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Our idealistic and handsome City Mayor, Hon. Dr. Ericson G.

Singson, our
dynamic and young-looking Education Program Supervisor in Health and Nutrition, Dr.
Teresita Manzano, our respected school principal, Mrs. Pacita L. Basabas, equally
competent members of the Candon National High School Teaching and Non-teaching
Staff, friends, guests, one and all, Good Afternoon.

Nutrition Month is an annual campaign held every July to create greater
awareness on nutrition among Filipinos, mandated under Presidential Decree 491 or the
Nutrition Act of the Philippines.

The 40
Nutrition Month Celebration in the country accentuates the need of
nutritional preparedness before and during the onslaught of emergencies with the
theme, Kalamidad Paghandaan: Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan. The focus on
nutrition in emergencies aims to reduce the death and illnesses brought about by
ravaging catastrophes. People who are already malnourished even before the
occurrence of these calamities are much more vulnerable to diseases and their
complications and later on fatality.

The exposure of the Philippines to disasters cannot be averted. The countrys
susceptibility to calamities is mainly because of its geographical and physical
characteristics. Our country is one of the worlds largest archipelagos composed of
more than 7,000 islands. It lies along the Western Pacific Basin, which is the worlds
busiest typhoon belt, with the average of 20 typhoons hitting the country each year.
Coastal and extended swamp areas are prone to floods and storm surges during
typhoons. Furthermore, the country is a part of the Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt and it
lies between two major tectonic plates, whose movements create mountain ranges,
islands, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. There are 220 volcanoes in the country,
out of which 21 are active. Aside from these, El Nino occurrences induce drought in
many parts of the archipelago, regularly posing a serious problem in agricultural
production and potable water supply.

Who could forget the Super Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Visayas Island late last
year? Many lives were lost during terror occurrence of this disaster. However, many
people also lost their lives after the disaster due to hunger and malnutrition. One of the
major concerns of the government, particularly the National Nutrition Council, is the
prevalence and steady rise of the number of malnourished individuals, not only children.
Thus, the theme for this years Nutrition Month Celebration was formulated, to create a
greater awareness on the importance of proper nutrition even before we face disasters.

At last, the long wait is over. Weve finally reached the conclusion of this years
Nutrition Month Celebration. I take this time to thank everyone who showed their
support in this years celebration by joining the different contested activities. Special
thanks to Ms. Cristine Joy Roqueta for once again sharing her precious time and effort
in practicing the candidates for the pageant. Thank you to Mr. Dennis Ferrer who
beautified the stage. Thank you to our teachers who excused us from our classes.
Thank you to everyone who shared their time in witnessing this culminating program
which is the focal point of the month-long celebration.

Be there any mishaps or disappointments when it comes to this years
celebration, I apologize. But rest assured, we did all that we can. I hope after this
program, we all go out with smiles on our faces. Those simple curves that will be on our
lips will make all the sweat and hardships we have exerted in this month-long
celebration worth it.

Let us not wait any longer, in behalf of the Technology and Livelihood Education
Club, Welcome to the Culminating Program of the Nutrition Month Celebration 2014. I
hope you enjoy the Search for Mr. and Ms. Nutrition. Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy the

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