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Tuesday April 2, 2014 Criticism of a Law Society #3 Page 1/5 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillo!

All "ights "eser#ed

$eynep %nen, &iretor, Pro'essional "egulation
(a) *oiety o' +pper Canada
&ear /s. %nen0
*ub1et la)yer 220134120456 has again e7erted +8&+9 :8;(+98C9 CA+*:8G &+"9**, 'or the third ti<e, and the (%** o' <y
inheritane, 11 =ueen *treet, is i<<inent. His letter, reei#ed /arh 26, 2014, states that : <ust pay >5,462.56 by April 8, 2014, or
Po)er o' *ale )ill o<<ene i<<ediately, and <y inheritane, 11 =ueen *treet, )ill be ta!en 'ro< <e. /s. %nen, your letter o'
8o#e<ber 21, 2013, didn?t )or! @ it only stalled his /aliious :ntent to :n1ure <e and ause <e to lose <y inheritane, satis'ying his
personal /A(:C9 Apro#en and stated in his o)n stationery @ that you ha#e in your possessionB, and, satis'ying the /aliious instrutions
by his lient, the 9state Trustee.
/s. %nen, this is a blatant Ciolation o' Rule 2.02(! " a lawyer ca##ot sta#$ %y a#$ watc& &is clie#t perpetrate 'R()* +(,)* "
o' any !ind, ,#te#tio#ally +ama-i#-, ,#.uri#-, a#$ Causi#- Losses to a#ot&er perso#, a %e#eficiary " wit& /AL,C0.
;urther, a lawyer ca##ot perpetrate 'R()* +(,)* " o' any !ind, to satisfy 1,S 2erso#al /AL,C0 " eit&er.
;urther, a lawyer ca##ot perpetrate 'R()* +(,)* " P9":%&.
A"e'erene <y e<ail D attah<ent, E$eynep %nen 9<ail 23 /ore /A(:C9 /ore (%**F, dated, %tober 23, 2013B.
A"e'erene <y e<ail D attah<ent, E/ore /isondutF, dated, August 30, 2013B.
;urther, the a<ount 3,482.48 is erro#eous5 t&erefore, one again, he has #iolated Rule 2.02(! 6RA7+.
/s. %nen, )hat?s it gonna ta!e, 'or you to do so<ething, and stop this guy, and proseute hi<G
/s. %nen, : ha#e pro#en *ub1et la)yer is a (:A" @ wit& lawyer8s ow# statio#ery, a#$ $ocume#te$ p&o#e co#9ersatio#, %etwee#
:'( (2! lawyers, Su%.ect lawyer a#$ a#ot&er lawyer, w&ic& was i#clu$e$ i# 6(7R (4! lawyers8 /(:,() $ema#$i#- Su%.ect
lawyer pro9i$e t&e ;release<, after 0,*1: (8! mo#t&s of multiple re=uests %y 6(7R (4! lawyers, a#$ me. *ub1et la)yer (:9& T%
A8%TH9" (AHI9", AJ%+T /9 @ :8 H":T:8G.
>).?. :&e Law Society s&oul$ &a9e su%poe#ae$ Su%.ect Lawyer8s p&o#e recor$s from t&e Su%.ect Lawyer 8s p&o#e compa#y,
w&ic& woul$ &a9e affirme$ a#$ corro%orate$ (my! Complai#a#t8s %o#a fi$e a#$ irrefuta%le e9i$e#ce.
Jut they didn?t. They hose not to, beause *ub1et (a)yer?s redibility )ould ha#e been e7posed as $9"%. He?s a pre#ariator @ a liar.
>).?. :&e Law Society s&oul$ &a9e applie$ ALL of t&e ;Rules of 2rofessio#al Co#$uct<.
Jut they didn?t. They hose not to, beause *ub1et (a)yer?s redibility )ould ha#e been e7posed as $9"%. He?s dishonest @ deeit'ul.
/s. %nen, : ha#e pro#en *ub1et la)yer (:J9(9& <e @ wit& lawyer8s ow# statio#ery, se#t to a#ot&er lawyer, w&ic& was i#clu$e$ i#
6(7R (4! lawyers8 /(:,() $ema#$i#- Su%.ect lawyer pro9i$e t&e ;release<, after 0,*1: (8! mo#t&s of multiple re=uests %y
6(7R (4! lawyers, a#$ me, as )ell as, <y dou<entation.
/s. %nen, : ha#e pro#en *ub1et la)yer H:THH9(& &%C+/98T* @ wit& 6(7R (4! lawyers8 ow# statio#ery, w&ic& was i#clu$e$
i# 6(7R (4! lawyers8 /(:,() $ema#$i#- Su%.ect lawyer pro9i$e t&e ;release<, after 0,*1: (8! mo#t&s of multiple re=uests %y
6(7R (4! lawyers, a#$ me.
(/y! Complai#a#t 8s %o#a fi$e a#$ irrefuta%le e9i$e#ce, i#clu$es $ocume#ts suc& as@
A Su%.ect Lawyer8s ow# letter &ea$s a#$ statio#ery, se#t to ot&er lawyers5
A Su%.ect Lawyer8s ow# emails, se#t to ot&er lawyers5
A (t&er lawyers8 letter &ea$s a#$ statio#ery, se#t to Su%.ect Lawyer, a#$, ot&er lawyers5
A (t&er lawyers8 emails, se#t to Su%.ect Lawyer, a#$, ot&er lawyers.
/s. %nen, : reently spo!e )ith three la)yers in a o''ee shop and told the< about <y Co<plaint. They all started laughing and said,
$eynep %nen and the (a) *oiety )on?t disipline or proseute any la)yer short o' <urder. They ontinued, the (a) *oiety is beholden
to its e<ployer @ the %ntario la)yers. :t?s the sa<e as ops in#estigating ops @ it doesn?t )or!. They said, that?s )hy Co<plaints re<ain
so high, and !eep inreasing. And they added0 the %ntario legal syste< is bro!en, orrupt 'ro< top to botto<.
They )ere still laughing )hen they said, your Co<plaint sounds #ery strong but un'ortunately the (a) *oiety )on?t help you, they
)on?t do the right thing. As they )ere going out the door, one la)yer said, !eep doing )hat you?re doing @ going Publi, going (oud @
<aybe so<eone )ill get pissed o'' and help you. %ne your story sti!s, it )ill e7plode, and the (a) *oiety )ill be 'ored to at out o'
sheer e<barrass<ent and Publi ridiule @ and, the <edia )ill rip the< to shreds.
/y on#ersation a''ir<s, orroborates and on'ir<s <y e<pirial data. ,8m #ot -oi#- away /s. (#e#.
/s. (#e#, Page 2/5
A Bou /ust Stop Su%.ect lawyer #2013C120448 ,//0+,A:0LB.
A Bou /ust Stop t&e 2ower of Sale o# my i#&erita#ce ,//0+,A:0LB.
A :&e Law Society Compe#satio# 6u#$ /ust 2ay /e 3440D i# Compe#satio# o# April 8, 2014.
*ub1et la)yer?s ations onstitute HA"A**/98T, AJ+*9 o' P%H9", CHA"T9" ":GHT* and ;"99&%/* C:%(AT:%8*, and
H+/A8 ":GHT* C:%(AT:%8* @ yet a-ai#. This is the third ti<e that *ub1et la)yer has e7erted +ndue :n'luene, Causing &uress,
trying to 'ore <e against <y 'ree )ill and 1udg<ent, to pay <oney 'ro< ,#sufficie#t 6u#$s, cause$ %y, *ub1et la)yer?s :no<petent,
/aliious and Perniious ad#ie to his lient, the 9state Trustee.
As o' April 1, 2014, *ub1et la)yer 220134120456 and his lient, the 9state Trustee, o)e <e and 11 =ueen *treet, (ost "ental "e#enues
o' >25,000 AApt.1B P(+* >4,400 AApt.3B P(+* >6,431 A/isappropriated ;undsB, 'or a total o' 338,831 a#$ t&is total will accrue %y
32,400 per mo#t&, u#til pai$. APlease see <y letter to 9state Trustee, dated, August 30, 2013 'or 'urther detailsB AApt.?s 1D3 are (egally +nrentableB.
:n your possession, you ha#e <y Jona ;ide and :rre'utable e#idene detailing the 'irst ourrene o' +ndue :n'luene Causing &uress,
)here *ub1et la)yer :ntentionally used Tri!ery and &eeption, and Tri!ed and &eei#ed Co<plainant A<eB, e7erting +ndue :n'luene
Causing &uress, and 'oring <e to pay >6,431 against <y 'ree )ill and 1udg<ent, to sa#e &eedent?s triple7 and "eal Property 'ro<
;orelosure, beause o' /ort-a-e Arrears cause$ %y *ub1et (a)yer?s :no<petent, /aliious and Perniious ad#ie to his lient, the
9state Trustee, Cia Pre<editated Collusion and Conspiray to Hithhold &ou<ents and /isappropriate ;unds o' >6,431.
>).?. This ti<e, , will #ot pay a#y mo#ey a-ai#st my free will a#$ .u$-me#t. Su%.ect lawyer must %e stoppe$ imme$iately.
*ub1et la)yer is destroying &eedent ?s 9state, and, her )ishes.
The appro7i<ate #alue o' 11 =ueen *treet is >440,000. (# April 8, 2014, the (a) *oiety Compe#satio# 6u#$ will owe me, the
Co<plainant, and :n1ured and &a<aged party, 3440D 2L7S All Compe#satio# and All Reparatio# listed and ite<i,ed on pa-e E of my
$ocume#t, Law Society Erred Or Worse.
*ub1et la)yer ontinues his /aliious, Abusi#e and Perniious tatis, beause he !no)s that the Law Society will $o #ot&i#-.
/s. %nen, , &a9e pro9e# all o' the 'ollo)ing wit& lawyers8 ow# statio#ery, as )ell as <y dou<entation.
A/yB Co<plainant ?s opious, bona 'ide and irre'utable e#idene, s&ows t&at t&e Law Society protecte$ Su%.ect Lawyer w&o@
K &ispensed ino<petent and perniious ad#ie to his lient, the 9state Trustee, ausing lient to intentionally, unneessarily, and
'raudulently, inrease the &eedent?s total EGeneral &ebtF, )hih ontinues to gro).
K &ispensed ino<petent and perniious ad#ie to his lient, the 9state Trustee, ausing lient to intentionally, unneessarily, and
'raudulently, inrease the total a<ount o' E"ei<burse<entsF, sought by lient, 'ro< the &eedent?s 9state, and )hih, said
E"ei<burse<entsF, ontinue to gro).
K &ispensed ino<petent and perniious ad#ie to his lient, the 9state Trustee, Cia Pre<editated Collusion and Conspiray, to Hithhold
&ou<ents and /isappropriate ;unds o' >6,431 ausing e7tensi#e da<ages and losses and lost rental re#enues, to &eedent?s 9state and
"eal Property and %nly *oure o' "e#enue Ato pay &eedent?s bills and debtsB, totaling >36,631 as o' April 1, 2014, and aruing by
>2,400 per <onth, until paid.
K &ispensed ino<petent and perniious ad#ie to his lient, the 9state Trustee, Cia Pre<editated Collusion and Conspiray, to Hithhold
&ou<ents and /isappropriate ;unds o' >6,431 pre#enting Co<plainant 'ro< <a!ing repairs to &eedent?s "ental Property, resulting in,
and ausing, e7tensi#e da<ages and losses and lost rental re#enues, to &eedent?s 9state and "eal Property and %nly *oure o' "e#enue
Ato pay &eedent?s bills and debtsB, totaling >36,631 as o' April 1, 2014, and aruing by >2,400 per <onth, until paid.
K ;ailed to ad#ise his lient, that he, *ub1et (a)yer la!ed o<peteny in (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB (a), "ules, "egulations,
and "eLuire<ents, and, the (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB At, and, "ental Property Jest Praties.
K ;ailed to upgrade hi<sel' and eduate hi<sel', so that *ub1et (a)yer possessed o<peteny in (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB
(a), "ules, "egulations, and "eLuire<ents, and, the (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB At, and, "ental Property Jest Praties.
K ;ailed to reogni,e his li<itations in his abilities, and 'ailed to ta!e steps to ensure that his lient )as/is appropriately ser#ed in regards
to (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB (a), "ules, "egulations, and "eLuire<ents, and, the (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB At, and,
"ental Property Jest Praties.
K ;ailed to see! lient?s instrutions to onsult e7perts in (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB (a), "ules, "egulations, and "eLuire<ents,
and, the (andlord and Tenant Joard A(TJB At, and, "ental Property Jest Praties.
K Has done his lient a disser#ie, has brought disredit to the pro'ession, and has brought the ad<inistration o' 1ustie into disrepute.
K Has de<onstrated that he has been and ontinues to be, unethial, there'ore, this is an ethial onsideration and is to be distinguished
'ro< the standard o' are that a tribunal )ould in#o!e 'or purposes o' deter<ining negligene. :&erefore, ;:&e Compe#satio# 6u#$<,
is respo#si%le for all $ama-es a#$ losses suffere$ a#$ sustai#e$ %y t&e Complai#a#t.
K :ntentionally lied to, and intentionally <islead other la)yers.
K :ntentionally did not respond to other la)yers? e<ails 'or 6 <onths, until 'ored to, by other la)yers? <otion to produe dou<ents.
K :ntentionally )ithheld dou<ents 'ro< other la)yers 'or 6 <onths, until 'ored by other la)yers? <otion to produe dou<ents.
K :ntentionally )ithheld dou<ents 'ro< Co<plainant and (itigation Guardian 'or 6 <onths, until 'ored by other la)yers? <otion to
produe dou<ents. >).?. Su%.ect Lawyer Co#ti#ues to 'it&&ol$ :wo +ocume#ts Re=ueste$ %y Complai#a#t.
K :ntentionally &isobeyed Mudge?s Court %rder.
K :ntentionally %bstruted Mustie.
K :ntentionally &elayed &ue Proess.
K :ntentionally perpetrated Hill'ul Jlindness.
K :ntentionally used Tri!ery and &eeption, and Tri!ed and &eei#ed Co<plainant, e7erting +ndue :n'luene Causing &uress, and
'oring Co<plainant to pay >6,431 against his 'ree )ill and 1udg<ent, to sa#e &eedent?s triple7 and "eal Property 'ro< ;orelosure,
beause o' /ortgage Arrears aused by *ub1et (a)yer?s ino<petent and perniious ad#ie to his lient, the 9state Trustee, Cia
Pre<editated Collusion and Conspiray to Hithhold &ou<ents and /isappropriate ;unds o' >6,431.
K :ntentionally &e'a<ed and (ibeled Co<plainant, )ith /alie, to <any, <any people inluding0 4 la)yers, 3 la) 'ir<s, 4 lients,
intentionally &a<aging Co<plainant?s Good 8a<e and "eputation, ausing hi< Great 9<barrass<ent, Great 9<otional Pain, and Great
*u''ering @ )ith /alie.
K :ntentionally <ade ;alse and 9rroneous *tate<ents, )ith /alie, about Co<plainant, to <any, <any people inluding0 4 la)yers, 3 la)
'ir<s, 4 lients, intentionally &a<aging Co<plainant?s Good 8a<e and "eputation, ausing hi< Great 9<barrass<ent, Great 9<otional
Pain, and Great *u''ering @ )ith /alie.
K :ntentionally inter'ered )ith potential (itigants, *ub1et (a)yer does not represent.
K :ntentionally did not respond to Co<plainant?s <any Luestions.
K :ntentionally did not respond to Co<plainant?s o''er to <eet, re0 "esolution.
K :ntentionally did not respond to Co<plainant?s t)o, separate, )ritten o''ers to settle out o' ourt.
K &ispensed ino<petent and perniious ad#ie to Co<plainant, in )riting, telling hi< to install arpet in &eedent?s Apt.23 @ a slu<,
and rent it to the publi. Co<plainant had already ad#ised *ub1et (a)yer <any ti<es, that Apt.23 did not <eet (TJ *tandards, "ules,
"egulations, and "eLuire<ents. Co<plainant is a suess'ul "ental Property /anager and (andlord, and abides by (TJ "ules and
respets Tenants? "ights.
>).?. Again and again, *ub1et (a)yer de<onstrates his la! o' o<peteny in (TJ (a), "ules, "egulations, and "eLuire<ents, the
(TJ At, and, "ental Property Jest Praties.
*ub1et (a)yer?s ad#ie to Co<plainant, is tanta<ount to the e7pression0 Putting lipstick on a pig.
Arrogant, a''luent *ub1et (a)yer, does not respet the (TJ or Tenants? "ights.
Co<plainant has read the E"ules o' Pro'essional CondutF. Su%.ect Lawyer s&oul$ &a9e 'it&$raw# from Represe#tatio# " lo#- a-o.
Su%.ect Lawyer is $eser9i#- +iscipli#e
The (a) *oiety is %bstruting Mustie, Perpetrating a Eo#er upF, a C":/9, perpetrating Hill'ul Jlindness, a C":/9, and proteting an
:no<petent, /aliious and Perniious la)yer @ that onstitutes Pre1udie @ Against /e @ a CHA"T9" ":GHT* and ;"99&%/*
C:%(AT:%8 and, a H+/A8 ":GHT* C:%(AT:%8.
The nu<ber o' Co<plaints 'iled )ith the (a) *oiety, against %ntario la)yers, ne#er dereases. /oreo#er, in 2013, the nu<ber o'
Co<plaints has inreased. This is irre'utable proo' that the (a) *oiety Pro'essional "egulation &i#ision, is ine''iaious and utterly
useless @ all, )hile reei#ing e7orbitant salaries. Jut it gets )orse @ this debale ontinues unabated, )hile the (a) *oiety ostentatiously
prolai<s and pro<ulgates, its pretense of integrity, throughout its so alled, ules of Professional !onduct.
>).?. :n <y li'e e7periene, : do not reall suh hyporisy and suh dupliity. ;+72L,C,:B<, Ciolates and Jreahes and Contra#enes,
09ery Rule and sub4rule in the Rules of Professional Conduct. The (a) *oiety is a sha<.
Page 3/5
:t is a 'at that la)yers )orship at the alter o' <oney and e#er inreasing billable hours. 97ellene, is no )here to be 'ound. The only
)ay to 'ore bad %ntario la)yers to adhere to the so alled Rules, is to hit the< hard )here it hurts @ their ban!boo! @ )ith se#ere
peuniary penalties, paid diretly to the i#.ure$ parties " t&e 2 u%lic " t&e Complai#a#ts " t&e (#tario :aF 2ayers " " he ##$
a#$ maGe t&em e#tirely w&ole a-ai# " from w&e#ce t&ey starte$.
:nstead o' being preoupied )ith, and generating page a'ter page o' pretty, <ulti4oloured graphs, and olu<ns o' nu<bers, sta!ed ro)
upon ro), the (a) *oiety should 'ous on ontent0 R,*1: " 'R()* " +,SC,2L,)0 " S0H0R0, 20C7),ARB 20)AL:,0S.
*top oddling bad %ntario la)yers. ;laidity is repulsi#e, unaeptable and illegal, beause the (a) *oiety is intentionally <isleading
:&e 2u%lic " :&e (#tario :aF 2ayers " "he ##$, )ith dupliitous and ob'usating tatis, that hide the truth, and bring the (a)
*oiety and the ad<inistration o' 1ustie into disrepute, disrediting the pro'ession. The (a) *oiety and its la)yers onstitute a Espeial
groupF, )ith speial rights and pri#ileges, "he Elite %$, santioned by the E(a) *oiety AtF and the Go#ern<ent o' %ntario.
"herefore, this speial, a''luent group, should be punished in a speial )ay, paying espeially se#ere 'ines, penalties, and, 67LL
C(/20)SA:,() a#$ R02ARA:,() to t&e C(/2LA,)A):S, that the (a) *oiety and its la)yers, har< and in1ure and da<age.
"ule 5.01 A1B :ntegrity0
& lawyer shall conduct hi'self or herself in such a way as to 'aintain the integrity of the profession.
Co<<entary, page NN0
(ntegrity is the funda'ental )uality of any person who seeks to practice as a lawyer...
...Pu*lic confidence in the ad'inistration of +ustice and in the legal profession 'ay *e eroded *y a lawyer,s irresponsi*le conduct.
&ccordingly, a lawyer,s conduct should reflect credit on the legal profession, inspire the confidence, respect and trust of clients and
the co''unity, and a-oid e-en the appearance of i'propriety.
"ule 5.05 Co<<entary, page O10
.air trials and hearings are funda'ental to a free and de'ocratic society. (t is i'portant that the pu*lic, including the 'edia, *e
infor'ed a*out cases *efore courts and tri*unals. "he ad'inistration of +ustice *enefits fro' pu*lic scrutiny.
/s. %nen, this is a #ery si<ple sa<. *ub1et la)yer and his lient, the 9state Trustee :ntentionally /isappropriated >6,431 o' <y <oney,
<y <other?s <oney, 'or the 9state Trustee?s o)n a#ariious purposes, thus pre#enting <e 'ro< repairing <y <other?s 'oundation, and
satis'ying (andlord and Tenant Joard (a), allo)ing <e to rent Apt.1 and Apt.3, thus generating <ore re#enues to pay <y <other?s bills
and pay do)n <y <other?s EGeneral &ebtF @ aused by the 9state Trustee?s :no<petene, /is<anage<ent, and (a! o' Jusiness
Au<en. >).?. Apt.1 and Apt.3 are (egally +nrentable at this ti<e.
The so alled E"ulesF, are #ery easy to understand. This is "ule 2.02A5B @ a lawyer ca##ot sta#$ %y a#$ watc& &is clie#t perpetrate
wro#-$oi#- of a#y Gi#$.
/isappropriation o' ;unds Aa!a The't, ;raud, 9<be,,le<entB, /alie, &estrution o' &eedent?s 9state and "eal Property, &a<aging a
Jene'iiary?s :nheritane and "eal Property, Causing a Jene'iiary to (ose His :nheritane, Colluding and Conspiring to Ta!e and
/isappropriate &eedent?s /oney / Jene'iiary?s /oney, A(( =+A(:;I +8&9" "+(9 2.02 A5B.
Collusio# a#$ Co#spiracy are 60+0RAL a#$ 2R(H,)C,AL CR,/0S " 2e#alties ,#clu$e ,)CARC0RA:,() a#$ Se9ere
/()0:ARB 6,)0S.
;urther, *ub1et la)yer )as issued a C0AS0 A)+ +0S,S: (R+0R on August 30, 2013, )ith e7pliit instrutions not to ontat <e,
beause o' his inessant /isondut. He has no) Ciolated and Jreahed and Contra#ened, said, C0AS0 A)+ +0S,S: (R+0R, on
6(7R A4! separate occasio#s. His ations onstitute 1ARASS/0): a#$ A?7S0 of 2('0R. Please re'er to <y dou<ent0 /ore
/isconduct, )hih you reei#ed 'ro< *tindar (al, and that, you ha#e in your possession.
, pay a lot of mo#ey for (#tario :aFes. , pay for ,#te-rity, 1o#esty, 0t&ics, a#$ 2erforma#ce. )(: C(RR72:,().
/y Respo#se to your letter of )o9em%er 21, 2013, is fort&comi#-.
K /s. %nen, you did not read and / or o<prehend all o' <y e#idene. THAT?* %JC:%+*.
K /s. %nen, i' you don?t ha#e all o' <y a'ore<entioned e#idene, inluding all e<ails, then the (a) *oiety is Guilty o' TA/P9":8G.
A /s. (#e#, , am i# possessio# of Rule 2.02(! Ame#$me#ts " , G#ow w&at it says " , G#ow w&at it mea#s.
A Su%.ect Lawyer #2013C120448 is *7,L:B. 1e &as 9iolate$ a myria$ of t&e so calle$ ;Rules<. :&is is a# ,RR067:A?L0 6AC:.
/s. %nen, in <y industry, )hen you 'ail, you get 'ired )ith no o<pensation, or #ery little. And ridiule and e<barrass<ent ensue,
per<eating the industry. This #ery high *ar yields one thing0 97ellene, o' )hih : a< #ery proud.
Than! you.
*ray$o# 1illocG, Complai#a#t a#$ (#tario :aF 2ayer a#$ /em%er of t&e 2u%lic " "he ##$
Criticism of a Law Society #3 Page 5/5 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillo! All "ights "eser#ed
;%" /I P"%T9CT:%8 AGA:8*T The (a) *oiety o' +pper Canada A%ntarioB, A(( %; /I ;:(9* HAC9 J998 C%P:9& T%
/+(T:P(9 PA"T:9*, :8C(+&:8G J+T 8%T (:/:T9& T%0
K :nternet, T)itter#erse, ;aeboo!, Iou Tube
K All /a1or /edia
K Chie' *tephen M. Tanner, Halton "egional Polie
K Pathleen Hynne, Mi< Hilson, Andrea Hor)ath
K *tephen Harper, Tho<as /ulair, Mustin Trudeau
K Charter "ights Ciolations
K Hu<an "ights Tribunal
K Andre /arin, %<buds<an
K /inistry o' Consu<er *er#ies
K (a) Co<<ission o' %ntario
K A.G. /adeleine /eilleur, A.G. Peter /aPay
K %ntario Jar Assoiation

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