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This article is about the country. For other uses, see Laos (disambiguation).
Lao People's Democratic Republic

Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao
Flag Emblem
"Peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity"
Anthem:Pheng Xat Lao
Lao National Anthem
Location of Laos(green)
in ASEAN(dark grey) [Legend]
and largest city
1758N 10236E
Official languages Lao
Recognised nationallanguages French
Spoken languages Thai
Ethnicgroups (2005)
55% Lao
11% Khmu
8% Hmong
26% others
Demonym Laotian
Government Single-party Marxist-Leninist-Dengist socialist republic
- President Choummaly Sayasone
- Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong
- President of the
National Assembly
Pany Yathotu
- President of
Sisavath Keobounphanh
Legislature National Assembly
Independence from France
- Autonomy 19 July 1949
- Declared 22 October 1953
- Total
- Water(%) 2
- 2013estimate 6,695,166 (104th)
- 1995census 4,574,848
- Density
GDP(PPP) 2013estimate
- Total $20.78 billion
- Per capita $3,100
GDP(nominal) 2013estimate
- Total $10.1 billion
- Per capita $1,509
Gini(2008) 36.7
HDI (2013) 0.543
medium 138th
Currency Kip (LAK)
Time zone (UTC+7)
Drives on the right
Calling code +856
ISO 3166 code LA
Internet TLD .la
Including over 100 smaller ethnic groups.
Laos ((
/las/, /l.s/, /l.os/, or /le.s/)
Lao Language: ,
pronounced[] Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao),
officially the Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Burma
and People's Republic of China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the
west. Its population was estimated to be around 6.5million in 2012.
A third of the population of Laos live below the international poverty line which means living on less than US$1.25
per day. Laos is a low income economy, with one of the lowest annual incomes in the world. In 2013, Laos ranked
the 138th place (tied with Cambodia) on the Human Development Index (HDI), indicating that Laos currently only
has lower medium to low development. According to the Global Hunger Index, Laos currently ranks as the 25th
hungriest nation in the world out of the list of the 56 nations with the worst hunger situation(s) in the world.
has had a poor human rights record most particularly dealing with the nation's acts of genocide being committed
towards its Hmong population.
Laos traces its history to the kingdom of Lan Xang, which existed from the 14th to the 18th century when it split into
three separate kingdoms. In 1893, it became a French protectorate, with the three kingdoms, Luang Phrabang,
Vientiane and Champasak, uniting to form what is now known as Laos. It briefly gained independence in 1945 after
Japanese occupation, but returned to French rule until it was granted autonomy in 1949. Laos became independent in
1953, with a constitutional monarchy under Sisavang Vong. Shortly after independence, a long civil war ended the
monarchy, when the Communist Pathet Lao movement came to power in 1975.
Laos is a single-party socialist republic. It espouses Marxism and is governed by a single party communist politburo
dominated by military generals. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Vietnam People's Army continue to have
significant influence in Laos. The capital city is Vientiane. Other large cities include Luang Prabang, Savannakhet,
and Pakse. The official language is Lao. Laos is a multi-ethnic country with the politically and culturally dominant
Lao people making up approximately 60% of the population, mostly in the lowlands. Various Mon-Khmer groups,
the Hmong, and other indigenous hill tribes, accounting for 40% of the population, live in the foothills and
mountains. Laos' strategy for development is based on generating electricity from its rivers and selling the power to
its neighbors, namely Thailand, China, and Vietnam. Its economy is accelerating rapidly with the demands for its
It is a member of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),
East Asia Summit and La Francophonie. Laos applied for membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in
1997, and on 2 February 2013, it was granted full membership.
In the Lao language, the country's name is "Muang Lao" () or "Pathet Lao" (), both of which
literally mean "Lao Country". The French, who united the three separate Lao kingdoms in French Indochina in 1893,
named the country as the plural of the dominant and most common ethnic group (in French, the final "s" at the end of
a word is usually silent, thus it would also be pronounced "Lao").
Main article: History of Laos
Early history
In 2009 an ancient human skull was recovered from the Tam Pa Ling cave in the Annamite Mountains in northern
Laos; the skull is at least 46,000 years old, making it the oldest modern human fossil found to date in Southeast
Archaeological evidence suggests agriculturist society developed during the 4th millennium BC. Burial jars
and other kinds of sepulchers suggest a complex society in which bronze objects appeared around 1500 BC, and iron
tools were known from 700 BC. The proto-historic period is characterized by contact with Chinese and Indian
civilizations. From the fourth to the eighth century, communities along the Mekong River began to form into
townships called muang.
Lan Xang
Main article: Lan Xang
Pha That Luang in Vientiane is the national
symbol of Laos.
Laos traces its history to the kingdom of Lan Xang (Million
Elephants), founded in the 14th century, by a Lao prince Fa Ngum,
who with 10,000 Khmer troops, took over Vientiane. Ngum was
descended from a long line of Lao kings, tracing back to Khoun
Boulom. He made Theravada Buddhism the state religion and Lan
Xang prospered. Within 20 years of its formation, the kingdom
expanded eastward to Champa and along the Annamite mountains in
Vietnam. His ministers, unable to tolerate his ruthlessness, forced him
into exile to the present-day Thai province of Nan in 1373, where he
died. Fa Ngum's eldest son, Oun Heuan, came to the throne under the
name Samsenthai and reigned for 43years. During his reign, Lan Xang
became an important trade centre. After his death in 1421, Lan Xang collapsed into warring factions for the next 100
In 1520, Photisarath came to the throne and moved the capital from Luang Prabang to Vientiane to avoid a Burmese
invasion. Setthathirat
Statue of Fa Ngum, founder of the Lan Xang
became king in 1548, after his father was killed, and ordered the
construction of what would become the symbol of Laos, That Luang.
Setthathirat disappeared in the mountains on his way back from a
military expedition into Cambodia and Lan Xang began to rapidly
decline. It was not until 1637, when Sourigna Vongsa ascended the
throne, that Lan Xang would further expand its frontiers. His reign is
often regarded as Laos's golden age. When he died, leaving Lan Xang
without an heir, the kingdom divided into three principalities. Between
1763 and 1769, Burmese armies overran northern Laos and annexed
Luang Phrabang, while Champasak eventually came under Siamese
Chao Anouvong was installed as a vassal king of Vientiane by the
Siamese. He encouraged a renaissance of Lao fine arts and literature
and improved relations with Luang Phrabang. Under Vietnamese
pressure, he rebelled against the Siamese. The rebellion failed and
Vientiane was ransacked. Anouvong was taken to Bangkok as a
prisoner, where he died.
A Siamese military campaign in Laos in 1876 was described by a
British observer as having been "transformed into slave-hunting raids on a large scale".
French Laos
French Laos
Protectorat franais du Laos
Monarchy, Protectorate of France, constituent of French Indochina


Flag Royal Arms
Capital Vientiane (official), Luang Prabang (ceremonial)
Languages French (official), Lao
Religion Theravada Buddhism, Roman Catholicism
Political structure Monarchy, Protectorate of France, constituent of French Indochina
- 1868-1895 Oun Kham (first)
- 1904-1954 Sisavang Vong (last)
Historical era New Imperialism
- Protectorate established 1893
- Kingdom of Laos proclaimed 11 May 1947
- Independence 9 November 1953
- Geneva Conference 21 July 1954
Main article: History of Laos to 1945
In the late 19th century, Luang Prabang was ransacked by the Chinese Black Flag Army. France rescued King Oun
Kham and added Luang Phrabang to the 'Protectorate' of French Indochina. Shortly after, the Kingdom of
Champasak and the territory of Vientiane were also added to the protectorate. King Sisavang Vong of Luang
Phrabang became ruler of a unified Laos and Vientiane once again became the capital. Laos never had any
importance for France other than as a buffer state between British-influenced Thailand and the more economically
important Annam and Tonkin. During their rule, the French introduced the corvee, a system that forced every male
Lao to contribute 10days of manual labour per year to the colonial government. Laos produced tin, rubber, and
coffee, but never accounted for more than 1% of French Indochina's exports. By 1940, around 600 French citizens
lived in Laos. Most of the French who came to Laos as officials, settlers or missionaries developed a strong affection
for the country and its people, and many devoted decades to what they saw as bettering the lives of the Lao. Some
took Lao wives, learned the language, became Buddhists and "went native" - something more acceptable in the
French Empire than in the British. With the racial attitudes typical of Europeans at this time, however, they tended to
classify the Lao as gentle, amiable, childlike, naive and lazy, regarding them with what one writer called "a mixture
of affection and exasperation."
The country declared its independence on 12 October 1945, but the French under Charles de Gaulle re-asserted
control. In 1950 Laos was granted semi-autonomy as an "associated state" within the French Union. France remained
in de facto control until 22 October 1953, when Laos gained full independence as a constitutional monarchy.
King Sisavang Vong of Laos
Main articles: Kingdom of Laos and Laotian Civil War
Pathet Lao soldiers in Vientiane
In 1955, the U.S. Department of Defense created a special Programs
Evaluation Office to replace French support of the Royal Lao Army
against the communist Pathet Lao as part of the U.S. containment
In 1960, amidst a series of rebellions, fighting broke out between the
Royal Lao Army and the Pathet Lao. A second Provisional
Government of National Unity formed by Prince Souvanna Phouma in
1962 proved to be unsuccessful, and the situation steadily deteriorated
into large scale civil war between the Royal Laotian government and
the Pathet Lao. The Pathet Lao were backed militarily by the NVA and
Laos was also dragged into the Vietnam War since parts of Laos were invaded and occupied by North Vietnam for
use as a supply route for its war against the South. In response, the United States initiated a bombing campaign
against the North Vietnamese positions, supported regular and irregular anticommunist forces in Laos and supported
South Vietnamese incursions into Laos.
In 1968 the North Vietnamese Army launched a multi-division attack to help the Pathet Lao to fight the Royal Lao
Army. The attack resulted in the army largely demobilizing, leaving the conflict to irregular forces raised by the
United States and Thailand.
Massive aerial bombardment against Pathet Lao and invading NVA communist forces was carried out by the United
States to prevent the collapse of Laos' central government, the Royal Kingdom of Laos, and to prevent the use of the
Ho Chi Minh Trail to attack U.S. forces in South Vietnam and the Republic of Vietnam. As of 2008, Laos is the
most heavily bombed country, per capita, in the world. An average of one B-52 bomb-load was dropped on Laos
every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, between 1964 and 1973. Due to the particularly heavily impact of cluster bombs
during this war, Laos was a strong advocate of the Convention on Cluster Munitions to ban the weapons and assist
victims, and hosted the First Meeting of States Parties to the convention in November 2010.
In 1975 the Pathet Lao, along with the Vietnam People's Army and backed by the Soviet Union, overthrew the
royalist Lao government, forcing King Savang Vatthana to abdicate on 2 December 1975. He later died in captivity.
Between 20,000 and 70,000 Laotians died during the Civil War.
On 2 December 1975, after taking control of the country, the Pathet Lao government under Kaysone Phomvihane
renamed the country as the Lao People's Democratic Republic and signed agreements giving Vietnam the right to
station armed forces and to appoint advisers to assist in overseeing the country. Laos was requested in 1979 by the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam to end relations with the People's Republic of China, leading to isolation in trade by
China, the United States, and other countries.
The conflict between Hmong rebels and the Vietnam People's Army of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV), as
well as the SRV-backed Pathet Lao continued in various pockets in key areas of Laos, including in Saysaboune
Closed Military Zone, Xaisamboune Closed Military Zone near Vientiane Province and Xieng Khouang Province.
The government of Laos has been accused of committing genocide, human rights and religious freedom violations
against the Hmong in collaboration with the Vietnamese army,
with up to 100,000 killed out of a population of
From 1975 to 1996, the United States resettled some 250,000 Lao refugees from Thailand, including
130,000 Hmong.
(See: Indochina refugee crisis)
Main article: Geography of Laos
Mekong River flowing through Luang Prabang
Rice fields in Laos
Laos is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia, and it lies
mostly between latitudes 14 and 23N (a small area is south of 14),
and longitudes 100 and 108E. Its thickly forested landscape consists
mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at 2,818
metres (9,245ft), with some plains and plateaus. The Mekong River
forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand, whereas the
mountains of the Annamite Range form most of the eastern border with
Vietnam and the Luang Prabang Range the northwestern border with
the Thai highlands. There are two plateaux, the Xiangkhoang in the
north and the Bolaven Plateau at the southern end. The climate is
tropical and influenced by the monsoon pattern.
There is a distinct rainy season from May to November, followed by a
dry season from December to April. Local tradition holds that there are
three seasons (rainy, cold and hot) as the latter two months of the
climatologically defined dry season are noticeably hotter than the
earlier four months. The capital and largest city of Laos is Vientiane
and other major cities include Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, and
Pakse.Wikipedia:Citation needed
In 1993 the Laos government set aside 21% of the nation's land area for habitat conservation preservation. The
country is one of four in the opium poppy growing region known as the "Golden Triangle". According to the October
2007 UNODC fact book Opium Poppy Cultivation in South East Asia, the poppy cultivation area was 15 square
kilometres (5.8sqmi), down from 18 square kilometres (6.9sqmi) in 2006.
Laos can be considered to consist of three geographical areas: north, central, and south.
Administrative divisions
Main article: Administrative divisions of Laos
Laos is divided into 17 provinces (khoueng) and one prefecture (kampheng nakhon) which includes the capital city
Vientiane (Nakhon Louang Viangchan). Provinces are further divided into districts (muang) and then villages (ban).
An 'urban' village is essentially a town.
Subdivisions Capital Area
1 Attapeu Attapeu (Samakkhixay
10,320 114,300
2 Bokeo Ban Houayxay (Houayxay
6,196 149,700
3 Bolikhamsai Paksan (Paksane District) 14,863 214,900
4 Champasak Pakse (Pakse District) 15,415 575,600
5 Hua Phan Xam Neua (Xamneua
16,500 322,200
6 Khammouane Thakhek (Thakhek District) 16,315 358,800
7 Luang Namtha Luang Namtha (Namtha
9,325 150,100
8 Luang
Luang Prabang
(Louangprabang District)
16,875 408,800
9 Oudomxay Muang Xay (Xay District) 15,370 275,300
10 Phongsali Phongsali (Phongsaly
16,270 199,900
11 Sayabouly Sayabouly (Xayabury
16,389 382,200
12 Salavan Salavan (Salavan District) 10,691 336,600
13 Savannakhet Savannakhet (Khanthabouly
21,774 721,500
14 Sekong Sekong (Lamarm District) 7,665 83,600
15 Vientiane
Vientiane City 3,920 726,000
16 Vientiane
Phonhong (Phonhong
15,927 373,700
17 Xieng
Phonsavan (Pek District) 15,880 229,521
A clickable map of Laos exhibiting its provinces and
Environmental problems
Laos is increasingly suffering from environmental problems, with deforestation a particularly significant issue, as
expanding commercial exploitation of the forests, plans for additional hydroelectric facilities, foreign demand for
wild animals and nonwood forest products for food and traditional medicines, and a growing population all create
increasing pressure.
The United Nations Development Programme warns that: "Protecting the environment and sustainable use of natural
resources in Lao PDR is vital for poverty reduction and economic growth."
In April 2011, The Independent newspaper reported that Laos had started work on the controversial Xayaburi Dam
on the Mekong River without getting formal approval. Environmentalists say the dam will adversely affect 60
million people and Cambodia and Vietnamconcerned about the flow of water further downstreamare officially
opposed to the project. The Mekong River Commission, a regional intergovernmental body designed to promote the
"sustainable management" of the river, famed for its giant catfish, carried out a study that warned if Xayaburi and
subsequent schemes went ahead, it would "fundamentally undermine the abundance, productivity and diversity of
the Mekong fish resources". Neighbouring Vietnam warned that the dam would harm the Mekong Delta, which is the
home to nearly 20 million people and supplies around 50% of Vietnam's rice output and over 70% of both its
seafood and fruit outputs.
Milton Osborne, Visiting Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy who has written widely on the
Mekong, warns: "The future scenario is of the Mekong ceasing to be a bounteous source of fish and guarantor of
agricultural richness, with the great river below China becoming little more than a series of unproductive lakes."
Illegal logging is also a major problem. Environmental groups estimate that 500,000 cubic metres (18,000,000cuft)
of logs find their way from Laos to Vietnam every year, with most of the furniture eventually exported to western
A 1992 government survey indicated that forests occupied about 48% of Laos' land area. Forest coverage decreased
to 41% in a 2002 survey. Lao authorities have said that, in reality, forest coverage might be no more than 35%
because of various development projects such as dams, on top of the losses to illegal logging.
Government and politics
Main articles: Politics of Laos and Foreign relations of Laos
Thongsing Thammavong
The Lao People's Democratic Republic, along with China, Cuba,
Vietnam, and North Korea is one of the world's five remaining socialist
states. The only legal political party is the Lao People's Revolutionary
Party (LPRP). The head of state is President Choummaly Sayasone,
who is also the General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary
Party. The head of government is Prime Minister Thongsing
Thammavong, who is also a senior member of the Politburo.
Government policies are determined by the party through the
all-powerful eleven-member Politburo of the Lao People's
Revolutionary Party and the 61-member Central Committee of the Lao
People's Revolutionary Party. Important government decisions are
vetted by the Council of Ministers. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
maintains significant influence over the Politburo of Laos and the
one-party communist state apparatus and militaryWikipedia:Citation
Laos's first, French-written and monarchical constitution was
promulgated on 11 May 1947, and declared Laos to be an independent
state within the French Union. The revised constitution of 11 May 1957 omitted reference to the French Union,
though close educational, health and technical ties with the former colonial power persisted. The 1957 document was
abrogated on 3 December 1975, when a communist People's Republic was proclaimed. A new constitution was
adopted in 1991 and enshrined a "leading role" for the LPRP. In 1990, deputy minister for science & technology
Thongsouk Saysangkhi resigned from the government and party, calling for political reform. He died in captivity in
In 1992 elections were held for a new 85-seat National Assembly with members, nominated by the one-party
communist government, elected by secret ballot to five-year terms. The elections were widely disputed and
questioned by Lao and Hmong opposition and dissident groups abroad and in Laos and Thailand. This National
Assembly, which essentially acts as a rubber stamp for the LPRP, approves all new laws, although the executive
branch retains authority to issue binding decrees. The most recent elections took place in April 2011. The assembly
was expanded to 99 members in 1997, to 115 members in 2006 and finally to 132 members during the 2011
elections.Wikipedia:Citation needed
Rivers are an important means of transport in
Main articles: Transport in Laos and Telecommunications in Laos
The main international airports are Vientiane's Wattay International
Airport and Luang Prabang International Airport with Pakse
International Airport also having a few international flights. The
national airline is Lao Airlines. Other carriers serving the country
include Bangkok Airways, Vietnam Airlines, AirAsia, Thai Airways
International, and China Eastern Airlines.
Much of the country lacks adequate infrastructure. Laos has no
railways, except a short link to connect Vientiane with Thailand over
the ThaiLao Friendship Bridge. A short portage railway, the Don
DetDon Khon narrow gauge railway was built by the French in
Champasak Province but has been closed since the 1940s. In the late 1920s, work began on the ThakhekTan Ap
railway that would have run between Thakhek, Khammouane Province and Tn p Railway Station, Qung Bnh
Province, Vietnam through the M Gi Pass. However, the scheme was aborted in the 1930s. The major roads
connecting the major urban centres, in particular Route 13, have been significantly upgraded in recent years, but
villages far from major roads can be reached only through unpaved roads that may not be accessible year-round.
There is limited external and internal telecommunication, but mobile phones have become widespread in urban
centres. In many rural areas electricity is at least partly available. Songthaews (pick-up trucks with benches) are used
in the country for long-distance and local public transport.
Wattay International Airport in Vientiane
Laos has made particularly noteworthy progress increasing access to
sanitation and has already met its 2015 Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) target.
Laos' predominantly rural (68%, source: Department
of Statistics, Ministry of Planning and Investment, 2009) population
makes investing in sanitation difficult. In 1990 only 8% of the rural
population had access to improved sanitation. Access rose rapidly from
10% in 1995 to 38% in 2008. Between 1995 and 2008 approximately
1,232,900 more people had access to improved sanitation in rural
areas. Laos' progress is notable in comparison to similar developing
countries. This success is in part due to small-scale independent
providers emerging in a spontaneous manner or having been promoted by public authorities. The authorities in Laos
have recently developed an innovative regulatory framework for PublicPrivate partnership contracts signed with
small enterprises, in parallel with more conventional regulation of State-owned water enterprises.
Main article: Lao People's Army
The Lao People's Armed Forces (LPAF) is small, poorly funded, and ineffectively resourced; its mission focus is
border and internal security, primarily in countering ethnic Hmong insurgent and opposition groups; with the Lao
People's Revolutionary Party and the government, the Lao People's Army (LPA) is the third pillar of state machinery
and, as such, is expected to suppress political and civil unrest and similar national emergencies. The LPA also has
upgraded skills to respond to avian influenza outbreaks; there is no perceived external threat to the state and the LPA
maintains strong ties with the neighbouring Vietnamese military (2008)Wikipedia:Citation needed.
The army of 130,000 is equipped with 25 main battle tanks. The army marine section, equipped with 16 patrol crafts,
has 600 personnel. The air force, with 3,500 personnel, is equipped with anti-aircraft missiles and 24 combat aircraft.
Militia self-defence forces number approximately 100,000 organized for local defence. The small arms used by the
army include the Soviet AKM assault rifle, PKM machine gun, Makarov PM pistol, and RPD light machine gun.
From its founding, until the present, the LPA receives significant support, training, advisers, troop support and
assistance from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Vietnam People's Army.
On 17 May 2014 the Defense Minister, who was also Deputy Prime Minister, Major General Douangchay Phichit,
along with other top ranking officials was killed in a plane crash in the north of the country. The officials were to
participate in a ceremony to mark the liberation of the Plain of Jars from the former Royal Lao government forces.
Their Russian-built Antonov AN 74-300 with 20 people on board crashed in Xiengkhouang province.
Hmong conflict
The government of Laos has been accused of committing human rights violations and genocide against that countrys
Hmong ethnic minority.
Some Hmong groups fought as CIA-backed units on the Royalist side in the Laos civil war. After the Pathet Lao
took over the country in 1975, the conflict continued in isolated pockets. In 1977, a communist newspaper promised
the party would hunt down the American collaborators and their families to the last root.
As many as 200,000 Hmong went into exile in Thailand, with many ending up in the USA. A number of Hmong
fighters hid out in mountains in Xiangkhouang Province for many years, with a remnant emerging from the jungle in
In 1989, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), with the support of the United States
government, instituted the Comprehensive Plan of Action, a programme to stem the tide of Indochinese refugees
from Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Under the plan, the status of the refugees was to be evaluated through a
screening process. Recognized asylum seekers were to be given resettlement opportunities, while the remaining
refugees were to be repatriated under guarantee of safety.
Hmong girls in Laos in 1973
After talks with the UNHCR and the Thai government, Laos agreed to
repatriate the 60,000 Lao refugees living in Thailand, including several
thousand Hmong people. Very few of the Lao refugees, however, were
willing to return voluntarily.
Pressure to resettle the refugees grew
as the Thai government worked to close its remaining refugee camps.
While some Hmong people returned to Laos voluntarily, with
development assistance from UNHCR, allegations of forced
repatriation surfaced.
Of those Hmong who did return to Laos,
some quickly escaped back to Thailand, describing discrimination and
brutal treatment at the hands of Lao authorities.
In 1993, Vue Mai, a former Hmong soldier who had been recruited by
the U.S.Embassy in Bangkok to return to Laos as proof of the
repatriation programme's success, disappeared in Vientiane. According
to the U.S.Committee for Refugees, he was arrested by Lao security
forces and was never seen again.
Following the Vue Mai incident, debate over the Hmong's planned
repatriation to Laos intensified greatly, especially in the United States, where it drew strong opposition from many
American conservatives and some human rights advocates. In a 23 October 1995 National Review article, Michael
Johns, the former Heritage Foundation foreign policy expert and Republican White House aide, labelled the Hmong's
repatriation a Clinton administration "betrayal", describing the Hmong as a people "who have spilled their blood in
defense of American geopolitical interests."
Debate on the issue escalated quickly. In an effort to halt the planned
repatriation, the Republican-led U.S.Senate and House of Representatives both appropriated funds for the remaining
Thailand-based Hmong to be immediately resettled in the United States; Clinton, however, responded by promising a
veto of the legislation.
In their opposition of the repatriation plans, both Democrat and Republican Members of Congress also challenged
the Clinton administration's position that the government of Laos was not systematically violating Hmong human
rights. U.S. Representative Steve Gunderson (R-WI), for instance, told a Hmong gathering: "I do not enjoy standing
up and saying to my government that you are not telling the truth, but if that is necessary to defend truth and justice,
I will do that." Republicans also called several Congressional hearings on alleged persecution of the Hmong in Laos
in an apparent attempt to generate further support for their opposition to the Hmong's repatriation to Laos.
Democratic Congressman Bruce Vento, Senator Paul Wellstone, Dana Rohrabacher and others also raised concerns.
Although some accusations of forced repatriation were denied,
thousands of Hmong people refused to return to
Laos. In 1996 as the deadline for the closure of Thai refugee camps approached, and under mounting political
pressure, the United States agreed to resettle Hmong refugees who passed a new screening process.
Around 5,000
Hmong people who were not resettled at the time of the camp closures sought asylum at Wat Tham Krabok, a
Buddhist monastery in central Thailand where more than 10,000 Hmong refugees had already been living. The Thai
government attempted to repatriate these refugees, but the Wat Tham Krabok Hmong refused to leave and the Lao
government refused to accept them, claiming they were involved in the illegal drug trade and were of non-Lao
Following threats of forcible removal by the Thai government, the United States, in a significant victory for the
Hmong, agreed to accept 15,000 of the refugees in 2003.
Several thousand Hmong people, fearing forced
repatriation to Laos if they were not accepted for resettlement in the United States, fled the camp to live elsewhere
within Thailand where a sizable Hmong population has been present since the 19th century.
In 2004 and 2005, thousands of Hmong fled from the jungles of Laos to a temporary refugee camp in the Thai
province of Phetchabun. These Hmong refugees, many of whom are descendants of the former-CIA Secret Army and
their relatives, claim that they have been attacked by both the Lao and Vietnamese military forces operating inside
Laos as recently as June 2006. The refugees claim that attacks against them have continued almost unabated since
the war officially ended in 1975, and have become more intense in recent years.
Lending further support to earlier claims that the government of Laos was persecuting the Hmong, filmmaker
Rebecca Sommer documented first-hand accounts in her documentary, Hunted Like Animals,
and in a
comprehensive report which includes summaries of claims made by the refugees and was submitted to the UN in
May 2006.
The European Union,
UNHCHR, and international groups have since spoken out about the forced
The Thai foreign ministry has said that it will halt deportation of Hmong refugees held in
Detention Centres Nong Khai, while talks are underway to resettle them in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and
the United States.
For the time being, countries willing to resettle the refugees are hindered to proceed with immigration and settlement
procedures because the Thai administration does not grant them access to the refugees. Plans to resettle additional
Hmong refugees in the United States have been complicated by provisions of President George W. Bush's Patriot
Act and Real ID Act, under which Hmong veterans of the Secret War, who fought on the side of the United States,
are classified as terrorists because of their historical involvement in armed conflict.
On 27 December 2009, the New York Times reported that the Thai military was preparing to forcibly return 4,000
Hmong asylum seekers to Laos by the end of the year: the BBC later reported that repatriations had started. Both
United States and United Nations officials have protested this action. Outside government representatives have not
been allowed to interview this group over the last three years. Mdecins Sans Frontires has refused to assist the
Hmong refugees because of what they have called "increasingly restrictive measures" taken by the Thai military.
The Thai military jammed all cellular phone reception and disallowed any foreign journalists from the Hmong
Human rights
Main article: Human rights in Laos
The Constitution that was promulgated in 1991 and amended in 2003 contains most key safeguards for human rights.
For example, Article8 makes it clear that Laos is a multiethnic state and is committed to equality between ethnic
groups. The Constitution also has provisions for gender equality and freedom of religion, for freedom of speech,
press and assembly. On 25 September 2009, Laos ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
nine years after signing the treaty. The stated policy objectives of both the Lao government and international donors
remain focused toward achieving sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. The government of Laos,
however, frequently does not abide by its own constitution and the rule of law, since the judiciary and judges are
appointed by the communist party in Laos, and there is no independent judicial branch. Human rights violations
remain serious according to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The Centre for Public Policy Analysis and
other independent human rights organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
However, Amnesty International has raised concerns about the ratification record of the Laos Government on human
rights standards and its lack of cooperation with the UN human rights mechanisms and legislative measures which
impact negatively on human rights. It has also raised concerns in relation to freedom of expression, poor prison
conditions, restrictions on freedom of religions, protection of refugees and asylum-seekers and the death penalty.
In October 1999, 30 young people were arrested for attempting to display posters calling for peaceful economic,
political and social change in Laos. Five of them were arrested and subsequently sentenced to up to 10 years
imprisonment on charges of treason. One has since died due to his treatment by prison guards, while one has been
released. The surviving three men should have been released by October 2009, but their whereabouts remains
Laos and Vietnamese (SRV) troops were reported to have raped and killed four Christian Hmong women in Xieng
Khouang province in 2011, according to the US and Southeast-based non-governmental public policy research
organization The Centre for Public Policy Analysis. CPPA also said other Christian and independent Buddhist and
animist believers were being persecuted.
The Centre for Public Policy Analysis, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, U.S. Commission on
International Religious Freedom, the Lao Veterans of America, Inc. and other non-governmental organizations
(NGO)s have reported egregious human rights violations, religious persecution, the arrest and imprisonment of
political and religious dissidents as well as extrajudicial killings, in Laos by government military and security
Human rights advocates including Vang Pobzeb, Kerry and Kay Danes and others have also raised concerns
about human rights violations, torture, the arrest and detention of political prisoners as well as the detention of
foreign prisoners in Laos including at the infamous Phonthong Prison in Vientiane. Concerns have also been raised
about the high-profile abduction of Laotian civic activist Sombath Somphone in Laos by Lao security forces and
police in December 2012.
Main article: Economy of Laos
About 80% of Laos population practices
subsistence agriculture.
The Lao economy depends heavily on investment and trade with its
neighbours, Thailand, Vietnam, and, especially in the north, China.
Pakxe has also experienced growth based on cross-border trade with
Thailand and Vietnam. In 2009, despite the fact that the government is
still officially communist, the Obama administration in the US
declared Laos was no longer a marxist-lenninist state and lifted bans on
Laotian companies receiving financing from the U.S. Export Import
Bank. In 2011, the Lao Securities Exchange began trading. In 2012, the
government initiated the creation of the Laos Trade Portal
, a
website incorporating all information traders need to import and export
goods into the country.
Subsistence agriculture still accounts for half of the GDP and provides 80% of employment. Only 4.01% of the
country is arable land, and a mere 0.34% used as permanent crop land,
the lowest percentage in the Greater
Mekong Subregion.
Rice dominates agriculture, with about 80% of the arable land area used for growing rice.
Approximately 77% of Lao farm households are self-sufficient in rice.
Through the development, release and widespread adoption of improved rice varieties, and through economic
reforms, production has increased by an annual rate of 5% between 1990 and 2005,
and Lao PDR achieved a net
balance of rice imports and exports for the first time in 1999. Lao PDR may have the greatest number of rice
varieties in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Since 1995 the Lao government has been working with the International
Rice Research Institute of the Philippines to collect seed samples of each of the thousands of rice varieties found in
Morning market in Vientiane
The economy receives development aid from the IMF, ADB, and other
international sources; and also foreign direct investment for
development of the society, industry, hydropower and mining (most
notably of copper and gold). Tourism is the fastest-growing industry in
the country. Economic development in Laos has been hampered by
brain drain, with a skilled emigration rate of 37.4% in 2000.
Laos is rich in mineral resources and imports petroleum and gas.
Metallurgy is an important industry, and the government hopes to
attract foreign investment to develop the substantial deposits of coal,
gold, bauxite, tin, copper, and other valuable metals. In addition, the
country's plentiful water resources and mountainous terrain enable it to produce and export large quantities of
hydroelectric energy. Of the potential capacity of approximately 18,000 megawatts, around 8,000 megawatts have
been committed for exporting to Thailand and Vietnam.
The country's most widely recognised product may well be Beerlao which is exported to a number of countries
including neighbours Cambodia and Vietnam. It is produced by the Lao Brewery Company.
Main article: Tourism in Laos
View from near the sanctuary on the main upper
level of Wat Phu, looking back towards the
Mekong River
The tourism sector has grown rapidly, from 80,000 international
visitors in 1990, to 1.876 million in 2010. Tourism is expected to
contribute US$679.1 million to gross national product in 2010, rising
to US$1.5857 billion by 2020. In 2010, one in every 10.9 jobs was in
the tourism sector. Export earnings from international visitors and
tourism goods are expected to generate 15.5% of total exports or
US$270.3 million in 2010, growing in nominal terms to US$484.2
million (12.5% of total) in 2020.
Hmong girls on the Plain of Jars
Laos has become popular with tourists for its relaxed style of living and for
retaining elements of the "original Asia" lost elsewhere. The official tourism
slogan is "Simply Beautiful". The main attractions for tourists include Buddhist
culture and colonial architecture in Luang Prabang; gastronomy and ancient
temples in the capital of Vientiane; backpacking in Muang Ngoi Neua and Vang
Vieng; ancient and modern culture and history in The Plain of Jars region (main
article: Phonsavan); Laos Civil War history in Sam Neua; trekking and visiting
hill tribes in a number of areas including Phongsaly and Luang Namtha; spotting
tigers and other wildlife in Nam Et-Phou Louey; caves and waterfalls near
Thakhek; relaxation, the Irrawaddy dolphin and Khone Phapheng Falls at Si
Phan Don or, as they are known in English, the Four Thousand Islands; Wat Phu,
an ancient Khmer temple complex; and the Bolaven Plateau for waterfalls and
Luang Prabang and Wat Phu are both UNESCO World Heritage sites, with the Plain of Jars expected to join them
once more work to clear UXO has been completed. Major festivals include Laos New Year which is celebrated
around 1315 April and involves a water festival similar but more subdued than that of Thailand and other
South-East Asian countries.
The Lao National Tourism Administration, related government agencies and the private sector are working together
to realise the vision put forth in the country's National Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan. This includes
decreasing the environmental and cultural impact of tourism; increasing awareness in the importance of ethnic
groups and biological diversity; providing a source of income to conserve, sustain and manage the Lao protected
area network and cultural heritage sites; and emphasising the need for tourism zoning and management plans for
sites that will be developed as ecotourism destinations.
Laos is known for its silk and local handicraft product, both of which are on display in Luang Prabang's night
market, among other places. Another speciality is mulberry tea.
Main article: Demographics of Laos
Buddhist monks collecting alms at dawn in
Luang Prabang
The term "Laotian" does not necessarily refer to the Lao language,
ethnic Lao people, language or customs, but is a political term that also
includes the non-ethnic Lao groups within Laos and identifies them as
"Laotian" because of their political citizenship. Laos has the youngest
population of any country in Asia with a median age of 21.6 years.
Laos' population was estimated at 6.5 million in 2012, dispersed
unevenly across the country. Most people live in valleys of the
Mekong River and its tributaries. Vientiane prefecture, the capital and
largest city, had about 740,010 residents in 2008. The country's
population density was 27/km
Main article: Demographics of Laos
The people of Laos are often considered by their altitudinal distribution (lowlands, midlands and upper high lands)
as this approximates ethnic groups.
Lao Loum (lowland people)
More than half of the nation's population, 60%, is ethnic Laothe principal lowland inhabitants, and the politically
and culturally dominant people of Laos. The Lao belong to the Tai linguistic group who began migrating southward
from China in the first millennium AD. 10% belong to other "lowland" groups, which together with the Lao people
make up the Lao Loum.
Lao Theung (midland people)
A Ho (Hani) woman and her child,
Phongsaly Province
In the central and southern mountains, Mon-Khmer tribes, known as Lao Theung
or mid-slope Laotians, predominate. Other terms are Khmu, Khamu (Kammu) or
Kha as the Lao Loum refer to them as indicating their Austroasiatic origins.
However, the latter is considered pejorative, meaning 'slave'. They were the
indigenous inhabitants of northern Laos. Some Vietnamese, Chinese and Thai
minorities remain, particularly in the towns, but many left after independence in
the late 1940s, many of whom relocated either to Vietnam, Hong Kong, or to
France. Lao Theung constitute about 30% of the population.
Lao Soung (highland people)
Hill people and minority cultures of Laos such as the Hmong, Yao (Mien), Dao,
Shan, and several Tibeto-Burman speaking peoples have lived in isolated regions
of Laos for many years. Mountain/hill tribes of mixed ethno/cultural-linguistic
heritage are found in northern Laos which include the Lua and Khmu people who
are indigenous to Laos. Today, the Lua people are considered endangered. Collectively, they are known as Lao
Soung or highland Laotians. Lao Soung account for only about 10% of the population.
Leaders of ethnic minorities in Laos
Ong Keo
Ong Kommadam
Pa Chay Vue
Buddhist Monks in front of Wat Sen, Luang
Buddhist shrine in Vientiane
The official and dominant language is Lao, a tonal language of the Tai
linguistic group. However, only slightly more than half of the
population can speak Lao, the remainder speaking various ethnic
minority languages, particularly in rural areas. The written language is
based on Khmer writing script. Languages like Khmu and Hmong are
spoken by minorities, particularly in the midland and highland areas. A
number of Laotian sign languages are used in areas with high rates of
congenital deafness.
French is still commonly used in government and commerce and over a
third of Laos' students are educated through the medium of French with
French being compulsory for all other students. Throughout the
country signage is bilingual in Laotian and French, with French being
predominant. English, the language of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN), has become increasingly studied in recent
Main article: Health in Laos
Male life expectancy at birth was at 60.85 and female life expectancy
was at 64.76 in 2012.
Healthy life expectancy was at 54 in 2007. In
2008, 43% of the population did not have access to an improved water
resource, by 2010 this had been reduced to 33% of the population.
Government expenditure on health is at about 4% of the GDP. Its
amount was at US$ 18 (PPP) in 2006.
Main article: Religion in Laos
Of the people of Laos 67% are Theravada Buddhist, 1.5% are Christian, and 31.5% are other or unspecified (mostly
practitioners of Satsana Phi)
according to the 2005 census. Buddhism has long been one of the most important
social forces in Laos. Theravada Buddhism has coexisted peacefully since its introduction to the country with the
local polytheism.
Main article: Education in Laos
The adult literacy rate exceeds two thirds. The male literacy rate exceeds the female literacy rate. In 2004 the net
primary enrollment rate was at 84%. The National University of Laos is the Laos state's public university. The total
literacy rate is 73% (2010 estimate).
Main article: Culture of Laos
See also: Lao art, Lao cuisine, Dance and theatre of Laos, List of festivals in Laos and Music of Laos
An example of Lao cuisine
Lao women wearing sinhs.
Theravada Buddhism is a dominant influence in Lao culture. It is
reflected throughout the country from language to the temple and in
art, literature, performing arts, etc. Many elements of Lao culture
predate Buddhism, however. For example, Laotian music is dominated
by its national instrument, the khaen, a type of bamboo pipe that has
prehistoric origins. The khaen traditionally accompanied the singer in
lam, the dominant style of folk music. Among the various lam styles,
the lam saravane is probably the most popular.
Sticky Rice is a characteristic staple food and has cultural and religious
significance to the Lao people. Sticky rice is generally preferred over
jasmine rice, and sticky rice cultivation and production is thought to
have originated in Laos. There are many traditions and rituals
associated with rice production in different environments, and among
many ethnic groups. For example, Khammu farmers in Luang Prabang
plant the rice variety Khao Kam in small quantities near the hut in
memory of dead parents, or at the edge of the rice field to indicate that
parents are still alive.
Sinh is a traditional garment worn by Laotian women in daily life. It is
a hand-woven silk skirt which can identify the woman who wears it in
a variety of ways. In particular, it can indicate which region the wearer
is from.
Polygamy is officially a crime in Laos, though the penalty is minor.
The constitution and Family Code bars the legal recognition of
polygamous marriages, stipulating that monogamy is to be the
principal way to contract a marriage in the country. Polygamy,
however, is still customary among some Hmong people.
All newspapers are published by the government, including two foreign language papers: the English-language daily
Vientiane Times and the French-language weekly Le Rnovateur. Additionally, the
Lao dancers during New Year
Khao San Pathet Lao, the country's official news agency, publishes
English and French versions of its eponymous paper. Laos currently
has nine daily newspapers, 90 magazines, 43 radio stations, and 32 TV
stations operating throughout the country.
As of 2011, Nhn Dn
(The People) and the Xinhua News Agency are the only foreign media
organisations permitted to open offices in Laosboth opened bureaus
in Vientiane in 2011.
The Lao government heavily controls all media channels in order to
prevent critique of its actions. Lao citizens who have criticized the
government have been subjected to enforced disappearances, arbitrary
arrests and torture.
Internet cafes are now common in the major urban centres and are especially popular with
the younger generation.
Since the founding of the Lao PDR only very few films have been made in Laos. One of the first commercial feature
length films was the 2008 Sabaidee Luang Prabang. Australian filmmaker Kim Mordount's first feature film was
made in Laos and features a Laotian cast speaking their native language. Entitled The Rocket, the film appeared at
the 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) and won three awards at the Berlin International Film
Festival. Recently a few local production companies have succeeded to produce Lao feature films and gain
international recognition. Among them are Lao New Wave Cinema's "At The Horizon" directed by Anysay Keola,
that was screened at the OzAsia Film Festival and Lao Art Media's Chanthaly directed by Mattie Do, which was
screened at the 2013 Fantastic Fest.
The largest Stadium in Laos, New Laos National
The martial art of Muay Lao, the national sport,Wikipedia:Citation
needed is a form of kickboxing similar to other styles of Southeast
Asia such as Thai Muay Thai, Burmese Lethwei, Malaysian Tomoi,
and Cambodian Pradal Serey.
Association football has grown to be the most popular sport in Laos.
The Lao League is now the top professional league for association
football clubs in the country. Since the start of the League, Lao Army
FC has been the most successful club with 8 titles, the highest number
of championship wins.Wikipedia:Citation needed
Notes and references
[1] http:/ / tools.wmflabs. org/ geohack/ geohack. php?pagename=Laos& params=17_58_N_102_36_E_type:country
[2] [2] These same pronunciations using Wikipedia's pronunciation respelling key: , , , .
[3] Welthungerhilfe, IFPRI, and Concern Worldwide: 2013 Global Hunger Index - The challenge of hunger: Building Resilience to Achieve
Food and Nutrition Security (http:/ / www.ifpri. org/ sites/ default/ files/ publications/ ghi13. pdf). Bonn, Washington D. C., Dublin. October
[4] Lao Peoples Democratic Republic and the WTO (http:/ / www. wto. org/ english/ thewto_e/ countries_e/ lao_e. htm).
[5] "[Demeter F. et al., Anatomically modern human in Southeast Asia (Laos) by 46 ka http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pubmed/ 22908291/ ]",
PNAS, 04 September 2012.
[6] "Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Northern Thailand: Archival Anecdotes and Village Voices" (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/
20101012011239/ http:/ / kyotoreviewsea. org/ slavery3. htm). The Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia
[7] [7] T. Lomperis, From People's War to People's Rule, (1996), estimates 35,000 total.
[8] [8] Eckhardt, William, in World Military and Social Expenditures 1987-88 (12th ed., 1987) by Ruth Leger Sivard.
[9] [9] Rummel, Rudolph J.: Death By Government (1994)
[10] Obermeyer (2008), "Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia", British Medical Journal.
[11] Hamilton-Merritt, Jane (1999) Tragic Mountains: The Hmong, the Americans, and the Secret Wars for Laos, 19421992, Indiana University
Press, pp. 337460, ISBN 0253207568.
[12] Statistics of Democide (http:/ / powerkills/ SOD. TAB15. 1D. GIF) Rudolph Rummel
[13] Laos (04/09) (http:/ / www.state. gov/ r/ pa/ ei/ bgn/ 2770. htm). U.S. Department of State.
[14] O'Meally, Simon (2010). Lao PDR's progress in rural sanitation (http:/ / www. developmentprogress. org/ progress-stories/
lao-pdrs-progress-rural-sanitation). London: Overseas Development Institute
[15] [15] "Laos agrees to voluntary repatriation of refugees in Thailand," U.P.I., 5 June 1991.
[16] [16] "Lao Refugees Return Home Under European Union Repatriation Program," Associated Press Worldstream, 22 11, 1994. Karen J, "HOUSE
PANEL HEARS CONCERNS ABOUT HMONG," States News Service, 26 April 1994.
[17] Hamilton-Merritt, Jane (1993). Tragic Mountains, Indiana University Press, pp. xixxxi ISBN 0253207568.
[18] Johns, Michael (23 October 1995) "Acts of Betrayal: Persecution of Hmong" (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20070705214752/ http:/ /
findarticles. com/ p/ articles/ mi_m1282/ is_n20_v47/ ai_17443642). National Review.
[19] Reports on results of investigations of allegations concerning the welfare of Hmong refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand and Laos
(http:/ / content. xtf/ view?docId=hb909nb5j8& brand=calisphere& doc. view=entire_text) Refugee and Migration Affairs Unit,
United States Embassy (Thailand), 1992. Retrieved 27 July 2007
[20] Gunderson, Steve (18 May 1996) "State Department Outlines Resettlement Guidelines for Hmong Refugees", Congressional Press
[21] "Laos refuses to take back Thai-based Hmong refugees", Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 20 August 1998.
[22] "Refugee Admissions Program for East Asia" (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20090117073258/ http:/ / www. state. gov/ g/ prm/ rls/ fs/
2004/ 28212. htm) Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, 16 January 2004, archived 17 January 2009 from the original (http:/ /
www.state. gov/ g/ prm/ rls/ fs/ 2004/ 28212.htm)
[23] History of the Hmong Resettlement Task Force (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20081021133910/ http:/ / www. centralcallegal. org/ hrtf/
history/ index. html). Hmong Resettlement Task Force, archived 21 October 2008 from the original (http:/ / www. centralcallegal. org/ hrtf/
history/ index. html)
[24] Hunted like animals (http:/ / www.sommerfilms. org/ documentaries/ Hmong/ index. php) Rebecca Sommer Film Clips
[25] REPORT on the situation in the Xaysomboun Special Zone and 1100 Hmong-Lao refugees who escaped to Petchabun, Thailand during
20042005 (http:/ / www.earthpeoples. org/ new/ report-download/ REPORT-Hmong-Rebecca_Sommer. pdf) Rebecca Sommer, May 2006
[26] Thailand: EU Presidency Declaration on the situation of Hmong refugees (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20100312015347/ http:/ / www.
europa-eu-un. org/ articles/ en/ article_6732_en.htm) EU@UN (1 February 2007)
[27] Hmong refugees facing removal from Thailand (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20071013140444/ http:/ / web. amnesty. org/ wire/
March2007/ Hmong) The Wire Amnesty International's monthly magazine, March 2007, archived 13 October 2007 from the original (http:/ /
web. wire/ March2007/ Hmong)
[28] " Deportation of Hmong Lao refugees stopped in last minute (http:/ / www. gfbv. de/ pressemit. php?id=812)", Gesellschaft fr bedrohte
Vlker, 30 January 2007
[29] " Hmong: UNHCR Protests Refugee Deportation (http:/ / www. unpo. org/ article/ 6250)", Unrepresented Nations and Peoples
Organization, 5 February 2007
[30] " Burning Issue: Don't Just Voice Concerns, Offer Solutions (http:/ / www. tragicmountains. org/ id100. html)", The Nation, 23 December
[31] http:/ / www.worldbank. org/ en/ news/ 2012/ 07/ 09/ lao-pdr-new-online-platform-to-boost-trade-transparency
[32] Field Listing Land use (https:/ / library/ publications/ the-world-factbook/ fields/ 2097. html), CIA World Factbook.
[33] About Greater Mekong Subregion at Asian Development Bank (http:/ / beta. adb. org/ countries/ gms/ main)
[34] Rice: The Fabric of Life in Laos (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20070628094304/ http:/ / www. irri. org/ donors/ SDC/ pdfs/
RiceFabricOf LifeInLaos. pdf). Lao_IRRI Project
[35] Barclay, Adam and Shrestha, Samjhana (AprilJune 2006) "Genuinely Lao" (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20061012050925/ http:/ /
www.irri. org/ publications/ today/ pdfs/ 5-2/ 22-27. pdf), Rice Today.
[36] " Fifteen years of support for rice research in Lao PDR (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20071027021851/ http:/ / www. irri. org/ donors/
SDC/ pdfs/ 15YearsOfSupport. pdf)"
Asia brief: Filling the rice basket in Lao PRD partnership results (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20070628094312/ http:/ / www. irri. org/
donors/ SDC/ pdfs/ Asia_Brief. pdf)
Genuinely Lao (https:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20071027021910/ http:/ / www. irri. org/ donors/ SDC/ pdfs/ GenuinelyLao. pdf), Prepared
by IRRIs International Programs Management Office
[37] Pew Research Center's Global Religious Landscape 2010 - Religious Composition by Country (http:/ / www. pewforum. org/ files/ 2012/
12/ globalReligion-tables. pdf).
[38] Vientiane Times, 18 February 2011
[39] Vietnamese newspaper opens office in Laos (http:/ / laovoices. com/ vietnamese-newspaper-opens-office-in-laos/ ). (19 July
2011). Retrieved on 27 January 2013 .
[40] Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (http:/ / www. state. gov/ j/ drl/ rls/ hrrpt/ 2012/ eap/ 204213. htm). (19 April 2013).
Retrieved on 28 July 2013.
[41] Asia Times Online :: Off the air in Laos (http:/ / www. atimes. com/ atimes/ Southeast_Asia/ NB22Ae01. html). (22 February
2012). Retrieved on 28 July 2013.
External links
Wikimedia Atlas of Laos
Laos (http:/ / www. dmoz. org/ Regional/ Asia/ Laos) at DMOZ
Chief of State and Cabinet Members (https:/ / www. cia. gov/ library/ publications/ world-leaders-1/ LA. html)
Laos (https:/ / www. cia. gov/ library/ publications/ the-world-factbook/ geos/ la. html) entry at The World
Country Profile (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 2/ hi/ asia-pacific/ country_profiles/ 1154621. stm) at BBC News
Laos (http:/ / ucblibraries. colorado. edu/ govpubs/ for/ laos. htm) at UCB Libraries GovPubs
Laos (http:/ / www. britannica. com/ EBchecked/ topic/ 330219/ Laos) at Encyclopdia Britannica
Laos (http:/ / www. tageo. com/ index-e-la. htm) at Tageo
Laos National Tourism Administration (http:/ / www. tourismlaos. org/ )
Key Development Forecasts for Laos (http:/ / www. ifs. du. edu/ ifs/ frm_CountryProfile. aspx?Country=LA)
from International Futures
Water festival a cultural specialty of Laos (http:/ / dailyvietnamtours. com/
water-festival-cultural-specialty-laos/ )
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Laos Source: Contributors: -- April, 112311A, 13morris, 1exec1, 23prootie, 3x3ffpaige, A Werewolf, A.amitkumar, A380 Fan,
APB-CMX, ARC Gritt, ASDFGH, Aaker, Aaron Brenneman, AboutFaace, AbsolutDan, AchilleZZ, Acs4b, Acsenray, Adam Carr, Adambro, AdjustShift, Admiscritpqwerty098, Aethelwolf
Emsworth, Afghana, AgapeChristos, Ahoerstemeier, Ahuskay, Aidenglen, Aiiiisshhh, Aitias, AkAiBaRa, Akanemoto, Al.locke, Alansohn, Albertus Aditya, Alboran, Alborzb, AlefZet,
AlexPlank, AlexiusHoratius, Alibee2, Alifshinobi, AllyUnion, Alpine boarder, Alvis, Alxeedo, Am1023, Amakuru, AmaryllisGardener, Andcut2001, Andrewrost3241981, Androsyn, Andy
Marchbanks, Andy71, Andycjp, Andyespindola, Andylimdotcom, Angelo De La Paz, Anouluck, Anthonyn31, Antonio Lopez, Artegis, AsceticRose, Astrowob, Atlan, Augustgrahl, Aurora2698,
Avala, Avengedwarrior98, Awwaludin, AxG, Babbage, Baeksu, Bagworm, Banhtrung1, BarkingMoon, Barneca, Battoe19, Bazonka, Ben Tuckett, Ben-Zin, Bender235, Beyond My Ken,
Bgwhite, BigBaka, BlackxxArrow, Blehfu, Blondeguynative, Blue Plover, BlueLefteris, Bob Castle, Bob the Wikipedian, Bobblewik, Bobcatnow9, Bobo192, Bongwarrior, Borgx, Bossyza666,
Bovineone, Breadandcheese, BrendaThaiAmerican, BrianBird, Brianga, BritishWatcher, Brutaldeluxe, Buaidh, Bukrafil, Bumm13, Buttons, COD BO 2 PrO SuCKa, CalicoCatLover,
CaliforniaAliBaba, Caltas, Canadian-Bacon, CanadianLinuxUser, Canderson7, Canis Lupus, Cantus, Caponer, CardinalDan, Carl Logan, Carlossuarez46, Carnun, CarterL2011, CensoredScribe,
Centrx, CenturionZ 1, Chanheigeorge, Chanvannak, Charles Essie, Charles01, Chasingsol, Chendy, Chensiyuan, Chipmunkdavis, Chochopk, ChrisGualtieri, Christopher chalmers, Chudogg,
Chunga45, Cjw13, Ckatz, Closedmouth, ClutteredMind, Cmc media, Cmr08, Coffee Atoms, ColinBoylett, Colonies Chris, Commander Cod, CommonsDelinker, Compfreak7, Computerjoe,
Conte di Cavour, Conversion script, Cool Blue, Coredesat, Corpx, Cosmodeluxe, Credema, CsDix, Cubbiebear, Curtis.e, Cyan, Cybercobra, Cymru123, Cynproc, D6, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, DHN,
DMacks, DW1979, Daeasel, Daffodillman, Damac, DangerousPanda, Danielkueh, Danlaycock, Dansterawesomer, Dark Shikari, DaveDixon, Daveiba, DaveyBee2, David Kernow,
Davidcoleman2, Dblecros, Dcandeto, DeepQuasar, Deflective, Defook, Dek laoz, Delusion23, Demmy, Denisarona, DerFussi, Destron Commander, Devtrash, Dewan357, Dewritech, DexDor,
Dezwitser, Dfine2, Dimadick, Discospinster, Distal24, DivineIntervention, Dmwime, Doc glasgow, Domesticenginerd, Domitius, Dong-gook, Donner60, Dougofborg, Download, Dp462090, Dr.
B. R. Lang, Dr. Blofeld, Dr. fun, Drbug, Drieakko, Ducknish, Duncharris, Dungodung, Duran, Dvd Avins, E Pluribus Anthony, E Wing, EH74DK, ESkog, EaglesFanInTampa, Earth, Ecroberts,
Edward, Ejrcito Rojo 1950, El C, Electionworld, Electrolite, Elefantasia, Elekhh, Elginite, Elnoyola, Elockid, Emperorbma, EncycloPetey, Epbr123, Espoo, Et713, Ettrig, Eu.stefan,
EvanProdromou, Everyking, Everyme, Evil Monkey, Excirial, Exert, FF2010, Factsearch, Fafnir1, Faizanalivarya, Fama Clamosa, Fan-1967, Ferhengvan, Fieldday-sunday, Fiet Nam,
FionaBelinda, FisherQueen, Flatterworld, Fnvlfjqm, Formeruser-81, Fratrep, FreshBreak, Frietjes, FritzDaCat, Funandtrvl, Fungifun, Fyrael, GCarty, Gaius Cornelius, Garion96, Gauss,
Gavilan1644, Gavroche42, GeekX, Geoff B, Gerrit, Gggh, Ghostface0 0, Giants27, Gilliam, Gilliganisland123, Gimmetrow, Gjahn, Glamorous123456, Glane23, GlassCobra, Golbez, Good
Olfactory, Goustien, Gr8opinionater, GraemeL, Grafen, Green Giant, Grendelkhan, Ground Zero, Grsz11, Gryffindor, Guliolopez, Gurch, Gwernol, Gwillhickers, Gzornenplatz, HIDECCHI001,
Haeinous, Hairy Dude, Hanumanix, Hariboneagle927, Hayesgm, Hdamm, Hdt83, Heighesy, HeikoEvermann, Hemanshu, Henry Flower, Heqs, Heroeswithmetaphors, Heron, Herostratus,
Herpies, Hewhoamareismyself, Hibernian, Highground79, Highvale, Hintha, Hirkani1, HkCaGu, Hmains, HmongEditor, HmongEditor1, Hmoobrojhmoobntshav, Homo stannous, Howcheng,
Hoyla, Hughjonesd, HuskyHuskie, Husond, IBook of the Revolution, IRP, Icairns, IceBrotherhood, Ichwan Palongengi, Icy Tiger's Blood, Idaltu, Ief, Illiden Stormrage, Ilyushka88, Immortal
Glory, Indi750, Inkan1969, Inthavbo, Into The Fray, Io Katai, Iridescent, Ismail, Ivirivi00, Ixfd64, J.delanoy, J04n, JDoorjam, JForget, Jadamog, James086, JamesR, Jamesw767, Janderie, Jarble,
Jashiavong, Jawadreventon, Jclemens, Jdemarco2912, Jeff3000, Jeffmcneill, Jeffrd10, Jeffrey Mall, Jengod, JeremyA, Jeronimo, JessicaS2222, Jhendin, Jimmyvanthach, JinJian, Jjhcap99,
Jkeene, Jkp1187, Jleadermaynard, Jmhullot, Jmundo, JoeSmack, Joelr31, Joeyvengence, John85710, JohnArmagh, Johnluisocasio, Johnnie ong, Johnny06man, Johto, Jojit fb, Jonik, Jopsach,
Jorunn, Jose77, Joseph Solis in Australia, Joshua Scott, Josiew82, Jossi, Jpatokal, Jprg1966, Jrugordon, Julzes, Jyusin, KENTUCKY101, Kdar, Keds0, Keilana, Kelpie67, Khazar2, Khenbou,
Khmaisoldier94, Khoikhoi, Khomlaos, Kim-Zhang-Hong, King of Hearts, Kingrom, Kintetsubuffalo, Kirananils, Klilidiplomus, KnightxxArrow, KnowledgeOfSelf, Knutux, Koavf, Kokiri,
Kongtupthai, Koszmonaut, Kotniski, Koyaanis Qatsi, Krash, Krizpo, Kross, Krun, Krytec, Kusma, Kwamfun, Kwamikagami, Kwekwc, Kwichert, LaoKingdom, LaosGuy123, LaotianBoy1991,
Laotor, Laurentsavaete, Lcarsdata, Lcordiner, Le Anh-Huy, Leandrod, LeaveSleaves, Leebo, LeighvsOptimvsMaximvs, Leuqarte, Lfstevens, Lifebaka, Lightmouse, LilMsEditor, Lilac Soul,
Lincolnite, Livingonaprayer34, LlywelynII, Lockeownzj00, Lokal Profil, Lokiloki, Looppty, Lord Hawk, Lst27, Ludwigs2, Luwilt, Lzur, MER-C, MJ94, MJCdetroit, MJD86, Macaddct1984,
Madhero88, Magioladitis, Man vyi, Mangostar, Mappase, Marechal Ney, Marek69, Marekzp, MarkJezrylle, Markwpowell64, Marletbadeo, Marsamg wiki, Marsonline, Martarius, Martinl,
Martinp23, Martinwilke1980, Masae, Master of the Orchalcos, Materialscientist, Matt Chase, Matt Crypto, Matthew Proctor, Mattun0211, Maxtremus, Mboverload, McCart42, McDogm, McSly,
Medeis, Merbabu, Mesgul82, Metron4, Mevidek, Mgoodyear, Mhking, MichaelBillington, Michaelas10, Michaelpkk, Michaelwuzthere, Michellecrisp, Mickey gfss2007, Micolitong,
Mightyhansa, MikeLynch, Mild Bill Hiccup, Mindmatrix, MinnesotanConfederacy, Mjhughes55, Mlpearc, Mogism, Mohonu, Mojo Hand, Mojosa, Mojska, Mori Riyo, Morning277, Morwen,
Moumari, Moxy, Mr Stephen, MrYIndeed, Mschel, Munci, My name is not dave, N-true, N2lect2el, NBbeauty, NYMets2000, Nakon, Naniwako, Narayansg, Naturalspring, NawlinWiki, Ncox,
NeilN, Neilc, Nekura, NellieBly, Neo-Jay, NeoJustin, Netoholic, Netrat, Neverquick, Night w, Nightstallion, Nikai, Nikkimaria, Nikodemos, Nimbuslao, Niteowlneils, Nk, Nlu, Nme94,
Nmpenguin, Nneevvee, No Guru, No such user, Noah Salzman, NogginFoot, NotAnonymous0, Nparrish, Nskillen, NuclearWarfare, Numbo3, Nutso, Nyttend, O.Koslowski, Oakhouse, Oda
Mari, Ohnoitsjamie, Oligopolistic, Olivier, Oneiros, Optim, Oracle1o1, Orpheus, Osiras, OwenBlacker, Owenink, Oxymoron83, PAWiki, PDH, PFHLai, POV watchdog, Pais, Parsnip13,
Patchouli, Paul K., Paul Richter, Paul-L, Pavone, Pawyilee, Paxse, Peacebewithus, Pearle, Peregrine981, Pernambuco, Pete Maverick, Peter Horn, PeterisP, Peterzor, Peyre, Pharos, Philip
Howard, Philip Trueman, Philiplaos, Phillipedison1891, Philpm930, Phlegat, PhnomPencil, Piano non troppo, Picklish, Pilotguy, Pinethicket, Pip2andahalf, Pjoef, Plasterblaster42, Plbogen, Pmj,
Polaron, Pollinator, Polylerus, Prashanthns, Pratyeka, Presimier, Prestonmcconkie, Priyanath, Prohairesius, Psycling, Ptapasu, Publications AFD, Publico2020, Push the button, Pwt898,
Queenmomcat, QuietCountry25, Quique13, Qutezuce, Qxz, RHB, RJFJR, RVD, RWhite, RainbowOfLight, Rainmonger, Ran, Ranking Update, Rarelibra, Ratirat1, Raymond Hill, Rchammer11,
Reconsider the static, Redstar1987, Reedy, Renata3, RevolverOcelotX, RexNL, Rich Farmbrough, RichMac, RichardGoodey, Rick Block, Ridernyc, Rjwilmsi, Rlevse, Robert Xia, Robert25,
RobertHuaXia, Robertirogers, Roke, Roland Kaufmann, Romanm, Ronhjones, Roshanksai, Rossen4, Rothery, RoyBoy, Royaljared, Rrburke, Rtdixon86, Ruslik0, RustyShackleford, Rwxrwxrwx,
Rhmfantti, SDC, Saayiit, Saforrest, Samantha555, Samrolken, Samurai meatwad, Sangjinhwa, Saperaud, Sarcelles, SasiSasi, Saysamone Amphonesinh, SchfiftyThree, ScienceStan, Scipio82,
Scipius, Scoobysam100, Scriberius, Sdsunley, Seb az86556, Secfan, Senator Palpatine, Seqqis, Ser Amantio di Nicolao, Seresin, Serveunits, Sfahey, Shadowjams, Shannadew, Shanter,
SheepNotGoats, ShelfSkewed, Shirik, Shivanarayana, Shoessss, Shoshui, Shpl411, Shredder2012, Shrigley, Shrike, Siafu, Sichiangmai, Silvergoat, Sionus, Sirvaliantiii, Sjharten, Sj, Slakr,
Smallchief, Sniperhail, Snowmanradio, Snowolf, Solarius, Some jerk on the Internet, Soniachauhan, Soulparadox, SpK, Spellage, Spinach charm, Spolloman, Squash, Squirrels2nuts, Ssbbplayer,
StasMalyga, Stealthisaccount, Steinbach, Stephenw32768, SteveFoerster, SteveSims, StuIsCool, Stumink, Sunquanliangxiuhao, SuperHamster, Superhp, Suruena, Svietnams, Swerdnaneb,
Synchronism, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, TUF-KAT, Tabletop, Takeaway, Taniquetil, Tannin, Targeman, Tbhotch, Teeloh15, Teledildonix314, Template namespace initialisation script,
Tempodivalse, Terbayang, Terrierhere, Tetraedycal, Th1rt3en, ThaddeusB, Thanhdong2qc, Thaths, The Evil IP address, The Lizard Wizard, The Nut, The Phoenix, TheEpTic, TheOnlyOne12,
TheTimesAreAChanging, Thegreyanomaly, Themanthatbebig, Therequiembellishere, Thewanderer, Thewikiuserr24682468, Thompsonshep, Thricecube, Thrillbillkillstill, Thunderboltz, Tian,
Tide rolls, Tidying Up, Tigershrike, Tim Doling, Timeineurope, Timir2, Tobby72, Tobias Conradi, Tolerant666, Tombis, Tommy2010, Tony1, Topbanana, Tosmart4you, Tpbradbury, Trackteur,
Tran Van Ba, Traveltolao, Tree Biting Conspiracy, Trusilver, Trust Is All You Need, Tsarofhvalfyurden, Ttorfs, Tucu Mann, TutterMouse, Twinxor, Ufoboy90, Ugur Basak, Uhai, Underlying lk,
Ungvichian, Urban011, Urbane User, Ursutraide, Usakanae, Uscbino, Usedbook, Utcursch, Utterman, V Debs, VMS Mosaic, Va-sheck, Valentinian, Vang Vieng resident, Vanished user
56po34it12ke, Vanished user 82345ijgeke4tg, Vardion, Velella, Versus22, Vickiiness, Vietlong, Vindheim, Vivio Testarossa, VoodooIsland, W34org, WTucker, Waerth, Waggers,
Walkingtalkingmammal, Ward reekmans, Watashiwabakayo, Wavelength, Wayne McDaniel, Wayward, Wemberl, Wfaulk, Whassupimbob, WhisperToMe, White Trillium, Whkoh, Widr, Wik,
Wiki-Ed, WikiPuppies, Wikicentral, Wikimania21, Wikiobis, Wikipelli, Wil0040, William Avery, WilliamThweatt, Woohookitty, Wtmitchell,, Xela, Xeno, Xezbeth,
Xufanc, Yamamoto Ichiro, Yaronf, Yasirniazkhan, Ybgursey, YellowMonkey, Yintan, Yvesnimmo, Zachfleer29, Zedshort, Zhonghuo, Zleitzen, Zntrip, Zscout370, Zzyzx11, , ,
, , , 1826 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
File:Flag of Laos.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:SKopp
File:Coat of arms of Laos.svg Source: License: unknown Contributors: -
File:Location Laos ASEAN.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: ASDFGHJ
File:Laos - Location Map (2013) - LAO - UNOCHA.svg Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Pharos
File:Increase2.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Sarang
file:speakerlink-new.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Zero Contributors: User:Kelvinsong
File:Pha That Luang, Vientiane, Laos.jpg Source:,_Vientiane,_Laos.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Contributors: Aaron Smith from London, United Kingdom
File:Fa Ngum-Vtne1.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: User:Chaoborus
File:Blank.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Bastique, Chlewey, ChrisDHDR, Ghouston, It Is Me Here, Jed,
Paradoctor, Patrick, Penubag, Perhelion, Rocket000, Roomba, Timeroot, Tintazul
File:Flag of Thailand 1855.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Xiengyod
File:Flag of Laos (1952-1975).svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Thommy
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
File:Flag of French Laos.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Thommy
File:Royal Coat of Arms of Laos.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors:
Royal_coat_of_arms_of_Laos.png: *Laos_royal_fl_n6736.svg: Original uploader was Et713 at en.wikipedia derivative work: Kolomaznik (talk) derivative work: Mnmazur (talk)
File:LocationLaos.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Vardion
File:Sisavang Vong.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Pyvanet
File:Vientianne1973.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: AnRo0002, Belissarius, Chaoborus, Common Good,
Tango7174, 1 anonymous edits
File:Mekong River (Luang Prabang).jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Contributors: Allie Caulfield
File:Laos ricefields.JPG Source: License: unknown Contributors: Gorgo, Soranoch, Till.niermann
File:Laos, administrative divisions - en+Nmbrs (en-abc) - monochrome.svg Source:,_administrative_divisions_-_en+Nmbrs_(en-abc)_-_monochrome.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
NordNordWest derivative work: ASDFGH
File:Thongsing Thammavong 2009-12-9.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Contributors: Government of Thailand
File:nam ou 1.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5 Contributors: OHVChris75, Spolloman,
Xufanc, 1 anonymous edits
File:Wattay Intl Airport Vientiane Laos.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Contributors: Jialiang Gao
File:Hmong girls in Laos 1973 2.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Contributors:
FlickreviewR, OttawaAC, Truth'soutthere
File:Rice planting.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Contributors: Ondej vek
File:Morning market in Vientiane.JPG Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Tevaprapas
File:ViewFromWatPhu.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Zero Contributors: Mattun0211
File:Plainofjars 1.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5 Contributors: Bullenwchter, Chaoborus,
Nposs, OHVChris75, Spolloman, Truth'soutthere
File:Luang Prabang Monks Alm Dawn 01.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons
Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: User:Benh
File:Laos ho 5538a.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0 Contributors: Yves Picq
File:WatSen.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 Contributors: Jean-Marie Hullot
File:Vientiane Budda.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Contributors: Chaoborus, FlickrLickr,
FlickreviewR, Jacklee, Tango7174
File:3 Nagas Feast.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Contributors: Shannon Holman
File:Phuan_Girls.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: PTD Phonsavan
File:Lao New Year, dancers.jpg Source:,_dancers.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Contributors: Darren On The
File:New Laos National Stadium.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors:
File:Gnome-globe.svg Source: License: GNU Lesser General Public License Contributors: David Vignoni
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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