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Amnesty Issue and Opinion

Akinyemi, Olabode Victor
May, 2013.

a. In light of recent action of President Jonathan in giving amnesty to certain criminals,
what is your opinion on giving amnesty to criminal?
b. What, in your opinion, is the effect of giving amnesty to criminal on the socio-
economic and political landscape of Nigeria?
c. What, in your opinion, is the relationship between giving amnesty to criminals and
forgiving offenders that people do every day?

Interview Sessions
Interviewee 1 : Mr. K, a non-academic staff of University of Ibadan
Date and Time: 2
April, 2013./ 9.30 am.
Venue: Post graduate school of University of Ibadan premises

Question 1:
In light of recent action of President Jonathan in giving amnesty to certain criminals, what is
your opinion on giving amnesty to criminal?

Interviewee 1 Response:
Personally, giving amnesty to criminal, i will not support it. The fact that former president
Yaradua gave amnesty to Niger-Delta agitators has now form a precedence for every other
group fomenting trouble in the country to agitate for one thing or the other. This is going to
create a ripple effect in the future. Presently, we have Boko-Haram in the north; people are

like if amnesty could be given to the Niger-delta agitators, the same should be extended to the
Boko-Harams. This could lead to different groups in other part of the country fomenting
trouble and the next thing will be for them to ask for amnesty. In short, amnesty should not be
allowed. Giving amnesty to the Niger-delta boys has nothing that it has contributed to the
economy. They are still operating, particularly, when they find out their needs are not being
met. They still agitate. Like I said, personally for reason highlighted, I will not support that.

Question 2:
What, in your opinion, is the effect of giving amnesty to criminal on the socio-economic and
political landscape of Nigeria?

Interview 1 response:
Just like I said, the case of Niger-Delta boys now, because it was granted, several other
groups are now agitating for amnesty, despite the fact the activities of those group is anti-
development: a number of businesses are being stopped, people are not going to the
environment and those in the environment are moving out. Definitely,economy has been
affected and economically, it is not good for us. Politically, it also continues to enrich the few
ones. Those that have access to the resource allocated for such programme will enrich
themselves by it. Such people will never want such programme to die so that they can
continue to enrich themselves. They will want always to create a situation that can be likened
to the case of Niger-delta so that they can always tap from that. In essence, it enriches some
people and all these have its effect on federal allocation. Whatever we have at the federal
level, even if not sufficient, will have to give room for allocation to sort out the menace of


Question 3:
What, in your opinion, is the relationship between giving amnesty to criminals and forgiving
offenders that people do every day?

Interviewee 1 response:
I dont think it has any direct relationship because to start with, the reason why Niger-delta
guys started their agitation is premised on the fact that they are being deprived of their right. I
think if the government sincerely understand that, they should let peoples desire, as long as it
is their right, be given to them. Forgiveness is given when someone out of ignorance
committed an offence, or sometimes we may know that the act is wrong but we have no way
of avoiding it. Before one could be forgiven, one would have accepted that what he or she did
was wrong. In the case of Niger delta, there was no acknowledgement of wrong doing on
their part; rather, they saw themselves as the wronged. The government as well
acknowledged that the course of Niger-Delta militant was a just one. In the case of
forgiveness, there is a need for the offender to admit that he or she was wrong. Without
acknowledgement of wrong doing, there cannot be forgiveness.

Interviewee 2 :Mrs.A, anacademic staff of University of Ibadan
Date and Time: 2
April, 2013./ 10.20 am.
Venue:Faculty of Social Science, University of Ibadan premises

Question 1:
In light of recent action of President Jonathan in giving amnesty to certain criminals, what is
your opinion on giving amnesty to criminal?


Interviewee 2 response:
I think that amnesty should be granted to people who have disobeyed the law based on
certain criteria. It should not just be an open thing. I mean amnesty should not be given out
generally, certain factor has to be put into consideration. For example, the crime committed
by the individual, the record of crime committed by the same person over a period of time,
and the impact of that crime on the people. For example, if someone deliberately commits
murder, I dont think such a person should be granted amnesty. But someone offends the rule
of the land and over time has shown a sign of remorse and the person has refund what he or
she stole, in the case of stealing public fund, and the person has served some jail terms, such
a person can be granted amnesty. Also if granting a person amnesty will benefit the populace
in a society or community, such a person should be granted amnesty. For example the case of
the Niger-Delta boys, who were fighting the development of their territory and the
government, gave them amnesty so that they can lay down their arms. The aftermath of that
amnesty benefitted the society in general because the course for which they were fighting was
justified. Likewise, there are cases of individuals who have stolen money or committed some
other offence but were granted amnesty because it will benefit the society in general. On such
grounds, I think amnesty can be granted. That is my own opinion. Thank you.

Question 2:
What, in your opinion, is the effect of giving amnesty to criminal on the socio-economic and
political landscape of Nigeria?

Interviewer 2 response:
I think granting amnesty to criminals will have its impact on socio-economic and political
landscape of the country in the sense that, one it could foster peace in the society. For

instance, people who have serve their jail terms and are released from prison, such people,
particularly if they have commercial skills, could be productive to the society economic wise.
Certain people who committed crime could also be noted to have some political hold upon a
society, when such have served their due punishment for the crime committed, they could be
granted state pardon or amnesty. Such could help to calm down conflicts in that territory and
lead to peace in the entire society at large. Amnesty to criminal, although has positive impact,
may also have negative impact. For example a government official that committed a crime
and is given amnesty could encourage criminal activities among government stakeholders
and in the society at large. Giving of amnesty should be weighed in terms of the crime
committed by the individual. If a person stole some money in the society and the money
stolen has be recovered from him, such a person could be granted amnesty. But someone who
has bad records of criminal activities should not be granted amnesty, because a release of
such person could pose more danger to the society. Likewise, some people have been noted
for creating political conflict in the society, if such people were granted amnesty to walk
freely in the society could create more conflict in the society, particularly if such people do
not have justifiable reason for disturbing the peace of the society. In the case of Boko-Haram,
I dont think they should be granted amnesty. There is no assurance that granting them
amnesty would create peace in the society. What they are fighting for is not justified. They
are crying of poverty. Tell me which section of Nigeria has no problem with poverty. Every
Nigeria is suffering one form of poverty or the other. Killing of people on that ground,
particularly focus on religious groups, is not right at all. If not that people have tried to
restrain themselves, it wouldhave created big problem in Nigeria. So amnesty should not be
given to people who have been killing other people, presenting Nigeria in bad light and have
tried to topple the government.This is because it will definitely destroy the political landscape
of Nigeria. It will mean that any group of people whose favourites are not elected into

position are encouraged to take up arms against the government and the society. We all know
that the system is corrupt, but taking up arms and killing innocent people that were not part of
the decision does not justify such activities. People have been killed intheir homes, churches
and mosques. Giving amnesty to such people will encourage violence, particularly when any
group of political party has any grievance against the system.In term of socio-economy again,
it could have positive effect like the case of Niger Delta militants have taken up skill after
they were given amnesty and have started contributing to the economy of the country.

Question 3:
What, in your opinion, is the relationship between giving amnesty to criminals and forgiving
offenders that people do every day?
Interviewee 2 response:
Well I think that amnesty is different from forgiving offences that people do every. It depends
on the kind of offence, if it is an offence that is between two individual, such can be forgiven
because it is preached by our religions. However, amnesty is given when a person has
committed a crime against the state. When a person committed a crime against the law of the
land, such can be given amnesty which in a way is a form of forgiveness or pardon. The
major difference lies in that when forgiveness is given, the decision is mostly individual
decision, but in the case of amnesty, it is a state decision. The bottom line is giving amnesty
or forgiving offenders involves pardon. And we have to be careful that amnesty is not given
to a willing offender or an offender that has no justifiable reason for the crime committed.

Giving amnesty to a willing offender or unrepentant offender could cause a repeat of such

Interviewee 3 :Mr. J, a retired insurance mogul and a social commentator
Date and Time: 2
April, 2013./ 11.00 am.
Venue: Interviewee resident, Songo-Ibadan.
Question 1:
In light of recent action of President Jonathan in giving amnesty to certain criminals, what is
your opinion on giving amnesty to criminal?
Interviewee 3 response:
Actually, there is nothing wrong with amnesty. It is part and parcel of the constitution of
Nigeria. It is in the constitution. By the way, the way amnesty is done in the west is not the
way it is done in Nigeria. For instance in the US, when Nixon was found guilty of case of
Water Gate scandal, President Gorge Bush the senior gave him amnesty and Nixon didnt
have to go to jail. Clinton too gave amnesty to 154 people on his last day in office. In Britain,
amnesty is given to criminals and in their case, it is the sole prerogative of the prime minister.
In Nigeria, amnesty is given by the council of state. The president only takes the case to the
council at the instance of petition from the society and the council considers it and ratify it. In
the case of Alamesia, the government of Obasanjo committed a crime in the process of
prosecuting him. You dont commit a crime to punish criminal. Thus, the case against
Alamesia was not justly prosecuted and giving of amnesty to him is justified.

Question 2:
What, in your opinion, is the effect of giving amnesty to criminal on the socio-economic and
political landscape of Nigeria?

Interviewee 3 response:

Question 3:
What, in your opinion To me I think people mix a lot of things together. Amnesty granted to
Alamesia must be looked at carefully. Whatever he stole was recovered from him like Cecilia
Ibru. He served his term in prison. Amnesty is given out for political purpose sometimes. To
create political expediency, amnesty could be given. Likewise, in the case of the amnesty
granted by president Yaradua to the Niger Delta militants, it was meant to restore stability to
the state of Nigeria economy. The Niger Delta boys were holding Nigeria in the Jugular. Oil
being the main stay of Nigeria was being held hostage. So Yaradua has to do something fast.
Thus, amnesty can be given in a situation where the end will justify the means or in some
cases, where the means itself will justify the end.

In 1960, there was a sensational case in Nigeria, a Nigerian woman killed her british husband
with kitchen knife and was jailed. During the celebration of Nigeria republic, the woman was
the first to be granted amnesty. Awolowo was granted amnesty by Gowon government.
Awolowo was guilty of the crimes charged against but was granted amnesty for political
reasons. Instead of going to jail, he was made the finance minister who was the de facto
prime minister. It was beneficial to the federal government to give Awolowo state pardon
when the Biafra was threatening secession so that the Yoruba would not join the Biafra. The
justification for granting amnesty is what matters. Alamesia is said to be the stabilising factor
in the Niger Delta, is that not enough reason to give him amnesty?
, is the relationship between giving amnesty to criminals and forgiving offenders that people
do every day?


Interviewee 3:
They are two different things. Offence may not necessarily mean breaking of Law. Though
sometimes offence may be criminal in nature and deserve legal prosecution. In the case of
forgiving offense, it is an individual decision. One may decide to exercise his or her right
informed by religious dictates to forgive, but that is only at the interpersonal level. In the case
of Amnesty, the crime is against the state and the person has been prosecuted and charged
guilty. The government of Nigeria grants amnesty or call it state pardon every year during the
celebration of Independence Day. So amnesty is pardon granted by the state while
forgiveness is the pardon granted by individual or group of individuals.

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