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Were the SPCS 2014 Organising Committee Katie, Flo, Jason and ndrea !o"r
#S$ %Pre&'egistration( Ph)siothera*) st"dents !rom +#, d"e to -"ali!) .) the
end o! this )ear F/012'S C'OSS23!!!

4he ina"g"ral St"dent Ph)siothera*) Con!eren$e S$otland SPCS 2014 5as
$on$ei6ed in 2017 5ith Katie and Flo $o&!o"nders o! the !irst +#,
Ph)siothera*) So$iet)8 Katie and Flo had a 6ision o! a da) that 5o"ld ins*ire
st"dents to thin9 :o"tside o! the .o; 5hen $onsidering their $areer o*tions8 4he
ne$essar) gro"nd5or9 to ma9e the e6ent *ossi.le 5as then esta.lished8

Sharing Katie and Flos 6ision and enth"siasm !or a $hallenge, Jason and ndrea
-"i$9l) <oined !or$es8 Sin$e then, the !o"r o! "s ha6e .een 5or9ing together to
$reate the e6ent 5e *resent to )o" here8

'ead a .it more a.o"t ea$h o! "s .elo58

Katie McGregor

Im Katie, Im from Edinburgh and I am Physio Society
2013/14 President I !re"ious#y studied in $undee and
Im s#o%#y ma&ing my %ay around Scottish uni"ersity
cities, Edinburgh do%n, 'berdeen and (#asgo% to go
)his year I *ran the Edinburgh marathon and no% ha"e
incredib#e res!ect for !eo!#e %ho run si##y distances,
that #oo&s #i&e a smi#e in my !icture+its not I ho!e
e"eryone en,oys the conference and you a## get to &no%
each other a bit better If you see me running around on
the day #i&e a cra-ed duc&, !#ease te## me a ,o&e

Florence Cook

Im .#o, I am from Eng#and but !#ease dont ho#d that
against me I started my education at a s!ecia#ist music
schoo# 'fter 11 years I %as unab#e to master, or e"en
!#ay a tune on a sing#e instrument, an achie"ement in
itse#f I !re"ious#y com!#eted a /Sc in /irmingham
before crossing the border to study in beautifu#
Edinburgh )here are many things that made me #o"e
this city, the !eo!#e, architecture but most of a## its
connection %ith 0arry Potter 1es this !icture %as
ta&en on a 0arry Potter tour and I am indeed ho#ding a *%and If you see me at the
conference I %ou#d strugg#e to %hist#e a tune for you but I %i## be ab#e to te## you
!#enty of 0arry Potter 2uotes

Jason Chang

Im 3ason I %as born in )ai%an but gre% u! in the
4ether#ands Since 2005 I ha"e been studying in the 6K,
!re"ious#y at 7ueen 8ary 6ni"ersity, reading for a
degree in /io#ogy %ith Psycho#ogy, and no% 7ueen
8argaret in Edinburgh 8y academic !ath%ay has
ine9!#icab#y ta&en me into co#der and %etter c#imates,
but so far so good: I #oo& for%ard to meeting a## of you
come ;ctober 2<
If you see me on the day, !#ease
remind me to ha"e a si! of %ater, I %i## #i&e#y be
dehydrated from a## the running around

Andrea Christoforo

Im 'ndrea Im a (ree& from /oston, but ha"e been
ha!!i#y stranded on this side of the !ond since 2001
/efore the 8Sc, I *dabb#ed in genetics, studying =for a
fe% years+> its re#e"ance in !sychiatric i##ness 4o% I
s!end a #ot of time trying to find the "arious connections
bet%een genetics and !hysiothera!y ? both out of
interest and to reassure my mother that the !ast decade
%as not+for naught@ 8ost #i&e#y, if you run into me on
the day, I %i## te## you a bad ,o&e

4hats a .it a.o"t "s8 We loo9 !or5ard to meeting )o" in O$ to learn a .it
a.o"t )o"!

4han9 )o" and Wel$ome!


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