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For pre-primary and primary children

: prof. Camelia Ciurdas


Teaching English as a second language in Romania has assured an
important place. Now, English is one of the most widely used international
language. English is to be taught as language of comprehension rather than as
literary language. The role of English language, at a given point in time, must
affect both the way it is taught, the resultant impact on the daily life and growth of
the individual. Many young people choose to work or study abroad after
graduating; thus English is the language of the world and the knowledge of the
language makes a person, a citizen of the world.
English is a means of communication used all over the world, the link
between nations, customs and beliefs. Psychologists admit that the sooner young
children start studying a foreign language , the better. They also consider that small
children are very receptive as they are eager to discover new things. Parents also
want their children to study English from early ages as they consider that it will
help them become more independent and communicative as grown-ups.
This course book is called Lets Have Fun With English and it is meant
for pre-primary and first grade students during a whole year period, one hour per
week. My aim is to create a relaxing, pleasant environment for children to learn
using songs, poems, cards and things around them. Everything should be taken like
a game; a game where they both play and learn. In order to achieve my goal, I
make use of both childrens ability to acquire the new language ,their creativity as
well as recourses such as cards, pictures, objects, poems and songs, books, posters
and the functional language I use to communicate efficiently.
The situations the children face are meant to replicate the real life. The
teacher should adapt the material to the students age and degree of understanding.
They learn how to ask and say their names, to greet each other, to express their
age, to ask about the weather, to recognize the rooms of the house and what
activities they might have in each room, the items in their rooms, to say what food
they like or not, to describe an animal or the clothes they are wearing.
I hope that the material used in this course book and the way I approached to
the themes, the grammatical structures and the functional language will help other
teachers and make teaching English an easy and enjoying job.

To study a foreign language based on their mother tongue
To listen to messages and information and respond to what they listen to
To develop the interest for the English language as well as the childrens

The positive attitude towards the others
The respect for the others
The interest towards the other childrens ideas
Cooperative learning
Competition between them


1. The ability to perceive the oral message recognize the overall oral
1.2. to recognize the specific English sounds
1.3. to recognize words and their meaning in a conversation
1.4. to respond verbally/ non-verbally to a message
2. The development of oral communication
2.1. to reproduce simple sentences according to visual communication
2.2. to initiate an oral conversation
2.3. to reproduce simple sentences or parts of a sentence

B.1. Themes
B.2. Communicative functions
B.3. Structures

Children about themselves: name, sex, age, personal appearance, parts of the
human body, clothing, toys and games.
Family: members of the family, jobs, holidays
House: rooms, furniture items.
School/ Kindergarten: classroom, school objects, specific activities.
Animals: naming and features.
Weather: the four seasons, the weather characteristics.
Activities: current activities, the days of the week, the moments of the day.
Culture and civilization: specific names, songs, poems and British holidays.

The child about himself
Conversation formulae: Hello. What is your name? How old are you?
Numbers: 1-10
Family: mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle grandfather,
House/ their rooms: living-room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom , garden, furniture,
plate, knife, cup, glass, fork, spoon, to watch TV, to eat, to sleep, to play
Toys: toy train, toy car, doll, teddy-bear, ball, kite, toy plane, etc.
Human body: body, arm, hand, leg, head, hair, nose, mouth, ear, eyes, face,
fingers, toes.
Domestic animals: cat, dog, horse, donkey, rabbit, cow, pig, duck, sheep, goat.
Wild / Zoo animals: lion, giraffe, hippo, rhino, bear, wolf, fox, monkey, snake.
Seasons and Weather: spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, rainy, snowy,
foggy, chilly, hot, cold, windy.
Fruit and vegetables: apple, pear, grapes, plum, peach, strawberry, orange, banana,
salad, cabbage, carrot, tomato, potato + the seasons they ripe.
Food and drink: soup, pizza, chicken, spaghetti, ice-cream, hamburger, hot-dog,
cake, juice, water, milk, tea, to drink, to eat.
Clothing/ colours: to wear , shirt, T-shirt, skirt, dress, shoes, gloves, jumper,
boots, shorts, trousers, blouse, jacket.
School/Kindergarten: class, kindergarten, pen, pencil, book, table, chair, reading,
listening, drawing.
Means of transport: plane, car, train, ship, helicopter, bike, tram, bus, to drive, to
fly, to sail, to ride.
Games: Simon says, hide and sick, guess what it is(in my bag).
(British) holidays: Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Mothers Day, Easter.
Culture and civilization: names, songs and poems.

B.2.Communicative functions
To greet and respond to greetings
To introduce themselves/ to describe someone
To identify items belonging to their world.
To describe people, animals, places.
To ask for and provide information about personal things and environment.
To locate people, objects, activities.
To ask someone to do something.
To talk about actions in the present.
To express what they like and dont like.

B.3 Structures used to communicate
Noun: singular/ plural
Article: a, an, the
Personal pronoun: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Adjective: possessive adjective: my, you, his, her, its; demonstrative adjective:this.
Number: 1-10
Verb: to be (+, ?, -), to have(+, ?, -), can, there is/there are.
Adverb of time: now, every day
Preposition of place: in, on, near, under, to.
Conjunctions: and , but, or.

Words, phrases, expressions used in oral communication

Identification exercises
Choose the correct one exercises
Answer to commends, questions, language chunks
Answer to the questions
True/ false exercises
Pronunciation exercises
Repeat words, sentences, after model
Simple dialogues
Learn poems and songs
Recite poems, sing songs

realia: toys, fruit, vegetables, magazines, books

Oral exercises: listen and do, listen and say
Worksheets: listen and circle, draw a line from to, draw, colour.
Answer to teachers questions
Pair work: simple dialogues


Predarea limbii engleze a capatat un rol important in sistemul
educational romanesc in ultimele decenii. Acum limba engleza este cea mai
folosita limba in comunicarea internationala. Rolul limbii engleze poate afecta atat
felul in care este predata cat si impactul ei asupa vietii cotidiene a omului. Multi
oameni aleg sa studieze sau sa lucreze peste hotare; astfel ca limba engleza devine
limba de comunicare, iar persoana care o vorbeste devine catatean al planetei.
Limba engleza este considerata un mijloc de comunicare folosit in
lumea intreaga, este liantul intre natiuni, obiceiuri si credinte. Psihologii sunt de
parere ca studierea unei limbi straine de la varste foarte fragede e benefica
deoarece copiii mici sunt foarte receptivi, dornici sa descopere lucruri noi. Parintii
sunt si ei dornici ca odraslele lor sa studieze de mici limba engleza considerand ca
aceasta le va fi de folos cand vor deveni adulti si ca ii va ajuta sa devina
independenti si comunicativi.
Am numit acest curs optional Lets Have Fun With English (Hai sa
ne distram cu limba engleza) si se adreseaza atat copiilor din ciclul pre-scolar cat
si celor din clasa pregatitoare si clasa I. Scopul este de a realiza procesul
educational intr-un mod placut ,relaxant, prin intermediul cantecelor, poeziilor,
planselor si a lucrurilor din jurul lor. Totul trebuie sa ia forma unui joc, un joc in
care se joaca si invata in acelasi timp. Pentru atingerea acestui scop ma bazez atat
pe abilitatea elevilor de a achizitiona elemente noi, pe creativiatea lor cat si pe
limbajul functional pe care il folosesc pentru a realiza o comunicare coerenta si
eficienta. Situatiile create in procesul de invatare sunt asemanatoare celor din viata
reala. Profesorul poate sa-si adapteze materialul din acest curs in functie de varsta
copiilor si de gradul de intelegere al acestora. Copiii invata sa se prezinte, sa se
salute, sa-si spuna varsta, sa vorbeasca despre vreme, sa recunoasca incaperile
casei si care sunt activitatile specific fiecarei incaperi, lucrurile din camera lor, sa
spun ace mancare le place sau nu le place, sa descrie un animal sau sa descrie
imbracamintea pe care o poarta.
Sper ca materialul folosit in acest curs si modul in care am abordat
temele, structurile gramaticale si limbajul functional sa ajute alti profesori si sa
faca din predarea limbii engleze o munca usoara si placuta.

Invatarea limbii straine pe baza limbii materne.
Antrenarea intensiva a auzului pentru a intelege cele auzite.
Trezirea interesului pentru limba straina ,dezvoltarea personalitatii

Atitudinea deschisa fata de ceilalti
Respectul fata de ceilalti
Interesul fata de ideile si rezultatele muncii celorlalti

1.Dezvoltarea capacitatii de receptare a mesajului oral
1.1.Sa recunoasca semnificatia globala a mesajului oral.
1.2.Sa recunoasca sunete specifice limbii engleze .
1.3.Sa distinga cuvintele si sensul lor in fluxul verbal.
1.4Sa reactioneze verbal /non verbal la un mesaj audiat.
2. Dezvoltarea capacitatii de exprimare orala.
2.1. Sa reproduca enunturi simple, adecvate unor situatii de comunicare
2.2. Sa manifeste initiativa in comunicarea orala.
2.3. Sa reproduca enunturi simple sau parti ale unui enunt.

B.1. Organizarea tematica
B.2. Functii comunicative
B.3. Elemente de constructie a comunicarii.

B.1.Organizarea tematica:
Copilul despre sine: nume,sex,varsta,insusiri fizice si morale,partile
corpului,imbracaminte,jucarii si jocuri.
Familia: membrii familiei, ocupatii, sarbatori in familie
Casa: incaperi,mobila.
Gradinita/ scoala: clasa,grupa, obiecte scolare, activitati specifice
Animale: denumire.
Vremea: anotimpuri,caracteristici climatice.
Activitati: momentele zilei,activitati curente.
Cultura si civilizatie : nume si prenume tipice, cantece si poezii.

Copilul despre sine
Formule de conversatie: Hello. What is your name? How old are you?
Numere: 1-10
Familia: mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle grandfather,
Casa/ camera lor: living-room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom , garden, furniture,
plate, knife, cup, glass, fork, spoon, to watch TV, to eat, to sleep, to play
Jucarii: toy train, toy car, doll, teddy-bear, ball, kite, toy plane, etc.
Corpul uman: body, arm, hand, leg, head, hair, nose, mouth, ear, eyes, face,
fingers, toes.
Animale domestice: cat, dog, horse, donkey, rabbit, cow, pig, duck, sheep, goat.
Animale salbatice/ de la Zoo: lion, giraffe, hippo, rhino, bear, wolf, fox, monkey,
Anotimpuri si Vremea: spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, rainy, snowy,
foggy, chilly, hot, cold, windy.
Fructe si legume: apple, pear, grapes, plum, peach, strawberry, orange, banana,
salad, cabbage, carrot, tomato, potato + the seasons they ripe.
Mancare si bautura: soup, pizza, chicken, spaghetti, ice-cream, hamburger, hot-
dog, cake, juice, water, milk, tea, to drink, to eat.
Imbracaminte/Culori : to wear , shirt, T-shirt, skirt, dress, shoes, gloves, jumper,
boots, shorts, trousers, blouse, jacket.
Scoala/Gradinita: class, kindergarten, pen, pencil, book, table, chair, reading,
listening, drawing.
B.2.Functii comunicative
A saluta si a raspunde la salut
A se prezenta si a prezenta pe cineva
A identifica elemente din universul familial
A descrie persoane, animale,locuri
A cere si a da informatii(de ordin personal,despre mediul inconjurator)
A localiza persoane ,obiecte,actiuni
A multumi si a raspunde la multumiri
A propune si a cere cuiva sa faca ceva
A relata activitati(la prezent)
A exprima ceea ce iti place si ceea ce nu iti place

B.3 Elemente de constructie a comunicarii
Substantivul: singular/ plural
Articolul : a, an, the
Pronumele personal: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Adjectivul: adjectival posesiv: my, you, his, her, its; adjectival demonstrativ: this.
Numeralul: 1-10
Verbul: to be (+, ?, -), to have(+, ?, -), can, there is/there are.
Adverbul de timp: now, every day
Prepozitia de loc: in, on, near, under, to.
Conjunctia: and , but, or.

unitati lexicale - cuvinte, sintagme corespunzatoare realizarii functiilor

exercitii de identificare
exercitii de discriminare
exercitii de raspuns la comenzi, intrebari, formule de comunicare in
raspunsuri la intrebari
exercitii de tip adevarat/fals
exercitii de pronuntie
exercitii de repetare dupa model a unor cuvinte,propozitii
activitati in perechi (dialoguri simple)
memorarea unor poezii,cantece
recitare de poezii/ interpretare de cantece
jocuri didactice

realia: reviste, jucarii, carti, fructe, legume.

exercitii orale: asculta si executa, asculta si spune
fise de lucru: asculta si incercuieste, du o linie de la . la , deseneaza,
raspunde la intrebarile profesorului
dialoguri simple pe perechi
jocuri didactice

Unit 1 : Greetings. Introducing themselves

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