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Convergence Review:

Draft Terms of Reference

Media Access Australia (MAA) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Convergence
Review: Draft Terms of Reference (the ToR! D"CD#$ %&'&)(
MAA notes that the )nvestigation into access to electronic media for the hearing and vision*
impaired: Media access review final report (the Media Access Review! D"CD#$ %&'&$ p +,)
states the following:
The emergence$ or convergence$ of media that uses digital information and
communication technologies$ such as the online delivery of traditional media$ is
ongoing and will -e accelerated -y the rollout of the .".( /owever$ the
Australian 0overnment ac1nowledges that while digital media is rapidly
evolving$ accessi-le features often only -ecome availa-le as other new
products and services emerge(
The upcoming review of convergent media will advise the Australian
0overnment on reforms to the e2isting legislative framewor1 in light of the
ongoing technological$ commercial and mar1et changes that is occurring with
the trend towards the use of internet protocol ()3) networ1s and the emergence
of )3*-ased content services and applications(
MAA contends that the Media Access Review$ whilst noting the importance of access to
convergent media for the Deaf and hearing*impaired$ and -lind and vision*impaired$
essentially deferred comment on access to convergent media to the Convergence Review(
As such$ it is thus vital that the ToR direct the Committee to consider:
a) the needs of people with disa-ilities (including$ -ut not limited to$ people who are
Deaf or hearing*impaired$ or -lind or vision*impaired) to access convergent media$
including content services$ software$ devices$ and infrastructure!
-) the current regulatory environments which are in place concerning the accessi-ility of
content services$ software$ devices$ and infrastructure!
c) international -est practice for the regulation of access to convergent media! and
d) how current regulatory environments may -e fostered and augmented to meet the
needs of people with disa-ilities to access convergent media(
The Draft Terms of Reference
The Draft ToR currently ma1e no e2plicit reference to issues of access( The closest
reference to access is Term 4(f:
5 appropriate industry and regulatory settings to ma2imise consumer and
citi6en choice in$ and access to$ the -roadest range of content$ and services
7 Media Access Australia %&'' '
used to deliver content$ as are supported -y convergent technologies and
MAA contends that$ unless the Committee is particularly well -riefed on the access needs of
people with a disa-ility$ and on the need for appropriate regulation$ then the Convergence
Review may s1irt over$ or miss entirely$ the issue of access to convergent media(
MAA proposes two amendments to the Draft ToR:
Recommendation 1
Amend Term 4 to include a new su-*paragraph h($ and re*num-er accordingly:
appropriate industry and regulatory settings to facilitate access to convergent media$
including content services$ software$ devices$ and infrastructure for people with a disa-ility
(including$ -ut not limited to$ people who are Deaf or hearing*impaired$ or -lind or vision*
Recommendation ' is clarifying and e2panding upon Term 4(f to direct the Committee to
specifically e2amine the regulatory environment surrounding access to convergent media(
Recommendation 2
Amend the Terms of Reference to include a new Term 8:
)n underta1ing 4( a-ove$ the Committee is to see1 out the views and needs of various
sections of the community$ including people with a disa-ility (including$ -ut not limited to$
people who are Deaf or hearing*impaired$ or -lind or vision*impaired)$ and report on their
findings well -efore the conclusion of the Review(
Recommendation % follows the e2ample of 9fcom$ the communications and media regulator
of the :nited ;ingdom$ which must consult and -e informed -y various sections of the
community$ including people with a disa-ility$ the elderly$ and the views of people from each
of the four .ations of #ngland$ .orthern )reland$ <cotland$ and =ales( The amendment
could easily -e -roadened as necessary(
Contact person:
Mathew 0illiland
3olicy and Research Coordinator
Media Access Australia
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7 Media Access Australia %&'' %

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