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Call for Papers for Vol.2.2 and 3.

1 of REYONO journal of
interdisciplinary studies (ISSN 2277-7652)
E!"N" an interdisciplinary research journal published by St. Thomas College,
Kozhencherry, Kerala. It seeks to promote, coordinate and disseminate intellectual deliberations
among the academia. Published biannually, in anuary and uly, the journal !eatures research
papers pertaining to science, humanities and social sciences. It intends to ser"e as a !orum
committed to the pursuit o! academic e#cellence.
E!"N" #$idelines
$uthors are re%uested to prepare the manuscripts according to the guidelines gi"en belo&.
'. The !irst page should contain the !ollo&ing in!ormation( a) title b) name c) o!!icial address d)address
!or communication e) contact no. !) e*mail id g) abstract o! not more than '+, &ords h)key&ords
-. .anuscripts should be typed in double space in Times /e& 0oman, !ont size '-, 1ritish 2nglish
spelling using .icroso!t 3ord -,,4 .
5. $rticles should be limited to a ma#imum o! +,,, &ords.6o not add any page numbers, headers or
!ooters to the article.$"oid !oot notes7 instead use end notes i! necessary.
8.Tables and !igures should be numbered serially and positioned close to &here they are mentioned in the
te#t, not grouped together at the end. 2ach !igure and table should ha"e a brie! e#planatory caption.
+. $ny ackno&ledgements should be placed immediately a!ter the last numbered section o! the paper and
any appendices a!ter the ackno&ledgement section.
9. 0e!erences can be cited in the te#t in parenthetical !orm :author, year, page no.) keyed to the
eferen%es at the end o! the te#t.2g.:;arbord, '<4', <).
4.0e!erence should include only publications cited in the te#t and should be arranged in the alphabetical
=.0e!erences are to be prepared according to the !ollo&ing !ormat.
&oo':Surname, >irst name. :?ear o! publication). Title. Place o! publication( Publisher.
2g.;arbord, anet.: -,,4). The Evolution of Film. Cambridge, Polity.
(o$rnal ar)i%le
Piper, $ndre&. :-,,9). 0ethinking the Print @bject( Aoethe and the 1ook o! 2"erything. PMLA '-'.'.
''. .anuscripts should be submitted by e*mail to $ hard copy o! the same
should be sent to the editorial address. Signed $uthor Statement about the bona!ide nature o! the paper
and that it has not been published pre"iously or sent else&here !or publication should be attached.
'-. Papers &ill be selected !or publication only a!ter peer re"ie& by e#pert re!erees according to
pro!essional and scienti!ic standards e#pected o! any accredited academic journal.

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