Everything Is Consciousness

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Everything is Consciousness

by Maria Erving - http://mariaerving.com/consciousness/

Everything is Consciousness
.. And everything exists in consciousness.
In consciousness there are numerous fixed states that people compartmentalize themselves in according to what they believe
to be real and true.
Just as the Kingdom of Heaven is in our minds, so is the Hell that many people believe in.
They are not places outside of ourselves; they exists in consciousness only and the only thing that keeps them in place in our
minds are the belief we have in them.
Kingdom of Heaven is right where you are. We are already in paradise but most people dont know it.
Instead they believe in their mind-made Hell.
Thats how most people live.
They believe in their spiritual ideas and concepts and they believe in their fears and worries.
Sometimes I receive emails or comments on my blog from people that are completely deluded, like for example this one that
I received today:
I welcome different view points but I dont approve comments that doesnt add any real value to the conversation, so I did
not approve this particular comment as I know that whatever I would have said in reply to this person it would not had led to
anything of constructive nature.
This person really believe these things and when someone really believe in the things they believe in its very hard to get
through to them so I have no interest in going in that direction.
We have all believed in different things throughout our whole lives, like at one point we believed in Santa, the tooth fairy,
and I have also believed in angels and archangels and so forth in the past.
I now know everything is an aspect of myself (no matter what it is) and that includes angels as well as Santa and the boogie
man. (Not sure if I have ever believed in the latter though:)
The same when Jesus came to me; I now know that the vision was how my consciousness could communicate to me what I
needed to hear, and knowing that doesnt diminish the experience itself.
Im sure I didnt think oh, crap what a fool I have been to believe in Santa! when I outgrew that belief either.
We simply move on with our lives.
And then with the awakening process when all kinds of beliefs fall away we might go through a period when we look at other
people and think oh, my gawd, they actually believe that and we can detect arrogance in our own thinking, and thats a
good thing to detect.
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Everything is Consciousness
by Maria Erving - http://mariaerving.com/consciousness/
When we detect arrogance in ourselves we have the opportunity to look even deeper into ourselves, because feelings and
emotions are not wrong, they are only pointers and way-showers.
We know that if there is no love it means we are off path, so by recognizing and admitting the arrogance we detect in
ourselves we can discover even deeper truths about who we really are because when we allow ourselves to feel what we feel,
then we can investigate where it all really comes from.
We need the negative emotions and even the arrogance in order to become humble and to grow in our compassion towards
people and where they are on this journey that we all share together.
We grow and evolve. We mature. All in our own way and in our own pace.
Now when I receive these kinds of emails I hardly even react anymore, I just think that thats where they are and then I might
get the inspiration to write an article like this one, whereas I can look back to another article I wrote a couple of years ago
when I reacted a bit differently: mariaerving.com/religion-is-spiritual-immaturity
I know that the person who wrote this comment (pic above) is confined and restricted in his life by these beliefs, and this is
the world he knows, the world he takes to be true and real.
This is what his life looks like and as long as he continues to believe these things he will be in bondage and not be able to
experience a life in freedom and joy.
(Except for maybe on a very surface level now and then, like most people who are not aware of who they really are).
So I cant laugh at these types of comments anymore, anymore than I can laugh at a child who believes in Santa.
They are both living according to what they believe to be true.
Religion in particular is a very strong held belief and as long as that is not questioned or looked into deeply (when the belief
is not challenged), there will be no true freedom for those people.
Religion is the simplest example to use when showing how a state of consciousness holds people in a fixed state, but the
same goes with other groups too, its not only about the people we can make fun of (religious nuts) or the ones that we
think are cute (children who believe in the tooth fairy).
Every state of consciousness has their own little rules and set of behaviors, ways to dress and speak etc, and if someone
behaves differently they are looked upon as weird or whatever.
We can giggle when we see priests and ministers speak in tongues on TV, but at the same time think its perfectly alright to
kiss another human beings feet in our own mode of worship. (Guru scene).
Everything is just a state of consciousness; in the new age arena people look and behave in a certain way, in non duality there
are different rules such as that you shouldnt have any desires or goals (you just go with the flow and let life decide) and
so forth.
And the body language is pretty much the same with all of the people who are self proclaimed holy men and women in the
Guru scene just to make an example; the gazing aloof look, soft speaking, centered Buddha postures and hand movements
and so forth.
Then we have the personal development arena where its all about arousing the ego with loud whoo ah yeah! and
explosive body language (usually with fingers pointing to the mind) and so forth to make people feel reeeeally empowered
and good for a few hours or a weekend.
..only to then a few days later (after the seminar) they again sit on their couches feeling miserable and looking for a new
product or live event that will make their egos feel reeeeallly good for a few hours or a weekend.
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Everything is Consciousness
by Maria Erving - http://mariaerving.com/consciousness/
And on and on it goes.
Take any state of consciousness (mind) and you can see that there are certain rules in every state that everybody more or less
follows and if anyone deviates from that and goes their own way (they think differently/are free thinkers) or if they
question something, eyebrows are lifted and sometimes theres even gasps to be heard.
Oh, how humans are funny that way
Everything exists only in different states of consciousness (and none of them are wrong, that is not what I mean to say with
this article), and when you wake up to the consciousnesses Itself (that holds all the different states), you see that everybody is
free to move into whatever state they want, all that is required is to realize that no beliefs are true, and that wherever you go,
you remain true to yourself.
Then you are free. Then you can play for real in this marvelous event called Life.
You realize that all you see and experience is of your own making.
And you can change and transform into whatever you want, because everything is an aspect and part of your own
consciousness. You become playful and carefree.
When you discover and realize the true nature of your being, when you wake up to who you are, you come to know that the
real Christ (the power that creates the world) is within, its a state of consciousness where there are no limits, and that its not
a person that one day will come down from the clouds in heaven to save you.
You are completely transformed and the process of awakening takes away all your beliefs (whatever they may be) and leaves
you with only the awareness of I AM for a while and then suddenly one day you are given the whole world.
There is nothing but I am, and you kind of flow with that for a while.
You can read about my process through all these different phases I have gone through here on my blog.
I was for a while only awareness/emptiness/everything-nothing-ness (=I am) and then one day I woke up in the morning
with the intuition that I was going to receive a vision that day, but instead I was told to create one, and from that day on I feel
that I stand in the midst of the Kingdom of Heaven and that all that I desire already exists.
Before I could come to this I had to wake up from duality.
What must be done to live from this place of power within, is to get rid of all the different spiritual ideas and beliefs (by
seeing through them) and realize that everything we believe to be true really isnt, and that whatever you think is holding you
back or down, are only your own mental garbage, junk and nonsense and that you need to stop carrying around.
The process of awakening will undoubtedly empty your mind (of both good and bad) and you will be born anew.
Everything will be let go of, that includes your dreams and desires, goals and plans, and your concepts of yourself and life at
large. All of it.
And when the day comes for you to create your new vision, youll do it from a totally different perspective.
God is consciousnesses and can be molded into anything and we are free to move on from one state and start living from
another but you have to dare to look deeply within yourself and above all; trust Yourself to know whats right and best for
With the right use of your mind and the power tool that it is, you can transform your life.
Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind means dont believe what the world
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Everything is Consciousness
by Maria Erving - http://mariaerving.com/consciousness/
tells you are true, dont believe what your ego tells you is true, dont believe what appearances tell you are true believe in
who you are and know that you are more powerful than you know.
No longer will you be using affirmations like a parrot, merely repeating the same words over and over again (which is only
reinforcing the true belief you have of yourself: the unhappy/unsuccessful person who wants to be happy/successful), never
again will you say grace emotionlessly at the dinner table, never again will you kiss another Gurus feet:
You are now affirming what you know yourself to be, not what you wish to be, you are now feeling deep, sincere gratitude for
everything because you realize how truly blessed you are.
You now know who and what you are and this awareness is what liberates you!
You see how everything are merely games in consciousness and you dont take any of it seriously.
But most people stay in one state of consciousness because it feels familiar and safe, or they have given their power away to
someone or something outside of themselves (cross, angels, guru, horoscopes etc) and they worship that idol instead of
valuing themselves and their own innate power.
When we worship or think someone or something is more powerful than we, we get stuck in a state of consciousness.
Thats like transferring your power to an external thing, condition, or person, giving away your power to them.
People who follow their gurus year after year thinking the guru is superior, or the person who only works to get money, they
are poor and in bondage because they give their power away to money, idols and symbols like the cross.
All states exist and are a fixed part of creation (complete in itself by the beliefs we hold), but we can at any time enter another
state consciously and move into different states as the awareness itself, and what drives us is a desire, an innate desire that
every living being has in common, and that is the desire to grow and evolve.
That means we have to go within to find that desire again if we have lost touch with it, or we have to look at what we dont
want and then direct our thinking towards a different path that is more desirable.
Above all, we need to trust ourselves and be true to ourselves, knowing that we are all originals in our true self-expression
and that is the most beautiful thing ever!
Truly, know thyself as consciousness itself and be free.
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Everything is Consciousness
by Maria Erving - http://mariaerving.com/consciousness/

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