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Tsunami The killer sea wave

Tsunami The killer sea wave
Do you know what Tsunamis are? How they can be predicted and how you can save yourself from
the deadly Tsunami? Read the section below and you will know more about it. Follow the instructions
if you reside in any of the coastal states of the country.
The term Tsunami has been coined from the J apanese term Tsu meaning harbour and nami
meaning waves. Tsunamis are waves generated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or underwater
landslides and can reach 15m or more in height devastating coastal communities. In recorded history,
tsunamis worldwide have killed hundreds of thousands of people. Tsunamis caused by nearby
earthquakes may reach the coast within minutes. When the waves enter shallow water, they may rise
to several feet or, in rare cases, tens of feet, striking the coast with devastating force. The Tsunami
danger period can continue for many hours after a major earthquake.
A killer Tsunami hit 11 South
Eastern Countries of Asia on
the 26th of December 2004
killing more than 1,50,000
precious lives. The count
hasnt stopped.... At the end
of the day statistics only
remai n. The emoti onal ,
economical and ecological toll
of the di saster can t be
calculated. Many villages
have l ost an enti re
generation. This was the
biggest earthquake to hit the
world in 40 years and no one
could have thought that its
effects would ripple worldwide
Tsunami wave train
Submarine fault
movement, landslide,
or volcanic activity
As waves approach shore they
slow down, the waves lengths
shorten and become higher
Possible bore
formation on shore
Important Facts About Tsunamis
Some tsunamis can be very large. In
coastal areas their height can be as
great as 10m or more (30m in extreme
cases), and they can move inland
several hundred meters.
All low-lying coastal areas can be
struck by tsunamis.
A tsunami consists of a series of
waves. Often the first wave may
not be the largest. The danger from
subsequent tsunami waves can last
for several hours after the arrival of
the first wave.
Tsunamis can move even 50 km per
hour on coastal plain, faster than a
person can run.
Sometimes a tsunami causes the
water near the shore to recede,
exposing the ocean floor. This is
natures Tsunami warning and should
be heeded.
The force of some tsunamis is
enormous. Large rocks weighing
several tons along with boats and
other debris can be moved inland
several meters by tsunami wave activity. Homes
Tsunamis may also be generated by very large
earthquakes far away in other areas of the Ocean.
Waves caused by these travel at hundreds of
kilometers per hour, reaching the coast several hours
after the earthquake. Unlike ordinary tides, which
are short, frequent and surface level, tsunami, are
barely noticeable in their deep-sea formation stage.
At this point despite a wavelength up to 100 km, they
are shallow in depth and move at hundreds of
kilometer per hour. If a quake hits Los Angeles, a
Tsunami can reach Tokyo in a time less than a Jet
would take to traverse the same distance.
In 1883, the violent explosion of the famous
volcano, Krakatoa in Indonesia, produced
tsunamis measuring 40 meters which
crashed upon Java and Sumatra. Over
36,000 people lost their lives as a result of
tsunamis that are capable of crossing
oceans. Tsunamis are nearly always created
by movement of the sea floor associated
with earthquakes which occur beneath the
sea floor or near the ocean.
Tsunami wave train formation: Seen in the figure is the rupture
in the seafloor shunted in the vertical direction. This movement
displaces hundreds of cubic kilometres of the overlaying water,
generating a massive tsunami, or sea surge.
and other buildings are destroyed. All floating material and water move with great force and can
kill or injure people.
Tsunamis can occur at any time of day or night.
Tsunamis can travel up rivers and streams that lead to the ocean.
Rupture in seafloor
pushes water upwards
starting the wave
Wave moves rapidly
in deep ocean reaching
speed of upto 500 km./h
As the wave nears land
its slows to about 45 km/h
but squeezed upwards,
increasing in height
Wave heads inland
destroying all
in its path
What to do BEFORE a Tsunami
Find out if your home, school, workplace, or other frequently visited
locations are in tsunami hazard prone areas.
Know the height of your street above sea level and the distance
of your street from the coast or other high-risk waters.
Plan evacuation routes from your home, school, workplace or any other place you could be where
tsunamis present a risk.
Practice your evacuation routes
Have disaster supplies on hand.
Discuss tsunamis with your family
Develop an emergency communication plan. In case family members are separated from one
another during a tsunami have a plan for getting back together. Ask an out-of-state relative or
friend to serve as the family contact (After a disaster, it is often easier to call long distance).
If you are at risk from tsunamis, you should:
Avoid building or living in buildings within several hundred feet of the coastline.
Make a list of items to bring inside in the event of a tsunami.
Elevate coastal homes. Most tsunami waves
are less than 10 feet (3 meters). Elevating your
house will help reduce damage to your property
from most tsunamis.
Take precautions to prevent flooding.
Have an engineer check your home and advise
about ways to make it more resistant to tsunami
Use a local radio or television station for updated
emergency information.
Follow instructions issued by local authorities.
What to do DURING a Tsunami
If you are at home and hear there is a tsunami warning, you should make sure your
entire family is aware of the warning. Your family should evacuate the house if
you live in a tsunami prone area. Evacuate to a safe elevated area and move
in an orderly, calm and safe manner to the evacuationsite.
Detecting Tsunamis
With the use of satellite technology it is possible to provide nearly immediate warning of
potentially tsuna-migenic earthquakes. Warning time depends upon the distance of the epicenter
from the coast line. The warning includes predicted times at selected coastal communities
where the tsunami could travel in a few hours.
Coastal tidal gauges can stop tsunamis close to the shore, but they are useless in deep oceans.
Tsunami detectors, linked to land by submarine cables, are deployed 50 odd kms. out at sea.
Tsunameters transmit warnings of buoys on the sea surface, which relay it to satellites.
Tsunamis are caused by
moons pull.
Design Solution to Tsunami effect
Take your Disaster Supplies Kit. Having supplies will make you more
comfortable during the evacuation.
If you evacuate, take your animals with you.
If you are at the beach or near the ocean and you feel the earth
shake, move immediately to higher ground. Do not wait for Tsunami
warning to be announced. Stay away from rivers and streams that
lead to the oceans.
High multi-storey, reinforced concrete buildings (like hotels etc.) are
located in many low-lying coastal areas. The upper floors of these
buildings can provide a safe place.
Offshore reefs and shallow areas may help break the forces of tsunami
waves, but large and dangerous waves can still be a threat to coastal residents in these areas. Staying
away from low-lying coastal areas is the safest advice when there is a tsunami warning.
Update yourself on emergency information or warning announced on radio and television from time
to time.
If you are on a boat or ship
Since tsunami wave activity is imperceptible in the open ocean, do not return to port if you are at sea
and a tsunami warning has been issued for your area. Tsunami can cause rapid changes in water
level and unpredictable dangerous currents in harbors and ports.
If there is time to move your boat or ship from port to deep water (after you know a tsunami warning
has been issued), you should weigh the following considerations:
Most large harbors and ports are under the control of a harbor/port authority. These authorities
direct operations during periods of increased readiness. Keep in contact with the authorities
should a forced movement of vessels is directed.
Smaller ports may not be under the control of a port authority. If you are aware there is a tsunami
warning and you have time to move your vessel to deep water, then you may do so in an orderly
manner. Owners of small boats may find it safest to leave their boat at the pier and physically
move to higher grounds.
Damaging wave activity and unpredictable currents can affect harbors for a period of time following the
initial tsunami impact on the coast. Contact the harbor authority before returning to port.
What to do AFTER a Tsunami
After a tsunami, you should:
Continue using a radio or television for updated emergency information. The tsunami may have
damaged roads, bridges, or other places that may be unsafe.
Check yourself for injuries and get first aid if necessary before helping injured or trapped persons.
If someone needs to be rescued, call professionals with the right equipment to help. Many people
might get killed or injured while trying to rescue others in flooded areas.
Help people who require special assistance-infants, elderly people, those without
transportation, large families who may need additional help in an emergency situation,
people with disabilities, and the people who care for them.
Avoid disaster areas. Your presence might hamper rescue and other
emergency operations and put you at further risk from the residual effects
I saw the water
disappearing and the
water went back so far
away and everyone
wondered what it was a
full moon or what? Then
we saw the waves come,
and we ran, said Katri
Seppanen a tourist from
of floods, such as contaminated water, crumbled roads, landslides, mudflows, and other hazards.
Use the telephone only for emergency calls. Telephone lines are frequently overwhelmed in disaster
situations. They need to be cleared for emergency calls to get through.
Stay out of a building if water remains around it. Tsunami water, like floodwater, can undermine
foundations, causing buildings to sink, floors to crack, or walls to collapse.
When re-entering buildings or homes, be very careful ! Tsunami-driven floodwater may have damaged
buildings where you least expect it. Carefully watch every step you take.
Wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and sturdy shoes. The most common injury following a
disaster is cut feet.
Use battery-powered lanterns or flashlights when examining buildings. Battery powered lighting is
the safest and easiest to use and it does not present a fire hazard for the user, occupants, or
Examine walls, floors, doors, staircases, and windows to make sure that the building is not in danger
of collapsing.
Inspect foundations for cracks or other damage. Cracks and damage to a foundation can render a
building uninhabitable.
Look for fire hazards. There may be broken or leaking gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, or
submerged furnaces or electrical appliances. Flammable or explosive materials may have come
from upstream. Fire is the most frequent hazard following floods.
Check for gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and get
everyone outside quickly. Turn off the gas using the outside main valve if you can, and call the gas
company from a neighbors home. If you turn off the gas for any reason, it must be turned back on
by a professional.
Look for electrical system damage. If you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell
burning insulation, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If you have to step
in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker, call an electrician first for advice. Electrical
equipment should be checked and dried before being returned to service.
Check for damage to sewage and water lines. If you suspect sewage lines are damaged, avoid using
the toilets and call a plumber. If water pipes are damaged, contact the water company and avoid
using water from the tap. You can obtain safe water from undamaged water heaters or by melting
ice cubes that were made before the tsunami hit. Turn off the main water valve before draining water
from these sources. Use tap water only if local health officials advise it is safe.
Watch out for wild animals, especially poisonous snakes that may have come into buildings with the
water. Use a stick to poke through debris. Tsunami floodwater flushes snakes and animals out of
their homes.
Watch for loose plaster, drywall, and ceilings that could fall.
Open the windows and doors to help dry the building.
Shovel mud before it solidifies.
The above brief on Tsunami teach us clearly that we can no longer afford to ignore the forces
of nature and it should serve as a wake up call to us to rebalance our relationship with our
Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them.
Reference for further reading: IOC/UNESCO International Coordination group for the Tsunami Warning
System in the Pacific (ICG/ITSU), Paris, France. Tsunamis and Earthquakes, USGS, USA. Amateur Seismic Centre is a comprehensive website carrying details of state
wise seismicity for the country. This also has extensive reports on various past Earthquakes/
Tsunamis. International Tsunami Information Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pacifc Tsunami Museum site. Includes answers to frequently asked
questions, links, and information related to Pacific Ocean tsunamis.
1. Name three causes of Tsunami and explain its impact.
2. Explain two different ways of detecting Tsunami.
3. State two preparedness measures each in pre, during and post tsunami scenario.

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