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A versatile, result oriented Functional Test Lead with 9.3 years of experience in Software Testing, Quality Assurance and
Requirement analysis and Test Management.
Demonstrated a history of increased responsibility with strong records of achievement & skills in Testing Solution Provisioni ng,
Full STLC implementation and Special expertise in supporting business goals through effective technology alignment and
initiatives and client relationship management.
Insightful experience in activities including customer business requirement gathering, documentation, project Planning,
developing and executing Test Plan, involve in Test Strategy Planning, defining test cases, developing and automating test
scripts and developing cost effective solutions to meet customer business requirements.
An ISTQB Certified Professional experience in Software Functional testing of Web based applications, Mainframe, Product
Testing and ATM Testing
Was at Client site as a Test Lead in Johannesburg for 1.7 years testing the ATM Device functionalities at the front end and
their ATM Events reflected at the backend Testing has been accomplished using various cards like the Magstripe and the
Chip cards (EMV).
Expertise in Manual Testing, Defect & Test Management Tools strong knowledge of QTP, Win runner Automation tools.
Mentored of newly joined members in the team and leading them in further project requirements and enhancements.
Experience in the entire Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) life cycle from requirements gathering to releasing to
Experience in all phases of Software Testing Lifecycle with expertise in the Integration and Functional, User Interface,
Regression testing and Smoke Testing
A member in the Interviewing Panel for testing interviews
Strong knowledge on Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)-Oracle and SQL Server.
Excellent oral and written communication skills with strong problem solving skills and a result oriented attitude.

QA Skills
Test Estimation, Test Plan Creation, Test Metrics, Test Management, Execution, Functional Testing, SIT, UAT, Regression
testing, Usability Testing, Compatibility Testing and Product Testing.
Black Box testing for various phases in SDLC.
Writing and implementation of Unit test cases, Generation of Smoke Tests and High level Scenarios.
Understanding of SDLC, STLC and Bug Life Cycle.
Defect identification, analysis and reporting.
Reviewing and Reporting Test results through Quality Center 10.0, JIRA, Bugzilla, Clear Quest, Etrack.
Well Versed with Automation Tools like QTP 9.5 and Winrunner.
Test Management Tools- Quality Centre10.0/ALM 11.0, Clear Case.
Good Understanding of Manual Testing Processes, metrics and testing techniques.

Technical Skills Summary

Operating Systems MS-DOS, Windows 98, NT, XP, 2000, 2003, Linux, MAC 10.4, 10.5 PPC, UNIX Flavors.
Languages Known C/C++.
Data Base Oracle, MS Access 2000, PL/SQL.
Tools Win Runner, QTP, Quality Center 10.0,ALM 11.0, Bugzilla, Etrack,

Rational Clear Quest, Rational Clear Case and JIRA


L & T Infotech, Mumbai as Test Lead (Dec 09 Jun 2014).
o ATM Replatforming- Client: ABSA, South Africa.
Project Description:
The ATM Replatforming project is about replacing this current system, Absolute software suite with the proposed solution which will be
developed using NCR APTRA Activate. This solution is a multi-vendor solution able to run on a terminal using a CEN-XFS 3.0 compliant
platform. It also provides the framework to support EMV transactions.
APTRA Activate is PA-DSS compliant and will facilitate the bank in attaining their PCI compliance.
The new solution ensures more functionality additions for customer ease and security of transactions like Transfers, Beneficiary Payments,
Prepaid mobile for different service providers, Prepaid Traffic Fines, Cash deposit, Cheque deposit, Envelope deposit, Cash Send, Cash
Send Redeem and many more.
My role here in this project is that of a Functional Test Lead which involved,
Gathering Requirements from the Business Analyst team located at Onsite.
Getting hold of various functionalities how they are carried out on the ATM machines.
Test Case Creation and use of Test Management tool Quality Center 10.0 which was introduced to the onsite team for a
better management of the Test cycles.(SIT and UAT)
Testing the Transaction on the Magstripe and EMV cards. And recording them on QC with Defects
Checking the backend thru IMSV and Tandem to verify the bill movement, debit and credit leg. Also Reversals if any.
Carried out Daily defect meetings for better understanding for NCR and fixes required for the new build deployment.
Delivered the Projects in given time lines by carrying out various Testing cycles like SIT, Regression and UAT.
For L&T Infotech Ltd, Mumbai.
o ABSA ONLINE- Client: ABSA, South Africa. Domain: Retail Banking
Project Description:
Absa Digital Channel is aiming to be the biggest channel in Absa, and envisage being the market leader in Internet banking and financial
management. Financial management assists Digital in building a relationship and understanding their clients, which enables cross-selling
opportunities which do not exist today.
Digital Channels strategy for Internet Banking is to consolidate their client interface into a single point called Absa Onli ne. This new interface
would enable Absa Digital to have a relationship with the client by not only performing transactions, but also managing the client finances and
assisting the client in his financial decisions. By giving the client an end-to-end online experience Digital would be retaining existing clients, as
well as bringing new clients to Absa.
My role here in this project is that of a Functional Test Analyst which involved,
Gathering Requirements from the Business Analyst team located at Onsite.
Getting hold of various functionalities and Use Cases.
Preparation of Test Scenarios and Test Cases.
Test Case execution on various browsers.
Defect Logging and Tracking in Quality Center.
Direct communication with the Business Analysts for clarifications and milestones.
Reviews of cases and uploading the Cases to Quality Centre 10.0.
Khulani- Client: ABSA, South Africa. Domain: Insurance
Project Description:
InsureJ is an end to end solution for the existing mainframes legacy system for ABSA Bank- Financial Services Insurance process, InsureJ
is Web based application and it provides the solutions for Lead Generation, Policy Creation, Claim Management and Finance.
My role here in this project included,
Understanding and Analysis of client requirements.
Involvement in Review activities.
Communicating with onsite members.
Writing and Executing Test Cases.
Perform Black box testing of the application.
Perform Regression testing.
Reporting and Verifying bugs

LionBridge Technologies Pvt Ltd, Mumbai as Software Testing Engineer (Feb 08 4th Dec 09)
o E1 - Client : Pearson Phoenix, UK

was a web-based product developed for Pearson Phoenix to cater the education market in UK. The product is been delivered in a
phased manner. Initial phase of this project is targeted at the current customer base using client-server suite of Phoenix products .It would
also provide core capabilities to education authorities and schools. Phases to follow would involve identifying and defining requirement so
as to evolve a full fledged integrated Education Management System.
Currently E
phase is aimed at developing functionalities linked to pupils educational needs, attainment and performance. This
will also address the primary objective of concerns linked with education as intellectual development of pupils and raising t he standards of
education. The roles of statutory bodies, educational authorities and schools are revolving around these objectives, which are fulfilled by
planned actions involving curricular and extra curricular activities, measuring the performance and improving the plans based on the
measurements as well.

In the Role of Test Engineer, I was involved in:
Test case design and execution.
Defect Logging and Tracking in Clear Quest.
Handling Content Repository-Rational Clear Case.
Defect Analysis of Client logged defects.
Exclusively handling different modules of the Application.

o Pearson Success Net- Client: Pearson Digital Learning, USA

Domain: E-Learning
One of the demanding root projects having various other small projects under it like Reading and Biology, Math0-9, Literature. Under this
there is a root admin who is able to control the entire District and the School Operations .Under School we have teachers who can create
their own classes and students and then make new tests and assign them online to the students.
Success Net is technology platform that can support multiple software products like AMP, Pearson Benchmark, Prentice Hall (PH) and Scott
Foresman(SF).Each Software Product can include content products such as interactive textbooks, items and test banks, activities and
Lesson Plans
It's a comprehensive web-based assessment tool, developed for Pearson Digital Learning. This intends to improve students performance
through testing, reporting and Analytics.
In the Role of Test Engineer, I was involved in
Writing and Execution of Test Cases and Defect tracking (JIRA for Test case reviews and Rational Clear Quest for
Application Defects.)
Preparation of Test Summary Report.
Collection of Test Metrics.
Member of Defect Prevention team of the project.
Also prepared White Paper on Managed Test Services and Assessing Web Application Security as per the Company practices.

For Centurion Bank of Punjab (HDFC), Jalandhar (March 2006-Feb 2008)

Domain: Financial

Software Application: Finacle 6 & 7.0 (Developed by Infosys)

Responsibilites as a Test Engineer:

Application testing for all the branch related transactions.
Handled Account opening, Account maintenance and ATM Card Section.
Dealt with all the Queries and defects reported by the customers thru Infosys.
A bug free software was then released to Infosys.

Symantec Corporation, Pune as As. Software Quality Assurance Engineer (Feb 2005 Oct 2005)

o Product: VERITAS Net Backup 5.0, 6.0
In the Role of As.Software QA Engineer, I was involved in
Working on NetBackup as a Product.
Did Manual and Automated testing.
Worked on GUI Testing, Regression testing.
Developed Test cases for Utility scripts.
Test Case execution.
Defect Reporting, Tracking and Verification.
Trainings Attended:
VERITAS NetBackup Overview.
Winrunner training from SQTL while in VERITAS Software.
NBU Vault training.
Device Configuration & SAN Overview trainings attended.

Mphasis Software, Pune as Test Sustaining Engineer (Aug 2004 Dec 2004)

o Client: Citibank, India
Citibank Web Portal
Under this brand, my job was to provide support to the customer at client site and reproduce those issues which were raised by the client
and get them fixed.
In the Role of Test Sustaining Engineer, I was involved in
Developing Test Cases for the product.
Done web testing including functionality testing and performance testing for the web portal.
Done security testing over hacker scenarios.
Worked as part of sustaining team, role includes reproducing customer escalations and log productive bugs in Bug tracking tool-

For Software Quality Testing Labs, Pune

In the role of a Test Engineer, I was involved in the following projects. Worked On a web based application named Project Management
System where in I performed Functionality Testing, Usability Testing, Performance testing. The Project was based on managing the
company data, adding new companies, adding new tasks of the company maintaining its various schedules under its events and Calendar
tab. Also worked on/tested another project called Sugar Customer Relationship Management which was maintaining a relationship with the
customers by keeping their data updated .All customer related data was to be fed into the system and modified when need be. The types of
testing performed in this were the Functionality Testing, Usability testing and Performance testing.

ISTQB Certified Professional
Computer Society of India (CSI) Certification in Software Testing.
Participated in Mathematics Gulf Olympiads held in the gulf.
Arranged Blood Donation & Tree Plantation Camps with N.G.O "PAHAL".
Participated in various dance competitions at school & college level.
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT II) in May 1998.

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