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Trend & Technology Foresight I Strategies und Processes for Realisation of New Technologies I Effective Innovation

Management I Radical Sustaining & Disruptive Technologies: Assessment, Derivation, Initialisation

October 13 14, 2014 | MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin | Germany |

For the first time on international level, we.CONECT invites to the Disruptive Technologie &
Innovation Foresight Minds EUROPE 2014 conference in Berlin from October 13 14. More than
25 speakers and moderators from all industries across the globe will be presenting 20 best
practices in 30 different live sessions.

More than 150 participants from all over the World will use the conference actively and discuss
contemporary challenges, ideas and progresses. Our World Caf and Challenge Your Peers Roundtable
sessions offer an interactive platform for network-growth and for getting questions on industry-related
subjects answered.

Keynote speakers at the :

Pfizer / USA (Dr. Barbara Sosnowski - Vice President, External R&D Inflammation, ERDI Lead
WRD External Partnerships, Worldwide Research & Development) presents a case study on Open
Innovation - Strategic Partnership to Accelerate Development & Gain a Competitive Edge
The Dow Chemical Company / Belgium (Dr. Joost Waeterloos - EU Technology Scouting
Leader Corporate Venturing) moderates a World Caf Session arguing the Finding and Building
of Technology Growth Options - New Market Opportunities via Technology Scouting.
3M / Germany (Thomas Andrae - Director 3M New Ventures) reports about The Impact of
Platformization and the Opportunities and Threats on the Path to Industry 4.0.
Google Inc. / Germany (Jeremy Abbett, Creative Evangelist) presents the evening keynote Pull
to Refresh to discuss about creativity as a survival factor, accessibility of technology and more.

Moreover, following pioneers from world-leading companies and institutions will report in case studies or
interactive discussion round tables from their experiences: Samsung UX Center America / US, Henkel /
Germany, Eastern Maine Medical Center / USA, D. SWAROVSKI / Austria, Cambridge University /
UK, Wake Forest University / USA and more.

For more information about the conference or to register, please click here.

We look forward to welcoming you in October in Berlin!
Nicole Steuer
Marketing Development Manager
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Gertraudenstr. 10-12
10178 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 81
Fax: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 30
Email: |

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