SharePoint Foundation Installation Guide

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SharePoint 2010 Development
Session 1 Page 1
What Is Microsoft SharePoint 2010?
the fourth version of SharePoint from Microsoft -
one of the fastest - growing server products in Microsoft s history -
Business Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise and the Web -
At its core, SharePoint is a web application a really large and full - featured web application, but
still a web application.
Three Aspects: -
Central document storage, replacing network folders.
Another common use is as a corporate portal where the corporate employees can go
and download forms, read corporate news, fill in surveys, and search for documents.
web content management system : Internet siteswhere visitors from around the world
can visit the companys website and read about the companys products, register for events,
etc. , and do whatever it is the site has been configured to allow them to do. This use is
known as a web content management system.

Usage: -
Users will be accessing it primarily with a web browser. -
A standard SharePoint site
Thursday, April 26, 2012
2:57 PM
Session 1 Page 2
A customized SharePoint site
Session 1 Page 3
Alerts 1.
Versioning 2.
Metadata 3.
Security 4.
Workflow 5.
SharePoint Capabilities Beyond the File Share
An ASP.NET application that conforms to many of the web standards in use today. -
SharePoint is a platform not only for its own family of products, but for many other Microsoft and
partner products as well.
Project Server 2010 is built on top of SharePoint Server 2010 -
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 5 is tightly integrated with SharePoint, again using the collaboration
features and also acting as the document repository as needed.
(SSRS) and Outlook Web Access -
TFS Web Interface. -
SharePoint as a Web Platform
Saturday, April 28, 2012
3:42 PM
Session 1 Page 4
Team Collaboration A.
Team Site -
When users create a team site, they have a number of tools available, including group
announcements, a team calendar, useful links, and containers for documents and fi les.
Document Collaboration B.
when discussing collaboration are the availability of and access to the document or fi le that is
being worked on. SharePoint sites provide a common repository to access and manage documents
so that users no longer need to use e - mail as a method of version control and storage by sending
documents back and forth to each other.
Document Workspaces C.
A document workspace might be used when a number of users are working on a larger, more
complex document over a span of time. Some examples might include a technical or operations
manual or an employee handbook.
Meeting Collaboration D.
A workspace can be created from and linked to meetings originating from a SharePoint - based
calendar or an Exchange/Outlook calendar. These mini sites become a container for the
preparation materials and content as well as any artifacts that come out of a meeting.
SharePoint as the Collaboration Platform
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:57 PM
Session 1 Page 5
which is great : What user want? -
SharePoint are the additional properties, metadata, tagging, and rating information that is also tracked. -
As content is ranked higher by users, that content will bubble up higher in search results. -
FAST search A.
FAST is an optional component of SharePoint Server that an organization can have
installed on top of SharePoint. It adds further intelligence to the regular SharePoint
search experience by enhancing the search options and how the search results are
returned. If FAST is installed on a SharePoint site, you see more options than you
would normally get in SharePoint.
People Search : with phonetic search feature B.
Configuration And Customization C.
Configuration is something a user can do without other tools. Customization is something done using SharePoint
Designer, Visual Studio, or another tool
Search Result Page, XSLT manipulation, Search Webparts D.
Refiners - Facets E.
Used to further narrow search results, much as is done on popular shopping websites when doing
product searches by brand, size, color, and so on.
Federated Search F.
allows SharePoint to talk to other search engines and request their search results for submitted search terms.
SharePoint as a Search Provider
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:57 PM
Session 1 Page 6
Federated Search allows users to search remote data sources without having to index the remote sources
themselves. For example, SharePoint doesnt need to index all the content Bing indexes, but it can submit a
search term request to Bing, receive Bing s search results, and then display the results within SharePoint s
interface, alongside results from other providers or SharePoint s own content. The SharePoint platform can act
as both a Federated Search consumer or provider.
Search Scope, Content Sources, Crawling E.
Ifilters F.
Session 1 Page 7
External Data, BCS
WebParts, Meia, Content
Tagging, User Profiles
Social component UI
SharePoint as a Presentation Layer
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:57 PM
Session 1 Page 8
SharePoint as a Development Platform
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:57 PM
Session 1 Page 9
My Sites
OCS Office Communication Server (OCS)
People Search
tag, rate, and comment
And more..
SharePoint for Social Networking
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:57 PM
Session 1 Page 10
SharePoint Roles
Saturday, April 28, 2012
3:54 PM
Session 1 Page 11
Session 1 Page 12
Test/stage/development environments: In addition to the production environment, other
SharePoint environments may be necessary to conform to development standards or other
standards in the environment.
Additional staffing: New staff may need to be added to manage the SharePoint
Multiple locations: If an organization has more than one location, additional architecture,
hardware, or software may be necessary to fulfill business needs.
Disk space: If SharePoint is being used for a storage - intensive solution like document
management, records management, or other storage - heavy solutions, be sure that adequate
disk space and room for growth are considered.
Third - party tools: Licensing costs for additional software.
Contractor costs: If everything cant be done in - house, be sure to plan for service or
consulting costs to round out your internal resources.
Training, communication, and internal marketing: Just deploying SharePoint isnt the end
of the project. Rolling out a solution to users and empowering them to be successful with
the new tool are critical to the success of the project.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:31 PM
Session 1 Page 13
SharePoint Foundation 2010
SharePoint Server 2010: Intranet
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) a.
Managed metadata b.
Profiles and My Site c.
Search d.
Standard 1.
InfoPath Services: These allow digital forms to be created and served up via the server a.
rather than having to load a client application.
Excel Services and Power Pivot: These publish and manipulate Excel data and make data b.
available as a source for other applications.
PerformancePoint: This service provides professional business intelligence capabilities, Web
Parts, scorecards, and dashboards.
Access Services: These import and publish Access databases in the SharePoint farm, d.
bringing data into a centrally managed and supportable environment.
Visio Services: These allow users to view, edit, and embed Visio content in other SharePoint
FAST search: The additional capabilities of FAST search include thumbnails, previews, and
configurable relevance.
Enterprise 2.
Standard a.
Enterprise b.
SharePoint Server 2010: Internet/Extranet 3.
Microsoft Search Server 2010 Express a.
Microsoft Search Server 2010 b.
Search Server 2010 4.
FAST Search Server 2010 adds new elements and depth to the SharePoint search
capabilities. Where SharePoint Search returns search results based on keyword searches,
FAST does additional processing on the content and allows for more context - sensitive
content. From an end - user perspective, one of the most obvious and exciting features of
FAST is the search results preview feature that displays the actual document or fi le right in
the search results page.
FAST Search Server for SharePoint (Intranet) b.
FAST Search 5.
FAST Search Server for SharePoint Internet Sites (FSIS) c.
Similar to the intranet functionality, FSIS is licensed for public - facing solutions based on the
SharePoint platform.
SharePoint Online 6.
SharePoint can be deployed on-premises via a hosted offering, or in the cloud. As part of the
SharePoint 2010 Editions
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:37 PM
Session 1 Page 14
SharePoint can be deployed on-premises via a hosted offering, or in the cloud. As part of the
ever-growing cloud offerings in the market, SharePoint Online is available from Microsoft as a part
of the Office 365 suite of communications and collaboration products. Though the feature had yet
to be finalized when this was written, the 2010 online version of SharePoint is expected to be
much more consistent with the on-premises feature set. The most notable difference will likely be
with the online versions not supporting BCS or other data integration features, PerformancePoint,
or FAST.
At the time this book was written, BPOS had not yet reached RTM status.
Microsoft Office products a.
InfoPath 2010 b.
PowerPivot for SharePoint: This provides enhanced BI capabilities for working with large c.
data sets.
Microsoft Excel, Visio, and Access: All have SharePoint Server services associated with d.
them, providing server - side management of content.
Project Server 2010: Built on SharePoint Server 2010. e.
SharePoint Designer 2010
Improved workflow design
Reusable workflows that can be used with different lists
Integration of workflows with Visio 2010 process diagrams
Ability to export a workflow from SPD into Visual Studio for further customization
Dramatically improved ability to add and edit list forms
Kick - start development efforts that can be further extended in Visual Studio
Integrate external data and lists into SharePoint
Improved Workflow Design i.
New Workflow Actions ii.
Reusable Workflows iii.
Site Workflows iv.
InfoPath Integration v.
Integration with Visio vi.
Task Process Designer vii.
Editable OOB Workflows viii.
BCS Integration ix.
Browser to SPD x.
WSP Integration xi.
Locking Down SPD xii.
SharePoint Workspace 2010
Other Related Products 7.
Session 1 Page 15
Windows server 2008 with SP 2 / Windows 7 / Vista (All OS must be 64bit) 1.
Windows 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 KB971831 2.
WCF Fix article for Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 KB976462 3.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client 4.
Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime 5.
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) 6.
Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 7.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET 8.
PowerShell V2 RTM 9.
SQL Server 2008 SP1 10.
.NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Package) KB959209 KB967190 11.
List of Prerequisites Software
Installing OS on VMWARE Workstation 7.0
Installing Windows Server 2008 with SP2 on VMWARE Workstation 7.0 may prompt the following error:
You have configured this virtual machine as a 64-bit guest operating system
By default, Lenovo T61 laptops ship with virtualization technology and set VT is disabled.
In order to enable VT on laptop, please shut down your laptop and go to BIOS setup > CPU > Virtualization technology > Enable
and Press F10 to Save and Exit.
Install Windows server 2008 with SP 2.
SharePoint Installation
Thursday, April 26, 2012
4:54 PM
Session 1 Page 16
Install Windows server 2008 with SP 2.
Download prerequisites software (if you need to share your PC folder to access from VMWARE) enable Share folder option:
Go to VM > Setting > Options > Shared Folder > Enable and Select your Pre-request software download folder.
Session 1 Page 17
Run > SharePoint Server 2010 Application file, system will extract files and show the above screen, under Install > click Install
Software prerequisites
Session 1 Page 18
System will run for few minutes and display the following error message:
Install your prerequisites software that you downloaded one by one (if possible, follow the above order as shown in the error
Note: If you try to install Hotfixes from your Share Folder system may prompt error code 0x80070003 please copy your hotfix
files to Windows server and click Install.
Session 1 Page 19
files to Windows server and click Install.
Once you get the above screen Installation Complete, click "Install SharePoint Server link:
SharePoint 2010 Installation screen prompts for Product Key get beta key from here.
Session 1 Page 20
SharePoint 2010 Installation screen prompts for Product Key get beta key from here.
Read your License terms and click I accept and start Installation:
Select Standalone option, if you are installing with SQL Express 2008 server. If you are installing SQL Server 2008 and SharePoint
2010 farm servers, then select Server Farm option. Since I am using VMWARE installation, I select Standalone option.
Session 1 Page 21
2010 farm servers, then select Server Farm option. Since I am using VMWARE installation, I select Standalone option.
System will start the Installation progress
System would take several minutes to complete installation and prompt for Configuration Wizard.
Session 1 Page 22
Run your Configuration wizard and click next >
Step 2 on Configuration wizard click Yes to start IIS and SharePoint Admin, Timer service.
Session 1 Page 23
Step 2 on Configuration wizard click Yes to start IIS and SharePoint Admin, Timer service.
Configuration wizard continue 2 of 10 tasks and if everything is ok, the system will display the following screen. (Please note that
it will take several minutes to complete. It's not as fast as SharePoint 2007 configuration wizard)
Congratulations you successfully Installed SharePoint 2010.
Session 1 Page 24
Congratulations you successfully Installed SharePoint 2010.
System will launch SharePoint 2010 Central Administration screen
Pasted from <>
Session 1 Page 25
Install SharePoint on windows 7
Thursday, April 26, 2012
4:56 PM
Session 1 Page 26
This model presents deployment-related information such as the different deployment stages and
environments, plus a flowchart that illustrates the steps for installing and configuring SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2010 Products deployment
Thursday, April 26, 2012
4:58 PM
Session 1 Page 27
Install SharePoint Foundation
Friday, April 27, 2012
8:53 PM
Session 1 Page 28
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 1.
new scale limits a.
XSLT views for better customization b.
list relationships that allow cascade deletes and updates to work c.
Formula validation for columns in a list. d.
External Data List. Connect to database or web service data, inside SharePoint e.
with read/write capabilities.
List Enhancements 2.
BDC -> BCS a.
Supports WCF b.
Business Connectivity Services 3.
Silverlight Integration 4.
Client - Side OM 5.
Will not allow developers to access the server with the elevated privileges they need to deploy their
No dll in GAC for Webpart b.
The administrator has no simple way to ensure that badly written code does not slow down the
system, crash it, or perform malicious activities.
Sandbox Solution offers only a subset of the SharePoint object model, d.
Sandbox Solutions 6.
SharePoint Designer 7.
Visio and Access Services 8.
InfoPath (Forms, List Forms, Mobile Forms) 9.
Visual Studio, Web Solution Packages 10.
Developer Dashboard 11.
Enhanced Blogs and Wikis a.
Social Tagging and Ratings b.
Activity Feeds c.
Social Bookmarking d.
Organization Browser e.
Outlook Social Newsfeeds f.
Microblogging and Mobile Client g.
Social Search h.
New Core Search Query Capabilities a.
Enhanced Core Search Results b.
Enhanced People Search: Phonetics c.
Enhanced People Search Results d.
FAST Integration e.
Metadata Management and Navigation a.
if a user posts a document into a specific location, metadata is automatically filled in for the
Location - Based Metadata b.
ECM: Document Management 14.
What's New in SharePoint 2010
Saturday, April 28, 2012
4:09 PM
Session 1 Page 29
if a user posts a document into a specific location, metadata is automatically filled in for the

Document Routing c.
Unique Document IDs d.
Taxonomy Services e.
Document Sets f.
Word Services g.
For example, you may want to have a 5 - year destruction rule with a 1 - year review rule to
double - check the content and perhaps a 10 - year destruction rule if the document is digitally

Multi - Stage Disposition a.

ECM: Records Management 15.
Standards and Browser Support a.
One - Click Page Layout b.
folders in your Pages library i.
Enhanced Page Libraries c.
Social Computing Crossover Features d.
ECM: Web Content Management 16.
Silverlight Web Part and Media Player 17.
OOB Modifiable Workflows a.
Site Workflow b.
Visio Services c.
Forms Support in SharePoint Designer d.
ECM: Workflow 18.
SharePoint Workspace 19.
Session 1 Page 30
SharePoint Designer 2010 2.
Developer Tools for SharePoint 2010
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:08 PM
Session 1 Page 31
SharePoint supports only 64 - bit hardware 1.
OS: SharePoint supports Windows Server 2008 with SP2 or above or Windows Server 2008 R2 for
server operating systems and Windows Vista or Windows 7 for desktop operating systems.
Virtual or Physical? 3.
SQL Server Version 4.
SharePoint supports multiple versions of SQL Server, both 2005 and 2008. The main difference
is in the SQL Server features, as most SharePoint features work across both versions. The only
exception will be using the new Remote Blob Storage and SQL Server FileStream technology,
which is supported only in SQL Server 2008. You can decide whether you want SQL Server Express
or another version of SQL Server for your installation and development.
.NET Framework Support 5.
SharePoint supports only the .NET Framework 3.5. -
System Requirements
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:12 PM
Session 1 Page 32
Useful Tools for Debugging and Testing
Internet Explorer 8 Developer Tools
FireFox and Firebug
It visualizes how long it takes a client to talk to a server information -
that you can then use to understand if you are making excessive round trips, if your code
is slowing down the pages
Visual Round Trip Analyzer
Debugging And Testing
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:15 PM
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Sandbox Solution
Saturday, April 28, 2012
7:26 PM
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Solutions are packaged as .wsp files that can contain features, site definitions, Web Parts, and assemblies. There are two ki nds
of solutions: farm and sandboxed.
Farm Sandbox
Farm solutions are deployed on front-end Web servers by a
farm administrator,
have full access to the server object model, and -
are not subject to any usage limits. -
sandboxed solutions can be deployed by a site collection
administrator or by a user who has the Full Control permission
level at the root of the site collection into the solution gallery for a
site collection.
Sandboxed solutions have limited access to the server object model
and run in a security restricted context that provides isolation and
monitoring of the sandboxed solution's code.
Farm administrators can enable or disable sandboxed solutions and
set usage limits to protect servers in the farm from malicious code.
Sandbox Overview
Sunday, May 13, 2012
12:18 AM
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* When an organization wants to run code for employees on a production SharePoint Server site, and that code has
not been rigorously reviewed and tested.
* When a hoster wants to let the owners of hosted SharePoint Server sites upload and run custom code.
* Sandboxed solutions can be added to a production SharePoint Server environment without the risk of affecting
processes outside the sandbox.
* Site collection administrators can deploy sandboxed solutions. This frees farm administrators from this task.
* Scalability and flexibility are increased because sandboxes run in a separate process that can be restricted by quotas,
and their effect on the farm can be monitored.
* A solution does not have to be modified or recompiled if it is moved from a sandbox to running directly on the farm.
Use and benefits of sandboxed solutions
Sunday, May 13, 2012
12:14 AM
Session 1 Page 36
Web Parts
Event receivers
Feature receivers
Custom Microsoft SharePoint Designer workflow activities
Microsoft InfoPath business logic
components that you might deploy in a sandbox
Sunday, May 13, 2012
12:16 AM
Session 1 Page 37
Connect to resources that are not located on the local farm.
Access a database.
Change the threading model.
Call unmanaged code.
Write to disk.
Access resources in a different site collection.
What sandboxed solutions cannot do
Sunday, May 13, 2012
12:17 AM
Session 1 Page 38
Sites and Webs
Lists and Libraries
The Ribbon
Properties and Metadata
Web Parts
Core SharePoint
Sunday, April 29, 2012
3:30 PM
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SharePoint Hierarchy
Sunday, April 29, 2012
3:32 PM
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
3:36 PM
Session 1 Page 41
Maximum Values
Sunday, April 29, 2012
3:58 PM
Session 1 Page 42
Such a site gives groups of people the ability to upload and download documents, use discussion
boards, assign tasks, share events, and use workflows.

Not good enough for corporate portal or for a corporate search solution.
SPF sites work well for collaboration sites.
Enterprise searching , FAST search -
(searching from one location across all the sites that corporate has and on documents and external
systems that are stored in other locations, not just in SharePoint).
People search -
My Site -
Publishing feature that enables site managers to create publishing sites where it is easy to author pages
(as opposed to documents) and publish them using workflows.
How to Tell Whether a Site Is Based on SPF or SharePoint Server
There is no way -
My Site Link -
Difference Between SPF and SharePoint Server
Sunday, April 29, 2012
9:22 PM
Session 1 Page 43
What Is a Site?
What Is a Personal Site?
What Is a Ribbon?
What Is a List?
What Is an External List?
What Is a Document Library?
What Is a Wiki Page Library?
What Is a Form Library?
What Is an Asset Library?
What Is a Slide Library?
What Is a Picture Library?
What Is a View?
What Are Web Parts?
What Are Alerts?
What Is a Site Column?
What Is a Content Type?
What Is Tagging?
What Is Managed Metadata?
What Are Versions?
What Does Check-in/Check-out Mean?
What Is a Workflow?
Basic Questions
Sunday, April 29, 2012
9:41 PM
Session 1 Page 44
Get to a SharePoint Site
Log On with Different Credentials
Sign Out of a Site
Use the Ribbon
Change My Regional Settings
Change My Display Language
Use the Left Navigation Bar .
Use the Top Navigation Bar .
Use the Breadcrumbs .
Use the Navigate Up Breadcrumbs .
Navigate Through a SharePoint Site.
Basic Operations
Sunday, April 29, 2012
9:48 PM
Session 1 Page 45
See What Lists and Document Libraries Are in a Site
Use Direct Links in the Left Navigation Bar
View All Lists and Libraries.
Open a Document for Reading .
View Properties of a Document .
Using the Documents Ribbon .
Using a Drop-down Menu .
Send a Link to a File by E-mail.
Download a File to Your Computer .
Tag a Document, List Item, or Page .
Tag an External Site.
View/Add Notes to a Document or List Item .
View Past Versions of Documents.
View Properties of a List Item.
View a Microsoft InfoPath Form.
Change Sorting and Filtering of a List or Library .
Sort .
Filter .
Switch List Views in Lists and Libraries
Switch to a Datasheet View.
Add Totals Calculations to the Datasheet View
Use Alerts .
Create an Alert .
Modify or Remove an Alert
Manage My Alerts in a Site
Export the Contents of a List to Microsoft Excel.
Files, Documents, List Items, and Forms
Sunday, April 29, 2012
9:51 PM
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