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FinaI Report of the 2004 - 2007

InternationaI Enquiry on ReIiabiIity of

High VoItage Equipment
Part 4 - Instrument Transformers
Working Group
October 2012
Working Group A3.06
Final Report of the 2004 - 2007
International Enquiry on Reliabili ty of
High Voltage Equipment
Part 4 - Instrument Transformers
M. Runde (NO) Convener, C. E. Slver (SE) Past Convener, A. Carvalho (BR),
M. L. Cormenzana (ES), H. Furuta (J P), W. Grieshaber (FR), A. Hyrczak (PL), D. Kopejtkova (CZ),
J . G. Krone (NL), M. Kudoke (CH), D. Makareinis (DE), J . F. Martins (PT), K. Mestrovic (HR),
I. Ohno (JP), J . stlund (SE), K.-Y. Park (KR), J . Patel (IN), C. Protze (DE), J . Schmid (DE),
J . E. Skog (US), B. Sweeney (UK), F. Waite (UK).
Corresponding Members
B. Bergman (CA), S. Tsukao (J P)
Copyright 2012
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ISBN: 978- 2- 85873- 205-0
Findings and Commentary
Current transformers form the majority of the survey with around 64% of the service
experience. Voltage transformers form around 30% of the service experience, split
roughly equally between capacitor and magnetic designs. Combined current and voltage
transformers form a much smaller part of the survey. Compared with the previous
second survey there is a significant drop in the number of combined current and voltage
transformers reported.
4.5.4 CT Arrangement of AIS CT Service Experience Distribution
The respondents were asked to divide their current transformer population into the
arrangement or design of the current transformer. The eyebolt arrangement was
assumed to be similar to the hairpin arrangement and both are included together. This
question only has a valid choice for AIS current transformers and combined instrument
transformers. The results for combined instrument transformers are shown in Table
4-18. Since over 87% of the population was either bar primary or other / unknown and
the residual population was so small no further analysis was performed on the CT
arrangement of combined instrument transformers (indeed some of the CT
arrangements for combined instrument transformers were though technically unlikely to
be used and may have been entered in error). The results for current transformers are
shown in Table 4-19 and Table 4-20 and graphically in Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13.
Table 4-18: AIS CCVT arrangement service experience (all countries)
Voltage class
Service experience [IT-years]
Hairpin Bar primary Cascade
Optical /
Other /
60 U<100 kV 3267 806 0 4 0
100 U<200 kV 997 19788 32 0 14071
200 U<300 kV 661 3710 516 0 196
300 U<500 kV 0 385 0 0 129
500 U<700 kV 0 0 0 0 0
700 kV 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4925 24689 548 4 14396
Table 4-19: AIS CT arrangement service experience (all countries)
Voltage class
Service experience [IT-years]
Hairpin Bar primary Cascade
Optical /
Other /
60 U<100 kV 99838 5997 0 0 8416
100 U<200 kV 56037 36345 9449 27 37426
200 U<300 kV 37861 19502 540 0 7757
300 U<500 kV 19205 27800 1526 6 5399
500 U<700 kV 4465 154 0 0 12
700 kV 24 18 48 0 0
Total 217430 89816 11563 33 59010
When comparing capacitor voltage transformers with magnetic voltage transformers, the
magnetic voltage transformers appear to have a worse failure frequency that causes fire
or explosion (although the number of failures are small so the result may not be
significant) and the major failure frequencies appear the same to the capacitor voltage
transformers. However the dominant country has mainly capacitor voltage transformers
and generally a low failure frequency so when the data from the dominant country is
taken out the failure frequencies for capacitor voltage transformers increase.
For current transformers, the reported major failure frequency appears less than that for
voltage transformers but the frequency for failures that cause fire or explosion appears
Combined instrument transformers generally reported a low major failure frequency.
These results for combined instrument transformers were largely unaffected when the
data from the dominant country were removed. The relatively high failure frequency
reported for 300 to 500 kV combined instrument transformers is due to the small service
experience reported making the one failure reported look high.
The failure frequencies seen for current transformers and capacitor voltage transformers
could have been affected by the higher proportion of these instrument transformers
being used at higher voltages where the failure frequencies are higher therefore
increasing the apparent failure frequency.
The comparison with the previous second survey shows that this third survey has
reported a reduction in the failure frequencies. The reduction has been particularly
prominent for magnetic voltage transformers, which in the second survey were the
instrument transformers with the highest failure frequency.
4.7.4 CT Arrangement of AIS CT Failure Frequency Distribution
The respondents were asked to divide their current transformers into the arrangement or
design of the current transformer. Since this question only has a valid choice for AIS
current transformers and AIS combined instrument transformers, the analysis was
limited to AIS designs. The optical or electronic responses have been combined with the
other / unknown responses. As the majority of combined instrument transformer CT
arrangements were either primary bar or unknown with only a small number of other CT
arrangements reported (see Section 4.5.4) the results for combined instrument
transformers are not shown. The results for AIS current transformers are shown in Table
4-86 to Table 4-89.
Table 4-86: AIS CT arrangement major failure frequency (all countries)
Voltage class
Failure frequency [per 100 IT-years]
Hairpin Bar primary Cascade
Other /
60 U<100 kV 0,0010 0,1167 0,0119
100 U<200 kV 0,2177 0,0715 0,0000 0,0454
200 U<300 kV 0,1109 0,1179 0,0000 0,0129
300 U<500 kV 0,0677 0,1007 0,0655 0,0555
500 U<700 kV 0,0224 0,0000 0,0000
700 kV 0,0000 0,0000 6,2500
Overall 0,0823 0,0935 0,0346 0,0373

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