity Act, and
matter of petty cases (minor offences) could also be taken into account with the other subjects
for more disposals.
I am directed to state to convene the above said High Level District Meeting headed
by the Chairman of the District Legal Services Authorities with the District Collector and
other functionaries involved in the conduct of Mega Lok Adalat for having the participation
and involvement of all concerned.
A detailed report with the statistical data of overall pendency in your District, matter
that could be taken up for Mega Lok Adalat settlement, matter discussed under category wise
during the District Level Meeting with the difficulties experienced about to be faced and
suggestions if any have to be submitted on 28.9.2013, when you all will be participating in
the State Level Meeting of the District Chairmen and Secretaries.
I am directed to ask you to convene the District Level Meeting either on 25.9.2013 or
26.9.2013 with the Collector and functionaries without fail and submit a report for placing the
same before the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and the Honble Executive
Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority for having a detailed
discussion on 28.9.2013.
Yours faithfully,


Patron in Chief:

Member Secretary (FAC)
District Judge,
Executive Chairperson
Phone No: 25342834
Fax No: 25342268

TNSLSA No. 3917/PA to EC/2013 Dated:20.09.2013

The Member Secretary
National Legal Services Authority,
12/11, Jam Nagar House,
Shajahan Road,
New Delhi 110011.

Sub: National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013 at all levels right
from the Supreme Court to Taluka level Interim report submitted.

Ref: 1. Letter from the National Legal Services Authority dated 22.8.2013.
2. Letter from the National Legal Services Authority dated 30.8.2013.
On receipt of the communications from the National Legal Services Authority in the
above references cited above to hold a National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013, this State Legal
Services Authority have taken the following steps for effective implementation of holding of
National Lok Adalat.
1) On receipt of the letter from the National Legal Services Authority in the reference
cited, after obtaining the orders from the Honble Executive Chairperson of this Authority
a letter had been communicated to all the Chairmen of District Legal Services Authorities,
Taluk Legal Services Committees including High Court Legal Services Committee at
Chennai and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court at Madurai to hold a National Lok Adalat
on 23.11.2013 as suggested by the National Legal Services Authority in all the Authorities &
Committees. A Letter was also addressed to Honble High Court, Madras informing about the
letter communicated by this Authority to all the Authorities and Committees in this State to
hold National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels.
2) Further on a note submitted to the Honble Executive Chairperson of this
Authority, Her Lordship/the Honble Executive Chairperson has directed the Member
Secretary to work in co-ordination with the Registrar General of Honble High Court, Madras
and to organize a High Level Committee Meeting and then to convene a Meeting of
Chairmen and Secretaries of all the District Legal Services Authorities on 28.9.2013 for
settlement of more cases at the National Lok Adalat. The Honble the Acting Chief
Justice/Patron-in-Chief has also approved the same.
Accordingly a letter was addressed to the Honble High Court, Madras to nominate all
Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authority to attend the Preliminary
Meeting which is to be held on 28.9.2013 to have discussion for effective implementation of
National Lok Adalat. A separate letter was addressed to all the Chairmen and Secretaries of
District Legal Services Authorities inviting them to attend the Meeting on 28.9.2013.

The Honble High Court, Madras and the Chairmen of the District Legal Services
Authorities were requested to provide list of pendency cases in the Districts as well as in the
Principal seat of Madras High Court and Madurai Bench of Madras High Court at Madurai
for being placed before the preliminary Meeting to have discussion and to take all feasible
and possible steps to dispose more number of cases in the National Lok Adalat.

3) In the Meeting of the Committee constituted for the Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority Lok Adalat etc., held on 10.9.2013 the following resolutions were passed
as follows:
(i) It was resolved to invite Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman and Honble
Mr. Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar for the meetings to be held on 17.9.2013, 19.9.2013 and
28.9.2013 and all the future meetings in connection with the conduct of National Lok Adalat
on 23.11.2013.
(ii) For successful conducting of National Mega Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 and in
order to settle more number of L.A.O.P. cases pending both in the Subordinate Courts as well
as appeals pending in High Court and E.Ps pending in various Courts, it was resolved to have
a meeting of High Level Committee Headed by Honble the Acting Chief Justice and the
Executive Chairman on 17.9.2013 with the Advocate General, High Court, Madras, Chief
Secretary Principal Home Secretary, Principal Finance Secretaries and other concerned
Secretaries of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(iii) It was also resolved to have a meeting on 19.9.2013 with the General Managers
of all the Public and Private Insurance Companies and the Secretary, Transport Corporation
for successful conduct of Mega Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013.
As per the above resolutions a letter was addressed to the Honble High Court,
Madras to communicate the senior functionaries of the Government and the Senior officials
of the Insurance Companies both public and private limited/Corporations to attend the High
Level Committee Meeting on 17.9.2013 and 19.9.2013 respectively at the High Court,
The Honble High Court had addressed letters to the functionaries of the Government
and Officers of the Insurance Companies/Corporations to attend the meeting on 17.9.2013
and 19.9.2013 respectively. Similar letters were also addressed by this Authority to the above
to attend the meeting on 17.9.2013 and 19.9.2013 respectively.
4) On receipt of the communication from the National Legal Services Authority dated
30.8.2013 and after obtaining the orders from the Honble Executive Chairperson of this
Authority a letter was addressed to all the Chairmen of the District Legal Services Authorities
to constitute MACT Lok Adalat benches with sitting Judges as suggested by the National
Legal Services Authority by enclosing a letter dated 30.8.2013. The letter dated 30.8.2013
was enclosed and addressed to all the Chairmen of the Taluk Legal Services Committees for
information and necessary action at their end.
5) The High Level Committee meeting headed by the Honble the Acting Chief
Justice/Patron-in-Chief and the Executive Chairperson of this Authority and the Honble
Lordships/Committee Members of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority & Lok
Adalat etc., and Honble Lordships/Committee Members of the High Court Legal Services
Committee & Lok Adalat etc. were held on 17.9.2013 & 19.9.2013 respectively. In the above
meetings various discussions were held and suggestions were offered for effective
implementation of National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013.

6) A resolution was passed in the High Level Committee Meeting held on 17.9.2013
as follows:
The Principal Secretary to Government, Home Department, Government of Tamil
Nadu assured the Committee that the State shall convene a meeting of all the District
Collectors on 25
or 26
of this month, at any rate before the meeting of the District Judges
proposed to be held on the 28
, so that any issues relating to identification of cases and the
difficulties faced by the District Administration can be taken up for discussion and a possible
resolution arrived at in the District Judges Meet.
The Member Secretary, TNSLSA to address letters to the District Judges advising
them to convene a meeting of the District Collectors and other high functionaries connected
with the judiciary in the respective Districts, for holding a preliminary discussion for the
successful and smooth conduct of the National Mega Lok Adalat.
As per the above resolution a letter was addressed by this Authority to all the
Chairman of the District Legal Services authorities to hold meeting with the respective
District Collector on 25.9.13 or on 26.9.2013 as per the directions of the High Level
Committee Meeting for effective implementation of holding of National Lok Adalat.
7) In the High Level Committee Meeting held on 19.9.2013 it was directed that the
Member Secretary to address all the Chairmen of the District Legal Services Authorities to
hold meeting with the senior officials of the Insurance Companies on 3.10.2013 or on
A letter also has been addressed to all the Chairmen of the District Legal Services
Authorities for convening such District Level Committee meeting.
This Interim report is submitted to the National Legal Services Authority as required
and for placing before the Honble Executive Chairman of the National Legal Services
Yours faithfully,

Member Secretary.
Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 20.9.2013
The Chairman,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.

Sub: Lok Adalat -National Lok Adalat to be conducted on 23.11.2013
at all levels-by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal
Services Committees - meeting to be conducted at District level
on 3.10.2013 or on 4.10.2013 with the Officers of the Insurance
Companies/State Transport Corporations - Report Requested
- Regarding.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 3.9.2013
2. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013.
3. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 19.9.2013.
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 3
cited, I am to state that a
High Level Committee Meeting was held on 19.9.2013 headed by the Honble the Acting Chief
Justice/Patron-in-Chief and Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority. The Honble Mrs. Justice Chitra Venkataraman, Executive
Chairperson of Union Territory of Pondicherry Legal Services Authority, the Honble Mr. Justice
N. Paul Vasanthakumar, Chairman of High Court Legal Services Committee and the Honble
Judges/Committee Members of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat, etc., and
High Court Legal Services Committee, Lok Adalat, etc., will also be participating in the meeting.
The Honble High Level Committee inter alia directed to inform the District Legal
Services Authorities for adopting the modalities for conducting the National Mega Lok Adalat
which are referred below:
c) Identifying MCOP cases and E.Ps thereon with the statistical data of pending list and to
have a meeting with the Officers of the Insurance Companies/State Transport
d) The Honble High Level Committee also directed to inform you to convene the meeting
with the Officers of the Insurance Companies/State Transport Corporations of the
respective Districts by seeking co-ordination and co-operation of all, both for pre
negotiation settlement sittings and for successful conduct of National Mega Lok Adalat.

In the Meeting it was resolved as follows:

Her Lordship advised the Insurance Companies to instruct their Divisional Managers or
whoever working at the district level to contact the District Judges and also the Member
Secretaries there to convene a meeting with the District Judges so that they can identify the
cases and also try to arrive at effecting at a settlement in such cases even before the date of
the National Mega Lok Adalat so that they come prepared with settlement of more number
of cases at the Adalat. Her Lordship suggested this meeting to be held on either the 3
or 4

of October, 2013.

The Member Secretary, TNSLSA is to address letters to the District Judges advising them to
convene a Meeting of the Officers of the Insurance Companies both Public and Private/State
Transport Corporations connected with the judiciary in the respective Districts, for holding a
preliminary discussion for the successful and smooth conduct of the National Mega Lok

The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi, by pointing out the fact that when more number of
cases have been settled in Coimbatore and Vellore, even to the tune of five to six Crores,
raised a question as to why such instances are not replicated in other districts.

I am also directed to state that the respective District Chairmen of all District Legal Services
Authorities to convene a meeting with the Officers of the Insurance Companies both public and
private/State Transport Corporations either on 3.10.2013 or on 4.10.2013 without fail.
It is further informed that prior to convening of the meeting, the cases relating to MCOP &
E.P.s thereon in which awards were confirmed could be taken up for discussion in the Meeting
towards settlement.
I am directed to state to convene the above said District Level Meeting headed by the
Chairmen of the District Legal Services Authorities with Officers of the Insurance Companies
both Public & Private/State Transport Corporations involved in conduct of Mega Lok Adalat for
having participation with involvement of all concerned.
A detailed report with the statistical data of overall pendency in your District, matter that
could be taken up for Mega Lok Adalat settlement, matter discussed under category wise during
the District Level Meeting with the difficulties experienced about to be faced and suggestions if
any have to be submitted, after holding of such Meetings.
I am directed to ask you to convene the District Level Meeting either on 3.10.2013 or on
4.10.2013 with the Officers of the Insurance Companies both private and public/State Transport
Corporations without fail and submit a report for placing the same before the Honble the Acting
Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief and the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State
Legal Services Authority for having a detailed discussion and to forward the same to NALSA.
Yours faithfully,


Patron in Chief:

DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L. ,P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D.,(Law)
District Judge.
Executive Chairperson:

Ph : 25342834
Fax : 25342268
TNSLSA. No.3917/ PA to EC/13 Date: 21.09.2013.


The Chairman,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.

The Secretary,
(all) District Legal Services Authority
(except Kanyakumari, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram and Sivagangai)


Sub: Lok Adalat - National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels -
Preliminary meeting with Chairmen and Secretaries of District
Legal Services Authorities on 28.9.2013 Stands Postponed -
Enabling to have Pre Settlement Negotiation Sitting on 28.9.2013
and other District Level Meeting either on 24.9.2013or on
25.9.2013 with District Collector and Officers concerned &
Either 3.10.2013 or on 4.10.2013 with Officers of Insurance
Companies/Transport Corporation Report for review
Requested Review at the Preliminarily Meeting on 6.10.2013

Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 3.9.2013,
2. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 10.9.2013,
3. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013-Address to the
Chairmen & Secretaries of all District Legal Services Authorities
(to constitute of MACT Benches).
4. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013 address to the
Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities to
Participate in the Meeting.
Apropos to the earlier communication under reference 4
cited, requiring you to
participate for a meeting on 28.9.2013 (Saturday) is hereby stands postponed as directed by
the Honble Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority.

As directed by the Honble Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority,
go through the communication dated 22.8.2013 and also during the Video Conference with
the Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services on 21.9.2013, it has been directed to
have a pre settlement negotiation sittings with all concerned by involving all the Presiding
Officers of the Courts under your District.
As such the Postponement made for conducting the meeting of Chairmen and
Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities at Chennai is only for enabling the Officers
of all the District Judiciary, to convene a pre settlement negotiation meeting on 28.9.2013 in
their Districts. It is also informed that the respective District Legal Services Authority will
have to submit a report about their conduct of pre settlement negotiation meeting at the
districts on 28.9.2013, about District Level Committee Meeting with the District Collectors
and others having connection with the National Mega Lok Adalat (except Insurance
Companies/Transport Corporations) to be conducted either on 24.9.2013 or on 25.9.2013 and
also about the convening of a District Level Meeting with the Insurance Companies/
Transport Corporations (for MCOP cases and EPs thereon) schedule to be held either on
3.10.2013 or on 4.10.2013.
Hence the meeting schedule to be held on 28.9.2013 stands postponed. This is for
your favour of information. The directions of National Legal Services Authority to have pre
settlement of negotiation sitting is to be held on 28.9.2013.
The meeting now postponed will be held on 6.10.2013 (Sunday) at Satta Udhavi
Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Chennai during when all the reports of
the meetings, sittings, statistical data of identified cases fit for National Mega Lok Adalat
settlement in detail with the Activities and plan designed by the each District Legal Services
Authority to be submitted for a review to be held on 6.10.2013 before Her Lordship/Honble
Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 21.9.2013
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels
by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees preliminary meeting with Chairmen &
Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities fixed on 28.9.2013
is postponed to 6.10.2013 - Nomination Requested Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even number dated 3.9.2013.
2. This Authoritys letter even number dated 10.9.2013.
3. This Authoritys letter even number dated 12.9.2013.
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 2
cited, I am to submit and state that
the preliminary meeting fixed on 28.9.2013 with the Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal
Services Authorities in connection with National Lok Adalat is postponed to 6.10.2013.
Hence I request to nominate the above Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities to attend the meeting to be changed date on 6.10.2013 at Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil
Nadu State Legal Services Authority Building at 9.00 A.M.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :24.9.2013
The Director,
Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy,
30/95, P.S.K.R. Salai,
R.A. Puram,
Chennai 600 028

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at
all levels by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk
Legal Services Committees preliminary meeting with
Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities
fixed on 28.9.2013 is postponed to 6.10.2013 Accommodation
Requested Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even number dated 12.9.2013.
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference above cited, I am to state that the
meeting fixed on 28.9.2013 with all the Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities at the Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Building is
postponed to 6.10.2013.
As directed, I am to request that the accommodation may kindly be provided to the Chairmen
and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities (Principal District Judge/District
Judge/Principal Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time Secretaries as the case may be) who required
accommodation from 5.10.2013 morning to 6.10.2013 evening, who leaves for Chennai from their
Districts to attend the meeting on the changed date on 6.10.2013.
Yours faithfully,

Copy to:
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
(with a request to issue suitable instruction).

Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : 24.9.2013
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels
by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries
of District Legal Services Authorities fixed on 28.9.2013 is
to 6.10.2013 Accommodation Requested Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even number dated 12.9.2013.

In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference above

cited, I am to submit and state
that the meeting fixed on 28.9.2013 with all the Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities at the Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Building is
postponed to 6.10.2013.
A separate letter was addressed by this Authority to the Honble High Court Madras
requesting to nominate the above Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities to
attend the meeting to the changed date on 6.10.2013 at Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State
Legal Services Authority Building at 9.00 A.M.
I am to request that the Director, Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy, 30/95, .S.K.R. Salai,
R.A. Puram, Chennai 600 028 may be addressed to provide accommodation to the Chairmen and
Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities (Principal District Judge/District Judge/Principal
Sub Judges/Sub Judges/Full Time Secretaries as the case may be) who leaves for Chennai from their
Districts to attend the meeting on 6.10.2013 and who required accommodation from 5.10.2013
morning to 6.10.2013 evening.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :27.9.2013
The Principal Judge,
City Civil Court,
Chennai - 600 104.


Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels Preliminary
meeting on 6.10.2013 with Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal
Authorities participating - Accommodation at Judicial Academy
Transportation to Satta Udhavi Maiyam and back to Judicial Academy -
Requested Reg.
I am to submit and state that as per the directions of the Honble Executive Chairperson and
approval of the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief of this Authority, a preliminary
Meeting with Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities is to be held on
6.10.2013 @ 10.00 Satta Udhavi Maiyam Building, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Chennai to give directions to them for disposal of more number of cases during the
National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013
The Chairmen and Secretaries of all the District Legal Services Authorities are invited to
attend the above meeting and arrangements were made for accommodating them in the Judicial
As directed, I request that the Official Vans may kindly be deputed to the Tamil Nadu State
Judicial Academy, Chennai on 6.10.2013 (as provided during the programme held on 27.7.2013) for
picking up the officers invited for the above meeting from the Judicial Academy, Chennai and for
dropping them to Satta Udhavi Maiyam and back to Judicial Academy after the meeting is over.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :27.9.2013

The Director,
Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy,
95, PSKR Salai
R.A. Puram,
Chennai - 600 028.


Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels - Preliminary
meeting on 6.10.2013 with Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal
Services Authorities participating - Accommodation at Judicial Academy
Transportation to Satta Udhavi Maiyam and back to Judicial Academy -
Requested Reg.
Ref: This Authoritys letter even no. dated 12.9.2013.
I am to submit and state that as per the directions of the Honble Executive Chairperson and
approval of the Honble the Acting Chief Justice/Patron-in-Chief of this Authority, the preliminary
Meeting with Chairmen and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities is to be held on
6.10.2013 @ 10.00 Satta Udhavi Maiyam Building, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Chennai to give directions to them for disposal of more number of cases during the
National Lok Adalat to be held on 23.11.2013
The Chairmen and Secretaries of all the District Legal Services Authorities are invited to
attend the above meeting and arrangements were made for accommodating them in the Judicial
As directed, I request that the Official Vans may kindly be provided on 6.10.2013 (as
provided during the programme held on 27.7.2013) to pick up the officers accommodated in the
Judicial Academy to attend the above meeting for dropping them to Satta Udhavi Maiyam and back
to Judicial Academy, Chennai after the meeting is over.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : .10.2013


The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.


Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels
by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries
of District Legal Services Authorities to the changed date on
6.10.2013- stands postponed - Intimation Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even number dated 3.9.2013.
2. This Authoritys letter even number dated 12.9.2013.
3. This Authoritys letter even number dated 21.9.2013.
4. Office Memorandum communicated in R.O.C.No.1468/2013/RG-B2,
dated 30.9.2013, by the Honble High Court, Madras.
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 3
cited, I am to submit and state
that the proposed preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities in connection with holding of National Lok Adalat in Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority Building, Chennai scheduled to be held on the changed date on
6.10.2013 stands postponed.
The meeting will be held after dasara holidays and the date of meeting and the venue will be
informed later.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : .10.2013
The Director,
Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy,
30/95, P.S.K.R. Salai,
R.A. Puram,
Chennai 600 028

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels
by District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal
Services Committees preliminary meeting with Chairmen
& Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities to the
changed date on 6.10.2013- Accommodation - stands
postponed - Intimation Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even number dated 12.9.2013.
2. This Authoritys letter even number dated 24.9.2013.

In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 2
cited, I am to submit and state
that the proposed preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities in connection with holding of National Lok Adalat in Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority Building, Chennai scheduled to be held on the changed date on
6.10.2013 stands postponed.
The meeting will be held after dasara holidays and the date of meeting and the venue will be
informed later.
Yours faithfully,

Copy to:
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
(with a request to issue suitable instruction).

Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : .10.2013
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.
Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels by
District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of
District Legal Services Authorities to the changed date on 6.10.2013-
Accommodation - stands postponed - Intimation Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even number dated 12.9.2013.
2.This Authoritys letter even number dated 24.9.2013.

In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 2
cited, I am to submit and state
that the proposed preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services
Authorities in connection with holding of National Lok Adalat in Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority Building, Chennai scheduled to be held on the changed date on
6.10.2013 stands postponed.
The meeting will be held after dasara holidays and the date of meeting and the venue will be
informed later.

Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date : .10.2013
The Chairman,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.

Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels by
District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of
District Legal Services Authorities to the changed date on 6.10.2013
- stands postponed - Intimation Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 3.9.2013,
2. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 10.9.2013,
3. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013-Address to the
Chairmen & Secretaries of all District Legal Services Authorities
(to constitute of MACT Benches).
4. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013 address to the
Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities to
Participate in the Meeting.
5. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 21.9.2013
In continuation to this Authoritys letter in the reference 5
cited, I am to state that the
proposed preliminary meeting with Chairmen & Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities in
connection with holding of National Lok Adalat in Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority Building, Chennai scheduled to be held on the changed date on 6.10.2013 stands
The meeting will be held after dasara holidays and the date of meeting and the venue will be
informed later.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No. 3917/PA to EC/2013
Date :10.10.2013
The Chairman/The Secretary,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.
Sub: Lok Adalat National Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels by
District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services
Committees certain particulars Requested Reg.
Ref: 1. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 3.9.2013.
2. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 10.9.2013.
3. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013.
4. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 12.9.2013.
5. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 19.9.2013.
6. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 20.9.2013
7. This Authoritys letter even no. Dated 21.9.2013.
I am to invite your kind attention to this Authoritys letter in the reference 7
cited, wherein it
was informed about the postponement of preliminary meeting of Chairmen and Secretaries of the
District Legal Services Authorities to be held at Chennai. It was postponed for enabling the Officers
of all the District Judiciary, to convene a pre settlement negotiation meeting on 28.9.2013 in their
Districts. It was also informed that the respective District Legal Services Authority will have to
submit a report about their conduct of pre settlement negotiation sittings at the districts on 28.9.2013,
about District Level Committee Meeting with the District Collectors and others having connection
with the National Mega Lok Adalat (except Insurance Companies/Transport Corporations) to be
conducted either on 24.9.2013 or on 25.9.2013 and also about the convening of a District Level
Meeting with the Insurance Companies/ Transport Corporations (for MCOP cases and EPs thereon)
scheduled to be held either on 3.10.2013 or on 4.10.2013.
As the reports of the meetings, sittings, statistical data of identified cases in category wise
with number of cases fit for National Mega Lok Adalat settlement in detail with the Activities and
plan designed by the each District Legal Services Authority to be submitted to the National Legal
Services Authority, a report as on date may be sent to this Authority immediately
The details may be sent by FAX immediately.
Yours faithfully,


Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No.3474 /PA to EC/2013
Date :18.09.2013
The Deputy Director General &
State Informatics Officer,
National Informatics Centre (NIC),
E2, A, Rajaji Bhavan,
Besant Nagar, Chennai 90.

Sub: Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Video Conferencing
By the Honble Executive Chairman, National Legal Services
Authority, New Delhi with Member Secretary of this Authority
for interaction at 10.30 a.m. and for testing between 9.30 a.m.
to 10.15 a.m. on 21.9.2013 Permission requested Regarding.

Ref: E-mail Letter No. L/35/2011/NALSA/3156 dated.17.09.2013.
from the National Legal Services Authority addressed to
Member Secretaries of all the State Legal Services Authorities.

I am to state the National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi in the reference cited has
informed that the Honble Mr. Justice G.S. Singhvi, Judge, Supreme Court of India and Executive
Chairman, National Legal Services Authority desires to have a Video-Conferencing from NALSA
office with the Member Secretaries of all the State Legal Services Authorities at 10.30 a.m. on
21.9.2013 in connection with the issues connected with National Lok Adalat.
Also it was requested that the Member Secretary of this Authority to make it convenient to be
available for the interaction through Video Conferencing at the nearest NIC enabled Video
Conferencing system at 10.30 a.m. on 21.09.2013.

The National Legal Services Authority has furnished the video conferencing I.D. supplied by
the NIC headquarter, Delhi as 67738.
Hence, I request that I may kindly be permitted to participate in the video conferencing and
for testing between 9.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m. on 21.9.2013as requested by the National Legal Services
A Xerox copy of the Communication received in the reference cited is enclosed for your
ready reference.
Yours faithfully,

Letter No. L/35/2011/NALSA/3156 dt.17.9.2013
Copy to:
The Officer In-charge,
National Informatics Centre,
High Court Campus,
Chennai 104.


As per the directions of the Honble the Chief Justice of India/Patron-in-Chief and the
Honble Executive Chairman of National Legal Services Authority, the National Legal Services
Authority has directed all the States to hold a National Mega Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 at all levels
right from the Supreme Court to Taluka Courts.
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi, Executive Chairperson of Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority has directed the Member Secretary to convene a Press Meet on 11.10.2013 to
make publicise about holding of National Lok Adalat in the state of Tamil Nadu and to create
awareness among the public having both pre litigation and post litigation to come forward to arrive at
compromise and settlement through the National Lok Adalat.
As directed above a meeting of Member Secretary with the Press Reporters at the High Court
of Madras will be held on 11.10.2013 at about 1.00 p.m. at Satta Udhavi Maiyam, Tamil Nadu State
Legal Services Authority Building, Chennai.

Patron in Chief :

Member Secretary (FAC)
The Honble The Acting Chief Justice,
DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L., P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D (Law)
High Court, Madras. District Judge,
Executive Chairperson : Ph : 25342834
The Honble Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Fax : 25342268
Judge, High Court, Madras. E-mail :
T.N.S.L.S.A. No.3474 /PA to EC/2013
Date : 11.10.2013.
The Deputy Director General &
State Informatics Officer,
National Informatics Centre (NIC),
E2, A, Rajaji Bhavan,
Besant Nagar, Chennai 90.
Sub: Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Video Conferencing
By the Honble Judges of the High Court of Madras, Committee Members
of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority etc., on 22.10.2013 at
4.00 P.M. - Permission requested Regarding.
Ref: Orders of the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority on the office note dated 11.10.2013.
I am to state as per the Directions of the Honble Mr. Justice G.S. Singhvi, Judge, Supreme
Court of India and Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi, a National
Mega Lok Adalat is to be held at all levels right from Supreme Court to Taluka Court in all the States
in India.
In this regard the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, s Senior Judge of the Honble High Court Madras has directed me to address to you to fix
a Video Conferencing with all the Chairmen (District Judges) and Secretaries (Senior Civil Judges)
of the District Legal Services Authorities in the State of Tamil Nadu with the Honble Judges of the
High Court of Madras/Committee Members of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok
Adalat etc., to give directions to them for disposal of more number of cases on the day of National
Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 in their respective districts and to make it a grand success. I am to inform
as directed, the Honble Judges of the High Court of Madras will be interacting through video
conferencing with the Chairmen and Secretaries on 22.10.2013 at 4.00 P.M in connection with
National Mega Lok Adalat.
Hence, I request that the Honble Judges of High Court of Madras may kindly be provided
with video conferencing facility on 22.10.2013 at 4.00 P.M. as directed by the Honble Executive
Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Copy to:
The Officer In-charge,
National Informatics Centre, High Court Campus, Chennai 104.
Patron in Chief:

DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L. ,P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D.,(Law)
District Judge.
Executive Chairperson:

Ph : 25342834
Fax : 25342268
TNSLSA. No.3917/ PA to EC/13 Date: 21.10.2013.

The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras 600 104.


Sub: Video Conferencing with Chairmen and Secretaries of the
District Legal Services Authorities in the State by
Honble Judges/Committee Members of the Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority Lok Adalat etc. on
22.10.2013 Informed Regarding.
I am to submit and state that the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority has requested the Honble Thiru Justice G.M. Akbar Ali, and
Honble Thiru Justice P. Devadass, Judges of High Court, Madras/Committee Members of
the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Lok Adalat etc., to have an interaction with
the Chairmen and Secretaries of the District Legal Services Authorities across the State to
give valuable suggestion and instruction to them for disposal of more number of cases on the
day of National Mega Lok Adalat.
Accordingly, the Honble Executive Chairperson has directed to fix the date on
22.10.2013 or 23.10.2013, to have the above interaction through Video Conferencing. As
directed, this Authority on 11.10.2013 has addressed a letter to the National Informatics
Centre, Besant Nagar, Chennai 90, to make necessary arrangements for the video
conferencing on 22.102013 at 4.00 P.M.
This is for favour of your kind information.
Yours faithfully,


Patron in Chief:

DR. K. Arul, M.A., M.Com., M.L. ,P.G.D.F.L., Ph.D.,(Law)
District Judge.
Executive Chairperson:

Ph : 25342834
Fax : 25342268
TNSLSA. No.3917/ PA to EC/13 Date:21.10.2013.
The Chairmen,
(all) District Legal Services Authority.
The Secretary,
(all) District Legal Services Authority,
(except Kanyakumari, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, & Sivaganga)
Sub: Video Conferencing with Chairmen and Secretaries of the
District Legal Services Authorities in the State by
Honble Judges/Committee Members of the Tamil Nadu
State Legal Services Authority Lok Adalat etc. on
22.10.2013 Informed Regarding.
I am to state that the Honble Executive Chairperson of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority has directed to make an arrangement for an interaction with the Chairmen and Secretaries of the
District Legal Services Authorities across the State by the the Honble Judges of the Honble High Court of
Madras/Committee Members of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority Lok Adalat etc., to give
valuable suggestion and instruction to them for disposal of more number of cases on the day of National
Mega Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013 and to know the arrangements made so far, to know about the number of
fit cases arrived at by the District Legal Services Authorities in Pre negotiation settlement sittings on
Accordingly as directed, an interaction through the video conferencing has been arranged by this
Authority on 22.10.2013 at 4.00 the National Informatics Centre, Besant Nagar, Chennai 90 and a
letter has already been addressed informing them about the interaction with the Chairmen and Secretaries
of the District Legal Services Authorities with the Honble Judges of the High Court, Madras/Committee
Members of the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority, Lok Adalat etc.
I earnestly request that all the Chairmen and Secretaries of the District Legal Services Authority to be
available for the interaction with the Honble Judges/Committee Members of the Tamil Nadu State Legal
Services Authority Lok Adalat etc. on 22.10.2013 at 4.00 p.m. without fail and for testing at 3.00 p.m. with
the Member Secretary on the same day.
Yours faithfully,


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