Section 2 Question

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HKAL Chemistry 91-02 (Section 2 : Atomic Spectrum and Electronic Configuration)

91 IIA Q.3 (c)

Give a brief account of the electron density of the 1s orbital of a hydrogen atom.
(4 marks)

92IA Q.2(c)
Give the shape of a 1s-orbital and comment on its physical significance.
(2 marks)

92IIA Q.1(a)
(i) Describe any one experimental method to determine the first ionization enthalpy of an element.
(ii) Arrange the following elements in order of increasing first ionization enthalpy: F, Ne and Na.
Explain your order.
(iii) Describe and explain the variation of the successive ionization enthalpies of potassium.
(8 marks)

93IC Q.1
Discuss how our understanding of the electronic structure of the atom has developed from the
atomic emission spectrum of hydrogen.
(20 marks)

95IA Q.1(a)(i)
The first four successive ionization enthalpies of an element A are 578, 1817, 2746 and 10813 kJ
mol-1 respectively. To which group in the Periodic Table does A belong?
(1 mark)

95IA Q.1(b)
(i) What can you deduce from the fact that the spectral lines in the atomic emission spectrum of
hydrogen are not equally spaced?
(ii) In the atomic spectrum of hydrogen, the convergence limit for the Lyman series occurs at
3.275 x 1015 Hz. Calculate the ionization enthalpy of hydrogen, in kJ mol-1.
(Planck constant, h = 6.626 x 10-34 J s ; Avogadro constant, L = 6.023 x 1023 mol-1)
(3 marks)

96IA Q.1(c)
Explain why
(i) The first ionization enthalpy of oxygen is greater than that of sulphur.
(ii) The first ionization enthalpy of oxygen is smaller than that of fluorine.
(2 marks)

96IA Q.1(d)
Sketch the pictorial representation of a p orbital and indicate the location of the nucleus in your
(1 mark)

97IA Q.1(c)
Arrange, with explanation, the following chemical species in the order of decreasing size.
F, O and O-
(3 marks)

97IIA Q.2(a)
Describe and account for the characteristics of the emission spectrum of atomic hydrogen.
(7 marks)

97IIA Q.2(b)
(i) What is an electron shell in an atom?
HKAL Chemistry 91-02 (Section 2 : Atomic Spectrum and Electronic Configuration)

(ii) For each of the electron shells with principal quantum numbers 1, 2 and 3, list the subshells.
(iii) Deduce the maximum number of electrons in each of the electron shells in (ii).
(6 marks)

98IA Q.1(a)
Arrange the following chemical species in the order of increasing ionization enthalpy. Explain
your arrangement.
N+, N and O
(3 marks)

99IA Q.2(a)
(iv) Outline the origin of atomic emission.
(v) Briefly explain why each series of atomic emission lines of hydrogen converges at the lower
wavelength end.
(3 marks)

99IA Q.3(a)(i)
Deduce the number of unpaired electrons for Fe3+(g) at its ground state.
(2 marks)

00IA Q.3(a)
(i) Write the ground state electronic configuration of a chromium atom.
(ii) Draw the structure for the dichromate(VI) ion.
(2 marks)

00IIA Q.1(c)
The figure below shows the Lyman series of the atomic emission spectrum of hydrogen.

(i) What do the spectral line represent?

(ii) With the help of appropriate drawing, explain why the spectral lines become
progressively closer to each other as frequency increases.
(iii) Suggest how the ionization enthalpy of hydrogen can be obtained from its
atomic emission spectrum.
(iv) Suggest one application of atomic emission spectroscopy in chemical
(6 marks)

00IIA Q.2(a)
(i) What is the first ionization enthalpy of an element?
(ii) Sketch a graph to show the variation in first ionization enthalpy of the elements from Ne to
(4 marks)

01IA Q.2(a)
(iii) Provide a piece of evidence to support the statement:
`The energy of an electron in an atom is quantized.’
(iv) Sketch the pictorial representations of an s-orbital and p-orbital, showing the location of the
atomic nucleus.
(4 marks)

01IA Q.2(b)
HKAL Chemistry 91-02 (Section 2 : Atomic Spectrum and Electronic Configuration)

Sketch the variation of the second ionization enthalpies of O, F, Ne, Na and Mg.

second ionization enthalpy

(2 marks)
02IA Q.3(a)(i)
Write the ground state electronic configuration of a copper atom.
(1 mark)
02IA Q.3(c)(ii)
Give the hybridization state of carbon in CO2 and of silicon in SiO2
(2 marks)
02IIA Q.2(b)
The electronic arrangement of a magnesium atom is 2,8,2. Suggest how you would use
experimental data available from scientific literature to establish the above electronic arrangement.
O F Ne Na Mg
(3 marks)


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