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Easy Way to learn English words

Meaning: carefully.
Memory Key: My mother asked me to cut the ginger GINGERLY.
Usage : Cut the apple gingerly
Meaning: in!urious to health " harmful# in!urious
Memory $ey: $ELE%ERI&'( chee)on ko life se $ELE%E kar dena chahiye..
Usage : (moking is deleterious to health.
%. &URLY
%his is the commonly used *ord.
Meaning: : +usky " ,ig - (trong ...
Memory $ey::
Chris Gayle.s &URLY physi/ue did not complement his scores in this year.s I0L.
%he great 1halli is &URLY
%he girl said .I *ant my hus2and to 2e ,'RLY - not GIRLY
Usage : %he 2urly man grunted in response.
'. #!"(K)"LM #YNR"ME
Meaning: 3eelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostagetaking 2y a 4ictim to*ards a
Memory $ey:%he mo4ie +IG+56Y is the perfect e7ample of (%&C1+&LM (YN$R&ME as 6lia ,hatt falls in
lo4e *ith her kidnapper Randeep +ooda..
Usage: E4en though the toddler didn.t like his ne* toy" he de4eloped a #to*$holm #yndrome for it
+. ,)LEGM-!I(
Meaning: Calm - E4en tempered " not easily e7cited to action or display of emotion# apathetic# sluggish.
Memory Key:. %he *ord 0hlegMatic has the alpha2ets 0.M. &ur e70M " Manmohan (ingh
Usage : 6 man of placid and e4en phlegmatic temperament
/. )EN()M-N
Meaning: 3aithful follo*er or political supporter *ho al*ays o2eys the orders of his leader...
MEM"RY KEY:. 6fter the election loss# neat!i ke saarey )EN()MEN &EN() pe 2aith gaye..
Usage: Gi4e up on this regime 2ecause it should 2e o4er for him and his henchmen
0. E&-R 1s I#&-R
Meaning o2 E&-R : to shut out # to pre4ent# to hinder from en!oyment # to
Memory KEY : sounds like 8 $EE56R 8 *hich pre4ents from seeing the 4ie* or shut outs the 4ie*...
Usage : %he fact that he *as 2orn in Europe $E,6RRE$ him from the presidency of the 'nited states.
Meaning o2 I#&-R : to e7pel from the legal profession
Memory KEY : 8(8 stands for (IN....and those *ho commit sin are e7pelled from the ser4ice of legal profession.
Usage : %he la*yer *as $I(,6RRE$ for corrupt legal practice
3. IN#!IG-!I"N
Meaning : %he action or process of instigating an action or e4ent
Memory $ey : Muskurane ki IN(%IG6%I&N tum ho .... Gungunaane ki IN(%IG6%I&N tum ho ...
Usage: %he la* *as passed on the IN(%IG6%I&N of pu2lic outcry
4. MEN-(I"U#
Meaning : telling lies" dishonest" disloyal or untruthful
Memory $ey : 9onny 9onny :yes papa
Eating sugar papa
Mendacious :no papa
Usage: a mendacious person or a mendacious report
15. (",I"U#
Meaning : 0lentiful" a2undant
Memory $ey : 6gar hum e7ams mein C&0Y kar ke likhengay to hamaare C&0I&'( marks aayengey.
Usage : I ha4e copious talent of acting in mo4ies.
1. (-N"R"U#
Meaning: Melodious"%uneful" Musical
Memory $ey. i66isi 6*aa) !o ghol de 1aaN& me R6( usey kehte hain C6N&R&'(
ii6 No* *e can call Mr. Madhur ,handarkar as ;Canorous ,handarkar<
Usages : i6 Lata Mageshkar.s canorous 4oice
ii6 a canorous chorus of 2irdsong filled the morning air
2. ,L-(-!E
Meaning : Make =someone> less angry or hostile.
Memory $ey : $adi amma $adi amma 0lacate ho !ao:.
Chodho 2hi ye gussa )ara hass ke dikhao??
Usage : .%hey attempted to placate the students *ith promises..
%. 7U"!II-N
Meaning : occurring e4ery day# daily.
Memory $ey : (unday ho ya Monday
@uotidian khaao 6nnde
Usage : %he 2ook focuses on the /uotidian life of farmers.
'. ("-LE#(E
Meaning: to unite or come together in one 2ody or mass# merge# fuse# 2lend.
Memory Key: Mere hath mei tere hath ho" (ari !annatein mere ;Coalesce< ho
Usage: In the detecti4eAs mind the 4arious clues 2egan to coalesce into a complete se/uence of e4ents.
Meaning: someone *ho is e7tremely generous # 2ig hearted
Memory $ey: M'NI pays 3EE( of poor students" she is so Munificent.
Usage: %he king is munificent *hen gi4ing aid to the poor people of his land.
/. &R-(KI#)
Meaning: Namkeen
Memory $ey: 1rack!ack ,iscuits B thoda mitha thoda 2rackish
Usage: %he *ater in this part of the s*amp seems to 2e more 2rackish
0. M"I(UM
Meaning : Cery small in /uantity or num2er.
Memory Key: &n the arri4al of M&$I" it is assumed that he *ill 2e a2le to Modicum most of the *orries of
common man
Usage: 6ny2ody *ith the modicum of common sense *ould do such kind of acts.
Meaning: 6n allusi4e or o2li/ue remark or hint
Memory : i.6 (am!hdaar ko INN'EN$& hee kaafi
ii.6 8tau2a tumhare ye INN'EN$&( to de**ane hai tumhare 8
Usage: %hrough masterful innuendo" she re4ealed the secret to him.
4. MI##I9E# :"R E,I#!LE#6
Meaning: a letter
Memory $ey: Missi4e=or Epistles> aatey hain# +umein tadpaatey hain" 1i Ghar ka2 6aaogay ?
Usage: I sent a missi4e =or epistle> to my mother *hen I remem2ered to do so.
15. (IN()
Meaning: an Easy or a sure thing
Memory $ey: i.6 Learning English is not so cinch
ii.6 +a4e you e4er imagined that English 4oca2 *ill 2ecome so cinch to you in learning.
Usage: 62ility and hard *ork cinched her success.
. -&U!
Meaning: : to 2e ad!acent# touch or !oin at the edge or 2order =often follo*ed 2y on" upon" or against
Memory ti;: %he old" 2oring mo4ie .+um (aath (aath hain. could 2e remem2ered as : .+um 6,'% 6,'% hain.
Usages: %his piece of land a2uts on a street.
2. ,R"88ER
Meaning: an offer or proposal
Memory $ey : Chalo 2ulaa*a aaya hai =I0L> could 2e said as : Chalo 0R&33ER aaya hai =I0L>
Usages: If you don.t get *hat you *ant you could then proffer your notice
%. (ER!I!UE
Meaning : means a2solute confidence in something or an un/uestioning 2elief in something.
Memory $ey : 0ehle Istemaal karein phir CER%I%'$E dikhayein ? 6$$ for ghadi soap.
Usage : 0eople *ho are 4ery religious e7press certitude a2out their faith.
Meaning : discussion# conference#
Memory KEY : 6n old hindi song....86a! kal tere mere pyaar ke charche har )a2aan par........8 can 2e sung as
86a! kal tere mere pyaar ke 06RLEY( har )a2aan par......
(a2ko maalum ha aur sa2ko kha2ar hogai... 8
U#-GE : %hey had a 4ery interesting 06RLEY on *omen empo*erment.
+. ,YRR)I(
Meaning : =of a 4ictory > *on at too great a cost to ha4e 2een *orth*hile for the 4ictor.
Memory $ey : +ar 2olly*ood 4illain ka fa4orite dialogue : 8Ye dushmani 2ohot 0YRR+IC padegi tu!he8
%he phrase is 0YRR+IC CIC%&RY
Usage: Cictory in any *ar is a 0YRR+IC CIC%&RY as the loss of innocent li4es is ne4er !ustified.
E. N"N()-L-N!
Meaning : : coolly unconcerned" indifferent" or une7cited# casual
Memory $ey: 0yaar dee*ana hota hai ... mastaana hota hai +ar khushi se har gham se ... N&NC+6L6N% hota hai
6nd %u C+6L ya naa C+6L mere saath. I am N&NC+6L6N% a2out it?
Usage : $ean ans*ered in a 4oice as nonchalant as he could muster
0. G-UN!
Meaning : 4ery thin" especially 2ecause of sickness or hunger
Memory Key: My Grand6'N% is 4ery G6'N% due to dengue fe4er
Usages : (he is a G6'N% lady F %he 2a2y *as 2orn /uite G6'N% F %he old man had a G6'N% face.
3. ME!!LE
Meaning : 2oldnessFcourage
Memory $ey: You *ill ne4er e4er forget the *ord 8 ME%%LE 8 again %he cartoon Courage" the co*ardly dog
can 2e remem2ered as ME%%LE" %he Co*ardly $og
Usages: Let.s gi4e him a chance to sho* his mettle
4. ,LEN!Y
Meaning: &4era2undance" e7cess
Memory $ey: 0LEN%Y" not %+&R6 G 0LE%+&R6
Usages: plenty of *ater or plenty of resources
15. "#!R-(I<E
Meaning: : e7pel from a community or group# a4oid speaking to or dealing *ith
Memory $ey: 9a2 aapka ego ho !aye 8&(%RIC+8 ke ande ka 8(IHE8" to log aapko kar denge 8&(%R6CIHE8.
Usage: $o not ostraci)e him or her due to the psychiatric condition

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