Crash Cushionsand Barrier End Treatments

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A. Furnish and install crash cushions and barrier end treatments.
B. Furnish and install crash cushion and barrier end treatment markings.
A. Section 02056: Embankment, Borrow, and Backill
B. Section 02!"0: #etrorelecti$e Sheeting
A. Energite% &&& 'odule S(stems )esign 'anual
B. 'anual or Assessing Saet( *ardware +'AS*,
-. .-*#/ #e0ort 150 2 #ecommended /rocedures or the Saet(
/erormance E$aluation o *ighwa( Features
). 3)45 6uidelines or -rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments, current
A. &nstaller -ertiication
7. 'anuacturer certiied installer.
2. /ro$ide 0roo o certiication beore installation.
B. 8etter o certiication or each s(stem location airming it is installed
according to )e0artment9s and the manuacturer9s s0eciications.
7. #eerence 0ro:ect number and describe station;location indicating
median, let or right shoulder, or gore area a00lication.
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age 7 o =
>anuar( 7, 2072
A. Select rom the current a00ro$ed 0roducts list and 3)45 6uidelines or
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments.
7. #eer to the current 3)45 6uidelines or -rash -ushions and
Barrier End 5reatments, current edition or s0eciic uses and
re?uirements or each a00ro$ed s(stem t(0e. 5he 3)45
6uidelines or -rash -ushion and Barrier End 5reatments is
maintained b( the )i$ision o 5raic and Saet( and a$ailable
through the )e0artment @eb site. #eer to
a. S(stems tested under .-*#/ #e0ort 150 re?uirements and
a letter o acce0tance issued b( F*@A.
7, /roducts a00ro$ed beore >anuar( 7, 2077
b. S(stems tested under 'anual or Assessing Saet(
*ardware +'AS*, re?uirements and a letter o acce0tance
issued b( F*@A.
7, /roducts a00ro$ed ater >anuar( 7, 2077
c. Su00l( our sets o sho0 drawings and installation drawings
or each s(stem t(0e su00lied.
7, )istribute drawings to -ontractor, installation
contractor, Engineer or designated re0resentati$e,
and local maintenance su0er$isor.
2. #eer to -- Series Standard )rawings or a00ro$ed crash cushion
or end treatment t(0e.
B. -rash -ushion 5(0es
7. 5(0e A 2 /rotects iAed haBards greater than 1 t wide within 75 t o
tra$eled wa(, with less than 700 t o longitudinal s0ace in ront o
the haBard.
a. Su00l( s(stem with an ade?uate width according to the 0lan
b. Su00l( s(stem or the re?uired s0eed according to 3)45
6uidelines or -rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments,
current edition.
c. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
d. Su00l( transition element or the a00roach o o00osing traic
when s(stem is installed with biCdirectional traic and the
back o s(stem is within the maAimum re?uired clear Bone.
7, 5wo transition elements re?uired when s(stem is
installed with @Cbeam median barrier.
e. &nstall s(stem on concrete 0ad according to manuacturer9s
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age 2 o =
>anuar( 7, 2072
. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.
2. 5(0e B 2 /rotects iAed haBards u0 to 1 t wide or less and within
75 t o tra$eled wa(, with less than 700 t o longitudinal s0ace in
ront o the haBard.
a. Su00l( s(stem with an ade?uate width according to the
b. Su00l( s(stems or the re?uired s0eed according to 3)45
6uidelines or -rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments,
current edition.
c. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
d. Su00l( transition element or the a00roach o o00osing traic
when s(stem is installed with biCdirectional traic and the
s(stem is within the maAimum re?uired clear Bone.
7, 5wo transition elements re?uired when s(stem is
installed with @Cbeam median barrier.
e. &nstall s(stem on concrete 0ad according to manuacturer9s
. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.
1. 5(0e - 2 /rotects the a00roach ends o median @Cbeam guardrail
and the longitudinal s0ace in ront o the haBard greater than 700 t.
a. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
b. Su00l( doubleCsided @Cbeam transition element when
s(stem is installed in con:unction with concrete barrier or
bridge 0ara0et. #eer to BA < Series Standard )rawings.
c. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.
<. 5(0e ) 2 /rotects iAed haBards within 75 t o tra$eled wa(. 3se in
areas where one im0act 0er (ear is antici0ated or when re0air
histor( indicates two or more im0acts o$er a three (ear 0eriod.
S(stems are sel restoring u0on initial design im0act.
a. Su00l( s(stem with an ade?uate width according to the 0lan
b. Su00l( s(stem or the re?uired s0eed according to 3)45
6uidelines or -rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments,
current edition.
c. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
d. Su00l( transition element or the a00roach o o00osing traic
when s(stem is installed with biCdirectional traic and the
back o s(stem is within the maAimum re?uired clear Bone.
7, 5wo transition elements re?uired when s(stem is
installed with @Cbeam median barrier.
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age 1 o =
>anuar( 7, 2072
e. &nstall s(stem on concrete 0ad according to manuacturer9s
. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.
5. 5(0e E 2 Sand Barrel Arra(s 2 /rotects iAed haBards outside o 75
t rom the tra$eled wa( and there is an unlimited amount o s0ace.
#eer to the 3)45 6uidelines or -rash -ushion and Barrier End
5reatments or s0eciic uses and re?uirements o sand barrel
a. )esign sand barrel arra( using Energite% &&& 'odule
S(stems design manual.
7, )esign sand barrel arra( to meet roadwa( design
b. -erti( sand barrels and com0onents meet .-*#/C150 or
nonCreCdirecti$e gating crash cushions.
c. -onstruct sand barrels using a rangible 0ol(eth(lene
material that will shatter u0on im0act.
7, 3se (ellow sand barrels.
2, /ermanentl( a00l( manuactured date, month, and
(ear to each 0iece o the barrel s(stem.
1, 3se one or two 0iece barrel construction.
<, &nterace cones with the barrel to 0re$ent sand
leakage but allow or drainage o eAcess water or
sand barrel s(stems that use barrel and cone
5, /ro$ide lids or each sand barrel. Fasten lid securel(
to barrel.
d. /ro$ide sand barrels that hold the re?uired amounts o sand
according to re?uirements o the t(0ical sand barrel arra(.
7, 200 lb, <00 lb, =00 lb, 7,<00 lb, and 2,700 lb.
2, 'ark each barrel in a manner that the amount o sand
re?uired or the nominal weight is $isible or s(stems
that are designed using barrels or multi0le sand
weight re?uirements.
e. 3se dr( sand to ill modules, 2 0ercent or less moisture.
. Su00l( crash cushion markings and construct 0ad. #eer to
-- Series Standard )rawings.
-. End 5reatment 5(0es
7. 5(0e F 2 /rotects concrete barrier or bridge 0ara0ets with less than
750 t o longitudinal s0ace in ront o the haBard. 3sed in a
unidirectional a00lication.
a. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
b. &nstall s(stem on concrete 0ad according to manuacturer
and to the manuacturer9s s0eciications.
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age < o =
>anuar( 7, 2072
c. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.
2. 5(0e 6 2 /rotects the a00roach end o single ace @Cbeam
guardrail or a00roach ends o bridge 0ara0et and concrete barrier
with unlimited longitudinal s0ace +greater than 725 t, in ront o the
haBard in a unidirectional a00lication and install where a tangent
s(stem is desired. @Cbeam transition element is re?uired when
s(stem is installed at the end o bridge 0ara0et or the end o
concrete barrier.
a. Su00l( 0ost o0tion as described in 3)45 6uidelines or
-rash -ushion and Barrier End 5reatments, current edition.
b. Su00l( s(stem with 72D t gal$aniBed @Cbeam rail elements
according to manuacturer9s re?uirements.
c. Su00l( manuacturer a00ro$ed im0act head and hardware.
d. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
e. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.
1. 5(0e * 2 /rotects the a00roach end o single ace @Cbeam
guardrail or a00roach end o bridge 0ara0et and concrete barrier
with unlimited longitudinal s0ace +greater than 725 t, in ront o the
haBard in a unidirectional a00lication and is installed where a lared
s(stem is desired. @Cbeam transition element is re?uired when
s(stem is installed at the end o a bridge 0ara0et or the end o
concrete barrier.
a. Su00l( 0ost o0tion as described in 3)45 6uidelines or
-rash -ushion and Barrier End 5reatments, current edition.
b. Su00l( s(stem with 72D t gal$aniBed @Cbeam rail elements
according to manuacturer9s re?uirements.
c. Su00l( manuacturer a00ro$ed im0act head or end section
and hardware.
d. 6al$aniBe all steel 0arts according to manuacturer9s
e. Su00l( crash cushion markings. #eer to -- Series
Standard )rawings.

A. 'arker 0late and selCadhesi$e sheeting re?uirements:
7. #eer to -- Series Standard )rawings.
2. -onstruct marker 0late 7! A 7! inches using 0.012 gauge aluminum
with a00ro0riate ob:ect marker sheeting.
a. )rill a
inch hole in each corner o 0late.
b. Sheeting 2 #eer to Section 02!"0.
7, )ate 0lacement s0eciied in Section 02!"0 is not
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age 5 o =
>anuar( 7, 2072
1. 3se o selCadhesi$e sheeting without marker 0late. Sheeting 2
#eer to Section 02!"0.
a. )ate 0lacement s0eciied in Section 02!"0 is not re?uired.
b. 3se a00ro0riate sheeting t(0e or the substrate that sheeting
is 0laced on.
c. /lace a minimum o 12< in
, t(0icall( 7! A 7! inch, on the
a00roach end o crash cushion or barrier end treatment.
d. 3se o manuacturer9s su00lied ob:ect marker sheeting is
acce0table when sheet t(0e and amount meet or eAceed
B. 'arker /ost 2 #eer to -- Series Standard )rawings.
7. -onstruct marker 0ost 60 inches long and 2 inches 4) using black
0ol(eth(lene material.
a. -lose to0 o marker 0ost.
b. )rill three
inch mounting holes.
c. A00l( three < inch bands o (ellow sheeting. #eer to
Section 02!"0.
A. /re0are site to inished grade beore installing crash cushion or barrier
end treatment.
7. -onstruct a00roach areas and reco$er( areas to meet )e0artment
Standards and s(stem re?uirements beore s(stem installation.
a. #eer to -- Series Standard )rawings or s(stem
2. -onstruct concrete 0ad according to s(stem re?uirements when
a. -rash -ushion 5(0es A, B, and ) re?uire concrete 0ad when
installed in a 0ermanent a00lications.
7, End 5reatment 5(0e F Euad5rend 150 re?uires a
concrete 0ad and concrete anchor s(stem in all
a00lications. #eer to manuacturer9s re?uirements.
2, End 5reatment 5(0e F BEA5CSS-- can be mounted
on a concrete 0ad with surace mounted 0osts. #eer
to manuacturer9s concrete mounting re?uirements.
b. -rash -ushion 5(0e - and End 5reatment 5(0es F, 6, and *.
7, )o not dri$e steel 0osts, wood 0osts, or oundation
tubes through as0halt greater than 6 inches in de0th.
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age 6 o =
>anuar( 7, 2072
2, 8ea$e out hole re?uired when installing ground
mounted s(stem into as0halt or concrete.
a, )rill a 76 inch hole through as0halt or concrete
or cut 75 inch A 75 inch hole through as0halt or
b, &nstall 0ost ace or oundation tube ace to
ront, traic side, o hole.
c. 3se manuacture9s s0eciication or concrete 0ad
d. #eer to -- Series Standard )rawings or 5(0e E sand
barrel detail, or 0ad re?uirements.
1. 4btain Engineer9s a00ro$al o site grading, a00roach and reco$er(
areas, and la(out beore s(stem installation.
<. -om0act backill material around 0osts and oundation tubes to
minimum "6 0ercent o maAimum laborator( densit( and dis0ose o
eAcess material. #eer to Section 02056.
B. &nstall according to:
7. -- Series Standard )rawings and 3)45 6uidelines or -rash
-ushion and Barrier End 5reatments.
2. 'anuacturer9s s0eciications and recommendations.
1. 3se manuacturer certiied installer to 0erorm the installation.
-. -om0lete re0air or re0lacement o an( crash cushion damaged during
construction within 2< hours o notiication o damage.
7. -ontractor is res0onsible or the cost o re0air or re0lacement o
an( 0ermanent s(stem damaged or an( reason until inal
a. EAce0tion
7, )amage is caused b( an errant $ehicle.
2, )amage occurs ater traic has been established in
the inal lane coniguration with shoulders as
established in the 0ro:ect 0lans.
b. /a(ment will be made using a Force Account basis or the
cost o re0air or re0lacement o the damaged s(stem when
the Engineer determines the conditions described under the
eAce0tion in this Section, article 1.7, 0aragra0h -7a a00l(.
E.) 4F SE-5&4.
-rash -ushions and Barrier End 5reatments
02!<1 2 /age = o =
>anuar( 7, 2072

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