Digital Systems Lab 3

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Create and use a simple 2-to-4 decoder.

Create a seven-segment decoder display and implement it onto a circuit board for use.
Create and use a simple multiplexer.
Gain a deeper understanding of various types of things used in circuits.
Equipment and components
QU!"U# $$ #tudent %dition #oft&are
ltera U'-( circuit board
C adapter) minimum output* +,-C) 2./m
nti-static &rist straps
022 solid-core &ires
1ire strippers
'art $*
(. Create a ne& pro2ect in Quartus
2. dd a bloc3 diagram sheet to the pro2ect and dra& the logic diagram of the circuit
represented in 4igure 5.6.2.
6. Compile the pro2ect
4. ssign pins to inputs and outputs.
.. Upload the compiled file to the 789(2:
5. 7a3e the connections on the U'-( card such that output pins are connected to ;%-s
and input pins to s&itches.
9. <btain the truth table by using each combination of the inputs from the truth table as
the inputs to the circuit. ,erify that the output of the circuit matches the
corresponding output from the truth table.
:. 4rom the circuit) determine the output &hen -(-/ = /(.
'art $$*
(. Create a ne& pro2ect in Quartus
2. dd a bloc3 diagram sheet to the pro2ect and dra& the logic diagram of the circuit)
6. Compile the pro2ect
4. ssign pins to inputs and outputs. >e a&are that not any pin &ill do. !efer to the section
about 9 segment display internal connection.
.. Upload the compiled file to the 789(2:
5. 7a3e the connections on the U'-( card such that input pins are connected to s&itches.
"he connection bet&een the 9 segment display and the chip are already done if the
correct pins &ere assigned.
9. Complete "able 5.6.( &ith the display that the 9-segment ;%- produces for the given
inputs of -6-2-(-/
:. ,erify that the corresponding display is correct by comparing it to the truth table given in
your textboo3 on page (94.
'art $$$*
(. Create a ne& pro2ect in Quartus
2. dd a bloc3 diagram sheet to the pro2ect and dra& the logic diagram of the circuit)
6. Compile the pro2ect
4. ssign pins to inputs and outputs.
.. Upload the compiled file to the 789(2:
5. 7a3e the connections on the U'-( card such that input pins are connected to s&itches
and the outputs to the ;%-s.
9. <btain the experimental truth table by using each combination of the inputs from the
truth table as the inputs to the circuit. ,erify that the output of the circuit matches the
corresponding output from the truth table obtained theoretically.
Circuit Diagrams
'art $*
2-4 decoder had to be implemented &ith t&o inputs and four outputs &here only one input is active
at a time. "he subscript of the active output &ill be e?uivalent to the active binary input. "his circuit
&as created in accordance &ith 4igure 5.6.2 from the lab manual.
'art $$*
decoder &as used &ith a 9-segment display &hich &as created in accordance &ith 4igure 5.6.6 from
the lab manual.

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