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June 4, 2014, Via Mail Criticism of a Government Continued page 1/3 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights

All Rights Reserved

Mayor Rick Bonnette, Town Councilors and The Public At Large
The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills
Georgetown Halton Hills City Hall
1 Halton Hills Drive
Georgetown, ON. L7G 5G2

Mayor Rick Bonnette, Town Councilors and The Public At Large:

Contractors (Truck License AF 91597) of Paul and Teresa Kovacs are now throwing their garbage paper refuse and banana peels, etc.,
on my Real Property, from their illegal parking position on Charity Lane, Georgetown. I phoned Community Standards (!) Officers, Kelly
Withers and Marina Booton, for 7 consecutive days. They did nothing. During my final phone call, Marina Booton Threatened me
(force), and hung up on me (force). During that phone call, Marina Booton demonstrated Dishonesty (force), Disingenuousness, (force),
Duplicity (force), Fallacious Sarcastic Statements (force), Prejudice against me and my Real Property (force), a Lack of Argumentative
Skills, and, a Lack of Vocabulary she didn't/doesn't know the meaning of the word, "obfuscate" and, as a result, she thoroughly
embarrassed herself, promptly Threatened me in Retaliation (force) and Reprisal (force), and hung up on me.

Government of Georgetown Halton Hills Personnel, Marina Booton and Kelly Withers, By-Law Enforcement (!), Community Standards
(!), are responsible for the HARASSMENT (force) and HOSTILITY (force), and GARBAGE (force), at my home, on my Real Property,
and at my doorstep. If Ms. Booton and Ms. Withers would have enforced the By-Law (No Parking) on the books, as I requested, and,
abided by the law, and executed their jobs properly none of this would have occurred, and I would not have to live with
HARASSMENT (force), and HOSTILITY (force), and GARBAGE (force), on my Real Property, caused by Marina Booton and Kelly
Withers, and, discarded from a Government of Georgetown Halton Hills owned street, with a No Parking By-Law Charity Lane.

Mr. Mayor, Councilors, Government Personnel are supposed to serve the Public, not attack (force) the Public. Ms. Bootons actions
constitute a myriad of Improprieties in Government (force).

*N.B. Any Wrong or Hostility (force) perpetrated by government personnel against an individual, constitutes an Impropriety in
Government. An Impropriety in Government, at any level, constitutes both Provincial and Federal Offences and Infractions, as well as,
CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS, Human Rights Violations, and, Breach of Trust.

Marina Booton and Kelly Withers should be terminated for Non-Performance, Negligence, Prejudice Against Me and My Real Property
(force), HARASSMENT (force), HOSTILITY (force), DISHONESTY (force), and a litany of other Improprieties in Government
(force), instead however, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, in its infinite Incompetence, is giving an across-the-board RAISE
of circa $1 Million Dollars in 2014, to both of them, as well as, all Government Personnel, aka, Squandering of Tax Payers Money.

*N.B. The private sector, the Tax Payers of Georgetown Halton Hills, the Public, does not get a raise in pay for no reason, or, for

Furthermore, all of the aforementioned previously occurred only a few short years ago, again, from Charity Lane. I was forced to seek a
Peace Bond from the Court, for my protection, from a certain person because of his violence. That "certain person", was Paul and
Teresa Kovacs' contractor and friend. Paul and Teresa Kovacs knew all about the violence, and yet, did nothing to quash it aka,

Further, Marina Booton worked with this violent contractor, as well as, Teresa Kovacs, against my mothers Real Property.

I was forced to sue the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, Paul and Teresa Kovacs and Colonial Tree Service, because all parties
refused to do the "right thing", and pay me for damages that they caused to my mothers Real Property.

Moreover, all of you have full knowledge of that case: Mayor Rick Bonnette, Moya Johnson, Dave Kentner, all Town Councilors, Marina
Booton, Kelly Withers, et al. Therefore, insofar as the present and most recent Misconduct is concerned, the Government of Georgetown
Halton Hills is now guilty of Willful Blindness (force). WILLFUL BLINDNESS, is a CRIME.

Councilors Moya Johnson, Dave Kentner and the Mayor, are friends with Paul and Teresa Kovacs. Moya Johnson and Dave Kentner
always put their election signs on the Kovacs' front lawn. Dave Kentner and Paul Kovacs are on the Environmental Advisory Committee
together. Nepotism, Cronyism and Special Favours for Select Voters, all constitute Federal and Provincial CRIMES, as well as,
Improprieties in Government.

*N.B. Any Wrong or Hostility (force) perpetrated by government personnel against an individual, constitutes an Impropriety in
Government. An Impropriety in Government, at any level, constitutes both Provincial and Federal Offences and Infractions, as well as,
CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS, Human Rights Violations, and, Breach of Trust.

Marina Booton, Kelly Withers and the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, are RESPONSIBLE for, and CULPABLE for, the
present dire situation, and, the DURESS that I have suffered, and continue to suffer.
Criticism of a Government Continued page 2/3 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved

Mr. Mayor, Councilors, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills latest propaganda slogan would be comical if it wasn't so inimical.
It would be puerile if it wasn't so perfidious. The small town way, is tantamount to, the fascist way. The Government of
Georgetown Halton Hills does not like criticism and responds with common, Fascist Thuggery (force) the present Misconduct re:
Charity Lane is Proof Positive, once again. Not to mention, the mob-like, Fascist Thuggery (force) perpetrated against me, and that I
suffered, at the Georgetown Halton Hills Library.

Mr. Bonnette, Councilors, I have a few queries:

~ Does the Mayor of a small town, make $125,893 per year, increasing substantially December 2014? NO, of course not.

~ Does the Mayor of a small town, get a car allowance of $661 per month? NO, of course not.

~ Does the Mayor of a small town, get a lavish pension and benefits package, that makes Georgetown Halton Hills Tax Payers, look like
paupers? NO, of course not.

~ Does the Mayor of a small town, hide behind a $100,000 Bullet Proof Glass Wall and Electric Security Door with No Exterior Handle,
thus preventing the Public from gaining access to the Mayor? NO, of course not.

Mr. Bonnette, what are you afraid of? What have you done wrong? What are you doing wrong, now? Obviously, something.

If I were Mayor, the first thing I'd do is rip that repugnant, pusillanimous, fascist structure down. The Public would have access to the
Mayor's office AT ALL TIMES. The Public owns the Mayors office, and, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, as well.

~ The sunshine list would be attenuated substantially. The HR Department would be jettisoned in favour of savvy small business
people who know the real value of labour, and, how competitive the labour market really is.

~ The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills has got it all wrong. The Government serves the Public. NOT, itself.

~ The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills is way, way, way out of touch, but what is truly disturbing, is its pathology FASCISM.

*N.B. Corporate Fascism in Government, in Canada, is illegal. Corporate Totalitarianism in Government, in Canada, is illegal.

Mr. Mayor, on your vox mail announcement, it states explicitly, that you will call me back. I have left 2 messages on your vox mail, and 1
message with your assistant, and you have not returned my calls.

Mr. Mayor, through your actions, you have defined yourself as Disingenuous (force), Dishonest (force), and Duplicitous (force). I do not
associate with such people. I no longer wish to hear from you, or speak to you. You can hide in your glass box.

Mr. Bonnette, you've been Mayor for a long time you're a career politician, and therefore, your fingerprints are all over this present
Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. You send a strong message to all Government Personnel, that illegally using force against the
Public, is condoned by you. And hence, a pernicious pathology exists.

The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills continues to ignore Justice Corbett J.s earlier Decision and Warning.

On April 7, 2006, Justice Corbett J. handed down his Decision, a mammoth and humiliating and decisive defeat for the Government of
Georgetown Halton Hills, Terry Alyman (circa $150K per year, Dir. Parks and Rec.), and John Schaljo (Helson Kogon Ashbee Schaljo).

His Decision illustrates that in a Free and Open Democracy, Freedom of Opinion, Freedom of Expressing that Opinion, Freedom of
Speech, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Philosophy and/or Religion, and, Freedom to
Criticize Government, are all Paramount, Privileged, and Protected by Law. And that, any attempt by a government to persecute (force) or
oppress (force) or quash (force) or control (force) or suppress (force), those Freedoms is illegal and prohibited by law.

On April 7, 2006, Justice Corbett J. wrote:

[58] Speech About Government Is Absolutely Privileged: The reason for the prohibition of defamation suits lies in the nature of
democracy itself. Governments are accountable to the people When a government is criticized, its recourse is in the public domain, not
the courts. The government may not imprison, or fine, or sue, those who criticize it. Litigation is a form of force, and the government
must not silence its critics by force. Government must not silence its critics by force. Government must not
silence its critics by force. Government must not silence its critics by force.

[59] Section 2(b) of the CHARTER guarantees freedom of expression. Statements made about public affairs generally, and about
government in particular, lie at the very core of this democratic value.

[60] the starting position, at common law, is that statements made about government are absolutely privileged.

Justice Corbett J.
Criticism of a Government Continued page 3/3 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved

The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills continues to wrongfully and illegally use force against me, simply because I expressed my

A poor education yields ignorance. Ignorance yields fear. Fear yields vindictiveness. Vindictiveness yields extremism. Extremism yields
fascism. Fascism yields persecution.

The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills is an abject embarrassment. In 2014, in Canada, Fascism is alive and well in the guise of the
Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. This government, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, is unfit to serve.

This government, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, MUST BE IMPEACHED.

Mayor Rick Bonnette, it is my opinion, that you must tender your resignation, and not seek re-election.

Mr. Mayor, Councilors, and The Public At Large:

Thank you.

Graydon Hillock, Award Winning Contemporary Jazz Artist, Studio Composer / Musician, Producer, Impresario

Author of, When You Steal Music You Hurt Composers, Songwriters and Musicians, Lecture Series
Expert Witness, Copyright Law (17 wins 0 losses)
FBI Anti-Piracy Signatory

Georgetown / Los Angeles


~ Diana Swain, CBC News, The National
~ Dale Brazao, Kenyon Wallace, Rachel Mendleson, The Toronto Star
~ Internet, Twitterverse, Facebook, You Tube
~ All Major Media
~ Chief Stephen J. Tanner, Halton Regional Police
~ Kathleen Wynne, Jim Wilson, Andrea Horwath
~ Charter Rights Violations
~ Human Rights Tribunal
~ Andre Marin, Ombudsman
~ Ministry of Consumer Services
~ Law Commission of Ontario
~ A.G. Madeleine Meilleur, A.G. Peter MacKay
~ Ontario Bar Association
~ Zeynep Onen, Director, Professional Regulation Division, Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario)

This is a CEASE AND DESIST ORDER issued to Marina Booton, Kelly Withers and the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills.





Thank you,
Graydon Hillock

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