As Me 09 Abstract

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Supporting Scholarship in Medical Education: The role of social media and networks

Dr Anne Marie Cunningham, Cardiff Universit

The problem: The model of Excellent Teachers <->Scholarly Educators <->Scholars of Education

suggests three levels of scholarship in medical education. hilst conferences and academic !ournals
can provide the means for scholars of education to reflect and disseminate" it is less clear ho#
scholarship can be supported at other levels. $incher and or%
state that all forms of scholarship
re'uire peer revie# and dissemination but at present there are fe# opportunities for this outside
one(s o#n institution. )nd it has also been suggested that fe# educators even participate in *critical
reflection of day to day teaching+.
The solution: The tools of #eb &.- are ever changing and developing. They include social
boo%mar%ing" social document sharing" .micro-/blogging" image and video sharing" and online
conferencing. )s they are free to use the barriers to recording and sharing of reflection on practice
are immensely reduced. 0onversations bet#een colleagues #ith shared interests in different
institutions" even time 1ones" can occur.
hat happened2 : 3n the past year 3 have been exploring the potential of these tools to form an
online community of medical educators. The core activity has been maintaining a blog on medical
education in #hich 3 have reflected on my practice and received feedbac% from colleagues in
medical education" other healthcare professions" patients and students. 3 have also developed areas
for those interested in medical education to participate in discussions on research and ho# it may
affect their practice. The use of other tools #ill be illustrated.
Strengths2: 4o# cost" rapid feedbac%" open and transparent.
ea%nesses2: 5e# participants can feel s#amped by the plethora of tools available and uncertain of
the time to invest. )t present there is lo# ta%e-up of social media amongst medical educators as
although #e have a culture of sharing" many do not see the relevance of these tools to their practice.
6pportunities2: 7edical educators can have open and transparent conversations #ith each other"
and also #ith students and patients" about ho# their #or% is developing and refining.
Threats2: $e#" 2institutions are not supportive of process of creating #ea% lin%s and external
hat is needed2: ) commitment from individuals to pursue scholarship in their teaching" the
dedication of time to this process" and the recognition of the value of this activity by institutions.
$urther evaluation of the benefits to participants.
1. 8oberts T. 7edical Education 8esearch 9 the rhetoric" the reality and future routes. :eynote
Speech. )ssociation for 7edical Education in Europe .)7EE/; &--<" ,-

Sep;=rague" 01ech 8epublic.
&. $inchet 8E and or% >. =erspectives on the scholarship of teaching. Medical Education.
,. Sandars > and 7c)reavey 7>. Ceveloping the scholarship of medical educators: a
challenge in the present era of change. Postgraduate Medical Journal. &--D
Trigwell K & Shale S (2004) Student learning and the
scholarship of university teaching. Studies in igher !ducation"

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