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Great Ideas and Tips

Ideas and tips to enhance your youth ministry

Idea #1
Enjoy what you do.
Idea #2
Picture, picture, picture!
Always take pictures of your youth group activities. Hang them up on the church or youth group
bulletin board. Have kids create crazy captions for them.
Idea #3
Subscribe to the Youth Ministry Accent. You may not be able to use all the ideas, suggestions
and programs, but net time you need one, you!ll have plenty to choose from.
Idea #4
"ake Surveys. #ind out what$s going on among your young people.
Idea #5
Network wit oter !eaders"
%oin an AY Youth #ederation in your area. &f there$s none, organize one. Meet periodically, at
least once a 'uarter, with other youth workers in your area to share ideas and problems. "hey
can be a great resource for you.
Idea ##
$ea! wit it now!
(ever ignore a disturbance during a meeting. )hen a distraction occurs, acknowledge it. &t!s the
best way to regain the attention of the group.
Idea #%
&e rea!istic"
"ry not to make promises you can!t keep.
Idea #'
&e (e) sa*y.
*reate a website for your group so that people can always know what$s going on and get details
of upcoming events and activities. +arents especially will love this.
Idea #+
,i-e does .atter"
,on!t meet in a room that is too big for your youth group. &f your group is small, meet in a small
room. "his gives kids the feeling of being -packed- in. Always make sure your meeting place is
casual and comfortable.
Idea #1/
I0norin0 won1t .ake it 0o away"
,on$t ignore a problem.
Always deal with problems as they come up. ,on!t epect them to go away on their own. "hey
Idea #11
2our 3Te4t 5e6 7o..ittee"
Set up a tet.messaging committee to help spread the word regarding upcoming
events. "he size of your committee will depend on the size of your group. Assign / person to
tet /0./1 persons. "et messaging is very personal and very effective in spreading information
about upcoming events.
Idea #12
,tart a Parent 8o!unteer Network"
2et to know the parents of your young people. Ask them to volunteer. "hey will become your
best fans.
Idea #13
7oosin0 te 92 ,ponsor"
Allow the young people in your group to select the adult AY sponsor.
Idea #14
,tay current!
,evelop programs that reflect the needs, interests and energy level of your group.
Idea #15
7eck it out :irst"
+review everything. (ever use a video you haven!t seen or schedule a speaker you haven!t
Idea #1#
;ead a )ook"
"ake time to read several new books each year. "ry to read the books recommended in the
Youth Ministry Accents 3read&"4 section.
Idea #1%
In*o!*e te yout"
2et the youth involved in the church and the community. "he 5006 ,iscussion 7uestion 8it
offers some great suggestions.
Idea #1'
&e :!e4i)!e"
,o not cancel an event because enough youth did not show up. 9e fleible, ad:ust your plans,
but do not send everyone home. ;et those who show up know they!re :ust as important.
Idea #1+
&e accessi)!e"
*ommunicate availability. ,o not give the impression that you!re too busy for the members of
your group.
Idea #2/
&e 2ourse!:"
9e an adult. You are not -one of the kids.- You are an adult who love young people.

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