Put To Rest

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Disclaimer: dont know, dont own, dont sue.

Archive: Id be honored, just tell me first and keep my name on it

Feedback: shadyzlady1728@yahoo.com

Pairing: HHH/Randy Orton Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Two months after the night of Survivor Series. Hunter and Randy have
reconciled and all is going well, but theres one last thing Randy has to clear up before he
can be completely happy with Hunter.

Authors Note: I wrote this solely for the purpose of giving Shawn his happily ever after.
It turned out pretty good too because Randy finally gets a chance to find solace in
expressing his feelings verbally to someone who understands and shares his pain. Shawn
finally gets the opportunity to get some things off his chest as well as help Randy out.

Put To Rest
By: Lovers Caress

Two months later Randy walked along the backstage area with what seemed to be a
permanent smile on his face. Things had changed dramatically since Survivor Series. He
wasnt exactly a main draw anymore since hed stopped fucking Eric, or rather, letting
Eric fuck him. He wasnt too upset about it though because he knew he was a great
wrestler and that he had great crowd control and there wasnt a damn thing Eric could do
about that. Vince would continue to utilize him with or without Erics persuasion so long
as the fans still wanted him in the ring. To Randy, the thought of making it back to the
top on his own talent was much more gratifying anyway.

As far as he and Hunter went, theyd been pretty much glued to each other like theyd
been back before their breakup. Most of the guys in the back had been happy to hear that
theyd fixed things, but there were a few who were pissed and didnt think that Randy
deserved a second chance. Randy hadnt been too surprised by those reactions, truthfully
hed expected a lot more people to be against the reconciliation. Contrary to popular
belief, Hunter was a great guy and well-liked in the locker-room. When word of how
Randy had walked over him and their friends had spread throughout the back everyone
had nearly tripped over themselves to comfort the blonde while Randy had received
several snubs and dirty looks. Since they were back together now and blindingly happy
though, most of the guys had apologized to him and offered up well-wishes which hed
graciously accepted.

With those thoughts in his head he rounded a corner only to have the smile die on his
lips. There had been one person he hadnt had a chance to talk to since he and Hunter had
gotten back together. Hell Randy hadnt really talked to him since before hed broken up
with Hunter in the first place. Hed been scared shitless of the man the whole three
months he and Hunter hadnt been together so hed put off calling him or seeing him
while he was out. Now he was back and Randy knew that the time had come to face him.
Whatever was going to happen was just going to happen.

With a deep breath Randy managed a weak smile and called out, Hey Shawn.

Shawn looked up from fixing his coffee and smiled brightly at the younger man. Hey,
Randy, whats up man?

Taking this as a positive sign Randy walked down the hall until he was standing next to
the shorter man. Nothing much. You?

Ive been looking for you actually. You are one hard man to catch up with these days,

Not if you try hard enough, Randy said with a nervous laugh. Why have you been
looking for me?

Ive been meaning to talk to you about you and Hunter.

Randy looked away from Shawn and at the empty stretch of hallway behind the Texan.
He didnt want to have to look at Shawn when the older man punched him. Yeah it was
cowardly, but he just couldnt see the contempt in the eyes of his once close friend. The
hand that fell gently on his shoulder was most unexpected and startled him enough that
he found himself once again looking into clear blue eyes.

Shawns smile was gentle and somewhat amused. You look like youre half expecting
me to kick your ass or something, kid.

Cant say Id be surprised about it if it happens.

Why would you be thinking like that?

I know that you and him are still really closeand I know you knowwhat I did.

Shawn sighed and removed him hand from Randys shoulder in favor of running his
fingers through his hair. Yeah I do know, and no I wasnt exactly happy about that shit
either. You fucked him over Randy, you did, and you hurt him really bad. I hadnt seen
him that fucking sad in a long time.

Randy closed his eyes as the pain and guilt washed over him again in waves. He still
hadnt completely forgiven himself for what hed done to Hunter or to Ric and Dave so
hearing about the pain that Hunter had gone through wasnt the easiest thing for him to sit
through. Especially coming from Shawn.

Look, Im s-

Did I say I was through? When Randy closed his mouth Shawn sighed again, but his
eyes softened. You did what you did, and we all know it was a shitty thing to dobut I
couldnt just find it in myself to hate you, not when I knew what you were going through.
I know exactly what was fueling your decisions.

What, greed?

There was that, but that greed was there only because you were doing everything you
could to prove yourself to your inner demons. I dont pretend to know exactly who or
what your demons are, but I can definitely identify with having them and we both know
that. I saw them in your eyes the first fucking time I met you and every since then theres
been so many times Ive wanted to say something to you. I wanted to help you in some
way, pull you out of it before you dug yourself into a hole as deep as the one Im in, but I
couldnt. I mean, how the hell do you take someone elses shovel when you cant even
make yourself drop your own?

Randy nodded sincerely as a moment of deep understanding passed between him and
Shawn. There was some unseen bond between them now and they both knew it,
something pulling them closer to each other than theyd been before. They shared a
problem that most other people didnt have, or at least didnt admit to having, and it was
a relief to know that there was at least one other person who could fully understand.
Someone who experienced firsthand the pain, anger, and frustration of never being able
to squash that voice inside that told you you werent there yet and that you never would

Thanks for caring, man.

How could I not care about you, Randy, youre my ex-lovers lover, Shawn said with a
teasing laugh, the light back in his eyes.

Oh, so of course that means me and you just have to be the best of friends, Randy said
with playful sarcasm.

Such is life in the WWE.

Correction, Randy said with a smile, such is life when youre involved with a Kliq

We always have been a little weird, Shawn said with a soft smile.

At this time, Hunter stepped around the same corner Randy had and froze when he saw
Shawn and Randy talking. Finding it an interesting situation, Hunter leaned against the
wall to listen. Randys back was to Hunter so he never noticed, but Shawn looked right at
the younger blonde for a second before deciding to go on with the conversation. He
didnt care if Hunter heard anything or not and hed probably like to hear most of it

However, at about the same time Hunter walked up behind Randy, Chris Jericho walked
around the corner at the other end of the hall behind Shawn. When he saw Shawn and
Randy talking and Hunter leaning against the wall a few feet behind the two friends, he
himself took a keen interest in the conversation and leaned against the wall behind
Shawn. He and Randy made eye contact for a second before Randy turned back to Shawn
seemingly unperturbed that the Canadian was eavesdropping. Chris gave Hunter a quick,
sly smile over both Shawn and Randys shoulders before focusing on what was being

I dont think weird is exactly the right word for the Kliq, but you guys really are great.

Thanks, Ill be sure to pass the compliment along to the rest of them. Shawns eyes
grew serious then. How are you doing now that you and Hunter are back together?

Are you asking me whether or not Im gonna freak out and hurt him again?

Shawn clearly heard the defensiveness in Randys voice and smiled gently. Im asking
you how youre doing, but feel free to answer both of those questions if you want to.

Reassured that Shawn wasnt attacking him, Randy smiled sheepishly before the smile
turned soft and a bit lovesick. Im healing, Shawn.

I can tell. Hes good for you.

Yeah he is. Before him it was so fucking bad, I never thought anyone could love
someone like me. My self-esteem was nonexistent and in my mind I was the worst person
in the whole world in every single way. And thenthen he was just there. Id been
jumping from guy to guy looking for something that would make me feel loved or
beautiful or good or happy for just one night. Id never found anything like that until the
night we had sex. After that it was just one amazing day after another and I guess I
panicked or something because everything was going good, too fucking good. I wasnt
exactly used to that and I guess I had to do something to fuck it up.

I know what you mean, Shawn said feeling the familiar twinge of guilt deep inside for
what hed let slip through his fingers where Hunter was concerned. Theyd put that
behind them and moved on, but there was still a tiny bit of regret buried somewhere in his

He never blamed you, Shawn.

I know that. Shawn didnt have to look at Hunter to know that hed find nothing but
forgiveness in those hazel eyes so he concentrated on Randy instead of chancing a glance
at his ex. Hes one of the most understanding men Ive ever met. Thats why he took
you back even though almost everybody was telling him to move on.

I still dont know why he didnt listen to them, Randy admitted softly. He couldve
had anybody he wanted.

True, Shawn answered with a quirky smile, but he didnt want anybody else, Orton. I
know Hunter better than almost anybody else in the world and if its one thing I know
about him, its that he loves you. He loves you so much its damn near nauseating. Hed
kill and die for you, easily.

I love him too. Hes justhes soI dont even have words for him.

There arent any, Shawn said smiling softly at Hunter over Randys shoulder.

What about you, Randy asked suddenly.

What about me?

Youve been looking a whole lot better these days.

I feel better. I still got a long way to go, but Im definitely taking some steps in the right

What do you owe your improvement to?


Jericho, Randy asked in surprise as he cut a glance to the blonde with the goofy smile
on his face behind Shawn.

Yeah, Shawn said with a slight blush much to Randy and Hunters amusement. The
man hadnt blushed in years.

Thats great, but I thought you two were just fucking around.

Yeah so did I. Apparently blonde blue-eyed Canadian guys have a way of getting right
up under your skin when youre not paying attention.

You love him?

Against my better judgment, Shawn groaned, his bright smile showing his true
feelings. Hes not like anybody Ive ever met you know? He has this way of being the
person wholl give you a swift kick in the ass when you need it but hell never turn away
from you if you need a shoulder to cry on. He wont take shit from anyone, but hes so
fucking compassionate it breaks your heart. Shawn sighed in mock disgust, Listen to
me, I sound like a damn Lifetime movie or some shit. I need to stop hanging around
Maven and Nidia.

Probably, Hunter said finally making his presence known. Randy spun around so fast
he almost made himself dizzy. The way they talk about each other could make you

Theyre not as bad as Adam and Jason, Chris laughed picking up Hunters thread of

Shawn covered his face with his hands. How long have you been there.

Chris practically skipped up behind Shawn and wrapped his arms around his waist.
Long enough to know Ive pulled the great HBK off the market. Tenderly he added, I
told you I was gonna make you love me.

Shawn turned in his arms and kissed the tip of his nose. I just wanted to pretend that I
had a choice.

Chris made a big show of rolling his eyes with an overly-dramatic sigh any drama
princess would be proud of. Men.

Youre lucky I love you, Jericho.

Youre lucky I love you, Michaels.

Stalemate then?

I think we need to find a way to end this debate. We can figure it out in your personal
dressing-roomwith the lockable door and thick walls.

Good idea. See you guys later, Shawn called over his shoulder as he and Chris rushed
off around the corner in search of his dressing-room.

Randy and Hunter watched them go with amused smiles before turning to each other and
sharing a short soft kiss.

Feel better now that youve talked to him, Hunter asked softly.

Yeah, I guess I just needed to make sure everything was okay there. Im glad him and
Chris found each other.

Me too, he needed someone who would be more firm with him. I just couldnt find it in
me to give him that kick in the ass when he looked so damn sad and defeated. Hed been
through too much shit and Id known him too long to not just let him cry and wallow in
his pain. Thats why we eventually broke it off. As long as we stayed together he would
never heal and Id keep feeling guilty about not being able to help him. We just werent
healthy for each other.

Thats sad.

Not really. We got out before our friendship could fall apart and we both ended up in
relationships with amazing guys we couldnt love more. I think it all worked out for the

Randy couldnt find a reason to argue. I love you, Hunter.

Love you too, baby.


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