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> Single, divorced, separated, widow, widower,
> Payment of the Holy Union Fee prior to the ceremony
> Pre-Holy Union registration (forms to be provided by the MCC)
> Pre-Holy Union counselling with the officiating minister/pastor
> at least 18 years old
> at least 8 months in a stable and loving relationship
> Residence certificate (optional)
> Photocopy of Passport (if foreigner)

1) Communicate with the MCCMB Secretariat or the pastor to check the availability of your proposed date of
ceremony. Once the date is available, have the date reserved by making a down payment of a minimum 20% of
the holy union fee (see Holy Union Fee below). The 20% initial down payment ensures the couple's seriousness
about their holy union and that no fake schedules are made. Payments made are non-refundable. Once the initial
down payment has been received, your wedding date shall be officially entered in the church calendar and
considered reserved
2) After having the date reserved. Personally meet the officiating pastor for a pre-holy union counseling as agreed by
the couple and the secretariat / pastor. Do not come without prior notice. We do not do "walk-in" ceremonies. The
shortest wedding preparation with MCCMB is 5 days. If you cannot do this immediately, an online planning may be
possible through email or chat over at Facebook. Discuss the details of the ceremony like venue, date, time,
witnesses, venue arrangements, music, etc. This can be done during the face-to-face counseling or online. After
reserving the date of the wedding, you are to email us the following info at or PM us
through Facebook:

Proposed Date of Pre-Holy Union Counseling:
Reserved Date of Ceremony:
No. of expected guest including witness/es and couple: (estimation)

Full Name of Couple A:
Nickname of Couple A:
Civil Status:
E-mail address
Contact No.

Full Name of Couple B:
Nickname of Couple B:
Civil Status:
E-mail address
Contact No.

Name of Official Witness/es (min 1, maximum: 6)

3) Upon meeting the Secretariat or the pastor personally, the MCC shall provide you a pre-numbered Holy Union
Registration Form. which you are to sign before the counseling
4) Compose your own "holy union vows" after the counseling. Buy your wedding rings, wedding veil, wedding cord,
unity candles and other pre-ceremony arrangements (reception and catering, hotel accommodations, invitations
5) Constantly update the pastor of any changes. Remember, It is your obligation to update us regarding changes.
We are not psychic nor mind-readers.
6) Come early on your wedding date. If at this time you have not yet undergone pre-Holy Union counseling and for
online preparations, come much earlier before the ceremony for the pre-holy union counseling which may be the
day before the ceremony. Please do not be late. Be reminded that we follow a No pre-holy union counseling, no
ceremony policy.
7) Privately settle all payable fees in full BEFORE the ceremony with the secretariat or the pastor.
8) A ceremony rehearsal may be requested if time permits. After the ceremony, sign your "Certificate of Holy Union"
and take photos.
9) Eat heartily on your wedding reception if there's any.


Effective October 21, 2011, The Church Board now requires an advance deposit of at least 20% of the total
Holy Union fee (non-refundable) , as early as possible to reserve the date or at least 5 working days, prior
to the ceremony. This is to ensure that we won't waste our time and effort on people who deliberately
makes fake ceremony schedules, thereby freeing our calendars for genuine couples who wants to have
their ceremony. E-mail us at for details on where to deposit.

Ceremony performed within MCC-designated area/ home/ chapel or space:
Php 5,000.00. A 20% (or P1,000) of the Holy Union fee shall be made prior to the date of Holy Union. Full
payment should be made before the commencement of the ceremony. First come first serve basis.

Ceremony held in non-MCC designated venue:
Php 6,000.00 . A 20% (P1,200) of the Holy Union fee must be paid prior to the date of the Holy Union. The venue
must be reserved by the couple and immediately inform the officiating minister. The couple shall also shoulder the
officiating pastor , and one (1) assistant's transportation fare to and from the wedding venue should the wedding be
held in other locations. The couple can arrange for Holy Union outside Baguio City only if the couple provides for a
2-way transportation, food and lodging (also consider the food while in transit Meals from bus stops while in transit
are quite expensive than the ordinary). Full payment should be made before the commencement of the ceremony.
First come first serve basis.

The Holy Union fees does not cover the wedding reception, rings, veil, cord, candles, flower arrangements, choir,
venue reservations etc. If you wish to avail of a wedding package, we'll be glad to refer you to a wedding planner.
Aside from the mandatory Holy Union fees, we also welcome voluntary love offerings donations. pledges and other
support for the MCC ministries during the ceremony proper.

The counseling, registration forms and use of the MCC venue is free. No fees shall be collected for these


What is the Rite of Holy Union?
The Rite of Holy Union is one of the Rites of the Metropolitan Community Churches all over the world as stated in
Article III Section C paragraph 3 of the Bylaws of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, it

The RITE OF HOLY UNION is the spiritual joining of two persons in a manner
fitting and proper by a duly authorized clergy, Interim Pastoral Leader of the church,
or UFMCC Elders. After both persons have been counselled and apprised of their responsibilities
one toward the other, this rite of conferring Gods blessing may be performed.

The essence of the Rite of Holy Union is the vow, the pledging of deepest fidelity of each other. It is the spiritual
joining of two persons regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. It is a celebration of love witnessed and
affirmed by their friends, family, and the Church.

You don't need to be an MCC to avail of the rites of Holy Union. You can be Roman Catholic, Evangelical,
Protestant, ADD, INC, Jehovah's Witness, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Born-Again, Wiccan, Muslim,
Hindu...etc. All are welcome! God doesn't discriminate so why should we?

The MCC in the Philippines DOES NOT officiate Same-Sex "MARRIAGE". We only officiate Same-Sex
"HOLY UNION" or "Commitment Ceremonies" for LGBT couple. We also dont officiate Holy Union to
"third sex". We only do Holy Unions for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders (LGBT) and their
straight partners. Anyway, there are no such thing as "third sex". It's a myth.


There are no provisions under the current Philippine law allowing for same-sex marriage. Only people of
the opposite sex are currently allowed 'marriage" in the Philippines. Although we stand to support the struggle for
equal rights to marriage, the MCCMB DOES NOT officiate Same-Sex "MARRIAGE" because we have no law
allowing it at this time. On the other hand, Same-Sex "HOLY UNION" is a sacrament of the Church. It is a rite
being conducted by the MCC in the Philippines for same-sex couples who wish to declare their partnership and
unconditional love for their partner before God and the community of faithful. Holy Union rites are neither legal or
illegal. A holy union may not be legally-binding under current Philippine laws but it is morally-binding under God.
Even when you enter into Holy Union, you will not be able to change your last name. You would need a court order
to do so. You may also legally change your civil status from "single" to "married" ONLY ON FACEBOOK but never
on any legal documents. So please don't ask us "Will the union be registered with the National Statistics Office ?"
The answer is NO.

All couples undergoing Holy Union at MCC Metro Baguio shall be asked to sign a pre-holy union statement,
together with the registration form, in the presence of any church official or witness stating that they have
understood all these perfectly.

Until we work together to pressure government to enact laws upholding EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL to choose who to
love, same-sex marriage in the Philippines would continue to be a dream. Let's hope that one day, SAME-SEX
MARRIAGE becomes a reality in the Philippines. However, your HOLY UNION partnership in the Philippines may
be legally recognized in other countries where Same-Sex Marriage is legally accepted, such as Canada, Spain,
Denmark, New York... etc. More and more countries and States are recognizing Marriage Equality which has
brought healing in many peoples lives. Legal or not, we follow the highest moral law which is LOVE.

But in the Philippines, despite the absence of Marriage Equality, LGBTs will continue to enter into loving and
committed relationships and no amount of religious bigotry and ignorance can stop people from loving who they
choose. MCC will continue to celebrate and officiate all expressions of LOVE, anytime, anywhere. That is a

No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free
exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be
allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights


1) The date: consider the time of year. If its going to be on a summer or during the rainy season. This is
important specially if you plan to have an outdoor ceremony. Will there be a shade to protect you and
everyone from the elements. Planning a ceremony for the rainy months is a challenge for outdoor
2) Time. Will there be ample lighting if you want to have a late afternoon ceremony? Will everyone be
able to read the program in the evening. This is tricky when you have a ceremony outdoor and there are no
other light source other than the moon and the stars and the burning candles and cellphone backlights.
3) When doing a big ceremony, consider using microphones. Are there microphones available in the
venue. Would there be a sound system available? You dont want to be shouting your vows for everyone
to hear.
4) Beach weddings. What attire you need to wear and how appropriate it is for such a venue. Consider
the wind that may constantly blow the lighted candles out when on a beach. Bear in mind that you
wouldn't want yourself and everyone else to bake under the hot sun when you have a beach-side wedding.
5) Be considerate about the pastors means of transportation going to and from the ceremony venue like
taxi reimbursements, together with their meals while on the trip. They may bear God's message but
pastors can't turn stone to bread.
6) Music for the ceremony. Prepare the music you want played for your ceremony. Are there CD players
or MP3 players available? Do you have connectors for the sound system? Do coordinate this with the
pastor as some liturgical church music are included in the ceremony. Consider appointing someone to
operate the music during the ceremony. You also need to coordinate this with the venue staff if the
ceremony would be held in a function hall or hotel for your choice.
7) Wedding planners are helpful and takes a lot of burden off the couple. Remember to always make it
clear to them what you want and not what they want. Work on compromise but you are always the boss
since it is your wedding, not theirs.
8) If you are to postpone the ceremony to another date for any reason, inform the MCC immediately. Do not
expect us to know all your plans and leave us guessing. We are no mind-readers. In today's age, you can
easily get in touch tru email, SMS, landline calls, FB chat etc. Practice common courtesy. Postponements
are subject to the availability of schedules of the church.


Q: How much would it cost to have a holy Union?
A: Please READ "holy union fees" above.

Q: Where is the MCC Metro Baguio chapel located?
A: The MCC Metro Baguio is a small congregation that still doesnt have any physical chapel or office yet. We
hold our services in homes, parks, restaurants and garages. For wedding ceremonies, we use our members
humble living rooms for free. Should you need to personally see us, get in touch with the members, please email
us ( and wed be glad to meet you somewhere convenient.

Q: Can we get to change our last names after the Holy Union?
A: You can change your last name at anytime (even without a Holy Union) on Facebook. But to do this legally, you
would need to go to the court, not at MCC. After the holy union, both partners shall maintain their respective last

Q: We want the most simple ceremony. How much total will we spend for a holy union?
A: Read "Holy Union Fees" and advance deposits above. Aside from the fees, give consideration to
transportation allowance (taxi, bus or air fare, in-transit food for the officiating minister and one assistant) , their
board and lodging (if outside Baguio). You may also consider love offerings for the MCC ministries. Total budget
means considering all the expenses which may vary on a case to case basis (amount of guests, reception, flowers,
invitations, hotel reservation, type of wedding rings, attire, transportation etc. Only the holy Union Fee is constant
be it a ceremony under the pine tree or inside the grandest luxury hotel. Please do the other math. The stated Holy
Union Fee only includes the following: Registration, Reservation, Certificate and Ministers compensation. The Pre-
Holy Union Counseling is free of charge.
For further info, refer to Question #1.

Q: I want to surprise my partner with a holy union ceremony. Can MCC make than happen?
A: You can surprise your partner with an iPad, balloons, cake or a diamond ring. A Holy Union is a sacrament
which both couples must be mutually willing to undergo prior to the ceremony. Both couples must plan ahead for
the ceremony, therefore, this won't be a good surprise.

Q: We're not religious. Can you do a civil ceremony instead?
A: For civil ceremony, please proceed to the City Hall and have your civil union there. The MCC is a home church
and we do church functions, not government functions.

Q: Do we need to be members of MCC before the ceremony?
A: Ideally, it would be nice if you have attended our services prior to the ceremony. But since the MCC is a church
for all, we open our doors to all faith who knows how to respect MCC's ecumenical nature of worship. We don't
create outcast among outcasts. Come as you are! You are always welcome to join the MCC Metro Baguio family.
This applies to MCCMB only. Other MCC congregation in the Philippines may have their own policies on this

Q: Is there divorce in MCC?
A: Although we advocate the passage of the divorce bill in congress, there are no legal basis for divorce in MCC.
For couples having irreconcilable differences, we only do extensive counseling and should the relationship
becomes irreparable, we advice the couple to "release their vows" and return rings.

Q: My relationship with my partner is on the rocks. I want to save our failing relationship by having a holy
union. Is that possible?
A: Fix your relationship first before thinking of a holy union. This sacramental rite doesn't work magic and is not a
quick-fix solution to a failing relationship.

Q: We are not from Baguio City. Do we need to come for pre-Holy Union Counseling prior to the
ceremony, or can we have the counseling on the day itself?
A: The pre-holy union counseling is a requirement. MCC has a standing "No Counseling, No Ceremony" policy.
However, we can start the planning online prior to the counseling but the couple needs to plan with the pastor way
ahead of time through email, facebook chat or SMS. Planning would include gathering information about the
couple, Names and other information about the ceremony. The couple are advised to meet the pastor at least a
day before the ceremony for a face-to-face meeting and counseling.

Q: What is a "Unity Candle"?
A: A Unity Candle is the single candle that the couple needs to light during the holy union ceremony. It could be
any candle of any color that would symbolize their union as life partners. It can be artistically decorated with the
couple's names, ribbons, flowers or other decorative ornaments. Check the photo gallery "Holy Union" album to
see samples.

Q: Im straight and would like to solemnize my relationship with my transgender partner who I love so
much. Can we have a holy union at MCC?
A: Definitely! The MCC offers you this opportunity to profess your love regardless of your gender identity.
Transgender people are not accorded marriage rights by the Philippine government and mainstream churches
because they do not identify with their "sex assigned at birth". Therefore, MCC offers this rite to all transgender
men and women of the Philippines with their straight partners.

Q: Do you issue Holy Union Certificates even without going through a ceremony?
A: No. We are not an agency that issues certificates at will. We are not a printing press company. There are many
places in C.M Recto Ave. in Manila who could forge you certificates, transcripts, fake IDs and diplomas at a certain
price. MCC Metro Baguio is not among them. We strictly follow a No ceremony and pre-holy union counseling, no
certificate policy. We take the sacrament of Holy Union seriously and reverently. People dont get a genuine
diploma without going through the educational process. Same thing goes with this holy sacrament.

Q: Will our certificate be registered with the National Statistics Office (NSO)?
A: No. There's no legal basis for it at the moment since we have no marriage equality laws in effect in the
Philippines. Please read the "SAME SEX MARRIAGE vs HOLY UNION" section above

Q: We are qualified based on the requirements stated above. We are not LGBT. We are a heterosexual
couple, biologically male and female. Can we be accorded Holy Union rites from the MCC Metro Baguio?
A: The Philippine government regulates marriage. Usually, we would rather refer straight couples to undergo
marriage or Matrimony Rites in churches and institution were marriage is legally sanctioned. However, we do not
discriminate all loving couples based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions. Heterosexual
couples who choose to undergo Holy Unions at MCC are allowed to do so. However, such rite is not legally
sanctioned by current Philippine laws and therefore cannot legally claim any privileges or obligations given to
marriage (i.e. Change of last name for the bride etc.) Please refer to WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "
MARRIAGE" AND " HOLY UNION above. All heterosexual couples shall follow the same requirements and
procedures for Holy Union mentioned above.
Some factors to consider when planning your wedding:
Venue of wedding if not within MCC premises
Transportation for the pastor and at least 1 assistant
Date and Time of the Wedding
Attire for the Holy Union
wedding bouquet, flower arrangements
PREPARATIONS (invitations, pre-holy union counseling, venue reservation, cake reservation etc)
HOLY UNION CEREMONY (Liturgy program, Holy Union vows etc)
Possible needs for the wedding ceremony, music, choir, pianist etc
Bible readers, candle lighters, arrahe bearer, cord, veil, ring bearer, bible bearer, cross bearer, flower bearer,
ninongs and ninangs, secondary sponsors, bride's maid, groom's maids, etc.
Arrhae (We no longer recommend using arrhae)
Holy Union rehearsals ?
Reception Venue
Food / Catering
Details of Reception/ Reception Program
Host of the Program
Over All Budget Limit
The agreed upon invitation list: Total number of guests
Method of inviting guests
Any specification for attire: wedding party and guests
Wedding Cake
Sound system. Music player, microphones etc.
Wedding souvenirs and give-aways
Transportation needed
Photo coverage, camera, video, etc
Guest book
Gifts ( favours )
Special ritual: bouquet toss, cake cutting, drinks, pigeon, fist-binding
You may want to be creative. Now is the time to pour out all your creative juices for your wedding day and
make it more meaningful and memorable. The MCCMB is more than willing to help you through by offering
you this once in a lifetime experience.

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