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Gayatri Singh- +91 9742148165

Gayatri Singh
Mobile: +91-9742148165
Contemplate to buil a career !ith a leaing corporate house !ith success"ul people !ho !ill ban# on
my talents an reali$e my potential. %illing to !or# as a #ey player in a challenging en&ironment an
hol e""ecti&e positions uring my !or# tenure.
'o"t!are (ngineer !ith aroun 4 years o" ()perience as $n%ormati!a &e"elo'er(
4+ years o" *+ e)perience in 'upport o" ,ata %arehousing an ,ata *ntegration 'olutions using
*n"ormatica -o!ercenter .7.1./08.6.11
-ro"iciency in e&eloping '23 !ith &arious relational atabases li#e 4racle5 '23 'er&er.
6no!lege in 7ull 3i"e Cycle e&elopment o" ,ata %arehousing.
*n&ol&e in (+3 8ob Construction5 29 acti&ities.
:a&e e)tensi&ely !or#e in e&eloping (+3 program "or supporting ,ata ()traction5
trans"ormations an loaing using *n"ormatica -o!er Center.
()perience !ith imensional moeling using star schema an sno!"la#e moels.
()tensi&ely !or#e !ith *n"ormatica per"ormance tuning in&ol&ing source le&el5 target le&el an
map le&el bottlenec#s.
'trong business unerstaning o" &erticals li#e ;ro#erage5 *nsurance5 (nergy.
*nepenently per"orm comple) troubleshooting5 root-cause analysis an solution e&elopment.
9bility to meet ealines an hanle multiple tas#s5 ecisi&e !ith strong leaership <ualities5
"le)ible in !or# scheules an possess goo communication s#ills.
)e!hni!al S*ill+
Operating System
%ino!s =-5 %ino!s 7
So%t,are - .''li!ation
>' =-5 >' 2???5 >' %or5>' ()cel5 >' 9ccess54utloo#5-o!er
/ataba+e: '23 'er&er 2??802??502???5 4racle 11g01?g
*n"ormatica -o!erCenter 7.1./08.6.15 *n"ormatica
-o!er()change 8.6.1
%or#e as @So%t,are EngineerA in 9ccenture "rom 14
9pril 5 2?1? to /1
%or#ing as @Senior So%t,are EngineerA in *B9+( "rom /
9pril till ate
Project AON (Insurance Broker), USA
:ea<uartere in Chicago5 9on is the leaing global pro&ier
o" ris# management ser&ices5 insurance an reinsurance
bro#erage5 an human resource consulting5 management
consulting5 specialty insurance uner!riting. +hrough its more
than 625??? colleagues !orl!ie5 9on eli&ers istincti&e
Gayatri Singh- +91 9742148165
client &alue &ia inno&ati&e an e""ecti&e ris# management an
!or#"orce proucti&ity solutions.
Cole 'o"t!are e&eloper
*n"ormatica 8.6.1 3'23 'er&er 2??8 C2
,e&elope (+3 programs using *n"ormatica to implement
the business re<uirements.
Communicate !ith business customers to iscuss the
issues an re<uirements.
(""ecti&ely use *n"ormatica parameter "iles "or e"ining
mapping &ariables5 !or#"lo! &ariables5 7+- connections
an relational connections.
Create5 launche D scheule sessions.
%rote -30'23 -ac#ages an 'tore proceures to
implement business rules an &aliations.
*n&ol&e in the per"ormance tuning o" the *n"ormatica
mappings an store proceures.
Ese S40 O"erri&e in 'ource <uali"ier to customi$e '23
an "ilter ata accoring to re<uirement.
-er"orme -usho!n 4ptimi$ation to increase the rea an
!rite throughput.
Create system en to en testing .Enit an 'ystem
*ntegration +esting1 as part o" the ',3C process an
per"ormance tuning at the mapping le&el5 session le&el5
source le&el5 an the target le&el.
+raine an guie ne! Foiners in the team
,uration / years 2 months
+eam 'i$e 25
Project SHELL, UK
'hell is a i&ersi"ie energy company !ith a port"olio o"
natural gas an electric businesses5 both regulate an non-
regulate5 an an a""iliate real estate company. 'hell (nergy
supplies5 eli&ers an processes energy "or customers in E6
an selecte international mar#ets. *t creates superior an
sustainable &alue "or their customers5 employees5
communities an in&estors through the prouction5
con&ersion5 eli&ery an sale o" energy an energy ser&ices
'o"t!are ,e&eloper
Gayatri Singh- +91 9742148165
*n"ormatica 8.6.1 3'23 'er&er 2??8 C2 54racle 1?g5+49, an
7lat "iles
Cesponsible "or &e"elo'ing3 +#''ort an& maintenan!e
%or the E)0 .()tract5 +rans"orm an 3oa1 processes
using $n%ormati!a 2o,er5enter.
,e&elop Mappings and Workflows to generate staging "iles.
,e&elope &arious trans"ormations li#e 'ource 2uali"ier5
'orter trans"ormation5 8oiner trans"ormation5 Epate
'trategy5 3oo#up trans"ormation5 ()pressions an
'e<uence Benerator "or loaing the ata into target table.
Create multiple >applets. %or#"lo!s5 +as#s5 atabase
connections using %or#"lo! >anager.
Cesponsibilities inclue creating the sessions an
scheuling the sessions.
Ceco&ering the "aile 'essions an ;atches.
E1tra!te& the &ata "rom 4racle an 7lat "iles.
*mplemente per"ormance tuning techni<ues by ienti"ying
an resol&ing the bottlenec#s in source5 target5
trans"ormations5 mappings an sessions to impro&e
per"ormance. Enerstaning the 7unctional Ce<uirements.
-reparing the ocuments "or test ata loaing
,uration 1? months
+eam 'i$e /?
Organization *B9+( G0O6.0 Sol#tion
Project B( 9&iation
+his is an architectural subcomponent o" the o&erall
*n"ormatica initiati&e le by B(a&iation (nterprise 9rchitecture
to support all a&iation business. *tGs a B( that has been
establishe to gro! the B( a&iation ser&ices o""erings to
airline customers. +his e""ort is see#ing to le&erage ne! an
emerging technologies in union !ith the comprehensi&e
in"ormation about engines to o""er the customer a more
robust5 portable an satis"ying le&el o" access to &ital
in"ormation across the li"e o" the engines5 sales5 parts5shops
Cole 'enior 'o"t!are ,e&eloper
*n"ormatica 9.15 4racle
Gayatri Singh- +91 9742148165
Cesponsible "or &e"elo'ing3 +#''ort an& maintenan!e
%or the E)0 .()tract5 +rans"orm an 3oa1 processes
using $n%ormati!a 2o,er5enter.
,e&elop Mappings and Workflows to generate staging "iles.
,e&elope &arious trans"ormations li#e 'ource 2uali"ier5
'orter trans"ormation5 8oiner trans"ormation5 Epate
'trategy5 3oo#up trans"ormation5 ()pressions an
'e<uence Benerator "or loaing the ata into target table.
Create multiple >applets. %or#"lo!s5 +as#s5 atabase
connections using %or#"lo! >anager.
Cesponsibilities inclue creating the sessions an
scheuling the sessions.
Ceco&ering the "aile 'essions an ;atches.
E1tra!te& the &ata "rom 4racle an 7lat "iles.
*mplemente per"ormance tuning techni<ues by ienti"ying
an resol&ing the bottlenec#s in source5 target5
trans"ormations5 mappings an sessions to impro&e
per"ormance. Enerstaning the 7unctional Ce<uirements.
-reparing the ocuments "or test ata loaing
,uration 2 months
+eam 'i$e 4
E&#!ational 4#ali%i!ation
E1amination 7ear o%
8ni"er+ity-5ollege 2er!entage-5G2.
*C'( 2??1
,eepi#a (nglish >eium
'chool5 Cour#ela 54isha
12th .C;'( 1 2??/
,eepa# (nglish >eium
'chool5 Cour#ela5 4isha
;.+ech .(lectronics an
-amana&a College 4"
.8.5 in CB-91
2er+onal /etail+
Bener 7emale.
>arital 'tatus >arrie
,ate o" ;irth 21
>ay5 1985
7atherGs Iame Cabinra Iarayan 'ingh
Iationality *nian
-an Car Io CC7-'8?45;
Con&ersant in (nglish5 :ini5 4riya
-ermanent 9ress :ouse no J II-25 Ci&il +o!n 'hip5 Cour#ela J 769??45
*nterests D 9cti&ities +ra&eling5 'inging5 4utoor games5 >o&ies.
Gayatri Singh- +91 9742148165

* hereby eclare that the in"ormation "urnishe abo&e is true to the best o" my #no!lege an

Bayatri 'ingh
/ateJ 14->ay-2?14
2la!eJ ;angalore

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