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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications

2014; 2(1): 1-4

Published online January 10, 2014 (http://www.sienepublishin!!roup.o"/#/i#"ea)
doi: 10.11$4%/#.i#"ea.20140201.11

Analysing the implementation of six stroke engine in a
hybrid car
Chinmayee Karmalkar, Vivek Raut
&ehanial 'n!ineerin!, (idya)ardhini*s +olle!e o, 'n!ineerin! and -ehnolo!y, &u"bai, .ndia
Email address:
./ar"al/ar0yahoo.o" (+. 1ar"al/ar), )i)e/.raut230!"ail.o" ((. 4aut)
To cite this article:
+hin"ayee 1ar"al/ar, (i)e/ 4aut. 5nalysin! the ."ple"entation o, 6i7 6tro/e 'n!ine in a 8ybrid +ar. International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Applications. (ol. 2, 9o. 1, 2014, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.11$4%/#.i#"ea.20140201.11

Abstract: -he ai" o, the presented paper is to understand the latest trends in .nternal +o"bustion 'n!ine while
"aintainin! its pri"e ,ous on si7 stro/e en!ine. -he underlyin! idea to write this paper is to try and i"ple"ent a $ stro/e
en!ine oupled to an eletri "otor in hybrid ar. -his would then be nu"erially analy:ed with e7istin! hybrid ars. -he
i"portant aspet is to atually o"bine the bene,iial ations o, both hybrid tehnolo!y and $ stro/e en!ines and to study
its a,ter e,,ets. -he para"eters durin! the o"parison are e,,iienies, ,uel onsu"ption, et. -he paper pro!resses with
the !o)ernin! priniples in ideal ase and then slowly i"ple"entin! the idea in pratial sense. 5lso the predited ,uel
eono"y is been disussed below.
Keywords: 6i7 6tro/e +yle, 5ir .ndution 6yste", ;ater .n#etion 6yste", 8ybrid +ars

1. ntroduction
5"idst the e)er pro!ressin! auto"obile en!ineerin!
o"es a new trend o, en!ines popularly /nown as the $
stro/e en!ines. -he si7 stro/e en!ines are "ostly
reo""ended ,or their e7tra power output and thus "ost
pre,erred in hea)y )ehiles where the pri"e ,ous is on load
arryin! apaity rather than ,uel eono"y. .t onsists o, si7
stro/es whih are due to the radial hybridi:ation o, 2
stro/es and 4stro/es, i.e. the piston in eah "o)e !oes up and
down si7 ti"es ,or the in#etion o, ,uel. -he si7 stro/e en!ine
onsists o, 2 ha"bers ha)in! internal o"bustion and
e7ternal o"bustion wherein, the unused or waste heat ,ro"
the 4 stro/e <tto yle is then used to arry out ,urther
stro/es. -hese 2 additional stro/es inrease the wor/
e7trated per unit input o, ener!y, whih then lead to 40=
inrease in ,uel e,,iieny than the ,our stro/e <tto yle.
5ordin! to the literature sur)ey done, the 9iy/ado si7
stro/e en!ine was the )ery 1
si7 stro/e en!ine "odel
arried out, whih then see"ed to ,ail. >ollowed by
?a:ula:, +rowers and @ri,,ins* "odel o, si7 stro/e en!ines.
&alol" ?eare was the "ost suess,ul in)entor o, si7
stro/e en!ines.
-he si7 stro/es o, the si7 stro/e yles are as ,ollows:
.nta/e stro/e
+o"pression stro/e
.!nition stro/e
4eo"pression stro/e
6tea" e7pansion stro/e and
'7haust stro/e
-he ,irst 4 stro/es are si"ilar to those in 4stro/e <tto
yle en!ine. -he ,irst stro/e i.e. in the inta/e stro/e air
,uel "i7ture by the arburetor is supplied in the inta/e
)al)e wherein the e7haust )al)e is losed and the piston is
said to "o)e ,ro" -A+ (-op Aead +enter) to ?A+
(?otto" Aead +enter). -he seond stro/e o, o"pression is
wherein the inta/e as well as the e7haust )al)es is losed,
onsists o, o"pression o, the air ,uel "i7ture and the
piston "o)es ,ro" ?A+ to -A+. .n the third stro/e,
i!nition ta/es plae as a spar/ plu! is used to i!nite the
o"pressed "i7ture and here be!ins the 2
wherein the piston a!ain "o)es ,ro" -A+ to ?A+. .n the
,ourth stro/e, these burnt !ases are led out ,ro" the
ylinder throu!h e7haust )al)e and reed )al)e whih then
o"pletes the 2
re)olution and the ,ourth stro/e as the
piston "o)es ,ro" ?A+ to -A+. B4C
-he di,,erentiatin! points are the re"ainin! two stro/es
i.e. the D
and the $
stro/e. -he ,i,th stro/e initiates the
power stro/e, wherein instead o, air- ,uel "i7ture only air
is su/ed into the ylinder ,ro" the air ,ilter throu!h the
seondary air indution line and the piston "o)es ,ro"
-A+ to ?A+. .n the si7th stro/e then the air ,ro" the
ylinder is led to the at"osphere by the e7haust )al)e.
6o in !eneral to su""ari:e the abo)e state"ents we say
2 +hin"ayee 1ar"al/ar and (i)e/ 4aut: 5nalysin! ."ple"entation o, 6i7 6tro/e 'n!ine in 8ybrid +ar

that the power stro/es are the 3
and the D
stro/e. -he
e7haust stro/es are the 4
and the $
!. "iterature #urvey
2.1. Six Stroke Engine
-his setion e7plains the bene,iial aspets ina si7 stro/e
en!ine whih does not e7ist in a 4 stro/e en!ine. -he "a#or
di,,erenes between 4 are $ stro/e en!ines are the e7tra 2
stro/es o, whih the D
stro/e is the power stro/e. .t is o, 2
types listed below:
2.1.1. Air Induction System
-he si7 stro/es en!ines as disussed earlier are basially
used ,or hi!h power output and hi!h ,uel e,,iieny. .n the
air indution syste", the air ,ro" air ,ilter is then passed to
the "ass ,low sensor. -he "ass air,low sensor in the
syste" indiates the air,low whereas there is also an inta/e
te"perature sensor whih helps in deter"inin! the
te"perature. 5s there is hi!h power and ,uel e,,iieny, it
will be re!ardless in sayin! that there will be hi!h
o"pression ratio in the syste". BEC
-his leads to detonation e,,et or pre-i!nition in the
syste". -his e,,et produes noise whih is nowadays
eli"inated by usin! a silener. -he air indution syste"
thus onsists o, hi!h te"perature inta/e air, as there are the
turbohar!ers and superhar!ers in the en!ine whih
pro)ide heat to the inta/e air. -his heat an ,urther be
eli"inated by the interoolers whih help in oolin! the
te"perature o, the hot o"pressed air and thus derease its
pressure. -his inreases the per,or"ane by re#etin! heat
into the at"osphere. 5s it pro)ides hi!her power and is
use,ul in hi!h load apaity en!ine, this syste" an be seen
in airra,ts.
2.1.2. Water Injection
;ater as it is /nown ,or its reliable properties has a
spei,i heat )alue o, about 4.1% J/!
+ -he )apori:ation o,
water or any liFuid is ta/en into aount by its property
alled as Gthe latent heat o, )apori:ation* whih deter"ines
the han!e in state o, water ,ro" liFuid to !aseous state. 5s
seen in the $ stro/e en!ine, there is an e7tra power stro/e
apart ,ro" the one e7istin! power stro/e in the ,our stro/e
en!ine. 5,ter the inta/e, o"pression, i!nition and e7haust
stro/es there is water in#etion in the syste". .t is done in
order to pre)ent detonation in the syste". 5s the air is then
,eed ba/ into the D
stro/e it leads to a )ery hi!h pressure
in the syste" whih !i)es rise to hi!her pressures.B1C
-hese pressures and te"peratures lead to an e7plosi)e
burnin! o, air whih pro)es to be har",ul ,or the en!ine.
-he water in#etion syste" is initiali:ed a,ter the
te"perature e7eeds 40
+. .t !i)es hi!her o"pression
ratios and thus pro)ides anti/no/ properties to the syste"
whih help in protetin! the syste" ,ro" detonation as well
as pro)ide an e,,iient power stro/e. ?oein! ?-D2 initially
"ade use o, water in#etion ,or ta/eo,,s as these syste"s
are reFuired ,or hi!her load arryin! apaity auto"obiles.
-he water in#etion "ethod is presu"ed to be better than
air indution "ethod sine water has a hi!her heat
absorption apaity than air also when air absorbs the heat
and e7pands in the D
stro/e it !enerates hi!h pressures in
the en!ine head leadin! to hi!h stress on ylinder.
-he si7-stro/e en!ine has the ,ollowin! ad)anta!es:B3C
-her"al e,,iieny reahin! D0=. (30= ,or the atual
internal o"bustion en!ines)
>uel onsu"ption redued by "ore than 40=.
4edution o, he"ial, noise and the r"alpollution.
-wo e7pansions (wor/) throu!h si7 stro/es.
Airet in#etion and opti"al ,uel o"bustion at e)ery
en!ine speed
>ators a,,etin! ,uel e,,iieny:
-he heat that is e)auated durin! the oolin! o, a
on)entional en!ine*s ylinder head is reo)ered in
the si7-stro/e en!ine by the air-heatin! ha"ber
surroundin! the o"bustion ha"ber.
5,ter inta/e, air is o"pressed in the heatin! ha"ber
and heated throu!h E20 de!rees o, ran/sha,t an!le,
3$0 de!rees o, whih in losed ha"ber (e7ternal
-he trans,er o, heat ,ro" the )ery thin walls o, the
o"bustion ha"ber to the air heatin! ha"bers
lowers the te"perature and pressure o, the !ases
one7pansion and e7haust (internal o"bustion).B3C
?etter o"bustion and e7pansion o, !ases that ta/e
plae o)er D40 de!rees o, ran/sha,t rotation, 3$0H o,
whih is in losed o"bustion ha"ber, and 1%0H
-he !lowin! o"bustion ha"ber allows the opti"al
burnin! o, any ,uel and alination o, the residues.
Aistribution o, the wor/: two e7pansions (power
stro/es) o)er si7 stro/es, or a third "ore than the in a
,our-stro/e en!ine.
?etter ,illin! o, the ylinder on the inta/e due to the
lower te"perature o, the ylinder walls and the piston
'li"ination o, the e7haust !ases rossin! with ,resh
air on inta/e. .n the si7 stro/e-en!ines, inta/e ta/es
plae on the ,irst stro/e and e7haust on the ,ourth
Iar!e redution in oolin! power. -he water pu"p
and ,an outputs are redued. Possibility to suppress
the water ooler.B3C
Iess inertia due to the li!htness o, the "o)in! parts.
Iower oil te"perature. ;ith o"bustion ta/in! plae
in a losed ha"ber, the hi!h te"peratures less stress
the oil and the ris/ o, dilution is redued, e)en in old
starts. 6ine the si7-stro/e en!ine has a third less
inta/e and e7haust than a ,our stro/e en!ine, there is
depression on the piston durin! inta/e and the ba/.BDC
Pressure durin! e7haust is redued by a third. -he
!ain in e,,iieny balanes out the losses due to the
passa!e o, air throu!h the o"bustion ha"ber and
heatin! ha"ber )al)es, durin! o"pression o, ,resh
and superheated air.
.nternational Journal o, &ehanial 'n!ineerin! and 5ppliations 2014; 2(1): 1-4 3

2.2. Hybrid Technology
-he !asoline-eletri hybrid ar is #ust what it sounds
li/e -- a ross between a !asoline-powered ar and an
eletri ar. 5 !as-powered ar has a ,uel tan/, whih
supplies !asoline to the en!ine. -he en!ine then turns
atrans"ission, whih turns the wheels. B2C
-he hybrid is a o"pro"ise. .t atte"pts to si!ni,iantly
inrease the "ilea!e and redue the e"issions o, a !as-
powered ar while o)ero"in! the shorto"in!s o, an
eletri ar.
-o be use,ul to you or "e, a ar "ust "eet ertain
"ini"u" reFuire"ents. -he ar should be able to:
Ari)e at least 300 "iles (4%2 /") be,ore re-,uelin!
?e re,ueled Fui/ly and easily
1eep up with the other tra,,i on the road
5 !asoline ar "eets these reFuire"ents but produes a
relati)ely lar!e a"ount o, pollution and !enerally !ets poor
!as "ilea!e. 5n eletri ar, howe)er, produes al"ost no
pollution, but it an only !o D0 to 100 "iles (%0 to 1$1 /")
between har!es. 5nd the proble" has been that the eletri
ar is )ery slow and inon)enient to rehar!e.
5 !asoline-eletri ar o"bines these two setups into
one syste" that le)era!es both !as power and eletri
@asoline-eletri hybrid ars ontain the ,ollowin!
@asoline en!ine$ -he hybrid ar has a !asoline
en!ine "uh li/e the one you will ,ind on "ost ars.
8owe)er, the en!ine on a hybrid is s"aller and uses
ad)aned tehnolo!ies to redue e"issions and
inrease e,,iieny.
>uel tan/%-he ,uel tan/ in a hybrid is the ener!y
stora!e de)ie ,or the !asoline en!ine. @asoline has a
"uh hi!her ener!y density than batteries do. >or
e7a"ple, it ta/es about 1,000 pounds o, batteries to
store as "uh ener!y as 1 !allon (E pounds) o,
'letri "otor- -he eletri "otoron a hybrid ar is
)ery sophistiated. 5d)aned eletronis allow it to
at as a "otor as well as a !enerator. >or e7a"ple,
when it needs to, it an draw ener!y ,ro" the batteries
to aelerate the ar. ?ut atin! as a !enerator, it an
slow the ar down and return ener!y to the batteries.
@enerator% -he !enerator is si"ilar to an eletri
"otor, but it ats only to produe eletrial power. .t is
used "ostly on series hybrids.
?atteries%-he batteries in a hybrid ar are the ener!y
stora!e de)ie ,or the eletri "otor. Jnli/e the
!asoline in the ,uel tan/, whih an only power the
!asoline en!ine, the eletri "otor on a hybrid ar an
put ener!y into the batteries as well as draw ener!y
,ro" the".
-rans"ission%-he trans"ission on a hybrid ar
per,or"s the sa"e basi ,untion as the trans"ission
on a on)entional ar. 6o"e hybrids, li/e the 8onda
.nsi!ht, ha)e on)entional trans"issions. <thers, li/e
the -oyota Prius, ha)e radially di,,erent ones.
&. Aim and 'b(ective
-he pri"e ai" to analy:e a si7 stro/e en!ine alon! with
a hybrid ar is ta/en into onsideration on the basis o, its
,uel e,,iieny and power sa)in!. -he wor/in! o, 4stro/e
en!ine is )ery well /nown and the re"ainin! 2 stro/es i.e.
the D
and $
stro/e, as disussed earlier, will be arried
out as an en!ine is started; it predo"inantly helps in
utili:ation o, ,uel. 5s seen in today*s senario, it has been
e)ident that the ,uel onsu"ption is "a7i"i:ed due to the
e)er inreasin! urbani:ation. -he hybrid ars orroborate a
re!enerati)e bra/in! syste" whih helps in "aintainin! the
,uel e,,iieny by har!in! the re!enerati)e batteries a,ter
the en!ine is stopped. -hus, the o"bination o, si7 stro/es
and a hybrid ar would lead into an e7traordinary ar
en!ine "ehanis", whih will not only inrease the
e7istin! ,uel e,,iieny in total o, the syste" with re!ards
to its indi)idual ,uel e,,iienies but would also renew the
entire syste" in ter"s o, its "ilea!e, power output and
"ost i"portantly its de"and.
). *umerical Calculation
-he pri"e idea is to "er!e the si7 stro/e en!ine alon!
with hybrid tehnolo!y.
-he "ilea!e o, a nor"al ar is 11.E$ /"pl i.e. it o)ers
100 /" in %.DD liters o, !asoline on a)era!e.
-he hybrid ar o)ers 100 /" in 3.22 liters i.e. has a
"ilea!e o, 2D.D2 /"pl.
?ut an e7istin! hybrid ar has a 4 stro/e en!ine installed
with the eletri "otor. ., a $ stro/e en!ine is oupled
instead o, 4 stro/e en!ine then pratially it is obser)ed
that the ,uel reFuire"ent is dereased by 2D= thou!h the
"anu,aturers lai" it to be 40=.
6o e)entually the o"bo ar o)ers 100/" in 2.24 liters
i.e. at an a)era!e o, 34 /"pl.
+. Advanta,es and -isadvanta,es
1. ')en lower ,uel onsu"ption than an e7istin! hybrid
2. @reater "ilea!e
3. Iow pollution due to o"bined e,,et o, hybrid
tehnolo!y and $ stro/e en!ine
4. -he load arryin! apaity o, hybrid ar is inreased
due to e7tra power stro/e.
D. Iess load on en!ine as the load is proportionately
di)ided a"on! en!ine and batteries.
1. 8i!h initial ost due to han!es in !ear struture
onnetin! the eletri "otor and !asoline en!ine.B$C
2. 8i!h "anu,aturin! ost o, si7 stro/e en!ine
3. 'n!ine si:e inreases due to "any nu"bers o,
ylinders and additional o"ponents.
4 +hin"ayee 1ar"al/ar and (i)e/ 4aut: 5nalysin! ."ple"entation o, 6i7 6tro/e 'n!ine in 8ybrid +ar

4. ?ra/e power and indiated power per yle is low.
D. -he upper li"it o, speed is restrited.B$C
.. Conclusion
-he inreased e,,iieny is a result o, reo)erin! heat
pri"arily ,ro" the en!ine o"bustion !ases. -he reo)ered
heat is on)erted to "ehanial ener!y at the ran/sha,t by
e7pandin! stea" in the en!ine o"bustion ha"ber. -his
,or" o, waste heat is reo)ered K is ao"plished by usin!
a $-stro/e en!ine yle. -he paper onludes that the
adoption o, o"bined e,,et o, a hybrid ar and si7 stro/e
en!ine would help in the better"ent o, world eono"y as it
helps in redution o, pollution and it would also support the
ad)ane"ent o, auto"obile industry as it ,ouses on ,uel
e,,iieny whih has beo"e a pri"e ob#eti)e in today*s

B1C L5 hi!hly e,,iient si7-stro/e internal o"bustion en!ine
yle with water in#etion ,or in-ylinder e7haust heat
reo)eryM- Ja"es +. +on/lin, Ja"es P. 6:ybistN<a/ 4id!e
9ational Iaboratory, 23$0 +herahala ?l)d, 1no7)ille, -9
3E232, J65
B2C 5uto"oti)e 8ybrid tehnolo!y- @usta, Ia!un o,,
B3C -her"odyna"i 5nalysis, -estin! and ')aulation o, $
6tro/e 'n!ine
B4C ?. I. 6in!hal, internal o"bustion en!ine
BDC 6. .. @a)hale, power en!ineerin!
B$C Aa)id 6i"s, hybrid eleti )ehiles are no better than
re!ular ars
BEC 4obert. +. -ibbs (12E$), 6i7 yle o"bustion and ,luid
)apori:ation; J6 Patent $,E%2,D13.

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