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Level - 1

Lesson 1 - Where are you from?

James : Hello.
Lisa : Hi.
James : How are you?
Lisa : I'm good. How are you?
James : Good. Do you speak English?
Lisa : A little. Are you Amerian?
James : !es.
Lisa : "here are you #rom?
James : I'm #rom $ali#ornia.
Lisa : %ie to meet you.
James : %ie to meet you too.
Lesson 2 - Do you speak English?
&ary : E'use me( are you Amerian?
)o*ert : %o.
&ary : Do you speak English?
)o*ert : A little( *ut not +ery well.
&ary : How long ha+e you *een here?
)o*ert : , months.
&ary : "hat do you do #or work?
)o*ert : I'm a student. How a*out you?
&ary : I'm a student too.
Lesson 3 - What's your name?
Level - 1
John : E'use me( what's your name?
Jessia : &y name is Jessia. "hat's yours?
John : John.
Jessia : !ou speak English +ery well.
John : .hank you.
Jessia : Do you know what time it is?
John : /ure. It's 0:-12&.
Jessia : "hat did you say?
John : I said it's 0:-12&.
Jessia : .hanks.
John : !ou're welome.
Lesson 4 - Asking ire!tions"
Amy : Hi &ihael.
&ihael : Hi Amy. "hat's up?
Amy : I'm looking #or the airport. $an you tell me how to get there?
&ihael : %o( sorry. I don't know.
Amy : I think I an take the su*way to the airport. Do you know where the su*way
&ihael : /ure( it's o+er there.
Amy : "here? I don't see it.
&ihael : Aross the street.
Amy : 3h( I see it now. .hanks.
&ihael : %o pro*lem.
Amy : Do you know i# there's a restroom around here?
&ihael : !es( there's one here. It's in the store.
Amy : .hank you.
Level - 1
&ihael :4ye.
Amy : 4ye *ye
Lesson # - $'m hungry"
.homas : Hi /arah( how are you?
/arah : 5ine( how are you doing?
.homas : 36.
/arah : "hat do you want to do?
.homas : I'm hungry. I'd like to eat something.
/arah : "here do you want to go?
.homas : I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant.
/arah : "hat kind o# Italian #ood do you like?
.homas : I like spaghetti. Do you like spaghetti?
/arah : %o( I don't( *ut I like pi77a..
Lesson % - Do you &ant something to rink?
/usan : Da+id( would you like something to eat?
Da+id : %o( I'm #ull.
/usan : Do you want something to drink?
Da+id : !es( I'd like some o8ee.
/usan : /orry( I don't ha+e any o8ee.
Da+id : .hat's 36. I'll ha+e a glass o# water.
/usan : A small glass( or a *ig one?
Da+id : /mall please.
/usan : Here you go.
Da+id : .hanks.
Level - 1
/usan : !ou're welome.
Lesson ' - (hat's too late"
)ihard : &ary( would you like to get something to eat with me?
&ary : 36. "hen?
)ihard : At -1 3'lok.
&ary : -1 in the morning?
)ihard : %o( at night.
&ary : /orry( that's too late. I usually go to *ed around -1:112&.
)ihard : 36( how a*out -:91 2&?
&ary : %o( that's too early. I'll still *e at work then.
)ihard : How a*out 0:112&?
&ary : .hat's :ne.
)ihard : 36( see you then.
&ary : Alright. 4ye.
Lesson ) - *hoosing a time to meet"
$harles : Jenni#er( would you like to ha+e dinner with me?
Jenni#er : !es. .hat would *e nie. "hen do you want to go?
$harles : Is today 36?
Jenni#er : /orry( I an't go today.
$harles : How a*out tomorrow night?
Jenni#er : 3k. "hat time?
$harles : Is ;:112& all right?
Jenni#er : I think that's too late.
$harles : Is <:112& 36?
Level - 1
Jenni#er : !es( that's good. "here would you like to go?
$harles : .he Italian restaurant on 0th street.
Jenni#er : 3h( I don't like that )estaurant. I don't want to go there.
$harles : How a*out the 6orean restaurant ne't to it?
Jenni#er : 36( I like that plae.
Lesson + - When o you &ant to go?
Linda : Hi &ark.
&ark : Hi.
Linda : "hat are you planning to do today?
&ark : I'm not sure yet.
Linda : "ould you like to ha+e lunh with me?
&ark : !es. "hen?
Linda : Is --:91A& 36?
&ark : /orry( I didn't hear you. $an you say that again please?
Linda : I said( --:91A&.
&ark : 3h( I'm *usy then. $an we meet a little later?
Linda : 36( how a*out -,:912&?
&ark : 36. "here?
Linda : How a*out 4ill's /ea#ood )estaurant?
&ark : 3h( "here is that?
Linda : It's on >th /treet.
&ark : 36( I'll meet you there.
Lesson 1, - -rering foo"
Host : Hello sir( welome to the 5renh Garden )estaurant. How many?
Level - 1
$harles : 3ne.
Host : )ight this way. 2lease ha+e a seat. !our waitress will *e with you in a
"aitress : Hello sir( would you like to order now?
$harles : !es please.
"aitress : "hat would you like to drink?
$harles : "hat do you ha+e?
"aitress : "e ha+e *ottled water( ?uie( and $oke.
$harles : I'll ha+e a *ottle o# water please.
"aitress : "hat would you like to eat?
$harles : I'll ha+e a tuna :sh sandwih and a *owl o# +egeta*le soup.
Lesson 11 - .o& or later?
Eli7a*eth : $hris( where are you going?
$hris : I'm going to the store. I need to *uy something.
Eli7a*eth : )eally? I need to go to the store too.
$hris : "ould you like to ome with me?
Eli7a*eth : !eah( let's go together.
$hris : "ould you like to go now or later?
Eli7a*eth : %ow.
$hris : "hat?
Eli7a*eth : %ow would *e *etter.
$hris : 36( let's go.
Eli7a*eth : /hould we walk?
$hris : %o( it's too #ar. Let's dri+e.
Level - 1
Lesson 12 - Do you have enough money?
Joe : Laura( what are you going to do today?
Laura : I'm going shopping.
Joe : "hat time are you lea+ing?
Laura : I'm going to lea+e around = 3'lok.
Joe : "ill you *uy a ham sandwih #or me at the store?
Laura : 36.
Joe : Do you ha+e enough money?
Laura : I'm not sure.
Joe : How muh do you ha+e?
Laura : ,0 dollars. Do you think that's enough?
Joe : .hat's not +ery muh.
Laura : I think it's 36. I also ha+e two redit ards.
Joe : Let me gi+e you another ten dollars.
Laura : .hanks. /ee you later.
Joe : 4ye.
Lesson 13 - /o& have you 0een?
6aren : Hello )ihard.
)ihard : Hi 6aren.
6aren : How ha+e you *een?
)ihard : %ot too good.
6aren : "hy?
)ihard : I'm sik.
6aren : /orry to hear that.
)ihard : Its 36. Its not serious.
Level - 1
6aren : .hat's good. How's your wi#e?
)ihard : /he's good.
6aren : Is she in Ameria now?
)ihard : %o( she's not here yet.
6aren : "here is she?
)ihard : /he's in $anada with our kids.
6aren : I see. I ha+e to go now. 2lease tell your wi#e I said hi.
)ihard : 36( I'll talk to you later.
6aren : I hope you #eel *etter.
)ihard : .hanks.
Lesson 14 - $ntrou!ing a frien"
&ihael : )o*ert( this is my #riend( &rs. /mith.
)o*ert : Hi( %ie to meet you.
&rs. /mith : %ie to meet you too.
)o*ert : &rs. /mith( what do you do #or work?
&rs. /mith : I'm a dotor.
)o*ert : 3h. "here do you work?
&rs. /mith : %ew !ork @ni+ersity hospital in %ew !ork $ity. "hat do you do?
)o*ert : I'm a teaher.
&rs. /mith : "hat do you teah?
)o*ert : I teah English.
&rs. /mith : "here?
)o*ert : At a high shool in %ew Jersey.
&rs. /mith : .hat's nie. How old are you?
)o*ert : I'm 9,.
Level - 1
Lesson 1# - 1uying a shirt"
Dan : E'use me.
&aria : Hello sir( may I help you?
Dan : !es. $an I see that shirt on the top shel# please?
&aria : /ure. Here it is.
Dan : How muh does it ost?
&aria : 01 dollars.
Dan : 01 dollars. .hat's too muh.
&aria : How a*out this one? It's on sale #or only 90 dollars.
Dan : I don't like that one.
&aria : How a*out the one ne't to the *lak glo+es? It's +ery similar to the one
you like.
Dan : .hat's nie. How muh is it?
&aria : 91 dollars.
Dan : .hat'll *e :ne.
&aria : Is this olor 36( or would you like a di8erent olor?
Dan : .hat *lue one's :ne.
&aria : Do you need any more o# these shirts?
Dan : !es.
&aria : How many do you want?
Dan : I'll take two more( a red one and a white one.
Lesson 1% - Asking a0out lo!ation"
2aul : E'use me( I'm looking #or the Holiday Inn. Do you know where it is?
%any : /ure. It's down this street on the le#t.
Level - 1
2aul : Is it #ar #rom here?
%any : %o( it's not #ar.
2aul : How #ar is it?
%any : A*out a mile and a hal#.
2aul : How long does it take to get there?
%any : 0 minutes or so.
2aul : Is it lose to the su*way station?
%any : !es( it's +ery lose. .he su*way station is ne't to the hotel. !ou an walk
2aul : .hanks a lot.
Lesson 1' - Do you kno& the aress?
&ark : E'use me. Do you know how to get to the mall?
4etty : /ure( I used to work there. Go straight #or a*out a mile( then turn le#t at the
light. .he mall will *e on the right.
&ark : Do you know the address?
4etty : !es( the address is 0=- &ain street.
&ark : $an you write it down #or me please?
4etty : %o pro*lem.
&ark : Is it #aster i# I take Highland a+enue?
4etty : %o( that way is longer. .here are more stop lights on that street.
&ark : I think you're right. .hank you.
Lesson 1) - 2a!ation to *anaa"
George : "hat's today's date?
/andra : It's July 0th.
George : "hen are you going on +aation?
Level - 1
/andra : I'm lea+ing on /unday. "e're going to $anada.
George : )eally? .he day a#ter tomorrow? .hat's +ery soon.
/andra : !eah I know.
George : How long are you going to stay there?
/andra : A*out , weeks.
George : "hen are you oming *ak?
/andra : I'm oming *ak on the ->th.
George : Alright. Ha+e a nie trip.
Lesson 1+ - Who is that &oman?
Donna : Joseph( who is that woman?
Joseph : .hat's /usan.
Donna : "hat does she do #or work?
Joseph : /he's a lawyer.
Donna : Is she Amerian?
Joseph : %o( *ut she speaks English Buently.
Donna : /he's really tall. Do you know her?
Joseph : !es( I know her. "e're #riends.
Donna : "ho's that man standing ne't to her?
Joseph : "hih man?
Donna : .hat short guy on her right. "hat's his name?
Joseph : 3h( that's &att.
Donna : He's really good looking.
Joseph : !eah.
Donna : Do you know him?
Joseph : I don't know him( *ut I think my sister does.
Level - 1
Donna : Is he married?
Joseph : !es( he's married.
Donna : I remem*er now. I met him *e#ore.
Lesson 2, - *ommon 3uestions"
$arol : 4rian( do you know how to speak English?
4rian : !es.
$arol : "here did you learn?
4rian : I learned in ollege.
$arol : !ou speak really well.
4rian : .hank you.
$arol : How long ha+e you *een in the @./.?
4rian : 9 weeks.
$arol : Is your wi#e with you?
4rian : !es( she ?ust got here yesterday.
$arol : Ha+e you *een to $ali#ornia *e#ore?
4rian : %o. I'+e ne+er *een there.
$arol : Ha+e you e+er *een to Las Cegas?
4rian : !es. I went there one on a *usiness trip.
Lesson 21 - (he supermarket is !lose"
/haron : Je8( I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want to ome with me?
Je8 : I think the supermarket is losed now.
/haron : 3h( "hen does it lose?
Je8 : It loses at >:11 on /undays.
/haron : .hat's too *ad.
Level - 1
Je8 : Don't worry( we an go tomorrow morning. It opens at A:11.
/haron : Alright. "hat do you want to do now?
Je8 : Lets take a walk #or a hal# an hour. &y sister will get here at a*out A:912&
and then we an all go out to dinner.
/haron : "here does she li+e?
Je8 : /he li+es in /an 5raniso.
/haron : How long has she li+ed there?
Je8 : I think she's li+ed there #or a*out -1 years.
/haron : .hat's a long time. "here did she li+e *e#ore that?
Je8 : /an Diego.
Lesson 22 - Do you have any !hilren?
&ihelle : $harles( do you ha+e any hildren?
$harles : !es.
&ihelle : How many hildren do you ha+e?
$harles : I ha+e two kids. A *oy and a girl.
&ihelle : "hat are their names?
$harles : Jak and /tephanie.
&ihelle : How old are they?
$harles : /tephanie is -A and Jak is ,=.
&ihelle : Are they in shool?
$harles : /tephanie is. /he goes to ollege in "ashington and Jak works in 5lorida.
&ihelle : "hat does /tephanie study?
$harles : /he studies English.
&ihelle : Is she here now?
$harles : %o( she's at shool.
Level - 1
Lesson 23 - /elp &ith pronun!iation"
6im : "illiam( do you like studying English?
"illiam : I like studying English( and I an read well( *ut speaking an *e diDult.
6im : It's not that *ad. I# you talk to your Amerian #riends e+ery day( you'll learn
"illiam : $an I ask you a Euestion?
6im : /ure( what do you want to know?
"illiam : I ha+e my *ook #rom lass here. How do you say this word?
6im : Laptop
"illiam : /orry( I don't understand. "hat does that mean?
6im : A laptop is a type o# omputer that you an arry with you. Do you
"illiam : !es( I think so. $an you say it again?
6im : Laptop.
"illiam : Laptop. Did I pronoune that orretly?
6im : !es( that's right. .hat's +ery good.
"illiam : .hanks. And this word? How do you pronoune this?
6im : .hat word is pronouned kithen.
"illiam : .hanks so muh. !ou're a good teaher.
6im : .hanks.
Lesson 24 - $ lost my &allet"
/te+e : Hey( How's it going?
Jessia : %ot good. I lost my wallet.
/te+e : 3h( that's too *ad. "as it stolen?
Jessia : %o( I think it ame out o# my poket when I was in the ta'i.
Level - 1
/te+e : Is there anything I an do?
Jessia : $an I *orrow some money?
/te+e : /ure( how muh do you need?
Jessia : A*out 01 dollars.
/te+e : .hat's no pro*lem.
Jessia : .hanks. I'll pay you *ak on 5riday.
/te+e : .hat'll *e :ne. Here you are.
Jessia : "hat are you going to do now?
/te+e : I'm going to *uy some *ooks and then I'm going to the gas station.
Jessia : I# you wait a minute I an go with you.
/te+e : 36. I'll wait #or you.
Lesson 2# - 4hone !all at &ork"
James : Hello?
Linda : Hi( is James there please?
James : !es. "ho's alling?
Linda : Linda.
James : 3ne moment please.
Linda : 36.
James : Hello?
Linda : Hi James( it's Linda.
James : Hi Linda.
Linda : "hat are you doing now?
James : I'm working.
Linda : Are you *usy?
James : !es. It's *een really *usy here all day.
Level - 1
Linda : "hat time do you get o8 o# work?
James : A:912&
Linda : I'll all you *ak a#ter A:912&
James : 36. .alk to you later.
Linda : 4ye *ye.
Lesson 2% - 5amily trip"
Angela : Da+id( what ha+e you *een up to lately?
Da+id : I went on a trip with my #amily last week.
Angela : )eally? "here did you go?
Da+id : "e went to Europe.
Angela : "hat ities did you go to?
Da+id : London( 2aris and a #ew other smaller ities.
Angela : Did you go to 4erlin?
Da+id : %o( "e didn't go there. I'd like to go there ne't time.
Angela : I think the summer is a good time to +isit 4erlin. It's a *eauti#ul plae and
the people there are +ery nie.
Da+id : .hat's what I'+e heard.
Angela : I went there last year. I# you want( I an gi+e you some in#ormation I ha+e
a*out the ity.
Da+id : .hanks.
Lesson 2' - $ &ent shopping"
.om : /arah( what did you do today?
/arah : I went shopping.
.om : Did you *uy anything?
/arah : !es( I *ought a #ew things.
Level - 1
.om : "hat did you *uy?
/arah : I *ought this oat. Do you like it?
.om : !eah( I like it a lot. It's +ery pretty. "here did you *uy it?
/arah : At the mall on 0th street.
.om : "as it e'pensi+e?
/arah : %o( it wasn't e'pensi+e. It was on sale #or ,1 dollars.
.om : .hat's heap.
/arah : I know. It was a really good deal.
.om : I don't think you'll need to wear it #or a while. It's *een really hot lately.
Lesson 2) - What kin of musi! o you like?
Amy : 2aul( what kind o# musi do you like to listen to?
2aul : All kinds( *ut mostly 2op( rok and lassial. "hy?
Amy : I ha+e tikets to a show. Do you want to go with me?
2aul : "hat kind o# musi is it?
Amy : 2op. It's &ariah $arey.
2aul : "hen is it?
Amy : At A2& tomorrow night.
2aul : !eah( I'd like to go. Do you think we should ha+e dinner :rst?
Amy : !es( that's a good idea.
2aul : Let's eat at the restaurant aross the street #rom my apartment.
Amy : 3h( I think I know the plae you mean. "e ate there last month( right?
2aul : !es( that's right. !ou ha+e a good memory.
Lesson 2+ - 6oing to the li0rary"
6e+in : Lisa( would you like to go to the li*rary with me?
Level - 1
Lisa : 36. Do you think we an go *uy a newspaper :rst?
6e+in : /ure. 5irst we'll go *uy a newspaper and then we'll go to the li*rary.
Lisa : Are we going to walk or dri+e?
6e+in : .he weather is really nie today. Let's walk.
Lisa : .he weather is good now( *ut I think it's suppose to rain this a#ternoon.
6e+in : Alright( then let's take an um*rella. Is your *rother oming with us?
Lisa : %o( he's still sleeping.
6e+in : "ow( it's already -1:11A&. He must ha+e *een up late last night.
Lisa : !eah( he didn't ome home until -,:11A&.
6e+in : I hope he an ome later.
Lisa : I hope so too. I'll gi+e him a all when we get there.
6e+in : How do we get to the li*rary #rom here?
Lisa : It's straight down this road on the le#t( ne't to the museum. It takes a*out -1
Lesson 3, - Where o your parents live?
Jason : Hi &elissa( are you going home this weekend?
&elissa : %o( not this weekend. I ha+e too muh work to do.
Jason : "here do your parents li+e?
&elissa : &y #ather li+es in "ashington D$.
Jason : How a*out your mother?
&elissa : &y mother died two years ago.
Jason : 3h( I am sorry to hear that. Is your #ather still working?
&elissa : %o( he's retired.
Jason : Do you ha+e any #amily here?
&elissa : !es( two o# my ousins li+e here and my aunt and unle li+e a*out 91 miles
#rom here.
Level - 1
Jason : Do you ha+e any *rothers or sisters?
&elissa : !es( I ha+e two *rothers who li+e in %ew !ork and a sister who li+es in
Jason : Do you see them a lot?
&elissa : %ot as muh as I'd like to. @sually ?ust on holidays like .hanksgi+ing and
Lesson 31 - *an you help me 7n a fe& things?
&att : I an't :nd my glasses and I an't see anything. $an you help me :nd a #ew
Anna : %o pro*lem. "hat are you looking #or?
&att : &y laptop( do you see it?
Anna : !es( your laptop is on the hair.
&att : "here's my *ook?
Anna : "hih one?
&att : .he ditionary.
Anna : It's under the ta*le.
&att : "here's my penil?
Anna : .here's a penil in #ront o# the lamp.
&att : .hat's not a penil. .hat's a pen.
Anna : 3h( sorry. .here is a penil *ehind the up.
&att : How a*out my *akpak? Do you know where that is?
Anna : It's in *etween the wall and the *ed.
&att : "here are my shoes?
Anna : .hey're on the le#t side o# the .C.
&att : I don't see them.
Anna : /orry( I made a mistake. .hey're on the right side o# the .C.
Level - 1
&att : .hanks.
Anna : 3h( and here are your glasses. .hey were ne't to your ell phone.
Lesson 32 - 4aying for inner"
.im : E'use me. $hek please.
"aitress : 36( how was e+erything?
.im : Cery nie. .hank you.
"aitress : "ould you like this toFgo?
.im : !es( an you put it in a plasti *ag?
"aitress : /ure( no pro*lem. Here you are. .hat'll *e ,0 dollars.
.im : Do you take redit ards?
"aitress : !es( we aept Cisa and &aster$ard.
.im : 36( here you are.
"aitress : .hanks. I'll *e right *ak.
.im : 36.
"aitress : Here's your reeipt.
.im : .hank you.
"aitress : !ou're welome. 2lease ome again.
Lesson 33 - 1uying a plane ti!ket"
.iket lerk : %e't please. Hello. How an I help you?
Larry : I'd like to *uy a tiket to %ew !ork.
.iket lerk : "ould you like one way or round trip?
Larry : )ound trip.
.iket lerk : "hen will you *e lea+ing?
Larry : "hen does the ne't plane lea+e?
Level - 1
.iket lerk : In a*out , hours.
Larry : I'd like a tiket #or that Bight please.
.iket lerk : 5irst lass or oah?
Larry : $oah.
.iket lerk : 36( let me hek a+aila*ility. I'm sorry. .ikets #or that Bight are
sold out.
Larry : How a*out the one a#ter that?
.iket lerk : Let me see. !es( that one still has seats a+aila*le. "ould you like
me to reser+e a seat #or you?
Larry : !es( please.
.iket lerk : .hat'll *e -,1 dollars.
Larry : 36.
.iket lerk : .hank you( here's your hange.
Lesson 34 - 4utting things in orer"
5rank : &ihelle( $an you help me lean things up *e#ore we go?
&ihelle : /ure. "here should I put this up?
5rank : "hih up?
&ihelle : .he red one.
5rank : 2ut it on top o# the ta*le.
&ihelle : How a*out this #ruit?
5rank : 3h( that goes in the re#rigerator.
&ihelle : And those penils? "hat should I do with them?
5rank : 4ring those upstairs and put them in the *edroom.
&ihelle : How a*out this pen?
5rank : Gi+e it to me. I need to use it.
&ihelle : "hat do you want me to do with that paper o+er there?
Level - 1
5rank : !ou an throw that away. I don't need it anymore.
&ihelle : .he trash is #ull.
5rank : Alright( then please put it in a *ag and take it outside.
&ihelle : 36. %ow what?
5rank : I think we're :nished. $an you please turn o8 the lights and shut the door?
&ihelle : /ure.

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