CitizenNet Facebook Audience Planning and Purchasing Playbook

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The Audience Planning &

Purchasing Playbook for

Facebook Advertising
Moving Beyond the Fan: How to use Facebooks new
Audience Insights Tool to Double your Facebook Advertising
Results by Growing your Audience without Decreasing
Response Rate
Audience planning is Vital to Success with Facebook Advertising 1
The Problem with Only Targeting Your Fans 1
What about Lookalikes? 3
The Problem With Only Targeting Content on Display Networks 3
Targeting and Creative 3
A How-to Guide for Audience Discovery and Planning 4
Discovering your Target Audience 4
Building the Audience Plan 6
Example 8
Building Out the Campaigns 9
Ongoing Optimization 9
End of Flight Check 9
How CitizenNets Technology works 11
More interest categories. 11
More powerful scoring 11
More detail 11
References 12
CitizenNets patented technology leverages innovative processes in natural language processing,
semantic analysis, and machine learning to analyze billions of data points from across the social
web and deliver actionable insights for Facebook Advertising. Clients include Live Nation,
Oakley, Sony, House of Blues, as well as other industry leading brands and the agencies that
serve them. Solutions include both self-service platform licensing and fully-managed service.
CitizenNet is a Facebook Ads Preferred Marketing Developer.
July 2014
f youre only talking to your fans youre missing the big opportunity on
Facebook. Before now it was hard to expand an audience intelligently,
without scaling too broadly based on demographics, or guessing at
additional interests based on intuition. Using Facebooks New Audience Insights
tool and this guide, you can make data-driven decisions and enjoy reliable
growth. At CitizenNet, we have used these same techniques to dramatically
increase audience size without sacrifcing response rates. The key is moving
beyond Facebooks interest targeting and fnding un-expressed affnity. When
done correctly, these predicted affnity audience clusters drive both long-
term and short-term revenue, because you can identify new market segments
and increase overall awareness without sacrifcing results. This guide and the
included Excel Worksheet will provide a step-by-step solution to unlock the
power of Facebook Advertising using the new Free Audience Insights Tool.
Audience Planning is Vital to Success with Facebook
Headlines about Facebook Marketing can give you whiplash. Many brands
highlight strong success stories, while others publicly decry the platform. Which
is true? Is Facebook a revolutionary marketing channel or just a fad? Based
on the results seen with many brands, its safe to say Facebook can be a game
changer IF it is done right--so whats the difference between brands that are
doing it right and seeing success and those that are doing it wrong and crying
foul? The answer is Audience planning.
Without successful audience planning, brands are either targeting too broadly
or too narrowly. For example, if an Education brand typically targets Adults
Aged 18-49 and applies that same targeting to Facebook they can achieve a
huge number of impressions, but they arent well targeted enough to generate
an acceptable level of response or return on investment. Facebook has huge
penetration with every demographic in the US (see sidebar Why Facebook
should be a bigger part of your marketing mix). However, unlike Paid Search
advertising, which delivers consumers who are very close to making a purchase,
Facebook reaches consumers much earlier in their decision journey. In order
to achieve a high return on advertising spend, advertisers must zero in on
subsets of their typical demographic target who are more likely to respond. The
alternative to audience planning is to rely on other targeting tools. Facebook
Fan targeting, Facebook Lookalike targeting, or display advertising targeted
to relevant content are three popular methods but each of these has their
The Problem with Only Targeting Your Fans
The easiest subset with the strongest predicted response is often a brands own
fans -- Facebook users that have already sought out and liked the Facebook
page. This is the most common targeting strategy, but there are three big
problems with this.
1. Your fans arent new customers. Using the same Education client
example, students often dont like a schools page until they are
enrolled in a program. Facebook can be a great platform for driving
incremental / repeat purchases, but many brands would like to
accomplish other objectives
Why Facebook should be a bigger part
of your Marketing Mix
In considering channels, modern marketers
have many options and may wonder, How
much of my budget should I spend on
Facebook Ads?
Currently, many brands are allocating 10-20%
of their digital marketing budget to Facebook
(this can be larger for brands that have
additional budgets for content creation, and
community management). However, some
marketers are achieving breakthrough success
by allocating larger portions of their budget
towards Facebook ads. The reasons are
simple: Facebook has reach and frequency,
the targeting and accountability that comes
with digital media, and high impact creative.
Reach and Frequency
Facebook reaches 71% of all American
and 73% of 12-17 year olds. 64% of
Facebook users visit every day.
reports of Facebooks declining popularity
with younger demographics, Forresters latest
cites Facebook use among 13+-17
year olds is pervasive and a vital part of their
social networking activities for 89% of the
group. With consumers spending so much
time online, and with so much of this time
aggregated on Facebook it is a must for any
brand of any size.
Targeting and Accountability
As users spend time on the Facebook
platform, it captures information about their
interests and behaviors to provide one of
the most targetable audiences ever available
to a marketer. In June of 2014, Facebook
they would even begin to use
browsing history to improve targeting.
Facebook offers segmentation across
geographic and demographic variables as well
as audience groups from 3rd party research
companies including Acxiom, Datalogix and
Epsilon. This is unprecedented access to
research that might normally cost advertisers
thousands of dollars. Other online sites are
plagued by ad viewability issues and click
fraud, but Facebook provides signifcant
insulation against these problems, ensuring
ads are seen by actual human consumers
(not bots). This targeting combined with the
detailed reporting for optimization makes
Facebook a reliable source.
High Impact Creative
Facebook has one of the most integrated
advertising environments of any online
channel. Users go to Facebook to read the
News Feed and ads are IN the News Feed
and look just like Native Content. This
2. Many people dont Like Pages. Even if the fans of your page are rich
territory for fnding new customers or driving incremental sales, the
scale is severely limited because many people dont Like pages.
Clearly likes are not a good way to target potential customers.
Facebooks internal targeting algorithms are very good at targeting
people who have expressed affnity (checking in at a store location, or
positively mentioning a brand in a comment or post). However, this is
still a very small subset of the potential audience, and often too small to
achieve the scale necessary for success.
3. Likers Like Lots of Pages. It turns out that those people who like
pages, tend to like lots of pages, across lots of categories. Since most
brands are using interest targeting (likes) to build Facebook ad plans,
(targeting their fans, or their competitors fans) the demand for these
likers is high. Because Facebooks ad marketplace is auction based, this
drives up the cost to reach these audiences, making them ineffcient.
dramatically decreases banner blindness
as long as the ads are relevant to the user.
Facebook wisely limited Video Ads in the
newsfeed until users were used to seeing
video content from friends, family, and
entertainment outlets. Now video ads are
truly native content and consumers actively
engage with them. Within mobile, the ad
units completely fll the display, making them
particularly powerful.
ComScore reports
that in May of 2014,
Mobile Apps surpassed the desktop browser
and all other platforms for time spent online.
Facebook is the #1 mobile app with usage by
76% of the US
and 24% of ALL time spent
on mobile devices.
Facebook is bigger than
Googles mobile search, Twitter, Instagram
EVERYTHING. A Facebook campaign is a
mobile campaign!
Audience Feedback
Facebook is the worlds greatest focus group.
Companies no longer have to recruit panelists
and rent a room with a one-way mirror to fnd
out what their customers think about a new
product. Brands can test messaging strategy
and targeting within Facebook and receive
instant feedback in the form of actual user
comments, as well as metrics like engagement
and conversion rates. These insights can save
money and improve response when applied
to all other media channels, both online and
Social Advertising budgets have been
increasing by nearly 30% for the past several
, and the frst brands to make a serious
commitment to Facebook have made major
gains in their verticals.
of people have NEVER liked a brand
on Facebook.
of those that have liked a company in
the past dont do so anymore.
of users like fewer than 5 brands
What about Lookalikes?
Facebooks built-in lookalike targeting is a great tool for moving beyond a core audience or page fans, however even this is too
limited. Facebooks lookalike targeting hinges on identifying specifc earmarks of your audience and then fnding those same
markers on other Facebook users. On the surface this sounds good, but the problem is the markers that are the most visible to
Facebook may not be the ones that are most predictive of response. For example, Facebook may expand along dimensions of
demographics or behaviors that have no bearing on response. Not all 18-24 year olds are likely to have the same response to an ad
from an online education company. Lets assume Education level (High School Diplomas but No College Degree) and employment
(Employed) are the key attributes for responsive Audiences in this case. Even if Facebook correctly identifes those factors, there
may be signifcant differences between those who are employed, but are working in different types of jobs, and Facebook may
not identify this nuance. Similarly the same type of job might indicate a different response rate depending on geographic location
(Restaurant employees in a metropolitan city may be more career oriented than those in a rural area). Ultimately, Lookalike
audiences are too limited, and dont necessarily target an audience that is likely to convert, just an audience that looks like another
audience. Audience planning uses data to predict new audiences who dont look like your current customers but who do respond
to your offers.
The Problem With Only Targeting Content on Display Networks
One way companies solve the targeting issue is selectively targeting content on publishers or ad networks. The belief is that this
captures users who are expressing interest in the topic, and so are better qualifed prospects. There are several problems with this
approach. Usually the dominant brands in any category have such a strong presence on all the relevant pages that its impossible
for a mid-tier brand to have any share of voice. This pushes those brands to second tier sites with questionable content, which
then casts a negative light on the advertisers. Furthermore, users are often closer to a decision when they begin researching in
this focused manner, and they are no longer gathering options to consider. By the time they are reading specialized content, they
are only evaluating from a few choices which means advertising for a new brand is a wasted impression.
Facebooks scale means its impossible for one brand to own all the relevant impressions. With proper targeting and audience
planning, brands can concentrate on their best prospects even more effciently than with other display options. Facebooks News
Feed content is largely based on a users interests and past behaviors, so it is always high quality. Facebook offers the opportunity
for a brand to engage with a prospect early in their consideration process, even CREATING interest with new customers.
Targeting and Creative
The key to relevant creative is understanding the audience and
their unique needs. Digital media creates an opportunity for true
1:1 targeting, where each offer can be customized specifcally to
the person reading it, but without well-defned audience planning,
creative can be too generic or too specifc. For example, some
Education prospects might respond to messaging about a better
career and more money. Other targets respond better to messaging
that highlights convenience and student support. Proper audience
planning and targeting ensures that the right message reaches the
right customer at the right time.
Facebook Advertising with proper Audience Planning solves all these problems. The platforms scale reaches a large audience
and (when properly planned) delivers prospects with strong interest, who can be targeted with high-impact creative. With proper
audience identifcation, compelling creative and effcient frequency brands can create and cultivate the interest and desire that
grows revenues and delivers the success stories brands are seeking with Facebook.
Clearly Audience planning is the key to success on Facebook Heres how to do it!
Facebook ofers the opportunity for
a brand to engage with a prospect
early in their consideration process,
even creating interest with new
A How-to Guide for Audience Discovery and Planning
The list of the biggest advertisers on Facebook reads like a Whos Who of Successful Marketers
. Whether your objectives
are focused on direct response initiatives or branding and demand generation Facebook Advertising can be one of your most
successful channels.
Discovering your Target Audience
Audience Discovery uses two very important concepts. A Core Audience and a Predicted Affnity Audience.
A Core Audience is a group of people who have clearly expressed affnity for a product or service, and are representative of other
potential targets. Typically, a Core Audience would be the existing fans of a relevant page.
A Predicted Affnity Audience is the group of people we are predicting (based on the analysis described below) will have a strong
response but are outside of the core audience. Predicted Affnity Audiences create scale, without sacrifcing response rate. This
group has an Affnity for the product, but its an Un-Expressed Affnity because they havent yet liked the products page.
The Facebook Audience Insights Tool, released in late June of 2014, is a treasure trove
of information about any audience. Put in just about any keyword or interest category
and you will see a ton of demographic, psychographic and life stage information. You
can also use this for insights on custom audiences, etc. We will use this tool extensively
in this guide. As you build research on Audiences and create different parameters, be
sure to save them in Facebook! That will make it easy to target them when you build the
campaigns later.
Continuing with the education vertical, lets say we are targeting registrations for an online business course focused on small
business owners (not an executive MBA).
Whats a good example of a core audience? Well known publications, blogs, and other specifc resources are usually great
magnets of curated audiences. Why not Entrepreneur magazine? We will use that, along with the Facebook category of
This gives us a reach of about 8m 9m monthly active users. This is still a bit broad. Looking at the other categories available,
lets use the Work and Financial sections to hone in on our target:
Predicted Afnity
Audiences create scale,
without sacrifcing
response rate.
Here we will select those users who work from a home or small offce, and who have a Net Worth
under $1M. Notice how adding these settings drops the reach to 1.5M 2M people. Well use this as
our core audience.
Sowere done, right? No. This targeting probably wont work too well and stopping here is why
some brands fail with Facebook Advertising. First off, Facebook targeting isnt terribly precise.
While this audience may seem like entrepreneurial small business owners, we really dont know if
they would be interested in taking a business management course. Its safe to say there is some
subset of these 1.2M people that would apply, but we dont know which subset or how to defne
those people - yet.
The audience itself can guide additional segmentation. By looking at other interests within this
core audience we can fnd some appropriate ways to segment the audience further to fnd the
winners. The Page Likes tab gives us such a list and ranks other pages that our core audience may
also like.
Lets take a look at these pages. They seem to fall into the following buckets:
1. Entrepreneurial publications: Entrepreneur, SUCCESS magazine
2. Self-Help/Personalities: Brendan Buchard, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Robert Kiyosaki,
Sandi Krakowski, and Jim Rohn
3. Facebook for Business
4. Retailers: Diane Von Furstenberg, Homegoods, and Zappos
5. Health: Dr. Oz, Cleveland Clinic
This brings up a subtle but very important point about this list: Do not simply target these interests! This page shows topics that
our core audience may be interested in, but that doesnt mean they all want to signup for an online business course.
A few of these categories demonstrate this. Diane Von Furstenberg is a renowned clothing designer and businesswoman. It makes
sense shes on this list as she is an outspoken advocate for women starting and running businesses. However, the bulk of the
Diane Von Furstenberg fan page is people who are really into
fashion not entrepreneurship. How do we know this for
Try the following with these interest categories:
Entrepreneurship: 950k
Diane Von Furstenberg: 325k
Together: 1,250k
This means that there are actually very few people who like
both, and thus it may be a bit dangerous to assume a lot of
similarity between these groups.
Building the Audience Plan
This leads us to the next step, building the Plan for targeting Audiences. In the supplied Excel fle, you will fnd a worksheet that
helps you capture all the relevant details and a number of formulas as well. Heres a snapshot of the Worksheet
*Expand Sections using the "+" above
Audience Cluster Name Audience Cluster Type Interests Work color CPM/Core CPM Score Cluster Budget Peformance
Performance Relative
to benchmark
Reach Frequency Headroom Actual CPM Projected Budget
Core Core
Entrepreneur (magazine),
Office Type Home
Office, Small Office
Net worth under 100,000;
$3,578.40 $0.78 -22% 665,280 1.8 454,720 $1.49 $1,524.45
Media Predicted Affinity
SUCCESS magazine, Inc.
Office Type Home
Office, Small Office
Net worth under 100,000;
112% 2.11 $1,216.35 $0.83 -17% 302,940 2.7 37,060 $2.86 $238.48
Personalities Predicted Affinity
Brendon Buchard, Anthony
Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Robert
Office Type Home
Office, Small Office
Net worth under 100,000;
112% 0.48 $1,216.35 $1.24 24% 336,600 3 3,400 $1.27 $9.72
Fashion Businesses Predicted Affinity
Diane Von Furstenberg, Lean In,
Nasty Gal
Office Type Home
Office, Small Office
Net worth under 100,000;
127% 0.24 $2,187.00 $0.98 -2% 213,840 1.2 326,160 $3.60 $2,641.90
CitizenNet Audience Planning and Purchasing Worksheet
Actual Performance Audience Definition
Facebook's Audience Insights Pricing
Audience Score
The worksheet is broken out with Rows for different Audience Clusters (including the initial Core Audience and multiple Predicted
Affnity Audiences) and Columns that describe aspects of that Audience.
The Audience Defnition and Audience Score Section can both be expanded. Well reference much of this example data
throughout this guide.
Audience Defnition
The frst section of columns Defnes the Predicted Affnity Audiences.
Audience Score
The second section of the worksheet Scores the Predicted Affnity Audiences based on Size and alignment with the Core using
Duplication, Relevance, Similarity, and External Signals. The Summary Score is simply a weighted sum of each of the dimensions.
The higher the value, the more likely the audience will perform well and respond to advertising messages. Combined with the
Campaign Parameters table, this score creates budgets to be used for targeting these Audiences as part of a media plan. The
Pricing in this tool can be either CPC or CPM.
Although Discovering Audience Clusters to target is vital to this process, Scoring them is equally important. This worksheet has
some detailed instructions and examples built in to help explain how the scoring works. Every Column in the Scoring section has
comments. Simply hover over the header row for that column for a detailed overview of the values contained in the column. This
will help you see which columns require your input and which are calculated
for you. All the columns that require inputs are marked with an arrow. The
Relevance, Similarity, and External Signals calculations are particularly complex,
requiring input from a couple different sources, so those calculations are further
explained with screenshots on a separate Tab within the Worksheet.
Actual Performance
The fnal section is used to track actual performance of different audiences for
ongoing optimization.
Additionally, on a separate tab in the worksheet there is a table for Campaign
Parameters to be used in setting goals
*this example has inserted values.

Using this worksheet as a guide, follow these steps to develop an audience plan
for Targeting and Optimizing Predicted Affnity Audiences.
1. Campaign Parameters: Fill in the desired Frequency and total budget
for media (See Sidebar: Direct Response Campaign Planning).
2. Audience Clusters: For each Audience Cluster (Row), add audiences,
completing details about the audience defnition, and scoring
parameters. Based on Campaign Parameters and the Audience Cluster
Score, the worksheet will automatically calculate and recommend a
budget for this cluster.
3. Audience Plan. Continue to Add Audiences until you have exhausted all
available targets you can develop, or you have run out of budget.
To increase reach for initial testing, reduce some of your restrictions on
the audience. For example, if you think the probability of response from
someone who likes Entrepreneur magazine is similar regardless of
gender, then dont restrict to just one gender.
Facebook currently has a 200-interest limit for each ad; so dont use too
many small interest groups in building an Audience Cluster.
Direct Response Campaign Planning
This worksheet uses Facebooks
recommended CPMs for estimating budgets
for each Audience Cluster and also building
the media plan. Facebook also offers Cost Per
Click bidding models in executing campaigns.
An advertiser can easily build campaigns
using CPC bidding to hit certain benchmarks.
It is worth noting, Facebook optimizes to
their yield which means ads that get clicks
get served more and at a lower cost to the
advertiser. Its often a good idea to begin
with a higher bid, to get better impressions,
and then when an ad has a proven history of
performance, lower bids.
Increasing or decreasing Frequency can impact planning. Typical best practice is to use a Frequency of 3 or higher, but
simple offers can succeed with less, and more complex messages may require more.
The example worksheet provided has several values flled and can serve as a handy reference guide. Data is accurate as of July
In this example we chose three audience clusters for expanding beyond the core audience. The Clusters are Media, Personalities,
and building on the Diane Von Furstenberg interest Fashion Businesses. We maintained the Facebook targeting to Home
Offce and Small Offce and net worth under $1M as a way of fnding those segments of these Audience Clusters that are the most
appropriate for testing response.
Facebooks targeting will look at obvious connections, but using Audience planning, marketers can leverage insights to fnd new
connections. Platforms like CitizenNet can also help with making Semantic connections (leveraging semantic meaning instead of
nominal characteristics).
As a marketer you can use other External Signals to drive this type of discovery. For example, Amazons Directory on Top Books
for Small Business and Entrepreneurship delivers some interesting insights. Currently (July 2014), the #2 book is #GIRLBOSS by
Sophia Amoruso, the CEO of Nasty Gal clothing company. Combining this insight with the fact that Diane Von Furstenberg was
a top interest category indicates there is overlap and opportunity. Clicking on the product page for #GIRLBOSS shows Sheryl
Sandbergs book, Lean In, as a Frequently bought Together recommendation. Lean In is a targetable interest on Facebook.
#GIRLBOSS is not, but Nasty Gal is keeping our Offce Type and Net Worth flters in place delivers potential targets from this
page and helps it make sense for audience expansion. As we move into Audience Scoring we examine the overlap between the
different groups (Core and Predicted Audiences) using shared % with the Core as a sanity check we see the Fashion Business
Cluster has 13% Duplication almost as much as the other, more intuitive clusters.
To round out the Media Cluster and provide some additional reach, we again use Amazon as an External Resource. Looking for
other recommended magazines for SUCCESS Magazine, Inc. Magazine comes up. Well add that to the Cluster as well and pull in
that interest groups details from the Facebook Audience Insights Tool.
Other external recommendation engines (e.g. Google Insights) provide additional related interests for expanding Audience
Building Out the Campaigns
Once the plan is complete, the setup of these campaigns on Facebook is pretty easy. Weve already done most of the legwork:
each cluster represents a segment of our audience that we predict will be interested in our online education offer. The people
within a cluster are similar to each other in some respect, but are different enough from people in other clusters to allow for testing
and optimization.
The best way to execute this is to make each cluster an adset on Facebook, with the initial budget dictated by the budget column
on the worksheet. You can test creatives by putting them in the same adset with the
same targeting Facebook will use their own optimization algorithm to weight the
best performing creatives. If you want to get a true picture of performance youll have
to set up separate adsets for different creatives and split the budget between them
You have already saved the audiences in the Facebook Audience Insight tool, so its just
a matter of loading them from the Audiences section of Power Editor, flling out the
rest of the campaign details, and then its off to the races!
Ongoing Optimization
Optimization windows are highly dependent on the volume of
impressions and daily budgets. Typical best practice is to make
changes weekly, but to check campaigns daily and ensure ads are
approved and delivering impressions etc.
During these checks you will begin to see variation in performance
between different Audience Clusters-- this is good! Remember, the
beneft of Audience Planning is purposefully fnding new customers
to grow your business, so it is speculative. Thankfully, Facebook
controls the spend (roughly) to a level amount each day, so
exposure is under your control.
For most campaigns, we suggest a weekly cadence: allow your
campaigns to run for a week without changing targeting or
creative, but optimize for performance by allocating money from
your worse performing ad sets to your better performing ad sets.
After the frst week, dont change budgets more than about once a
day, because it may cause campaigns to under or over-spend.
End of Flight Check
Once your campaign is done, its time to take a look at what worked and what didnt. This can be captured in the Actual
Performance section of the Excel worksheet. (Weve put some illustrative numbers in the spreadsheet for these campaigns these
are representative of typical performance we have seen):
Lets take a look at some of these fndings:
The Core beat our benchmark by 22%, which is great. It means that Entrepreneurship is a correct core audience to base
our decisions on.
The Media cluster also did well. From a scoring standpoint, it seemed that Shared Interests and External Signals were
great predictors. It also makes good intuitive sense.
The Personalities cluster performed the worst, from a scoring standpoint, this cluster had the highest Relevance, however.
What gives? Well, although 47% of Personalities would consider themselves entrepreneurial, these followers may be
more into broader life coaching themes, and arent too interested in business courses.
The beneft of Audience
Planning is purposefully
fnding new customers to
grow your business.
The Fashion Business cluster also performed at our historical
benchmark. Congratulations! You just found a non-intuitive audience
with Unexpressed Affnity! These are people that normally dont
associate themselves with the self-declared entrepreneur bunch (this
has the lowest Shared Interests score). This cluster is more expensive
but it converted within our constraints. Best of all, it added another half
million new potential customers that respond better than average!
This is the key to getting the most out of Facebook Advertising. Identifying non-
intuitive audience clusters with Unexpressed Affnity opens the foodgates for
fnding new customers (effciently) and growing your revenues.
So what do we do next? A few options:
Double Down on your Success. We have audiences leftover, as
indicated in the Headroom Column. Headroom is the number of users
in this audience cluster who have not yet seen the ad. We can set-up
additional campaigns to reach the rest of them. There may be some
erosion in performance as Facebook may begin to increase Frequency
with the highly active members of this audience at the expense of
additional reach, but there may be lots of potential left.
Tweak the Scores. From these results External Signals correlated
best with performance, whereas Shared Interests and Relevance had
no correlation. Audience Similarity could go either way maybe
different attributes are better predictors? Once the score is tweaked,
you can fnd new, better audiences armed with insights from previous
Hunt. Not happy with the results? Then you need to revisit your
strategy. If your Core Audience isnt working well, then you will need to
hunt for new targets to base your strategy off of.
Refne. You may be able to further improve performance by taking your
best clusters and splitting them further for example, experiment by
segmenting by gender, income, geography or other dimensions.
Improve the Creative. This is potentially the most powerful. Now that
you have discovered this new Fashion Business audience and are
armed with all this knowledge about the clusters, tailor your message
to them! See through their eyes and focus on what machines cant do:
make a human connection!
Expressed Afnity vs. Unexpressed
Moving beyond Fans with Expressed Affnity
to targeting new predicted audiences with
Unexpressed Affnity can double advertising
results on Facebook. As discussed elsewhere
in this playbook, Fans with Expressed Affnity
represent too small of an audience and
often cost too much for a campaign to be
successful. Predicting new audiences has
numerous benefts.
Many brands have not yet mastered the
techniques described in this guide for
developing new audiences. There is still
a great deal of un-tapped potential within
Facebook and early movers will have a
decided advantage. Just as the frst brands to
master Paid Search generated above market
returns till their competitors caught up, the
same opportunity exists now within Facebook.
Human powered audience prediction can be
tricky, but using the strategies and tactics
described in this guide, any brand can fnd
new productive audiences on Facebook.
There are many tools available to assist
in Audience Prediction and Optimization.
CitizenNet is focused on solving this problem,
leveraging several U.S. patents in natural
language processing and semantic analysis
to predict and discover new audiences for
brands. This technology leverages insights
about the semantic meaning of an audiences
interests to predict new audiences likely to
have the same response.
For example, if off-road biking enthusiasts
show a strong response to a particular offer,
CitizenNet evaluates the characteristics of
that group against other potentially strong
matches. Rather than only examining the
nominal aspects of this group, CitizenNet
examines the semantic aspects of the
group. A nominal analysis would only focus
on biking enthusiasts of different varieties,
since off-road describes biking, the main
characteristic of the group. A semantic
analysis recognizes that off-road may in
fact be the most salient characteristic of
the group, and so trail running, or hiking
interest categories would be explored along
with bike racing and other categories.
If you are interested in scheduling a product
demo or learning more about CitizenNets
technology and how agencies and brands
are using this for both self service and fully
managed solutions, please contact us Sales@
How CitizenNets Technology works
As you can see, manual Audience Planning and Optimization is a fair amount of
work. The good news is that CitizenNets platform is designed to automate all of
this work, and more thoroughly than an army could; heres just a few examples of
the benefts of using technology.
More interest categories.
In our example, there was a lot of labor to create only a limited number of
interest keywords. For each campaign, CitizenNet collects and tests 10,000+
different interests all pulled through current conversations on Twitter,
Facebook, Youtube, and other social platforms.

More audience attributes
In our example, we had several different attributes that described the audience
(the columns in the spreadsheet). CitizenNet builds a description based on over
50 different features.
More powerful scoring
In our spreadsheet, we use a simple linear score, but thats not terribly accurate.
High overlap between the Affnity Audience and the Core Audience might
diminish importance. The CitizenNet platform, based on cutting edge, deep-
learning algorithms, builds much more complex non-linear models that more
closely approximate human behavior.
More detail
In our example, we build our score off of very limited information. Is it too early
to tweak the weighting after just one fight? If results change over time, is it
because of our tweaking, or is the audience changing? CitizenNets algorithms
leverage the billions of historical data points gathered running other campaigns
and the platform builds in sophisticated tests for statistical signifcance by
running mock predictions behind the scenes.
This is how CitizenNet, on average, fnds Predicted Affnity audiences that are
twice the size of the Core Audience but have the same response rate.
There you have it! The complete How-To Guide for doubling your results with
Facebook Advertising. Its not a quick fx, but building and testing audiences
within Facebook will grow your business and provide valuable insights on
targeting and creative that can be used across your media. We welcome your
feedback on this guide and hope it leads to ever greater results for you and your
To your Success!
The CitizenNet Team
US Census and Facebook ad Platform Statistics

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