Assignment of HRM 502

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Human Resource Management

Submitted to
Dr. Shahid Uddin Ahmed
BRAC Business School
Submitted by
Sandy Francis Peris
ID !""#$%&$
Part,! o0 the -rgani1ation
1.1 Introduction of the Term paper:
1.1.1 Origin of the term paper
*he term 2a2er /as originated in the core course o0 the Human resource management
3HRM,4%567 by the honorable course instructor Dr. Shahid Uddin Ahmed. *he term 2a2er
is based on the to2ic 8Recruitment and Selection9 and an integral 2art o0 the study o0
human resource management. *hus the term 2a2er /as on any o0 the established
com2anies in the country.
1.1.2 Objectives of the Term paper
*he term 2a2er /ill lead me to :no/ about the o.erall recruitment 2rocess o0 the
com2any and they /ill at least gi.e me chance to :no/ ho/ to a22ly and get 2re2ared 0or
the recruitments o0 these com2anies /hen I are going to a22ly in 0uture. As I ha.e
learned the recruitment 2rocess theoretically 0rom the boo: then I came to :no/ about
the real li0e scenario in the com2any.
1.1.3 Scope of the Term Paper
*he term 2a2er /as made on the basis o0 the 2rimary and the secondary data. I had the
sco2es to .isit the com2any and ma:e a sur.ey in the HRM de2artment to :no/ about the
2rocess and much other rele.ant in0ormation about the term 2a2er and thus I ha.e also
gone through the boo:s7 internet7 Ibsites and many other re0erences to ma:e the 2a2er.
1.1.4 ethodo!og" of the Term Paper
*he term 2a2er /as based on t/o sources o0 Data. *hese sources are the 2rime areas
0rom /here I ha.e got the in0ormation about the recruitment 2rocess o0 the organi1ation
and thus to ma:e it more easily I ha.e de0ined our data in t/o 2arts /hich are the
2rimary and the secondary data. *hese are the t/o di00erent sources that I ha.e used to
0ind out the in0ormation and to ma:e the re2ort on the basis o0 these data. So the term
2a2er is based on .arious in0ormation li:e the data;s 0ound in the com2any and the data
and the resources 0ound in the boo:s and internet. So these data sources are
1. Primar" #ata: *he 2rimary data /as accumulated by us 0rom the Boo:s7
Internet7 the <ournal and much other rele.ant stu00 directly related /ith the
literature o0 the term 2a2er. As the te=t boo:s us many theoretical su22ort to
com2lete this term 2a2er.
2. Secondar" #ata: *he secondary data /as ta:en by us through the Industry or the
com2any .isit and by the clients7 em2loyees7 and related 2ersons to the com2any
o0 the American li0e insurance com2any 3A>IC-6 this hel2ed us a lot by
generating the 2ractical situation o0 the com2any;s recruitment 2rocess.
1.1.$ %imitations of the term paper
*he term 2a2er is made under .arious stress0ul situations and thus to ma:e it more easier.
I ha.e to ma:e some ad<ustments. Still then there are some limitations. *hese limitations
are gi.en belo/
*he :no/ledge /as really limited as because I am ine=2erienced and ha.e not
gone through many other things o0 the courses and still then I ha.e to ma:e
through the small le.el o0 :no/ledge.
I ha.e the lac:ing o0 understanding many terms and conditions o0 many o0 the r
materials and other related stu00s in this term 2a2er.
*ime limitations in 2re2aring the term 2a2er.
>ac: o0 co,ordinations in the di00erent sectors o0 the term 2a2er.
Problems in understanding many sectors o0 the term 2a2er.
>ac: o0 the basic in0ormation about the o2erations o0 the com2any in Bangladesh
>ac: o0 In0ormation about the .arious 2roducts and ser.ices o0 the com2any.
*hese are the .arious areas /hich I had to u2 in ma:ing the re2ort and .ery much
success0ul one thus I ha.e to go through all these .arious ste2s in generating the
in0ormation and the data regarding ma:ing the re2ort.
!.5 History o0 the Com2any
*he American >i0e Insurance Com2any /as 0irst named as the Asian >i0e Insurance
Com2any /as 0irst 0ormed in China shanghai7 about &% years ago. *his 0oundation /as
laid by Mr. C.(. Starr /ho /as the 0irst 2erson to start the insurance business all around
the Asian and south Asian reason. *hen he started to become the 2ioneer in the insurance
com2any a0ter the 5
/orld /ar. *hen Mr. Starr started to increase his business named as
the Asian >i0e Insurance Com2any and started o2erating in the China7 Hong ?ong7
Malaysia7 @a2an and in many 2laces around the southeast Asia.
A0ter cou2le o0 year o0 5
Aorld /ar the attention turns into the Caribbean7 Far )ast o0
America7 and Middle )ast and )uro2ean countries. In the year o0 !B4! the com2any
changed the name o0 Asia >i0e Insurance Com2any into the American >i0e Insurance
Com2any7 and subseCuently they ha.e started their business in America. *oday A>IC-
being one o0 the to2 leaders among the insurance com2anies are o2erating their business
situating their home to/n Ailmington7 Dela/are USA7 and are o2erating business around
the /orld. Currently they are o2erations in total 4% countries around the /orld.
*hey are 2rimarily o2erating their business around the /orld in .arious countries based
on the territory basis and they are also ma:ing their /or:s done through eh agency
dealershi2 around the di00erent territory.
'o/ they are trying to im2ro.e their business through e00ecti.e communication7 business
strategies7 and mar:eting e00iciencies around the /orld. *hus the com2any has
got under the 2arent com2any named the American International Drou2 Inc. 3AID6 /hich
is the largest insurers and other 0inancial com2any in United States and around the /orld.
*hus the com2any has come across many stages since the Second Aorld Aar and they
ha.e e=2anded their business in about the Southeast Asia7 Middle )ast7 and A0rica7
'orthern and southern American and many other 2arts o0 the globe. *hey are no/ in a
2rocess to ma:e a global com2any to ma:e sure the goes around the
e.ery 2arts o0 the /orld. *hat;s /hy the ne=t concern o0 A>IC- is to get the globally
acce2ted standard and the rating o0 the best insurance agents all around the globe.
!." Descri2tion o0 the Com2any
*he American >i0e insurance Com2any started their business o00icially in !B4! /hen it
/as 0irst named as the A>IC- 0or the 0irst time. *hey ha.e gone through the .arious
courses o0 action be0ore starting the business in o2erating it as a 0ull 2ledged business
com2any. 'o/ A>IC- has got their o2eration in around 4% countries o0 the /orld. *hey
ha.e done this by e00ecti.e to2 le.el management7 greater control the .arious
0unctions around the /orld. *hey are running through the agency net/or: dealershi2 all
around their territories in the di00erent countries. *hus they are generating the 2ro0its
sharing also 0or these agencies as they ha.e to attain certain targets to achie.e those
2olicies. 'o/ they are currently more than "%7 %%% agencies all around the /orld
to o2erate their business e00iciently.
*he com2any started the business in !B4! and has gone 0ar a/ay since their o2erations o0
the .arious methods and they are no/ em2hasi1ing on the continuous 0ield de.elo2ment
and they ha.e also gone through 2ro0essional 0ield and educational training 2rograms.
*hus the com2any has a clear intention to ma:e the em2loyees and the le.els o0
o2erations to achie.e a certain goals set by the com2any;s to2 management. *hey are
o2ting on de.elo2ing the local talent and the resources to increase the e00iciency and the
number o0 the 2roducti.ity in the /or: arena and to ma:e sure about the .arious
im2ortant as2ects 0 the insurance com2any. *hey can <udge the customer needs and /ants
and they can easily get into the mar:et en.ironment and they are also getting the
recruitment in the domestic le.els o0 the country and they are recruiting local 2eo2le as
they understand the local needs and /ants more e00iciently. *hus the com2any has to
ma:e sure that the changing mar:et en.ironment7 the technological changes and many
other de.elo2ments in the .arious target mar:et are not a00ecting their business strategy
and goals to attain the mar:et leadershi2 in the insurance business. *hus the com2any ahs
got the highest rating 0rom the 82rinci2le rating ser.ices9 to ma:e them the best certi0ied
insurance com2any in the /orld. *hus the com2any that the com2etiti.e strategy
o0 them is to retain mar:et share /ith the best Cuality and 0acilities to the
customers and em2loyees.
1.3.1 &orporate strateg" of '%I&O:
*he strategy o0 the com2any goes hand t hand /ith some other .arious ty2es o0 cor2orate
2olicies to achie.e the e=cellence in the insurance business. *hese 2olicies are
*o attain the mar:et leadershi2 through the best around the /orld and by
ma:ing the target mar:et analysis and by understanding the needs and /ants o0
the target mar:et around the /orld.
*o ma:e the >o/ ris: In.estment strategies to ma:e sure that the in.estments
they are going 0or are really loIr in ris: and less com2le=ity is there to achie.e the
goals obtained by the com2any.
*hey go through the cor2orate guidelines and the local 2riority basis in the
business7 /hich means that the cor2orate 2olicy is going under both o0 the
considerations o the local e=2erience and the cor2orate guidelines.
*he com2any 0ollo/s the mar:et leader strategies to e=2and and 2enetrate the old
and ne/ target mar:ets to ma:e sure that the com2any is going along smoothly
/ith the .arious ty2es o0 o2erations in the insurers and to the business.
*he com2any is going through the agency shi2 and the dealer shi2 by the head
o00ices /hich are locally situated and they are also the licenses 0or the
dealershi2 and 2ro.iding all assistance needed to the dealers and to the agencies.
*he com2any is re2uted and the broader im2lementations o0 the re2utation and
.arious other acti.ities are .ery im2ortant 0or the o2erations o0 the com2any7 so
these are su22orting the com2any in o2erating the better /ays to the customers.
*he com2any goes hand to hand in the Decentrali1ed organi1ation structures to
o2erate in the .arious business 0unctions and o2erations. *his 2ractice hel2s the
organi1ation to ma:e sure about the .arious decisions ma:ing easier and 0le=ible
to the managers in any situations.
*hese are the .arious 2olicies to maintain a 2ro2er co ordination and the direction
to/ards the 0unctioning o0 the .arious insurance 2olicies in the di00erent territories. As
they are de0ining their territories they are o2ting to use these cor2orate 2olicies in e.ery
a22roach in their regional territories and other .arious agencies. *hese 2olicies are
/or:ing under the .arious guidelines and 2ro.ide control and management e00iciency.
1.3.2 The regiona! (ead)uarters:
*he regional headCuarters o0 the com2any is di.ided under the .arious utilities and
0unctions to ma:e sure that they are ca2able enough to ma:e the regional headCuarters
thus there are .arious regional headCuarters7 these headCuarters and the time o0 their
establishments are gi.en belo/ so that the gro/th can be de2icted 0rom the belo/
Bangladesh 3!B456
>ebanon 3!B4"6
?u/ait 3!B4$6
Saudi Arabia 3!B4$6
@ordan 3!B4&6
Bahrain 3!B#%6
Eatar 3!B#56
United Arab )mirates 3!B#56
United States o0 America 3!B4!6
United ?ingdom 3!BF56
Canada 3!B#56
?enya 3!B#$6
-man 3!BF!6
*ur:ey 3!B&&6
Pa:istan 3!BB46
Palestine 3!BB#6
)gy2t 3!BBF6 and
'e2al 35%%!6.
*hus the com2any has go the original o2eration le.els in the headCuarters and the
regional o2erations le.els to the regional headCuarters to ma:e it more clear I can de0ine
it by ma:ing a right /ay o0 describing the .arious 2arts o0 the organi1ations. So the
com2any can ma:e sure about the .arious o2erations and the .arious other distinguishing
le.els o0 intensi0ied o2erations in the business /orld.
The Organi*ationa! (ead)uarters and out!ets are given be!o+:
*his is the total o2eration /here the 0unctions are distributed in the regional branches or
outlets through the di.isional head o00ices and they all are under the Main head o00ice.
!.$ Ser.ices and o2erations o0 the Com2any
*he com2any started their business in !B4!7 in associated /ith the Dela/are7 USA /hich
is one o0 the leading international li0e insurance com2anies o0 the /orld. *he com2any
has got their em2hasis on the li0e insurance as they ha.e got considerably good <ob in
securing the ma<or clients all around the /orld in 4% countries. As they ha.e gone
through the niche mar:eting incase o0 their line the .arious >i0e and Health
insurance schemes are under the same category /hich is the li0e insurance. *hus
the .arious li0e insurance ser.ices and o2erations are gi.en belo/

Traditiona! %ife Insurance: *he traditional li0e insurance is the 0irst category o0
the /hich is 2ro.ided by the com2any. *his is the general category o0
insurance /here the com2any has got the general li0e insurance scheme /hich is
to 2ro.ide the regular insurance to the customers and to the 2eo2le.
,ariab!e -niversa! %ife Insurance: *his is the ty2e o0 the insurance /hich is
uni.ersally recogni1ed and to ma:e sure about the .arious insurance schemes in
the di00erent 2arts o0 the /orld. *his is to 2ro.ide the insurance and the security o0
Head o00ice in USA
Di.ision Head -00ice in
Middle )ast and A0rica
Di.isional Head -00ice
in South )ast Asia
Di.isional Head -00ice
in )uro2e and America
Regional branches or
Subsidiary in @ordan7
Dubai7 UA)7 ?u/ait
Regional Branches or
subsidiaries in China7
Hong ?ong7 Bangladesh
Regional Branches
or Subsidiary in
Canada7 Ist Indies
the uni.ersally conditioned to the 2eo2le in the di00erent 2arts o0 the /orld.
Supp!ementa! medica! and Persona! 'ccident Services: *his is the ty2e o0 the
Insurance /here the medical ser.ices to the .arious concerned 2arties and to the
.arious /or: 0orce are 2ro.ided and they are also 2ro.iding the accidental su22ort
in case o0 any accident occurs /here the clients /ill get the security o0 insurance.
(ea!th and (ospita! service Insurance: *he .arious health and hos2ital
insurance are 2ro.ided by the com2any to the customers in the .arious 2arts o0 the
/orld /here the concerned clients are getting the securities 0rom the insurers and
they can /or: Ill in the /or: 0ield. So the health and hos2ital insurance
are usually 2ro.ided to the blue collar em2loyees and .arious sta00 le.el clients.
.roup and Individua! insurance: *he .arious grou2 and indi.idual insurance
2olicy also has been ado2ted to ma:e sure about the .arious indi.idual and the
grou2 o0 2eo2le to ensure their security and the ser.ices to them.
Pension and 'nnuities: *hey also o00er .arious ty2es o0 2ension and annuities to
the .arious le.els o0 the customers and clients. So the 2ensions and annuities are
gi.en as the clients 0ound their in security and to ensure a better 0uture.
*hese are the .arious ty2es o0 ser.ices o2erated by A>IC- in the .arious 2arts o0 the
/orld7 as the com2any in and M'C they need to ma:e sure about the ty2e o0 and
its needs and demand in the indi.idual territories7 thus they tailor their in the
di00erent 2arts o0 the /orld. As there might be some o0 the 2roducts and ser.ices a.ailable
I the South Asian region but they might not be a.ailable or adeCuate 0or the Middle )ast
region or in the other regions. As the com2any is going under the M)ASA o2erations
/hich means the Middle )ast7 A0rica and South Asia regional o2erations they are
im2lementing the rules and regulations regarding those situations.
!.4 Descri2tion and History o0 A>IC- in Bangladesh
*he Com2any started their business in !B45 /hen they ha.e entered in to the territory o0
the Pa:istan and then they ha.e also entered in the )ast Pa:istan7 under the M)ASA acti.ities and they ha.e got much time to be the mar:et leader in the insurance
industries o0 the country. *hey are success0ully o2erating their business in Bangladesh
since !BF$ through the uni.ersally acce2ted agency dealershi2 /here they ha.e got the
#!F% agents in the country and they are o2erating under the strict disci2line o0 the
com2any. *he .arious agents are the one /ho are im2lementing the ser.ices o0 the li0e
insurance to the customers in di00erent regions o0 the country. *he com2any has got their
strategic goals and ob< /hich de0ine s2eci0ic sales .olume and increase the number
o0 2ro0its to the di00erent regions o0 the country and to the s2eci0ic agents. *hus the
com2any has got their o2erations and ser.ices s2eci0ically in the .arious regions in the
country. *hus the com2any 2lays an im2ortant role in the economy o0 Bangladesh /hile
they are the sources o0 em2loyment in the country and they are also em2loyment
o22ortunities to near about more that #%%% agents; 2eo2le and they are currently
the straight em2loyment to their regional o00ices o0 about ""& em2loyees. *his is not all
as they are also a great source o0 re.enues 0or the country as they are generation the
$%%7%%% insurance 2olicies in the country and they are also holding the assets o0 t:. !74!B
Crore o0 BD* at the end o0 the year 5%%$. they are currently o2erating their business in
the remar:able use o0 business and ma:ing a mar: in the insurance industry in
Bangladesh since the year o0 !BF$.
1.$.1 Services and Operations of '%I&O in /ang!adesh:
*he Ser.ices those are o2erated in the insurance /orld are .ery im2ortant. As they are as the niche mar:eting strategy to im2lement their ser.ices only /ithin the li0e
insurance they don;t go 0or any other insurance 2olicy. So the basic ser.ices those are
o00ered by the com2any are gi.en belo/
The Individua! %ife Insurance: *hey usually go 0or the general li0e insurance as
the mar:et is consolidated in the li0e insurance at 0irst ste2. *his is their 2rime
ob< o0 2ro.iding the insurance to the 2eo2le and across the 4%
countries around the /orld.
The .roup %ife Insurance: *hey also go 0or the grou2 insurance /here the
/hole grou2 o0 2eo2le com together under one insurance 2olicy. So the grou2
insurance is also one o0 their 2rime concerns in their to 2ro.ide security to
the /hole grou2 o0 2eo2le. *his is done to a 0amily7 or to a /or: 0orce and to
ma:e sure that they are /or:ing under the same grou2.
The (ea!th and 'ccident Insurance: *he Health and Accident insurance is a
s2ecial :ind o0 /hich is 2ro.ided to the 2eo2le to ensure the good health
and to ma:e sure that they are not going 0or any accidents in the 0uture and i0
there is any accident they got considerable su22ort 0rom the .arious sources o0 the
insurance 2olity to get the security o0 the li0e.
*hese are the .arious o2erated ser.ices o0 the com2any 2ro.ided all the country.
1.$.2 Organogram of '%I&O in /ang!adesh:
*his is the -rganogram o0 A>IC- in /hich the o2erations and the .arious 0unctions o0
the com2any too: 2lace 0ro the *o2 le.el management and to the line management.
Part,5 *heoretical )=2lanations o0 Recruitment
Regional Senior (ice
President GM)ASA7 )astH
Regional Senior
Assistant Director
Chie0 -2erating
Assistant Director
De2uty Agency
Assistant Sales
Agency Manager
Unit Manager
De2uty Financial
Financial Manager
5.! Ahat is Recruitment ProcessI
*he Recruitment 2rocess is the ongoing 2rocess through /hich the organi1ations locate7
and attract indi.iduals to 0ill <ob .acancies. It is the acti.ities o0 the HRM de2artment to
ensure 2ro2er human resources in the organi1ation. *he organi1ation recruits the 2eo2le
0rom the internal and the e=ternal sources and to ma:e sure that they are 0illing u2 the <ob
.acancies to the di00erent 2ositions o0 the organi1ation. *he recruitment 2rocess is the
integral 2art o0 the e=ternal and the internal recruitments in the organi1ation as they ha.e
got t/o di00erent .ie/s o0 recruiting 2eo2le in the organi1ations.
5.5 'arration o0 the Recruitment Process
Ahen there is a <ob .acancies occurred then the human resources de2artment is
going to ma:e sure about the <ob descri2tions and the <ob analysis o0 the recruited 2erson.
*hen they ha.e got to generate the a22licant;s 2ools ad they need to ma:e the lists o0 the
a22licants through the e=ternal and the internal a22licants o0 the em2loyees. *hen they
e.aluate em2loyees by ma:ing the .arious tests to them and to ma:e their e.aluation on
the basis o0 the 2ositions reCuirement. *hey ha.e to go though the Aritten *est7
Scholastic A2titude test7 and the medical test to e.aluate the em2loyees in the
.arious stages. *hen they need to 0inali1e some o0 the em2loyees and they go to the
.arious mental im2lementation 2rocess o0 selecting the em2loyees 0inally and they need
to ma:e sure that the a22licant /ho is going to be a22ointed to the organi1ation 0or the
s2eci0ic 2osition. *hen the organi1ation needs to im2ress the a22licants and to ma:e sure
about the .arious 0ormalities o0 the recruitment 2rocess. *hen the com2anies need to
ma:e the o00er to the a22licant to come and <oin the organi1ation and 0inally i0 e.erything
is done according to the 2rocess then the 2rocess is done to that e=tent. In this /ay the
Human resource de2artment gets the em2loyments o0 the em2loyees and they need to
ma:e sure about the 0actors and the sources o0 the em2loyees to ma:e sure about the
.arious recruitment 2rocesses o0 the em2loyees. *he descri2tion o0 the em2loyee;s <ob
and the res2onsibilities are de0ined later according to the 2ositions.
5." Relationshi2 o0 Recruitment and -rgani1ational goal
As the recruitment 2rocess is the integral 2art o0 the HRM de2artment and the com2any
de2ends on the 2osition o0 the recruited 2osition so they need to ma:e sure about the
.arious recruitment 2hiloso2hy /hich should match /ith the organi1ational and the
cultural goals the com2any has to recruit those :inds o0 2eo2le /ho /ill ad<ust himsel0
/ith the en.ironment o0 the com2any. *hat;s /hy there is a strong relationshi2 /ith the
organi1ational goals and ob< /ith the .arious recruitment 2rocesses.
I0 the com2any hires the em2loyees /ho are not e00icient enough and they /ill not bring
anything 2roducti.e to the organi1ation. Rather than that they /ill be the source o0 e=tra
burden to the assigned 2osition and the related /or:ing en.ironment7 so the com2any
/ill ha.e to recruit the em2loyees again a0ter 0iring that 2ersona and go through a ne/ly
oriented recruitment 2rocess to recruit 0ro that 2osition /hich is the /astage o0 time7
energy and money o0 the com2any. So the recruitment should achie.e the organi1ational
and also the de2artmental goals and ob< and in order to get it e00iciently I ha.e to
hire s:ill0ul7 e=2erienced and trained em2loyees to ma:e sure about the 2ro2er
recruitment 2rocess to go through the strict assessment and get the best a22licant in the
<ob 0ort the assigned 2osition.
*he com2any and the Human resource De2artment need to ma:e all the necessary
arrangements to ma:e sure that the right 2eo2le are in the right 2lace and to be assigned
0or the right res2onsibilities or <ob. As i0 the recruitment 2rocess is not u2 tot eh mar:
then there might be ri22le e00ect in each and e.ery 2art o0 the 0unctions o0 the
organi1ations and that;s /hy the com2anies /ill ha.e to2 go through the assigned
recruitment 2rocess /hich is tested 2re.iously by the com2any. So there is al/ays strong
relationshi2 betIen the HRM strategies and the recruitment 2rocess o0 the com2any. So
the HRM is going to 2lay a .ery im2ortant role to :ee2 the relationshi2 an ongoing
2rocess. *he HRM should ta:e all the to ma:e sure that the em2loyees /ho are
recruited are really 2roducti.e and s:ill0ul enough to ma:e all the im2ortant decisions in
the organi1ation. So the relationshi2 is .ery im2ortant and hel20ul 0or the both the 2arties.
Part," o0 the HRM De2artment
".! Human Resource Strategy o0 A>IC-
*he Human resource strategy o0 the com2any is a .ery im2ortant 0actor to achie.e the
organi1ational ob< as I ha.e discussed earlier. *hus as a multinational com2any
A>IC- has got their o/n human resource strategies /hich /ill su22ort the acti.ities
directed to/ard the goals o0 the organi1ation. *hus the strategies o the HRM de2artment
is gi.en in .arious 2arts to s2eci0y each o0 them belo/
'na!"*ing the compan" objectives and setting po!icies for job ,acancies: At
0irst the human resource de2artment needs to 0ind out at the starting o0 the year
that ho/ many em2loyees /ill the com2any need a22ro=imately to 0ill u2 the
.acant 2ositions7 then the budgeting and the analysis o0 the o.erall e=2enses
needed to ma:e the recruitment should be considered. *his is done by getting the
organi1ational goals to be achie.ed in a certain year7 thus 0or each regional
headCuarters li:e Bangladesh7 there is s s2eci0ic target gi.en by the com2any to
be achie.ed by acCuiring the sales .olume or the customers achie.ements. *hus
the com2any then determines that ho/ many em2loyees are needed to ma:e sure
about the com2any ob< or goals and /hat are the /ays7 2lans7 sources and
methods through /hich the com2any /ill recruit and hire 2eo2le 0or .arious
2ositions to 0ul0ill the organi1ations demand o0 the em2loyees.
'pprova! of the 0ecruitment po!ic" and 1ob 'na!"sis: *hen the 2olicies and
the 2lanning o0 the HRM recruitment 2rocess should be a22ro.ed by the RS(P o0
the com2any in Bangladesh7 Mr. 'urul Islam to ma:e sure that the HRM
de2artment o0 the head o00ice in USA a/ay the o0 recruiting
strategies to be achie.ed and to ma:e the 2rocess o0 recruiting 2eo2le in the
com2any. So the strategy /ill de2end on the and the sales ob< set
by the to2 le.el management o0 the com2any. *he means that the setting
ob< and the 2lanning 2rocess o0 the HRM de2artment are acce2ted.
2igure out the compan" objectives and start the recruitment Process: lastly
a0ter getting the the HRM de2artment start o00 the recruitment
2rocedures and they go 0or the internal and e=ternal recruitment to the .arious
2osition needed and to ma:e the right use o0 the .acant 2osition they get the best
em2loyee to ma:e sure that the recruitment 2rocess really hel2s to get the
com2any ob<
*his is the strategy o0 the recruitment 2rocess as the to2 le.el management and the HR
directors o0 the com2any sit together and 0ind out the com2any ob< 0irst and then
do all the regular necessary acti.ities to recruit the em2loyees to attain the selected sales
and the cor2orate ob< *he o.erall strategy o0 the recruitment 2rocess is to get the
best em2loyees to 0it the .acant 2ositions in the com2any and to ma:e sure that the
com2any gets the best outcome 0rom him and to achie.e the business and the cor2orate
goals /hich are set to get the best outcome 0rom that indi.idual em2loyee.
".5 Human resource 2lanning o0 A>IC-
*he human resource 2lanning o0 A>IC- really 2lays a .ery im2ortant 2art 0or the
organi1ation. As the com2any usually go 0ort the 2lans according to the to2,le.el
management o0 the organi1ation. As the com2any is going 0or the 2lan to set u2 by the
to2 le.el management and the Human resource management they usually ha.e to ma:e a
long term and a short term 2lanning 0or the recruitment 2rocess needed in .arious time o0
the o2erations in the com2any. *o o.ercome the constraints o0 the o.erall 2rocess o0
recruiting the 2eo2le the Human Resource De2artment is going to ma:e the 2lanning
according to the demand set u2 by the to2 le.el management and the HRM director.
3.2.1 (uman 0esource 34pansion P!anning of '%I&O:
*he human resource e=2ansion 2lanning o0 the com2any is the basic 2lanning 2rocess o0
the com2any to ma:e sure that the com2any is getting the e=2ansion in the Human
resource 2lanning e.ery time they are going on /ith the 2lanning o0 the human resources
o0 the com2any. *he com2any ta:es all the initial 2lans to ma:e sure that the recruitment
is going to be the ongoing 2rocess o0 the organi1ational 2lanning. As the to2 le.el ma:es
the organi1ational 2lanning then the Human resource de2artment ma:es their e=2ansion
2lanning to get the recruitment 2rocess in tact /ith the .arious other organi1ational and
human resource acti.ities. *he 2lanning 2rocess goes on 0rom the to2 le.el management
and the human resource director to the managers o0 the human resource to im2lement the
e=2ansion 2lanning to the recruitment 2rocess and they are the one /ho originally ma:e
sure the recruitment 2rocess. *his is the /ay in /hich the com2any goes 0or the human
resource e=2ansion 2lanning and they go 0or the recruitment a0ter they 2lan 0or ho/ they
are going to hire 2eo2le and /hen they re going to hire 2eo2le. Ill this is the techniCue
used in the e=2ansion 2lanning 2rocess / the human resource de2artment is
going to hire em2loyees.
5hen to recruit: *his is a method /hich is used to ma:e sure about the time and the
s2eci0ic situation in the year to ma:e the recruitment o0 the em2loyees in the com2any7
thus A>IC- use this to ma:e the right use o0 the human resource 2anning o0 the
em2loyees to ma:e sure about the .arious <ob .acancies and the 2osting o0 the <obs in
.arious 2ositions o0 the organi1ation.
(o+ to recruit: *his method is used to ma:e sure ho/ the organi1ation is going to
recruit the em2loyees /hich includes the sources o0 recruitment7 /hether the recruitment
/ill be 0rom the e=ternal or internal sources or it /ill de2end on the recruitment needs
and 2ositions.
"." @ob Analysis Procedures o0 A>IC-
*he <ob analysis 2rocess o0 the recruitment 2rocess in de0ined in the case o0 the .arious
2arts o0 the <ob to be 2er0ormed in the organi1ation. *hus the <ob analyses consist o0 t/o
ma<or 2arts o0 the com2any;s recruitment 2rocess. *hese are gi.en belo/
1ob #escription: *he <ob descri2tion is the 2art /here the com2any 2lays an
im2ortant role to ma:e sure about the tas:s and the res2onsibilities to 2er0orm
/hen the em2loyees /ill be recruited in A>IC- thus the com2any needs their
human resource managers to ta:e the right decisions at the right time so that the
2erson /ho /ill be a22ointed :no/s e.erything about hisJ her <ob and to ma:e
the right use o0 the <ob res2onsibility7 it also includes the re2orting relationshi2s7
the su2er.ision .ariables the other 0actors /hich are needed to ma:e the <ob.
*hus the s:ills7 :no/ledge7 and other 0unctions those should be accommodated ot
ma:e the <ob 2ro2erly is under the <ob descri2tion.
1ob Specification: *his is to ma:e the em2loyees technically su22orted in the <ob
0ield. *hus the <ob s2eci0ication /ill lead the em2loyees to :no/ about the
.arious 0actors /ith /hich the em2loyees /ill ha.e to 2er0orm the tas:s and to
ma:e the right use o0 the eCui2ments and other 0actors in the /or: 0ield 2ro2erly.
*hus the <ob s2eci0ications and the <ob descri2tion /ill be added together to ma:e
the 2er0ect match o0 the /or: en.ironment.
*he combinations o0 these t/o /ill analy1e the total <ob analysis o0 the recruitment at
any le.el or 2ositions in the com2any and A>IC- goes along /ith these 2rocedures .ery
strictly / they are getting into a recruitment 2rocess. As the human resource
de2artment deals /ith the o.erall recruitment 2rocedures that the com2any needs.
Part,$ o0 the recruitment Procedures
$.! Recruitment Process o0 A>IC-
*he recruitment 2rocess o0 A>IC- goes on /ith the e.ery as2ect o0 the com2any. *hus
the recruitment 2rocess /ill go hand to hand /ith the recruitment 2olicy and the .arious
methods o0 recruitment. *hus to ma:e sure that the recruitment is doe 2er0ectly the
human resource managers should ma:e e00ecti.e 2lanning and 2olicy ma:ing thus
A>IC- ha.e got .arious ste2s in their recruitment 2rocess7 but at 0irst I should go along
/ith the selection 2rocess and the em2loyment o22ortunities. A>IC- has also got their
o/n em2loyments o22ortunity 0actors and the selection 2rocess.
4.1.1 Se!ection Process and 3mp!o"ment Opportunities: the selection 2rocess o0 the
recruitment too: 2lace in about ! month long7 the em2loyees has to gone through the
.arious tests and to ma:e sure about the selection criteria. *he com2any needs
to ma:e sure that the em2loyees are getting the eCual o22ortunities and there are not
biasness and any other un0air means in the selection 2rocess and to ma:e the selection
more e00ecti.e the human resource de2artment needs to be more trans2arent and
accountable in their <obs in recruiting 2eo2le.
*he com2any res2onds relati.ely .ery Cuic:ly in the selection 2rocess /hich is done by
the human resource de2artment /ithin 5 Ie:s 0rom the 0inal and the screening
session begun. *he em2loyees are gi.en adeCuate time by the human resource
management to acce2t or re<ect the o22ortunity.
As 0ar as the minority7 eCual em2loyment o22ortunity and the discrimination is concerned
the com2any has no such 2ur2ose to re<ect or discriminate the disad.antaged /or:ers7 the
disabled /or:er7 the seniorJ <unior com2le=ity7 the in0ormal7 0ormal method o0
recruitment7 and the o22ortunity 0or the 2assi.e <ob see:ers. *he em2loyment 2rocedures
are getting through the 2rocess /hich is only a22ro.ed by the M)ASA countries and
/hich is Cuite di00erent 0rom the )uro2ean and USA countries. So the o.erall 2rocess is
maintained by the human resource de2artment o0 the com2any.
4.1.2 Steps in the 0ecruitment Process:
A>IC- usually ha.e a s2eci0ic recruitment 2rocess. *he organi1ation;s recruitment
2olicy and the human resource strategies ha.e integration in betIen to ma:e a smooth
0lo/ o0 recruitment 2rocess. *he com2any also has the co,ordination betIen the <ob
analysis and the HR Recruiting Process. But it does not include any assessment center 0or
recruiting em2loyees. Sometimes the com2any 2re0ers to choose in0ormal method o0
recruiting 2rocess in the com2any. For recruiting e=ecuti.e or strategic le.el o0
management7 they 2re0er internal recruiting. A>IC- has its o/n recruitment 2rocess
/hich can be classi0ied into se.eral ste2s
Ahen there any .acant or ne/ 2osition occurs7 the com2any searches internal
em2loyees 0or strategic or mid,le.el management7 And 0or the entry le.el
2osition e=ternal candidates are in0luenced to a22ly through internet recruiting7
union K social organi1ations or ad.ertising recruitment.
*hen the com2any Screens among em2loyees K o2erate a22licants; 2ool based
on @ob descri2tion K s2eci0ication. *his is done /ithin ! Ie: 0rom the starting o0
the recruitment 2rocess.
Recruitment committee then e.aluates a22licants through a selection 2rocess.
*hey go through .arious sides o0 the a22licants li:e educational bac:ground7
2re.ious e=2eriences7 s:ills and technical :no/ledge o0 a22licants.
*he a22licants ha.e to 0ace a 2reliminary /ith HR manager and ha.e
to 2er0orm a /ritten test and then they need to go 0or another /ith the
recruitment committee and to2 management and 0inally the medical test.
*he Com2any and the human resource de2artment 0inally select the candidates by
o00ering them its Com2ensation 2ac:age and re/ard bene0its based on the <ob
criteria7 the <ob analysis and the :ey res2onsibilities.
*he .arious ste2s those are discussed be0ore are gi.en in the diagram so that it is easier to
understand about the o.erall recruitment 2rocess and the di00erent ty2es o0 selection

#efine the 1ob 'na!"sis of
,acant Position
Sometimes the com2any also 2re0ers to select em2loyees 0rom the in0ormal method o0
recruiting. *hose /ho are 2assi.e <ob see:ers are al/ays in0luenced. All the em2loyees
/hom the com2any recruits are 0ull time em2loyees. *hey ha.e no 2art time em2loyers.
*hese Recruiting 2rocess are .ery im2ortant 0or su22orting the o.erall Recruitment
system o0 A>IC-. *hese are the .arious im2ortant 2arts o0 the recruitment 2rocess /hich
can be changed according to the demand o0 the <obs7 the 2osition reCuirements7 the
hierarchy o0 the <ob and the other 0actors lin:ed /ith the <ob.
$.5 Recruitment Sources o0 A>IC-
A>IC-;S recruitment 2rocess com2rises o0 .arious recruitment sources /hich are
2rimarily di.ide into t/o categories the Internal and the )=ternal sources. A>IC- see:s
Screening the job 'pp!icants
Pre!iminar" Intervie+ +ith the (0 anager
5ritten Test
0ecruitment &ommittee6s 3va!uation
Intervie+ +ith the Top or
34ecutive !eve! of anagement
1ob Offer
0or candidates 0rom both the )=ternal and Internal sources. *hey 2romote or trans0er
2resent e=isting em2loyers based on 2er0ormance. *hey also 0ul0ill the em2ty 2ositions
through see:ing 0rom e=ternal labor mar:et. Di00erent sources o0 recruitment hel2 to
.eri0y recruitment 2rocess more e00ecti.ely7 see:ing 0or an em2loyee 0or any s2eci0ic <ob
2osition. But 0or the di00erent le.els o0 management 2ositions7 the com2any uses di00erent
sources. *he recruitment sources o0 A>IC- are
Interna! 0ecruitment: *he Com2any goes 0or the internal recruitment /hen
they need em2loyees to 0ul0ill the .acant 2ositions internally. *he com2any
usually reCuires these recruitment sources to ma:e sure about the mid le.el and
the to2 le.el management recruitments /hich needs more e=2erience in the
com2any itsel0 and to maintain a high :no/ledge about the o/n com2any.
34terna! 0ecruitment: *he Com2any also goes 0or the e=ternal recruitments
/ they need to go 0or the hiring o0 the line management or the entry
le.el managerial and e=ecuti.e 2ositions. *he com2any in.ites a .arious grou2s
o0 2eo2le to ma:e them choose 0rom the 2ool and then to ma:e they go 0or the
0inal selection or recruitment.
7e+spaper and Internet 0ecruiting: A>IC- also 2lays an im2ortant role in
recruiting and ad.ertising in the .arious internet Ibsites and in the number o0
ne/s2a2er ad.ertisements and to some e=tent also in the .arious commercial
<ournal ad.ertisements7 but in these case the name o0 the com2any is not
mentioned 0or cor2orate 2olicy and regulations. *he ad.ertisement sources are
!.Bd< 3Ibsites6
5. 3Ibsites6
". Daily 'e/s2a2er and @ournal Ad.ertisements
Informa! Interna! recruitments: *he .arious in0ormal and internal
recruitments are done / the com2any needs to ha.e the <ob in the
sudden situation to share the /or: load or to assign the em2loyees in a s2eci0ic
/or:ing en.ironment. *his is usually done to meet the bu00er demand o0 the
s2eci0ic 2osition and to get them com2any uses the .arious e=2ert em2loyees.
-nions and Socia! Organi*ations: *he .arious unions and the social
organi1ations li:e the clubs7 the business associations and many other 0irms /ho
really /or: as the sources o0 the recruitment in both the internal and the
e=ternal sources in the com2any. *hese unions and social organi1ations relate
each other needs o0 recruiting the 2eo2le and then call A>IC- and their human
resource de2artments to choose the assigned a22licants.
*he .arious sources o0 the recruitments are shoId belo/ in the diagram
*he .arious sources those are sho/n abo.e /or:s as the 0ormal and the in0ormal sources
o0 the recruitments7 as there are sources li:e the )=ternal recruitments sources7 *he
Internet and 'e/s2a2ers are the 2orma! recruitment sources and the Internal
recruitments7 the In0ormal and Internal recruitments and the union and social
organi1ations are the Informa! recruitment sources. So these diagram sho/s that
A>IC- is more de2ending on the In0ormal sources o0 Recruitments and they are !ess
de2ending on the 0ormal sources o0 recruitments.
$." Selection Methods o0 A>IC-
*he .arious methods are used by A>IC- to ma:e their recruitment Process a success0ul
one7 they ha.e to go through the .arious techniCues and methods /hich are technically
and s:ill0ully hel2ing them to understand the a22licant;s 2er0ormance better. Ahile
recruiting ne/ em2loyees A>IC- 0ollo/s a s2eci0ic Recruitment method. Candidates
ha.e to 0ul0ill all the reCuirements and conditions be0ore they are going to be recruited.
*he com2any uses .arious test methods li:e Pen K Pa2er *est and Personality *ests 0or
Recruiting 2ersonnel. *he methods they use are di.ided in to t/o 2arts /hich are the *est
methods o0 the a22licants and the methods o0 the a22licants. As the human
resource recruitment 2lanning is conducted and coordinated by both the sides /hich are
0olloId by the !. Home country and 5. *he host Country. *he selection methods o0 the
em2loyees are gi.en belo/
4.3.1 T"pes of Tests and Intervie+s:
*he selection 2rocess o0 A>IC- com2rises o0 the three ty2es o0 tests /hich are really
crucial 0or the a22licants to <udge their attitude and the ability to 2er0orm all the tests
eCually to ma:e sure t4hat the a22licant can im2ress the human resource de2artment.
*hese tests are described belo/
Pen and Paper Test: *his ty2e o0 tests are :no/n as the basic a2titude test
/here the a22licants can gi.e the .arious 0eedbac: about the :no/ledge and
educational s:ills needed to 2er0orm the <ob its li:e the tests in the uni.ersity and
2ost graduation le.el /here there might be Cuestions on )nglish7 Math;s7
Analytical Abilities and many other <ob related Cuestions.
Persona!it" Test: *he .arious 2ersonality and the 2sychological tests are ta:en
to gi.e the Cuestions and ta:e the rele.ant 0eedbac:s 0rom the a22licants on the
related <ob s2eci0ied 0actors li:e honesty7 Moti.ation7 team /or: and more. *his
are done to ma:e sure that the em2loyees attitude /ill match the attitude o0 the
organi1ational cultures in 0uture.
5or8 samp!e Test: *his :ind o0 tests are basically ta:en to mar:eting and other
technically needed 2eo2le li:e the salesman7 the technical su22ort di.isional
em2loyees7 the customer di.isions and 0or many other recruitments.
*hese are the three ty2es o0 tests are ta:en 0or the selection 2rocess in A>IC- and they
need to e.aluate the a22licants according to their 2er0ormance in these areas o0 selection
and e.aluation 0or any :inds o0 recruitments.
Semi structured Intervie+: For the *o2 le.el and the mid le.el management
the is needed to be semi structured and they need to ma:e the
Cuestions according to the 0lo/ and the <ob analysis. So these ty2e o0
hel2s the inter.ieIrs o0 A>IC- to understand the rele.ance and the ability to
2er0orm the /or: in a more e00icient /ay.
Structured Intervie+: *he o0 A>IC- in the entry le.el or in the
<unior le.el are totally designed in the structured /ay so that the can
be conducted in all the same /ays in .arious ty2es o0 <obs in the same le.el o0
o2erations and management. *hus A>IC- doesn;t use any s2eci0ic assessment
centers to conduct the and to ma:e it more clears they do it in their
o/n designed styles o0 recruiting the entry le.el 2ositions.
*hese are the .arious tests and the o00ered by A>IC- in the .arious le.el o0
the <ob according to the ty2es and res2onsibilities o0 the <ob and to the s2eci0ied
recruitment needs o0 the 2osition. *hese tests are all 2art o0 the screening and the
2reliminary ta:en by A>IC-. So these are really .ery im2ortant to ma:e sure
that the a22licants can really im2ress the human resource de2artment and the 0eedbac:
can really im2ress the test scores to get the call in the 0inal ste2s o0 eh /ith the
*o2 le.el management. So these tests are the 2arts o0 the sessions going also
the ! month and to ma:e them .ery easy they are the e.aluation bars to be attained in the
di00erent le.el o0 in the organi1ation.
*he diagram o0 all these *ests and are gi.en belo/. So that the 2rocess seems
to be more clear and easier to understand
So these are the basic ty2es o0 tests and 2er0ormed by A>IC- to ma:e sure
about the .arious recruitment e00iciencies and the total 2rocess is monitored by the human
resource de2artment and the human resource managers.
4.3.2 Techni)ues for Se!ection of '%I&O:
*he com2any has to gone through the .arious techniCues 0or selecting and e.aluating the
a22licants in the recruitment 2rocess. *hus these selection techniCues are used in the
internal and the e=ternal recruitments. *hat;s /hy the com2any goes 0or these techniCues
to ma:e sure that e00icient use o0 the e.aluation is done7 *hey use the .rading Sca!e
method as the techniCues or methods to e.aluate the em2loyees 2er0ormance /hich
entitles that the Human resource de2artment o0 A>IC- goes to e.aluate the 2er0ormance
o0 the a22licants by grading the .arious test and results7 and the results are done
in the com2uteri1ed 2rocess to ma:e the 0air and trans2arent e.aluation o0 the
recruitment. *hus the com2any can see the di00erence in other techniCues used be0ore and
they are getting the best result in this methods as the techniCues can be changed by the
Human resource de2artment is there is any other sources o0 e.aluating the em2loyees.
$.$ Recruitment Policy o0 A>IC-
5ritten Tests Intervie+s
Pen and
Paper Test
Samp!e Test
A>IC- being the best 2ro.ider in the li0e insurance industry in Bangladesh are
going to recruit a22licants in their on 2olicy made by the home and the host country
management and the human resource and also by the o.erall understanding betIen the
home and host country;s to2 le.el management. A>IC- 0ollo/s 2articular Recruitment
Policy 0or recruiting 2ersonnel. *he com2any;s recruiting 2olicy and the HR strategy
ha.e an integration to ma:e the Recruitment 2rocess success0ul. *he s2eci0ic recruitment
2olicy are suggesting that the com2any are more em2hasis on recruiting the local
em2loyees and the .arious regional based recruitments are done as the com2any
suggested 0rom the 2ast e=2erience that they ha.e on recruiting the local em2loyees and
the Human resource managers says that the local 2eo2le ha.e got the better
understanding and the mar:et ideas rather than the e=2atriates thus the regional
em2loyees 0rom one region to another region can be hired li:e the Pa:istan region can
also hire the em2loyees o0 Bangladesh as they are all 0olloId by the rules and regulations
o0 the M)ASA /hich is controlling the /hole 2rocess. A>IC- 0ollo/s 2articular
Recruitment Policy 0or recruiting 2ersonnel. *he com2any;s recruiting 2olicy and the HR
strategy ha.e an integration to ma:e the Recruitment 2rocess success0ul. A>IC-
recogni1es that the success is a result o0 the collecti.e e00orts o0 all the em2loyees. Hence7
they are interested in indi.iduals o0 high intelligence7 integrity and dedication7 2ro.iding
them /ith am2le o22ortunities 0or gro/th. *heir contributions re0lect a /ide range o0
roles and res2onsibilities7 including insurance management7 under/riting7 claims7
actuarial7 mar:eting7 customer ser.ice7 accounting7 legal7 in0ormation technology7 human
resources and administrati.e su22ort. A>IC- o00ers candidates the o22ortunity to em2loy
many distinct s:ills and Cualities. *he com2any 2ri1e strong analytical7 inter2ersonal7 and
communication s:ills /ith an underlying desire to e=2lore7 learn and gro/. A>IC- target
indi.iduals /ho thri.e 0or success in a culture /here setting ne/ standards are 2art o0
e.ery,day /or:. So the o.erall 2olicy o0 the com2any may de0er 0rom the 2lace to 2lace
but the ob< and the goal set by the com2any is more or less same in all senses. *he
.arious 2olicies to recruit the em2loyees in di00erent le.el are gi.en according to the
le.els o0 recruitment in the com2any
2or 3ntr" %eve! : Euali0ication ReCuirement Minimum MastersJ MBA
)=2erience %,! year.
2or idd!e %eve! : Euali0ication ReCuirement MBA
)=2erience 5," years.
Pre0erably 0rom Mar:etingJ Sales Bac:ground.
2or Top %eve!: Denerally 2re0er to choose 0rom Internal )m2loyers.
)=2erience is gi.en the to2 2riority.
As I can see that the reCuirements and the 2olicy 0or hiring em2loyees at di00erent le.el
di00ers 0rom the .arious sources and they are di00erent at the .arious ty2es o0 the <obs /ill
be o00ered. So the com2any needs to tailor their 2olicy in .arious /ays to ma:e sure that
there are .arious ty2es o0 2eo2le needed to 2er0orm the <obs. As a multinational com2any
A>IC- needs to de0ine their recruitment 2hiloso2hy and their recruitment goals /hich
/ill ob.iously match /ith the o.erall recruitment standard to each o0 the units and to
maintain healthy relationshi2 /ith the com2any and the em2loyees. Because the
em2loyees are the one /ho are bringing glory to the com2any so A>IC- should and they
stri.e 0or the 0air and the best recruitment 2olicy to ma:e it more trans2arent and
accountable in many sector these are gi.en belo/
*o the Home country
*o the Host country
*o the M)ASA continent
*o the )=isting )m2loyees
*o the 'e/ recruited )m2loyees
*o the Customers
So these are the 2olicy should be attained by the com2any to maintain itsel0 in ta:ing a
2ro2er recruitment 2rocess and to ma:e sure that they are going in the right /ay to the
2eo2le and to ma:e the trans2aribility high to the em2loyees to the accounts7 to the
customers and many other 2arties o0 the business /orld /ide.
Part,4 Im2lementations o0 the recruitment 2rocess
4.! Integration o0 <ob analysis and the recruitment 2olicy
*he <ob analysis and the recruitment 2olicy should al/ays ta:e into the consideration
be0ore the recruitment 2rocess starts o00. As the recruitment 2rocess basically start o00
/ith the <ob analysis and by creating the @ob descri2tion and the <ob s2eci0ication o0 the
com2any to ma:e sure that the com2any has to get the 2eo2le in terms o0 needed 2lace
0or the needed 2osition and 0or the needed <ob. So A>IC- 0irst try and understand the
0ollo/ing things be0ore recruiting the a22licants
*he @ob Analysis o0 the (acant 2osition
*he cor2orate Doals and -b<
*he @ob Descri2tion o0 the (acant 2osition
*he @ob S2eci0ication o0 the (acant Position
*he ?ey Res2onsibilities o0 the (acant Position
*he Re2orting Relationshi2 /ith the .acant Position.
*he Su2er.ising S2eci0ications and the Subordinates s2eci0ication.
*he Coordination o0 the a22licants and the @ob en.ironment
*hese are the .arious things /hich are integral 2arts o0 the @ob analysis o0 A>CI- and
these are al/ays considered / any recruitment 2rocess too: 2lace so to ma:e sure
that the recruitment is the e00ecti.e and cost e00ecti.e one and in order to get the best
em2loyees 0rom the generated a22licant 2ool the com2any should e=amine the e.aluation
2rocess and 0ind out the em2loyees /ho 0its best to the 2osition in order to do all these
2re.iously discussed acti.ities .ery much e00ecti.ely. So the com2any has to ma:e sure
all these are done 2ro2erly be0ore going in to the recruitment 2rocess7 and once the
recruitment 2rocess starts o00 the com2any needs to be more 0ocused and concerned about
these <ob analysis elements to be 0ul0illed by the chosen em2loyees. *o ma:e the
recruitment the best one the em2loyees needs to be more s2eci0ic and tas: oriented7 so
that the com2any can easily get the em2loyees to /or: 0or their 2roducti.ity. *hus the
o.erall conce2t o0 the recruitment 2hiloso2hy and goal should be designed by the
com2any and by the human resource de2artment o0 A>IC-. *he A>IC-;S recruitment
2olicy should al/ays consider the <ob analysis because the reCuirements that the
com2any and the .acant 2osition needed are not same in all le.el o0 management. So the
com2any needs to match the <ob analysis 0actors /ith the 2olicies to recruit 0or the
s2eci0ic 2osition7 and the best out2ut /ill be got only i0 the com2any goes 0or the greater
match betIen these t/o 0actors o0 recruitment. *hus the recruitment and selection goes
hand to hand /ith the <ob analysis this is sho/n in the 0ollo/ing diagram
so this 2rocess should go hand to hand /ith each other in order to ensure a .ery e00ecti.e
recruitment 2olicy and thus to maintain the 2olicy the human resource de2artment o0
A>IC- ma:e sure that the com2any ob< and the human resource 2olicy and
2rocess match together to integrate each other and get the best outcome in the recruitment
2rocess and also in the <ob 0ield. So A>IC- strictly 0ollo/ the systems and 2rocedures
that Ire gi.en by the M)ASA regional headCuarters and also by the home and host
countries in.ol.ements in the o.erall matter.
4.5 )00ecti.eness and the Dra/bac:s o0 the recruitment 2rocess
*he recruitment Process o0 A>IC- de0initely has got some 2ros2ects and 2roblems. *hus
the recruitment 2olicies to ma:e the best selection o0 the em2loyees need to be more
s2eci0ic and timeliness o0 the 2rocess. *he .arious 2ositi.e and negati.e 0actors are
a00ecting the recruitment 2rocess. *hese 0actors are gi.en belo/
3ffectiveness of 0ecruitment:
*he recruitment 2rocess is e=2erience7 tested and a22ro.ed by the home and the
host countries *o2 management and also by the human resource director. Since
the 2rocess is 2er0ect 0rom !B45 and changes are made according to the needs.
*he recruitment 2rocess is *rans2arent and e00ecti.e enough to ma:e a good
selection o0 the em2loyees in the .arious le.el o0 recruitments n the
organi1ations to get the cost e00ecti.e solution.
*he recruitment 2olicy the chances to the internal and also to the e=ternal
em2loyees to come and get the 2ositions o0 the recruitment and to the .arious
sources o0 the techniCues and thus to ma:e sure that the recruitment 2rocess is
done .ery strictly the com2any needs to achie.e the target o0 the recruitment
goals and ob<
*he Com2any introduces the )Cual em2loyment o22ortunities and the 'on
Discriminating acti.ities to the .arious le.els o0 recruitment. as they don;t ha.e
any obligations and bindings to/ards the disabled7 disad.antages and old
/or:ers /hile doing the recruitment.
*he Com2any also goes 0or the com2uteri1ed systematic tests to recruit the
em2loyees and to ma:e it clearer the com2any should al/ays maintain the same
standard and the 2rocedures o0 recruitment.
*hese are the .arious e00ecti.eness or the 2ositi.e sides o0 A>IC-;S recruitment 2rocess.
#ra+bac8s of 0ecruitments:
According to the 0amous band Pin: Floyd;s singer Dilmour 8*here is al/ays a
dar: side o0 the moon9. So I ha.e also got some dra/bac:s or the negati.e sides o0 the
recruitment 2rocess. *he recruitment 2rocess has to u2 all these negati.e as2ect and
ma:e it more standardi1ed to get the !%%L e00iciency in recruitment. *he dra/bac:s are
*he recruitment Process in A>IC- is done only 0or the Full *ime @obs7 but there
should be subseCuent chances 0or the Part *ime @obs in the -rgani1ation. *his
should be done to ma:e more em2loyment o22ortunities ion the country.
*he recruitment 2rocess ta:es a22ro=imately ! month to 0inish the /hole
2rocess and thus to ma:e it more clear the com2any should ma:e the right use
o0 the human resource de2artment to ma:e it less time consuming.
*hese are the only t/o im2ortant dra/bac:s or the negati.e side o0 the recruitment
2rocess. *hus to ma:e the 2rocesses e00ecti.e one7 A>IC- needs to em2hasi1e more on
the 2ositi.e sides rather than the negati.e sides.

$.2.1 Suggestions and 0ecommendations:
*he recruitment 2rocess is the ongoing 2rocess thus the com2any is de.elo2ing
the 2rocess day by day in the .arious /ays and 0orms. *o ma:e the 2rocess an
e00ecti.e one the com2any need to ma:e the recruitment 2rocess a less lime
consuming one and there should be more chances gi.en to the 2art time 2osition
and to ma:e the right use o0 the em2loyment structures.
*he com2any may also go 0or the sur.eys in the em2loyees at the di00erent le.el
o0 the <ob and that;s /hy the com2any needs to ta:e the .ie/s and suggestions
0orm the e=ecuti.e and em2loyees at the .arious le.el o0 management.
*he Com2any needs to be more communicati.e as the multinational com2any to
ma:e more 0reCuent meetings betIen the home and the host country and the
.arious regional headCuarters to get the e00ecti.e recruitment results.
*hese are the .arious suggestions and recommendations that the com2any may consider.

#.! Conclusion o0 the *erm 2a2er
At the end o0 the day I can say that the *erm Pa2er is all about the recruitment 2olicy and
the 2rocedures o0 A>IC- /hich I came to :no/ is e00ecti.e and e00icient enough and
they are doing it in the cost e00ecti.e /ay since !B4!. *hus many ins and outs o0 the
recruitment 2rocess are described in the 2a2er and I thin: that the 2a2er has all necessary
documents and in0ormation about the o.erall recruitment 2rocess o0 A>IC-.
>astly7 I /ill say that the com2any as one o0 the leaders in li0e insurance industry is
getting the highest sales .olume in the recent year are really e00ecti.e and e00icient
enough to ma:e the right use o0 the .arious systems /hich are 2lanned and 0olloId 0rom
many years. *hus the 2a2er suggests that the o.erall recruitment 2olicy is a /orld class
2olicy to hire 2eo2le and /ho /ill gi.e the ma=imum out2ut to the com2any.
I ha.e done this 2a2er /ith our honest e00ort and I /ill be a.ailable 0or any clari0ication
and changes needed to ma:e by our honorable course instructor.

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