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No 230, 12th cro, !"#o$ %&r'($, B&$%&#or()*+002,, -h .120,33, / .120,330/ 0110.)3+200

E)2&"# 3 &%&'"r(h&45r('"662&"#7co2 8887&%&'"r(h&47co2 T"2() 1930 AM to 1930 PM
D&t(9 2,/0*/200*
The brain is supplied by several major blood vessels. These vessels
may become blocked, or less commonly haemorrhage, which results
in an area of damaged brain tissue. This kind of 'brain attack' is
called a stroke.
With stress being the buzzword of the day, people are susceptible to a stroke.
A stroke does not necessarily mean the end of life. With expert treatment at
the right time, the victim can reach at least a 90 per cent recovery. he stroke
does not, as is commonly believed, a!ect the heart. "t is a brain disorder and
depending on which part of the brain is a!ected, the corresponding part of the
body is damaged.
According to world health organization# stroke is considered as the third
biggest health problem after cancer and cardiac arrest and it one of the ma$or
causes of death and disability today. %very year million people die due to
stroke around the world, in developed countries like America every year &00
to '00,000 people su!er from stroke. "ndia is the second largest number of
stroke "ncidence after china in (rst place )as per *00' statistics+."n "ndia, over
*', 00,000 strokes occurs adds the disability chart every year.
Who? Where? When? Why? Many questions few answers in common
Stroke cerebrovascular accident brain attack!
You can be anywhere, doing anything and Stroke can attack. Stroke does not discriminate. It has
! regards for who or where you are or what you are doing. In a matter of seconds, you can go
from being as ne"t to #erfect as one can be to being encased in a body that no longer is able to
#erform life$s most basic functions and everything in between. %arious #hysical and mental
abilities leave & sometimes tem#orarily, sometimes forever.
Stroke has ! regard or res#ect for age, race, creed, color, intelligence, accom#lishments, or the
lack thereof. You and those around you may not even be aware of what is ha##ening nor know
what to do in this most critical of times.
These vary, de#ending on the area of the brain affected and how severely it is damaged.
're there different ty#es of strokes(
)here are two main ty#es of strokes* ischaemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke.
Ich&(2"c tro:(
Ischaemic stroke is the most common ty#e of stroke and is caused by a blockage of the blood
vessels su##lying the brain. )his may be due to +hardening$ and narrowing of the arteries
,atherosclerosis- or by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel.
!ne ty#e of ischaemic stroke is a thrombotic stroke. )his is caused by a blood clot ,thrombus- in
one of the arteries of the head or neck, which severely reduces the blood flow. )he thrombus may
be a result of a build.u# of fatty de#osits ,#laques- in the blood vessels.
'nother ty#e of ischaemic stroke is an embolic stroke ,or cerebral embolism-, caused when a blood
clot that forms elsewhere in the body ,for e"am#le, the arteries of the heart- travels through the
circulatory system to the brain. )he traveling clot is called an embolus.
H(2orrh&%"c tro:(
The most severe ty#e of stroke is a haemorrhagic stroke. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain
bursts, allowing blood to leak and cause damage to an area of the brain. )here are / ty#es*
subarachnoid haemorrhage, which occurs in the s#ace around the brain0 and an intracerebral
haemorrhage, the more common ty#e, which involves bleeding within the brain tissue itself.
So2( co22o$ -ro4#(2 "$c#;'(*
Reduced control of movement and1or loss of feeling in some #arts of the body, usually on the
o##osite side to the stroke
2ifficulty in walking
2isturbance of balance
%ision #roblems
3roblems with s#eaking and1or understanding s#eech
4onfusion, #oor memory
5educed control over bladder or bowel
2ifficulty swallowing
5educed control over emotions
M&=or R": F&ctor
One or a combination of the following factors may increase the risk of stroke*
6igh blood #ressure
)obacco chewing and chronic alcoholic 7#rimary cause for the stroke incidence in India8
6ardening and narrowing of the arteries ,this occurs over long #eriods of time, due to a
9uild u# of fatty de#osits inside the artery-
6eart disease
6igh cholesterol diet
!&r$"$% S"%$
Sometimes, one or more of the #roblems #reviously described as caused by stroke may occur for a
short #eriod, and then disa##ear. )his is called a transient ischemic attack. If this ha##ens, contact
your doctor immediately.
R(';c"$% th( R":
You can reduce the risk of stroke by*
5egular medical checku#s
)aking #rescribed tablets as directed by your doctor
:iving u# smoking
;ee#ing weight within average for height and age
<ating a well balanced diet
5egular e"ercise
<arly Intervention
<arly treatment by a #hysiothera#ist assists recovery. 'lthough most recovery usually occurs in the
first three months after a stroke, im#rovement in function may continue for several years. !ngoing
#hysiothera#y ma"imi=es the level of recovery achieved.
Tr(&t2($t O-t"o$
Most #eo#le who have had strokes are initially treated in acute and rehabilitation hos#itals. 't a later
stage, #hysiothera#y may be #rovided through a day hos#ital.
3hysiothera#ists skilled in treating stroke #atients also work in #rivate #ractice and may treat #atients
in their homes.
Successful rehabilitation following a stroke de#ends on many factors, including the e"tent of brain
damage, attitude, the skills of the rehabilitation team and the su##ort of family and friends. 's a
result of advances and treatment and rehabilitation, many #eo#le who have had stroke are able to live
their lives. >or some, recovery takes only a few weeks while for others it take months or even years.
Strokes affect #eo#le in different ways de#ending on the ty#e and area of the brain affected. !ften old
skills have been lost, so new ones will need to be taught. It is also im#ortant to maintain and im#rove
a #erson$s #hysical condition whenever #ossible. 5ehabilitation should begin as soon after a stroke as
#ossible and may continue at home. 5ehabilitation may consist of various ty#es of thera#y including0
3hysiothera#y to im#rove muscle control, co.ordination and balance
S#eech thera#y to retrain facial muscles and language, and hel# with feeding and
swallowing disorders
!ccu#ational thera#y to im#rove hand.eye co.ordination and skills needed for daily living
tasks, such as bathing and cooking.
>amily is also im#ortant in rehabilitation #rocess. >amily members well #robably are asked to hel#
the #erson to regain lost skills by tender love and care by encouraging them to use the affected arm or
leg, hel#ing them with their s#eck or teaching them how to do tasks which may have been forgotten,
such as combing their hair or using a cu#, knife and fork.
)here is an illusion regarding stroke 7or #aralysis8. 2ue to the lack of awareness amongst the #eo#le,
the stroke affecters are taken to the traditional healers for their treatment and are des#aired for not
being cured. 's the stroke affecters are bedridden, they loose all their ho#es of living and come to the
decision that the stroke is incurable but, I) IS '9S!?@)<?Y A5!:!
Aith the #erseverance of the well.trained #hysiothera#ists at the com#letely equi##ed and
REHABILITATION BCD of the stroke cases are cured and the remaining ECD are being cured.
5esearch is being made since eight years to #re#are an effective #rotocol for the treatment of the
affected thereby inventing new varieties of equi#ments.
<"ercise thera#y
!ccu#ational thera#y
S#eech and language thera#y
)he thera#y hall is s#acious and children affected with stroke are #rovided homely environment.
3atients can s#end any amount of time according to their convenience for the thera#y #ractice.
)o make the #eo#le aware about stroke rehabilitation, cam#s are being conducted between ECam and F#m on
the every Saturday and Sundays of the every week 7>ree of cost8.
)o treat the below #overty line stroke survivors in society we have founded a trust
Th( Stro:( R(h&4"#"t&t"o$ Fo;$'&t"o$ is aiming to save ECC,CCC and above Stroke affected Indians over the ne"t
EC years. Ae will achieve this by using evidence based research and educating our community
about stroke and prevention. Our Foundation is a non profitable organization that works
with the public, Government, health professionals, patients, stroke survivors to reduce the
impact of stroke on the Indian community.
We do this by
!romoting and conducting research into the incidence, causes and treatment of
stroke through Th( Stro:( R(h&4"#"t&t"o$ Fo;$'&t"o$.
Working with all stakeholders to develop and implement policy on the prevention and
management of stroke.
"ducating the public about the risk factors and signs of stroke and promoting healthy
"ncouraging the development of comprehensive and coordinated services for all
stroke survivors and their families.
All about Stroke
The disturbing reality of stroke
Stroke is the third largest cause of death and one of the leading causes of disability amongst adults in
India. !ver EF, CC,CCC strokes occur in India every year with a stroke occurring every H minutes. Aith
the increasing #o#ulation, this number will rise to a staggering over five millions by the year /C/C
,A6! re#ort- if nothing is done in #revention of stroke. !f the EF, CC,CCC #eo#le that e"#erience a
stroke each year, one third will die in the first E/ months.
'##ro"imately I, CC, CC,CCC ,)hree 4rores- Indians who have suffered a stroke are living in the
community. Ahilst stroke is more common amongst the elderly, it is not isolated to this age bracket.
!ver FCD of strokes are under the age of FF years with around FD of strokes under the age of JC years.
Importantly stroke can be treated and is preventable.
About the Trust and its Objectives
#he trust is a non profitable organization dedicated to serve the stroke affected people of India. #he
trust was founded by $r. %handrashekar &elludi $irector ' %hief physiotherapist, (gadi %entre for
!hysical )edicine and *euro +ehabilitation.
The Trust main Objectives:-
#o engage in activities of research in ,troke +ehabilitation and ,troke )anagement.
#o engage in activities for the promotion of health
#o engage in conducting seminars, workshops, courses - conferences
#o promote - support activities of ,troke +ehabilitation in India.
#o invite guests speakers from India - (broad to promote knowledge - practice of
,troke +ehabilitation.
#o publish educational materials, books for practicing doctors and or patients.
#o develop a library with modern facilities pertaining to ,troke +ehabilitation.
#o set satellite centers to promote above activities.
#o conduct health camps.
#o honour eminent personalities who have contributed to the field of ,troke
#o provide financial assistance to students to encourage meritorious students to
progress in ,troke +ehabilitation.
#o avail the benefits of the foundation the ,troke survivors can become a members of #he
,troke +ehabilitation Foundation.
For $etails please contact below address.
For 2or( "$6or2&t"o$ co$t&ct)
A%&'" c($t(r 6or -hA"c&# 2('"c"$( &
B230, 12
cro, !"#o$ %&r'($
B&$%&#or( ) *+002,
Ph .120,33,/,0, 0110.)3+2007

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